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Alessandra Sforza - Death/Endurance/Sorcery - Vissio - Cautious/Bleeding Heart

One Eyed Jack - Sword/Command/Sun - Bright Republic - Ambitious/Annoying SOB

Tukha Orbei - Fertility/Sky/Might - Toba Plains - Distrusts Telepaths/Gourmand
Zheng Yilu - Shapeshifting/Alacrity/Fate - Regency of Dulimbai - Blunt/Conniver
Vestoria Tullus - Artifice/Sea/Health - Patrian Empire - Civilised/Thespian
Unity Miller - Bow/Journeying/Night - Atheocracy of Lom - Intellectual/Good
Indra Jumatin - Time/Fire/Passion - Kasirutan Archipelago - Diplomatic/Know-it-all
Neferu son of Rai - Beasts/Knowledge/Luck - Oasis States - Sheltered
Upbringing/Yellow Belly
Akuluina Federova - Wealth/Earth/Deception - Nezdohva - Cruel/Authoritarian

Zheng Yilu (Shapeshifting/Alacrity/Fate) Regency of Dulimbai


Str 10 (+0)
Dex 16 (+2)
Con 13 (+1)
Wis 14 (+1)
Int 13 (+1)
Cha 14 (+1)

HP 19
AC 1 (Walk Between the Rain)
Total Atk Bonus: +5
Dmg: 1d6+2 Jian

Effort: 4
Influence: 4

Hardiness: 12
Evasion: 11
Spirit: 12

Youngest Son of a Poor Rice Farmer
Self-taught Librarian
Deserter from the Dulimbian Military
Cult Master of Gongfang
Shadow Leader of Yizhao

Walk Between the Rain
Flickering Advance
Consume the Name
Read the Signs
Someone Else's Name
Deceitful Faces
Fair Mortal Mien
Ten Thousand Skins

Akuluina Federova (Wealth/Earth/Deception) Nezdohva


Str 10 (+0)
Dex 14 (+1)
Con 16 (+2)
Wis 12 (+0)
Int 14 (+1)
Cha 16 (+2)

HP 20
AC 2 (Obduracy of Stone)
Total Atk Bonus: +4
Dmg: 1d6+1 Dirk

Effort: 4
Influence: 4

Hardiness: 11
Evasion: 12
Spirit: 11

Eldest daughter of an Artificer dynasty
Archmage Theotechnician
Personal Artificer of the Platinum Boyar
Owner of the Wealthiest Merchant House (Arts and Antiquities) in the Province
Shadow General of Rakovka's Armies

The Craft to Make
Flawless Reproduction
Liar's Flawless Grace
Perfect Masquerade
Jewel Bright Eyes
Obduracy of Stone
Conviction of Error
Tremors of the World's Heart

Unity Miller (Bow/Journeying/Night) Atheocracy of Lom

Intellectual/Good Samaritan

Str 16 (+2)
Dex 17 (+2)
Con 12 (+0)
Wis 7 (-1)
Int 15 (+1)
Cha 12 (+0)

HP 16
AC 3 (Stolen Light Plate)
Total Atk Bonus: +5
Dmg: 1d8+2 Bow

Effort: 4
Influence: 4

Hardiness: 11
Evasion: 11
Spirit: 13 (Penalty)

Son of a treacherous Antipriest
Military Scholar of True Reason
Soldier of the First Cause Guard
Keeper of Secret Histories and Forbidden Secrets
Most Wanted Man in Lom
None Beyond Reach
The Inexorable Shaft
Dust at Your Heels
A Road of Shadows
Welcoming the Dusk
Bolt of Invincible Skill
Feathered Tempest
A Speaker in Dreams

Indra Jumatin (Time/Fire/Passion) Kasirutan Archipelago


Str 11 (+0)
Dex 13 (+1)
Con 12 (+0)
Wis 16 (+2)
Int 10 (+0)
Cha 16 (+2)

HP 16
AC 2 (Immediate Foresight)
Total Atk Bonus: +5
Dmg: 1d10+2 Firebolt

Effort: 4
Influence: 4

Hardiness: 13
Evasion: 12
Spirit: 11

Bastard Son of the Raja
Ambitious Merchant Negotiator
Favored by the Raja's Guard
Peacemaker Between the Warring Pirate Clans
Leader of Semangat

Prophetic Insight
Look Forward
Infectious Passion
Searing Blade
Immediate Foresight
Banner of Passion
Fashioning a Friend

Neferu son of Rai (Beasts/Knowledge/Luck) Oasis States

Sheltered Upbringing/Yellow Belly

Str 14 (+1)
Dex 12 (+0)
Con 13 (+1)
Wis 11 (+0)
Int 16 (+2)
Cha 15 (+1)
HP 19
AC 3 (Unmarred Beneficence)
Total Atk Bonus: +5
Dmg: 1d10+2 Bad Luck

Effort: 4
Influence: 4

Hardiness: 12
Evasion: 11
Spirit: 12

Eldest Son of a Grizzled Caravan Trader
Shrewd Accountant
Descendant of a Failed Revolutionary
Breaker of Bandit Swords
Well-Known Whistle Blower

Lord of the Wild
The Omniscient Scholar
Unmarred Beneficence
The World Against You
Distant Howl
The Best Course
Scent the Prey
The Best-Laid Plans

Tukha Orbei (Fertility/Sky/Might) Toba Plains

Distrusts Telepaths/Gourmand

Str 19 (+4)
Dex 15 (+1)
Con 16 (+2)
Wis 13 (+1)
Int 13 (+1)
Cha 10 (+0)

HP 20
AC 6 (Leather Hide)
Total Atk Bonus: +7
Dmg: 1d12+4 fists, 1d10+1 Artifact Bow

Effort: 4
Influence: 4

Hardiness: 9
Evasion: 12
Spirit: 12

Heiress to a Toban Warrior Clan
Hunter of Godwalkers and Abominations
Chosen Bearer of the Godslaying Bow (Bolt of Invincible Skill, Omnipresent Reach,
Effort 2)
A Blessing to Her People
Slayer of Mirrored Panther
Fists of Black Iron
Descent of the Mountain
Unending Abundance
Sapphire Wings
Eyes Above
Thews of the Gods
Touch of Green Restraint
The Clouds Below

Vestoria Tullus (Artifice/Sea/Health) Patrian Empire


Str 11 (+0)
Dex 10 (+0)
Con 16 (+2)
Wis 14 (+1)
Int 16 (+2)
Cha 17 (+2)

HP 26
AC 3 (Body of Water)
Total Atk Bonus: +5
Dmg: 1d10+2 Water Stand

Effort: 4
Influence: 4

Hardiness: 11
Evasion: 11
Spirit: 11

Eccentric Granddaughter of a Senator
Director of the Museum of Cultural Arts
Noted Amateur Poet and Thespian
Masked Liberator of Slaves
Hidden Hand Behind Rebellion

Faultless Repair
Mark the Maker
Intrinsic Health
Ender of Plagues
Body of water
Living Torrent
Perpetual Perfection
Vital Furnace
Ten Thousand Tools

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