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3 Module 2

Core Focus Ideas for Home

Addition: Investigating patterns and adding two- and three-digit numbers Practice counting with your
(with composing) child by twos, ves, and tens
Time: Reading and writing to the minute, relating past and to the hour to recognize and nd number
2D shapes: Exploring quadrilaterals patterns. For an extra
challenge, try counting by
threes, sevens, and nines.
Students use addition number patterns to nd unknowns in equations. Glossary
Students compose numbers
2.1 Addition: Investigating patterns
to make them more
Step In
What do you know about
this pan balance picture? 25 15 convenient to calculate
What equation could you write to match the picture?
mentally by combining
What symbols must you use?

How could you use that equation to figure out these?

smaller place values into
larger ones. For example, 14
26 = 15 + 25 = 16 +

27 = 15 + 25 = 17 +
ones can be composed into
28 = 15 + 25 = 18 +
1 ten and 4 ones.
29 = 15 + 25 = 19 + The pan balance is level
so the equation must
Which digits change in each set of equations? use the = symbol.

Which digits stay the same?

In this lesson, students observe number patterns

associated with addition to solve equations.

Reviewing strategies using place value to break the numbers into parts (hundreds,
tens, and ones) makes it easier for students to add two- and three-digit numbers
mentally, part by part, using the concept of composition.

2.3 Addition: Two- and three-digit numbers (with composing)

How could you calculate the

Step In total of these two prices? $125 $37

I know the total is 162

because I start with + 30
125 then add 30 and
7 in two jumps.
125 155 162

125 + 37

There is
1 hundred.
How could you use blocks
to calculate the sum? 5
There are tens.
Jose uses this written method.
What steps does he follow? There are ones.

How could you use Joses method 100 + 50 + 12 = 162

to calculate 246 + 71?

In this lesson, students compare mental strategies

used to add, and show their thinking using number
lines and equations.
ORIGO Education


3 Module 2

Ideas for Home
In earlier grades, students read times on the hour and half-hour on analog and
Talk about time often during
digital clocks, as well as reading times on an analog clock such as 2:05 and 4:35
daily activities. E.g. Its
by skip counting by 5s.
7:55. We leave for school at
Although digital clocks are easier to read, analog clocks show the key ideas 8:30. How long do we have
and conventions of time in a clearer way. until then? or The bus will
come at 2:30. If my watch
2.6 Time: Reading and writing to the minute
says 2:24, how many more
Step In
What time is shown on this clock? minutes do we need to wait
How do you know?
until the bus arrives?
20 minutes I could also say
past 7. seven twenty.
Look online or in a
newspaper for movie
schedules. Ask your child
What do you notice about the minute hand on this clock?
What do the marks between the numerals to look up a favorite movie
on the clock tell you?
How many minutes past the hour and use the time between
is the clock showing?
What time is shown on the clock?
showings to estimate the
movies running time.
Write numbers on the digital clock to show the same time.
What do the numbers on the left
f side of the colon tell you?

In this lesson, students compare and write times shown on Practice nding dierent
analog and digital clocks. kinds of quadrilaterals
Bus departs Bus arrives
in everyday life. Be sure
to ask how your child knows
which is which.


The trip is minutes long. A rectangle is a quadrilateral

with four right angles. Squares
In Grade 3, students read and write times before and past the hour, and calculate are special rectangles with all
the lengths of bus trips. sides the same size.

2D shapes
In Grades K2, students have been introduced to a variety of two-dimensional
A square is a special rhombus
geometric shapes, especially four-sided polygons, known as quadrilaterals.
with four right angles.
In this module, students explore the similarities and dierences of four-sided
gures and use tree diagrams to illustrate relationships among various types
of quadrilaterals.
A rhombus is any
2.11 2D shapes: Exploring rhombuses
quadrilateral with all sides
the same length.
Step In Circle each shape that has all sides of equal length.

Every square is both a
Which shapes are quadrilaterals? special rhombus and a
ORIGO Education

The word rhombus is used to describe quadrilaterals that have four sides
of equal length. Which shapes above are rhombuses? special rectangle.
In Step
this Up
lesson, students
1. Circle explore
each rhombus. rhombuses
Use a centimeter by you
ruler to help their features
and compare them to shapes that are not rhombuses.
a. b. c.

190816 d. e. f.

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