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First of all, thanks for the kind invitation to the team!

There is a bit of the issue, and that is me not

having euwest account for the reason, and I will be honest, it being perma banned, it was deserved
and I've learned my lesson. I can transfer to the west, the account I got on eune. I played the first
match with the team on the borrowed account which only got cho gath as the jungler.

Before I continue, the invitation to the team surprised me, it came out of nowhere. I haven't been
active in LoL for almost 2 years, yes, I've peaked diamond 2 in my prime, but I am out of the form at
this moment for I haven't played high elo games for a longer period of time.
So I am very glad that the person who invited me have found me a quality player and a person. I do
have a game knowledge, and I do have a strategic and an analitical mind which is very important for
this kind of game.

If you are okay with all these information, I will promise you that I will get back in the form. If you
can't help me with the account for the euwest (getting the account for me), I will completely move
the account I am playing on eune and the west will be my home yet again.

Now, let's see how the game went. We went with the poke combo: Gangplank, Vel' Koz, Bard, Xayah,
Cho 'Gath.
Our bot side was very strong, they hold their lane greately, and Bard had very good roams on mid
where he assisted on killing the enemy Azir player more then once.
Kha Zix didn't have much of an influence, I've tracked him very well, and so did our laners.

For that game I've made a small mistake, I went Skirmisher's Sabre. At that early point I was just
thinking of countering the Kha Zix a bit more with it's active, but I did miss the Tracker's Knife's
wards. For that reason I've bought Vision Wards as many I could, to keep up with the vision fight.

There were problems, our poke strategy wasn't on point. On more the one ocassion we completely
failed it. We've triggered the all-out attacks too soon, without really using our poke for advantage.
And for that we got punished, every single time.

The good thing is, our players have mechanics and they work very well in chaotic teamfights, so we
did manage to get ahead...but it could have been problematic if we already weren't ahead.

There is a need of a work with patience. Not to trigger all-out attacks too soon, which IS kinda harder
to get used to, for the meta was all-in for quite some time. The discipline is needed.

I am very proud of few of my moments, just well placed and timed CC skills, and the solo Baron steal
was very important moment, for if it didn't have happened, we would have big-time problems.

The team is very friendly, but there is a need for more discipline, trust, a more quite atmosphere
without useless information and words...and a shoutcaller.
I haven't done my work the best, I do need to get back into form, and I will need few games with
champions we've talked about (mainly nidalee and maokai) to be prepared for upcoming matches.
I have to learn their dmg number, defense number, missile speed, etc.
A few times I've called something they did listen, but I wasn't the solo shoutcaller, we all were at
some point.
What is great, is that we were all on par with each other, so no matter who have called, we were
there and we did what was told.
I would say a team has a chance! Atm I am your weakest link (mechanically with few champions) and
out of the shape, but my knowledge is very high, and so is my dedication. Thank you for this

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