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Suggested for Unit 3


We would like to give our sincerest thanks to the Purina Cat Care Center for allowing us the
privilege of using their Handbook of Cat Care in our 4-H cat project.

We extend our thanks to John and Sandy Edminster, now in Olympia, for starting the cat project
and getting us excited enough to continue and get our 4-H books printed.

Our thanks also go to Mary Smith in Auburn, who took over the Edminsters club and took the
time and effort to write the leaders guides and to compile the necessary pictures and materials.

We are also indebted to Sue Hall of Renton, and her club, who wrote the study questions for the
leaders guides.

Also, we wish to thank author J. J. McCoy for permission to use information from The Complete
Book of Cat Health and Care (New York: G.P. Putnams Sons, 1968).

Compiled by Mary C. Smith, Auburn 4-H leader. Contents reviewed by Roy J. Hostetler, former
Extension Veterinarian.


Suggested for Unit 3
LESSON 1INTRODUCTION epidermis consists of four sublayers, with the
innermost providing for the regeneration of skin
A knowledge of the cats body and how it func- cells.
tions is important to every cat owner and will
prove useful in the pets daily care. It will also be While the cats skin is somewhat waterproof, it is
helpful when giving the veterinarian needed not impermeable. That is, certain oils and medi-
information and in the treatment of cat ailments cines can be absorbed through the skin. This
and injuries. should be kept in mind when you use any
insecticides or medications on a cats skin. A
Hair toxic substance may prove fatal if absorbed
through the skin.
First of all, the hair or fur serves as insulation
against heat and cold. Hair also protects the cat The cats skin contains sweat glands. The cat also
against insect bites, stings, thorns, and other has sweat glands in the pads of its feet. Little is
dangers and annoyances. known about the purpose of these glands, but the
sweat glands in the skin do help regulate the body
The cat raises its hair, particularly the hair along temperature. The cat is cooled by radiation of heat
its neck and spine, as a protective device when rather than by inner cooling, which is how the
frightened or threatened. With its hackles raised, human body temperature is regulated.
the cat assumes a wary and defiant position. Back
arched, tail hairs bristling, muscles tensed, it turns Cats also have glands in their skin that are con-
itself broadside. In this attitude, the cat appears nected with the hair follicles, known as sebaceous
larger and more ferocious to its attacker. glands. They secrete an oily substance known as
sebum that solidifies when exposed to the air. It
Cats shed their hair according to climatic condi- coats the hairs, thus protecting the fur and making
tions and their state of health. Hair is shed natu- it glossy. In a healthy state, the cats skin is always
rally year-round, especially in the spring and fall. elastic and pliable, with the ability to regenerate at
Excessive shedding is a warning signal of possible a rapid pace.
disease, poor diet, parasites, or overheating.
Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the Skeleton
condition of your cats hair.
The cats skeleton is not so different from the
Skin human skeleton. The cat has more bones230 as
opposed to 206but many are identical to those
The cats skin is made up of an outer layer, the in the human being. Cats have 13 ribs, humans
epidermis, and an inner layer, the dermis. The have 12. Most cats have no clavicles (collarbones).

Their forelegs are attached directly to the shoulder Unfortunately, motor vehicle accidents kill or
blades or scapula. The cat has from 18 to 23 injure many cats each year. Most frequently
coccygeal vertebrae. On the inside of its forepaws broken are the ribs, bones of the forelegs and hind
the cat has dewclaws, which serve no apparent legs, and the pelvis.
Muscular System
The body of the skeleton consists of the skull, ribs,
spinal column, forelegs, and hind legs. The spinal The cats muscles are tough and well-coordinated
column is composed of the atlas, the axis, and the and help to make the cat an agile hunter. BasicalIy,
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and coccygeal verte- the cats muscles are geared for walking, running,
brae. The skull is attached to the spinal column at leaping, and twisting. Because of their unusual
the atlas. The front or foreleg consists of the musculature, cats are extremely nimble. The cats
scapula or shoulder blade, humerus, radius, ulna, muscular control and skeletal flexibility enable it
carpus or wrist, metacarpus, and digits. The hind to right its body during a fall with incredible
leg consists of the femur, tibia, fibula, tarsus or speeda trick which is unique to cats.
hock, metatarsus, and digits.
Sense of Smell
The cats skeleton serves as a strong framework
and, under normal conditions, provides protection The cats olfactory nerves, those concerned with
for the vital organs. The design of the skeleton its sense of smell, are not as sensitive as those of
explains the cats particular freedom of movement. some other animals, but are quite adequate. Cats
The cat moves by advancing the forelegs and hind can scent people, animals, and other objects at a
legs on one side, then the forelegs and hind legs on considerable distance, but they do not rely on this
the other. sense as much as other animals do during hunting.

Anatomy of the Cat


Eye Skull

Nose and Mouth Back



Humerus Hip
(upper arm) Femur (thigh)

(forearms long bone) Tibia (shinbone)

Ulna Metacarpus
(forearms short bone) Carpus
Pad Metatarsus
Digits (4)

Fastidious about odors, they dislike many of the 5. Where are the cats sweat glands located?
same smells that humans do. They will try to cover 6. Name the major bones in a cats body.
up disagreeable smells. 7. What are a cats muscles designed for?
8. What organ is used for smelling?
Most cats have a particular fondness for catnip, a 9. What is the name for the nerves in the nose?
member of the mint family. It is believed that they 10. What is the primary organ of taste?
are excited by the smell. Some authorities believe 11. What are the rasplike protrusions on the tongue?
that the odor of catnip stimulates the cat sexually. 12. Describe the function of the taste buds.
Catnip is harmless and you can give your cat as
much of this feline snuff as it wants. It may enjoy
nibbling on the leaves of a catnip plant, or playing LESSON 2VISION, HEARING,
with a catnip-stuffed toy. Some cats are not affected RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
by catnip, some become just quietly excited, others
roll, purr, and growl in ecstasies of delight. Vision
Sense of Taste Cats have exceptional eyesight. Particularly in the
early evening and at night, they see better than
The cats tongue is long and flat, with almost humans. Most cats can see kinds of light, such as
parallel sides. It tapers slightly in front and some- ultraviolet, that are invisible to humans. In the
what more in the back of the mouth. The upper course of their development the ability to see at
surface of the tongue is covered with rasplike night while hunting was favored over the ability to
papillae which enable the cat to scrape every piece see colors during the day. As far as scientists have
of meat off a bone or to lick its coat clean. The been able to tell, cats are more or less colorblind.
tongue is covered with taste buds, particularly at
the tip and at the back of the throat. These taste One phenomenon of cat vision is the tapetum
buds react to chemical stimuli to produce sensa- lucidum, or eye shine, the glowing of cats eyes
tions of acidity, sweetness, bitterness, and saltiness. in the dark. A layer of irridescent cells at the back
of the eyeball reflect the light, which adds to the
Words to Remember cats ability to see at night.

Dermis: Inner layer of skin. The cats eyes are not complicated organs, but are
Epidermis: Outer layer of skin. strong and durable. The eyes appear as large,
Hair or fur: Slender, threadlike outgrowths of an round globes or orbs, with a transparent covering
animals skin. known as the cornea. Around the cornea is a ring
Impermeable: Allows nothing to pass through. of white, shiny tissue called the sclera. The nictating
Regenerate: Regrow. membrane, or third eyelid, is located in the lower
Sebum: Oily substance secreted from skin glands part of the cats eye. This eyelid serves as protec-
that coats cats hairs. tion for the eye. Cats have partial vision through
Skeleton: Framework of bones that provides the third eyelid, and often use it as protection when
support and protects the vital organs. fighting or when traveling through dense under-
Vertebrae: Bones and segments that make up the brush. Intestinal disorders and internal parasites
spinal column. can cause the nictating membrane to appear, so it
can also be a valuable diagnostic aid.

Questions: Lesson 1Skin, Hair, Skeleton, In the center of the eye is the pupil. It is actually a
Muscles, Smell, Taste hole which expands or contracts to let in the right
amount of light. When exposed to bright light, the
1. The outermost part of the cats body is called pupils contract into linear slits. In darkness they
what? open very wide to allow in as much light as
2. Name at least two functions of a cats hair. possible (see illustration). The colored part of the
3. What are the two layers of skin? eye which surrounds the pupil is the iris. It acts as
4. What does impermeable mean? a shutter, to regulate the size of the pupil.


Cats are exceedingly sensitive to sound; their

range of hearing extends well above and below
the range of human hearing. It is probable that the
The cats pupil cat has a keener sense of hearing than most dogs,
narrows in bright since it depends more upon sight and hearing
light and opens than smell when hunting.
wide in dim light.
Cats, like all four-legged animals, have cupped
ears which serve as receptors and conductors of
sound. When listening, the cat will move its head
this way and that, turning its ears in the direction
Behind the pupil is the lens, which focuses images of the sound. The sound travels down through the
on the back of the eyeball. It is composed of outer ear canal, which is fitted with small knobs
strong, crystallike fibrous tissue. Light rays or protuberances.
passing through the lens are bent to rest on a very
sensitive area on the back of the eye, the retina. The outer ear tapers and narrows near the cats
The retina receives light and images. It is richly skull, then turns upward and inward, ending in
lined with nerves. Images are transmitted to the a delicate membrane known as the eardrum. The
brain by way of the optic nerve. eardrum is the only mechanism for hearing
located in the outer part of the ear. The rest of the
hearing faculties are protected within the skull.

Upper eyelid Beyond the eardrum are three small, delicate

bones: the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. The names
Lens describe the shapes of the bones which function
Pupil to transmit sounds into a section of the inner ear
Cornea known as the cochlea. The cochlea, a snail-
Iris shaped canal, contains the auditory nerve which
Optic relays sound messages to the brain. Near the
nerve cochlea are three horseshoe-shaped tubes known
Sclera as the semicircular canals. They contain fluid and
Lower eyelid function to maintain the cats excellent sense of
Cross Section of Eye

Words to Remember Semicircular canals

Stirrup Auditory nerve
Cornea: Transparent covering of the eye.
Iris: Colored part of the eye, around pupil, which
regulates pupil size. Hammer
Lens: Crystallike fibrous tissue behind the pupil
which bends light rays to focus on the retina.
Nictating membrane: Third eyelid; strong, protec-
tive membrane. Eardrum
Optic nerve: Carries images to the brain.
Pupil: Hole in the center of the eye through
which light rays pass. Eustachian Tube
Retina: Receives and transmits images to the brain. Inside of Cats Ear
Sclera: White, shiny tissue around the cornea.

Connecting the middle ear to the throat is the Words to Remember
Eustachian tube. Its main purpose is to equalize
pressures. Without this safety device, the eardrum Air sacs: Sac enclosed by blood capillaries which
would be ruptured when subjected to great allows gases to escape or be absorbed.
pressure. When pressure is exerted on its ears, a Bronchial tubes: Tubes which connect the throat
cat swallows and sticks out its tongue. and the chest, through which air passes.
Bronchioles: Small tubes which carry oxygen and
Words to Remember carbon dioxide through part of the lungs.
Lungs: Respiratory organs located in chest which
Anvil: One of three small bones in the middle ear function to transfer oxygen into the blood and
which transmits sound to the cochlea. remove carbon dioxide from the blood.
Auditory nerve: Relays sound messages to the
brain. Questions: Lesson 2Sight, Hearing,
Cochlea: Snail-shaped canal that contains the Respiratory System
auditory nerve.
Eardrum: Membrane in the ear which turns sounds 1. What is another name for the tapetum
into sound waves. lucidum?
Eustachian tube: Connects ear and throat; equal- 2. What is the cornea?
izes pressure. 3. What is the white, shiny tissue around the
Hammer: One of three small bones in the middle cornea?
ear which transmits sound to the cochlea. 4. What is the name of the cats third eyelid?
Semicircular canals: Contain fluid; essential to 5. What is the pupil?
cats balance. 6. What is the colored ring around the pupil?
Stirrup: One of three small bones in the middle 7. What does the lens do?
ear which transmits sounds to the cochlea. 8. What receives and transmits images?
9. What might the appearance of the third eye-
Respiratory System lid indicate?
10. What is the function of the optic nerve?
The respiratory system functions primarily to 11. What is the only hearing mechanism located
transfer oxygen from the air to the blood, and to in the outer ear?
remove carbon dioxide from the blood and carry 12. What are the names of the three little bones
it out to the air. Oxygen is vital to the bodys behind the eardrum?
maintenance. Carbon dioxide is a waste product 13. What is their function?
of the maintenance process. The cat breathes in air 14. What is the cochlea?
through its nose and mouth. A tube extends from 15. What relays sound messages to the brain?
the throat into the cats chest and branches into 16. What do the semicircular canals contain?
two other tubes, known as bronchial tubes, one of 17. What is the function of the semicircular
which connects to each lung. The lungs are canals?
located on each side of the chest. The bronchial 18. What is the Eustachian tube?
tubes branch into smaller tubes, bronchioles, and 19. Where are the lungs located?
finally into air sacs. Each air sac is enclosed by a 20. What connects the throat and the chest?
network of blood capillaries. At this point, oxygen 21. What do the bronchioles and the air sacs do?
is absorbed into the blood, and carbon dioxide is
passed out of the blood.
All mammals have a partition which divides the AND DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS
chest cavity, separating the lungs from the other
internal organs. In the cat, this membrane is very Circulatory System
thin and allows both lungs to collapse if one side
is injured. The respiratory system also aids in The cat is a warm-blooded animal with an intri-
regulating the body temperature. cate circulatory system.

Heart and Blood VesselsBlood nourishes the Words to Remember
cats body. It transports nutrients and oxygen
to the body cells, collects wastes from the cells, Anterior and posterior aortas: Circulate blood
and carries the wastes to the organs of excre- through body and lungs.
tion. At the core of this complex system is the Anterior and posterior vena cavas: Veins which
four-chambered heart, a hollow, muscular carry blood to the heart.
organ. It receives blood from the veins and Blood: Fluid in body that carries nourishment and
pumps it through the arteries to all different oxygen to body cells, and carries waste prod-
parts of the body. ucts away from cells.
Lymph nodes: Filtering devices located along the
Impure blood is carried into the heart by the blood route.
anterior and posterior vena cavas, two large veins. Plasma: Fluid part of the blood.
Red blood cells and hemoglobin: Function in the
The heart contracts in a squeezing motion, distribution of oxygen and carbon dioxide;
forcing the blood into two large arteries, the hemoglobin gives blood its red color.
anterior and posterior aortas. One aorta carries Spleen: Organ which stores blood and destroys
impure blood to the lungs. There, the blood old blood cells.
releases carbon dioxide, picks up oxygen, and White corpuscles: Cells in blood which function to
circulates again to the heart. From there it is fight infection.
pumped through the aorta to all parts of the
cats body, to distribute oxygen and pick up The Digestive System
waste material.
The cats digestive system is comprised of the
BloodBlood is composed of cells suspended mouth, teeth, tongue, esophagus, stomach,
in a special fluid called plasma. In the plasma pylorus, small intestine, large intestine, liver,
float the red blood cells, which contain a chemi- pancreas, and rectum. All of these organs work to
cal known as hemoglobin, which functions in process the food a cat eats. They change it into a
oxygen distribution. Hemoglobin is a pigment usable form that is distributed by the blood. What
which gives blood its characteristic red color. is not utilized is passed out of the body.

The blood also contains white corpuscles of MouthThe cats mouth is the doorway to the
different size and number. By surrounding digestive systemthe opening through which it
impurities and microbes that enter the blood, takes in food. Its lips hold in food and retain
the white corpuscles act to fight infection. saliva. The tongue is rough and covered with
Another constituent of blood are the platelets, hooklike appendages. A cat uses its tongue to
small oval bodies which play a part in causing lap up liquids and to scrape food off bones, etc.
the blood to clot or coagulate.

Spleen and Lymph NodesThe spleen is a long,

narrow organ, purplish in color, situated behind
the stomach. The cats spleen averages three to
four inches in length. It functions to store blood
and to destroy old blood cells.
Incisor teeth
Lymph nodes, located at different points along Canine tooth
the blood route, also act as filtering devices. Premolar teeth
Their function is to purify the blood by destroy- Molar tooth
ing bacteria, viruses, and other alien matter. Molar tooth
Lymph, the fluid discharged by the lymph Premolar teeth
Canine tooth
glands, is circulated by muscular activity and
Incisor teeth
intestinal action.

TeethCats have 30 permanent teeth. A first set capacity for food storage. In the stomach, some
of 26 teeth, the milk teeth, fall out when the cat of the early stages of digestion take place; acid
is between five and seven months old and are liquids help to break down proteins and fats.
quickly replaced by the permanent teeth. Its
permanent teeth are made up of 12 incisors, 4 Small intestineThe pylorus, a valve sur-
canines, 10 premolars, and 4 molars. The ability rounded by muscle located at the bottom of the
to hold and tear food is essential to a cat, which stomach, regulates the passage of food from the
is why it has mainly incisors and canines. stomach into the duodenum, the first section of
the small intestine. Bile is produced by the liver
The crown is the part of the tooth visible above and stored in the gall bladder. As needed, it flows
the gums. Below the gums lies the root. At least into the duodenum to break down fat into tiny
half of each canine tooth grows below the gum globules. Other digestive substances called
line. The roots of all permanent teeth are strong enzymes are secreted into the intestines from
and deeply imbedded. the pancreas. The small intestine itself secretes
substances which first convert starches into
Enamel covers the crown and neck of each tooth. dextrin, then break them down into glucose.
Inside each tooth is the pulp, which houses the After all food has been broken down into a
nerves and blood vessels. Although they rarely usable form, it is absorbed into the bloodstream
develop cavities, cats do develop trouble involv- in the last section of the small intestine.
ing the nerves and pulp.


Enamel Large intestine

Dentine Small intestine

Pulp cavity
LiverThe liver is the largest organ in the cats
Jaw bone body, situated in front of the stomach on the right
side of the body. Among its many functions are
the manufacture of bile and urea, destruction of
bacteria, and regulation of sugar utilization.

PancreasIn addition to producing juices that

aid in digestion, the pancreas regulates the
utilization of sugar in conjunction with the liver.
The pancreas is located near the stomach. The
islets of Langerhans are located in the pancreas.
Capillary and nerves Their function is to produce insulin which helps
the body use sugar. Diabetes is the condition
Cross Section of Tooth which results from the lack of insulin.

EsophagusThe esophagus, or gullet, is a Large intestineAfter food has passed through

strong, elastic tube which carries food from the the small intestine, and nutrients have been
mouth to the stomach. It may become infested absorbed into the bloodstream, what remains is
with worms, although it is not often subject to deposited in the large intestine. There, large
disease. amounts of water are absorbed and much
bacterial action occurs to break down unused
StomachThe cats stomach, a saclike organ material. Wastes are then excreted through the
with elastic walls, has a comparatively large rectum and anus.

Urinary systemThe important organs of the Urethra: Tube which connects bladder and exte-
cats urinary system are the kidneys, ureter, rior of body.
bladder, and urethra. Liquids are filtered Esophagus: Strong, elastic tube connecting mouth
through the kidneys, which are located on and stomach.
either side of the body in the lumbar region. Kidneys: Filtering organs of the urinary system.
Liquid wastes are passed through the ureters Large intestine: Last part of digestive system
to the bladder where they are stored. They are where wastes are processed and stored.
then discharged through the urethra, a tube Liver: Largest organ in the body; makes bile and
connecting the bladder and the exterior of the urea, destroys bacteria, and helps regulate sugar
body. utilization.
Mouth: Doorway to digestive system.
Pancreas: Manufactures insulin, functions in
sugar utilization.
Pylorus: Valve surrounded by muscle at bottom of
the stomach; connects stomach and duodenum.
Root: Part of the tooth located below the gum line;
holds tooth in place.
Small intestine: Tubes into which food passes from
Kidney the stomach; process of digestion is completed;
nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream.
Questions: Lesson 3Circulatory and
Digestive Systems

1. The mouth, teeth, esophagus, stomach, py-

lorus, and intestines belong to what system?
2. How many teeth does an adult cat have?
Urinary bladder 3. What is the visible part of the tooth called?
4. What covers the crown and neck of the tooth?
5. What are the four inner parts of the tooth?
6. What part of the tooth lies under the gum?
7. What is the tube which connects the mouth
and stomach?
8. What is the function of the stomach?
The Urinary System
9. What is the largest organ in the cats body?
10. Which two organs function in the utilization
of sugar?
Words to Remember 11. What is the main function of the large intestine?
12. What are the two organs that filter liquid
Bile: Fluid made by the liver and stored in the wastes?
gall bladder; secreted into the duodenum where 13. What is one function of the blood?
it breaks down the fat. 14. What carries the impure blood to the heart?
Bladder: A sac which serves as a receptacle for 15. What is the fluid of the blood called?
liquid wastes. 16. What surrounds impurities that enter the
Crown: Visible part of the tooth. blood?
Dentine: Inner part of the crown. 17. What is the function of the platelets?
Duodenum: First section of the small intestine 18. What is the main function of the spleen?
where much digestion takes place. 19. What are the other filtering devices along the
Enamel: Hard, protective, outer covering of the tooth. blood route?
Ureters: Tubes which connect kidneys and bladder. 20. What is hemoglobin?

LESSON 4REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM When two cats mate, the male mounts the female
and inserts his penis into her vagina. This act of
Cats are fertile animals. A female may produce copulation ends after the male ejaculates seminal
two or three litters of kittens a year, which is one fluid into the females vagina. The sperm in the
reason for the large number of stray, unwanted seminal fluid then swim up through the vagina
cats. Female cats go into heat during which time into the uterus, and fertilize the egg or eggs in the
they are interested in mating and can conceive uterus.
(get pregnant) if they do mate. A female can mate
with more than one male. Periods of heat last a
few days. Rolling, stretching, rubbing, crying, and
yowling characterize a female cat in heat. If the
cat does not mate and conceive, the cycle will be
repeated in a few months. Prostate gland

It is possible to prevent a female cat from becom- Urogenital canal

ing pregnant. You can keep her in the house,
isolated from any tomcats (unneutered males Spermatic cord
see Male Reproductive Organs) during her heat.
Or, you can have her spayed (neutered). Spaying
is a surgical procedure which involves removal of Penis
the female reproductive organs. The operation is
usually performed at age six to seven months, Testicles
although it can be done successfully later on, after
a cat has had kittens. After being spayed, a cat is
no longer interested in mating, nor is she able to Male Reproductive Organs

Many cat owners choose to have their pets

neutered. This is done to prevent the birth of Female Reproductive Organs
unwanted kittens, and also to make male cats
more suitable house pets. Neutering a male cat The external parts of the female reproductive
involves surgical removal of the testicles. A system consist of the vagina and the vulva. The
neutered male no longer shows interest in vulva are the lips of the vagina, located just below
mating. Unneutered, a male tends to get into the anus. The vagina connects the outer and inner
many fights, and will mark his territory by parts of the reproductive system. During copula-
spraying urine on walls, both inside and out. tion, it serves as the passageway for the tomcats
The odor is enduring and unpleasant. penis. It is also the birth canal through which
kittens pass as they are born.
Male Reproductive Organs
The ovaries, cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes make
The tomcats organs of reproduction are the up the inner reproductive system. The cervix is
penis, scrotum, testicles, and prostate gland. A male the opening of the uterus which connects the
cat has two testicles which are suspended in a vagina and uterus. The female cat has two ovaries
saclike structure, the scrotum, outside of its located in the front of the abdomen, just behind
body. The testicles produce and store sperm, the kidneys. Ova, or eggs, are formed in the
which is the seed that fertilizes the eggs pro- ovaries and released into the fallopian tubes,
duced by the female. Testosterone, a hormone which join the ovaries with the uterus. If the eggs
which is essential to the males sexual develop- are fertilized by male sperm they implant into the
ment and activity, is also produced by the tes- walls of the uterus and develop into kittens.
ticles. The prostate gland produces seminal fluid, Unless a female mates, no ova are released into
which transports the sperm. the fallopian tubes.

Testicles: Manufacture and store sperm; manufac-
Fallopian Tube ture testosterone.
Ovary Testosterone: Hormone produced by the testicles,
essential to males sexual development and
Ligament Uterus: Female internal reproductive organ where
eggs are fertilized, and where fertilized eggs
develop into kittens.
Vagina: Connects outer and inner female repro-
ductive systems; passageway for tomcats penis
during copulation; canal through which kittens
pass as they are being born.
Vulva: External part of female reproductive
Body of Uterus
Questions: Lesson 4Reproductive
Vagina System

1. Can a female mate with more than one male

during a heat period?
Female Reproductive Organs 2. Name the different organs of the female
reproductive system.
3. What are the different parts of the male
Words to Remember reproductive system?
4. How many litters of kittens can a female cat
Cervix: Opening to the uterus, which connects produce in a year?
vagina and uterus. 5. What are some of the characteristic behaviors
Copulation: The mating act of the male and female of a female cat in heat?
which results in fertilization of egg by sperm.
Fallopian tubes: The tubes connecting the ovaries
with the uterus. LESSON 5CARE OF THE
Fertilization: Union of egg and sperm, necessary PREGNANT CAT AND KITTENS
for egg to develop into a kitten.
Heat: Period during which female can mate and Nothing contributes more toward a healthy litter
get pregnant; a time when she shows a strong of kittens than good care during the mothers
interest in mating with male cats. pregnancy. If she is in good health at the time of
Ova: Eggs produced by the ovaries. mating, her pregnancy should pose no problem.
Ovaries: The bodies in the female cats reproduc- Early in her pregnancy, begin to feed her vitamin
tive system which form the eggs or ova. and mineral supplements, treat any skin condi-
Penis: Male reproductive organ which is used in tions, eliminate parasites, and make sure that she
copulation. is in good health.
Prostate gland: Produces the seminal fluid.
Scrotum: Saclike structure which holds the testicles. The average gestation periodthe time from
Seminal fluid: Fluid produced by prostate gland mating to the birth of kittensis from 61 to 63
which transports the sperm; during copulation, days. It is not unusual for a cat to deliver her
seminal fluid is ejaculated through the males kittens a few days before or after this period.
penis into the females vagina. However, if the gestation period lasts longer than
Spay or neuter: Surgical removal of females 67 days, and if you are certain of the breeding
internal reproductive organs or males testicles. date, consult a veterinarian. The cat may be
Sperm: Seed produced by the male, stored in the having some trouble, or may be undergoing a
testicles, which fertilize the eggs or ova. false pregnancy.

False Pregnancy her regular ration plus milk and a vitamin and
mineral supplement. Additional calcium is
A false pregnancy is a condition in which the important, as pregnancy drains the mother cats
female displays physical and emotional signs of body reserves of calcium (see eclampsia, next
pregnancy, but is not carrying kittens. The cats lesson).
breasts swell and produce milk. Her abdomen is
distended. She eats more and gains weight, and As her pregnancy continues to progress, the cat
continually works at preparing a nest for the will become more and more inactive and will lie
kittens she expects, but is not to have. The symp- about. Leave her alone as this is perfectly normal.
toms usually appear after the cat has gone out of Around the eighth week of pregnancy, milk
heat and may persist for several months. You will usually appears in the cats breasts. The breasts
have to wait a month or so before you can deter- will swell and may become hard and caked, and
mine whether or not the cat is pregnant. After a the cat will show signs of discomfort. She will
month, you can check for signs of kittens by constantly lick her breasts in an effort to relieve
gently feeling through her abdominal wall for the pressure. If her breasts are dry or caked, apply
lumps. As a true pregnancy progresses, the olive or mineral oil.
kittens, which feel like lumps in the cats abdo-
men, grow. Although she will manifest most other As the time for her delivery draws near, the cat
signs of pregnancy, a cat with a false pregnancy will become very restless, wandering around and
will not have any apparent lumps. scratching at her bed. Keep an eye on her as she
may decide to have her kittens in some secluded
If your cat has a false pregnancy, you will have to place, such as a cellar, garage, or even in an old
cater to her peculiarities. Tranquilizers may help barrel, box, drawer, or other such out-of-the-way
calm a cat that is constantly meowing, working on place. The cat may lose her appetite from 12 to 24
a nest, or mothering old shoes or other objects. hours before the kittens are due. Also, her tem-
False pregnancies can recur. While the cat can perature will drop a degree at that stage.
mate and bear kittens, there is no way of knowing
if and when a false pregnancy might happen Preparing for the Arrival of the Kittens
again. Spaying (the removal of the cats reproduc-
tive organssee Lesson 4) will eliminate the You can make some preparations for the big
condition. event. If your cat is long-haired, trim away the
hair around her breasts. This will help the kittens
Prenatal Care find the nipples. Also trim the hair around the
anus and vagina.
The cat should be given a health examination
early in her pregnancy. Examine her for fleas, lice, Birth
and ticks, and keep her free from other pests.
Have a veterinarian examine a stool specimen for In a normal birth, all kittens will be born within
signs of worms or other internal parasites. Re- two to eight hours after labor begins. If a cat
member, roundworms and hookworms can be continues to labor more than eight hours, some-
transmitted to the fetuses. Worming is not advis- thing is wrong. Call your veterinarian for instruc-
able after the second week of pregnancy, however, tions. Also consult him or her if more than three
since there is danger of aborting the fetuses. If hours elapse between kittens.
your cat shows signs of worms later in the preg-
nancy, do not worm her until after the kittens are Questions: Lesson 5Care of the Pregnant
born. The kittens can be wormed at eight to ten Cat and Kittens
weeks of age.
1. How long is the normal gestation period?
The pregnant cat is hungry most of the time, 2. If your cat has not given birth after the normal
especially in the later stages. Feed her well with- gestation period, how long should you wait
out overfeeding her. After the first month, two or before contacting a veterinarian?
three meals a day will suffice. She should receive 3. Describe a false pregnancy.

4. How can you tell if a cat is pregnant? Remain near the cat and if more than three hours
5. Name at least two things you should do for elapse between the arrival of one kitten and the
your cat early in her pregnancy. next, call a veterinarian. Tell the veterinarian
6. What should you do if her breasts become dry when the first kitten was born, whether it was a
and caked? normal or breech delivery, how long the cat has
7. In a long-haired cat, prior to delivery, fur been in labor with the present kitten, and other
should be trimmed from what areas? pertinent information.
8. In a normal birth, all kittens should be deliv-
ered in how many hours? If all goes well, the kittens should be delivered and
9. What should you do if more than three hours nursing within a few hours. The mother will stop
pass between the delivery of one kitten and laboring and panting shortly after delivering the
the next? kittens and will settle down to taking care of her
family. The mother will sometimes become so
involved with her kittens that she will refuse to eat.
LESSON 6CARE OF THE Place a saucer of warm milk near her. Some moth-
PREGNANT CAT AND KITTENS ers have been known to go as long as 24 hours
(continued) without eating. When she does want to eat she will
let you know in unmistakable ways. Then feed her
her regular rations fortified with vitamins and
The Placenta minerals. Canned or whole milk is good for a
nursing cat. Keep fresh water near her at all times.
Each kitten is born encased in a transparent sac or
membrane (a grayish, bulky mass), through which
Some Possible Obstetric Difficulties
the kitten is visible. The membrane is attached by a
cord to the placenta, or afterbirth, which should
Most cats have no difficulty in delivering kittens.
come out immediately after the kitten. The pla-
Obstetric troubles, when they do occur, may be
centa, the lifeline from the mother cat, is the means
caused by disease or malfunction of the reproduc-
by which the kitten feeds while in the uterus.
tive system.
Do not become alarmed if your cat eats the
Breech delivery In a breech delivery, the
placenta; this is normal. It may be her way of
kitten arrives hind feet first. Usually the head of
removing all traces of the birth, or perhaps it
a breech kitten is large and the cat has difficulty
provides her with a temporary source of nourish-
in expelling the kitten.
ment, since she will be unable to leave the new-
born kittens for some time.
Caesarian sectionWhen kittens cannot be
born in a normal manner they must be deliv-
Try to keep count of the placentas as each one is
ered through an incision in the cats abdominal
expelled. A placenta should follow the birth of
wall and uterus. This operation is called a
each kitten. Sometimes a placenta is retained
Caesarian section.
when the cord between the fetal membrane and
the placenta breaks. If the cat does not expel the
The need for a Caesarian section can sometimes
placenta, it must be removed in another way.
be anticipated early in pregnancy when the
Grasp the broken cord with a clean towel and
veterinarian determines either by x-rays, or by
gently and slowly pull out the placenta. A re-
feeling, that the kittens are going to be too large
tained placenta may interfere with the birth of the
to be delivered normally. Sometimes the veteri-
next kitten and, if retained after the last kitten is
narian must perform a Caesarian to remove the
born, will decompose and cause infection.
remaining kittens after one or two kittens are
born. A cats uterine muscles may become
As the Cat Continues Labor overly tired, particularly if she has a long and
difficult labor, making her unable to expel the
Even after the first kitten is born, there is no kittens. Call the veterinarian if your cat labors
assurance that the others will follow quickly. more than eight hours.

EclampsiaEclampsia is a serious condition enough milk. Such kittens quickly become
that often happens to a female cat following the dehydrated. To check for dehydration, pinch the
birth of her kittens. It is brought on by a deple- skin at the back of the kittens neck with your
tion of the blood calcium. The symptoms thumb and forefinger, then quickly release it. If
include excessive panting, loss of appetite, a the animal is dehydrated, the skin will not snap
temperature above 103F, a stilted walk, and back to its former position, but will remain
convulsions, eventually followed by collapse pinched. If your mother cat does not have
and coma. There is nothing you can do. Rush enough milk, or dies while nursing, you will
the cat to the veterinarian, where she can be have to bottle feed the kittens.
quickly revived by the injection of calcium
gluconate into her bloodstream. Bottle feedingYou should have little diffi-
culty in getting the kittens to feed from a bottle
Postnatal Period or eyedropper. Use an eyedropper, baby doll
bottle, or special baby animal bottle for the first
The cat will have a discharge from her vagina for few days, and later switch to a larger bottle.
a week or ten days. This discharge should be red
or dark red in color. If it is greenish or greenish Two- or three-day-old kittens do not eat much
yellow, there is something wrong. A placenta may at a feeding. An average newborn kitten
have been retained despite your vigilance and consumes from about 5 to 25 drops at one
serious infection may result. Such an infection feeding. Use the dehydration test to see if the
may cause the cats milk to dry up and eventually kittens are getting enough of the formula. You
lead to her death and that of her kittens. When should keep a supply of formula stocked in the
you see a green or greenish yellow discharge, refrigerator and warm any portion you feed to
contact your veterinarian immediately! the kittens. If you use a commercial formula,
follow the directions of the manufacturer.
Care of the Newborn Kittens Clean and sterilize all utensils and bottles after
each feeding. Here is a formula that has proved
The mother and kittens should be left strictly alone successful: 1/2 cup evaporated milk, 1/2 cup
for the first two or three days. Nursing kittens are water, 1/10 cup light cream, and 2 drops
very delicate, so avoid unnecessary handling. water-soluble vitamins.
Caution children not to pick up the baby cats.
Weaning the kittensThe mother will begin
During the first ten days of life, the physical to wean the kittens somewhere around the
activities of the newborn kittens are very limited. fourth or fifth week. First she will reduce the
They cannot see or hear; their legs are too weak number of feedings each day by spending
to support their bodies; and they must get more and more time away from them. Then
around by crawling on their abdomens with a she will begin to bring food to the kittens and
swimming motion. Baby cats will cry when they teach them how to eat. When she begins to
are hungry and sometimes stray from the wean the kittens, take up the feeding yourself.
warmth of their mothers body. Provide some Remember to introduce new foods gradually
barricade to prevent the kittens from getting too and avoid overfeeding. Finely chopped beef,
far from the mother. baby cereals with milk, and strained baby
vegetables are all excellent foods. Food should
Watch the kittens closely for the first week to be at room temperature. When the kittens are
make certain they are getting enough to eat. The eight weeks old, they should be totally
mothers rear breasts contain the most milk and weaned.
the most vigorous kittens will monopolize them.
You can rotate the kittens on the rear breasts so Remember to provide the weaned kittens with
that all get enough nourishment. their own sleeping quarters, food and water
pans, and a litterbox if one is not already avail-
Excessive leanness, weakness, and constant able. The mother cat will take care of house-
crying are signs that a kitten is not getting breaking her kittens.

You should handle and groom the kittens from LESSON 7BEHAVIOR
now on. A visit to the veterinarian for distemper
shots and a general checkup is in order. Intelligence
Remember, it is cruel, inhumane, and illegal to The cat is an intelligent animal, capable of learn-
abandon kittens. If you are unable to care for or ing quickly and retaining what it has learned. It
find homes for the kittens, take them to your also appears to exercise a certain degree of reason-
local humane society. ing in solving problems. For example, a cat will
examine a building to find out if there is more
Words to Remember than one exit from a mouses lair. If satisfied that a
mouse can escape from no other exit, a cat will sit
Delivery: Passage of kittens from the uterus, for hours in front of a mouse hole, waiting for its
through the birth canal, to the outside world. unsuspecting dinner to appear.
Eclampsia: Depletion of blood calcium; serious
condition which sometimes follows birth of Although it is not easy to teach cats to perform on
kittens. command, they can learn tricks. But, the process
False pregnancy: Cat shows all of the physical and takes infinite patience. When its own welfare is
mental signs of pregnancy without actually involved, a cat is quick to learn. Otherwise, it is
being pregnant. simply too aloof and independent to be brought
Fetus: The unborn kitten developing in the uterus. under the same control as a dog.
Gestation: The time from mating to the birth of
kittens. Temperament
Placenta: Lifeline from the mother to the kitten;
means by which the kitten feeds while in uterus. Cats temperaments, or dispositions, vary greatly.
Pregnancy: Having a fetus or fetuses developing On the whole they are inclined to be more aloof
in the uterus. and independent than dogs. Some of them are
moody, aggressive, nervous, and quick to resent
Questions: Lesson 6Care of the Pregnant any hurt or neglect. On the other hand, many cats
Cat and Kittens (continued) are docile and even-tempered. Most respond well
to affection, gentle handling, and pampering.
1. What is the placenta or afterbirth?
2. How many placentas will be delivered with Anger
the kittens?
3. Does the cat normally eat the placenta? An angry cat assumes a classic pose. Ears laid
4. Why would you remove a retained placenta? back and a switching tail are early signs of irrita-
5. After delivery, how long might a mother cat tion. When really angered, it reacts rapidly by
go without eating? arching its back and stiffening its body; all hairs
6. What is a Caesarian section? stand on end, and the cat snarls and spits. The cat
7. What is eclampsia? may drop into a crouch, with its tail lashing from
8. After the kittens are born, what color is the side to side. As it prepares to fight, the ears are
normal discharge from the mother cats pressed flat against the head, mouth is partly
vagina? open, fangs bared, forefeet firmly planted, claws
9. How many days should the mother and new- extended.
born kittens be left alone without handling?
10. Can newborn kittens walk? Affection
11. How do you check for dehydration?
12. What should you use to bottle feed a kitten? In expressing affection, a cat is pure gentleness. It
13. When will a mother cat begin to wean her will arch its back, hold its tail stiff and straight,
kittens? perk its ears, rub its head and muzzle against
14. When can a kitten be completely weaned? people and objectspurring its delight to the
15. What are some good foods for the weaned world. Kneading with forepaws, claws retracted,
kitten? indicates pleasure and affection. A cat may also

show its affection by licking and by touching and In the back of the cats eye is the tapetum lucidum,
sniffing delicately with its nose. also known as the eye shine, which aids in night
vision. The pupil is the small hole in the middle of
Courage the eye which controls the amount of light let into
the eye. Around the pupil is a colored ring called
Cats are very courageous animals, often attacking the iris. The sclera is the white part of the eye
animals twice their size, especially when their around the iris. Covering the whole eye is a
young are threatened. They will chase away large transparent layer of cells, the cornea. Behind the
dogs, kill large birds of prey, and sometimes get pupil is the lens which bends light rays onto the
badly injured in the process of protecting their back of the eye, the retina. The retina receives
young or homes. light and images and transmits them to the brain
via the optic nerve.
Questions: Lesson 7Behavior
A cats ears are cup-shaped and very sensitive.
1. What is a word for the capability to learn and Cats turn their ears in the direction of sound. The
retain what has been learned? only hearing mechanism in the outer ear is the
2. How would you describe a cat which had its eardrum. Under the eardrum are three little
ears laid back and whose tail was switching? bones, the stirrup, anvil, and hammer, which
3. What is a cat displaying when it arches its transmit the sound to the cochlea. The cochlea
back, perks its ears, rubs itself against people, houses the auditory nerve, which carries sound
and purrs? signals to the brain. Also near the cochlea are
4. A cat which attacks larger animals in defend- three small, snail-shaped tubes known as semicir-
ing its young or home is displaying what cular canals, that contain fluid to help the cat
quality? maintain balance. Connecting the middle ear and
the throat is the Eustachian tube. It equalizes
pressures between the inner ear and the outside.
PHYSIOLOGY LESSONS The lungs are the main organ of the respiratory
system. In the lungs, oxygen is transferred to the
The first lesson began a study of the cats body blood; carbon dioxide is removed. Connecting the
and how it functions. We learned that the outer- mouth, nose, and chest are the bronchial tubes.
most part of the cats body is called hair or fur. They branch into smaller tubes, known as bron-
Under the hair is the skin, which is composed of chioles, and finally into air sacs. The air sacs are
two layers, the epidermis and the dermis. The enclosed by a network of blood capillaries that
skin is not impermeable; medicines or poisonous allow gases to escape and to be absorbed.
substances can be absorbed (impermeable means
that nothing can penetrate the skin). The circulatory system is made up of the heart,
arteries, veins, blood, and lymph nodes. Two large
Some of the major bones in the cats body are the veins, the anterior and the posterior vena cavas,
skull, the bone framework of the head; the spinal lead away from the heart. One leads to the lungs,
column, which runs down the back; the scapula the other to the rest of the body. Plasma is the
or shoulders; and the ribs on the cats sides. In liquid part of blood. The red cells contain a chemi-
the forelegs are the humerus, radius, ulna, cal known as hemoglobin which functions in
carpus, metacarpus, and digits. The hind legs oxygen distribution. Also found in the blood are
contain the femur, tibia, fibula, tarsus, metatar- white corpuscles that surround and kill impurities
sus, and digits. in the blood. Platelets cause the blood to clot.

In the mouth is found the primary taste organ, the The cats mouth represents the first part of the
tongue. Small bumps that react to chemical digestive system. There are 30 teeth in the adult
stimuli to produce sensations of taste, called taste cats mouth. The visible part of the tooth is called
buds, are located on the tongue. the crown. As protection, the crown and neck of

the tooth are covered with enamel. Inside the At about the eighth week of pregnancy, milk will
tooth are the dentine, pulp, nerves, and blood appear in the cats breasts. If her nipples become
vessels. The root of the tooth lies under the gum. swollen and dry, apply a little oil to them.

The esophagus leads from the throat to the After labor begins, the kittens all should be deliv-
stomach, where digestion begins. From there food ered within eight hours. When a kitten starts to
enters the small intestine at the duodenum by emerge, it should come out head first. Each kitten
way of a small valve called the pylorus. is enclosed in its own transparent sac. If in an
emergency you should have to pick up a kitten, use
The liver, the largest organ in the cats body, a clean towel and both hands. Be very gentle.
manufactures bile, regulates sugar utilization, and
manufactures urea. The pancreas also regulates The mother cat will eat the placentas after the
the bodys ability to utilize sugar. birth of each kitten. This is normal. If she retains a
placenta, she may become very sick or may die.
After most of the nutrients are absorbed into the Some kittens may be born tail end first, which is
blood in the last part of the small intestine, waste known as a breech birth. Occasionally a cat will
products pass into the large intestine. There, a great have to have a Caesarian section, an operation to
deal of water is absorbed, and wastes are stored. remove kittens through her abdominal wall.

On either side of the cats body are located the After all of the kittens have been born, place a
kidneys, the major organs of the urinary system bowl of warm milk near the mother and feed her
which filter liquid wastes. The ureters carry urine when she demands it.
from the kidneys to the bladder where it is stored.
It is eventually expelled through the urethra. Occasionally a cat will get eclampsia after her
kittens are born. This is a serious condition caused
The vulva is the outermost part of the female by a lack of blood calcium. This can be treated by
reproductive system. It covers and protects the a veterinarian.
vagina. The vagina is a canal which connects the
outer and inner reproductive organs. The ovaries If your cat develops a green or greenish yellow
produce eggs, or ova, which descend through the discharge after the birth of her kittens, she prob-
fallopian tubes to the uterus. If fertilized, they ably has retained a placenta. Take her immedi-
develop in the uterus into kittens. ately to a veterinarian so the placenta may be
cleaned out and any infection she may have can
The male reproductive system is composed of the be taken care of.
testicles, prostate glands, scrotum, and penis. The
testicles are located outside the body in the saclike Do not handle the kittens for the first ten days,
scrotum. Sperm are manufactured and stored in unless you have to rotate them on the nipples to
the testicles. Seminal fluid, in which the sperm make sure they all get enough milk, or if you have
travel, is produced by the prostate gland. During to bottle feed them. Make sure that the kittens are
mating, the seminal fluid is forced through the in a confined area so that they do not stray too far
penis and is deposited in the females vagina. from their mother or get lost.

After mating, if a female becomes pregnant, she Excessive leanness, weakness, and constant crying
will carry her kittens from 61 to 63 daysthe are signs of dehydration. Test for this by pinching
normal period of gestation. Sometimes a cat can the skin at the back of the kittens neck. If it does
have a false pregnancy; she looks and acts preg- not snap back into place, the animal is dehydrated
nant, but actually is not. and will need more milk. The average kitten
nurses every hour, taking in from 5 to 25 drops of
The pregnant cat should be wormed before or milk.
during the first two weeks of her pregnancy.
Roundworms and hookworms can be transmitted During weaning, some good foods to give a kitten
to the fetuses. are finely chopped beef, baby cereals mixed with

milk, and strained baby vegetables. Later on, add 25. What is the fluid part of the blood?
cat food diluted with milk and specially prepared 26. What do the platelets do?
kitten foods. 27. What is hemoglobin?
28. What is the average gestation period of a cat?
After ten weeks you should handle the kittens. 29. Can certain types of worms be transmitted
Groom them daily, clip their claws as needed, and from the mother to the fetuses?
play with them to accustom them to handling. 30. About what time does milk appear in the
Now is the time to take them to the veterinarian breasts of the pregnant cat?
for a general checkup and inoculations. 31. In a normal birth, all of the kittens will be
delivered within how many hours?
Remember that it is inhumane and illegal to 32. When it is born, how does a kitten normally
abandon kittens. If you cannot care for them or emerge?
find homes for them, take them to your local 33. What is each kitten enclosed in when it is
animal shelter or humane society. born?
34. How do you pick up a newborn kitten? why?
Review Questions on Lessons 18

1. What is the outermost part of the cats body

2. What are the two layers of a cats skin?
3. What does impermeable mean?
4. Name the major bones in a cats body.
5. What is the name for the nerve in the nose?
6. What is the primary organ of taste?
7. What are the small bumps in the mouth that
react to chemical stimuli?
8. What is another expression for the tapetum
9. What is the hole in the center of the eye?
10. What is the iris?
11. What does the optic nerve do?
12. What is the only hearing mechanism in the
outer ear?
13. What do the semicircular canals contain and
14. What are the three little bones behind the
eardrum called?
15. What is the function of the lungs?
16. The mouth, teeth, stomach, pylorus, and
intestines belong to what system?
17. How many teeth does an adult cat have?
18. What is the visible part of the tooth called?
19. What are the crown and neck of the toot
covered with?
20. What are the four inner parts of the tooth?
21. What is the largest organ in the cats body?
22. What is one important function of the pan-
23. What are the two organs that filter liquid
24. What is the function of the blood?


Add this sheet to your regular 4-H Record Book. Keep all your records in one book.

Project enrollment number

INVENTORY: Cat supplies, equipment



Litter pan



Other items

HEALTH RECORD: Record the shots, pills, etc., you have given your cat to keep him or her


EXPENSES: Food, veterinary services, equipment purchased, etc.






Issued by Washington State University Cooperative Extension and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in
furtherance of the Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Cooperative Extension programs and policies are consistent
with federal and state laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, sex, religion, age, color, creed,
national or ethnic origin; physical, mental or sensory disability; marital status, sexual orientation, and status as a
Vietnam-era or disabled veteran. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Cooperative
Extension office. Trade names have been used to simplify information; no endorsement is intended. Reprinted
March 2002. Subject code 812. C.



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