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Canadian Food lgpection Agoncy Ose Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist ‘Agence canadienne inspection des aments Paser¥3 Lot Owner Name: Equine Lot Premise AddressiLocation/identication Number: ‘Verifier Name: Date; Juve te ix Private Veterinarian ~ CRIA ~ . aa 7 “>= [GENERAL INFORMATION None ‘Date premise initiated Lot ‘August 14,2005 Program - ‘Company/farm/premise wame eof lot premise manager ‘Name of person(s) accompanying the verifier Prime Feedlot| ‘Number of employees 2B ‘Approximate number oF equine ssmimals on the premise O77 ‘Current number of equine lots ‘SZ lots year 312 Tots to date ‘Company has a CFIA approved LLot Identification Methods) on file Yes or No of Comments yes ‘Verifier understands the lot identification method(s) Yes or Noor Comments yes ‘Copy of Lot Program letier of commitment for each siaughter establishment on file Yes or No or Comments yes Velerinary-Client -Patient relationship exists Yes or No or Comments yes: Name(s) and address(es) oF cstablishment(s) where the animals are! ‘Bouvry Exports ~ Fort Macleod Est. 506 ‘Name(s) of transport ‘company(ies) used to move animals to the establishment Bouvry Fanns ‘Date of previous veterinary verification December 9, 2014 Date of previous CFIA verification December 9, 2014 Lot records are retained for 2 | years Yes or No or Comments yes Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist 00004 ort Meloed Vet 403 S53 2924 To:49338e3140 ‘canadian Food Agenoosinaionna Inapetn Agency Omapocion de atrets Oe Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lot Owner Name: ‘Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item sted bolow) ‘A-Acceptable (A) Comments (C) U- Unacceptable (U) N-Not Reviewed N/A Not Applicable ""_ FROGRAM AND RECORD REVIEW VERIFICATION TASKS. oe . 2 hi i _ — oTASK), TDD TK ae eo ~ | Rating || Records exist for each lot and inchude the date the Tot was established, the First date tie animal(s) may be shipped for slaughter, and the unique identifier. A ‘When the unique animal lot identification method is used, a lst of individual z animal identification marks exists for euch animal in the fot. A ‘A lot control program casures thal medical rocords correlate to the animals 3 specified within a declared lot. A ‘Lot control program records contain entries that indicate animals added tothe Tot 7 ‘or moved out of the lot. Cc. Lot control program record catfies are complete (including date of entty and A | initials of person making the entry) and timely. ‘A drug and vaccine program ison filo and contains the list of drags and vaccines 6 that may be given or fed to equine animals na ot program, withrawal period | information for each drug or vaceine listed, and the source of the drug or vaccine withdrawal period information, ‘When the source of the withdrawal period information is not the drug label or 7 ‘Annex E of Chapter 17 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures, a letter or certificate from a recognized Canadian veterinary organization providing ‘withdrawal period determinations is on file. ‘Drug and vaccine records exist for cach lot. Drug and vaceine record entries contain the required information, inelude tho date of entry, initials of person making the entry, and use events ure entered in a timely manner. ‘Drug and vaccine use indicated for each lot is compatible with the established slaughter date. ‘Drugs and vaccines are always revorded when given or fed to lot animals "Non permitted drugs are nol yiven or fed to lot animals. ‘A record of health exists for each lot. (Mness is recorded) Hiealth records contain the required information, include the date of entry, infuals cof person making the entry, and illness events are entered in a timely manner. 10 Ty 12 13, 4 > Pale A [nl B Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Page 2 of 7 00002 Glass) SEN-B7-2016 @9:28 Fron: EAe>[] Suadan Foss, Agunce sanasonne Inepection Agency cinspection des aliments Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist ort Meloed Vet «403: $53 2924 To: 4953823148 Lot Owner Name: ‘Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item listed below) ‘A Acceptable (A) -Comments (C) U- Unacceptable (U) N-Not Reviewed NIA Not Applicable Pase:5/9 EQUINE INFORMATION DOCUMENT REVIEW VERIFICATION-TASKS = AST “TAS CRATING, aL ‘When animals are added to a lot established for less than 180 days, provious owner ELD documents are on fle with documents pertaining to the related lot, and are compatible with the slaughter eligibility date indicated for the lot. ‘When equine are imported from the USA for eniry into the lot, A USDA accredited veterinarian has provided a complete and acceptable Fquine Certification Document as described in CH 17 of the Meat Hygiene Manul of Procedures. 16 ‘When the lot owner elects to use & Lot Equine Information Document in lieu of the Initial and Sub Lot Equine Information Documents, a letter of acceptance is, on file from the slaughter plant operator as outlined in Annex E, Chapter 17 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures and the CFIA has approved the format of the Lot Equine Information Docurnent. 7 Initial Equine Information Doeurnents or Lot Equine Information Documents are pleted and copies are on file for each lot shipped for slaughter. Initial Equine Information Documents are sent to the establishment operator at least 3 working days before the first animal from the lot arrives at the slaughter establishment or the Lot Equine information Document is sent on each slaughter | shipping day with the first truckload. 9 Lot identification, drug/vaccine use and health information is accurately ‘anseribed from lot records tothe Initial Equine Information Documents or Lot Equine Information Documents. a ‘Sub Lot Equine Information Documents are sent with each load of animals shipped to the slaughter establishment and copies are on file or Lot Equine ‘Information Documents are sent on each slaughter shipping day with the first truckload and copies are on file. ‘Lot identification is accurately transeribed from Tot records to the Sub Lot Equine Information Documents or Lot Equine Information Documents. =| 0 Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Page 3 of 7 00003 AN-27-2016 09:29 From:Fart Neloed Vet 403 S53 294 D0] Wesson nsec, Shapacion er morte Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Pase:6/9 Lot Owner Name: ‘Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item listed below) ‘A~ Acceptable (A) C+ Comments (C) U- Unacceptable (U) N-NotReviewed N/A- Not Applicable _ _ ONSITE REVIEW VERIFICATION-TASKS | --[ =. T )TASK OO OUTOCSSC~CSsSCS] GeredianFoad Agence canadonne Inspection Agency dnspection des aliments, Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lot Owner Name: ‘Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item listed below) ‘A- Acceptable (A) C- Comments (C) U- Unacceptable (U) N-Not Reviewed NIA - Not Applicable PROGRAM AND RECORD REVIEW VERIFICATION TASKS TASK = “7 TASK |# - ‘RATING Records exist for each lot and include the date the lot was established, the fist 1 date the animal(s) may be shipped for slaughter, and the unique identifier. A ‘When the unique animal lot identification method is used, a list of individual animal identification marks exists for each animal in the lot. A lot control program ensures that medical records correlate to the animnals specified within a declared lot. Lot control program records contain entries that indicate animals added to the Tot ‘or moved out of the lot. Lot control program record entries are complete (including date of entry and initials of person making the entry) and timely. ‘A drug and vaccine program is on file and contains the list of drags and vaccines that may be given or fed to equine animals in a lot program, withdrawal period fi cc A information for each drug or vaccine listed, and the source of the drug or vaccine | PY A a a A A A & A ‘withdrawal period information, ‘When the source of the withdrawal period information is not the drug label or Annex E of Chapter 17 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures, a letter or | certificate from a recognized Canadian veterinary organization providing withdrawal period determinations is on file. ‘Drug and vaccine records exist for each lot. ‘Drug and vaccine record entries contain the required information, include the date of entry, initials of person making the entry, and use events are entered in a timely manner. Drug and vaccine use indicated for each lots compalible with the established slaughter date, Drugs and vaccines are always recorded when given or fed to lot animals Non permitted drugs are not given or fed to lot animals. ‘A record of health exists for each Tot. (Illness is recorded) ‘Health records contain the required information, include the date of catry, initials of person making the entry, and illness events are entered in a timely manner, 10 i 12 13 14 Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Page 2 of 7 Leatased apreascenp:01 ves2 £8 Sob 38 paeT ay avo4:u044 pBxGa 9182-2T-930 00017 [ish[] Sasiantood Agence canaconne Inspection Agency inspection des aliments Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lot Owner Name: ‘Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item listed below) ‘A- Acceptable (A) C~Comments (C) U- Unacceptable (U) N-Not Reviewed N/A - Not Applicable EQUINE INFORMATION DOCUMENT REVIEW VERIFICATION TASKS TASK i TASK | # - RATING ‘When animals are added toa lot established for less than 180 days, previous 5 owner EID documents are on file with documents pertaining tothe related Tot, | py ‘and aro compatible with the slaughter eligibility date indicated for the lot. ‘When equine are imported from the USA for entry into the lot, A USDA 16 accredited veterinarian has provided a complete and acceptable Equine Certification Document as described in CH 17 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of A Procedures. ‘When the lot owner elects to usc @ Lot Equine Information Document in lieu of 7 the Initial and Sub Lot Equine Information Documents, a leter of acceptance is on file from the slaughter plant operator as outlined in Annex E, Chapter 17 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures and the CFIA has approved the format of the Lot Equine Information Document. Initial Equine Information Documents or Lot Equine information Documents are ‘completed and copies are on file for each fot shipped for slaughter. Initial Equine Information Documents are sent to the establishment operator at least 3 working days before the first animal from the lot arrives atthe slaughter A A : establishment or Pears Information Document is sent on each slaughter A . A A. & 18 19 shipping day with ickload. 52 + [Lot identification, drug/vaceine use and health information is accurately transcribed from lot records to the Initial Equine Information Documents or Lot Equine Information Documents. ‘Sub Lot Equine Information Documents are sent with each load of animals shipped to the slaughter establishment and copies are on file or Lot Equine pst ‘Information Documents are sent on cach slaughter shipping day with the first. truckload and copies are on file. Lot identification is accurately transcribed from lot records to the Sub Lot Equine Information Documents or Lot Equine Information Documents. 20 2 Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Page 3 of 7 Aaiesed ebrezsrep:01 b262 £9 FBb 189 ao a 440. wos4 bars S122-01-030 00018 [iee(] Sanman Fos Agence canactonne Inspection Agency dinspection des aliments Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lot Owner Name: ‘Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item listed below) ‘A Acceptable (A) G- Comments (C) U- Unacceptable (U) N-NotReviewed NIA- Not Applicable ‘ONSITE REVIEW VERIFICATION TASKS: TASK 7 TASK | # os RATING ‘The unique identification method(s) is being applied to each animal in the lot, 3 “The unique identification method remains on the animals in the lot. 24 “A suflicient number of previous owners ETDs were reviewed and identity 25 compared to animals added (o lots. identity verification shows that the lot Program is effectively able to trace animals, New animals are being placed into | ‘compatible lots. ‘Lot animals appear healthy. A 26 ‘Lot animals are housed under sanitary conditions. A Ta7 The construction of mangers, fences and buildings aré not likely to contribute to 28 ‘any potential food safety related chemical hazards... for example rail oad ties A _used to construct mangers or treated umber found with signs of chewing. ‘Animal welfare related to husbandry and transportation is acceptable. hl Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Page 4 of 7 Lrbiaved eprezsccap:01 weE2 ESS Cob 499 pao aH 40. 04 $9) ove. 00018 [1eo[] Senasanrocd "Agence canaionne Inspection Agency inspection des aliments, Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lot Owner Name: “Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item listed below) ‘A Acceptable (A) G-Comments (C) U- Unacceptable (U) N-Not Reviewed N/A- Not Applicable ‘COMMENT RATED TASKS FASE | COMMENT DETAILS | ACHIONTAREN Groppicabiy Toate TRAE . - ACTION, PERSON ‘heer | Exsumin toma) | ACTION Was - TAKEN _ # TAnimalS ave not 4 Aveused ven & Per Boss, Bander der Af ccf Sirrleqa be WO dey Pox gdarcs Were hace As SP & Oe. 8) 1G TW cmimals ve IT | heuer d Unter Ige deqe Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Page 5 of 7 eesi9eed sbrezeccay on be62 ESS fab 48 PACT AW 4e.4:Wedy SB:Sq 9TEZ-OT-930 00020 []x>[] Sanadanfood Agence canadienne Inspection Agency inspection des afments, Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lot Owner Name: ‘Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item Ksted below) ‘A~ Acceptable (A) C~Comments (C) U- Unacceptable (U) N-Not Reviewed _NIA- Not Applicable UNACCEPTABLE RATED TASKS. TASK] DETAILS OF THE DEICENGY ——) DETANLS OF THE CORRECTIVE aE TSF . ACTION . Conkecrive | Penson ction | ENstRiNe couteren | Te Connective - sRenion was COMPLETED _| Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Page 6 of 7 Lgraseg sbrezacsap 0, vase ess cep Jeo[] Sanaa Food | Agonoe canadionne CIs(] tesion sony Speen an rts Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lot Owner Name: ‘Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item listed below) ‘A- Acceptable (A) G- Comments (GC) U- Unacceptable (U) N-Not Reviewed NIA - Not Applicable Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Page 7 of 7 Lta6eg ebtezeccab 0, 262 £95 Sap 00022 ea? 190) Beg rice, Scenes Inspection Agency inspection des aliments Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lot OwnerName: CLAUDE Bouvey __ Bate: Ene a ene Aes ocranarteto Nin Jue 13 |" Verifier Name: Private Veterinarian 3 CFIA ~ ‘GENERAL INFORMATION ] i Pacremse imitiated Lot ] August 14, 2009 — ‘Company/farn/premise name | Prime Fecdlot ‘Name of Tot premise manager ‘Name of person(s) accompanying the verifier "Number of employees 2 “Approximate number oF equine | 8740 animals on the premise ‘Current number of equine Tos | 52 lots! year 7 ‘Company has a CFIA approved | Yes, updated February 2015 Lot Identification Method(s) on file Yes orNo or Comments__| | Verter understands the lot yes identification method(s) Yes or | No or Comments . ‘Copy of Lot Program letier of | yes ‘commitment for each slaughter establishment on file Yes or No or Comments Veierinary-Client Patient | Yes, is present at the feedlot on a regualar basis relationship exists Yes or No or ‘Comments _ ‘Namie(s) and uddess(es) of | Bouvry Exports — Est #506, establishment(s) where the | Fort Macleod, AB ls are shipped ‘Name(s) of transport Bouvry Farms i compeny(ies) used to move animals to the establishment . | [Date of previous veterinary | December 14, 2015 | | verifiewion i ‘Date of previous CFIA December 14, 2015 | veritication Lot records are reiained for2 | Ves years Yes or No or Comments Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Page 1 of 7 aetr98eg ebrezernap 01 262 £55 Coy 1H PCL Yodewo4y GgITT B1B2-ST-NIC 00023 Bah ersten toca Agence canaionne Inepection Agency — dinspection des aliments Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lot Owner Name: Task Ratings (Give an appropriate rating for each review item listed below) ‘A- Acceptable (A) G-Gomments (C) U- Unacceptable (U) N-Not Reviewed N/A- Not Applicable PROGRAM AND RECORD REVIEW VERIFICATION TASKS TASK TASK | # RATING Records exist for cach lot and include the date the lot was established, the first date the animal(s) may be shipped for slaughter, and the unique identifier. | A When the unique animal lot identification method is used, a list of individual animal identification marks exists for each animal in the lot. A lot control program ensures that medical records correlate to the animals specified within a declared lot. Lot control program records contain entries that indicate animals added to the lot or moved out of the lot. Lot control program record entries are complete (including date of entry and als of person making the entry) and timely. ‘A drug and vaccine programs on file and contains the list of drugs and vaccines that may be given or fed to cquine animals in a lot program, withdrawal period information for each drug or vaccine listed, and the source of the drug or vaccine withdrawal period information. When the source of the withdrawal period intormation is not the drug label or | Annex E of Chapter 17 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures, a letter or certificate from a recognized Canadian velerinary organization providing svithdrawal period determinations is on file. Drug and vaccine records exist for each lot. Drug and vaccine record entries contain the required information, include the date of entry, initials of person making the cntry, and use events are entered in a timely manner, ‘Drug and vaccine use indicated tor cach lot is compatible with the established slaughter date. 10 Tugs and vaccines are always recorded when given or fed to lot animals in ‘Non permitted drugs are not given or fed to fot animals. 12 A record of health exists for each lot, (Illness is recorded) 73 Health records contain the required information, include the date of eniry, initials of person making the entry, and illness events are entered in a timely manner, 4 A A Cc A A Ah A A H a: Equine Lot Program Verification Checklist Lezteeeg ebrezscsoy:e, base ess Sob Page 2 of 7 00024

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