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49 No. 9 AT THE BALLET Gm Gm7 Dm7 CUE: ZA0H: Sure, you're strong enough, @egin Vamp) SHEILA:"Well let's face it, My family scene was not good, Rock-atrong four Y Rods on cur, Dad-dy al-ways thought that he mar-ried be-neath.him. ‘That's what he said, that's what he said. SL soins a Ub VAMP A A ALL FENDER (Volume 6) Gm EB When he pro-posed he in- formed my moth- er he was prob-a-bly her ver- y last 40b.,€1 Ly 5G cm Gm7 Ab G chance, ‘And though shewas twen-ty two,_—_though she was twen-ty-bwo,—_ Tbs.) 50 though she was twen- ty two she mar-ried him, (b..c) Ai rall.™ lrtns., cee.) A SP 12 Ebmaj7 Om7 Life with my Dad was-n't ev-er a pie~ nic, More like a "Come as you are. Wives Fe (Base) 4 Ebmaj7 mz ‘When Iwas five I re-mem-ber my moth-er dug ear- rings out of the ear. 16 Ebmaj7/Ab Dbmaj7 z 1, _ knew that they were-n't hers, but it was-n't _gome-thing you'd want to dis~ cuss, He was-n't ws.) Eb Dm Eb Dm Gm warm. Well,not to her Well, not tous. ‘but A(Clstipe Vibes) crete, f ipa) mr eotraf EZIA A ev-'ry-thing——_ was bemu-ti-ful__ at the bal - let, (2.400, Seah (Clatip.,Vibes) Trt 2A, EZIA A EZ Grace-ful ment lovely girls in’_—_ white. Yes, 0 Am7 DIA F Bm7b5 ee ee ee ee ins wer! ree a ve Ae co -” (sy itin.B8) r 52 NE E7 AE E Am Spoken: That's when I started class hap py. (Fs.,CL) (Wwe Bella) > (rns. Hee) sx Am7 Em7 Fmaj7 SuEILA: SHEILA & BEBE Up a steep.andver-ynar-row stair - way. To thevoice— like a met- ro ~ a Am7 Em7 SHEILA: fa steep_and ver-y nar- row stair = rF PF OF Dm7 Dmé SHEILA & BEBE: ma) Zl “ was-n't par = a-dise, it was-n'tpar - a-dise,— it was- n't par - — a-dise,— (ws Hea (Plano, Hp.) F war sy E7 AME E Am SHEILA, Liistesso Tempo bot it was home. ws.) oe vibes bs) Am Am7 Em7 Moth-er al-ways said I'd be ver-y at-tract -ive when I grew up, when I grew up. A A (oTons.) A x2 Am Am7 DIA "Dif- f'rent;" she said, “witha spec - ial some-thing and a ver-y, ver-y per-son-al. (Wwe) a Dm Am7 Bb Am7 = fair." ‘And though I was eight or nine, though Twas eight or nine, (pts) TONG) Ve t though I was eight or ine, fOb.CL) Ty - : a Fmaj7 Em7 “Dif-f'rent™ is nice, but it sure is-n't pret-ty. “Pret - ty" is what it's a~ bout, 63 Fmaj7 Em7 I nev-er met an-y-one who was “dif-f"rent"” who could-n’t fig-ure that out, F Am F F to well, then notte her, beau-ti-ful__. I'd nev-er live to see. But it was clear, 2 ——SSSS,, (Wws., BPS) a = Am * Valse Lento, D MAGGIE & BEBE: me ss to. that. ev ~ 'ry-one (no staceato) 18 (Pl, cont thrubar 82 F te 2 ATID D AT Ev -'ry prince has got to have—— his swan, Yes, Dm7, GD Bb Em7bs5 is beau-ti-ful___ atthe bal - let. Hey! BEBE: T was tp. ev -"ry-one. 56 DIA A7 DIA A Dm 83 SHEILA: aa (Bells) cts, hange Fender Volume to] 2 Dm7 Am7 Bbmaj7 85 __*(MAGGIE + BEBE on top volee when only two parts) ‘TRIO: MAGGIE, BEBE, SHEILA: Up a steep_and ver-y nar - row to the voice like a met=ro- (Add Gtr, Bass, Dra.) roo 8s Dmz, Am7 —_F Up a steep_and ver-y nar - row ot Bb Gm c r fe a (Tons 57 es Gm7 Gms mA Dm/A A (Sbetla:) = was-n't par = a-dise, bat ry was home, (Rhythm Tacet) a ° (rtute Solo) x don't know what WSOT*they were for or against really... +. 4-0-0 eR) Indian Chief, and he'd say... a a “MAGGR: .... Fantasy Life ve oe Le a | 58. 107 "Daddy, I would love to dance," OTHER 2GIRLS: Do (Tpts, -cup, Vibes) ip) ott tir ++ :When he pro-posed. .. s+. That I was born to (Br033- (ead Riythmy aa E SHEILA 87 BEBE: help their mar- riage and when... s++That's what he said... ++sThat's what she said do do do 59 Fam Dem E ut acct: sesT used to dance a - round the liv-ing room... s+-He wasen't warm... Do. Do do do do. do (CL,EsHn) ° Tots.) / (rv eee ee REESE cr 120 F# C#m F#m BERE Macon: ssNot to her... st was an In-dian chief and he'd say: SHEILA: SHEILA & BEBE; 40 do do. do do do do do, =! eps z to. ‘pts, av. (ells tp..Gte.) —, ‘Mag-gie, do youwan - na dance?" And I'd say, “Dad-dy, I would love. Pers) E. Hay 60 D ATID D 121 MaGorE: beau ti- ful. bal = let. ow. etsy —=_ (ass, +Barl) 130 A7 Dd. AzID Raise your arms. some-one's al e— oe 13D Dm7 ev ~"ry-thing. (Ww. Betts) J (tpts.) {itp.cont. simile) Frases, -narty beau ti = ful wesc pocoa | poco-------- (Timp. rol) Dae 19 DD} —5° FS’ G5 G E F#m G | =| et, —__ at the bal - lett! r RU 12 E, FimG A Bm F Cc 62 wi F E F Dm E Dm E Om F r m (Bass, +Bart,) (ass,sBarl.) Dn tsa, EM7b5 I MAGCIE: BEBE SHEILA; MAGGIE: Hey! (FENDER) 1s Gmaj7/A AG DIA A Dm Tempo gan "2% 5 = iano "

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