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Environ Chem Lett (2006) 4: 5161

DOI 10.1007/s10311-005-0016-z


J. Wiszniowski D. Robert J. Surmacz-Gorska

K. Miksch J.V. Weber

Landfill leachate treatment methods: A review

Received: 10 September 2005 / Accepted: 20 September 2005 / Published online: 8 March 2006

C Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Landfilling of municipal waste is a major issue fill site and liquids that are generated by the breakdown of
of the waste management system in Europe. The gener- the waste within the landfill.
ated leachate must be appropriately treated before being Since the first European Directive in 1975 (Surface water
discharged into the environment. Technologies meant for 1975/440/EEC), much progress has been made in track-
leachate treatment can be classified as follows (i) biologi- ing contamination sources of aquatic ecosystem. Its aim is
cal methods, (ii) chemical and physical methods. Here we to better protect the environment from any adverse effects
review briefly the main processes currently used for the caused by discharge of urban and industrial wastewaters.
landfill leachates treatments. Especially, appropriate treatment is imposed on some in-
dustrial effluents to improve and develop a new treatment
Keywords Landfill leachate . Biological process . method to meet the relevant quality standards and the rele-
Advanced oxidation processes vant provisions. Consequently, landfill effluents need to be
pre-treated on site to meet the standards for its discharge
into the sewer or its direct disposal into surface water.
Introduction In the EU countries the problem of leachate treatment has
been existed for some time now, but a universal solution has
Landfilling of municipal waste is still a very important issue not been found. The leachates are a mixture of high concen-
of the waste management system in Europe and the rest of tration organic and inorganic contaminants including humic
the world. For instance, the biodegradable municipal waste acids, ammonia nitrogen, heavy metals, xenobiotics and in-
is expected to be reduced to 75% by weight of 1995 levels organic salts, and need to be removed due to their toxicity
by 2010. or unfavourable effect on the environment. The processes
Some alternative methods such as recycling, compost- currently used often require combined techniques which
ing and incineration are nowadays very much encouraged are designed as modular or multistage units skilled in the
but even incinerations create residue of approximately 10 treatment of contaminants which vary in concentration over
20% that must be ultimately landfilled. At present, modern the years.
landfills are highly engineered facilities designed to elim- The biological method of nitrification/denitrification is
inate or minimize the adverse impact of the waste on the probably the most efficient and cheapest process to elim-
surrounding environment. However, the generation of con- inate nitrogen from leachate. However, biological treat-
taminated leachate remains an inevitable consequence of ment is hampered by the specific toxic substances (such
the existing waste disposal practice and the future landfills. as PAHs-polyaromatic hydrocarbons, AOXs-adsorbable or-
The leachate is made up of rain that passes through a land- ganic halogens, PCBs-polychlorinated biphenyls) and/or
by the presence of bio-refractory organics (such as humic
J. Wiszniowski () J. Surmacz-Gorska K. Miksch substance or surfactants). The efficiency of denitrification is
EBD, Silesian University of Technology, reduced due to the limited level of biodegradable organics,
Akademicka 2, in particular in stabilised landfills. Conventional leachate
44-100 Gliwice, Poland
treatment methods, such as air stripping, coagulation, floc-
culation and settling, are often costly in terms of initial
D. Robert () J.V. Weber outlay of plant equipment, energy requirements and fre-
Laboratoire de chimie et applications, UPV-Metz, quent use of additional chemicals. Other methods such as
rue Victor Demange, reverse osmosis, active carbon adsorption only transfer the
57500 Saint-Avold, France
e-mail: pollution and do not solve the environmental problem. Ad-
vanced oxidation processes (AOPs) e.g. UV/FeII+ H2 O2 ,

UV/H2 O2 , UV/O3 , UV/TiO2 have been proposed in the ships parameters such as cell residence time (sludge age),
recent years as an effective alternative for mineralization food-microorganism ratio (F/M), hydraulic retention time
of recalcitrant organics in landfill leachate. However, these (HRT), sludge volume index (SVI), etc. allow to assess
techniques in application for the treatment of large-scale operating conditions of biological system.
effluents are not economically acceptable. A significant de- The principal biological process presented below (acti-
crease of overall leachate treatment cost could be obtained vated sludge and biological filter) has been known quite
by the combination of AOPs with a biological process but well and is successfully applied for domestic wastewater.
compatibility of these two processes should be proved. However, for industrial effluents or leachate, the conven-
The aim of this paper is to make a rapid review on the tional approach for treatment requires some modifications.
main processes currently used for the landfill leachates Depending on the wastewater and the standards which they
treatments. have to meet, different process design and/or operational
control parameters must be considered. At first the labora-
tory scale approach is needed.

The EU Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC) aims at improving Rotating biological contactors

standards of landfilling across Europe, through setting spe-
cific requirements for the design, operation and aftercare The rotating biological contactor is an example of biologi-
of landfills, and for the types of waste that can be accepted cal filter (attached growth) technology. It consists of circu-
in landfills. The generated leachate is collected and must lar plastic discs mounted centrally on a common horizontal
be appropriately treated before being discharged into the shaft. These discs are approximately 40% submerged in
environment. a tank containing wastewater and are slowly rotated by
The options for treatment include recirculating the either a mechanical or a compressed air drive. Microorgan-
leachate back to the landfill, treating for sanitary sewer isms from the wastewater adhere to the plastic disc surfaces
discharge, or treating for local surface water discharge. and, within 14 weeks from start-up, form a biofilm ranging
The treatment of landfill leachate together with munic- from 1 to 2 mm in thickness. This biological growth assimi-
ipal wastewater is not advised due to the accumulation lates organics from the wastewater passing over the surface
of hazardous compounds (XOCs, heavy metals) from the of the disc and is responsible for most of the treatment
leachates in the activated sludge during the treatment pro- which occurs. When the disc rotates out of the wastewa-
cess. It makes the use of this sludge as fertiliser in agri- ter, the biofilm becomes exposed to air and is oxygenated,
culture impossible (Welander et al. 1998; Marttinen et al. thereby maintaining aerobic conditions. After reaching a
2003). critical thickness, portions of the biofilm slough off the
Technologies meant for leachate treatment can be clas- discs.
sified as follows (i) biological methods (ii) chemical and The disc rotation serves many purposes, including pro-
physical methods. However, in order to meet strict quality viding contact between the biomass and wastewater, shear-
standards for direct discharge of leachate into the surface ing of excess biomass, mixing of the mixed liquor, and aer-
water, a development of integrated methods of treatment, ation of the wastewater. For many case an optimal rotation
i.e. a combination of chemical, physical and biological speed is of about 2 rpm for a 3 m diameter disc. However,
steps, are required. taking in to account power requirements (increasing expo-
nentially with increases of in media velocity) a rotational
speed of 1.52.0 rpm is considered a practical upper ve-
Generalities on biological methods locity limit to use, even when trading high strength water
(Bishop and Kinner 1986).
Biological treatment processes

Regardless of the type of wastewaters, the biological treat- Aerobic activated sludge
ment process consists in controlling the environment re-
quired for optimum growth of the microorganisms in- The principle of activated sludge is that in a reactor a com-
volved. The microorganisms are used to convert the col- munity of microorganisms is constantly supplied with or-
loidal, dissolved carbonaceous organic matter and inor- ganic matter and oxygen. The microorganisms consume
ganic element such as N, P, S, K, Ca and Mg into cell tissue the organic matter and transform it by means of aerobic
or/and into the various gases. metabolism, partly into new microbial biomass and partly
Most biological treatment processes are made up of com- into carbon dioxide, water and minerals. The flow of the wa-
plex interrelated, mixed biological populations adapted to ter brings about a constant wash-out of the microorganisms
removal of individual pollutants. When designing or ana- from the reactor to the settler. Here, the microorganisms,
lyzing a biological treatment process, the engineer should which grow in flocs and have acquired a density sufficient
think in terms of an ecosystem or community, and not in to decant, are retained and then removed with the under-
terms of a black box that contains mysterious microor- flow. Part of this sludge is then recycled to provide biomass
ganisms (Metcalf and Eddy 1991). The control relation- to treat the new influent. The surplus amount is discharged.

First, the active biological component comprises not a Process involving N removal:
pure culture but an association of bacteria, yeast, fungi, Nitrification/Denitrification/Anammox
protoaza and higher organisms such as rotifers. These
organisms grow on the incoming waste and interact with Three major biological processes directly involved with
one another. biological nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment are:
The reactions occurring in the activated sludge process ammonification, nitrification/denitrification and anammox.
can be summarized as follows: Ammonification occurs when organic nitrogen is converted
to ammonia. It is an important mechanism that ultimately
1. Sorption of soluble, colloidal, and suspended organics
allows organic nitrogen to be removed from wastewaters
in and on the sludge flocs.
through hydrolysis to amino acids, which are broken down
2. Biodegradation (oxidation) of the organics resulting in
to produce ammonium or directly incorporated into biosyn-
the end-products (CO2 , H2 O and minerals) and synthesis
thetic pathways in support of bacterial growth.
of new microbial biomass (Eq. (1)).
Nitrification. Ammonia is oxidized to nitrate in the en-
vironment and in biological wastewater treatment by two
CHONS + O2 + Nutrients CO2
(Organic matter) groups of chemo-lithotrophic bacteria which operate in se-
quence. The first group of bacteria in this process of nitri-
+ NH3 + C5 H7 NO2 (1) fication, represented principally by members of the genus
(New bacterial cells)
Nitrosomonas (Eq. (2)), oxidize ammonia to nitrite which is
In aerobic treatment about half of the organic carbon then further oxidized to nitrate by the second group, usually
is assimilated into the biomass while the other half is represented by members of the genus Nitrobacter (Eq. (3)).
respired to form CO2 (Schonborn 1986; Verstraete and These oxidations can be written as:
Vaerenbergh 1986) Nitrosomonas
3. Ingestion of bacteria and possibly of other suspended NH+ 1.5 O2 NO
4 + 2 + 2H

matter by protozoa or other predators. + H2 O [G 0 275 kJ/mol] (2)

4. Oxidation of ammonium to nitrite and further to nitrate
by the nitrifying bacteria. Nitrobacter
5. In moments of insufficient supply of energy (=waste): NO 
2 + 0.5 O2 NO3 + [G 0 75 kJ/mol] (3)
oxidation of cell reserves (internal and also external)
resulting in sludge mineralization and lyses (Verstraete and overall
and Vaerenbergh 1986; Metcalf and Eddy 1991). Advan-
tages and disadvantages of both systems are summarized NH+ +
4 + 2O2 NO3 + 2H + H2 O
in Table 1. + [G 0 350 kJ/mol] (4)

Table 1 Advantages and drawbacks of intensive approaches (Metcalf and Eddy 1991; Loukidou and Zouboulis 2001)
Advantages Drawbacks
Rotating biological Low energy consumption Performance is generally lower than with an activated
contactors (RBC) sludge technique. This is mostly due to former design
Simple operation requiring less maintenance and A more realistic dimensioning should allow satisfactory
monitoring than the activated sludge technique qualities of treated water to be reached
Good settling characteristics of the sludge Rather high capital costs (can be greater by about 20%
compared to activated sludge)
Lower sensitivity to load variations and toxins than
activated sludge
The effect of staging in this plug-flow system eliminates
short circuiting and dampens shock loading
Generally adapted to small communities
Resistance to cold (the discs are always protected by
hoods or a small chamber)
Activated sludge Adapted to any size of community (except very small Relatively high capital costs
Good elimination of all the pollution parameters (SS, High energy consumption
COD, BOD5 , N by nitrification and denitrification)
Adapted to the protection of sensitive receiving areas Requires skilled personnel and regular monitoring
Partially stabilised sludge Sensitivity to hydraulic overloads
Easy to implement simultaneous dephosphatation The settling property of sludge is not always easy to control
High production of sludge that must be thickened

The energy released in this oxidation is used to synthesize high biomass concentration equal to 20 g MLVSS/l would
cell material from hydrogen carbonate. As a consequence be difficult to maintain in the real installation due to
of the relatively low amount of energy released and the high mass transfer limitation and/or high expenses of pump-
amount of energy required for cell synthesis, the cell yield ing, recycling and halogenations of mixed liquor in the
is quite low. bio-reactor.
Two other important aspects of the process are the re- The experiments on the real leachate report success-
quirement for oxygen and the liberation of hydrogen ions. ful ammonia oxidation from the influent of 8001000 mg
NH4 + -N/l in SBR (sequencing batch reactor) (Yalmaz and
(a) Oxygen demand in nitrification is an important feature
Ozturk 2001) or up to 1700 mg NH4 + -N/l, but at loading
in treatment plant aeration system design and may also
rate not exceeding 0.75 g NH4 + -N/l d (Im et al. 2001). It
be important in water receiving effluents from treat-
should be noted that control of DO as well pH (provided by
ment plants.
inserting of buffer HCO3 ) is crucial so that nitrification
(b) Acid production during nitrification may result in de-
process donot fail.
pression of the pH in poorly buffered wastewater and
Denitrification is the second step in the removal of nitro-
lead to loss of process stability. Approx. 8.64 mg
gen by nitrification/denitrification process. This is a pro-
HCO3 (alkalinity) and 4.3 mg O2 per mg of ammonia
cess by which nitrate functions as an acceptor of reducing
oxidation to nitrate is needed (Metcalf and Eddy 1991).
equivalents and de-assimilates to nitrogen gas:
The general requirements for growth of the nitrifiers can
be summarized as follows: NO
3 NO2 NO N2 O N2 Nitrite/Nitrite
pH range: 5.59.0; at pH values below 7.0, optimum oxide/nitrous oxide/nitrogen gas
dissolved oxygen min. 1.0 mg/l, The principal routes by which nitrate reaches surface wa-
temperature: 540 C, ter are domestic, industrial effluents, leaching and run-off
level of free ammonia and free nitrous acid (Verstraete from agricultural soils. Some industrial effluents such as
and Vaerenbergh 1986). fertilizer, explosive/propellant manufacture and synthetic
fibres industry contain high concentrations of nitrate (Eck-
During the aerobic treatment, only a minor part of am-
enfelder and Musterman 1995), while others (e.g. landfill
monia is fixed in the newly formed microbial biomass.
leachate) generate nitrites by nitrification.
Therefore, it is generally advisable to remove the NH4 +
Denitrifiers are heterotrophs and use organics for synthe-
in the highly contaminated wastewater to avoid toxicity to
sis and energy nitrate reduction (Eqs. (5) and (6)).
fish life (free ammonia is toxic to fish at a concentration
of 1.0 mg/l) (Verstraete and Vaerenbergh 1986) or other
5 C6 H12 O6 + 24 NO +
3 + H 12 N2 + 30 CO2
adverse effects.
One of the main problems encountered during the treat- + 42 H2 O [G 0 13.5 MJ/mol] (5)
ment of wastewaters with high ammonia concentration such
as landfill leachate (Shiskowski and Mavinic 1998; Im et al.
2001; Yalmaz and Ozturk 2001) or industrial effluent from
fertilizer, urea plant (Gupta and Sharma 1996) or sludge NO
3 + bCOD N2 + CO2
reject water (Ghyoot et al. 1999) is related to the arising
of free ammonia and free nitrous acid toxicity. Anthonisen + H2 O + OH + New cells (6)
and co-workers (1976) determined the levels of free am-
monia and free nitrous acid that are inhibitory to Nitro- The denitrification consumes approximately 3.7 g
somonas and Nitrobacter. Nitrosomonas became inhibited bCOD/g NO3 -N reduced (Chiu and Chung 2003) and pro-
at free ammonia levels of between 10 and 150 mg/l as N, duces 0.45 g-new cell and 3.57 g of alkalinity per gram of
while Nitrobacter became inhibited at free ammonia con- NO3 -N reduced (Eckenfelder and Musterman 1995).
centrations between 0.1 and 1.0 mg/l as N. Free nitrous Denitrification is brought about by a great variety
acid (unionized nitrite) became inhibiting to Nitrobacter of bacteria. Some of the most important genera are
between 0.22 and 2.8 mg/l as N. Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Acinetobacter, Hyphomi-
As the nitrifiers develop their adaptation ability, the load- crobium, and Thiobacillus, Lactobacillus and Spirillum
ing rate can gradually be increased. Loadings up to 1.5 g (Metcalf and Eddy 1991). These bacteria are facultative
NH4 + -N per l per day are possible provided the pH is aerobes. They utilize a respiratory cytochrome system
strictly controlled in the 7.07.5 region (Verstraete and and produce energy by electron transfer phosphorylation.
Vaerenbergh 1986). The maximal efficiency of ammonia When oxygen is present, they use it as electron acceptor.
removal was reported successful nitrification of 3300 mg/l When it is absent, they modify the cytochrome system and
(4 g NH4 + -N/l d) of synthetic ammonia feed in activated utilize nitrate. They are not facultative anaerobes since
sludge system. However, in that case a long acclimation they cannot use organic compounds as terminal electron
period amounting to 4.3 months was needed and the sys- acceptors or gain energy by substrate level phosphoryla-
tem was operated at stable pH equalled to 7.8 and DO tion (fermentation). The environmental factors governing
was maintained above 2.0 mg O2 /l. Moreover, extremely denitrification are the following:

temperature: range 560 C, since only nitrite and not nitrate has to be reduced to molec-
pH: range 68, below 6 incomplete reduction can occur ular nitrogen (N2 ). This is cost-effective if the low C/N ratio
and the undesirable nitrite ion can accumulate. of the wastewater necessitates the addition of a synthetic
DO concentration: the supply of dissolved oxygen to electron donor, such as methanol, ethanol acetic acid (Turk
the cells must be limited. Consequently, DO in biolog- and Mavinic 1989). In that case, the process also emits less
ical reactor should be maintained below the value of CO2 to the atmosphere (Schmidt et al. 2003). Bae et al.
0.5 mg O2 /l. (1997) reported decrease of organic carbon requirement
Availability of an appropriate electron donor. The most for denitrification via nitrite during N removal from land-
obvious source in the biodegradable waste material fill leachate.
(bCOD) itself.
availability of nitrate as electron acceptor (Verstraete and
Vaerenbergh 1986). Anammox
The most important issue concerning N removal (in the
The anaerobic ammonium oxidation process is a novel,
system treated landfill leachate) is to ensure an appropriated
promising, low-cost alternative to conventional denitrifica-
C/N ratio. The biological process is especially efficient in
tion systems (Graaf et al. 1996; Strous et al. 1997). The
treatment of young landfill leachates that are rich in volatile
process deals in the conversion of ammonia to dinitrogen
fatty acid. For instance, Im and co-workers (2001) ob-
gas with nitrite as an electron acceptor (Eq. (7)).
tained complete N removal from landfill leachate by means
of simultaneous denitrification/metanogenesis in anaerobic
4 + NO2 N2 + 2H2 O [G 0 = 357 kJ/mol] (7)
reactor and nitrification. Then COD/N ratio amounted to
14 and consequently organic present in raw leachate was
The physiology of the anaerobic ammonia oxidizer Can-
used as a carbon source. On the other hand, when treat-
didatus Brocadia anammoxidans was studied in details
ing leachates characterized by high level of ammoniaN
(Strous et al. 1998). It has a very high affinity for the sub-
and low levels of biodegradable organics, a supplementary
strates ammonia and nitrite. The process is reversibly inhib-
source of organic carbon is needed (Spengel and Dzombak
ited by oxygen and irreversibly by nitrite (at concentrations
1991; Ilies and Mavinic 2001). For the stabilised leachate
superior to 70 mg N g/l for several days) and phosphate
(BOD5 /N) amounting to 0.2. Welander and co-workers
(60 mg >P for several days) (Hellinga et al. 1998). Candi-
(1998) and Loukidou and Zouboulis (2001) accomplished
datus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis has a higher, but still low,
complete denitrification by using methanol and an external
tolerance to nitrite (180 mg N/l) and phosphate (600 mg P/l)
carbon source in the dosage of 4 g COD per g of N-NO3 .
(Egli et al. 2001). Both bacteria have a similar temperature
Higher COD/N-NOX equalling to 5.9 ratios was reported
(37 C) and pH (8) optima.
by Yalmaz and Ozturk (2001). Nevertheless, there were no
The biochemistry of the anammox bacteria is not yet
studies demonstrating the possibility of use raw leachate as
completely resolved. One of the main challenges of the
a carbon source for denitrification with respect to BOD/N
anammox process is the long start-up time. Because the
ration evolution in leachate along maturing landfill.
anammox planctomycetes grow so slowly, it takes between
In the past few years, the processes of partial nitrification,
100 and 150 days before an anammox reactor inoculated
oxidation of wastewater ammonium to nitrite (but not to ni-
with activated sludge reaches full capacity (Strous et al.
trate) arouse scientists and researchers interest. To achieve
partial nitrification, the subsequent oxidation of nitrite to
There are very few papers concerning anammox process
nitrate must be prevented. Partial nitrification can be com-
for landfill leachate treatment. Helmer and Kunst (1998)
bined with the anammox process (Fig. 1, Eq. (7)) (Hellinga
found up to 90% nitrogen loss in RBC system during the
et al. 1998), but even if it is combined with conventional
treatment of stabilised leachate containing 250 mg/l of am-
denitrification (the so-called nitrite route), already a sig-
monia. Authors attributed that phenomenon to the occur-
nificant benefit is achieved in terms of use of resources
rence of Nitrosomonas europea which are able to denitrify
(Welander et al. 1998).
in the presence of small amount of DO. Seigrist and co-
The process needs less aeration, the subsequent deni-
workers (1998) ascribed nitrogen loss in RBC to anammox
trification consumes less COD (chemical oxygen demand),
NH4+ NH4+/NO2- N2/NO3-
oxidation Anamox Anaerobic systems
100% 50/50% 90/10%
Anaerobic digestion is the oldest process used in wastew-
ater treatment (it has been used since the end of nineteenth
NH4+ NO2- N2 century) (Schonborn 1986). The process involves
Partial biological decomposition of organic and inorganic matter
b) Anamox
100% oxidation 100% 100% in the absence of molecular oxygen. As a result of conver-
Fig. 1 Flux diagram of (a) partial nitrification/denitrification (b) sion a variety of end products including methanol (CH4 )
partial nitrification/anammox and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) is produced. Conventionally,

Table 2 Main advantages and Advantages Drawbacks

High efficiency of concentrated substrate removal (>90% Heavy metals can hamper digestion
of BOD)
Lower dose of P needed as a growth factor for anaerobic Ammonia toxicity
Low production of surplus sludge Susceptible to pH and temperature changes
Low energy use High ammonia remaining in effluent
Biogas production

an anaerobic reactor has mostly been installed in leachate opportunity for extra removal of refractory organic from
treatment process for treating high-loading organic com- the treated leachate. Nevertheless, taking into account
pounds discharged from young landfill site (Henry et al. the large amount of residue (sludge and activated carbon)
1987; Im et al. 2001). Then, leachate is characterised by which needs to be treated, the operational cost of leachate
values of BOD levelling to several thousands milligrams treatment will be significantly increased.
per litre, and the organics are in form of VFAs and low
molecular simple aliphatic compounds vulnerable to
fermentation. Different reactors can be used, such as AF Physico-chemical techniques
(Anaerobic Filters) (Henry et al. 1987), ASBR (Anaerobic
Sequencing Batch Reactor) or UASB (Up-flow Anaerobic Physico-chemical methods are used along with the biologi-
Sludge Blanket) (Im et al. 2001). The main advantages cal methods mainly to improve treatment efficiency or make
and disadvantages of the system during the treatment of them possible when the biological oxidation process is
landfill leachate are given in Table 2. hampered by the presence of bio-refractory materials. The
techniques are applied for removing non-biodegradable
(humic, fulvic acid) and/or undesirable compounds (heavy
Aerobic systems metals, AOXs, PCBs. . .) from the leachate.
As reported above, treatment of leachate can be performed
in suspended growth microorganisms-activated sludge as Coagulationflocculation
well as attached growth microorganisms. Both systems
commonly applied for municipal wastewaters treatment are Several studies reported on the examination of coagulation
adapted to treat leachate from mature or stabilised landfills. flocculation for the treatment of landfill leachates, aiming
The main advantages as well as disadvantages in respect to at performance optimization, i.e. selection of the most ap-
treated LL have already been illustrated above in Table 1. propriate coagulant, determination of experimental condi-
For the suspended sludge system (activated sludge) a tions, assessment of pH effect and investigation of floc-
new approach has been proposed. It is well-known that the culant addition. Aluminium sulphate (alum), ferrous sul-
final performance of the activated sludge process depends phate, ferric chloride and ferric chloro-sulphate were com-
mostly on good solidliquid separation between treated monly used as coagulants and addition of flocculants
water and sludge in the final clarifier (Verstraete and together with coagulants enhances the floc-settling rate
Vaerenbergh 1986). It was reported that the insertion (Amokrane et al. 1997; Tatsi et al. 2003). Amokrane and
of additives such as talk (Rasmussen et al. 1996; Seka co-workers (1997) indicated that the percentage of COD
et al. 2001), plastic carriers (Welander et al. 1998; Roston and TOC removal obtained by this process was generally
et al. 2001) or granular activated carbon (Loukidou and 1025% with young leachates, but it was highest (50
Zouboulis 2001) into the AS reactor can improve settling 60%) for stabilised leachate (low BOD/COD ratio) in acidic
sludge properties and allow to retain the microorganisms medium.
in the system. Nevertheless, bentonite as an additive into Similarly, Tatsi and co-workers (2003) recently obtained
AS system has never been examined for the treatment of a higher effectiveness of COD removal amounting to 75%
landfills leachate. for partially stabilised leachates than for young leachate
Apparently, microorganisms attached on suspended (2538%). However, it should be pointed out that the ini-
carrier possess some advantages over conventional tial COD concentration were different and amounted on
activated sludge system such as fast removal of pollutants, average 5350 mg COD/l and 70900 mg/l, for partially sta-
and biological filter such as less negative effect of low bilised and young leachates, respectively.
temperature and toxic agents. Additionally, in the case of Lime milk and sodium hydroxide are well-known as pre-
activated carbon, the porous material enhances adsorption cipitants for heavy metals, and can be used for pH control
of the substrate (which can also be used by attached during coagulation with Al and Fe salts. However, lime
growing microorganisms) (Loukidou and Zouboulis is not advised if reverse osmosis is applied subsequently,
2001). Increased activated carbon concentrations added due to the possible fouling effect of membrane by CaCO3
to biological reactor resulted in more effective COD (scaling) (Amokrane et al. 1997). The literature survey
removals (Kargi and Pamukoglu 2003) which can be an reports the attempts of using coagulationphotooxidation

treatment process. It resulted in 64% of COD removal and It should be noted that using membrane techniques (in
90% of colour removal from stabilised leachate. particularly RO, NF) for highly contaminated wastewater
effluents, a problem of retentate production arise, which
needs to be further treated. The neutralization (including
Adsorption evaporation, drying and incineration) of retentate has to be
taken into account in the overall cost of the technology.
The adsorption process is used as a stage of integrated Nevertheless, the reverse osmosis techniques are consid-
chemicalphysicalbiological process for landfill leachate ered as a well-defined barrier. The purification process itself
treatment (Morawe et al. 1995; Geenens et al. 2001), or can be controlled continuously and with a high degree of
simultaneously with a biological process (Loukidou and security by simple and precise measurement. Membrane fil-
Zouboulis 2001; Kargi and Pamukoglu 2003). The most tration has proved to be a justifiable and economic solution
frequently used adsorbent is granular or powdered acti- in the cases, even when the overall costs for the purification
vated carbon. Carbon adsorption permits 5070% removal are comparable with other approaches for the treatment of
of both COD and ammonia nitrogen (Amokrane et al. landfill leachate (Peters 1998). Confirming this assertion,
1997). Consequently, activated carbon adsorption aim is many real installations are operating all over the world
to (i) ensure final polishing level by removing toxic heavy based on the membrane techniques alone, as in Holland
metals or organics i.e. AOXs, PCB, etc. (ii) support mi- (Bodzek 1999), or as methods combined with other tech-
croorganisms. niques: Germany (Weber and Holz 1991), France (Poitel
Other materials, tested as adsorbents, have given treat- et al. 1999), Korea (Ahn et al. 2002) or Japan (Ushikoshi
ment performances close to those obtained with activated et al. 2002). The efficiency of membrane as techniques
carbon. These are zeolite, vermiculite, illite, keolinite, acti- incorporated in the multistage system will be further dis-
vated alumina and municipal waste incinerator bottom ash cussed in the following section.
(Chian and Dewalle 1976; Amokrane et al. 1997).

Chemical oxidation, AOP processes

Membrane process
Chemical oxidation is required for the treatment of wastew-
The membrane processes deal in separating two solutions ater containing soluble organic (which cannot be removed
with different concentrations by a semipermeable mem- by physical separation), non-biodegradable and/or toxic
brane. In this process, pressure is added to the more con- substance (for biological oxidation) (Marco et al. 1997).
centrated solution, forcing the water to flow from the higher As Amokrane and co-workers (1997) reviewed, commonly
concentration to the lower concentration. Microfiltration used oxidants such as chlorine, ozone, potassium perman-
and ultrafiltration, operated singly or in combination with ganate and calcium hydrochloride for landfill leachate treat-
reverse osmosis and nanofiltration are membrane processes ment resulted in COD removal of around 2050%. The
applied in landfill treatment (Bodzek 1999; Weber and Holz most processes based on direct reaction of oxidant (O3 -
1991; Trebouet et al. 2001). selective) with contaminates or via generated hydroxyl rad-
Due to the high ability of modern high-rejection osmosis icals ( OH). The hydroxyl radical is the second strongest
membranes (DT-Module) to retain both organic and inor- oxidant (after flour) and non-specific oxidant (comparing to
ganic contaminates, an efficiency levelling 9899% can be O3 ), and is therefore able to rapidly oxidise a large number
achieved (Peters 1998). of recalcitrant molecules.
One of the major disadvantages of these membrane pro- Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been pro-
cesses is fouling or biofouling of the membrane, induced posed in recent years as an effective alternative for miner-
by deposits of inorganic, organic and microbiological alization of recalcitrant organics in landfill leachate (Hand-
substances on both the membrane surface and inside the book on AOPs 1998). The main purpose of AOPs (Huang
membrane pores. Extensive membrane fouling leads to a et al. 1993) is to enhance chemical oxidation efficiency by
pronounced decrease in permeate flux and can threaten the increasing generation of hydroxyl radicals.
economic efficiency of the membrane plant (Schlichter These processes include both:
2003). Successful application of membrane technology for Non-photochemical methods generating hydroxyl radicals
the treatment of the landfill leachate requires an efficient without light energy
control of membrane fouling (Trebouet et al. 2001 Bodzek
Ozonation (O3 ) at elevated pH (> 8.5)
Ozone + hydrogen peroxide (O3 /H2 O2 )
The removal of potential foulants including dissolved or-
Ozone + catalyst (O3 /catalyst)
ganic and inorganic substances, colloidal and suspended
Fenton process (H2 O2 /Fe2 + )
particles can be achieved by pH adjustment, pre-filtration
and coagulation. Frequently, RO is preceded by biological Photochemical methods
pretreatment (Weber and Holz 1991), lime precipitation or
O3 /UV
coagulationflocculation (Amokrane 1997) or hybrid sys-
H2 O2 /UV
tems combining biological and chemical oxidation treat-
O3 /H2 O2 /UV

Photo-Fenton Combined physico-chemical and biological

Photocatalysis (UV/TiO2 ) methodsLandfill leachate treatment plants case
For instance, decomposition of H2 O2 , using ferrous iron
(FeII) under acidic (pH=3) conditions yieldsc5" OH and is Taking in to account the changing nature and composition
known as a Fenton reagent (Fenton 1884). The efficiency of leachates depending on age, season, climatic conditions
of COD removal by using a Fenton reagent varied from as well as more stringent regulation criteria for leachate
60% (Lopez et al. 2004) to 75% (Kang and Hwang 2000, discharge, leachate treatment plants are forced to integrate
Surmacz-Gorska 2001) for mature and biologically pre- chemicalphysical and biological stages. Steensen (1997)
treated leachate, respectively. But generally, with increase reported the experiences of 100 purification pilots for the
of molecular weight of DOC fraction a percent of organic treatment of leachate operating in Germany. All use a com-
removal increases (Yoon et al. 1998). bination of several individual processes. More than 60% of
The rate of removal of organic pollutants and the extent of the plants have been provided with biological phase which
mineralization using the Fe(II)/H2 O2 reagents are consid- represents the first stage of the treatment. In 15 plants,
erably improved by irradiation with near-UV radiation and the process of chemical oxidation was chosen for further
visible light (Kim et al. 1997). For biologically pre-treated purification.
leachate Kim and co-workers (1997) achieved maximum
degradation amounting to 80%.
Beyond global parameters such as COD or TOC a con- Nitrification/denitrification-O3 /UV-post-biological
trol of specific organic pollutants is needed to meet require- oxidation
ments for discharge. Wenzel and co-workers (1999) studied
the efficiency of different systems, i.e. UV/O3 , UV/H2 O2 , Concerning the issue of commercialized AOPs based on
UV/H2 O2 /O3 for biologically pre-treated leachate. Yet, the O3 technology, WEDECO Company (Germany) is well-
removal 51% of TOC (from initially 430 mgC/l) in UV/O3 known to provide systems for a variety of environment and
system allowed to remove toxic micropollutants e.g. of ap- industries. An example of combined biological and chem-
proximately 100% of phenols and polycyclic hydrocarbon, ical process is Treatment Plant in Singhofen (Germany)
2396% for polychlorinated biphenyls and 74% of dioxins operating since 1994 and treating 107.4 m3 /d of landfill
and furans (Wenzel et al. 1999). effluent. The system includes pre-denitrification and ni-
The photocatalytic oxidation with UV/TiO2 has seldom trification reactor with sedimentation tank and sand filter
been investigated for landfill leachate so far. The rudimen- in a first stage of treatment. Next, there is ozonation-UV
tary literature data indicate that this process allows to re- stage with sand filter followed by aerated packed bed as
move up to 80% COD in biologically pre-treated leachate a post-biological stage. During the first operating period,
ranging from 100 to 500 mg COD/l in optimal pH condi- it was observed that the effectiveness of ozone used alone
tions (Bekbolet et al. 1996, Cho et al. 2002B). permitted to fulfil purification requirements without UV
Despite the fact that the oxidation performance of the assistance. Moreover, the ozone treatment brings about a
AOPs leads to the efficient removal of a number of organic considerable increase of BOD fraction in leachate. This
compounds found in leachates, some problems encoun- fraction was successfully removed in the post-biological
tered during operation have to be pointed out (Table 3). stage. It not only allowed to decrease overall treatment
The application of AOPs would allow to achieve two technology cost thanks to the reduction of ozone consump-
goals: (i) the reduction of the COD content of wastewater up tion but also ensured the final requirement for discharge.
to the permitted level for discharge, i.e. converted to simple
final products, such as water and carbon dioxide (mineral-
ization) and/or (ii) the enhancement of the biodegradability Nitrification/denitrificationprecipitationozonation
of treated effluents with the aim of making their subsequent
biological treatment possible. The landfill leachate treatment plants (LLTPs) in Bord-
It should be noted that complete degradation (mineral- Matin landfill, near Saint-Etienne (France) treats the sta-
ization) of the pollutants for the treatment of large-scale bilised leachate from the landfill effluent, and has been
effluents is not economically acceptable (Scott and Ollis operated since 1972 (Poitel et al. 1999). The leachate quan-
1995; Karrer et al. 1997; Rivas et al. 2003; Koh et al. 2004). tity amounted to 12.5 m3 /d, contained 1750 and 850 mg/l
The combination with biological techniques would consid- of COD and ammonia, respectively. The treatment plant
erably decrease the overall treatment costs and ensure an ef- system consists of a biological stage including nitrifica-
fective removal of undesirable contaminates. For instance, tion and post-denitrification process followed by chemical
recently Koh and co-workers (2004) successfully combined precipitation with lime in a lamellar settling tank. The pro-
these two systems: biological nitrification/denitrification cess ends with ozonation, which allows to reach a final
and UV/H2 O2 followed by biological oxidation stage. This discharge standard in respect to refractory COD. The solu-
solution permitted to decrease BOD5 , COD as well as AOX tion allows to ensure the following parameters in effluent:
concentrations below the threshold values for a direct dis- COD=130 mg/l, ammonia=2 mg/l and nitrate=10 mg/l,
charge of wastewater according to the legal restriction. which is in agreement with national authority standards.

Chemical precipitation-membrane bioreactor Coagulation-2 stages of reveres osmosis

(MBR)Reverse osmosis (RO) (RO)neutralization/sterilization

Ahn and co-workers (2002) reported the experience from an An example of installation operated without a biological
exploitation of the LLTPs located at Chung-Nam Province treatment stage is located in Yachiyo Town (Japan) Clean
in Korea that was retrofitted on April 2000. The existing Park KINU. It should be mentioned that dumped wastes
state of LLTPs had the capacity of 50 m3 /d and the process consist mainly of incinerated residue and incombustibles
was composed of contact aeration, rotating biological con- i.e. inert, non-biodegradable material. The capacity of the
tactor (RBC) and granulated organic carbon (GAC) adsorp- system is 70 m3 /d, and it started operation in April 1999.
tion process. The leachate contained high concentration of Landfill leachate is collected in the equalization basin and
ammonia (2001400 mg/l), nitrate (28251 mg/l) and or- transferred to the settling basin, followed by sand filters,
ganic COD (4001500 mg/l) and BOD5 (100500 mg/l). micron filters and 1st stage DT-Module units. A permeate
Nevertheless, that system did not ensure stable removal of of the 1st stage units is fed to the 2nd stage DT-Module units
COD and TN in the light of new regulatory national stan- for polishing and the permeate from the 2nd stage is neu-
dards in effluent. The system suffered the biomass washout tralized and sterilized before disposal in the KINU River.
and frequent replacements of activated carbon were Moreover, retentat from the 1st stage DT-Module units
needed. is subsequently treated by nanofiltration (NF) unit, high-
The LLTPs train has been modified by implementation pressure DT-Module units and finally dried to salts that are
of membrane bioreactor and reverse osmosis (RO) stage packed in a flexible container. Ushikoshi and co-workers
instead of contact aeration reactor, RBC and GAC (Fig. (2002) reported that the operation (lasting 2.5 years) of the
2). A submerged membrane reactor named KIMAS DT-Module RO system for leachate with high salinity and
(Kolon Immersed Membrane Activated Sludge) allowed to very high scaling ions (such as CaCO3 , CaSO4 , SrSO4 ,
improve organic matters and increase nitrification rate as BaSO4 and SiO2 ), was successful. The satisfactory perfor-
well as ensured retention of biomass in biological reactor. mance and a salt rejection rate higher than 99%, producing a
Whereas RO process used a spiral wound membrane potable level treated water in TDS, BOD5 , CODMn and TN
module (Filmtec, USA) and was installed to improve less than 190, 5, 1 and 2 mg/l were obtained, respectively.
removal of non-biodegradable compounds and inorganic
nitrogenous ions.
Finally, the global efficiency of MBR/RO process was Biological pretreatmentTiO2 /UV-post-biological
more than 97% for COD and BOD5 , which corresponded oxidation
to concentrations of 672 mg/l and 17 mg/l for COD and
BOD5 , respectively. Ammonia and nitrate were at level To our knowledge there are no studies reporting photo-
of 1047 mg/l and 723 mg/l, respectively. It indicated catalytic (UV/TiO2 ) pre-treatment enhancing biodegrad-
that the effluent quality met the enhanced regulation limits. ability of refractory organic compounds in the complex
Similar performance of treatment in the MBR/RO system medium such as landfill leachate. We are the first to couple
was obtained in LLTPs of Hersin-Coupigny landfill located the biological and photocatalytic treatments to improve the
in northen France. The plant has been operating since 1994 biodegradability of the landfill leachates. The first stage of
with maximal flow of treated leachate amounting to 40 m3 /d biological treatment resulted in nitrification (oxidation of
(Poitel et al. 1999). ammonia to nitrite and nitrate) and removal of biodegrad-

Table 3 Main problems encountered in the AOPs treatment of landfill leachate. AOP: advanced oxidation process
Process Problems encountered
O3 and O3 /H2 O2 Leachate should be nitrified to avoid oxidant consumption for ammonia oxidation
Better results require elevated pH (pH>8) and low alkalinity (from carbonate)
H2 O2 added after oxidation of highly reactive compounds with O3 alone
O3 /UV and O3 /UV/H2 O2 High energy consumption for UV lamps
Formation of deposit layer on UV lamps and in the pipes due to badly soluble oxalates (at high
carbonate concentration)
Poor UV light transmission into leachate
Concentration of carbonate ions (<1000 ppm is required)
UV/H2 O2 High energy consumption for UV lamps
Poor UV light transmission into leachate, acidic pH is required (23)
Fenton reagent Sludge production
High chloride or sulphates concentration remaining,
Low pH (about 3) is needed

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ensuring its low concentration, below the threshold value Edeline F (1987) Treatment of landfill leachates. Tribune de leau
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restrictions amounting to 125 mg O2 /l and 30 mg C/l, Egli K, Fanger U, Alvarez PJJ, Siegrist H, Van der Meer JR,
Zehnder AJB (2001) Enrichment and characterization of an
respectively. anammox bacterium from a rotating biological contactor
Photocatalysis brought about conversion of refractory or- treating ammonium-rich leachate. Arch Microbiol 175:198
ganic from the landfill leachates into readily biodegradable 207
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by heterotrophes (denitrifiers) during the reduction of ni- 44(23):359365
trite or nitrate to N2 . However, the amount of biodegradable Ghyoot W, Vandaele S, Verstraete W (1999) Nitrogen removal
species provided to denitrifiers bacteria from photocatalytic from sludge reject water with a membrane-assisted bioreakctor.
Water Res 33(1):2332
stage will allow to meet the standard with respect to N con- Graaf Van de AA, Mulder A, Bruijn P, de Jetten MSM, Kuenen
centration. JG (1996) Anaerobic ammonium oxidation is a biologically
mediated process. Appl Environ Microbiol 61:12461250
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Conclusion Hellinga C, Schellen AAJC, Mulder JW, Van Loosdrecht MCM,
Heijnen JJ (1998) The SHARON process: an innovative method
In the EU countries the problem of leachate treatment has for nitrogen removal from ammonium-rich waste water. Water
been existed for some time now, but a universal solution Sci Technol 37:135142
Henry JG, Prasad D, Young H (1987) Removal of organics from
has not been found. Technologies meant for leachate treat- leachate by anaerobic filter. Water Res 21(11):13951399
ment can be classified as follows (i) biological methods Huang CP, Dong C, Tang Z (1993) Advanced chemical oxidation: Its
(ii) chemical and physical methods. However, in order to present role and potential future in hazardous waste treatment.
meet strict quality standards for direct discharge of leachate Waste Manage 13:361377
into the surface water, a development of integrated methods Ilies P, Mavinic DS (2001) The effect of decreased ambient
temperature on the biological nitrification and denitrification
of treatment, i.e. a combination of chemical, physical and of a high ammonia landfill leachate. Water Res 35(8):2065
biological steps, are required. 2072
Im J-H, Woo H-J, Choi M-W, Han KB, Kim Ch-W (2001) Simul-
taneous organic and nitrogen removal from municipal landfill
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