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Liquid smoke (LS) produced through refining process from crude coconut
shell liquid smoke, and potentially as food preservative because of some chemical
composition roles as antioxidative and antibacterial. However, the liquid form of
LS has limited point for handling and the physicochemical properties are easy to
change during storage. So that, there is a need to convert liquid to solid (powder)
and protected its bioactive compound using encapsulation technique. This process
is unique and has special technique, because the major proportion of LS are
composed of water and acids. Therefore, the encapsulation process occurs from
dispersion system that involves appropriate technique. The general objective of
this research was to bring the nanoencapsulation technology of LS using chitosan
(CS) and maltodextrin (MD) as encapsulants which is expected to high potency as
a natural food preservative. In addition, the specific objectives were (i). to
determine appropriate consentration of LS as a core and chitosan and maltodextrin as
an encapsulants to get dispersion nanoparticle properties (by Nano Zetasizer and
Transmission Electron Microscopy), (ii). to evaluate the optimation process of
nanoencapsulation by using spray drying technique on physicochemical properties
(by GC-MS), (iii). to evaluate the applications of LS nanocapsules as food
preservative in model system.
This research consisted of three stages namely the first stage was the
determination of optimation dispersion nanoparticle processed that consisted of two
experimental factors i.e. first factor was the treatment formulation which had five
formulation dispersion nanoparticles (F1 = CS 0.5% in acetic acid (AA) 1%+MD
9.5%; F2 = LS+CS 0%+MD 10%; F3 = LS+CS 0.5 %+MD 9.5%; F4 = LS+KS
1.0 %+MD 9.0%; F5 = LS+CS 1.5 %+MD 8.5%. Second factor homogenization
condition which had three threatments with each consisted of 2 levels. That were
(i). heat temperature (T = 40oC and 50oC); (ii). speed homogenizer (P = 4000 rpm
and 5200 rpm); (iii). time homogenization (L = 2.5 min and 5.0 min). Control
was used for unthreatment sample which had F0T0P0L0 as sample code. The
second stage of this research was determination of optimation nanoencapsulation
processed by using spray drying technique that consisted of two threatment with
each consisted of 2 levels i.e. (i). inlet air temperature (T = 130oC and 150oC); (ii).
feed flow rate (L = 2.4 ml/min and 5.1 ml/min). And the third stage of this
research was the application of nanocapsules in fresh tuna minced as a model
system of food preservative. The experimental factor that used to evaluated in this
stage were nanocapsule concentration (K = 2.5%; 5%; 7.5% and 10%) and storage
time (T = 12 h; 24 h; 36 h and 48 h). The sample keep stored in plastic cling at
room temperature, and control used in fresh tuna minced without threated with
K0 sample code. The research had been performed using factorial Completely
Randomized Design (CRD). All experiments were done in three replications,
except in sensory test.
The results showed that the charactheristic of LS dispersion nanoparticle
obtained by using heat threatment 50oC, speed homogenizer 4000 rpm during 2.5
min resulted spherical shape of particle with good distribution homogenity,
particle size 1.3 nm, zeta potential +1.25 mV that indicated the stability. The
nanocapsule product that produced by spray drying technique in inlet air
temperature 150oC and feed flow rate 5.1 mil/min resulted encapsulation
efficiency 65.64% with phenol content 5.46%. Nanocapsule of LS was white
yellowish powder with smooth spherical shape, size particle 13.34 nm, and
consisted more specific volatile compound i.e. acetic acid and phenol comparing
with dispersion nanoparticle also highly antioxidant activity 58.9% with DPPH
method. The application of nanocapsules LS for food preservative model system
could strong inhibited antibacterial activity especially Gram negative. The
evluation of TVB-N value resulted under standard limit 30 mg/100 g at 2.5%
concentration, and total microbial under 6.0 log CFU/g up to 7.5% concentration
at 48 h strorage. Based on sensory value, the panelists score was neither like nor
dislike for all consentration during storage. The results indicated that liquid smoke
nanocapsules was an effective preservative agent for fresh tuna fish therefore
these encapsulating methods are a promising technique for food applications.

Keywords : Coconut shell liquid smoke, nanoencapsulation, chitosan, malto-

dextrin, spray drying.

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