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CB 32 90
BA 32 90
AB 35 270
BC 45 270
CB 29 90

-Dip angle

A) CB 700-CB 600 Calculation:

Tan = 160 = 32

Dip angle for CB are 32

Different Height:
700-600 = 100m

Distance CB on the map:

= 0.8 2.5


B) BA 600-BA 500 Calculation:

Tan = 160 = 32

Dip angle for BA are 32

Different Height:
600-500 =100m

Distance BA on the map:

. .

= 160m
C) AB 400 AB 500 Calculation:
Tan = 140 = 35

Dip angle for AB are 35

Different Height:
500-400 =100m

Distance AB on the map:

= . .

= 140m

D) BC 400 BC 500 Calculation:

Tan = = 45

Dip angle for are 45

Different Height:
500 400 =100m

Distance BC on the map:

= . .

= 100m

E) CB 400- CB 300 Calculation:

Tan = 180 =29

Dip angle for are 29

Different Height:
400-300 =100m

Distance CB on the map:

= . .

-Explain types of fold (with the aid of diagram) and discuss how this structure occurred.
Fold occurs when one or a stack of originally flat and planar surfaces, such as
sedimentary strata, are bent or curved as a result of permanent deformation. Syn-
sedimentary folds are those due to slumping of sedimentary material before it is
lithified. Folds in rocks vary in size from microscopic crinkles to mountain-sized
folds. They occur singly as isolated folds and in extensive fold trains of different
sizes, on a variety of scales.


Anticline is a fold that is convex up and has its oldest beds at its core. The term is
not to be confused with antifoam, which is a purely descriptive term for any fold
that is convex up. Therefore if age relationships between various strata are
unknown, the term antifoam should be used.

A syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the center of the structure.
Synclines are typically a downward fold, termed a synformal syncline (i.e. a
trough); but synclines that point upwards, or perched, can be found when strata
have been overturned and folded (an antiformal syncline).


Local warping in horizontal strata. Rock beds lying at two level separated by steep
inclined limbs. It is form by vertical movement and generally found fault below
monocline. A step-like fold in rock strata consisting of a zone of steeper dip
within an otherwise horizontal or gently-dipping sequence.

Chevron folds are a structural feature characterized by repeated well behaved

folded beds with straight limbs and sharp hinges. Well developed, these folds
develop repeated set of v-shaped beds. They develop in response to regional or
local compressive stress. Inter-limb angles are generally 60 degrees or less.
Chevron folding preferentially occurs when the bedding regularly alternates
between contrasting competences.


Recumbent fold has an essentially horizontal axial plane. linear, fold axial plane
oriented at low angle resulting in overturned strata in one limb of the fold.

Isoclinal folds are similar to symmetrical folds, but these folds both have the same
angle and are parallel to each other. 'Iso' means 'the same' (symmetrical), and
'cline' means 'angle,' so this name literally means 'same angle.' So isoclinal folds
are both symmetrical and aligned in a parallel fashion.


A fold whose axis plane is not horizontal (not Parallel to sea level). Direction of
plunge - the direction in which the axis is inclined nose - indicate the direction of
plunge. In anticline, plunge is directed towards nose and in syncline it is directed
away from nose.
Dome and Basin

We also have domes, which are like anticlines but instead of an arch, the fold is in
a dome shape, like an inverted bowl. Similarly, there are also basins, which are
like synclines but again, instead of a sinking arch, the fold is in a shape of a bowl
sinking down into the ground. Dome: nonlinear, strata dip away from center in all
directions, oldest strata in center. Basin: nonlinear, strata dip toward center in all
directions, youngest strata in center.


Folds are chaotic, random and disconnected. Typical of sedimentary slump

folding, migmatites and decollement detachment zones. Ptygmatic folds generally
represent conditions where the folded material is of a much greater viscosity than
the surrounding medium.
(b)Based on this map which one is older?
- Clay
- Sand stone
- Shale

The oldest folds between these three folds are clay layers because they are in the lower
layers. The shale crease is the second fold of the second old after the clay layer because it
is in the second layer. The sandstone layer is the third fold of the fold as it is in the top
* Conclude your results especially by rate its effect on outcrop layer in relation to the Civil
Engineering or construction industry etc.
Base on the map sketch, we can see every layer of rock effect from folding. We must follow
step by step every each procedure to sketch true line of fold. Folds are a bend of flexure in
layered rocks. It is the most common kind of deformation in layered rocks usually well
collusion of developed in great mountain systems due to collusions of tectonic plates.
The map also showed layer anticlines and synclines where upward fold is an anticline and
downward is syncline. Anticline is an up-arched or convex upward fold with oldest rock layers
in its core, whereas a syncline is down-arched or concave upward fold in which the youngest
rock layer in its core. Clay upward from origin structure when we saw from x y cross section.
Geological maps graphically communicate vast amounts of geologic information. A
geological map represents the projection on a flat piece of paper of the intersection between
geological 3D features with the surface topography with added benefit of depicting the relative
age, composition and relationships among rocks and sediments at and near the earths surface.
Therefore, based on the ground profile and rock formations, there is occurring of inclined
bedding which bent in any from and direction. The bedding of shale forming a shape seems
like a cane. On the shale, there is bedding of sandstone (represented by yellow colour).
Sandstone is the youngest among three of these rocks. Clay stone is the oldest among the rocks
because it is located and covering the lowest area or position of the contour.

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