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, 2013
- -
- preliminary data -

"This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this
publication are the sole responsibility of State Statistical Office and can under no circumstances be regarded
as reflecting the position of the European Union."



, 2014 / Skopje, May 2014
. .4,

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/Phone +389/02/3295-600
/Fax +389/02/3111-336

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- ,

Person responsible:
Blagica Novkovska PhD, Director


". ",


, 2013 : =
Structure of agricultural holdings, 2013 : preliminary data. -
: =
Skopje : State statistical office of the Republic of Macedonia,
2014. - 78 . : ; 29 . - ( /
. =
Statistical review / State statistical office of the Republic of
Macedonia, ISSN 0580-454X. Agriculture, ISSN 1857-520X ;

. .

ISBN 978-608-227-138-5

) - - 2013 -
) - - 2013 -
COBISS.MK-ID 96411146


2013 .

- .
1166/2008 .

- , -.


2013 , 2007 ,

, 2014 ,


Dear users,
We present to you the first edition of the publication on Structure of Agricultural Holdings, which contains the preliminary
data of the survey conducted in 2013. The State Statistical Office continuously follows the Recommendations and Regulations of
the European Commission and Eurostat, and to that end, makes efforts to fully harmonise the statistics with EU Member States.
Data from this survey are in line with EC Regulation 1166/2008.
The publication has been made with the aim of providing a comprehensive overview of the structure of agriculture in
the Republic of Macedonia as well as internationally comparable data for understanding the state of Macedonian agriculture
compared with EU Member States and other candidate countries.
The Farm Structure Survey was conducted with financial support of EU pre-accession funds in the framework of the IPA
2011 project.
This publication provides users with sufficiently detailed statistical data on agricultural activity for 2013 and data
comparisons with the Agricultural Census 2007, and reflects the state of the agricultural sector in the Republic of Macedonia.
All remarks and suggestions aimed at improving the contents and the quality of the publication are welcome and will be

Skopje, 2014 Director,

Blagica Novkovska, PhD

Statistical Review 3

........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
. ...........................................................................................................19
-00: ...............................................................................................................20
-01: .................................................................21
-1: , 2013................................................................................................................................22
-01: , 2007/2013.......................................................23
-02: , 2007/2013 ......23
-02: .............................................24
-03: ..................................................................................................................25
-03: ..................................................................................................................26
-04: ...........................................................................................................................................27
-04: ...............................................................................................................................................28
-05: ...............................................................................................................................................................29
-06: ....................................................................................................................................30
-07: ..........................................................................................................................................31
-05: , , 2007/2013...................................................................32
-08: , ........................................................................................33
-09: , ..........................................................................................................34
-10.1: ............................................................................................................................35
-10.2: ............................................................................................................................36
-10.3: ............................................................................................................................37
-10.4: ............................................................................................................................38
-06: .................................................................................................................................................39
-07: , 2007/2013.........................................................................................39
-11: ........................................................................................................................................................................40
M-2: , 2013...............................................................................................................41
-12: ................................................42
-08: ......................................................43
-13: .........................................44
-14: ....................................................................45
T-15: a a.........................................................................................................................................................46
-09: ........................................................................................................47
T-16: T o ............................................................................48
-17: , , ........................................................................................................................................49
-18: , , ............................................................................................................50
-19: ...............................................................................................................................................................51
-10: ..............................................................................................................................................................52
M-3: , 2013......................................................................................................................................................53
-20: ........................................................................................54

4 Statisti~ki pregled

-21: ...................................................................55
-11: .....................................................56
-22: ...................................................................57
-23: ......................................................................58
-24: , , ............................................................59
-12: ................................................................................................60
-13: , 2007/2013.................................................................................................................................60
-25: ......................................................................................................................61
-26: .................................62
, .........................................................................................................................................................63
-14: ..................................................................................................................................64
-15: , ....................................................................................................64
T-29: ............................................65
-30: , ,
-31: ...............................................................................67
-32: , .............................................67
-33: , ................68
-34: , ...............................................................................68
-16: , ............................................................................................69
-17: , .............................................................................................................................69
-35: ...................................................................................................................................................70
M-4: , 2013..........................................................................................................................................71
-36: ......................................................................................................73
-37: . ...................................73
-19: ...........................................................................................74
-38: ......................................................................75
-39: ........................75
. .....................................................................................................................................................................................76
T-41: ............................................................................................76
-43: ........................................................................77

Statistical Review 5


Introduction . ............................................................................................................................................................................................9
Summary results......................................................................................................................................................................................10
Notes on methodology............................................................................................................................................................................15
Statistical regions and municipalities in the Repiblic of Macedonia........................................................................................................19
Main indicators........................................................................................................................................................................................20
G-00: Indicators for the average agricultural holding........................................................................................................................20
T-01: Number of agricultural holdings and available area of the holdings........................................................................................21
M-1: Utilised agricultural area, 2013................................................................................................................................................22
G-01: Utilised agricultural area per agricultural holding, comparison 2007/2013............................................................................23
G-02: Regional distribution of utilised agricultural area per agricultural holding, comparison 2007/2013......................................23
-02: Utilised agricultural area by size classes of utilised agricultural area.......................................................................................24
T-03: Utilised agricultural land, by categories...................................................................................................................................25
G-03: Utilised agricultural area, by categories..................................................................................................................................26
T-04: Area of used arable land and gardens .....................................................................................................................................27
G-04: Structure of arable land and gardens......................................................................................................................................28
T-05: Area under cereals...................................................................................................................................................................29
T-06: Area under industrial crops......................................................................................................................................................30
T-07: Area under fodder crops..........................................................................................................................................................31
G-05: Area under cereals, industrial crops and fodder crops, comparison 2007/2013....................................................................32
T-08: Area under vegetables, outdoor and under protective cover..................................................................................................33
T-09: Area under vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants..........................................................................................................34
T-10.1: Number of fruit trees and area under fruits.........................................................................................................................35
T-10.2: Number of fruit trees and area under fruits.........................................................................................................................36
T-10.3: Number of fruit trees and area under fruits.........................................................................................................................37
T-10.4: Number of fruit trees and area under fruits.........................................................................................................................38
G-06: Structure of orchards..............................................................................................................................................................39
G-07: Area under orchards and vineyards, comparison 2007/2013 ................................................................................................39
T-11: Vineyards..................................................................................................................................................................................40
M-2: Distribution of agricultural holdings, 2013...............................................................................................................................41
-12: Number of agricultural holdings by size classes of utilised agricultural land...........................................................................42
G-08: Agricultural holdings by size of utilised agricultural area........................................................................................................43
T-13: Number of agricultural holdings by category of utilised agricultural area...............................................................................44
T-14: Number of agricultural holdings by area of arable land and gardens......................................................................................45
-15: Irrigated area............................................................................................................................................................................46
G-09: Agricultural holdings that used irrigation................................................................................................................................47
T-16: Area treated with fertilisers and pesticides..............................................................................................................................48
T-17: Number of horses, cattle, sheep and goats..............................................................................................................................49
T-18: Number of pigs, poultry, rabbits and beehives........................................................................................................................50
T-19: Livestock units..........................................................................................................................................................................51
G-10: Livestock units.........................................................................................................................................................................52
M-3: Livestock units , 2013...............................................................................................................................................................53
T-20: Livestock units by size classes of livestock units.......................................................................................................................54

6 Statisti~ki pregled

T-21: Utilised agricultural area by size classes of livestock units.......................................................................................................55
G-11: Number of holdings and livestock units by size classes of livestock units...............................................................................56
-22: Livestock units by size classes of utilised agricultural area......................................................................................................57
-23: Number of agricultural holdings by size classes of livestock units...........................................................................................58
T-24: Number of agricultural holdings with livestock, poultry, rabbits and beehives ......................................................................59
G-12: Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock units..........................................................................................................60
G-13: Number of tractors, comparison 2007/2013...........................................................................................................................60
T-25: Number of own agricultural machinery and equipment..........................................................................................................61
T-26: Number of agricultural holdings with equipment used for renewable energy production ....................................................62
-27: Number of individual agricultural holdings that provide services with machinery and quipment of the holding.................62
T-28: Household members engaged at individual agricultural holdings and employees at business entities, by age and sex.........63
G-14: Number of persons by age and gender...................................................................................................................................64
G-15: Persons ngaged at agricultural holdings, by gender..............................................................................................................64
T-29: Number of seasonally employed and other workers at agricultural holdings..........................................................................65
T-30: Household members who work at individual agricultural holdings and employees at business entities, by level of
T-31: Number of holders of individual agricultural holdings by level of education...........................................................................67
T-32: Number of employees at business entities by level of education, age and gender.................................................................67
T-33: Household members engaged at individual agricultural holdings, by gender and age............................................................68
T-34: Employees and managers of business entities, by gender and age.........................................................................................68
G-16: Holders of individual agricultural holdings, by gender............................................................................................................69
G-17: Managers of business entities, by gender...............................................................................................................................69
-35: Annual work units ...................................................................................................................................................................70
M-4: Annual work units, 2013...........................................................................................................................................................71
G-18: Annual work units per utilised agricultural area by size classes of utilised agricultural area..................................................72
T-36: Annual work units in the individual sector...............................................................................................................................73
T-37: Annual work units of the holders of individual agricultural holdings by level of education....................................................73
G-19: Holders in the individual sector by level of education............................................................................................................74
T-38: Household members by classes of nnual work units.............................................................................................................75
T-39: Number of individual agricultural holdings with other gainful activities.................................................................................75
T-40: Number of individual agricultural holdings with other gainful activities, by type of activity ..................................................76
T-41: Household members by agricultural activities.........................................................................................................................76
-42: Number of agricultural holdings by share of the turnover of other gainful activities directly related to the holding in the
total turnover of the holding . ..........................................................................................................................................................77
T-43: Consumption of own production in individual agricultural holdings.......................................................................................77

Statistical Review 7

- - no entry
... ... data not available
0 0.5 0 value is less than 0.5 of the unit of measure be
ing used
0.0 0.05 0 .0 value is less than 0.05 of the unit of measure
being used
1) 1) footnote beneath table
( ) , ( ) incomplete of insufficiently verified data
* * corrected data
: () : confidential (individual) data
...* 1000 ...* index is above 1000
covered by data in direction of the sign

(CV>=25) inaccurate estimate, other than zero
(CV>=25) ,

UAA utilised agricultural area
LSU livestock size unit

AWU annual work unit

8 Statisti~ki pregled

1 20 2013 .

. 2007
, 2010
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- ,
- .

- .


The State Statistical Office conducted the Farm Structure Survey in the period from 1 to 20 June 2013. This survey is the
second sample survey of this type and is one of the basic statistical surveys in the area of agricultural statistics that ensure comparable
data at the national and international level. An Agricultural Census was conducted in 2007, which provided an overall picture of the
structure of agriculture in the Republic of Macedonia, while the first sample-based structural survey was carried out in 2010.
Basic data resulting from this survey are:
- number of agricultural holdings
- land and agricultural area by categories
- irrigated area
- agro-technical measures
- consumption of own-produced agricultural products
- number of livestock
- machinery and equipment
- labour force, and
- other gainful activities of the holding.
The publication provides plenty of indicators which represent a basis for further analyses in the area of agriculture as a sector
with an important share in the gross domestic product.

Statistical Review 9

170 885. , 1.85
2.14 .
315 863 ,
, 58.2% 1 . ,
75% .
365 868 , 56.5%
, . 239 362 , 734 472 96 281
, , 0.5 , .
92 708 1 797 .
441 742 , 01.06.2012 31.05.2013,
. , 2.6 .
243 689
, , 1.43 .
, , 0.77 ,
0,67 .

Summary results

According to the Farm Structure Survey data, there are 170 885 agricultural holdings in the Republic of Macedonia. On average,
one agricultural holding uses 1.85 ha of agricultural area and breeds 2.14 LSU (livestock size units).
The total utilised agricultural area by agricultural holdings is 315 863 ha, and of the total number of holdings, 58.2% used up
to 1 ha of agricultural area. The share of arable land and gardens is 75% of the total utilised agricultural area.
Agricultural holdings have a total of 365 868 LSU, while 56.5% of the total number of holdings breed livestock, poultry or
beehives. The agricultural holdings have 239 362 head of cattle, 734 472 head of sheep and 96 281 head of goats.
In the Republic of Macedonia, on average, there are 0.5 tractors per agricultural holding, of which the majority are two-axle
tractors. The agricultural holdings own 92 708 tractors and 1 797 combine harvesters.
During the period from 01.06.2012 to 31.05.2013, a total of 441 742 persons contributed one or more days of labour at the
individual agricultural holdings and were employed in business entities. On average, 2.6 persons are engaged per agricultural holding.
Engaged persons worked a total of 243 689 annual work units (AWU), while 1.43 AWU were worked on average per agricultural
holding. One agricultural holding worked 0.77 AWU on average per hectare of utilised agricultural area, while 0.67 AWU were used
per 1 LSU.
Around 55% of the individual agricultural holdings use more than half of their production for own consumption.

10 Statisti~ki pregled

1 20 2013 .
31 2013 ,
, 1 2012 31 2013 .


- 1000 2 ,
- 1000 2 ,
, :
- 1 1 ,
- 1 1 ,
- 1 ,
- 5 ,
- 3 ,
- 4 ,
- 50 ,
- 20 .
, ,

- ,
- .


, , .
16 .
10 . ,
. ,
, .. ,
). , ,
, .

. SAS 9.1.

Statistical Review 11




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12 Statisti~ki pregled

( / ) ,
, .

( / )
, .

(, , ).


, .
( ).

, ,
, .
, .

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01.06.2012 31.05.2013.
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) - .

31 2013 .


Statistical Review 13


, , ;
( 4 ) ;
, ,

1. -
2. -
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3. -
, , , , .

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, , , .

. , ,

01.06.2012 - 31.05.2013 .


. 225 (225 8

, ,
, .

14 Statisti~ki pregled

Notes on methodology

Reference period of the survey

The Farm Structure Survey was conducted in the period from 1 to 20 June 2013. Reference day of the survey is 31 May 2013,
while for certain questions data refer to the period of one year before the survey, i.e. the period from 1 June 2012 to 31 May 2013.

Units of observation
Units of observation in the Farm Structure Survey are individual agricultural holdings and legal units that carry out agricultural
activities in accordance with the National Classification of Activities.
Individual agricultural holdings are covered if they meet the following requirements:
- use 1000 m2 of agricultural area or more,
- use less than 1000 m2 of agricultural area or none at all, but own a certain minimum number of livestock, poultry or
- 1 cow and 1 calf, or
- 1 cow and 1 heifer, or
- 1 cow and 2 adult heads of small livestock, or
- 5 adult sheep or goats, or
- 3 adult pigs, or
- 4 adult sheep or goats and pigs together, or
- 50 head of adult poultry, or
- 20 beehives.
As an exception, also covered are the households that have agricultural production, but do not meet the requirements to be
individual agricultural holdings, if agricultural production is the only source of income for those households.

Sample Design
The sample for the Farm Structure Survey is composed of two parts:
- Sample of households
- Sample of business entities
The sample frame for the Farm Structure Survey is the Farm Register.
The sample of individual agricultural holdings is designed as one-stage stratified systematic sample, where strata are the eight
regions in the Republic of Macedonia and the type of the settlement, urban and rural. Thus, the total number of strata is 16. Primary
sampling units are statistical districts in the Republic of Macedonia. Statistical districts with less than 10 agricultural holdings are
excluded from the sample frame. From the rest of the statistical districts sorted by the number of agricultural holding, each fourth
statistical district in each stratum is chosen systematically. In rural areas, in the frame of the chosen statistical districts all households
are surveyed, i.e. the method of survey is door-to-door, while in the urban areas specifically determined households with agricultural
activity (data from the Farm Register) are surveyed. All large individual agricultural holdings classified from seventh to fourteenth class
in the Farm Typology, which is a uniform classification of agricultural holdings in EU, were surveyed full scale.
The estimations in the Farm Structure Survey 2013 are generally in the form of totals and ratios. The domain of estimating is
the country level (Republic of Macedonia) and eight regions. The deviations of estimated data from the sample and hypothetically
true data on the population are calculated as standard deviation and relative errors - coefficient of variation. All calculations are made
with the SAS 9.1 statistical software package. Eurostat's recommendations are that the coefficient of variation for key variables should
not exceed 5%.

Shown in the table below are coefficients of variation for the major variables in the individual sector.

Statistical Review 15

Coefficient of variation,

Total utilised land 1.4

Arable land and gardens 1.8
Orchards 3.1
Vineyards 2.8
Meadows 2.7
Dairy cows 2.6
Pigs 4.1
Sheep 4.8
Goats 3.3
Poultry 1.8
Household members engaged at individual agricultural holdings 0.3
Seasonally employed and other workers at agricultural holdings 4.2

The sample frame for the business entities covered with the survey has been designed using Statistical Business Register
Utilised agricultural area means land used for cultivation of agricultural crops. It represents the total of the areas of used
arable land and gardens, kitchen gardens, orchards, vineyards, meadows, pastures, nurseries and areas with olives.
Arable land and gardens are areas worked regularly, generally under system of crop rotation. Crop rotation is regular and
planned change of the type of crops (system of rotation) with the aim of more efficient land use.
Arable land and gardens include cereals, industrial crops, fodder crops, dried pulses and areas under vegetables, potatoes,
flowers and ornamental plants, seeds and seedlings and fallow land.
The data refer to the areas under vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants (except nurseries) in open space and under
Data on open space areas refer to areas sown with crops cultivated in the open, in crop rotation, with vegetables or other
crops (other than vegetables).
Areas under cover refer to areas under crops which during the entire or most of the period of cultivation are covered with hard
or soft plastic (greenhouses) or with glasshouses.
Kitchen gardens are areas used for production of agricultural products intended for own consumption by the members of the
households, usually small areas separated from the rest of the agricultural land, by the houses.
Orchards are agricultural areas where fruit trees are cultivated. The data refer to the area of all orchards regardless of the
arrangement of the stands, the distance between the trees and whether agro-technical and mechanised operations are used for
Vineyards are areas on which grapevines are cultivated with usual distance of cultivation for a particular variety.
Wine grapes are intended for production of wine, brandy and other grape processing, while table grapes are intended for
fresh human consumption.

16 Statisti~ki pregled

Meadow is agricultural land used for cultivation of grasses. The meadow can be sown or natural (self-sown).
The data refer to the meadows (own or leased) that are regularly mown several times a year i.e. mown at least once during
the vegetation season.

Pasture is agricultural land area (own or leased) used for grazing by livestock during the growing season, i.e. at least once
during the year.

Data on nurseries refer to the area of agricultural land used for seedling production, regardless of what kinds of seedlings it is
used for (forest, park, fruit or grape).


Data refer to the area under all olive trees regardless of the arrangement of the stands, the distance between the trees and
the use of agro-technical and mechanised operations.


Unutilised agricultural land is area no longer used because of economic, social or other reasons, i.e. it is not used in the
crop rotation system. This land could be brought back into cultivation using the agricultural mechanisation available on the holding.
Gardens and green areas used for recreation are excluded (parks and lawns).

Wooded area is area covered with forest trees, forest shrubs, as well as area under forest nurseries planted on wooded area,
owned or leased by the agricultural holdings. Also included here are areas planted with windbreaks, and forest clearings.

Other land means all areas not classified under utilised agricultural area, unutilised agricultural land or wooded area, i.e. areas
occupied by buildings, roads, yards, quarries, fishponds, ponds, rocky areas, sandy terrains, etc.

Data refer to the areas irrigated at least once in the period from 01.06.2012 to 31.05.2013. Areas irrigated more than once in
this period are included only once. Crops under glasshouses and greenhouses, as well kitchen gardens are not included because it is
assumed that those areas are usually irrigated.


Area treated with mineral fertilisers is an area treated with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and mixed fertilisers.
Area treated with organic fertilisers (dung/farmyard manure, slurry, urine, mould, peat and other) is an area treated with
fertilisers of organic animal or plant origin, produced at the holding or purchased from others.

Pesticides for crop protection from weeds, diseases, harmful insects and animals are:
Herbicides - pesticides used for destroying harmful grasses - weeds.
Insecticides - pesticides used for destroying harmful insects.
Fungicides - pesticides used for destroying fungi which cause diseases.
Rodenticides - pesticides used for destroying harmful rodents.


Data on livestock by types and categories refer to the status on 31 May 2013. All types and categories of livestock are recorded,
regardless of whether at the time of the survey they are situated at the agricultural holding or in other place.

Livestock unit means a standard measurement unit that allows the aggregation of the various categories of livestock in
order to enable comparison between them. In order to make comparable aggregations of different animal categories, livestock unit
coefficients are used.

Statistical Review 17

Machinery and equipment are enumerated according to ownership and age, regardless of the type and the producer they are
purchased from.
Machinery and equipment of the holding cover the machinery and the equipment that are in working order or that with some
small repairs could be brought in working order and are used on agricultural holdings.
One and two axle tractors are covered.
One axle tractors are self-propelled tractors with one axle, such as motor cultivators, tillers, rotary shovels, etc;
Two axle tractors are those with 4 wheels as well as crawler tractors;
Combine harvester;
Machines for harvesting agricultural products;
This group covers all machines for harvesting agricultural products, except combines, i.e. machines for harvesting industrial
and fodder crops.


Data refer to the equipment for renewable energy production used for the purposes of the holding.
1. Solar energy - equipment used by the agricultural holding for the production of renewable energy from solar radiation.
2. Biomass - equipment used by the agricultural holding for the production of renewable energy from biomass.
3. Other types of renewable energy - equipment for renewable energy production from other sources, such as wind, hydro
energy, geothermal energy, etc.


Household is a family or other community of people that declare that they live together and spend their revenue together
for covering the basic needs (housing, food, etc), regardless of whether all members are constantly at the place where the household
lives, or some members are temporarily staying at another place, settlement, foreign country, for work, education or other reasons.
Holder of the agricultural holding is the person in whose name and on whose account the holding is operated and who takes
the economic risks of the holding. The holder may be, but not necessarily, the oldest person in the household.
Family members engaged on individual agricultural holding are persons that in the period from 01.06.2012 to 31.05.2013
contributed with one or more days of work on the individual agricultural holding. Employed in legal units are persons formally
employed in units that have agricultural activity.
Seasonal workers on the holdings are persons who temporarily perform agricultural activities on the holding in the reference
One annual work unit means work on the holding equivalent to the full time work during one calendar year. 225 working days
are taken as the minimum days required for full time work (225 working days of eight hours per day).


When the holdings on their farms perform profitable (useful) activities other than farm work, which are directly related to the
farm, the resources of the holding are used and with their help the household gains profit. One individual agricultural holding may
have more gainful activities directly related to the holding.

18 Statisti~ki pregled

Statistical regions and municipalities in the Repiblic of Macedonia

Statistical Review 19

Main indicators

Republic of Macedonia
170 885 Number of agricultural holdings
, 315 863 otal utilised land, ha
365 868 Livestoc units
92 708 Number of tractors
441 742 Household members engaged at individual agricultural
holdings and employees at business entities
- 243 689 AWU - Total

G-00: Indicators for the average agricultural holding

20 Statisti~ki pregled

T-01: Number of agricultural holdings and available area of the holdings
K ,

Utilised agicultural area,
a , , ,
, 1)
Number of Unutilised Wooded Other
agricultural Total available , , agricultural area, land,
holdings area of the , land, ha1) ha
holdings, total utilised own land, ha
ha land, ha leased land,
ha ha
170 885 369 270 315 863 219 827 96 036 24 663 27 110 1 634 Republic of
170 581 314 638 266 579 211 993 54 586 23 193 23 521 1 346 Individual
agricultural holdings
304 54 632 49 284 7 834 41 450 1 470 3 589 288 Business entities
20 322 43 287 39 388 21 980 17 409 2 970 728 201 Vardar Region
20 263 31 569 27 806 18 623 9 184 2 875 728 160 Individual
agricultural holdings
59 11 718 11 582 3 357 8 225 95 0 41 Business entities
23 762 60 154 42 793 33 169 9 625 6 683 10 336 341 East Region
23 709 55 606 38 793 32 956 5 837 6 479 10 004 330 Individual
agricultural holdings
53 4 547 4 000 213 3 787 204 333 10 Business entities
18 775 28 309 21 668 17 980 3 688 1 182 5 193 266 Southwest Region

18 763 24 209 20 803 17 722 3 080 1 149 2 193 64 Individual

agricultural holdings
12 4 100 865 258 607 33 3 000 202 Business entities
25 818 43 386 38 209 28 283 9 926 3 415 1 592 171 Southeast Region
25 780 38 975 33 875 27 280 6 595 3 415 1 528 157 Individual
agricultural holdings
38 4 411 4 333 1 002 3 331 - 64 13 Business entities
24 939 82 979 79 016 43 136 35 881 2 544 1 068 350 Pelagonia Region

24 849 62 938 59 487 42 385 17 102 2 217 885 348 Individual

agricultural holdings
90 20 041 19 529 750 18 778 327 183 2 Business entities
21 492 29 746 26 292 20 313 5 979 966 2 382 106 Polog Region
21 472 28 226 24 783 20 299 4 484 956 2 382 106 Individual
agricultural holdings
20 1 519 1 509 14 1 495 10 - 0 Business entities
20 464 55 608 46 392 37 737 8 655 4 109 4 938 169 Northeast Region

20 448 51 133 41 931 35 953 5 978 4 109 4 931 162 Individual

agricultural holdings
16 4 475 4 461 1 784 2 677 - 7 7 Business entities
15 313 25 802 22 105 17 231 4 874 2 794 872 30 Skopje Region
15 297 21 981 19 101 16 775 2 326 1 994 869 17 Individual
agricultural holdings
16 3 821 3 005 456 2 548 800 3 13 Business entities

Wooded area owned or leased by the agricultural holdings is covered

Statistical Review 21

-1: , 2013
M-1: Utilised agricultural area, 2013

22 Statisti~ki pregled

-01: , 2007/2013
G-01: Utilised agricultural area per agricultural holding, comparison 2007/2013


The average size of utilised agricultural area in 2013

in the Republic of Macedonia was 1.85 ha, and it has
increased compared with the Census 2007.

-02: , 2007/2013
G-02: Regional distribution of utilised agricultural area per agricultural holding, comparison 2007/2013

3.17 2013
, 1.15 .
2007 ,
, .

The highest average area of utilised agricultural area in 2013 was 3.17 ha per holding in the Pelagonia region, while the lowest
was 1.15 ha in the Southwest region.
Compared with Census 2007 data, the average size of utilised agricultural area has increased in all regions, except in the Vardar
and the Southeast region.

Statistical Review 23

-02: Utilised agricultural area by size classes of utilised agricultural area
/ UAA size classes

0.5 > 0.5 1 >13 >35 >58 > 8 10 > 10

17 208 24 556 91 656 48 540 31 147 13 039 89 718 Republic of

17 207 24 551 91 617 48 485 30 979 12 781 40 958 Individual
agricultural holdings
1 4 39 54 167 257 48 760 Business entities

2 780 2 602 8 015 4 008 2 127 941 18 914 Vardar Region

2 780 2 602 8 010 4 004 2 096 903 7 411 Individual

agricultural holdings
1 - 5 4 31 39 11 503 Business entities

2 366 2 877 11 484 7 830 6 173 2 375 9 689 East Region

2 366 2 876 11 480 7 823 6 145 2 308 5 796 Individual

agricultural holdings
0 1 4 8 28 67 3 893 Business entities

1 987 2 816 8 382 4 161 1 938 661 1 724 Southwest Region

1 987 2 816 8 382 4 156 1 938 641 884 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - 5 - 20 840 Business entities

2 565 4 199 15 756 6 642 1 573 640 6 833 Southeast Region

2 565 4 196 15 743 6 630 1 561 614 2 567 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 4 14 11 13 26 4 266 Business entities

1 717 3 361 16 903 10 777 10 064 4 662 31 531 Pelagonia Region

1 717 3 361 16 895 10 759 9 974 4 576 12 205 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - 8 17 91 86 19 326 Business entities

2 496 3 564 10 488 3 856 1 723 887 3 278 Polog Region

2 496 3 564 10 484 3 853 1 717 877 1 792 Individual

agricultural holdings
0 - 4 4 5 10 1 486 Business entities

1 751 2 796 13 418 8 190 5 431 2 214 12 592 Northeast Region

1 751 2 796 13 413 8 190 5 431 2 214 8 136 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - 5 - - - 4 456 Business entities

1 547 2 340 7 210 3 076 2 117 658 5 156 Skopje Region

1 547 2 340 7 210 3 071 2 117 648 2 167 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - 5 - 10 2 990 Business entities

24 Statisti~ki pregled

T-03: Utilised agricultural land, by categories


Arable land,
Total Orchards Vineyards Meadows Pastures1) Nurseries
gardens and
kitchen gardens

315 863 237 583 17 336 22 654 30 120 7 785 359 27 Republic of
266 579 198 576 15 120 16 128 29 750 6 881 96 27 Individual
agricultural holdings
49 284 39 007 2 216 6 525 370 904 262 - Business entities

39 388 24 499 2 780 10 958 807 313 32 - Vardar Region

27 806 17 038 2 014 7 744 699 311 1 - Individual

agricultural holdings
11 582 7 461 766 3 214 108 2 31 - Business entities

42 793 28 888 2 530 2 217 7 255 1 877 27 - East Region

38 793 25 983 1 838 1 902 7 245 1 800 26 - Individual

agricultural holdings
4 000 2 905 692 315 10 77 1 - Business entities

21 668 13 055 1 972 749 3 959 1 906 27 - Southwest Region

20 803 12 795 1 913 749 3 944 1 375 27 - Individual

agricultural holdings
865 260 59 - 15 532 - - Business entities

38 209 29 912 1 722 5 222 1 083 236 6 27 Southeast Region

33 875 27 753 1 515 3 265 1 076 232 6 27 Individual

agricultural holdings
4 333 2 159 207 1 956 7 4 0 - Business entities

79 016 65 231 5 927 739 6 480 635 4 - Pelagonia Region

59 487 46 453 5 621 537 6 342 531 4 - Individual

agricultural holdings
19 529 18 778 306 201 139 104 - - Business entities

26 292 20 196 688 67 4 601 506 233 - Polog Region

24 783 19 294 543 65 4 521 356 3 - Individual

agricultural holdings
1 509 902 145 2 80 150 230 - Business entities

46 392 38 099 783 1 203 4 780 1 501 25 - Northeast Region

41 931 33 830 772 1 022 4 779 1 501 25 - Individual

agricultural holdings
4 461 4 268 10 181 1 0 - - Business entities

22 105 17 704 935 1 499 1 154 810 4 - Skopje Region

19 101 15 429 904 844 1 144 775 4 - Individual

agricultural holdings
3 005 2 275 30 655 10 35 - - Business entities


Common land is not covered

Statistical Review 25

G-03: Utilised agricultural area, by categories

2013 , , .
, 75.2% .
12.0%, 7.2% 5.5%

The utilised agricultural area is mainly used as arable land, gardens and kitchen gardens.
The contribution of the area under arable land, gardens and kitchen gardens in the total utilised agricultural area is 75.2%.
Meadows and pastures contribute with 12.0%, vineyards with 7.2% and orchards with 5.5% of the total utilised agricultural area.

26 Statisti~ki pregled

T-04: Area of used arable land and gardens

Flowers andornamental

Seeds and seedlings

land and gardens

Industrial crops

Fodder crops
Used arable

Fallow land





236 291 158 314 24 717 23 561 2 283 12 722 5 053 34 26 9 581 Republic of
197 284 132 206 20 428 19 363 2 272 12 087 5 040 30 25 5 833 Individual
agricultural holdings
39 007 26 109 4 288 4 198 12 635 13 4 0 3 748 Business entities

24 471 16 191 1 889 2 275 208 1 755 121 2 4 2 025 Vardar Region

17 010 10 805 1 743 1 656 208 1 615 120 2 4 858 Individual

agricultural holdings
7 461 5 386 146 619 - 140 1 - - 1 168 Business entities

28 636 22 204 562 1 448 315 831 2 240 8 0 1 029 East Region

25 731 19 748 523 1 262 314 784 2 239 4 0 856 Individual

agricultural holdings
2 905 2 455 39 186 0 47 2 4 - 172 Business entities

12 961 8 339 63 2 946 608 324 389 3 4 284 Southwest Region

12 702 8 189 63 2 874 599 318 385 3 4 266 Individual

agricultural holdings
260 150 - 73 8 6 5 - - 18 Business entities

29 763 14 056 5 878 3 120 207 5 078 510 12 6 897 Southeast Region

27 604 12 829 5 850 2 898 207 4 736 510 12 6 556 Individual

agricultural holdings
2 159 1 227 28 222 - 342 - - 0 340 Business entities

65 090 40 223 14 959 4 832 241 1 987 358 6 10 2 474 Pelagonia Region

46 312 28 015 10 964 2 772 240 1 946 355 6 10 2 005 Individual

agricultural holdings
18 778 12 208 3 994 2 061 1 41 4 - - 469 Business entities

19 971 12 958 50 5 310 242 732 644 1 - 34 Polog Region

19 069 12 428 38 4 955 242 732 644 1 - 30 Individual

agricultural holdings
902 531 12 356 - 0 0 0 - 3 Business entities

37 877 32 225 814 1 947 293 862 564 2 1 1 170 Northeast Region

33 608 29 357 804 1 496 293 804 562 2 1 289 Individual

agricultural holdings
4 268 2 867 10 451 - 58 2 - - 880 Business entities

17 522 12 119 503 1 682 169 1 153 226 - - 1 669 Skopje Region

15 247 10 834 444 1 451 167 1 153 226 - - 972 Individual

agricultural holdings
2 275 1 285 59 232 2 - - - - 697 Business entities

Statistical Review 27

G-04: Structure of arable land and gardens

10.5%, 10.0% 8.5%.
34.2%, 16.1%, 10.8%, 7.5%.
5.3%, 3.4%.

With 67%, cereals have the highest share in the total arable land and gardens. The share of industrial crops is 10.5%, fodder
10.0%, and vegetables and dry pulses 8.5%.
Wheat has the highest share with 34.2%, followed by barley with 16.1%, maize 10.8%, and tobacco 7.5%. Alfalfa and clover
participate with 5.3% and 3.4%, respectively.

28 Statisti~ki pregled

T-05: Area under cereals

Total Wheat Maize Barley Rice Oats Rye Other

158 314 80 924 25 567 38 132 5 103 4 794 2 252 1 543 Republic of Macedonia

132 206 64 706 23 083 31 479 4 816 4 594 2 194 1 333 Individual agricultural
26 109 16 218 2 484 6 653 287 200 58 210 Business entities

16 191 7 429 954 7 202 221 333 2 49 Vardar Region

10 805 4 814 491 4 975 181 315 2 26 Individual agricultural

5 386 2 616 463 2 226 39 19 - 23 Business entities

22 204 6 967 2 122 6 041 4 875 452 1 339 406 East Region

19 748 5 622 1 984 5 380 4 628 442 1 325 367 Individual agricultural
2 455 1 346 139 661 247 10 14 39 Business entities

8 339 4 819 2 234 1 031 - 55 145 55 Southwest Region

8 189 4 744 2 213 1 008 - 52 124 49 Individual agricultural

150 76 21 23 - 3 21 6 Business entities

14 056 8 516 2 445 2 982 - 95 17 2 Southeast Region

12 829 7 798 2 380 2 608 - 26 17 - Individual agricultural

1 227 717 65 374 - 69 - 2 Business entities

40 223 26 173 6 690 6 406 - 29 281 644 Pelagonia Region

28 015 17 705 5 196 4 233 - 11 278 592 Individual agricultural

12 208 8 469 1 494 2 173 - 18 3 52 Business entities

12 958 5 250 6 920 479 - 202 24 83 Polog Region

12 428 5 098 6 835 248 - 202 22 22 Individual agricultural

531 152 85 231 - - 2 61 Business entities

32 225 15 983 3 292 9 513 - 2 870 388 179 Northeast Region

29 357 13 856 3 240 8 916 - 2 796 370 179 Individual agricultural

2 867 2 127 51 597 - 74 18 - Business entities

12 119 5 785 909 4 486 - 757 56 126 Skopje Region

10 834 5 069 744 4 116 - 750 56 99 Individual agricultural

1 285 716 165 369 - 7 - 28 Business entities

Statistical Review 29

T-06: Area under industrial crops


Total Soybean Sunflower Tobacco Peanuts Aromatic Other
plants, industrial
medicinal and plants
culinary plants

24 717 111 3 759 17 648 2 626 281 57 235 Republic of

20 428 3 2 252 17 623 8 281 29 232 Individual
agricultural holdings
4 288 108 1 507 24 2 618 - 28 3 Business entities

1 889 71 406 1 352 3 - 32 26 Vardar Region

1 743 - 339 1 349 - - 29 26 Individual

agricultural holdings
146 71 67 3 3 - 3 - Business entities

562 3 81 442 2 - 0 34 East Region

523 - 45 442 2 - 0 34 Individual

agricultural holdings
39 3 36 - - - - - Business entities

63 - - 63 - 0 - - Southwest Region

63 - - 63 - 0 - - Individual
agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - Business entities

5 878 - 56 5 423 - 281 23 94 Southeast Region

5 850 - 56 5 422 - 281 - 90 Individual

agricultural holdings
24 - - 1 - - 23 3 Business entities

14 959 35 2 166 10 067 2 620 - - 71 Pelagonia Region

10 964 1 841 10 046 5 - - 71 Individual

agricultural holdings
3 994 34 1 325 20 2 615 - - - Business entities

50 - 13 29 2 - - 7 Polog Region

38 - 1 29 2 - - 7 Individual
agricultural holdings
12 - 12 - - - - - Business entities

814 - 772 39 - 0 2 1 Northeast Region

804 - 764 39 - 0 - 1 Individual

agricultural holdings
10 - 8 - - - 2 - Business entities

503 2 265 234 - - - 3 Skopje Region

444 2 206 234 - - - 3 Individual

agricultural holdings
59 - 59 - - - - - Business entities

30 Statisti~ki pregled

T-07: Area under fodder crops

Other fodder crops

Fodder maize
Mixed fodder

Fodder peas
Fodder beet




23 561 27 12 536 8 115 89 469 800 1 423 103 Republic of

19 363 27 11 246 7 087 79 352 195 286 91 Individual agricultural
4 198 - 1 290 1 028 11 117 605 1 137 12 Business entities

2 275 1 1 060 973 3 34 191 4 10 Vardar Region

1 656 1 654 960 3 26 7 - 5 Individual agricultural

619 - 405 13 - 8 184 4 5 Business entities

1 448 8 991 367 0 35 28 6 14 East Region

1 262 8 816 363 0 35 28 6 7 Individual agricultural

186 - 175 3 - - - - 7 Business entities

2 946 - 2 015 694 - 90 54 44 49 Southwest Region

2 874 - 1 966 691 - 89 38 40 49 Individual agricultural

73 - 49 3 - 1 16 4 - Business entities

3 120 4 2 188 781 30 114 2 - 1 Southeast Region

2 898 4 2 046 768 30 47 2 - 1 Individual agricultural

222 - 141 13 - 67 - - - Business entities

4 832 3 2 225 1 286 23 124 94 1 075 2 Pelagonia Region

2 772 3 2 051 304 23 113 57 219 2 Individual agricultural

2 061 - 174 982 - 11 37 857 - Business entities

5 310 9 3 573 1 460 11 13 - 240 5 Polog Region

4 955 9 3 455 1 458 1 13 - 14 5 Individual agricultural

356 - 118 2 10 - - 225 - Business entities

1 947 1 262 1 234 4 8 376 47 15 Northeast Region

1 496 1 200 1 234 4 8 33 - 15 Individual agricultural

451 - 61 - - - 343 47 - Business entities

1 682 2 223 1 320 19 50 55 8 7 Skopje Region

1 451 2 57 1 309 18 20 30 8 7 Individual agricultural

232 - 166 11 0 30 24 - - Business entities

Statistical Review 31

-05: , , 2007/2013
G-05: Area under cereals, industrial crops and fodder crops, comparison 2007/2013

2013 , 2007 ,
, .

Data show that areas under cereals and industrial crops in 2013 have increased compared to 2007, while the area of fodder
crops has decreased.

32 Statisti~ki pregled

-08: ,
T-08: Area under vegetables, outdoor and under protective cover



Outdoor Under protective cover

12 722 11 401 1 322 Republic of Macedonia

12 087 11 103 984 Individual agricultural holdings

635 298 337 Business entities

1 755 1 540 215 Vardar Region

1 615 1 431 184 Individual agricultural holdings

140 109 31 Business entities

831 781 50 East Region

784 773 11 Individual agricultural holdings

47 9 39 Business entities

324 300 24 Southwest Region

318 297 21 Individual agricultural holdings

6 3 3 Business entities

5 078 4 266 812 Southeast Region

4 736 4 176 560 Individual agricultural holdings

342 90 253 Business entities

1 987 1 968 20 Pelagonia Region

1 946 1 938 8 Individual agricultural holdings

41 29 12 Business entities

732 724 8 Polog Region

732 724 8 Individual agricultural holdings

0 0 - Business entities

862 831 31 Northeast Region

804 773 31 Individual agricultural holdings

58 58 - Business entities

1 153 991 162 Skopje Region

1 153 991 162 Individual agricultural holdings

- - - Business entities

Statistical Review 33

-09: ,
T-09: Area under vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants

Flowers and ornamental plants


Other vegetables










12 722 1 211 3 767 299 961 239 135 2 123 2 145 746 317 779 34 Republic of
12 087 1 079 3 693 155 953 239 135 2 017 2 055 705 317 740 30 Individual
agricultural holdings
635 133 74 144 8 0 0 106 90 41 0 39 4 Business entities

1 755 176 415 42 234 152 61 49 128 329 3 166 2 Vardar Region

1 615 130 375 21 234 152 61 49 127 314 3 149 2 Individual

agricultural holdings
140 46 40 22 - - - - 1 15 - 17 - Business entities

831 82 282 32 24 7 19 26 168 85 0 104 8 East Region

784 70 275 17 24 7 19 22 168 84 0 98 4 Individual

agricultural holdings
47 13 8 16 - - - 4 1 1 - 6 4 Business entities

324 79 121 15 26 8 5 43 10 1 3 14 3 Southwest Region

318 78 120 14 26 8 5 42 10 1 3 12 3 Individual

agricultural holdings
6 1 1 1 - - - 1 - - - 2 - Business entities

5 078 276 1 009 155 440 10 11 1 794 1 047 39 2 296 12 Southeast Region

4 736 230 995 49 433 10 11 1 693 997 33 2 282 12 Individual

agricultural holdings
342 45 14 106 7 - - 101 50 6 - 14 - Business entities

1 987 167 1 259 13 39 12 26 39 355 33 5 41 6 Pelagonia Region

1 946 139 1 253 12 38 12 26 39 348 33 5 41 6 Individual

agricultural holdings
41 28 6 0 0 0 - - 7 - 0 0 - Business entities

732 143 309 20 84 12 5 83 31 13 3 28 1 Polog Region

732 142 309 20 84 12 5 83 31 13 3 28 1 Individual

agricultural holdings
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - 0 Business entities

862 145 248 6 49 15 3 69 225 39 3 60 2 Northeast Region

804 145 242 6 49 15 3 68 194 20 3 60 2 Individual

agricultural holdings
58 - 6 - - - - 1 31 20 - - - Business entities

1 153 144 124 17 65 22 5 21 181 206 297 69 - Skopje Region

1 153 144 124 17 65 22 5 21 181 206 297 69 - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Business entities

34 Statisti~ki pregled

T-10.1: Number of fruit trees and area under fruits

Apples Pears Plums Cherries

, , , ,

number of area, number of area, number of area, number of area,
fruit trees ha fruit trees ha fruit trees ha fruit trees ha

6 730 849 7 742 303 466 482 1 349 170 2 686 394 700 813 Republic of
6 461 913 7 450 281 591 454 1 262 169 2 507 378 363 779 Individual
agricultural holdings
268 936 292 21 875 28 87 001 179 16 337 33 Business entities

52 829 77 50 478 92 82 075 164 9 307 18 Vardar Region

41 529 66 44 528 83 67 366 126 9 307 18 Individual

agricultural holdings
11 300 11 5 950 9 14 709 38 - - Business entities

55 999 115 31 418 63 529 687 1 271 35 892 63 East Region

53 739 112 29 568 61 464 831 1 142 23 873 35 Individual

agricultural holdings
2 260 2 1 850 2 64 856 129 12 019 28 Business entities

1 168 916 1 267 39 345 36 121 101 177 100 094 213 Southwest Region

1 151 666 1 209 39 345 36 121 101 177 100 014 212 Individual
agricultural holdings
17 250 58 - - - - 80 1 Business entities

164 348 213 55 991 68 348 838 579 43 520 103 Southeast Region

98 930 168 50 422 64 343 702 572 41 282 100 Individual

agricultural holdings
65 418 45 5 569 4 5 136 7 2 238 3 Business entities

4 913 792 5 477 20 116 34 40 065 89 10 069 20 Pelagonia Region

4 805 722 5 384 15 966 27 38 265 84 10 069 20 Individual

agricultural holdings
108 070 93 4 150 7 1 800 5 - - Business entities

259 216 361 20 099 30 17 818 29 4 003 7 Polog Region

204 516 294 20 099 30 17 818 29 4 003 7 Individual

agricultural holdings
54 700 67 - - - - - - Business entities

82 503 178 54 219 111 114 486 213 8 856 15 Northeast Region

76 973 169 52 363 110 114 486 213 8 856 15 Individual

agricultural holdings
5 530 9 1 856 1 - - - - Business entities

33 246 54 31 800 48 95 100 165 182 958 374 Skopje Region

28 838 47 29 300 44 94 600 164 180 958 373 Individual

agricultural holdings
4 408 6 2 500 4 500 1 2 000 1 Business entities

Statistical Review 35

T-10.2: Number of fruit trees and area under fruits

Sour cherries Apricots Peaches Walnuts

, , , ,

number of area, number of area, number of area, number of area,
fruit trees ha fruit trees ha fruit trees ha fruit trees ha

1 264 886 1 387 211 366 390 1 298 207 2 041 137 322 833 Republic of
348 086 428 197 933 353 1 029 099 1 547 125 538 693 Individual
agricultural holdings
916 800 958 13 433 37 269 108 494 11 784 140 Business entities

142 147 175 79 695 162 1 094 968 1 731 21 232 203 Vardar Region

9 362 16 72 937 135 884 625 1 342 11 134 81 Individual

agricultural holdings
132 785 159 6 758 27 210 343 389 10 098 123 Business entities

641 681 715 24 780 26 8 994 15 26 539 204 East Region

165 286 195 24 530 26 7 134 12 26 289 201 Individual

agricultural holdings
476 395 520 250 0 1 860 3 250 3 Business entities

11 650 14 6 190 10 20 242 22 39 233 128 Southwest Region

11 650 14 6 190 10 20 242 22 39 233 128 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - Business entities

47 465 51 33 649 68 107 759 175 13 747 91 Southeast Region

32 455 41 29 574 61 51 454 74 13 711 90 Individual

agricultural holdings
15 010 10 4 075 7 56 305 101 36 1 Business entities

216 550 191 2 149 4 32 649 40 5 553 36 Pelagonia Region

9 830 13 1 999 3 32 649 40 4 253 23 Individual

agricultural holdings
206 720 178 150 0 - - 1 300 13 Business entities

143 556 155 3 027 7 2 970 6 7 142 44 Polog Region

68 556 77 3 027 7 2 970 6 7 142 44 Individual

agricultural holdings
75 000 78 - - - - - - Business entities

34 927 47 17 699 25 7 068 14 15 867 88 Northeast Region

34 927 47 17 699 25 7 068 14 15 867 88 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - Business entities

26 909 39 44 178 88 23 557 39 8 008 39 Skopje Region

16 019 26 41 978 86 22 957 38 7 908 38 Individual

agricultural holdings
10 890 13 2 200 2 600 1 100 1 Business entities

36 Statisti~ki pregled

T-10.3: Number of fruit trees and area under fruits

Almonds Hazelnuts Figs Pomegranates

, , , ,

number of area, number of area, number of area, number of area,
fruit trees ha fruit trees ha fruit trees ha fruit trees ha

132 872 281 138 656 228 27 543 46 13 873 23 Republic of

131 422 273 130 056 212 27 543 46 9 373 14 Individual
agricultural holdings
1 450 8 8 600 16 - - 4 500 9 Business entities

64 595 124 8 617 12 573 2 402 1 Vardar Region

63 145 116 8 617 12 573 2 402 1 Individual

agricultural holdings
1 450 8 - - - - - - Business entities

5 541 13 19 239 38 1 581 3 21 0 East Region

5 541 13 16 639 34 1 581 3 21 0 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - 2 600 4 - - - - Business entities

1 077 1 10 957 18 252 1 - - Southwest Region

1 077 1 10 957 18 252 1 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - Business entities

23 053 57 16 211 30 24 193 38 13 327 21 Southeast Region

23 053 57 14 811 27 24 193 38 8 827 12 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - 1 400 3 - - 4 500 9 Business entities

548 3 17 195 27 32 0 - - Pelagonia Region

548 3 12 595 18 32 0 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - 4 600 9 - - - - Business entities

49 0 11 213 23 202 0 - - Polog Region

49 0 11 213 23 202 0 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - Business entities

6 563 11 47 283 70 320 1 80 0 Northeast Region

6 563 11 47 283 70 320 1 80 0 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - Business entities

31 447 72 7 941 10 390 1 43 0 Skopje Region

31 447 72 7 941 10 390 1 43 0 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - Business entities

Statistical Review 37

T-10.4: Number of fruit trees and area under fruits

Brambles Raspberries Olives
Other berry species Other fruit species

number of fruit trees

number of fruit trees

number of fruit trees

number of fruit trees

number of fruit trees

area, ha

area, ha

area, ha

area, ha

area, ha
3 797 1 24 230 4 52 542 58 233 834 321 13 983 27 Republic of
3 797 1 24 230 4 52 542 58 215 474 299 13 983 27 Individual
agricultural holdings
- - - - - - 18 360 22 - - Business entities

- - - - 8 366 8 62 126 10 - - Vardar Region

- - - - 8 366 8 60 126 8 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - 2 000 2 - - Business entities

- - 1 355 0 3 188 0 1 302 3 - - East Region

- - 1 355 0 3 188 0 1 142 3 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - 160 0 - - Business entities

970 0 1 208 0 9 199 30 20 123 55 - - Southwest Region

970 0 1 208 0 9 199 30 20 123 55 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - - - Business entities

- - 281 0 21 423 12 133 879 216 13 983 27 Southeast Region

- - 281 0 21 423 12 117 879 198 13 983 27 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - 16 000 18 - - Business entities

301 0 2 574 1 7 232 2 4 762 3 - - Pelagonia Region

301 0 2 574 1 7 232 2 4 762 3 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - - - Business entities

946 0 2 556 1 748 3 6 164 22 - - Polog Region

946 0 2 556 1 748 3 6 164 22 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - - - Business entities

691 0 14 384 1 2 297 2 2 550 5 - - Northeast Region

691 0 14 384 1 2 297 2 2 550 5 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - - - - - Business entities

889 1 1 871 1 89 0 2 928 7 - - Skopje Region

889 1 1 871 1 89 0 2 728 6 - - Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - - 200 1 - - Business entities

38 Statisti~ki pregled

G-06: Structure of orchards

, 2013 , 44.7%
. 2.2% 0.4%.
Apple plantations have the highest share with 44.7% of total orchards. Apricots with 2.2% and berry plantations with 0.4% have
the lowest share.

-07: , 2007/2013
G-07: Area under orchards and vineyards, comparison 2007/2013

2013 , , 17 336
2007 .
2013 , , 22 654 2007

The total area of orchards in 2013 in the Republic of Macedonia was 17 336 ha, and it has increased compared with 2007.
The total area of vineyards in 2013 in the Republic of Macedonia was 22 654 ha, and it has decreased slightly compared with

Statistical Review 39

T-11: Vineyards



total number of grape area, number of wine-grape number of table-grape
vines ha vines vines

80 115 791 22 654 70 444 894 9 670 896 Republic of Macedonia

60 043 129 16 128 54 328 162 5 714 966 Individual agricultural
20 072 662 6 525 16 116 732 3 955 930 Business entities

40 724 927 10 958 36 442 028 4 282 899 Vardar Region

29 698 925 7 744 27 899 460 1 799 465 Individual agricultural

11 026 002 3 214 8 542 568 2 483 434 Business entities

6 944 728 2 217 6 728 384 216 344 East Region

5 865 078 1 902 5 746 234 118 844 Individual agricultural

1 079 650 315 982 150 97 500 Business entities

4 504 227 749 4 270 903 233 324 Southwest Region

4 504 227 749 4 270 903 233 324 Individual agricultural

- - - - Business entities

14 748 913 5 222 10 910 916 3 837 997 Southeast Region

9 603 970 3 265 6 917 966 2 686 004 Individual agricultural

5 144 943 1 956 3 992 950 1 151 993 Business entities

2 609 604 739 2 469 165 140 439 Pelagonia Region

1 929 435 537 1 788 996 140 439 Individual agricultural

680 169 201 680 169 - Business entities

292 456 67 247 400 45 056 Polog Region

283 956 65 238 900 45 056 Individual agricultural

8 500 2 8 500 - Business entities

4 650 597 1 203 4 324 325 326 273 Northeast Region

4 019 543 1 022 3 761 771 257 773 Individual agricultural

631 054 181 562 554 68 500 Business entities

5 640 339 1 499 5 051 773 588 566 Skopje Region

4 137 995 844 3 703 932 434 063 Individual agricultural

1 502 344 655 1 347 841 154 503 Business entities

40 Statisti~ki pregled

M-2: , 2013
M-2: Distribution of agricultural holdings, 2013

Statistical Review 41

-12: Number of agricultural holdings by size classes of utilised agricultural land
/ UAA size classes in ha

0.5 > 0.5 1 >13 >35 >5 8 > 8 10 > 10

67 686 31 809 50 244 12 475 4 967 1 426 2 277 Republic of

67 651 31 804 50 224 12 462 4 942 1 399 2 098 Individual
agricultural holdings
35 5 20 13 25 27 179 Business entities

10 543 3 458 4 547 1 057 328 100 290 Vardar Region

10 537 3 458 4 545 1 056 323 96 249 Individual

agricultural holdings
6 - 2 1 5 4 41 Business entities

10 079 3 791 6 282 1 993 988 265 364 East Region

10 074 3 790 6 280 1 991 984 258 332 Individual

agricultural holdings
5 1 2 2 4 7 32 Business entities

8 673 3 741 4 841 1 062 316 72 70 Southwest Region

8 672 3 741 4 841 1 061 316 70 62 Individual

agricultural holdings
1 - - 1 - 2 8 Business entities

9 479 5 393 8 698 1 778 258 69 142 Southeast Region

9 477 5 389 8 691 1 775 256 66 125 Individual

agricultural holdings
2 4 7 3 2 3 17 Business entities

6 267 4 258 8 902 2 725 1 584 511 692 Pelagonia Region

6 260 4 258 8 898 2 721 1 571 502 639 Individual

agricultural holdings
7 - 4 4 13 9 53 Business entities

9 460 4 673 5 880 982 285 98 113 Polog Region

9 453 4 673 5 878 981 284 97 105 Individual

agricultural holdings
7 - 2 1 1 1 8 Business entities

6 330 3 466 7 029 2 060 868 240 470 Northeast Region

6 327 3 466 7 026 2 060 868 240 460 Individual

agricultural holdings
3 - 3 - - - 10 Business entities

6 855 3 028 4 064 818 340 71 137 Skopje Region

6 851 3 028 4 064 817 340 70 127 Individual

agricultural holdings
4 - - 1 - 1 10 Business entities

42 Statisti~ki pregled

G-08: Agricultural holdings by size of utilised agricultural area

, 58.2% 1 .
1.3% 10 .
, 58.3% 1
, 1.2% 10 .
, 58.9% 10 , 3.0%
2 3 .

In the Republic of Macedonia, agricultural holdings with less than 1 ha of utilised agricultural area participate with 58.2%,
whereas holdings with more than 10 ha account for only 1.3%.
In the individual sector, agricultural holdings with less than 1 ha dominate with 58.3%, while holdings with more than 10 ha have
the lowest share with 1.2%.
Among the business entities, holdings with more than 10 ha agricultural area have the highest contribution with 58.9%, while
entities with 2-3 ha of utilised agricultural area participate with only 3.0%.

Statistical Review 43

T-13: Number of agricultural holdings by category of utilised agricultural area

Arable land Kitchen Orchards Vineyards Meadows Pastures Olives
and gardens gardens

139 613 37 176 32 971 47 857 39 482 8 425 117 Republic of Macedonia
139 369 37 176 32 888 47 798 39 440 8 407 117 Individual agricultural
244 - 83 59 42 18 - Business entities

10 649 745 3 800 13 059 1 065 264 - Vardar Region

10 606 745 3 776 13 033 1 063 263 - Individual agricultural

43 - 24 26 2 1 - Business entities

17 986 7 142 6 159 7 791 7 248 1 610 - East Region

17 942 7 142 6 139 7 782 7 246 1 607 - Individual agricultural

44 - 20 9 2 3 - Business entities

14 850 3 626 4 860 4 508 7 410 2 270 - Southwest Region

14 841 3 626 4 858 4 508 7 407 2 267 - Individual agricultural

9 - 2 - 3 3 - Business entities

23 574 3 310 3 472 8 474 2 757 453 117 Southeast Region

23 542 3 310 3 459 8 464 2 755 451 117 Individual agricultural

32 - 13 10 2 2 - Business entities

20 291 4 378 5 769 2 771 7 559 766 - Pelagonia Region

20 210 4 378 5 754 2 766 7 531 762 - Individual agricultural

81 - 15 5 28 4 - Business entities

19 858 6 220 2 967 541 7 419 594 - Polog Region

19 847 6 220 2 964 540 7 417 592 - Individual agricultural

11 - 3 1 2 2 - Business entities

19 403 7 245 3 902 5 358 4 406 1 753 - Northeast Region

19 391 7 245 3 900 5 354 4 404 1 752 - Individual agricultural

12 - 2 4 2 1 - Business entities

13 002 4 511 2 041 5 354 1 616 715 - Skopje Region

12 990 4 511 2 037 5 350 1 615 713 - Individual agricultural

12 - 4 4 1 2 - Business entities

44 Statisti~ki pregled

T-14: Number of agricultural holdings by area of arable land and gardens

Flowers and ornamental

Seeds and seedlings

Industrial crops

Fodder crops

Fallow land





105 061 30 171 31 074 25 566 50 710 37 917 713 886 6 420 Republic of Macedonia
104 853 30 141 30 956 25 559 50 655 37 903 711 884 6 368 Individual agricultural
208 30 118 7 55 14 2 2 52 Business entities

5 176 3 293 1 644 1 779 6 286 1 761 125 79 756 Vardar Region

5 141 3 285 1 627 1 779 6 279 1 760 125 79 745 Individual agricultural
35 8 17 - 7 1 - - 11 Business entities

14 191 1 426 2 576 3 951 3 034 7 874 43 16 780 East Region

14 153 1 423 2 558 3 949 3 026 7 872 42 16 773 Individual agricultural

38 3 18 2 8 2 1 - 7 Business entities

11 496 150 4 450 6 954 7 615 7 189 41 28 436 Southwest Region

11 487 150 4 444 6 952 7 614 7 187 41 28 435 Individual agricultural

9 - 6 2 1 2 - - 1 Business entities

17 169 10 331 7 071 1 531 9 809 2 364 90 269 876 Southeast Region

17 151 10 327 7 064 1 531 9 791 2 364 90 267 869 Individual agricultural
18 4 7 - 18 - - 2 7 Business entities

13 964 13 268 2 719 2 506 6 923 3 715 292 473 2 079 Pelagonia Region

13 887 13 257 2 666 2 504 6 905 3 709 292 473 2 064 Individual agricultural
77 11 53 2 18 6 - - 15 Business entities

16 760 207 8 015 2 169 6 664 5 552 50 - 75 Polog Region

16 751 206 8 013 2 169 6 663 5 551 49 - 74 Individual agricultural

9 1 2 - 1 1 1 - 1 Business entities

16 174 873 2 588 4 276 4 818 6 702 72 21 257 Northeast Region

16 163 871 2 582 4 276 4 816 6 700 72 21 252 Individual agricultural

11 2 6 - 2 2 - - 5 Business entities

10 131 623 2 011 2 400 5 562 2 759 - - 1 160 Skopje Region

10 120 622 2 002 2 399 5 562 2 759 - - 1 155 Individual agricultural

11 1 9 1 - - - - 5 Business entities

Statistical Review 45

T-15: a a
-15: Irrigated area

Number of agricultural holdings that


Number of holdings that used

Irrigated area, ha

can irrigate


Industrial crops

Fodder crops








110 718 96 901 73 649 25 598 4 606 7 225 1 238 9 662 11 687 9 299 1 318 3 016 Republic of
110 536 96 734 62 496 21 884 4 438 5 130 1 235 9 356 10 301 5 897 1 318 2 936 Individual
agricultural holdings
182 167 11 153 3 714 169 2 095 3 305 1 386 3 401 - 80 Business entities
10 785 10 374 13 022 1 713 417 1 551 81 1 160 2 214 5 714 37 135 Vardar Region
10 751 10 342 8 820 879 327 1 179 81 1 116 1 671 3 396 37 134 Individual
agricultural holdings
34 32 4 202 834 91 372 - 44 543 2 318 - 1 Business entities
12 739 11 806 9 932 7 012 85 440 149 417 665 530 171 464 East Region
12 708 11 777 8 747 6 377 66 343 149 374 374 435 171 459 Individual
agricultural holdings
31 29 1 185 636 19 98 - 43 290 95 - 5 Business entities
13 939 12 610 5 150 1 756 59 607 405 297 1 377 52 196 401 Southwest Region

13 932 12 603 4 973 1 687 59 577 402 291 1 318 52 196 392 Individual
agricultural holdings
7 7 177 69 - 30 3 6 59 - - 10 Business entities
20 047 17 330 14 792 3 338 2 018 602 127 4 449 847 2 851 10 550 Southeast Region

20 021 17 307 13 069 2 970 2 015 602 127 4 273 703 1 864 10 505 Individual
agricultural holdings
26 23 1 723 368 3 1 - 175 144 987 - 45 Business entities
15 780 14 787 16 526 4 651 1 939 2 074 144 1 574 5 534 54 162 393 Pelagonia Region

15 719 14 729 13 270 3 163 1 893 601 144 1 544 5 321 54 162 387 Individual
agricultural holdings
61 58 3 256 1 488 46 1 473 0 30 213 - - 6 Business entities
19 697 15 835 9 336 5 201 32 1 635 99 618 493 14 723 522 Polog Region
19 686 15 825 9 044 5 106 32 1 553 99 618 379 13 723 522 Individual
agricultural holdings
11 10 293 95 - 82 - 0 114 2 - 0 Business entities
10 434 9 327 3 163 1 420 56 221 161 529 284 45 6 442 Northeast Region

10 428 9 322 3 020 1 348 46 181 161 522 283 45 6 429 Individual
agricultural holdings
6 5 143 72 10 40 - 7 1 - - 13 Business entities
7 296 4 832 1 727 507 - 95 73 618 274 38 13 109 Skopje Region
7 290 4 829 1 553 354 - 95 73 618 252 38 13 109 Individual
agricultural holdings
6 3 175 153 - - - - 22 - - - Business entities

, ,
Crops under glass or other (accessible) protective cover and kitchen gardens are excluded because they are assumed to be always irrigated

46 Statisti~ki pregled

G-09: Agricultural holdings that used irrigation

, , 67%
. 31%

The highest number of agricultural holdings that used irrigation is recorded in the Southeast region, while the lowest number
is in the Skopje region.
In relation to the total number of agricultural holdings by regions, the share of holdings that used irrigation is highest in the
Southwest and Southeast region, 67%, while the lowest share, 31%, is registered in the Skopje region.

Statistical Review 47

T-16: T o
T-16: Area treated with fertilisers and pesticides


Organic fertilisers
Mineral fertilisers Pesticides

205 420 53 283 171 940 Republic of Macedonia

170 499 51 060 137 805 Individual agricultural holdings

34 921 2 223 34 135 Business entities

21 153 2 772 20 187 Vardar Region

15 210 2 406 14 260 Individual agricultural holdings

5 944 367 5 927 Business entities

26 842 3 691 22 618 East Region

23 816 3 636 20 027 Individual agricultural holdings

3 026 54 2 591 Business entities

10 747 3 827 9 338 Southwest Region

10 542 3 785 9 195 Individual agricultural holdings

205 42 142 Business entities

25 325 5 319 17 179 Southeast Region

23 377 5 044 14 834 Individual agricultural holdings

1 948 275 2 344 Business entities

60 444 13 065 57 337 Pelagonia Region

42 586 12 357 39 659 Individual agricultural holdings

17 858 708 17 678 Business entities

16 674 11 698 13 049 Polog Region

16 052 10 928 12 336 Individual agricultural holdings

622 770 713 Business entities

33 418 7 196 23 875 Northeast Region

30 085 7 194 20 647 Individual agricultural holdings

3 333 2 3 229 Business entities

10 817 5 715 8 358 Skopje Region

8 832 5 709 6 847 Individual agricultural holdings

1 985 6 1 511 Business entities

48 Statisti~ki pregled

-17: , ,
T-17: Number of horses, cattle, sheep and goats

Cattle Sheep Goats
of which:


Total Total Of which Total Of which
Heifers Heifers in Dairy breeding breeding
calf cows female female
sheep goats

24 819 239 362 5 548 7 465 106 301 734 472 568 957 96 281 62 316 Republic of Macedonia
24 798 230 148 5 394 6 750 102 708 701 313 542 631 95 487 61 758 Individual agricultural
21 9 214 154 715 3 593 33 159 26 326 794 558 Business entities

1 723 16 073 171 475 6 068 96 984 76 793 6 377 4 584 Vardar Region

1 708 15 016 144 475 5 830 87 759 69 326 6 352 4 561 Individual agricultural
15 1 057 27 - 238 9 225 7 467 25 23 Business entities

2 713 23 806 421 805 10 283 133 655 108 821 16 076 11 846 East Region

2 711 23 515 421 805 10 187 127 273 103 877 16 042 11 827 Individual agricultural
2 291 - - 96 6 382 4 944 34 19 Business entities

4 228 18 995 572 336 8 921 108 013 80 850 14 858 9 156 Southwest Region

4 228 18 653 572 297 8 752 105 880 79 206 14 687 9 031 Individual agricultural
- 342 - 39 169 2 133 1 644 171 125 Business entities

9 045 37 132 666 747 11 478 77 253 60 550 19 880 13 510 Southeast Region

9 045 36 376 602 378 11 447 77 027 60 330 19 880 13 510 Individual agricultural
- 756 64 369 31 226 220 - - Business entities

1 838 54 389 1 890 1 856 26 186 129 541 102 187 4 070 2 514 Pelagonia Region

1 834 49 329 1 827 1 767 23 804 123 993 97 358 3 924 2 386 Individual agricultural
4 5 060 63 89 2 382 5 548 4 829 146 128 Business entities

1 658 34 033 903 1 717 17 252 51 713 35 132 10 158 5 815 Polog Region

1 658 32 991 903 1 567 16 800 45 981 30 937 10 158 5 815 Individual agricultural
- 1 042 - 150 452 5 732 4 195 - - Business entities

905 28 516 539 829 15 696 74 215 60 113 19 774 11 317 Northeast Region

905 28 140 539 829 15 613 71 024 57 587 19 570 11 204 Individual agricultural
- 376 - - 83 3 191 2 526 204 113 Business entities

2 710 26 419 386 700 10 417 63 097 44 511 5 087 3 574 Skopje Region

2 710 26 129 386 632 10 275 62 375 44 010 4 873 3 424 Individual agricultural
- 290 - 68 142 722 501 214 150 Business entities

Statistical Review 49

-18: , ,
T-18: Number of pigs, poultry, rabbits and beehives


of which

Poultry Rabbits
Sows (gilts) in Sows Boars

163 770 2 801 13 881 1 517 2 055 837 20 972 133 970 Republic of Macedonia
124 728 2 463 10 137 1 408 1 355 627 20 972 133 778 Individual agricultural
39 042 338 3 744 109 700 210 - 192 Business entities

18 029 437 1 581 49 132 533 1 648 13 393 Vardar Region

9 005 355 308 15 77 290 1 648 13 293 Individual agricultural

9 024 82 1 273 34 55 243 - 100 Business entities

29 952 309 3 011 182 223 975 6 540 13 796 East Region

17 623 169 2 254 166 141 099 6 540 13 796 Individual agricultural
12 329 140 757 16 82 876 - - Business entities

14 449 37 1 135 156 185 712 1 107 31 480 Southwest Region

13 778 24 1 083 155 185 712 1 107 31 430 Individual agricultural

671 13 52 1 - - 50 Business entities

14 784 - 494 39 274 305 3 689 8 541 Southeast Region

14 012 - 415 33 169 785 3 689 8 541 Individual agricultural

772 - 79 6 104 520 - - Business entities

21 368 108 1 380 160 286 167 1 743 26 763 Pelagonia Region

16 500 48 912 140 225 181 1 743 26 763 Individual agricultural

4 868 60 468 20 60 986 - - Business entities

25 372 708 2 112 270 404 345 1 031 21 650 Polog Region

14 263 673 1 038 243 187 810 1 031 21 608 Individual agricultural
11 109 35 1 074 27 216 535 - 42 Business entities

25 699 681 3 609 579 322 054 3 906 12 653 Northeast Region

25 647 679 3 601 577 252 494 3 906 12 653 Individual agricultural
52 2 8 2 69 560 - - Business entities

14 117 521 559 82 226 746 1 307 5 695 Skopje Region

13 900 515 526 79 116 256 1 307 5 695 Individual agricultural

217 6 33 3 110 490 - - Business entities

50 Statisti~ki pregled

T-19: Livestock units

Livestoc units Livestoc units per
Livestock units per ha
agricultural holding
utilised agricultural area

365 868 2.14 1.16 Republic of Macedonia

333 877 1.96 1.25 Individual agricultural holdings

31 990 105.23 0.65 Business entities

30 223 1.49 0.77 Vardar Region

25 857 1.28 0.93 Individual agricultural holdings

4 366 74.01 0.38 Business entities

47 394 1.99 1.11 East Region

42 811 1.81 1.10 Individual agricultural holdings

4 584 86.48 1.15 Business entities

36 363 1.94 1.68 Southwest Region

35 697 1.90 1.72 Individual agricultural holdings

667 55.56 0.77 Business entities

54 150 2.10 1.42 Southeast Region

51 977 2.02 1.53 Individual agricultural holdings

2 173 57.18 0.50 Business entities

67 775 2.72 0.86 Pelagonia Region

60 862 2.45 1.02 Individual agricultural holdings

6 913 76.81 0.35 Business entities

48 771 2.27 1.85 Polog Region

40 181 1.87 1.62 Individual agricultural holdings

8 590 429.50 5.69 Business entities

45 207 2.21 0.97 Northeast Region

42 953 2.10 1.02 Individual agricultural holdings

2 254 140.90 0.51 Business entities

35 983 2.35 1.63 Skopje Region

33 540 2.19 1.76 Individual agricultural holdings

2 443 152.72 0.81 Business entities

Statistical Review 51

G-10: Livestock units

67 775

Pelagonia region has the highest number of livestock units, 67 775 LSU, which is more than double compared to the Vardar region,
where the number of livestock units is the lowest.

52 Statisti~ki pregled

M-3: , 2013
M-3: Livestock units , 2013

Statistical Review 53

T-20: Livestock units by size classes of livestock units
/ livestock unit size classes

>01 >13 >35 > 5 10 > 10 20 > 20 30 > 30 50 > 50

20 305 52 598 38 679 58 507 59 586 31 548 38 655 65 989 Republic of

20 305 52 589 38 659 58 457 59 224 30 915 37 712 36 017 Individual
agricultural holdings
0 9 20 50 362 634 943 29 972 Business entities

1 527 2 564 1 549 3 032 3 263 4 268 4 574 9 445 Vardar Region

1 527 2 564 1 545 3 032 3 221 4 238 4 468 5 262 Individual

agricultural holdings
0 - 5 - 42 30 106 4 184 Business entities

2 892 6 273 4 689 8 582 7 684 4 237 6 773 6 264 East Region

2 892 6 273 4 683 8 576 7 684 4 208 6 738 1 756 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - 7 6 - 28 35 4 508 Business entities

2 654 8 763 5 026 4 633 4 602 1 805 3 563 5 317 Southwest Region

2 654 8 762 5 026 4 633 4 602 1 759 3 446 4 815 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 1 - - - 46 117 502 Business entities

3 551 9 022 5 400 5 914 7 753 3 860 7 968 10 681 Southeast Region

3 551 9 022 5 400 5 914 7 753 3 815 7 895 8 626 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - 44 73 2 055 Business entities

2 230 6 108 6 375 11 451 13 688 8 166 6 495 13 262 Pelagonia Region

2 230 6 102 6 366 11 424 13 385 7 755 5 999 7 601 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 6 9 27 302 411 496 5 661 Business entities

2 225 8 637 7 242 10 074 5 877 2 611 2 772 9 334 Polog Region

2 225 8 635 7 242 10 074 5 877 2 582 2 740 807 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 2 - - - 29 32 8 527 Business entities

2 825 6 103 5 118 9 892 10 407 4 153 1 884 4 825 Northeast Region

2 825 6 103 5 118 9 883 10 389 4 153 1 884 2 598 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - 9 18 - - 2 228 Business entities

2 400 5 128 3 280 4 929 6 312 2 449 4 625 6 860 Skopje Region

2 400 5 128 3 280 4 921 6 312 2 404 4 542 4 553 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - 8 - 45 84 2 307 Business entities

54 Statisti~ki pregled

T-21: Utilised agricultural area by size classes of livestock units
/ livestock unit size classes

>01 >13 >35 > 5 10 > 10 20 > 20 30 > 30 50 > 50

53 885 51 819 23 571 30 427 19 814 8 748 8 346 28 306 Republic of

53 863 51 746 23 535 30 345 19 453 8 058 6 500 2 846 Individual
agricultural holdings
23 73 36 82 360 690 1 846 25 460 Business entities

7 735 2 623 836 1 869 914 768 1 007 5 800 Vardar Region

7 712 2 623 827 1 869 847 752 937 338 Individual

agricultural holdings
23 - 9 - 67 16 70 5 462 Business entities

7 211 7 398 3 608 4 922 2 953 1 511 631 548 East Region

7 211 7 398 3 604 4 920 2 953 1 498 631 276 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - 4 2 - 13 - 272 Business entities

4 341 6 340 2 539 2 069 918 453 423 578 Southwest Region

4 341 6 335 2 539 2 069 918 203 372 150 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 5 - - - 250 51 428 Business entities

8 781 9 556 2 717 2 208 1 262 270 1 827 970 Southeast Region

8 781 9 556 2 717 2 208 1 262 252 465 482 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - 19 1 362 489 Business entities

10 986 8 592 5 436 6 925 6 424 3 174 3 058 17 986 Pelagonia Region

10 986 8 534 5 413 6 909 6 152 2 828 2 818 748 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 58 23 16 272 346 239 17 238 Business entities

2 852 5 379 3 183 3 970 1 657 641 573 793 Polog Region

2 852 5 369 3 183 3 970 1 657 627 573 54 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 10 - - - 14 - 738 Business entities

7 333 7 439 3 796 6 732 4 351 1 548 327 1 150 Northeast Region

7 333 7 439 3 796 6 667 4 330 1 548 327 671 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - 65 21 - - 479 Business entities

4 646 4 491 1 456 1 733 1 334 383 501 479 Skopje Region

4 646 4 491 1 456 1 733 1 334 351 377 126 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - 32 124 353 Business entities

Statistical Review 55

G-11: Number of holdings and livestock units by size classes of livestock units

1 . , 42 058
20 305 .
50 454 65 989

The majority of the holdings that raise livestock have up to 1 livestock unit. In this class, 42 058 holdings have 20 305 livestock
In the last class (over 50 livestock units), only 454 holdings are classified and they have 65 989 livestock units.

56 Statisti~ki pregled

-22: Livestock units by size classes of utilised agricultural area
/ UAA size classes in ha

0.5 > 0.5 1 >13 >35 >5 8 > 8 10 > 10

68 801 39 380 108 789 57 883 36 891 12 622 41 501 Republic of Macedonia

58 016 39 254 108 422 53 585 35 933 10 416 28 252 Individual agricultural holdings

10 786 126 368 4 298 957 2 206 13 249 Business entities

8 400 2 893 8 231 2 696 2 425 406 5 173 Vardar Region

6 495 2 893 8 231 2 696 2 394 401 2 747 Individual agricultural holdings

1 905 - - - 31 5 2 425 Business entities

7 259 3 063 12 122 8 576 7 765 3 980 4 629 East Region

6 694 2 937 12 116 8 573 7 343 2 033 3 114 Individual agricultural holdings

565 126 6 3 422 1 947 1 514 Business entities

9 131 5 626 10 551 6 244 2 787 562 1 462 Southwest Region

8 966 5 626 10 551 6 243 2 787 516 1 009 Individual agricultural holdings

165 - - 1 - 46 454 Business entities

9 984 9 409 19 715 7 296 2 570 637 4 539 Southeast Region

9 709 9 409 19 715 7 296 2 508 637 2 703 Individual agricultural holdings

275 - - - 62 - 1 836 Business entities

7 711 3 389 15 632 10 861 11 860 3 316 15 005 Pelagonia Region

6 917 3 389 15 510 10 775 11 474 3 131 9 665 Individual agricultural holdings

795 - 122 86 386 184 5 340 Business entities

10 903 6 659 16 202 8 189 2 184 1 688 2 945 Polog Region

6 641 6 659 16 202 5 068 2 128 1 686 1 797 Individual agricultural holdings

4 262 - - 3 121 57 2 1 149 Business entities

5 473 4 635 13 472 8 591 5 176 1 550 6 311 Northeast Region

3 642 4 635 13 232 8 591 5 176 1 550 6 127 Individual agricultural holdings

1 831 - 239 - - - 184 Business entities

9 939 3 706 12 865 5 430 2 123 483 1 437 Skopje Region

8 952 3 706 12 865 4 343 2 123 461 1 090 Individual agricultural holdings

987 - - 1 087 - 22 347 Business entities

Statistical Review 57

-23: Number of agricultural holdings by size classes of livestock units
/ livestock unit size classes

>01 >13 >35 > 5 10 > 10 20 > 20 30 > 30 50 > 50

42 058 29 231 9 908 8 327 4 309 1 322 1 021 454 Republic of
42 057 29 227 9 903 8 321 4 285 1 295 997 388 Individual
agricultural holdings
1 4 5 6 24 27 24 66 Business entities

3 410 1 428 390 419 225 174 122 71 Vardar Region

3 409 1 428 389 419 222 173 119 59 Individual

agricultural holdings
1 - 1 - 3 1 3 12 Business entities

6 304 3 559 1 203 1 217 574 179 172 34 East Region

6 304 3 559 1 201 1 216 574 178 171 21 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - 2 1 - 1 1 13 Business entities

5 303 4 858 1 321 674 329 81 94 51 Southwest Region

5 303 4 857 1 321 674 329 79 91 48 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 1 - - - 2 3 3 Business entities

6 669 5 297 1 378 868 542 153 221 114 Southeast Region

6 669 5 297 1 378 868 542 151 219 110 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - - - 2 2 4 Business entities

5 304 3 282 1 615 1 596 950 344 170 81 Pelagonia Region

5 304 3 280 1 613 1 593 930 326 158 67 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 2 2 3 20 18 12 14 Business entities

4 398 4 454 1 857 1 465 425 110 72 17 Polog Region

4 398 4 453 1 857 1 465 425 109 71 8 Individual

agricultural holdings
- 1 - - - 1 1 9 Business entities

5 834 3 439 1 310 1 428 803 180 51 34 Northeast Region

5 834 3 439 1 310 1 427 802 180 51 28 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - 1 1 - - 6 Business entities

4 835 2 913 835 660 461 102 117 54 Skopje Region

4 835 2 913 835 659 461 100 115 49 Individual

agricultural holdings
- - - 1 - 2 2 5 Business entities

58 Statisti~ki pregled

-24: , ,
T-24: Number of agricultural holdings with livestock, poultry, rabbits and beehives
Agricultural holdings with:

Cattle Horses Sheep Goats Pigs Poultry Rabbits
38 266 17 016 7 410 19 546 43 718 63 215 1 947 4 135 Republic of
38 170 17 011 7 377 19 535 43 674 63 178 1 947 4 132 Individual
agricultural holdings
96 5 33 11 44 37 - 3 Business entities

1 589 1 258 499 1 336 2 327 3 897 130 462 Vardar Region

1 583 1 257 494 1 335 2 315 3 894 130 461 Individual

agricultural holdings
6 1 5 1 12 3 - 1 Business entities

3 807 1 392 1 738 4 107 7 709 7 532 583 572 East Region

3 800 1 391 1 732 4 105 7 703 7 528 583 572 Individual

agricultural holdings
7 1 6 2 6 4 - - Business entities

5 697 1 821 1 290 2 695 5 190 8 269 161 1 037 Southwest Region

5 689 1 821 1 287 2 694 5 189 8 269 161 1 036 Individual

agricultural holdings
8 - 3 1 1 - - 1 Business entities

4 635 7 612 795 4 272 6 585 9 009 278 226 Southeast Region

4 632 7 612 794 4 272 6 581 9 006 278 226 Individual

agricultural holdings
3 - 1 - 4 3 - - Business entities

6 373 1 588 929 719 5 431 9 896 129 487 Pelagonia Region

6 309 1 585 920 714 5 418 9 883 129 487 Individual

agricultural holdings
64 3 9 5 13 13 - - Business entities

7 541 1 155 568 1 795 4 883 7 595 196 573 Polog Region

7 539 1 155 565 1 795 4 880 7 591 196 572 Individual

agricultural holdings
2 - 3 - 3 4 - 1 Business entities

4 803 707 882 3 247 7 165 11 128 368 622 Northeast Region

4 801 707 878 3 246 7 164 11 125 368 622 Individual

agricultural holdings
2 - 4 1 1 3 - - Business entities

3 821 1 483 708 1 374 4 430 5 890 101 157 Skopje Region

3817 1483 706 1373 4426 5883 101 157 Individual

agricultural holdings
4 - 2 1 4 7 - - Business entities

Statistical Review 59

G-12: Agricultural holdings with livestock and livestock units

The majority of agricultural holdings engaged in livestock rearing are located in the Southeast region, and they have a 15.8% share
in the total number of agricultural holdings with livestock, and the biggest share of livestock units are in the Pelagonia Region.

-13: , 2007/2013
G-13: Number of tractors, comparison 2007/2013

2007 .
, 2007 75 850 , 2013 92 708 .

The number of tractors has increased significantly compared to 2007. According to Agricultural Census data, the number of
tractors in 2007 was 75 850, while in 2013 there were 92 708 tractors.

60 Statisti~ki pregled

T-25: Number of own agricultural machinery and equipment

Combine harvesters Other fully mechanised
Single and two-axle tractors

Age Age Age

11 20

11 20

11 20
from 11 to 20 years

from 11 to 20 years

from 11 to 20 years



up to 10 years

up to 10 years

up to 10 years




over 20 years

over 20 years

over 20 years
92 708 8 234 18 134 66 340 1 797 68 454 1 275 19 744 6 274 5 443 8 027 Republic of
91 627 7 894 17 735 65 998 1 668 43 395 1 230 19 373 6 173 5 242 7 958 Individual
agricultural holdings
1 081 340 399 342 129 25 59 45 371 101 201 69 Business entities
8 550 991 1 826 5 732 148 7 53 88 2 473 680 508 1 286 Vardar Region

8 353 938 1 737 5 677 124 6 40 78 2 389 667 448 1 275 Individual
agricultural holdings
197 53 89 55 24 1 13 10 84 13 60 11 Business entities
10 644 805 2 126 7 714 340 4 59 277 3 580 1 668 700 1 213 East Region
10 539 756 2 087 7 697 324 - 53 271 3 550 1 659 692 1 200 Individual
agricultural holdings
105 49 39 17 16 4 6 6 30 9 8 13 Business entities
6 533 608 1 285 4 640 96 12 29 54 1 204 247 364 594 Southwest Region

6 516 601 1 277 4 638 93 12 26 54 1 198 243 362 594 Individual

agricultural holdings
17 7 8 2 3 - 3 - 6 4 2 - Business entities
15 154 929 1 938 12 287 81 3 39 39 1 153 260 406 487 Southeast Region

14 955 832 1 883 12 240 72 1 36 35 1 134 253 398 483 Individual

agricultural holdings
199 97 55 47 9 2 3 4 19 7 8 4 Business entities
17 985 2 271 2 936 12 778 427 32 118 277 5 913 2 408 1 705 1 801 Pelagonia Region

17 627 2 167 2 787 12 673 377 16 97 264 5 713 2 348 1 591 1 775 Individual
agricultural holdings
358 104 149 105 50 16 21 13 200 60 114 26 Business entities
12 019 994 3 261 7 764 154 8 61 85 2 700 547 939 1 215 Polog Region
11 978 983 3 248 7 747 150 8 58 84 2 695 544 937 1 215 Individual
agricultural holdings
41 11 13 17 4 - 3 1 5 3 2 - Business entities
12 428 827 2 999 8 602 389 1 50 338 1 503 362 624 517 Northeast Region

12 324 817 2 978 8 529 373 - 42 331 1 490 360 622 508 Individual
agricultural holdings
104 10 21 73 16 1 8 7 13 2 2 9 Business entities
9 395 809 1 763 6 823 163 1 46 116 1 217 104 198 915 Skopje Region
9 335 800 1 738 6 797 156 - 44 112 1 203 101 193 909 Individual
agricultural holdings
60 9 25 26 7 1 2 4 14 3 5 6 Business entities

Statistical Review 61

T-26: Number of agricultural holdings with equipment used for renewable energy production

Solar Biomass Other types of renewable
energy sources
383 10 50 Republic of Macedonia
378 6 47 Individual agricultural holdings
5 4 3 Business entities
2 6 1 Vardar Region
- 6 - Individual agricultural holdings
2 - 1 Business entities
6 2 1 East Region
6 - - Individual agricultural holdings
- 2 1 Business entities
63 - 7 Southwest Region
63 - 7 Individual agricultural holdings
- - - Business entities
- 1 1 Southeast Region
- - - Individual agricultural holdings
- 1 1 Business entities
19 - - Pelagonia Region
19 - - Individual agricultural holdings
- - - Business entities
26 - 25 Polog Region
25 - 25 Individual agricultural holdings
1 - - Business entities
12 - 6 Northeast Region
11 - 6 Individual agricultural holdings
1 - - Business entities
256 1 9 Skopje Region
255 - 9 Individual agricultural holdings
1 1 - Business entities

-27: Number of individual agricultural holdings that provide services with machinery and quipment of the holding

Other services
Agricultural services Forestry services
3 108 121 503 Republic of Macedonia
378 18 6 Vardar Region
300 37 26 East Region
162 7 5 Southwest Region
336 7 - Southeast Region
393 10 19 Pelagonia Region
482 42 434 Polog Region
892 - 13 Northeast Region
166 - - Skopje Region

62 Statisti~ki pregled

-28: 1)
T-28: Household members engaged at individual agricultural holdings1) and employees at business entities, by age and sex
/number of persons
25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64
up to 25 years 65 years and
Total over












441 742 49 530 20 052 59 445 23 537 70 968 32 298 90 943 40 654 89 565 39 752 81 291 33 419 Republic of
436 842 49 241 19 938 58 677 23 307 69 773 31 959 89 449 40 242 88 415 39 436 81 287 33 418 Individual
agricultural holdings
4 900 289 114 768 230 1 195 339 1 494 412 1 150 316 4 1 Business entities
50 960 5 610 2 262 6 265 2 380 8 453 3 767 10 857 4 767 11 125 4 540 8 650 3 376 Vardar Region

49 683 5 470 2 203 6 133 2 333 8 171 3 671 10 457 4 665 10 805 4 471 8 647 3 375 Individual
agricultural holdings
1 277 140 59 132 47 282 96 400 102 320 69 3 1 Business entities
57 900 5 673 2 220 7 182 2 775 8 509 3 944 12 531 5 696 13 023 5 765 10 982 4 601 East Region
57 258 5 657 2 216 7 028 2 725 8 286 3 858 12 381 5 641 12 924 5 726 10 982 4 601 Individual
agricultural holdings
642 16 4 154 50 223 86 150 55 99 39 - - Business entities
48 421 4 939 1 848 6 319 2 544 7 776 3 796 9 256 4 422 9 984 4 681 10 147 4 275 Southwest Region

48 356 4 933 1 848 6 304 2 539 7 762 3 795 9 234 4 419 9 977 4 681 10 146 4 275 Individual
agricultural holdings
65 6 - 15 5 14 1 22 3 7 - 1 - Business entities
67 713 8 346 3 522 9 515 3 870 11 684 5 276 14 704 6 612 12 970 6 012 10 495 4 457 Southeast Region

66 339 8 289 3 505 9 225 3 788 11 316 5 188 14 370 6 489 12 645 5 854 10 495 4 457 Individual
agricultural holdings
1 374 57 17 290 82 368 88 334 123 325 158 - - Business entities
74 038 11 363 5 058 10 754 4 753 11 353 5 660 14 332 6 322 13 234 5 711 13 002 5 818 Pelagonia Region

73 055 11 349 5 055 10 661 4 740 11 206 5 625 13 912 6 236 12 925 5 673 13 002 5 818 Individual
agricultural holdings
983 14 3 93 13 147 35 420 86 309 38 - - Business entities
55 842 4 986 1 645 8 075 3 062 10 164 4 511 12 056 5 376 10 849 4 845 9 710 3 507 Polog Region
55 688 4 977 1 644 8 056 3 058 10 094 4 498 12 021 5 373 10 828 4 842 9 710 3 507 Individual
agricultural holdings
154 9 1 19 4 70 13 35 3 21 3 - - Business entities
46 695 3 759 1 525 5 301 1 922 6 709 2 791 9 442 4 007 10 286 4 727 11 197 4 702 Northeast Region

46 501 3 714 1 496 5 269 1 910 6 682 2 787 9 379 3 992 10 259 4 723 11 197 4 702 Individual
agricultural holdings
194 45 29 32 12 27 4 63 15 27 4 - - Business entities
40 173 4 854 1 973 6 034 2 231 6 321 2 554 7 764 3 452 8 093 3 472 7 107 2 683 Skopje Region
39 962 4 852 1 972 6 001 2 214 6 257 2 538 7 694 3 427 8 051 3 467 7 107 2 683 Individual
agricultural holdings
211 2 1 33 17 64 16 70 25 42 5 - - Business entities
, 01.06.2012-31.05.2013

Household members who during the period from 01.06.2012 to 31.05.2013 contributed one or more days of labour at the individual agricultural holdings

Statistical Review 63

G-14: Number of persons by age and gender

, 45 54 .

Regarding the gender and age structure of persons engaged in agriculture, men dominate in all age groups. The largest age group
is that from 45 to 54 years of age.

-15: ,
G-15: Persons ngaged at agricultural holdings, by gender

, 43%

The majority of the persons engaged at agricultural holdings are men. The share of women is also considerable at 43%.

64 Statisti~ki pregled

T-29: Number of seasonally employed and other workers at agricultural holdings

Total Men Women

95 544 59 749 35 795 Republic of Macedonia

94 229 58 893 35 336 Individual agricultural holdings

1 315 856 459 Business entities

33 311 12 611 20 700 Vardar Region

32 747 12 308 20 439 Individual agricultural holdings

564 303 261 Business entities

6 453 5 770 683 East Region

6 172 5 587 585 Individual agricultural holdings

281 183 98 Business entities

6 827 5 245 1 581 Southwest Region

6 790 5 217 1 572 Individual agricultural holdings

37 28 9 Business entities

15 769 9 555 6 214 Southeast Region

15 698 9 506 6 192 Individual agricultural holdings

71 49 22 Business entities

11 943 8 881 3 062 Pelagonia Region

11 722 8 697 3 025 Individual agricultural holdings

221 184 37 Business entities

5 739 5 153 587 Polog Region

5 661 5 085 577 Individual agricultural holdings

78 68 10 Business entities

11 431 9 560 1 871 Northeast Region

11 404 9 544 1 860 Individual agricultural holdings

27 16 11 Business entities

4 072 2 974 1 098 Skopje Region

4 036 2 949 1 087 Individual agricultural holdings

36 25 11 Business entities

Statistical Review 65

-30: , ,
T-30: Household members who work at individual agricultural holdings and employees at business entities, by level of

Master's degree and Doctorate (agricultural

Higher vocational education (agricultural)

, ()
University level education (agricultural)

Master's degree and Doctorate (other)

Higher vocational education (other)

Secondary education (agricultural)

University level education (other)

, ()
Incomplete primary education

Secondary education (other)

Primary education

No education

13 779 38 881 153 205 14 681 180 906 1 151 9 033 2 538 22 718 637 624 Republic of
13 665 38 604 151 558 14 071 179 303 1 072 8 961 2 283 22 499 616 621 Individual
agricultural holdings
114 277 1 647 610 1 603 79 72 255 219 21 3 Business entities
1 099 4 034 14 815 1 152 24 903 109 1 122 420 2 775 29 20 Vardar Region
1 035 3 964 14 379 990 24 504 93 1 110 360 2 720 28 18 Individual
agricultural holdings
64 70 436 162 399 16 12 60 55 1 2 Business entities
1 377 4 143 18 377 718 26 441 174 1 412 252 4 306 149 78 East Region
1 373 4 118 18 136 642 26 216 168 1 406 221 4 281 146 78 Individual
agricultural holdings
4 25 241 76 225 6 6 31 25 3 - Business entities
843 3 457 17 973 490 19 748 40 1 237 519 3 739 147 99 Southwest Region
843 3 457 17 952 489 19 720 39 1 233 514 3 735 146 99 Individual
agricultural holdings
- - 21 1 28 1 4 5 4 1 - Business entities
4 324 8 283 22 130 3 018 25 316 255 881 313 2 617 52 39 Southeast Region
4 292 8 157 21 679 2 903 24 785 246 861 259 2 584 49 39 Individual
agricultural holdings
32 126 451 115 531 9 20 54 33 3 - Business entities
1 040 7 686 25 876 4 382 26 885 314 1 534 485 3 875 138 137 Pelagonia Region

1 037 7 636 25 560 4 196 26 662 269 1 512 422 3 809 130 136 Individual
agricultural holdings
3 50 316 186 223 45 22 63 66 8 1 Business entities
1 688 3 229 21 643 2 167 22 686 174 1 217 216 2 541 73 119 Polog Region
1 687 3 226 21 607 2 139 22 627 172 1 213 208 2 530 71 119 Individual
agricultural holdings
1 3 36 28 59 2 4 8 11 2 - Business entities
2 143 5 506 17 392 2 299 15 852 82 1 209 230 1 798 36 116 Northeast Region

2 133 5 503 17 319 2 271 15 794 82 1 209 219 1 787 36 116 Individual
agricultural holdings
10 3 73 28 58 - - 11 11 - - Business entities
1 265 2 542 14 998 455 19 075 5 423 104 1 066 12 13 Skopje Region
1 265 2 542 14 925 441 18 995 5 419 81 1 052 9 13 Individual
agricultural holdings
- - 73 14 80 - 4 23 14 3 - Business entities
Persons under 15 years of age are not covered

66 Statisti~ki pregled

T-31: Number of holders of individual agricultural holdings by level of education

Higher vocational education (agricultural)

, ()
University level education (agricultural)

Master's degree and Doctorate (other)

Higher vocational education (other)

Secondary education (agricultural)

University level education (other)

, ()
Master's degree and Doctorate
Incomplete primary education

Secondary education (other)

(agricultural sciences)
Primary education

No education

6 656 17 950 60 055 5 350 66 363 596 4 757 1 201 7 223 202 227 Republic of
531 1 865 6 040 427 9 709 53 654 141 826 6 12 Vardar Region
720 2 002 7 999 328 10 254 58 758 90 1 436 31 31 East Region
446 1 567 6 561 206 7 496 39 754 399 1 209 42 43 Southwest Region
1 857 3 879 8 750 881 8 848 173 396 127 843 7 18 Southeast Region
386 3 123 9 469 1 594 8 204 151 740 194 919 45 24 Pelagonia Region
948 1 610 8 133 775 8 034 58 669 87 1 056 54 47 Polog Region
1 207 2 889 7 296 1 034 6 426 59 631 138 700 17 51 Northeast Region
562 1 015 5 807 105 7 391 5 155 23 235 - - Skopje Region

-32: ,
T-32: Number of employees at business entities by level of education, age and gender


Age and gender

Total employees

/ 55
25-34 35-44 45-54
up to 25 55 and over









4 900 175 114 538 230 856 339 1 082 412 837 317 Total employees
114 - 1 6 - - 32 8 6 29 32 No education
277 9 - 15 5 27 13 40 3 92 73 Incomplete primary education

1 647 43 40 104 80 276 114 373 161 343 113 Primary education
610 26 13 104 13 137 27 166 36 69 19 Secondary education
1 603 85 53 230 81 332 113 320 144 192 53 Secondary education (other)
79 1 - 2 1 12 1 38 2 20 2 Higher vocational education
72 1 - 7 2 5 6 16 13 17 5 Higher vocational education
255 3 1 34 19 39 15 71 16 52 5 University level education
219 7 6 31 28 25 17 44 28 19 14 University level education
/ 21 - - 5 1 3 - 5 2 4 1 Master's degree and Doctorate
() (agricultural sciences)
/ 3 - - - - - 1 1 1 - - Master's degree and Doctorate
() (other)

Statistical Review 67

-33: ,
T-33: Household members engaged at individual agricultural holdings, by gender and age

Individual agricultural holdings

Holder of the individual holding Household members

Average age Average age

Number Number
Number Number
of of
of males Males Females of males Males Females
females females
148 859 18 724 57 61 99 682 169 577 35 47 Republic of Macedonia

17 483 2 407 56 60 11 482 18 310 36 46 Vardar Region

20 525 3 022 57 61 11 966 21 745 36 48 East Region

15 968 2 300 58 63 10 830 19 258 36 48 Southwest Region

22 170 2 994 55 59 14 889 26 286 34 45 Southeast Region

22 303 2 413 57 59 17 607 30 732 33 45 Pelagonia Region

19 664 1 643 56 59 13 101 21 280 36 47 Polog Region

17 264 2 572 59 63 9 627 17 038 37 50 Northeast Region

13 483 1 372 57 59 10 179 14 928 34 46 Skopje Region

-34: ,
T-34: Employees and managers of business entities, by gender and age

Business entities

Manager of the business entity Employees

Average age Average age

Number Number
Number Number
of of
of males Males Females of males Males Females
females females
241 63 43 42 3 488 1 412 45 44 Republic of Macedonia

44 15 45 45 903 374 46 42 Vardar Region

43 10 44 43 408 234 42 43 East Region

11 1 44 48 56 9 42 37 Southwest Region

32 6 48 43 906 468 42 46 Southeast Region

72 18 38 39 808 175 49 48 Pelagonia Region

18 2 39 46 130 24 42 41 Polog Region

11 5 48 39 130 64 43 32 Northeast Region

10 6 43 42 147 64 46 42 Skopje Region

68 Statisti~ki pregled

-16: ,
G-16: Holders of individual agricultural holdings, by gender

, . 11%

Although the share of women in the total number of persons engaged at agricultural holdings is relatively high at 43%, their
participation in the management of agricultural holdings is quite low. Only 11% of the holders of individual agricultural holdings are

-17: ,
G-17: Managers of business entities, by gender

, , - 21%.

In agricultural business entities, the gender gap in management is less pronounced than in the individual sector, and the share
of female managers in business entities is 21%.

Statistical Review 69

-35: Annual work units


AWU - Total AWU per agricultural AWU per livestock
AWU per 1 ha utilised
holding unit
agricultural area
243 689 1.43 0.77 0.67 Republic of Macedonia

238 679 1.40 0.90 0.71 Individual agricultural

5 011 16.48 0.10 0.16 Business entities

31 160 1.53 0.79 1.03 Vardar Region

29 962 1.48 1.08 1.16 Individual agricultural

1 198 20.30 0.10 0.27 Business entities

27 520 1.16 0.64 0.58 East Region

26 680 1.13 0.69 0.62 Individual agricultural

840 15.84 0.21 0.18 Business entities

24 324 1.30 1.12 0.67 Southwest Region

24 243 1.29 1.17 0.68 Individual agricultural

81 6.72 0.09 0.12 Business entities

39 035 1.51 1.02 0.72 Southeast Region

37 742 1.46 1.11 0.73 Individual agricultural

1 293 34.02 0.30 0.59 Business entities

50 946 2.04 0.64 0.75 Pelagonia Region

49 871 2.01 0.84 0.82 Individual agricultural

1 075 11.94 0.06 0.16 Business entities

25 520 1.19 0.97 0.52 Polog Region

25 362 1.18 1.02 0.63 Individual agricultural

158 7.90 0.10 0.02 Business entities

24 065 1.18 0.52 0.53 Northeast Region

23 896 1.17 0.57 0.56 Individual agricultural

169 10.56 0.04 0.07 Business entities

21 121 1.38 0.96 0.59 Skopje Region

20 923 1.37 1.10 0.62 Individual agricultural

198 12.37 0.07 0.08 Business entities

70 Statisti~ki pregled

M-4: , 2013
M-4: Annual work units, 2013

Statistical Review 71


G-18: Annual work units per utilised agricultural area by size classes of utilised agricultural area

2 , , 1.69
30 , , 0.08

In the first class (up to 2 hectares utilised agricultural area), the holdings worked 1.69 annual work units per hectare on
In the last class (over 30 hectares utilised agricultural area), the holdings worked 0.08 annual work units per hectare on

72 Statisti~ki pregled

T-36: Annual work units in the individual sector

Holder of the agricultural Seasonally employed
Household members engaged at
holding workers
individual agricultural holdings

94 470 129 003 15 206 Republic of Macedonia

11 337 13 865 4 760 Vardar Region

12 531 13 161 988 East Region

9 588 13 566 1 089 Southwest Region

14 222 21 097 2 422 Southeast Region

17 823 29 877 2 172 Pelagonia Region

10 527 13 534 1 302 Polog Region

10 289 11 779 1 828 Northeast Region

8 153 12 124 645 Skopje Region

T-37: Annual work units of the holders of individual agricultural holdings by level of education
Higher vocational education (agricultural)

, ()
University level education (agricultural)

Master's degree and Doctorate (other)

Higher vocational education (other)

Secondary education (agricultural)

University level education (other)

, ()
Master's degree and Doctorate
Incomplete primary education

Secondary education (other)

(agricultural sciences)
Primary education

No education

3 509 9 858 35 956 3 347 35 827 294 2 108 528 2 898 82 63 Republic of
296 964 3 565 222 5 482 19 363 83 340 0 2 Vardar Region

394 912 4 633 180 5 415 36 302 63 575 6 16 East Region

195 656 3 655 129 4 036 18 289 101 469 23 17 Southwest Region

1 112 2 333 5 322 547 4 354 85 169 63 224 3 9 Southeast Region

224 2 071 7 297 1 182 5 853 92 428 120 518 30 8 Pelagonia Region

479 705 4 197 440 3 944 18 303 47 370 16 6 Polog Region

525 1 665 3 862 583 3 097 23 189 44 292 5 4 Northeast Region

284 552 3 425 63 3 646 1 65 7 109 - - Skopje Region

Statistical Review 73

G-19: Holders in the individual sector by level of education


The majority of holders of individual agricultural holdings are with secondary education, followed by those with primary
education, while the share of holders of individual agricultural holdings with masters degree or doctorate is the lowest.

74 Statisti~ki pregled

T-38: Household members by classes of nnual work units
/number of persons

Holder Household members

0.25 0.5

0.5 0.75

0.25 0.5

0.5 0.75
More than 0.25 less than 0.5 AWU

More than 0.5 less than 0.75 AWU

More than 0.25 less than 0.5 AWU

More than 0.5 less than 0.75 AWU

0 0.25

0 0.25
0.75 1

0.75 1
More than 0 less than 0.25 AWU

More than 0.75 less than 1 AWU

More than 0 less than 0.25 AWU

More than 0.75 less than 1 AWU


AWU classes - total

AWU classes - total



167 583 36 896 40 109 32 325 18 324 39 929 269 259 80 948 75 556 43 949 26 284 42 521 Republic of
19 890 3 215 5 048 5 729 2 026 3 873 29 793 8 190 9 335 6 139 2 385 3 744 Vardar Region

23 547 6 108 6 114 3 883 1 736 5 705 33 711 14 458 9 060 4 112 2 073 4 007 East Region

18 267 4 811 4 350 3 552 2 258 3 296 30 089 9 397 8 867 5 631 3 106 3 089 Southwest
25 164 5 850 5 662 4 222 3 565 5 865 41 175 11 003 10 892 6 348 6 157 6 775 Southeast
24 716 2 308 4 035 4 710 3 688 9 976 48 338 8 242 10 811 9 241 6 252 13 793 Pelagonia
21 307 5 569 6 060 4 287 2 207 3 183 34 381 12 511 11 774 4 901 2 631 2 565 Polog Region

19 836 5 788 4 819 3 027 1 272 4 930 26 665 10 273 6 727 3 436 1 397 4 832 Northeast
14 855 3 246 4 021 2 915 1 571 3 102 25 107 6 874 8 091 4 142 2 283 3 717 Skopje Region

T-39: Number of individual agricultural holdings with other gainful activities

Other gainful activities of the holding

25 176 Republic of Macedonia

1 611 Vardar Region

4 502 East Region

3 551 Southwest Region

2 238 Southeast Region

1 939 Pelagonia Region

2 540 Polog Region

4 765 Northeast Region

4 030 Skopje Region

Statistical Review 75

T-40: Number of individual agricultural holdings with other gainful activities, by type of activity

Picking forest fruits, aromatic and medicinal

Processing of animal products

Tourism and accommodation

Processing of plant products

plants and mushrooms

Other gainful activities

Forestry activities

Wood processing


106 98 10 467 5 735 6 543 1 484 176 128 2 388 Republic of Macedonia

- 6 639 348 302 18 6 - 50 Vardar Region

5 5 1 272 519 1 526 827 100 - 1 142 East Region

82 18 907 278 2 030 345 28 26 142 Southwest Region

- 7 503 326 1 100 38 19 35 68 Southeast Region

- - 912 231 402 43 - - 88 Pelagonia Region

8 29 1 153 373 649 145 16 41 329 Polog Region

11 24 2 259 2 225 517 24 6 17 531 Northeast Region

- 9 2 821 1 436 17 44 - 9 39 Skopje Region

T-41: Household members by agricultural activities
/number of persons

Holder Households members

Agricultural activities Agricultural activities Agricultural activities Agricultural activities
are major occupation are subsidiary are major occupation are subsidiary
occupation occupation
115 659 51 859 165 565 103 332 Republic of Macedonia

13 068 6 822 17 063 12 723 Vardar Region

16 054 7 467 15 632 17 930 East Region

12 327 5 921 20 083 9 953 Southwest Region

18 034 7 131 26 353 14 800 Southeast Region

18 925 5 781 32 406 15 874 Pelagonia Region

13 173 8 133 22 290 12 075 Polog Region

13 522 6 314 14 929 11 694 Northeast Region

10 557 4 289 16 808 8 282 Skopje Region

76 Statisti~ki pregled


-42: Number of agricultural holdings by share of the turnover of other gainful activities directly related to the holding in the
total turnover of the holding

Turnover of other gainful activities

10% 50%
up to 10% above 50%

17 268 5 593 2 316 Republic of Macedonia

1 287 254 70 Vardar Region

2 806 1 235 461 East Region

2 859 638 55 Southwest Region

1 578 517 143 Southeast Region

1 129 538 271 Pelagonia Region

1 259 661 620 Polog Region

3 835 800 129 Northeast Region

2 513 951 566 Skopje Region

T-43: Consumption of own production in individual agricultural holdings
50% 50%
Less than 50% for own consumption More than 50% for own consumption

Number of UAA LSU Number of UAA LSU
holdings holdings
77 206 95 438 135 664 93 375 171 140 198 214 Republic of Macedonia

8 485 7 846 7 284 11 778 19 960 18 573 Vardar Region

14 497 18 622 23 761 9 212 20 171 19 050 East Region

13 677 13 729 23 659 5 086 7 074 12 037 Southwest Region

5 579 7 022 12 426 20 201 26 853 39 552 Southeast Region

3 908 7 981 14 774 20 941 51 506 46 088 Pelagonia Region

7 968 7 358 12 567 13 504 17 424 27 614 Polog Region

12 344 20 597 21 919 8 104 21 333 21 034 Northeast Region

10 747 12 282 19 273 4 549 6 818 14 267 Skopje Region

Statistical Review 77

Macedonian language editor: Jasmina Gjorgieva

English language editor: Milan Vasilev

: - ISSN 1857-520X

, 2013 - ISBN 978-608-227-138-5

Statistical review: Agriculture -ISSN 1857-520X

Structure of agricultural holdings, 2013 - ISBN 978-608-227-138-5

/Pages: 78

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