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Foam-rolling in sport and therapy Potential

benefits and risks

Article in Sport-Orthopdie - Sport-Traumatologie - Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology July 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.orthtr.2016.07.002


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4 authors, including:

Jrgen Freiwald Christian Baumgart

Bergische Universitt Wuppertal Bergische Universitt Wuppertal


Matthias Wilhelm Hoppe

Bergische Universitt Wuppertal


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Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 258266 (2016)
Elsevier GmbH


This review aimed to provide an over-
view concerning Foam-rolling exercises
in medicine and sport. In the first part
Foam-Rolling in sport and
of the review, nomenclatures and defi-
nitions as well as anatomical and bio-
therapy Potential benefits and
mechanical aspects of
connective tissue are discussed.
fascial risks
Regarding the nomenclatures and
effects of Foam-rolling exercises on Part 1 Definitions, anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics
fascia connective tissue, conflicting
findings are evident. Additionally, there
is only poor evidence in terms of the Jurgen Freiwald, Christian Baumgart, Matthias Kuhnemann, Matthias W. Hoppe
assumed six myofascial lines that pro- Department of Movement and Training Science, University of Wuppertal,
vide a framework for treatments in
medicine and sport. Fascial connective
tissue links muscles with the surround- Eingegangen/submitted: 13.06.2016; uberarbeitet/revised: 04.07.2016; akzeptiert/accepted: 05.07.2016
ing tissues, transmits forces, and serves Online verfugbar seit/Available online: 29.07.2016
compressions. From a biomechanical
point of view, fascial connective tissue
possess contractile abilities; however,
the generated contraction forces are
small. During Foam-rolling exercises, Introduction fascial connective tissue into four
all the underlying tissue is mechanically functional categories (Tables 1
stressed, potentially leading to dam- In recent years, fascial connective and 2).
age, for example, in neuronal tissues, tissue has shifted into the focus of Langevin and Huijing [35] specified
receptors, vessels, or bones. This con- science in medicine and sport and different terms of fascial connective
cern especially rises in users with dis- Foam-rolling exercises are fre- tissue, showing that the nomencla-
eases, for example, diabetes, varices, quently used as a fascial targeting tures are both not entirely clear and
or osteoporosis. treatment [30,39,44,49,60,63]. accepted (Table 3).
Although there is contradictory evi- Overall, the provided different
Biomechanics myofascial release training dence concerning the anatomy, nomenclatures and definitions
fascia physiotherapy function, and adaptability of fascial of the fascial connective tissue
connective tissue, Foam-rolling show that there is no widely
J. Freiwald et al. exercises have been used with accepted consents, potentially
different objectives in therapy providing difficulties for therapy
Foam-Rolling in Sport und and sport [19,59,64]. Overall, the and training.
Therapie Potentieller methods are referred as Myofascial
Nutzen und Risiken. release, aiming to reduce thicken-
Teil 1 Definitionen, Fascial connective tissue
ing, adhesion, and tension of fascia anatomy and physiology
anatomische, physiologische tissue and muscle as well as to
und biomechanische enhance sportive performance
Aspekte Muscles, organs, glands, neural
[4,9,39]. pathways, and vessels are all
Zusammenfassung encased by fascial connective tissue
Im Zentrum des Beitrages steht das
Fascial connective tissue that crosses the entire body. Fascial
Foam-Rolling in den Anwendungsfel- nomenclature and definitions connective tissue does not only
dern des Sports und der Therapie. Im have mechanical properties, but is
ersten Teil werden die Definitionen und The nomenclatures and definitions also involved in the local and global
Klassifikationen, die Anatomie und of fascial connective tissue are metabolism (e.g., healing of
Physiologie sowie biomechanische As- widespread [61]. Based on different wounds, immune functions) and
pekte des Fasziengewebes besprochen. anatomical, morphological, histo- can serve as a storage for fat, water,
Deutlich wird die Uneinheitlichkeit der logical, and biomechanical findings, and other substances [10,38,55,
Kumka and Bonar [34] classified 68,70,71].

258 J. Freiwald et al. 

Foam-rolling in sport and therapy
Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 258266 (2016)

Klassifikationen und Schwierigkeiten, According to the function, fascial sensomotoric system adapts to
mittels Foam-Rolling fasziales Bindege- connective tissue is present in these altered information [15,17,
webe zu beeinflussen. Die in Sport und different forms with respect to the 23,4143,51,57,58].
Therapie beschriebenen sechs Myo- density and alignment within fibers In consideration of the lower leg,
fascial lines sind nicht evidenzbasiert. [11,60,61,63]. Staubesand and Li [67] showed that
Fasziales Bindegewebe verbindet un-
terschiedliche Korperregionen und -ge-
the lamina superficialis of fascia cru-
Lymph, nerves, interoception, ris possesses slotted to funnel-
webe und dient der Kraftubertragung and blood vessels
und Kompression. Daruber hinaus shaped passage openings for the
trennt fasziales Bindegewebe verschie- Lymph, nerves, and blood vessels Vv. perforantes, connecting the
dene Kompartimente und -gewebe. Aus passing through the fascial connec- superficial and deep venous system.
biomechanischer Sicht ist fasziales Bin- tive tissue are mostly found Usually, such points of passages are
degewebe in der Lage zu kontrahieren, combined in orthogonal direction accompanied by a respective small
wenn auch nur mit kaum messbarer (Fig. 1). artery and/or vein, mostly vegeta-
Kraftentwicklung. In Sport und Thera- Fascial connective tissue also has an tive nerve, and thin-walled lym-
pie wird durch Foam-Rolling hoher extensive innervation and is supplied phatic vessel. Further, openings
Druck auf das darunter liegende Ge- for larger skin nerves and vessels
by different mechano- and chemo-
webe ausgeubt, was zu Schadigungen
von Nervengewebe, Rezeptoren, Gefa- receptors [20,31,38]. Importantly, can be found [67].
en und Knochen fuhren kann insbe- the number of receptors is up to The local myelinated axons con-
sondere bei Vorschadigungen und Er- ten-fold higher in fascial connective duct afferents from the skin for
krankungen wie Diabetes mellitus, tissue than in muscle [72]. Further, touch and pressure (Ab- fibers of
Krampfadern oder Osteoporose. the periosteum is considered as fas- an average diameter of 8 mm) as
cial connective tissue and is densely well as temperature and surface
Schlu rter supplied by receptors [40]. pain (Ad- fibers of an average
Biomechanik Myofascial release Training
Faszien Physiotherapie
By interoceptive, proprioceptive, diameter of <3 mm). Also, there
and nociceptive capabilities, mech- are many unmyelinated fibers con-
anical and chemical information are ducting afferents from the skin and
collected and transmitted to the proceed deep pain through C-fibers
CNS. Through changes in afferents, [20,67].
the perception of the own body In conclusion, this particular
image is affected and the anatomy of fascia connective tissue
is potentially not suited for high
mechanical compression forces
induced by Foam-rolling exercises.
Superficial, deep, and visceral
The superficial layer of fascial con-
nective tissue consists of loose con-
nective and fat tissue and is
subcutaneously located. Mostly, it
is connected to the reticular layer
of the dermis and is multiply
attached to tendons and bones. In
comparison to the deeper layer,
Figure 1
Passage of a triad through superficial
superficial fascial connective tissue
fascial connective tissue. Left nerve, tolerates higher stretching tensions
middle vein; right artery. Most of [2429,32,73].
these perforation points are topographi- The deeper layer of fascial connec-
cally identical with traditional Chinese tive tissue is organized as apo-
acupuncture points. Usually, the perfor-
ating nerves innervate Pacinian and
neuroses or fascia latae, plantar
Meissner corpuscles under the skin fascia, ligaments, tendons, joint
[56,67]. capsules, and muscle septa. It is

J. Freiwald et al. 
Foam-rolling in sport and therapy 259
Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 258266 (2016)

Table 1. Fascial categories: functions, terms and histological features linking (modified after [34]).

Fascial category Function (Example) Terminologia Anatomia Terminologia Histological Feature

Linking Dynamic  Role in movement Fasciae of muscles (investing layer) & Dense regular Collagen types:
and stability fasciae of individual muscles: parallel ordered I, XII, XIV
 Critical to Pectoral fascia unidirectional Actin-myosin
myofascial force Supraspinatus fascia connective tissue filaments
transmission Deltoid fascia proper Pacinian corpuscles,
 Creates significant Fasciae of trunk: Free nerve endings
pretension in Thoracolumbar fascia
musculature Diaphragmatic fascia
Iliopsoas fascia
Fasciae of limbs/membrorum:
Iliotibial tract
Axillary fascia
Passive  Maintains Fasciae of muscles (muscle sheaths) Dense regular Collagen types:
continuity, passive Rectus sheath woven connective I, III, XII, XIV
force transmission Head & neck tissue Elastin
 Proprioceptive Cervical fascia Multidirectional Golgi tendon organs,
communication Carotid sheath parallel ordered Pacinian & Ruffini
throughout the Ligamentum nuchea connective tissue corpuscles
body Ligamentum flavum
Fasciae of limbs/membrorum
Intermuscular septae
Anterior talofibular ligament
Erector spinae aponeurosis
Bicipital aponeurosis
Plantar aponeurosis
Tendinous arches
Muscular & vascular spaces/lacunae
Iliopectineal arch
Tendinous arch of soleus

fibrous and encloses muscles, Evidence of myofascial lines  Strong evidence was only found
bones, nerves, and blood vessels for three of the six assumed myo-
as well as has a lower blood flow For many years, therapeutic inter- fascial lines, namely, the super-
than the superficial fascial connec- ventions have focused on fascial ficial back, back functional, and
tive tissue due to its different func- connective tissue. However, its front functional line.
tion [36,75]. anatomy, physiology, and biome-  Moderate to strong evidence was
The visceral layer of fascial connec- chanical functions are not suffi- found for the spiral and lateral line.
tive tissue consists of a serous ciently investigated (among others  No evidence was found for the
double membrane layer and serves, [73]). Therefore, the existing con- superficial frontline.
among other purposes, as a suspen- cepts for therapy and training should
sion and protection for the inner be critically reviewed [46,52,64]. For To conclude, and in consideration of
organs [6,36]. example, Wilke, Krause [73] ques- that poor evidence, it is surprisingly
Overall, due to the particular tioned in their comprehensive review that patients in medicine and sport
anatomy, the dissimilar fascial con- the presence of assumed myofascial are still treaded under the assump-
nective tissue layers possess differ- lines and provided the following tion of six myofascial lines [48,
ent functions. conclusions (Table 4): 49,73].

260 J. Freiwald et al. 

Foam-rolling in sport and therapy
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Table 2. Fascial categories: functions, terms, and histological features fascicular, compression, and separating (modified after [34]).

Fascial category Function (Example) Terminologia Histological feature

Terminologia Anatomia Histologica

Fascicular  Provides myofascial force Intramuscular & extramuscular Loose connective Collagen types:
transmission & proprioceptive fasciae. Neuromuscular sheaths tissue I, III, IV, V, XII, XIV
feedback for movement Endomysium Dense regular Golgi tendon organs
control Perimysium multidirectional
 Maintains protection for Epimysium parallel ordered
nerves and vessels Endotendon connective tissue
 Allows vascular sheaths to be Peritendon Dense irregular
in continuity with adventitia Paratendon connective tissue
Compression  Provides stocking, Fasciae of limbs/membrorum Dense regular woven Collagen type:
compression and tension Brachial fascia connective tissue I
compartmental effects Antebrachial fascia Multidirectional
 Influences venous return Dorsal fascia of hand parallel ordered Elastin
 Enhances proprioception, Fascia lata connective tissue Ruffinis corpuscles
muscular efficiency and Crural fascia
coordination Dorsal fascia of foot
Separating  Compartmentalizes organs and Parietal Fasciae Loose connective Collagen Types:
body regions to maintain Parietal pleura tissue III, V, VII
structural functions Fibrous pericardium Dense irregular
 Promotes sliding and reduces Endothoracic fascia fusocellular Extracellular matrix:
friction during motion Parietal peritoneum connective tissue reticular and elastic
 Responds to stretch and Endoabdominal fascia fibers
distension Endopelvic fascia Reticular fibers
 Provides physical support and Visceral fascia provide a cellular
shock absorption Meninges framework
 Limits the spread of infection Visceral pleura Elastin
Serous pericardium Pacinian and Ruffinis
Visceral abdominal fascia corpuscles
Visceral pelvic fascia
Extraserosal fascia
Sternopericardial ligaments
Bronchopericardial membrane
Pulmonary ligaments
Extraperitoneal fascia
Investing fascia
Subcutaneous tissue of abdomen
Membranous layer of perineum

Biomechanics of fascial bones, and inner organs [5,25,32, is mechanically stressed (e.g., joint
connective tissue and FOAM- 54,73,74]. capsules, tendons, ligaments, nerves,
rolling arteries, arterioles, veins, venules,
Mechanical impact on the capillaries, lymphatics) [13,42,
Fascial connective tissue links underling tissue 45,66]. The mechanical effects of
muscles with the surrounding tissue During Foam-rolling exercises, all Foam-rolling exercises on these tis-
and transmits and distributes forces the underlying tissue innervated sues have not been examined yet. For
to muscles, adjacent muscles, by mechano- and chemoreceptors example, whether and to which

J. Freiwald et al. 
Foam-rolling in sport and therapy 261
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Table 3. Recommended use of terms regarding fascial structures [35].

Dense connective tissue Connective tissue containing closely packed, irregularly arranged (that is, aligned in many directions)
collagen fibers
Non-dense (areolar) Connective tissue containing sparse, irregularly arranged collagen fibers
connective tissue
Superficial fascia Enveloping layer directly beneath the skin containing dense and areolar connective tissue and fat
Deep fascia Continuous sheet of mostly dense, irregularly arranged connective tissue that limits the changes in shape
of underlying tissues. Deep fascia may be continuous with epimysium and intermuscular septa and may
also contain layers of areolar connective tissue
Intermuscular septa A thin layer of closely packed bundles of collagen fibers, possibly with several preferential directions
predominating, arranged in various layers. The septa separate different, usually antagonistic, muscle
groups (for example, flexors and extensors), but may not limit force transmission
Interosseal membrane Two bones in a limb segment can be connected by a thin collagen membrane with a structure similar to
the intermuscular septa.
Periost Surrounding each bone and attached to it is a bi-layered collagen membrane similar in structure to the
Neurovascular tract The extramuscular collagen fiber reinforcement of blood and lymph vessels and nerves. This complex
structure can be quite stiff. The diameter and, presumably, the stiffness of neurovascular tracts decrease
along limbs from proximal to distal parts. Their stiffness is related to the angle or angles of the joints
that they cross
Epimysium A multi-layered, irregularly arranged collagen fiber sheet that envelopes muscles and that may contain
layers of both dense and areolar connective tissue
Intra- and extramuscular A multilayered structure with densely laid down bundles of collagen with major preferential directions.
aponeurosis The epimysium also covers the aponeuroses, but is not attached to them. Muscle fibers are attached to
intramuscular aponeuroses by their myotendinous junctions
Perimysium A dense, multi-layered, irregularly arranged collagen fiber sheet that envelopes muscle fascicles.
Adjacent fascicles share a wall of the tube (like the cells of a honeycomb)
Endomysium Fine network of irregularly arranged collagen fibers that form a tube enveloping and connecting each
muscle fiber. Adjacent muscle fibers share a wall of the tube (like the cells of a honeycomb)

extent nerve tissue is influenced in pressures to the spine and spinous affected by the density and acti-
its ability to synthesize and express processes are applied. vation potential of myofibroblasts
neurotransmitter is unknown To summarize, during Foam-rolling [69].
[20,16,37]. exercises, a high mechanical load to One possible function for the con-
Noteworthy, during Foam-rolling the entire underlying tissue is tractile abilities of fascial connec-
exercises, the commonly induced induced, potentially leading to tive tissue may be to adjust the
mechanical pressure on the under- harmful effects in connective tis- preload of the (fascial) collagen
lying tissue is clearly higher than sue, nerves, vessels, and bones that scaffold to the respective resting
the upper permissible value of need further research. and action phases of the corre-
maximal compression in vein sponding muscle [67]. However,
therapy [3]. Contractile abilities of fascial Staubesand and Li [67] noted that
Lastly, when performing Foam-roll- connective tissue the discovery of contractile abilities
ing exercises in the supine position, The previously prevailing idea that regarding fascial connective tissue
users have reported creaky noises fascial connective tissue has purely should not be overestimated,
at the vertebral bodies similar to passive functions needs revision. In because they are well known during
chiropractic treatments. Given the fact, stray smooth muscle cells wound healing and scar formation
fact that the education of chiroprac- (myofibroblasts) were found in the [7,67,69].
tic take many years, especially due superficial sheet and deeper layers Also worth mentioning, the fascial
to the potential risks of the applied of the fascia cruris, which can there- connective tissue is just mm to mm
treatments, it is not wise that fore actively contract [67]. thick, and thus, contributes only
uneducated staff offer Foam-rolling Consequently, the stiffness of the minor to the contractile forces,
courses in gyms during which high fascial connective tissue is also ranging from few Dyn up to

262 J. Freiwald et al. 

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Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 258266 (2016)

Table 4. Myofascial lines and corresponding soft tissue components (modified after
fascial myofibroblasts could led to
[73]). changes in myofascial tissue stiff-
ness (tone) [43]. The term tone
Myofascial Line Soft tissue component is defined as a mechanical tension
Superficial back line  Plantar fascia state, including both the viscoelas-
 Achilles tendon/M. gastrocnemius tic tone and contractile activity
 Hamstrings (M. biceps femoris, M. semitendinosus, [18,43]. Beside this peripheral fac-
M. semimembranosus) tors, there are also central nervous
 Sacrotuberous ligament and medical induced aspects that
 Lumbar fascia/erector spinae
have an impact on the myofascial
Superficial front line  Toe extensors, M. tibialis anterior, anterior crural
tissue stiffness, for instance, drugs
 Subpatellar tendon effecting the CNS [47] and infiltra-
 M. rectus femoris/quadriceps tion of C3 transferase and botulinum
 M. rectus abdominis toxin, respectively [65]. Moreover,
 M. sternalis/sternochondral fascia thixotropic aspects should also be
 M. sternocleidomastoideus taken into account [2,14,43].
Back functional line  M. vastus lateralis To summarize, fascial connective
 M. gluteus maximus

tissue has contractile abilities.
Lumbar fascia
 M. latissimus dorsi However, both the function and
Front functional line  M. adductor longus underlying physiology is not com-
 M. rectus abdominis pletely understood. The observed
 M. pectoralis major contraction forces of the fascia con-
Spiral line  Lumbar/erector spinae nective tissue are small and the
 Sacrotuberous ligament influential factors requires more
 M. biceps femoris

M. peroneus longus
 M. tibialis anterior
 M. tensor fasciae latae, iliotibial tract Conclusions and future
 M. obliquus abdominis internus requirements
 M. obliquus abdominis externus
 M. serratus anterior To date, Foam-rolling is frequently
 M. rhomboideus major and minor applied as a treatment in medicine
 M. splenius capitis and cervicis and sport. However, the nomencla-
Lateral line  M. peroneus longus and brevis, lateral crural compartment
 Iliotibial tract/gluteus medius
ture, definitions, and anatomy of
 M. tensor fasciae latae fascia connective tissue are not
 M. gluteus maximus entirely clear. Furthermore, it is sur-
 M. obliquus abdominis externus and internus prisingly that patients in medicine
 M. intercostalis externus and internus and sport are treaded under the
 M. splenius capitis/M. sternocleidomastoid assumption of six myofascial lines,
whereas the scientific evidence is
only poor.
For an appropriate application of
4.1 mN/cell [69]. The generated The influencing factors of the fascial Foam-rolling exercises in therapy
forces show oscillative character- contractile abilities include mental and training, universally accepted
istics, lasting from seconds to factors, age, trigger points, illness, nomenclatures and definitions of
minutes. Nevertheless, long-term and water content [1,8,12,21, fascial connective tissue regarding
fascial connective tissue contrac- 22,33,43,50] as well as impair- its anatomy and physiology are
tions are also known that can led ment-, disease-, and stress-induced necessary. In consideration to
to contractures [62]. Finally, in changes in the chemical environ- potential harmful effects, more evi-
vivo, it is difficult to differentiate ment (e.g., through cytokines, pH) dence based knowledge is strongly
between the changes of stiffness in [53]. Therefore, it is conceivable required.
muscles or/and fascial connective that changes in the biomechanical Due to the particular anatomy, the
tissue [43]. or chemical environment of the dissimilar fascia connective tissue

J. Freiwald et al. 
Foam-rolling in sport and therapy 263
Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 258266 (2016)

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266 J. Freiwald et al. 

Foam-rolling in sport and therapy
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Elsevier GmbH


The effects of Foam-rolling exercises in
therapy and sport are less investigated.
There is no scientific evidence that Foam-
Foam-Rolling in sport and
rolling exercises can enhance warming-up
procedures, blood flow, athletic perform-
therapy Potential benefits and
ance, sensomotoric function, and coordina-
tion or reduce muscle and fascial
connective tissue tone and stress-relaxa-
tion. In contrast, Foam-rolling exercises
can improve flexibility (ROM) and delayed Part 2 Positive and adverse effects on athletic performance
onset of muscular soreness (DOMS).
However, more research to compare
Foam-rolling exercises with traditional Jurgen Freiwald, Christian Baumgart, Matthias Kuhnemann, Matthias W. Hoppe
stretching and recovery treatments is Department of Movement and Training Science, University of Wuppertal, Germany
required. During Foam-rolling exercises, a
high mechanical load is inducted to the Eingegangen/submitted: 27.06.2016; uberarbeitet/revised: 08.07.2016; akzeptiert/accepted: 08.07.2016
entire underlying tissue (e.g., fascia, mus- Online verfugbar seit/Available online: 26.07.2016
cular, nerve, vessel, and bone tissue). That
external loads are 10-fold higher than the
highest medical compression category 4 review, Beardsley and Skarabot
and exceed twice the pressure loads that Introduction
[10] showed contradictory results
are used in occlusion studies. To date, in
regards to Foam-rolling exercises, there are Foam-rolling exercises are a popular of Foam-rolling exercises on flexi-
no established and proven training treatment with respect to different bility, force-production, athletic
methods overall. Future investigations to purposes in medicine and sport. performance, and delayed onset
define fields of applications concerning
Foam-rolling is performed on an of muscle soreness.
Foam-rolling exercises in therapy, medi-
cine, and sport are required. Therefore, individual basis through various
in- and exclusion criteria as well as imple- types of massage roller (Fig. 1) [77]. Foam-rolling devices,
mentation of individualized Foam-rolling In MedLine, the keyword Foam-roll- exercises, and training
exercises are needed. In a further step, ing reveals 17 publications (01/24/ principles
training principles and methods of Foam- 2016). The first publication is dated
rolling exercise including the use of differ- For the self-treatment of fascial con-
ent types of Foam-rollers according to
back to 2013, but the existing num-
bers have continuously increased in nective tissue, different types of
different sports should be investigated
and defined. Importantly, more research the following years. This indicates Foam-rollers are used (e.g.,
to investigate the underlying mechanical both an overall poor scientific evi- material, size) (Fig. 1). The Foam-
and physiological mechanisms of Foam- dence and increased interest in rollers are intended to achieve a
rolling exercises is strongly warranted. Foam-rolling exercises. massage and/or stretch effect on
Overall, in regards to the observed minor the underlying tissue, especially
scientific evidence with respect to athletic
With respect to the lack of scientific
evidence existing in sport and for the fascial connective tissue.
performance and underlying mechanical
and physiological mechanism as well as therapy, Schroeder and Best [77] However, from the biomechanical
the negligence of potential harmful effects showed that the effects of Foam- point of view, it is not possible to
in the scientific literature, Foam-rolling rolling exercises as a pre-exercise solely influence the fascial connec-
exercises should be used cautiously at this or recovery strategy are neither tive tissue by external induced
time. pressures [8,18,59].
homogeneous nor evident.
McKenney et al. [54] included in The purposes of Foam-rolling exer-
Foam-rolling myofascial release fascia their systematic review 10 publi- cises are manifold. Schleip and
therapy sport cations and showed that the qual- Muller [75] mentioned the following
ity of the included studies was purposes:
J. Freiwald et al. mixed and only few conclusions
could be drawn. Moreover, the  improving fascial remodeling;
authors pointed out that more  improving elastic recoil of fascial
randomized controlled trials are tissues;
needed. In a further systematic  improving myofascial health;

J. Freiwald et al. 
Foam-rolling in sport and therapy 267
Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 267275 (2016)

Foam-Rolling in Sport und

Therapie Potentieller
Nutzen und Risiken
Teil 2 Positive und
negative Effekte auf die
Die Wirkungen des Foam-Rolling sind so-
wohl im therapeutischen als auch im sport-
lichen Anwendungsfeld wenig untersucht.
FOAM-Rolling zeigt keinen Einfluss auf das
Aufwarmen, den Blutfluss, die Kraft-
fahigkeiten, die Sprungleistungen, die an-
Figure 1
aerobe Leistungsfahigkeit sowie die Sen-
Different types of foam-rollers (left; center top www.
somotorik (Koordination). Nach dem bis-; center bottom; right
herigen Kenntnisstand konnen durch
Foam-Rolling weder der Muskeltonus noch
Stressfaktoren reduziert werden. Hinweise
zur Wirksamkeit des Foam-Rolling gibt es
im Bereich der Beweglichkeit, wobei die  improving fascial hydration and Furthermore, it is generally recom-
Effekte des Foam-Rolling nicht an die Wir- renewal; mended to perform special physical
kungen traditioneller Dehnmethoden her-  improving proprioceptive refinement. exercises, potentially helping to
anreichen. Fur die Bereiche der Regene-
ration nach sportlichen Belastungen sowie
maintain fascial connective tissue
zur Schmerzreduktion bei Muskelkater gibt Fascial connective tissue health that are referred as
es erste Wirksamkeitsnachweise; verglei- treatments Fascial Fitness (Figs. 2 and 3)
chende Studien mit tradierten Methoden [4,10,54,71,75,77,78,81].
zur Regeneration fehlen jedoch. Foam-Rol- For many years, myofascial connec-
ling ubt auf das darunter liegende Gewebe tive tissue complaints were treated Foam-rolling expected
(Faszien, Muskulatur, Nerven, Gefae,
Knochen) hohen Druck aus, der bis zum by methods like massage, osteop- effects and state of research
Zehnfachen der hochsten Kompressions- athy, and physiotherapy and are
klasse 4 reicht und doppelt so hoch ist supposed to reduce thickening, Foam-rolling exercises are used for
wie bei Studien mit kompletter Okklusion. adhesion, and tension of muscle the treatment of myofascial pain in
Gegenwartig existiert fur das Foam-Rolling and fascia tissue [17,54,58]. both preventive and rehabilitative
keine trainingswissenschaftlich und evi-
denzbasierte Trainingsmethodik. Zukunfti-
ge Untersuchungen mussen konkrete Ziel-
setzungen, Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien
sowie die physiologischen Grundlagen des
Foam-Rolling klaren und festlegen. Ferner
mussen Foam-Roller bezuglich ihrer Kon-
struktion an die individuellen Bedurfnisse
in Sport und Therapie angepasst werden
(z.B. Material, Durchmesser). Bevor diese
Arbeiten nicht geleistet und die offenen
Fragen nicht beantwortet sind, ist Foam-
Rolling nur mit Vorsicht und unter Be-
rucksichtigung potentieller Risiken anzu-
wenden, auf die in beiden Teilen des
Reviews hingewiesen wird.
Schlu rter
Foam-Rolling Training Faszien Therapie
Figure 2
Foam-rolling exercise on the anterior tight.

268 J. Freiwald et al. 

Foam-Rolling in sport and therapy Potential benefits and risks
Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 267275 (2016)

can lead to changes in biomechan-

ical contraction and relaxation
parameters as well as stretch
responses of skeletal muscles and
fascial connective tissue [6,19,
37,40,49,58,74]. Furthermore, after
warming-up, a more accurate joint
position perception at the knee joint
has been reported [5].
In one investigations of our labora-
tory, after four and eight hours
of heating with a heat wrap
(ThermaCare), we have found differ-
ences in resting tone parameters
(i.e., passive mechanical muscle
tone, stiffness, elasticity, relaxation
time) at the paravertebral L3-L4 level
of the erector spinae muscle [47]. The
Figure 3 biomechanical parameters of muscle
Foam-rolling exercise on the lower leg (calf). tone, stiffness, and elasticity were
lower after the heat application,
but the relaxation time and creeping
have increased. Interestingly, after
settings [13,41,63,76] as well as an  improving strength and jump the heat treatment, most subjects
isolated or additive warming-up pro- performance; reported an increased subjective feel-
cedure in competitive sports [64,65].  improving anaerobic capacity; ing in relaxation [47], but it is ques-
In the latter context, Foam-rolling  improving flexibility in terms of tionable, whether these results allow
exercises are also intended to range of motion (ROM); a transfer to active warming-up pro-
enhance recovery after endurance  improving sensomotoric function cedures in sport.
and strength efforts [57]. and coordination; One explanation for the mismatch
Due to the different types of applied  improving stress-relaxation; between objective and subjective
interventions and FOAM-rollers, the  reduction delayed onset of muscle tension parameters may be that
results of the few existing studies are soreness (DOMS) and pain; active and passive warming-up pro-
not comparable [18,21,38,64,65].  reduction muscle and connective cedures have increased the tempera-
Therefore, the resulting recommen- tissue tone. ture of muscle and fascial connective
dations to use Foam-rolling exercises tissue, and thereby, influenced the
are ambiguous. While subjective thresholds of chemo- and mechanor-
criteria like pain are mostly used Improving warming up, blood eceptors [12,33,34].
to evaluate therapy and training flow, and athletic performance In regards to athletic performance,
treatments, less objective criteria Using Foam-rolling exercises for the results of the existing studies
such as a controlled application warming-up procedures are fre- are also rare and contradictory.
speed, pressure, or targeted region quently recommended. When Foam- One examination incorporating an
have been applied. rolling exercises as warming up pro- acute bout of Foam-rolling exercises
Although current research for Foam- cedures are performed, the blood in adjunct with an active warming-
rolling is deficient and contradic- flow in the treated area can increases up shows an improved performance
tory, many assumptions about its due to various causes. In addition to in power, agility, strength, and
effectiveness are postulated. In fluid shifts, hormonal and/or inflam- speed parameters. Therefore, the
sport, the following expectations matory effects can be discussed, but authors recommended Foam-rolling
are suggested: also a potential neuromuscular acti- exercises [64]. However, most of the
vation of the treated muscles, which studies show no performance
 improving warming-up and blood has not been studied yet [7,14]. enhancing effects concerning maxi-
flow; Additionally, temperature shifts mum strength, and power as well

J. Freiwald et al. 
Foam-rolling in sport and therapy 269
Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 267275 (2016)

as anaerobic capacity, explosive up procedures prior to training or While many studies have examined
strength, and anaerobic power competition can be given at this the short-term effects of Foam-roll-
related parameters (Overviews in time. ing exercises on flexibility (ROM),
[10,18,51,59,83]). only few studies have investigated
Mikesky et al. [59] and Healey et al. Improving anaerobic performance middle- or long-term effects [10,11,
[38] investigated the effects of prior Janot et al. [42] compared the 16,18,36,44,60,77].
Foam-rolling exercises on vertical effects of static stretching and Roylance et al. [72] investigated the
jump height, hamstring flexibility, Foam-rolling exercises on anaerobic short-term effects of either postural
flying-start 20-yard dash, and iso- power parameters (i.e., 30-sec alignment or static stretching on
kinetic knee extension at 908/s. The Wingate test performance). The lumbar spinal, hip, knee, and ankle
results showed no effects of Foam- effects of Foam-rolling exercises flexibility (ROM), when Foam-rolling
rolling exercises. These findings are on anaerobic power are inconclu- exercises were additionally per-
supported by those of Kuhnemann sive. Consequently, to improve formed. The results demonstrate
[48], who demonstrated that an anaerobic capacity, no recommen- that additionally performed Foam-
ergometer based warming-up dation to perform Foam-rolling exer- rolling exercises increased flexibility
increased the vertical jump height cises can be given. (ROM).
in contrast to Foam-rolling exercises Similarly, Markovic [53] evaluated
(Fig. 4). Improving flexibility (ROM) the short-term effects of Foam-roll-
To summarize, most studies show no Foam-rolling exercises can tempor- ing exercises on hip and knee flexi-
effects of Foam-rolling exercises on arily increase the ROM of hip, knee, bility (ROM) in soccer players. In
performance parameters in athletes, and ankle-joint without impairing this study, passive knee flexion
when Foam-rolling exercises were the neuromuscular activity or maxi- and straight leg raise tests were
included in warming-up procedures mum isometric force [18,51,60]. measured before, immediately after,
[21,38,59,64]. Consequently, to However, in one study, there were and 24 h after the Foam-rolling
improve athletic performance, no no differences in ROM, when a con- treatment. The findings show that
general recommendation to perform ventional stretch training was com- the knee and hip flexibility (ROM)
Foam-rolling exercises as warming- pared to Foam-rolling exercises [44]. only improved immediately after the
treatment, whereas no effects were
evident after 24 h.
Further, Skarabot et al. [80] com-
pared the short-term effects of
Foam-rolling, static-stretching, and
a combination of both exercises on
ankle flexibility (ROM). The results
show that all interventions increased
flexibility (ROM); noteworthy, a
combination of Foam-rolling and
static stretching exercises has
superior effects compared to an iso-
lated treatment. Moreover, accord-
ing to the interventions, the
effects on flexibility (ROM) lasted
less than 10 min.
Lastly, Mohr et al. [60] compared
the middle-term effects of Foam-
rolling, static stretching, and a
combination of both exercises on
hip flexibility (ROM) over six ses-
Figure 4
sions. Again, the outcomes revealed
Effects of commonly performed Foam-rolling (i.e., at both thighs and calves) and
traditional ergometer cycling warming-up (i.e., for 10 min at RPE 12-14) exercises that all interventions increased
on the counter movement jump height in male recreational athletes (n = 20). Note: flexibility (ROM) and that a combi-
* Statistical significant differences (p < 0.001) between pre and post and within post. nation of Foam-rolling and static

270 J. Freiwald et al. 

Foam-Rolling in sport and therapy Potential benefits and risks
Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 267275 (2016)

stretching exercises showed the and coordination has not been pro- unclear. However, it is possible that
largest effects. ven yet. It is important to consider Foam-rolling exercises induce struc-
Taken overall, the underlying that Foam-rolling exercises may not tural damage or metabolic and
reasons for the improved flexibility only impact the sensory function, neuronal alterations that lead to
(ROM) remain unclear. From a struc- but also the local metabolism. changes in DOMS [10,12,25,31,43,
tural point of view, the observed Therefore, changes in the local 68,89,92].
effects can be explained by a metabolism may influence the sen- Consequently, at this time, there is
reduction in bonds between fascial somotoric function [56]. In contrast only minor scientific evidence in
connective and muscle tissue [8,12, to Foam-rolling exercises, after regards to Foam-rolling exercises
6770,78] or a plastic deformation traditional warming-up procedures, as a treatment to reduce DOMS.
of the connective tissue (e.g., fas- the improvement in joint position
cia, tendon, capsule). From an func- perception and position sense at Reduction of muscle and
tional point of view, a temporally the knee joint are well proven connective tissue tone
reduction in the perception of pain [5,50,73]. One Foam-rolling exercises associ-
may also lead to a short-term Consequently, to improve sensomo- ated expectation is to reduce the
enhanced flexibility (ROM) [10,12, toric function and coordination, a muscular and connective tissue tone
23,43,68,91,90]. recommendation to perform Foam- (Myofascial Release). Noteworthy,
Consequently, to improve flexibility rolling exercises cannot be given at most research failed to conduct
(ROM), a recommendation to per- this time. In athletes, a sport- valid measurements. For example,
form Foam-rolling exercises can be specific and individual warming-up previous studies failed to differen-
given, when aiming to increase the seems to be more beneficial than tiate between the mechanical tone
flexibility beyond the maximal Foam-rolling exercises. and neuro-muscular activation,
accessible effects induced through which is widely independent from
traditional stretching procedures. Improving reduction of stress- ROM [23,25,32,56].
relaxation Due to the lack of valid measure-
Improving sensomotoric function Practitioners recommend Foam-roll- ments, future studies should apply
and coordination ing exercises to reduce stress. valid procedures to measure the
The fascia connective tissue, especi- However, in this context, there is muscle and connective tissue tone
ally the deep layers, has a compre- only one study. Kim et al. [45] (e.g., through myotonometrie and
hensive innervation and is supplied examined the influence of Foam-roll- electromyography).
by various receptors [39,55,82,84]. ing exercises on the level of serum Therefore, we cannot give a recom-
The number of receptors located in cortisol as an established stress mendation to perform Foam-rolling
the fascial connective tissue is parameter after treadmill running exercises to reduce the muscle
about 10-fold higher than in the and showed that Foam-rolling exer- and fascial connective tissue tone
muscle tissue [88]. The periosteum cises had no beneficial effects [45]. yet.
is considered as fascia connective Consequently, at this time, we can-
tissue as well and is also densely not give a recommendation to per- Foam rolling potential risks
supplied with receptors [85,88]. form Foam-rolling exercises to
Among others, pain, motion, pres- reduce stress associated cortisol Surprisingly, and in consideration of
sure, vibration, chemical, and ther- levels. many assumed positive effects of
mal conditions can be detected by Foam-rolling exercises, our litera-
receptors within the fascial connec- Reduction of delayed muscle ture review has revealed no refer-
tive tissue. The afferent information soreness (DOMS) ence concerning any harmful
are integrated by the peripheral and It has been shown that Foam-rolling effects. This is remarkable, since
central nervous system, potentially exercises can reduce the subjective Foam-rolling exercises exert a high
affecting sensomotoric function and perceived delayed onset of muscle mechanical pressure not only on the
coordination [24,2629,50]. soreness (DOMS) measured by pres- targeting fascial connective tissue,
Schleip and Muller [75] proposed sure pain thresholds and a visual but also on muscles, bones, nerves,
Foam-rolling exercises to improve analog scale [52]. receptors, and vessels. In addition
proprioceptive refinement, but The underlying mechanisms of a to the pressure load, the shear and
whether Foam-rolling exercises decrease in DOMS according to tensile forces caused by Foam-roll-
affect the sensomotoric function Foam-rolling exercises remain ing exercises in and between the

J. Freiwald et al. 
Foam-rolling in sport and therapy 271
Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 32, 267275 (2016)

different tissues cannot be neg- Doppler ultrasound showed a The accumulation of fluid in tissues
lected [15,61]. temporary complete interruption of occurs during inflammation, which
the blood flow and in some cases is detectible by the use of T2 con-
Mechanical strain of the even a complete compression of trast in MRI [87]. Due to our exten-
underneath tissue the examined vessels, particularly sive experience in top-level sports,
Curran et al. [20] showed that of veins. we have repeatedly seen athletes
the mechanical pressure differs Also, the effects of Foam-rolling showing signs of edema after
according to the applied type of exercises on the lymphatic system Foam-rolling exercises that were
Foam-roller and also among the are still unclear. However, the visible in MRI (T2 weighted).
subjects [20]. In their study, the applied mechanical pressure loads However, if the edema are induced
authors measured the maximum and direction of Foam-rolling by shear forces and irritations or
mean pressure load at the lateral against the physiological venous damages of the vascular endo-
tight that was reported to be and lymphatic flow are contrary to thelium during Foam-rolling exer-
68.8 kPa (i.e., 516 mm/Hg). Thus, the commonly accepted scientific cises remains unclear [8,62].
these measured pressure values are doctrine in medicine and physio-
about 10-fold higher than the therapy [22,35,46,58]. Conclusions and future
highest medical compression Additionally, attention should be requirements
category 4 (i.e., extra strong com- paid to bony prominences such as
pression, at least 6.5 kPa or the spinous processes or the fibula This second part of the review dis-
49 mm/Hg) and exceeded twice head. cussed Foam-rolling exercises in
the pressure loads that are used sport and therapy. It was shown that
in occlusion studies [1,9,22]. Inflammation and pain it is not possible to treat isolated
Own studies achieved comparable During, immediately, and on the the fascial connective tissue by
results. During common Foam-roll- next day, Foam-rolling exercises Foam-rolling exercises and that
ing exercises, the vertical pressure may induce pain [48]. The type of there are no established and proven
load was 33  1% of the body pain and its time course may training methods overall [3]. There
weight measured at the calf and indicate inflammatory processes is no scientific evidence that Foam-
the front thigh. Considering relative [30,66,79,92]. Due to the fact that rolling exercises can improve warm-
and absolute contraindications such pain is a physiological warning sign ing-up procedures, athletic perform-
as peripheral neuropathy, diabetes [92], the question arises whether ance, reduce muscle and fascial
mellitus, and the risk of venous this warning must be considered in connective tissue tone, and improve
thrombosis or osteoporosis, which the training advises. stress-relaxation. In contrast, Foam-
may be evident in patients, older Inflammatory processes can be rolling exercises can enhance flexi-
people, or also in athletes, the use detected by blood tests. Okamoto, bility (ROM) and reduce delayed
of Foam-rolling exercises can lead to Masuhara [62] measured increased onset of muscular soreness
harmful effects. neutrophil concentrations after (DOMS). In the scientific literature,
Foam-rolling exercises. Furthermore, it is important to consider that
Nerve, vessels, and bones in healthy volunteers, a study showed potential harmful effects of Foam-
From the perspective of phlebology that the arterial pulse wave velocity rolling exercises are completely
and lymphology, the mechanical decreased, while the nitric oxide con- ignored.
pressure exerted by Foam-rolling centration increased after Foam-roll- Future investigations to define fields
exercises has to be critically ques- ing exercises. These findings were of applications concerning Foam-
tioned. Indeed, not only the fascial concluded by the authors as rolling exercises in therapy, medi-
connective tissue is mechanically beneficial and potential preventive cine, and sport are required.
stressed, but also the vessels, in effects on arterial function and car- Therefore, in- and exclusion criteria
particular venous valves, and diovascular disease, respectively. as well as implementation of indi-
nerves, which run near the surface However, it is also possible to inter- vidualized Foam-rolling exercises
e.g. of the hamstrings in the pop- pret, in particular, the increase in are needed. In a further step, train-
litea fossa (i.e., among others the N. nitric oxide concentration after ing principles and methods of Foam-
ischiadicus, V. poplitea). During Foam-rolling exercises as a damage rolling exercise including the use of
Foam-rolling exercises at the lower of the intima (i.e., the endothelium) different types of Foam-rollers
leg, own measurements using [2,86]. according to different sports should

272 J. Freiwald et al. 

Foam-Rolling in sport and therapy Potential benefits and risks
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