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SUMMARY Conservators of old silk paintings often need to use

A traditional Chinese repair silks to replace missing areas; they usually prefer to use silk
that has comparable mechanical properties to the silk in the original
method for weakening painting. It is possible to change the properties of modern silk and
a method that is already in use in China involves soaking silk in
silk for use in the a 0.1 M potassium permanganate solution, typically for one hour.
The technique was investigated using specially woven Chinese
conservation of silk silks that the British Museum was able to procure thanks to the
Shanghai Museum. The silks were artificially aged with potassium
paintings permanganate and the tensile strength of the resulting material was
measured. Three methods for removing manganese residues were
assessed using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive
Vincent Daniels, Marei Hacke, Jin Xian X-ray spectrometry to test for residual metal; acidified hydrogen
Qiu and Valentina Marabini peroxide was the best of the reagents tested. Painted and unpainted
samples of weakened silk were subjected to accelerated ageing
and showed small colour changes lightening for light ageing and
yellowing for heat ageing with the changes occurring predominantly
in the early stages of ageing. The painted samples showed smaller
colour changes. A simulation of a mounted painting in scroll format
was produced so that repairs could be made with the weakened
silk. The artificially weakened silk proved to be a satisfactory repair
material both technically and aesthetically.

Chinese paintings are produced in many set formats and are
mostly painted on paper or silk. The supports for paintings
can be very sophisticated when a crucial balance between
strength and flexibility is required, for example in traditionally
made hanging scrolls or hand scrolls. Silk, although initially a
relatively strong textile fibre, becomes weaker over time and
eventually this deterioration manifests in paintings as tears,
cracks and lacunae, Figure 1. The missing areas are often
filled with silk repairs as part of a combined conservation and
remounting process. The experience of traditionally trained
scroll conservators has shown that a silk infill must be of a
comparable or weaker strength to the surrounding painted
silk substrate, and that performing a repair with a silk that is
too strong will result in the relevant section, instead of being
reinforced, becoming weaker and fragmented by adverse
mechanical forces in the area of the join. Finding appropri-
ate materials for silk repair can, as described below, be a very
challenging task.
In China there has been a longstanding tradition of
producing copies of great masterpieces. These copies,
if contemporary with the originals, would have aged in a
similar fashion. Conservators in China have traditionally
used old silk from non-image areas of discarded, damaged
copies to repair original paintings that are in danger of
further breaking or tearing or which already show missing
areas. Many conservators in China have a stock of old silk
off-cuts to use in their repairs, but this material is not readily
available to conservators outside China, including those at
the British Museum, and even in China such resources are
slowly being depleted. Additionally, modern conservation
ethics do not look favourably on this practice as it attaches
current perceptions of importance and value to the paintings
used to provide repair silk. In consequence, there is a need
to investigate and use reliable, accessible and cost-effective
methods to artificially age modern silk to match the strength
of naturally aged silks.

Figure 1. Detail of a sixteenth-century painting Portrait of an Official in front of the Forbidden City (1881,1210.0.87), claimed to be by Zhu
Bang, showing poorly executed old repairs (predating its acquisition by the British Museum) that are discoloured and in need of replacement

Old silk prepared for painting is already coated with a thin on natural pigments in a jiao shui binder until the desired hue
sizing layer of animal glue mixed with alum, and both the silk is reached.
and coating darken on ageing. When the colour of silk repairs Traditionally in China, if an old repair silk remains too
is adjusted to that of the painting it is advantageous if the strong or too dark for the painting to be treated, potassium
repair silk is slightly lighter than the original to facilitate colour permanganate solution is used to weaken it further and also to
matching. It is also important to match the weave type of the lighten its colour. The degree of weakening increases with the
repair silk to that of the painting. In 1982 the British Museum duration of the silks immersion in potassium permanganate,
obtained 28 specially woven silks with weave types typically which is followed by immersion in oxalic acid (an oxidation-
encountered on old paintings. The silks were produced at the reduction process). Scroll mounters at the Shanghai Museum
request of Mr Feng Yao Geng, former head of conservation are instructed in the long-established use of potassium
at the Shanghai Museum, and the stock was shared by the permanganate for bleaching and weakening silk for use in
Shanghai Museum with its partner museums in China, the scroll repair. No published accounts of these treatments on silk
UK and the USA. appear to exist and it was at the instigation of the conservators
at the British Museum responsible for Chinese paintings who
The conservation process for repairs using old silk are led by a master mounter previously trained at the Shanghai
The conservation of Chinese paintings on silk begins with Museum (JXQ) that the research reported here was initiated.
finding a suitable repair silk for any missing areas. This repair Chinese paintings, normally in the form of hanging or
silk must match the original substrate in a number of respects: hand scrolls, are surrounded by decorative silk mounts and
warp and weft alignment; weave type; thickness of threads; lined with several layers of paper. A Chinese silk painting with
and spacing between threads. The initial hue of the silk is also missing substrate areas can only be repaired as part of a full
considered. This selection process is traditionally undertaken remount, Figure 2. The repair technique requires the removal
by the scroll mounter on the basis of observation using simple of the backing and lining paper layers from the painting to
magnifiers, touch, and training and experience. To prepare old allow access to the back of the painted silk. After disassembling
silk for use as a repair material it is washed, dried by stretch- the painting from its surrounding silk mount, it is first wetted
ing on a wooden or lacquered surface, brushed with jiao shui and washed from the front and, depending on the degree of
(a cow skin glue) if needed and finally coloured by brushing water-soluble discolouration in the silk, this process is repeated

42 | Vincent Daniels, Marei Hacke, Jin Xian Qiu and Valentina Marabini
Figure 2. Hanging scroll painting of Plum Blossom (1952,1108,0.9) in the style of Chen Jiru (15881639: Ming Dynasty) before
and after conservation in 2012. The repairs using naturally aged repair silk were executed as part of the remounting process

A traditional Chinese method for weakening silk for use in the conservation of silk paintings | 43
Figure 3. Detail of the model silk scroll being repaired from the verso: (a) cutting the repair silk to shape; (b) applying wheat starch paste
to the edge of the missing area; (c) paring down the edge of the silk repair patch; and (d) drying the repair

several times. The painting is then faced with tung oil paper, the painting has been completely relined and the facings
a specially treated paper that releases easily when wet. This is removed, the recto is again revealed. At this stage, while the
adhered to the recto (front) of the painting with a thin layer painting is stretched on a drying board, additional toning of
of wheat starch paste, which at the British Museum is mixed the silk repairs can be undertaken using traditional Chinese
with funori (hai cai in Chinese), a type of seaweed known for its natural pigments.
stability and good working properties that is commonly used
in Japanese paintings conservation [1]. This facing layer is Silk
further secured with two or more layers of Chinese xuan paper The vast majority of cultivated silk is reeled from the cocoons
adhered with wheat starch paste so that the painting can be of the domesticated silkworm Bombyx mori. The posterior
inverted and then firmly secured onto a table with its backing glands of the larvae simultaneously produce two continu-
exposed. Whilst this layered assemblage is still wet and the ous filaments made of a protein called fibroin. The filaments
adhesives softened, the previous linings, which usually com- are approximately triangular in cross-section and are bound
prise three to five layers, are carefully removed with tweezers together by the proteinaceous gum sericin, which is often
until the verso (back) of the paintings silk substrate is exposed. removed by degumming in a hot alkaline solution to separate
Once dry, the repair process can begin, Figure 3. the silk into fine and lustrous fibres.
From the back of the painting, the area of loss can be assessed, Degradational changes in old silk fibres can be attributed
dry-cleaned, and a slightly larger piece of the selected repair silk to both hydrolytic and oxidative reactions, which lead to a
than is strictly necessary is positioned so the orientation of the reduction of elongation and losses in tensile strength and elas-
weave corresponds to that of the original. Diluted wheat starch ticity, i.e. embrittlement [2]. Silk is vulnerable to degradation
paste is applied generously along the perimeter of the loss and by light exposure, in particular ultraviolet (UV) light. Such
the repair silk is cut with scissors to the correct shape and size photo-oxidation leads to the yellowing and weakening of silk.
overlapping the loss by 34 mm. Extra paste is applied with a Initial degradative breakdown is thought to be due to the
thin brush to strengthen the repair locally (the entire verso will cleaving of hydrogen bonds, which is followed by oxidation of
later be covered in paste during the application of the new lining side chain amino acids, in particular tyrosine, and the eventual
papers). No pressing is required and the repairs are left to dry in scission of the polypeptide chain at the CN position and
air from the rear, since the painting is still secured to the table at the tyrosine residues [3]. The oxidative degradation of
through the tung oil paper and xuan paper facings. When fully the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan is believed to cause
dried, the overlapping edges of the repairs are pared down with yellowing in silk [3].
great care and precision using a thin blade, taking the utmost Dark storage and display under low light levels with UV
care not to damage the original silk at the join. filtration are now standard practices for the preservation of
Tears in a painting are treated differently; a strip of thin, silk in museum collections. Recent investigations suggest that
natural, undyed silk of an open weave is secured to the back high ambient relative humidity (RH) levels also promote the
of the tear with dilute wheat starch paste applied with a degradation of silk and recommend drier conditions, in the
thin brush, Figure 4. Later in the conservation process, after range 3050% RH [4].

44 | Vincent Daniels, Marei Hacke, Jin Xian Qiu and Valentina Marabini
Use of potassium permanganate in conservation
Potassium permanganate is a powerful oxidizing agent that
is routinely used in chemical synthesis and analysis. As an
oxidant it becomes more effective with increasing concentra-
tion and/or temperature. It is generally used in acid conditions
to avoid the formation of black manganese dioxide, which is
precipitated when oxidation is carried out in neutral or alka-
line conditions.
In the conservation of pictorial art on paper and silk,
bleaches are sometimes used for the removal of stains of
an organic nature. There are several oxidizing bleaches in
use, including neutral potassium permanganate solution.
Plenderleith and Werner described the technique as a last
resort, as it is definitely deleterious to the paper; at the same
time it rarely fails [5]. They recommended the use of a 0.5%
(0.0316 M) solution brushed onto the paper and left for five
minutes, after which the paper is treated with a 2% solution
of oxalic acid. One of the disadvantages of potassium per-
manganate as a conservation treatment is the extremely strong
purple colour of the solution and the intense black deposit of
manganese dioxide formed in the paper during the first stage
Figure 4. Detail of verso of the Plum Blossom painting seen in Figure
of the treatment, which makes it impossible to see how the
2, showing tears that have been repaired with open-weave silk
bleaching of stains is progressing. In the above method, the before relining. Scale bar shows 5 mm divisions
black colour is discharged by the oxalic acid, but other reagents
can be used to reduce the black water-insoluble manganese
dioxide (containing Mn4+) to the pale pink and water-soluble light (1064 nm) for very short periods could weaken silk to
manganese sulphate (containing Mn2+), including sodium produce the desired results. Although laser treatment caused
metabisulphite. The final stage of the process is thorough the fibres to tear and frayed holes of a few millimetres diameter
washing of the paper to eliminate all traces of manganese to develop in the textile, no weakening of the individual fibres
compounds that might otherwise cause accelerated deteriora- was evident, and the technique was judged unsuccessful [10].
tion of the paper; manganese is a transition metal of variable Nilson et al. experimented with thermal and UV ageing,
oxidation state that can act as a catalyst for oxidation [6]. storage in solutions with various pHs and exposure to environ-
The effect of residual manganese has been seen in previously ments with different RHs. They compared the results with
permanganate-bleached prints when, in subsequent oxidative naturally aged silk using spectroscopic and chromatographic
bleaching (with chlorine dioxide), they turn brown. techniques and tensile testing [11]. They concluded that
thermal ageing at 125C produced artificially aged silk most
Artificial weakening of silk: previous work similar to naturally aged silk, although they did not comment
Approaches for the production of artificially weakened silk for on the hue of the product.
conservation purposes were examined in the British Museum
in 1993 [7]. Repair silks weakened by treatment with gamma Experimental and results
rays and electron beams are used in Japan for the conserva- Further details are given in the experimental appendix.
tion of silk paintings [8, 9]. However, silk aged in this way
was not readily available in the UK. Accordingly, other more Potassium permanganate treatment
accessible methods were tested to determine whether a com- Weakening in potassium permanganate was performed by
parable product could be made. The methods tried were of immersing the silk in an aqueous solution. In the 1993 study,
two main types: (a) those that introduced energy into the silk the use of a 0.02 M solution led to inadequate weakening so
to accelerate degradation, e.g. exposure to UV or visible light in these experiments two more concentrated solutions (0.1 M
(photodegradation) and storage at temperatures between 100 and 0.05 M) were made by dissolving potassium permanga-
and 150C (thermal degradation); and (b) chemical degrada- nate in deionized water (15.804 and 7.902 g.L1 respectively)
tion by acid, alkali or oxidizing agents, e.g. sulphuric acid, [7]. After the test silk had been immersed in the solution for
hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sodium hydroxide and potassium one hour, it was removed and washed in water. The silk, now
permanganate. Of all the methods tested only the product of coloured black with manganese dioxide, was next immersed
heat ageing was acceptably weak and brittle, but the initially in a reducing agent and then removed when the black colour
colourless silk became yellow. As the unwanted colour could had been completely discharged (after c.60 seconds). The silk
only partially be bleached out with alkaline hydrogen peroxide, was then washed in water and left in a bath of water for 30
the product was not considered suitable for use due to these minutes before air drying.
potential difficulties with colour matching. The reaction between oxalic acid and potassium perman-
More recently, the availability in the British Museum of a ganate is well known to chemists, as oxalic acid is used to
laser used for conservation cleaning purposes prompted an determine the strength of potassium permanganate solution
investigation of whether exposure to high levels of infrared by titration [12]. However, the reaction is slow at room

A traditional Chinese method for weakening silk for use in the conservation of silk paintings | 45
Figure 5. EDX spectra of silk that has been treated with 0.05 M potassium permanganate and reduced with acidified hydrogen
peroxide, sodium metabisulphite or sodium dithionite to remove the precipitated manganese dioxide; see the manganese
peak at 5.9 keV

temperature and needs to be heated to 70C to proceed at a level, Figure 5. As a result, the acid peroxide treatment was
convenient rate, thus it was decided that three other reducing chosen as the most successful reducing agent and applied in
agents that reacted more rapidly at ambient temperature subsequent experiments.
would be tested, namely:
1. 10 volume hydrogen peroxide containing 1% volume/ Tensile tests
volume sulphuric acid; The averaged results from tensile strength measurements with
2. 1% sodium dithionite (a fresh solution was used as the an Instron 4411 tensile tester are shown in Table 1 and details
reagent reacts with oxygen); of the procedure are given in the experimental appendix. It
3. 2% sodium metabisulphite. can be seen that increasing exposure time decreases the tensile
strength, and that the stronger the permanganate solution the
All three reducing agents were visually effective at discharging greater the extent of degradation. Treatment in a 0.1 M per-
the black colour. manganate solution at 40C for 60 minutes produced silk with
a tensile strength of 1.83 N. Using higher temperatures would
Determination of residual manganese be expected to produce weaker silk more rapidly but, as the
Silk has an affinity for metal cations, which is the basis for desired weakness can be obtained by treatment at or near
the use of metal-containing mordants when dyeing silk with room temperature, there seems little advantage in elevating
natural dyes. Metal complexes may form by interaction with the temperature.
the nitrogen, oxygen or sulphur atoms in the main or side VP-SEM examination showed that the permanganate
chains of the protein [13]. Shimizu showed that the metal treatment caused the fibres to become brittle and a few broken
cations were adsorbed onto the silk and formed ionic bonds fibres could be seen as evidence of this, Figure 6.
with terminal carboxylic groups and that, with increasing pH,
terminal amino groups also became adsorption sites [14]. Colour reversion tests
The retention of manganese ions by the silk is thus a A subsequent visible colour change of silk infills would be
strong possibility and could, if it occurred, lead to unwanted detrimental to the appearance of the conserved silk scroll
oxidative damage in the longer term. The preferred reducing paintings. It was also important, therefore, to establish
agent was, therefore, the reagent that left the smallest residual whether the treated silk would discolour over time and accel-
manganese content. The silk was analysed for manganese erated ageing tests were used to predict the effects of ageing.
in a variable pressure scanning electron microscope using Generally, the most accurate tests use elevated temperatures
energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (VP-SEM-EDX). or illumination to increase the rate of the chemical reactions
The black silk containing manganese dioxide was analysed that occur during ageing, but some approaches to accelerated
as well as the samples that had been treated with the three ageing also simulate the influence of other factors responsi-
reducing agents. An EDX spectrum for the permanganate- ble for degradation, such as altered levels of humidity or air
treated silk displayed a strong manganese signal, while any pollutants. Details of the two methods applied in these experi-
residual manganese was undetectable in the spectrum for ments (light ageing and combined heat and humidity ageing)
the silk after the acid peroxide treatment had been applied. are given in the experimental appendix.
The spectra for the silk samples treated with dithionite and During conservation treatments, silks for the repair of
metabisulphite had manganese peaks above the background paintings are coloured by surface application of pigments

46 | Vincent Daniels, Marei Hacke, Jin Xian Qiu and Valentina Marabini
Figure 6. SEM image of unreduced, potassium permanganate-treated, degummed silk. The broken
fibres are indicative of the weakened nature of the silk

suspended in a solution of animal glue, known in Japan as undyed control sample was measured again after 14 and
nikawa and in China as jiao shui. Accordingly, colour change 39 weeks and no change was detected within the limits of
on ageing was measured not only on the treated silk but also experimental error.
on treated silk that had been sized and painted to match the
type of old silk that might need to be repaired. Evaluation of the new repair silk
The control samples and the samples that were exposed To evaluate the working properties of this artificially aged
to accelerated ageing for eight weeks are shown together silk a test model was produced. A piece of new plain-weave
in Figure 7 and their reflectance spectra are presented in silk was cut into two parts: one part to represent an old silk
Figures 8 and 9. It is evident that heat and humidity ageing painting substrate and the other to act as the repair silk. Both
led to a greater colour change than light ageing under the parts of the new silk were first washed in boiling water then
conditions used. Generally, light ageing caused bleaching weakened by the permanganate method. When dry, the silk
(an increase in reflectance) while heat and humidity ageing to be used for repairs was placed on a table surface where
caused darkening and yellowing (an overall decrease in it was sized by brushing with a jiao shui and alum solution
reflectance and greater absorption in the blue region of the (jiao fan shui). In this case a solution of 1% jiao shui and 0.1%
visible spectrum, at 400500 nm). The colour change for the alum (hydrated aluminium potassium sulphate) was used. This
pigmented samples was generally less severe than the colour solution was applied a number of times until the silk became
change for the non-pigmented samples, indicating that the waterproof; the weave of the silk was then aligned for drying
pigments used are relatively stable or are capable of masking and stretching. The resulting silk was more rigid, allowing it
the bleaching, darkening and yellowing effects of accelerated to be handled more easily during the repair process. The silk
ageing to some extent. For the non-pigmented samples it was finally coloured by brush with natural pigments dispersed
was apparent that the chemically weakened silk changed to in water with a jiao shui binder and left to dry on the table with
a greater extent than the untreated silk. This colour change the threads aligned.
is greatest at the beginning of the ageing period and then The piece of silk representing the original painting was
decreases during the course of the light ageing experiment lined with xuan paper using wheat starch paste to resemble
until the spectra are nearly unchanged between measure- a lined painting. When dry, the lined silk was brushed once
ments, Figure 8. An anomaly during heat and humidity with a jiao shui and alum solution and left to dry stretched on
ageing (explained in the experimental appendix) led to a a table surface with the weave aligned. The silk representing
lower rate of deterioration during the first two weeks, but the painting was coloured with natural Chinese pigments
it can nevertheless be seen that the colour change after four and dried as above. Many holes were deliberately made in
weeks is significant and that while colour changes are still the silk to represent damage and to provide opportunities to
occurring after six and eight weeks, the rate of change is practise repairs.
not as great. No statistically significant colour change was The lined silk was then treated as if it were a painting;
detected for any of the control samples during the eight- it was washed, faced, had its lining removed, as detailed
week period in ambient dark conditions. The weakened above, and was repaired in places with the prepared silk. By

A traditional Chinese method for weakening silk for use in the conservation of silk paintings | 47
Table 1. Tensile test results for weakened silk samples practising the silk repair technique normally applied on scrolls
with standard deviations in square brackets using specially produced models, the handling properties of
the artificially weakened silk were tested and differences in
Sample Tensile test
results (N) surface texture and touch were compared with that of old
Silk as supplied 83.1 [5.4] silk. The working properties of the newly weakened silk were
Degummed silk 75.7 [12.3]
found to be very similar to those of naturally aged silks and,
aesthetically, the results were also considered successful by
Treated with 0.05 M KMnO4 for 30 minutes 20.0 [1.9]
the conservators of Chinese silk paintings at the British
Treated with 0.05 M KMnO4 for 60 minutes 5.1 [1.4]
Museum (JXQ and VM). Although old silk repair patches
Treated with 0.05 M KMnO4 for 90 minutes 2.6 [0.1]
can be coloured without the need for sizing, the artificially
Treated with 0.1 M KMnO4 for 30 minutes 6.2 [2.2]
weakened silk requires sizing. Both naturally old silk and
Treated with 0.1 M KMnO4 for 60 minutes 2.5 (0.8) artificially weakened silk fibres are darker at the surface, and
Treated with 0.1 M KMnO4 for 90 minutes 2.0 (0.4) the lighter interior is revealed if the silk is pared down at the

Figure 7. Silk samples after eight weeks of natural and accelerated ageing

48 | Vincent Daniels, Marei Hacke, Jin Xian Qiu and Valentina Marabini
Figure 8. Reflectance spectra showing colour changes for untreated and weakened uncoloured
silk samples

Figure 9. Reflectance spectra showing colour changes for untreated and weakened pigmented
silk samples

A traditional Chinese method for weakening silk for use in the conservation of silk paintings | 49
overlap of the repair patch and the object. The difference in This compared to a mass loss of only 2.8% when the silk was
hue is slightly greater for the permanganate-treated silk but not treated with alkali but only boiled in distilled water. The
is hardly noticeable, especially as the paring is performed on results indicated that the silk was gummed.
the back of the painting.
Conclusions VP-SEM-EDX was carried out using a Hitachi S3700N vari-
Chemically weakened silk was prepared by oxidizing it in able pressure SEM and the backscatter electron detector. The
potassium permanganate solution. During the process manga- chamber pressure was 30 Pa and the samples were analysed at
nese dioxide is formed in the silk. Three methods were tested a working distance of 10 mm. The accelerating voltage was
for removing these manganese-containing residues from the 20 kV. EDX spectra were collected for 200 s live time.
silk and a method that used acidified hydrogen peroxide was
most successful. Elemental analysis in the VP-SEM showed Tensile tests
no detectable manganese in the final product. Strips of silk were cut with scissors so that the warp was par-
The weakened silk was tested for its colour stability during allel to the long direction of the strip. The strips were tested
light or heat ageing. Results showed that the chemically weak- for tensile strength on an Instron 4411 with a 100 N load
ened silk was more prone to discolouration than the untreated cell. The distance between the jaws of the grips was 50 mm
silk; discolouration took the form of bleaching during light and the extension rate was 20 mm per minute. Because of
ageing and darkening/yellowing during thermal ageing. the large variations in strength between the differently treated
However, once coloured by the application of pigment, the experimental samples it was sufficient to test only three repeat
difference in discolouration between the chemically weakened samples of each type of silk.
and untreated samples was less obvious, indicating that the
pigments are relatively stable and to some extent mask the Producing samples for colour reversion tests
discolouration of the silk itself. The colour changes shown by It was decided to permanganate-treat the silk as purchased,
the freshly prepared samples were greatest at the beginning rather than after a separate degumming step, as it was
of the ageing periods and then decreased until they became thought unlikely that most users would use this extra step. In
very small. The change of hue may be caused by chemical addition, it was considered prudent to test the colour rever-
changes occurring in compounds formed during the oxidation. sion on weakened silk that may have retained some of its
Rather than prepare a fresh piece of chemically weakened silk gum, as this was expected to exacerbate the effect of colour
for each treatment, a better alternative would be to prepare reversion, i.e. colour reversion of degummed silk should be
and store batches of silk in the studio to ensure that exposure smaller than the colour reversion of silk with its gum, pro-
to studio lighting naturally ages the repair silks before they are vided the degumming process does not adversely affect the
needed for treatment. stability on ageing. Samples of the silk were treated at room
Conservation assessment showed the working properties of temperature for one hour in 0.1 M potassium permanga-
weakened silk to be very similar to those of genuinely old silk. nate solution (7.9 g KMnO4 dissolved in 500 mL deionized
To facilitate colour matching with pigments in jiao shui solution, water overnight). The silk, coloured black with manganese
sizing with jiao shui and alum was needed. dioxide, was then immersed for a few minutes in 10 volume
hydrogen peroxide containing 1% sulphuric acid until the
Experimental appendix textile turned white. The silk was then washed in a stream
of deionized water and soaked for two days in a deionized
Silk textile water bath before drying.
The silk used for the experiments was specially made in
China for use in scroll repair. It was the product of a col- Colouring silk for colour reversion tests
laboration between the Shenyang Palace Museum, Nanjing Three dilute applications of paint were made to the silk using
Museum, Beijing Palace Museum and Shanghai Museum. each of the following traditional materials bound in jiao shui:
In this project 28 different types of silk textile were manu- Chinese carbon black ink; indigo; gamboge resin; and iron
factured. Outside China, the British Museum and the Freer oxide red.
Gallery of Art in Washington DC also received lengths of
this silk. Only one type of silk was used in this experimental Accelerated ageing for colour reversion tests
work: a plain weave with a weight of 42 g.m2 that is suitable A set of the four samples (untreated, untreated coloured,
for use in silk painting. weakened and weakened coloured) was exposed to an arti-
ficial daylight spectrum in a light box equipped with Osram
Degumming Lumilux Delux L 18 W/930 fluorescent lamps emitting
To determine whether or not the silk was gummed it was ana- approximately 16000 lux and virtually no UV (1 W.lumen1).
lysed using a method described by Carboni [15]; the method The total exposure time of eight weeks is equivalent to 21.5
removes the sericin and leaves behind the fibroin. A weighed Mlux hours, which equates to approximately 150 years of
sample was soaked overnight in 0.5% sodium hydroxide then display conditions, assuming 50 lux, eight hours per day, seven
washed in cold water on the following day. The sample was days per week.
next boiled twice in distilled water for 30 minutes, dried and Another set of the four samples was suspended in a desic-
reweighed. A mass loss of 22.8% was obtained, which is con- cator over a small amount of water so that the RH around
sistent with the mass loss expected for gummed silk (2025%). the samples would be elevated. The desiccator was placed in

50 | Vincent Daniels, Marei Hacke, Jin Xian Qiu and Valentina Marabini
an oven at 60C for eight weeks. Unfortunately a leak in the Authors
desiccator seal led to evaporation of the water at some point Vincent Daniels ( is an emeritus
researcher, Marei Hacke ( a
during the first two weeks of ageing. This was corrected for
scientist, and Jin Xian Qiu and Valentina Marabini (vmarabini@
subsequent ageing periods and the desiccator seal remained are conservators, all in the Department of
intact between weeks two and eight. Equating accelerated Conservation and Scientific Research at the British Museum.
ageing time to real time for heat ageing depends on too many
variables and was not attempted here.
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silks that are the subject of this paper. They also thank Carol Peacock Chapman and Hall, London (1952) 111159.
for help with writing this article and Michelle Hercules for performing
the laser tests. Finally, helpful discussions with Joanna Kosek and Keisuke
Sugiyama are gratefully acknowledged.

A traditional Chinese method for weakening silk for use in the conservation of silk paintings | 51

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