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Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-

year Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi:
Advances in assessment...

Article in Fisheries Research December 2014

DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2014.03.014


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5 authors, including:

Gustavo Alvarez Colombo Paola Betti

National Institute for Fisheries Research and National Institute for Fisheries Research and


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Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year Argentine hake

Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance
with acoustic methods
G.L. lvarez-Colombo a,b, , C.V. Dato a , L. Machinandiarena a,c ,
F. Castro-Machado a , P. Betti a
Instituto Nacional de Investigacin y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP), Paseo Victoria Ocampo No. 1, Escollera Norte, Mar del Plata, Argentina
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP), Funes, 3350 Mar del Plata, Argentina
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) , Intendente Giraldes 2160Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Assessing juvenile Argentine hake stocks from the area swept by bottom-trawls has systematically pro-
Received 5 August 2013 duced underestimates, given the adult population levels recruited from them. To gain insight into the
Received in revised form 17 March 2014 behavior and vertical distribution of rst-year Argentine hake, acoustic data and both pelagic and bottom-
Accepted 18 March 2014
trawl net samples were collected in the nursery ground of the southern stock. Five surveys were carried
Available online xxx
out in the austral winters and summers from June 2011 to February 2013. Daylight echograms at 38 kHz
showed horizontally extended aggregations of young-of-the-year (YOY) hake as layers 1020 m thick
separated from the seabed at average distances of 1520 m in winter and 1015 m in summer. They were
above the reach of the bottom trawl nets routinely used in hake assessments. While close agreement of
Vertical distribution total length distributions was found between net samples and acoustic sh-track data in the juveniles
Acoustic assessment rst winter, only the smaller fraction of the bimodal distribution shown by the acoustic data was present
Patagonia in pelagic trawl catches six months later, in the following summer. That suggests the larger sh can avoid
the survey nets. Detection and assessment with acoustic methods allowed determination of the mean
densities and horizontal distribution patterns of early juveniles in their main nursery ground. The mean
juvenile densities obtained with acoustic methods were above one order of magnitude higher than those
obtained by bottom trawls using the swept-area method.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Of two main stocks, the southern or Patagonian stock is the

most abundant, accounting for 85% of the total hake biomass in
Hakes of the genus Merluccius constitute one of the most the Argentine Sea (Aubone et al., 2000). It spawns from November
intensely exploited groups of demersal sh, being primarily caught through March (late austral spring and summer) in waters off
using bottom trawls (see Lloris et al., 2005). Among them, the Chubut province (Ciechomski et al., 1983; Macchi and Pjaro, 2003).
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi supports the major demersal n- lvarez-Colombo et al. (2011) have shown how hake larvae, soon
sh shery in the Argentine Sea. Since the 1990s, more than 90% of after hatching, concentrate in a wide sector of the spawning area,
the western Atlantic hake catch has been comprised of this species located off Isla Escondida and Camarones Bay areas. In the follow-
(Murua, 2010). ing months, they are slowly distributed southwestward by bottom
currents to their nursery and settlement locations, particularly in
the San Jorge Gulf, considered to be the main hake southern stock
nursery (Fig. 1).
The San Jorge Gulf is located between 45 and 47 S cov-
Corresponding author at: Instituto Nacional de Investigacin y Desarrollo ering a surface of 8000 nmi2 (square nautical miles, where
Pesquero (INIDEP), Paseo Victoria Ocampo No. 1, Escollera Norte, Mar del Plata, 1 nmi2 = 3.434 km2 ). It is a semi-closed basin with a rather deep
Argentina. Tel.: +54 223 4862586; fax: +54 223 4861830.
connection to the open shelf (Tonini et al., 2006). Vertical mixing by
E-mail addresses: (G.L. lvarez-Colombo), (C.V. Dato), (L. Machinandiarena), wind and tides and the entrance of southern coastal waters from the (F. Castro-Machado), (P. Betti). Magellan Strait characterize the gulf, generating frontal systems.
0165-7836/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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2 G.L. lvarez-Colombo et al. / Fisheries Research xxx (2014) xxxxxx

Several factors may account for a downward bias of bottom-

trawl abundance estimates for young-of-the-year (YOY) juvenile
compared to the abundance levels of such juveniles required to
generate the later catches of new recruits. Those factors include (i)
net selectivity and (ii) the difference between vertical distribution
of YOY hake and the vertical aperture of the bottom sampling gear.
This paper addresses the second issue, presenting new ndings
regarding daylight behavior of YOY hake, with evidence based on
acoustic records and pelagic net tows. We provide new insight into
the behavior and vertical distribution of juvenile Argentine hake
up to one-year-old sh. The hypothesis is tested that the gradual
change from the pelagic to the demersal habitat by Argentine hake
juveniles takes longer than previously recognized for this and other
hake species. This hypothesis explains the impact of delayed set-
tlement on their catchability with bottom trawls, and it shows the
suitability of simultaneous acoustic surveys to improve assessment
of early juvenile Argentine hake abundance.

2. Materials and methods

Acoustic and biological samples were collected during ve sur-

veys carried out from June 2011 to February 2013 in the austral
winter and summer, covering the spawning and nursery grounds
Fig. 1. Sector of the North-Patagonian shelf comprising the spawning grounds (Isla (Fig. 1). The sampling happened to include the different growing
Escondida and Camarones Bay areas) and the main nursery ground in the San Jorge
conditions experienced by the 2011 and 2012 cohorts of the south-
Gulf of the southern stock of Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi). The dashed-line
box indicates the study area selected for the distribution and acoustic numerical ern hake stock. The eld work comprised a sampling sequence
density estimates of young-of-the-year hake. Dotted line indicates an example of intended to evaluate methods for estimating abundance of pelagic
the acoustic track during one of the summer cruises. The bathymetry was created YOY hake. Operations included the initial characterization and
by interpolation of acoustic bottom depth data (INIDEP Hydroacoustics Laboratory ground-truthing of the echo-recordings, delimitation of YOY hake
bathymetry database).
distribution during 2011 and the acoustic estimation of numerical
densities. With the exception of a hake prerecruit assessment sur-
vey (survey code OB0711), all the surveys considered in this study
Those produce nutrient enrichment and retention mechanisms were done in parallel with the routine bottom-trawl assessments
of ecological importance (Acha et al., 2004; Bogazzi et al., 2005; carried out annually during winter-spring in the Hake Global Sur-
Guerrero and Piola, 1997). In this productive area, the hake sh- vey and during summer, focused on the assessment of recruited
ery partially overlaps with that on the very important red shrimp juveniles and the size of the spawning stock (Table 1).
(Pleoticus muelleri Bate, 1888) shery. Because this sector acts as
an important hake nursery ground, high levels of juvenile hake are
discarded as incidental catch (Dato et al., 2006; Gngora et al., 2009, 2.1. Acoustic sampling
As in other sectors of the Argentine Sea, hake stock assessment Acoustic data were recorded continuously between bottom
in the San Jorge Gulf area is carried out by means of bottom trawl trawl stations on all cruises, sampling at ping rates variable as a
nets hauled with the headrope a few meters above the seaoor, a function of depth. With the exception of surveys coded EH0311 and
zone inhabited by most of the two-year-old and adult hake during EH0512 (winter Global assessments) the acoustic survey design
daylight hours (Madirolas et al., 2011). However, the vertical dis- consisted of transects regularly separated by about 20 nmi ori-
tribution of early juveniles in this nursery area is poorly known. ented perpendicular to the bathymetry, encompassing a maximum
Based primarily on knowledge of the size and time of settlement area of ca. 35,000 nmi2 comprising the spawning and nursery areas
of this and other hake species, as well as from direct sampling and between 43 and 47 S (Fig. 1). The acoustic equipment, calibrated
otolith year-ring readings (Abella et al., 2005; Arneri and Morales- using standard sphere techniques (Foote et al., 1987), consisted
Nin, 2000; Auster et al., 1997; Belcari et al., 2006; Buratti and Santos, of Simrad EK500 echosounders (Kongsberg Maritime AS, Kongs-
2010; Fahay, 1974; Koeller et al., 1986; Morales-Nin and Moranta, berg, Norway) with 38 kHz (split beam, 3 dB angle of 7 , 0.3 ms
2004; Papaconstantinou and Stergiou, 1995; Payne and Punt, 1995), pulse duration), 120 kHz (split beam, 3 dB angle of 7 , 1 ms pulse
it has been assumed that young-of-the-year (YOY) Argentine hake duration) and 200 kHz (single beam, 3 dB angle of 7 , 0.6 ms pulse
adopt demersal habits soon after their metamorphosis ends, mak- duration, not available in the R/V Capitn Oca Balda) hull-mounted
ing them available to bottom nets provided with appropriate mesh transducers. Acoustic data were logged into an INGRES relational
sizes. database during the entire surveys, and also as raw data les (sam-
Following these assumptions, hake juveniles including YOY sh, ple angle and sample power) during the pelagic net operations.
have been conventionally studied from settled individuals captured
with bottom trawls during the day (Ehrlich, 1998; Ehrlich, 2000; 2.2. Biological sampling
Ehrlich and Macchi, 2003; Ehrlich et al., 2013b; Machinandiarena
et al., 2006). However, even when bottom-trawling results have Pelagic tows were carried out during daylight hours with
depicted inter-annual tendencies in relative abundances and the purpose of identifying 38-kHz sound scattering layers (SSL)
length-class structure of age 0 and early age 1 juveniles, they observed at Sv thresholds below 60 dB (Fig. 2). Ground truth from
showed an evident and systematic underestimation based on the the acoustic layers was obtained by means of an IKMT (Isaacs-Kidd
adult population levels they had been sustaining (Castrucci et al., Midwater Trawl; 10 m2 opening) and a Nichimo-type pelagic trawl
2003). (70 m2 opening, 22 mm mesh at the cod end).

Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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G.L. lvarez-Colombo et al. / Fisheries Research xxx (2014) xxxxxx 3

Table 1
Surveys analyzed, including season, acoustic and net sampling details.

Survey code Main goal Season Acoustics Bottom sampling Pelagic sampling

OB0711 Hake prerecruits Winter 2011 Yes Shrimp-type trawl net IKMT
EH0311 Hake global assessment Winter 2011 Yes Engel trawl net IKMT
EH0112 Hake juveniles/spawning stock Summer 2012 Yes Engel trawl net none
EH0512 Hake global assessment Winter 2012 Yes Engel trawl net Pelagic trawl net
EH0113 Hake juveniles/spawning stock Summer 2013 Yes Engel trawl net Pelagic trawl net

Survey code = ship name; survey number; year.

As a general rule, nets were placed carefully from above the 2.3. Echogram analysis and echo-integration measurements
aggregations of juveniles to a maximum depth of 5 m above the
seaoor in order to avoid contamination with near-bottom sh. Based on the characterization of the pelagic aggregations iden-
The nets were trawled horizontally during 15 min at a speed of tied as YOY hake, their contribution to total 38 kHz backscattering
3.5 knot (nmi h1 ) at the acoustically detected aggregation depths, was estimated and recorded during the analyzed surveys. This
and monitored in real-time with acoustic telemetry sensors (Scan- interpretation of the echograms using BEI software (Bergen Echo-
mar AS, sgrdstrand, Norway) to control the trawling depth and Integrator; Korneliussen, 2004) involved analysis of the water
the geometry of the net opening. All individuals caught in the IKMT column into pelagic, surface-referenced channels and a bottom-
and a sample of 300500 individuals from the pelagic trawl catches referenced channel comprising the deepest 10 m of the water
were measured to the nearest centimeter. column, above the acoustic dead-zone (ADZ; Ona and Mitson,
In addition to the ground truth pelagic trawls, catches and size 1996). Echo-integration measurements in terms of the nautical
distributions of YOY hake obtained from two types of bottom trawls area scattering coefcient (NASC, in m2 nmi2 ; MacLennan et al.,
during predened stations of the routine assessments, were also 2002) at a volume backscattering strength (Sv ) threshold of 80 dB,
considered (Fig. 2). These data allowed to compare the total length were averaged over elementary sampling distance units (ESDU)
(TL) distributions and numerical density estimates of settled pre- of 1 nmi (nautical mile = 1.852 km) and exported for spreadsheet
recruits with those of the pelagic fraction. During survey OB0711 analysis in 5 m, surface-referenced channels. The contribution of
(winter 2011, Table 1), a small shrimp-type trawl was employed stronger acoustic targets, mainly adult hake, was measured at an Sv
(6 m head rope; 80 cm vertical opening; 10 mm mesh at the cod threshold of 60 dB and subtracted. Only daylight echograms were
end). This net has been utilized since 1996 to study settled pre- considered for this study, given the well-known DVM behavior of
recruits in the Argentine Sea (Ehrlich, 1998). During the rest of advanced juveniles and adults that are strongly demersal during
the surveys, an Engel bottom trawl (35.3 m head rope; 5 m vertical daylight (see Ehrlich, 1998; Ehrlich et al., 2013a).
opening, cod end provided with 22 mm inner mesh) was operated The NASC values integrated in the 5 m, surface-referenced chan-
to assess the hake stock. Bottom nets were towed at average speeds nels were converted to bottom-referenced data and employed to
of 2.5 knot (shrimp-like trawl net) and 4 knot (Engel trawl) and determine the average distance from the seabed of the pelagic
also monitored in real-time by means of Scanmar acoustic sensors aggregations. Given that YOY juveniles in the deepest 5 m channel
to control depth and the geometry of the net opening. As for the could be acoustically hidden by the adult and settled-juvenile frac-
pelagic nets, bottom sampling was performed during the day, when tions, and also by the ADZ effect, their acoustic contribution in that
the different hake size-classes adopt their diurnal behavior. layer was estimated from the bottom catches with the Engel net.
To estimate the contribution of each 1 cm size-class (i subscripts)
of juveniles <20 cm to the total NASC in the deepest 5-m layer, their
absolute frequencies in the catches (fi ) were calculated following
Bodholt (1990). Thus, the areal density of each size-class (i ) was
estimated considering its percent abundance in the catches and the
corresponding theoretical backscattering cross-section (bsi ) as

i = n NASC (1)
i=1 i

NASCi = i bsi (2)

where bsi was obtained from the target strength to length (TS/TL)
relationship established by Madirolas and Castro-Machado (2008)
for this species:
TS (dB) = 39.3 log TL (cm) 97.1 dB (3)
Finally, the equivalent NASC fraction of the juveniles <20 cm was
estimated by summing of the resultant NASCi values.

2.4. Acoustic single-target analysis

In order to estimate the numerical abundance of YOY hake

in the pelagic aggregations and to study the relation of sh size
with depth, the acoustic target-strength (TS) from individual shes
detected in the aggregations were examined. The raw data les
recorded during the operation of the IKMT and the pelagic trawl net
Fig. 2. Position of the pelagic trawls made to identify the composition of the acoustic
aggregations detected in the 38 kHz echograms, and the bottom trawls analyzed for were analyzed by means of Miryax Echoview v4.1 (Myriax Pty Ltd.,
the comparison of abundance estimates. Hobart Tasmania, Australia) post-processing software. By means

Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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FISH-3850; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 G.L. lvarez-Colombo et al. / Fisheries Research xxx (2014) xxxxxx

Table 2 likelihood estimations for the variogram parameters sill (C) and
Echoview software settings employed for single target and sh-track analysis.
range (a) (Rivoirard et al., 2000). The specic model was tted as
Single target detection settings  
TS threshold (dB) 80 (h) = C[1 exp a ]. (5)
Pulse length determination level (dB) 3.0
Minimum normalized pulse length 0.4 EVA v2.0 software (Estimation VAriance; Petitgas and Prampart,
Maximum normalized pulse length 1.5
1993) was employed to estimate the geostatistical variance of the
Maximum beam compensation (dB) 12
Maximum standard deviation of angles (degrees) 0.1 mean NASC variable.
Filter angles for single targets (degrees) 3 Finally, mean TS of the sh-tracks detected during winter and
Fish tracking settings summer 20112013 were employed together with the mean echo-
Algorithm data Range, angles and time integration value of each survey to estimate the numerical densities
Track detection (alpha) 0.7
Track detection (beta) 0.5
of pelagic YOY juveniles for comparison with the densities esti-
Target exclusion distance (m) 4 mated for the settled YOY juveniles caught with bottom trawls in
Weight (major and minor axis) 30 the San Jorge Gulf.
Weight (range) 40
Minimum number of single targets in a track 4
Minimum number of pings in a track 4 3. Results
Maximum gap between single targets (pings) 0

TS = target strength; dB = decibel. 3.1. Echogram characterization and delimitation of the

distribution area

of the Virtual Echogram and Fish Tracking modules of the soft- Daylight echograms obtained at 38 kHz during the rst survey
ware (parameter settings detailed in Table 2), the echo-signatures showed horizontally extensive aggregations of scatterers in layers
from individual shes were isolated, and the individual TS values 1020 m thick mainly conned to the nursery ground of the San
averaged. Jorge Gulf area (Fig. 3). For this reason, the comparative analysis of
The data analysis included procedures intended to minimize the analyzed survey series is related to the Gulf area.
two different sources of overestimation of the TS estimates. Thus, Even when the aggregations were occasionally observed in
a cut-off angle of 3 was set to the single target detection algo- proximity to the seaoor, they were usually noticeably separated
rithm given that the signal-to-noise ratio is progressively reduced from it at distances above the reach of the bottom trawl nets rou-
with increasing angle from the acoustic axis, and hence the esti- tinely used in hake assessments. The vertical distribution changed
mates of TS are positively biased outwards it (Fleischman and at dusk when the aggregations rose towards the surface dispersing
Burwen, 2000). Second, due to the increasing tendency towards in the upper layers.
inclusion of multiple targets with increasing range from the trans-
ducer, the Fish Tracking algorithm was conservatively set, allowing 3.2. Bottom trawl catches
only sh-tracks composed of at least four consecutive single-target
detections (Table 2). Finally, considering that only one target can The use of the shrimp-type bottom trawl during the rst winter
occupy the acoustic resolution volume for the measurement to survey (OB0711), showed that settled YOY juveniles were present
be valid, the relation between NASC, range of the identied sh- in most of the study area with a numerical density average of
tracks and TS was employed to check that multiple targets were not 36,454 ind nmi2 (SD = 53,829; n = 105). The uniform coverage of
present in the detection volume, setting an upper limit on operation the study area with this net allowed for a comparison between
of the single target detector, following Ona and Barange (1999): the horizontal distributions of settled YOY juveniles with that
of the pelagic fraction, obtained from the acoustic data. While
NASC(c/2)r 2 D the highest density values of settled individuals (maximum of
N= (4)
410TS/10 z(1852)2 253,364 ind nmi2 ) was located outside the Gulf, the acoustic
detected pelagic aggregations were mostly recorded inside the Gulf
where c is the sound speed;  is the pulse duration; r is the range; (Fig. 4).
z is the depth interval; and D = 2(1 cos  D ) is the sampled Length distributions derived from the Engel trawl in San Jorge
volume for a solid angle of  D = 3 (Table 2). Gulf catches, showed that both in winter 2012 and summer 2013
The mean TS of the pooled targets detected in the layer 530 m less than 10% of total numerical abundance corresponded to YOY
off the bottom was employed in abundance estimations, whereas juveniles 15 cm TL.
the average TS of individual sh tracks were converted to sh
length, following the relationship established in Eq. (3), in order
3.3. Pelagic trawl catches
to study a possible relation between sh total length and depth.
Pelagic trawls were restricted to the San Jorge Gulf, where most
2.5. Horizontal distribution patterns and numerical density of the acoustic records related to YOY hake were registered.
estimates of YOY hake Maximum catches of YOY hake obtained in all of the IKMT
deployments in winter 2011 were 100 juveniles in 15-m tows.
The NASC measurements were integrated over the water- However, strong avoidance of the net should be expected, consid-
column, interpolated over the sampling track and mapped. Given ering the rather small sampler mouth, the bridles in front of it
the visual evidence of spatial structure in the horizontal distribu- during operation and the fact that shing was during daylight. Com-
tion of hake pelagic juveniles over the study area, geostatistical parison of the IKMT and the shrimp-type bottom trawl catches in
analysis was employed to analyze sh-echo spatial autocorrela- the Gulf showed similar TL distributions of YOY juveniles (Fig. 4),
tion and to evaluate the variance of the abundance estimates. An with means of 6.78 cm (SD = 2.98; n = 385) and 7.15 cm (SD = 2.57;
exponential model was tted to the observational variograms of n = 448), respectively. However, a statistically signicant difference
the distance vector (h). The model had a practical range equal between group means was determined by one-way ANOVA (F(1,
to three times its range parameter (a) and employed maximum 831) = 10.13, p = 0.0015).

Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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G.L. lvarez-Colombo et al. / Fisheries Research xxx (2014) xxxxxx 5

Fig. 3. Example of a daylight echogram recorded in San Jorge Gulf (summer 2012). The arrows indicate an aggregation of young-of-the-year (YOY) hake (Merluccius hubbsi)
at a mean distance of 25 m off the seaoor and sh-tracks of adult hake in the bottom channel (time labels in bottom channel regions in UTC-3).

Large catches, almost exclusively composed of hake YOY 3.5. Vertical distribution
juveniles were obtained with the pelagic net in 20122013, con-
rming the composition of the studied aggregations. The by-catch The average vertical distribution of NASC values in the 5 m
consisted of a few individuals of other species like jellysh (Mne- bottom-referenced channels revealed YOY hake aggregations
miopsis leidyi; Aequorea sp.), squid (Loligo gahi), sh (Stromateus located above the seaoor at variable distances. In winter a NASC
brasiliensis; Engraulis anchoita) and crustaceans (Munida gregaria peak was found at 1520 m, with some echo traces reaching as
and Peisos petrunkevitchi, related to acoustic scattering layers much as 50 m off the bottom. In summer the aggregations were
mostly recorded at the higher frequencies). closer to the seaoor with their NASC peak at 1015 m above it
In winter 2012, an average of 1600 sh was caught in the (Fig. 6).
15-m tows of the pelagic net (SD = 947; n = 8). Distribution of The mean depth of the tracks for YOY hake of different sizes
the pooled TL data was unimodal with a mean TL of 8.01 cm (acoustic signals converted to length from the TS to TL relation-
(SD = 1.48; n = 13,059). In summer 2013, an average of 1300 pelagic ship), shows a progressive shift toward the bottom with increasing
juveniles were caught in similar 15-m tows (SD= 473; n= 5), TL, as exemplied in Fig. 7 for winter and summer (surveys OB0711
also showing a unimodal distribution of TL averaging 11.29 cm and EH0113, respectively). This nding resembles the differential
(SD = 1.96; n = 6574) (Fig. 5). Comparison between winter and seasonal depth distribution shown in Fig. 6 and supports a grad-
summer TL means showed signicant differences (ANOVA (F(1, ual, downward ontogenetic shift in daylight location during the
13168) = 11655, p < 0.0001) as expected considering the juvenile settlement process.
growth during the ve months elapsed between surveys.
3.6. Horizontal distribution patterns and abundance estimates of
YOY hake
3.4. Acoustic sh-tracking
The acoustic data interpolated over the study area showed that
The Fish-track module of Echoview software allowed the detec- NASC was not distributed randomly but exhibited well-dened pat-
tion of single targets that could be identied as YOY hake using terns. That is shown in the empirical variograms for winter and
data from the depth-directed sampling with the pelagic trawl. summer cruises, as well as in the map plots which exhibit distinc-
In winter 2012, a unimodal distribution was obtained from the tive areas of higher concentration in the northern and southern
pooled data with modal TS at 58 dB, while in summer 2013 sections of the San Jorge Gulf (Figs. 8 and 9; Table 3). The vari-
a bimodal distribution with modal TS at 56.5 dB and 46.5 dB ograms show an autocorrelation range around 2555 nmi in the
was found. The conversion of acoustic sh-track TS data to sh along-transect direction, giving a preliminary indication that the
length, employing the empirical TS/TL model, showed close dis- distributions of the acoustic sampling tracks were adequate to
tributions of acoustic and directly measured TL in winter, even reveal the underlying spatial structure.
though with a statistically signicant difference between group The density estimates for YOY hake in winter (2011 and
means (ANOVA (F(1, 26118) = 5661, p < 0.0001). In summer, the TL 2012) and summer (2012 and 2013) had similar seasonal aver-
distribution of the sh caught with the pelagic trawl only accounted ages all across the San Jorge Gulf region, with approximately
for the lower TL mode of the distribution of TS/TL converted values 1200,000 ind nmi2 in winter and 300,000 ind nmi2 in summer
(Fig. 5). (Table 4). The smaller mean density values obtained for the pelagic

Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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FISH-3850; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 G.L. lvarez-Colombo et al. / Fisheries Research xxx (2014) xxxxxx

Fig. 4. Results obtained in the rst survey (June 2011). Above left: horizontal distribution of settled young-of-the-year (YOY) hake (Merluccius hubbsi) with density scale
in ind nmi2 . Dots indicate the geographical position of the shrimp-type trawl sampling stations). Below left: Total length (TL) distribution obtained from the bottom net
catches. Above right: numerical densities obtained from the echo-integrated 38 kHz acoustic signals with density scale in ind nmi2 . Below right: Total length (TL) distribution
obtained from the Isaacs-Kidd Mid-water Trawl (IKMT) catches.

Table 3 aggregations in summer reect both the advance of the settlement

Statistical parameters of the exponential model tted to the experimental
process and the greater juvenile TL with correspondingly greater
TS values (Table 4).
Winter Winter Summer Summer The mean densities obtained with acoustic methods were com-
2011 2012 2102 2013
pared with those obtained by the swept-area method. A mean
Sill (C) 2802.32 1418.20 1482.95 1571.92 density of 17,508 ind nmi2 was obtained with the shrimp-type
CI (95%) low 2661.13 1353.72 1272.72 1432.07 trawl catches in the Gulf area in 2011. That is nearly two orders
CI (95%) upp 2943.50 1482.69 1693.18 1711.77
of magnitude less than the concurrent acoustic estimate. Similarly,
CV (%) 2.19 1.98 6.16 3.87
Range parameter (a) 10.41 8.16 11.24 18.70 the density estimates for juveniles <15 cm obtained with the Engel
CI (95%) low 8.29 6.40 5.13 14.25 trawl were very much lower than indicated by the acoustic tech-
CI (95%) upp 12.53 9.92 17.36 23.14 niques.
CV (%) 8.85 9.35 23.64 10.34
Range (3a) 31.22 24.48 33.73 56.09
CI (95%) low 24.86 19.21 15.38 42.75 4. Discussion
CI (95%) upp 37.58 29.75 52.07 69.43
R2 0.84 0.77 0.41 0.84
Previously, Argentine hake have been considered to share com-
VAR 29.50 18.53 19.86 15.20
mon patterns of development and habitat use with other hake
CI (95%) low = lower condence limit at the 95% level; CI (95%) upp = upper con- species, in particular the early stage and small size at settlement.
dence limit at the 95% level; CV = coefcient of variation; R2 = coefcient of
determination; VAR = geostatistical variance estimate.
Our data show, however, that a high portion of the early juveniles of
the Argentine hake southern stock aggregate during daylight well

Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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Fig. 5. Average total length (TL) distributions of hake (Merluccius hubbsi) early juveniles obtained in winter 2012 and summer 2013 with the pelagic trawl net (above) and
by the conversion of acoustic sh-tracks mean target strength to TL (below).

above the seaoor during a protracted period during their rst year
of life. This is likely the main factor affecting the apparent under-
representation of this size fraction in demersal trawl catches during
swept-area assessments. This behavioral feature also implies the
likelihood that they can be detected and assessed with acoustic
methods. The particular characteristics of the north Patagonia sec-
tor of the Argentine Sea, with its low sh diversity and the relatively
high abundance of the Argentine hake, allowed us to study these
aspects of its life history with a straightforward approach.
Several biotic and abiotic factors, such as the predator-prey
interactions of YOY hake and the circulation features in the study
area, may account for the observed daylight distribution. It has been
demonstrated for other hake species that, after an early settlement,
YOY juveniles perform diel vertical migrations (DVM) from near-
bottom depth towards the surface during darkness following their Fig. 6. Average nautical area scattering coefcient (NASC) distributions of bottom-
prey, mainly planktonic crustaceans like euphausiids (Bowman and referenced, 5-m echo-integration channels corresponding to hake (Merluccius
Bowman, 1980; Bozzano et al., 2005; Koeller et al., 1989; Pillar and hubbsi) early juveniles in winter 2012 and summer 2013. The dotted line indi-
Barange, 1997). Juvenile M. hubbsi in the nursery ground of San cates the maximum vertical aperture of the Engels bottom trawl net employed for
Argentine hake stock assessments.
Jos Gulf mainly feed on the amphipod Themisto gaudichaudi and
the euphausiid Euphausia lucens (Snchez and Garca De la Rosa,
1999; Temperoni et al., 2013). Layers and swarms of these zoo- Avoidance of predation from settled conspecics is another fac-
plankters are commonly observed at higher acoustic frequencies tor governing the vertical segregation of YOY hake in the nursery
(120200 kHz) to inhabit intermediate depths during the day, often ground. The cannibalistic behavior of gadoids in general and hakes
in close contact with pelagic hake juveniles. Thus, the hake YOY in particular has been extensively treated in the literature (see Link
juveniles are able to feed during daytime. Ongoing studies of the et al., 2012 and references therein). While the diet of juvenile hake
stomach contents of juveniles from our pelagic catches will provide is primarily small crustaceans, larger hake become piscivorous,
new information on the feeding strategy of YOY hake as a function with cannibalism often becoming the dominant source of predation
of their vertical distribution pattern. mortality on YOY classes, with potential impacts on recruitment

Table 4
Numerical density estimates of young-of-the-year (YOY) hake in winter and summer, and the acoustic parameters nautical area scattering coefcient (NASC) and target
strength (TS) employed.

Survey Fish-tracks mean TS (dB re 1 m2 ) Mean  bs (m2 ) N SD Mean NASC (m2 nmi2 ) Mean density (ind nmi2 )

Winter 2011 55.10 3.09E 06 12858 3.55 43.33 1116,196

Winter 2012 56.38 2.30E E 06 6806 3.25 33.22 1149,266
Summer 2012 53.46 4.51E E 06 2157 3.77 17.53 309,468
Summer 2103 50.52 8.88E E 06 2207 4.89 28.86 258,758

TS = target strength; dB = decibel;  bs = acoustic backscattering cross section; n = number of sh tracks analized; SD = standard deviation; nmi = nautical mile.

Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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8 G.L. lvarez-Colombo et al. / Fisheries Research xxx (2014) xxxxxx

sector with maximum pelagic concentrations (Fig. 4). Given the

batch-spawning nature of hake and the extent and variability of
the spawning area (Macchi et al., 2005, 2007, 2010), successive
broods from different times or places during the breeding sea-
son would face different environmental conditions. Some of those
would coincide with favorable conditions for development of the
early life stages, and some would not. Thus, variable support for
development could be the main cause of the observed variability in
settlement timing. Also, as has been established for many gadoid
species, including silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis), YOY juveniles
settle and concentrate over particular substrates that provide phys-
ical and visual shelter from predators (Auster et al., 1991; Auster
et al., 1997; Steves et al., 1999). In the case of settled M. hubbsi pre-
recruits, preference for certain bottom types has been observed. In
particular, seaoor characterized by high content of ne granulo-
metric fractions and silt, as well as beds of the Patagonian scallop
Zygochlamys patagonica, have been related to the highest catches of
settled YOY juveniles obtained with the shrimp-type bottom trawl
in earlier assessments (Ehrlich et al., 2001).
The association between the circulation patterns in the San Jorge
Gulf area and the vertical distribution patterns of pelagic YOY hake
remains a subject for future research. The circulation patterns of
the San Jorge Gulf, described by Tonini et al. (2006), are complex in
both the horizontal and vertical planes, which possibly accounts for
the spatial structure in the horizontal distribution of the integrated
acoustic echoes. Responding to the predominantly west wind, the
circulation consists of two opposed gyres: clockwise in the north-
ern sector and counter-clockwise and more intense in the southern
sector. In the vertical domain, there is a two-layer circulation; the
Fig. 7. Average off-bottom distances and 95% condence intervals of the sh-tracks
deeper layers ow toward the coast, the surface layers ow away
assigned to hake (Merluccius hubbsi) juveniles, detected between 5 and 30 m above from it. Active positioning by larval stages in a countercurrent circu-
the bottom in winter 2012 (above) and summer 2013 (below). lation system has been postulated for the Argentine hake spawning
grounds (lvarez-Colombo et al., 2011), and it is possible that anal-
ogous positioning is adopted by the juvenile stages.
and population regulation (Juanes, 2003; Tsou and Collie, 2001; Our ndings have a direct impact on the assessment of new
Waldron et al., 1989). Macpherson and Gordoa (1994) found that cohorts of the Argentine hake southern stock, revealing the value
cannibalism in Cape hake (Merluccius capensis) is not related to prey of acoustic techniques for survey of the nursery areas and for esti-
density but to a marked preference for small conspecics. As for the mating the total abundances of early hake juveniles. For other
Argentine hake it is well recognized that cannibalism is an impor- gadoids like cod and haddock, given their wide vertical distri-
tant part of natural mortality (Ocampo Reinaldo et al., 2011; Prenski butions that often extend far above the bottom, swept-area and
and Angelescu, 1993; Snchez and Garca De la Rosa, 1999). Snchez acoustic indices of abundance covering different fractions of the
and Garca De la Rosa (1999) showed a gradual size-related inter- stock, are already being combined into single estimates of absolute
cohort cannibalism in Argentine hake with YOY juveniles being abundance, improving the reliability of survey results and provid-
mainly preyed upon by age 1 and age 2 settled juveniles. In this ing a wider viewing frame for understanding sources of variability
sense, preliminary observations during the surveys analyzed in this (God and Wespestad, 1993; Hjellvik et al., 2003; Jakobsen et al.,
study show that, in areas where YOY acoustic layers approached the 1997). This also applies to several hake stocks that have been the
bottom, the Engel trawl catches included both more small juveniles subjects of combined surveys (Fleischer et al., 2005; Guttormsen
and small juveniles in the stomach contents of larger juveniles. et al., 2003; Jakobsen et al., 1997). The results of this study show
The acoustic techniques employed here allowed a uniquely that the particular behavior of the bulk of YOY hake makes them
detailed analysis of the relationship between YOY hake size and readily available to echo-sounder detection during the day. It is
depth. The relationship between the mean TS of sh-tracks and fully feasible to perform a simultaneous acoustic surveying along
depth implies a gradual process of settlement; the smaller sh with bottom trawl sampling, thus partly overcoming the time con-
showed the highest average distance from the bottom. Possibly straints of trawl assessment surveys across the long and wide
that indicates behavior selected to minimize predation by older Argentine shelf.
juveniles, cannibalism demonstrated from the Engel trawl catches. Estimates of the numerical abundance of pelagic aggregations
Various aspects of the observations conicted somewhat with with acoustic techniques were more than one order of magnitude
this hypothesis. Even when a cautious approach was applied for greater than those obtained with bottom trawls. However, while
sh-track selection, also considering the acoustic resolution vol- in the winter surveys the TL distribution estimated for YOY hake
ume, the positive bias from multiple scatterers being misidentied from the pelagic net catches resembled the unimodal distribution
as single sh in those sections with the highest NASC values has to based on the acoustic sh-tracks, in summer the TL distribution
be considered as a possible source of error. Also, catches with the based on trawl catches was skewed toward the smaller fraction of
bottom trawls demonstrate an early settlement of at least part of the bimodal distribution based on acoustic data. That indicates pos-
the new cohorts. sible avoidance of the net by the larger juveniles. Valdemarsen and
In the example presented in this study, the TL distributions Misund (1995) analyzed the performance of different pelagic trawl
of pelagic and settled YOY were similar, and the sector with the nets, concluding that a net of 10 10 m, similar to the net dimen-
highest densities of settled YOY juveniles was different from the sions employed in this study, is appropriate for pelagic gadoid

Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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G.L. lvarez-Colombo et al. / Fisheries Research xxx (2014) xxxxxx 9

Fig. 8. Left: acoustic transects (dotted lines) and interpolated horizontal distribution of the nautical area scattering coefcient (NASC). Right: experimental (dots) and tted
(line) variograms obtained in winter 2011 (above) and 2012 (below).

Fig. 9. Left: acoustic transects (dotted lines) and interpolated horizontal distribution of the Nautical Area Scattering Coefcient (NASC). Right: experimental (dots) and tted
(line) variograms obtained in summer 2012 (above) and 2013 (below).

Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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juveniles of 10 cm or less. They also concluded that a larger trawl Auster, P.J., Malatesta, R.J., Donaldson, C.L.S., 1997. Distributional responses to
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trials with nets of larger dimensions and/or faster towing speeds Belcari, P., Ligas, A., Vivab, C., 2006. Determination and growth of juveniles of the
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1999; Handegard and Tjstheim, 2005; Handegard et al., 2003;
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earlier investigations, that the vertical herding is least for small sh tribucin de huevos y larvas de anchota (Engraulis anchoita) y de merluza
(Aglen, 1996; Aglen et al., 1999). This could also partially explain (Merluccius hubbsi), evaluacin de sus efectivos desovantes y anlisis de los
the size structure of the by-catch in commercial catches. According mtodos empleados. Contrib. Inst. Nac. Invest. Desarr. Pesq. (Mar del Plata) 432,
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Dato, C.V., Bambill, G.A., Canete, G.R., Villarino, M.F., Aubone, A., 2006. Estimacin
from 28 to 32% of the total number of individuals caught, were in cuantitativa del descarte en la pesquera de merluza realizado por la ota com-
the Age-1 fraction. Young-of-the-year juveniles (Age-0) accounted ercial argentina. INIDEP Tech. Rep. Ser., 6., pp. 3138.
Ehrlich, M.D., 1998. The early life history of the hake Merluccius hubbsi Marini, 1933
for less than 1%.
in the Argentine Sea for understanding its recruitment and population structure.
In: Ph.D. Dissertation. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Acknowledgments Ehrlich, M.D., 2000. Distribucin y abundancia de huevos, larvas y juveniles de
merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) en la Zona Comn de Pesca ArgentinoUruguaya.
19961998. Fr. Mar. 18, 3144.
Special thanks to Adrin Madirolas for his valuable advice and Ehrlich, M., Machinandiarena, L., Brown, D., Ibnez, P., Leonarduzzi, E., 2001. Dis-
ideas, as well as for his contribution in the acoustic data analysis. tribucin y abundancia de prerreclutas de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) en el
To Hermes Mianzan for his advice during the manuscript writ- litoral norpatagnico. Diciembre 2000Junio 2001. In: Tech. Rep. INIDEP No.
83., pp. 24.
ing process, to Anbal Aubone and Griselda Garaffo for guidance Ehrlich, M.D., Macchi, G.J., 2003. Fecundity and prerecruit indices of hake in the
on the statistical analysis, and to Ral Bertelo for his commitment North Patagonian coastal area. INIDEP Tech. Rep., 51., pp. 110.
to set up the pelagic nets. Success at the eldwork stage would Ehrlich, M., Macchi, G.J., Madirolas, A., Machinandiarena, L., 2013a. Vertical distri-
bution of hake Merluccius hubbsi in spawning aggregations in north Patagonian
not have been possible without the enthusiastic support of the waters of the Southwest Atlantic. Fish. Res. 138, 8998.
crews of the INIDEP research vessels, particularly during the pelagic Ehrlich, M.D., Brown, D.R., Machinandiarena, L., 2013b. Distribucin y abundan-
net operations aboard the R/V Dr. Eduardo L. Holmberg. This work cia de prerreclutas de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) en la Zona Comnde Pesca
Argentino-Uruguaya en 2000, 2001 y 2009. Fr. Mar. 23, 217232.
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Please cite this article in press as: lvarez-Colombo, G.L., et al., Daylight vertical segregation of young-of-the-year
Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi: Advances in assessment of juvenile abundance with acoustic methods. Fish. Res. (2014),
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