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1. Players must be at least 3 people and the most at 5 and one of them will become a accountant.
2. The players will have a chance to choose their own characters and each characters will have their
own special power which is related to their personality.
-Wrote a book to move wherever 1 time
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Can choose the friend to move backward
-King Louis XVI
-Ignore jail 1 time
-Can command King Louis 1 time
3. The players will get the money for the beginning
2 for 5000 Euro
4 for 1000 Euro
1 for 500 Euro
4 for 100 Euro
1 for 50 Euro
5 for 10 euro
4. The players will also get the title deed in the beginning of the game, 3 pieces for a person, and they will not allow
to choose by themselves. These title deed will be passed out randomly by accountant.
5. If the players want to buy, rent or auction the places or events, they need to answer the question which will be
asked by the accountant.
6. If other players drop in other places or events they need to pay them according to the title deed.
7. When the players pass the starting point they will get 2,000 Euro as a reward.
8. If the players drop in the jail, they will have no chance to walk in the next turn. After that, they need to pay
500 Euro for getting out of it.
9. If the players fall in the trap, fragment, or question, They need to follow or answer the question anyway
without refusing.
10. If the players ran out of money, ran out of properties or picked up the bankruptcy card, they have to get out of a
game implicitly. The last person who stays in this game will be the winner.

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