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Surprisingly , many people may not know the answer to many of these questions, thats why its v ery

important to learn how to recognize these

f acial f eatures in order to master the science of face reading.People usually become v ery enthusiastic about learning f ace reading and thus skip
this step, howev er, its a strongly recommended step if y ou want to become a good f ace reader.

Below I will share those distinct areas of phy siognomy .

Facial shape

Round Face: They are known as water-shaped f aced people. They hav e plump and f leshy f ace. They are known to be sensitiv e and caring. They
are thought to hav e strong sexual f antasies. If you are looking f orward f or a long-term, stable relationship, these people will prov e to be the right

Oblong Face: The long, thin f ace is called the wood-shape f ace. These people may hav e a muscular or athletic physique. They are thought to be
practical, methodical and tend to be a tad more ov erworked. They are weighed along with narcissism and may hav e problematic relationships.

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