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Resumenes de los capitulos del libro los 39 escalones

Angy Lizeth Salazar morales

Cod: 084801692017
Chapter 4
Not only does he want to avoid imprisonment, but he also feels duty to take on
Scudder's cause and save Karolides from the murder, planned within three weeks.
He decides to go hide in Scotland and then get in touch with the authorities at the
last minute. To escape from his apartment without being seen, he bribes the
milkman to lend him his uniform and go out with him. Carrying Scudder's
pocketbook, he takes a train to Scotland.
Upon reaching the camp near Galloway, Hannay is housed in a shepherd's hut.
The next morning he reads in a newspaper that the police are looking for him in
Scotland. He climbs a local train and jumps between stations. He is seen but
escapes, finding an inn where the night stays. He tells the innkeeper a modified
version of his story, and the man is persuaded to lodge it. During his stay at the
inn, Hannay breaks the replacement figure used in Scudder's pocket book. The
next day two men arrive at the inn looking for Hannay, but the innkeeper sends
them. When they return later, Hannay steals his car and escapes.
On his way, Hannay reflects on what he has learned from Scudder's notes. They
contradict the story Scudder told him for the first time, mentioning an enemy group
called Black Stone and the mysterious Thirty-Nine Steps. The UK seems to be in
danger of an invasion by Germany and its allies. At the moment, Hannay is being
chased by a plane, and a policeman in a remote village has tried to stop him.
Trying to avoid an approaching car, Hannay crashes hers, but the other driver
offers to take him home. The man is Sir Harry, a local politician, and when he
learns of Hannay's experience of South Africa, he invites him to address a meeting
that afternoon. Hannay's speech impresses Sir Harry, and Hannay feels able to
trust him with his story. Sir Harry writes an introductory letter about Hannay to a
relationship at the Foreign Office.
Hannay leaves Sir Harry and tries to hide in the field, but is seen by the plane. He
soon detects a group of men on the ground in search of him. Miraculously, he
encounters a machinist on the moor, and changes places with him, sending the
worker home. His disguise deceives his persecutors, who pass him by. In the same
way he meets a rich motorist, whom he recognizes from London, and who forces
him to exchange clothes with him and expel him from the moor.
The next day, Hannay manages to stay ahead of the pursuers, and hides in a hut
occupied by an old man.
Chapter 5
Unfortunately, the man turns out to be one of the enemies, and with his
accomplices imprisoned Hannay. Fortunately, the room in which Hannay is locked
is filled with bomb-making materials, which it uses to get out of the house, being
damaged in the process.
One day later, Hannay retrieves his possessions from the useful road and stays a
few days to recover from the explosion, and takes a train to England to meet with
his relative in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sir Walter, in his house of Berkshire .
Speaking of Scudder's notes, Sir Walter receives a phone call to tell him that
Karolides has been killed.
Sir Walter, now at his home in London, leaves Hannay in some military secrecy
before releasing him feeling free to go home. Hannay is unable to shake off his
sense of involvement in important events, and returns to Sir Walter's house. It is
just in time to see a man, whom he recognizes as one of his former persecutors in
Scotland, since I rushed to think of the past, leaving the house. Hannay warns Sir
Walter that the man has been spying and they realize that he is about to return to
Europe with his stolen information.
Chapter 10
Posing as fishermen, part of the group visits the yacht, the Ariadne, and discovers
that at least one of the crew seems to be German. The only people on the ground
are playing tennis in a villa and they seem to be English, but they match Scudder's
description of the conspirators, The Black Stone. Hannay, alone, faces the men of
the village. After a fight, two of the men are captured while the third flee to the
yacht, which in the meantime has been confiscated by the British authorities. The
plot is thwarted, and the UK enters World War I, keeping its military secrets from
the enemy.

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