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What time is it?


Ss write a three by three. In the middle leave a free square. If you get three horizontally or
vertically. Write any numbers from zero to one hundred.


Draw a clock face on the board to demonstrate. Start by showing times such as 7:00 and 11:00 and
writing them on the board next to clock faces. Check to ensure that your students understand that
the short hand indicates the hour and should be both said and written first. Have students repeat
One oclock, two oclock after you. Ask students to come to the board to both write and draw
times you give them. For example, say Rachel, it is 9 oclock. The student should write 9:00 and
draw a clock face indicating that time.

Now demonstrate times such as 8:10 (its eight ten/ its ten after eight/ its ten past eight), 3:42
(its three forty-two), 1:40 (its one forty/ its twenty to two) just as you did for hours in the
previous step. Ask students What time is it? after drawing new clock faces on the board. Ask a
student What time is it? while pointing to the clock in your classroom. See if there are any
volunteers to draw clock faces on the board and ask the class what time it is.

Worksheet 1 - oclock

Time vocabulary

A quarter fifteen minutes examples: 1: 15 its one fifteen/ its a quarter after one/ its a quarter
past one

A half thirty minutes examples: 6:30 its six thirty/ its half past six/ its half after six

Am in the morning

Pm in the afternoon, in the evening

12:00 am- its midnight

12:00 pm- its noon

Worksheet 2 time vocabulary

Teach your students the model dialogue below:

- A: Excuse me. What time is it?
- B: Its 9:30.
- A: Thank you.
- B. You're welcome.
Have students practice this dialogue in pairs using clock faces drawn on the board. After five to ten
minutes of practice ask for students to demonstrate the conversation to the class in order to
ensure that students are correctly saying the time that corresponds with each image.

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