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Microbial signaling and plant growth promotion

Article in Canadian Journal of Plant Science July 2014

DOI: 10.4141/CJPS2013-148


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3 authors, including:

Fazli Mabood Donald L. Smith

Inocucor Technologies Inc., Montreal, Quebec, McGill University


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Microbial signaling and plant growth promotion
Fazli Mabood, Xiaomin Zhou, and Donald L. Smith1
Plant Science Department, McGill University/Macdonald Campus, 21,111 Lakeshore Road,
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada H9X 3V9.
Received 7 May 2013, accepted 11 September 2013. Published on the web 7 July 2014.
Mabood, F., Zhou, X. and Smith, D. L. 2014. Microbial signaling and plant growth promotion. Can. J. Plant Sci. 94:
10511063. The rhizosphere offers a complex microhabitat where root exudates provide a diverse mixture of organic
compounds that are used as nutrients or signals by the soil microbial population. On the other hand, these soil
microorganisms produce compounds that directly or indirectly assist in plant growth promotion. The widely recognized
mechanisms of plant growth promotion are biofertilization, production of phytohormones, suppression of diseases through
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by MCGILL UNIVERSITY on 07/21/14

biocontrol, induction of disease resistance and production of volatile signal compounds. During the past few decades our
understanding of the interaction between rhizobacteria and plants has expanded enormously and this has resulted in
application of microbial products used as crop inoculants (as biofertilizers), for increased crop biomass and disease
suppression. However, this plantmicrobe interaction is affected by adverse environmental conditions, and recent work has
suggested that inoculants carrying plant-to-bacteria or bacteria-to-plant signals can overcome this and promote plant
productivity under stressful environmental conditions. Very recent work has also shown that some plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria secrete novel signaling molecules that also promote plant growth. The use of rhizobacterial signaling in
promoting plant growth offers a new window of opportunity, especially when we are looking at plants to provide biofuels
and novel bioproducts. Developing technologies that can enhance plant growth and productivity is imperative.

Key words: Plantmicrobe interactions, phytomicrobiome, signal molecules, plant stress,

lipo-chitooligosaccharides, thuricin 17

Mabood, F., Zhou, X. et Smith, D. L. 2014. Signalisation microbienne et acceleration de la croissance des plantes. Can. J.
For personal use only.

Plant Sci. 94: 10511063. La rhizosphere est un micro-habitat complexe dans lequel les exsudats des racines procurent un
melange variable de composes organiques dont les unicellulaires presents dans le sol se nourrissent ou quils utilisent
comme signaux. Parallelement, ces microorganismes synthetisent des composes qui aident directement ou indirectement
la plante a pousser. Parmi les mecanismes abondamment reconnus qui accelerent la croissance des vegetaux figurent la
biofertilisation, la production de phytohormones, la suppression de maladies par la lutte biologique, linduction de la
resistance aux maladies et la genese de composes volatils servant de signaux. Au cours des dernieres decennies, nos
connaissances sur les interactions entre les rhizobacteries et les plantes ont augmente de maniere phenomenale, ce qui a
debouche sur linoculation de substances microbiennes aux cultures (sous forme dengrais biologiques) en vue dune plus
grande production de biomasse et de la suppression des maladies. Les interactions plante-microorganismes sont neanmoins
affectees par les conditions environnementales quand elles sont defavorables et des recherches recentes laissent croire
que les inoculats qui vehiculent les signaux de la plante a la bacterie ou vice-versa pourraient surmonter cette difficulte
et augmenter le rendement des vegetaux qui poussent dans des conditions difficiles. Des travaux tres recents ont egalement
montre quune partie des rhizobacteries qui accelerent la croissance des plantes secretent de nouvelles molecules signal qui
favorisent elles aussi la croissance. Le recours a la signalisation rhizobacterienne pour promouvoir la croissance des
vegetaux ouvre une nouvelle porte, surtout pour les plantes dont on veut tirer des biocarburants et de nouveaux produits
biologiques. Il est imperatif delaborer des technologies qui rehausseront la croissance et le rendement des plantes.

Mots cles: Interactions plante-microbe, phytomicrobiome, molecules signal, stress vegetal,

lipo-chitooligosaccharides, thuricine 17

PLANT GROWTH-PROMOTING RHIZOBACTERIA Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in-

The rhizosphere is a complex habitat containing living
clude bacteria in the soil near plant roots, on the sur-
face of plant root systems, in spaces between root cells
plant roots with associated soil where root exudates or inside specialized cells of root nodules, that are
attract and promote microbial growth and metabolism.
The activities of the diverse rhizosphere microbial Abbreviations: ACC, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate;
community greatly influence many aspects of plant DAPG, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol; ePGPR, extracellular PGPR;
physiology and growth, including protecting the host IAA, indole-3-acetic acid; iPGPR, intracellular PGPR; ISR,
plant from deleterious pathogenic microorganisms. induced systemic resistance; JA, jasmonic acid; LCO, lipo-
chitooligosaccharide; MeJA, methyl jasmonate; PGPR, plant
1 growth promoting rhizobacteria; RZT, root zone temperature;
Corresponding author (e-mail: Donald.smith@ SAR, systemic acquired resistance; VOC, volatile organic compound

Can. J. Plant Sci. (2014) 94: 10511063 doi:10.4141/CJPS2013-148 1051


able to stimulate plant growth through a wide array of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, among them are Azospirillum,
mechanisms (Gray and Smith 2005). PGPR employ Acetobacter, Herbaspirillum, Azoarcus and Azotobacter
a variety of mechanisms to promote plant growth and (Steenhoudt and Vanderleyden 2000). These rhizobac-
development. teria have been getting a great deal of attention as
The more widely recognized mechanisms include: (1) biofertilizers as they are able to fix nitrogen in associa-
biofertilization (enhanced nutrient availability), (2) sup- tion with non-legume plants (Boddey et al. 1991) and
pression of diseases through biocontrol, (3) induction of can be used in marginal lands as a low input way to
disease resistance in plants, (4) production of phytohor- provide nutrients to crop plants.
mones, and (5) production of volatile signal compounds Other than nitrogen fixation, PGPR acting as biofer-
(Whipps 2001). On the broad scale, PGPR include the tilizers can promote plant growth by solubilizing nu-
legume-nodulating rhizobia, and as such can be sepa- trients that are otherwise not very available for plant
rated into those residing outside plant cells (extracellular growth. For example phosphate solubilizing bacteria
 ePGPR) and the rhizobia that live inside plant cells mobilize phosphorus, making it substantially more
(intracellular  iPGPR) (Gray and Smith 2005). Appli- available to plants (Kim et al. 1998; Rodriguez and
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by MCGILL UNIVERSITY on 07/21/14

cation of PGPR to crop production systems, with the Fraga 1999). Some rhizobacteria produce siderophores
exception of rhizobia, has met with mixed results. PGPR that enhance iron availability to plants (Bloemberg
are often quite unreliable in the field, causing increases and Lugtenberg 2001) while others play an important
sometimes and not others (Nelson 2004), suggesting that role in micronutrient availability to plants (Fasim et al.
there is much we do not understand about them. At a 2002).
time when we are looking to plants, and crop plants in
particular, to provide biofuels and other novel biopro- Biocontrol
ducts (Ragauskas et al. 2006) while still feeding the PGPR enhance plant growth and development by
worlds growing population, against a background of controlling deleterious microorganisms through a range
climate change, understanding and developing technol- of sometimes complex mechanisms, including produc-
ogies that can increase overall plant productivity is tion of broad spectrum antibiotics, production of narrow
imperative. spectrum bacteriocins, production of extracellular lytic
For personal use only.

enzymes and enhancement of plant resistance to patho-

Biofertilization genic organisms.
Some rhizobacteria promote plant growth and develop-
ment by acting as biofertilizers. PGPR acting as biofer- Antibiotics
tilizers improve plant health through: (1) increasing The role of antibiosis in rhizobacteria-mediated control
nutrient availability for plants, (2) biological nitrogen of plant pathogens has been an area of extensive research
fixation, and (3) enhancing symbioses as helper bacteria during the past several decades (Whipps 2001). Anti-
(Vessey 2003). A biofertilizer is defined as a substance biotic production by fluorescent pseudomonads has
which contains living microorganisms which, when been well documented. Pseudomonads produce many
applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, colonizes the antibiotic substances, such as 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol
rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes (DAPG), amphisin, oomycin A, hydrogen cyanide,
growth by increasing the supply or availability of phenazine, pyoluteorin, pyrrolnitrin, and cyclic lipopep-
primary nutrients to the host plant (Vessey 2003). tides (Defago 1993; Nielson et al. 2002; Raaijmakers et al.
The most widely used bacterial biofertilizers are the 2002; de Souza et al. 2003; Nielson and Sorensen 2003).
nitrogen-fixing rhizobia. These are largely rhizobia in the Besides pseudomonads, Streptomyces, Bacillus and Ste-
genera Allorhizobium, Azorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, notrophomonas spp. have also been shown to produce
Mesorhizobium, Rhizobium, and Sinorhizobium which antibiotic substances, such as oligomycin A, zwittermicin
enter into symbiotic associations with their host legume A, kanosamine, and xanthobaccin (Hashidoko et al.
host plants and fix atmospheric dinitrogen inside root 1999; Kim et al. 1999; Milner et al. 1995; Milner et al.
nodules differentiated for this purpose. Plants utilize the 1996; Nakayama et al. 1999).
nitrogen fixed inside the nodule and provide photo- Antibiotics synthesis by bacteria is affected by many
synthetically fixed carbon to the rhizobia. There has factors, and these include the type of carbon source, pH
been an increase in rhizobia-based commercial in- of the growth medium, growth temperature and avail-
oculants as biofertilizers (Vessey 2003) and given the ability of trace elements (Keel et al. 1989; Ownley et al.
large quantities of fossil fuels used to produce nitrogen 1992, 2003; Georgakopoulos et al. 1994; Milner et al.
fertilizers and the steep rise in fossil fuel prices over 1995; Milner et al. 1996; Duffy and Defago 1997, 1999,
recent years, a significant expansion in the use of bio- 2000; Bender et al. 1999b). The presence of particular
fertilizers is most likely to continue. nutrient types also affects the biosynthesis of antibiotics
Besides rhizobia, there are other rhizobacteria that by a particular bacterial strain. The addition of glucose, as
live and fix nitrogen outside of formal symbioses, a carbon source to, P. fluorescens CHA0 stimulates the
and these are referred to as free-living or associative biosynthesis of DAPG, while it inhibits the biosynthesis

of pyoluteorin. However, pyoluteorin is the dominant activity against Phytophthora cinnamomi, the causal
antimicrobial compound produced by this strain in the organism of root rot in Banksia grandis (El-Tarabily
absence of glucose (Duffy and Defago 1999). Interest- et al. 1996).
ingly, the age of the host plants also affects production Lytic enzymes produced by rhizobacteria are of
of antibiotic compounds by selected bacterial strains. great importance in the biological control of fungal
Root exudates from young plants do not induce DAPG plant pathogens. For instance, Paenibacillus sp. 300
production, while it is induced by the root exudates of and Streptomyces sp. 385 produce chitinase and b-1,3-
older plants (Picard et al. 2000). glucanase, which play a crucial role in the biological con-
trol of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum causing
Bacteriocins Fusarium wilt of cucumber (Cucumus sativus) (Singh et al.
Aside from the more classic antibiotics, some rhizobac- 1999). Similarly, b-1,3 glucanase produced by Pseudomonas
teria are known to produce proteinaceous antimicrobial cepacia lyse fungal cell walls and decrease the incidence
peptides known as bacteriocins. These bacteriocins show of diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium
rolfsii and Pythium ultimum (Fridlender et al. 1993).
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by MCGILL UNIVERSITY on 07/21/14

bactericidal or bacteriostatic effects against bacteria

closely related to the producer strain (Jack et al. 1995).
Recently, we have shown that Bacillus thuringiensis Chitinolytic Rhizobacteria and Beneficial
NEB 17 produces a bacteriocin, thuricin 17 (T17), which Microorganisms
shows antimicrobial activity against a broad range of During the initial interaction of the legumerhizobia
closely related bacterial species (Gray et al. 2006a). symbiosis, legume plants secrete flavonoids, which
Kamoun et al. (2005) reported that B. thuringiensis induce the production of Nod factors, which are lipo-
subsp. kurstaki strain BUPM4 produces bacthuricin chitooligosaccharides (LCOs), from rhizobia. Nod fac-
F4 (BF4  a bacteriocin) that shows bactericidal activ- tors are structurally similar to chitin in that the main
ity against closely related bacteria. T17 and BF4 structure of Nod factor consists of N-acetylglucosamine
have similar molecular weights (T17  3162 Da and (GlcNAc). Some rhizobacteria are known to produce
BF4  3160 Da) and share similarity at the N terminus chitinases that degrade chitin, thus playing an important
sequence (Kamoun et al. 2005; Gray et al. 2006a, b). role as potential biocontrol agents in the control of
For personal use only.

We have recently shown that these two bacteriocins phytopathogenic fungi. However, these rhizobacteria
show similar spectra of antimicrobial activities and might affect symbiosis establishment by disrupting in-
thus have structural and functional similarities (Jung ter-organismal signaling, a crucial step in the early stages
et al. 2008a). of the nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. We have shown that the
soil bacteria Paenibacillus illinoisensis and Bacillus thur-
ingiensis subsp. pakistani produce chitinases that are able
Extracellular Lytic Enzymes to cleave Nod factors. When purified Nod factors from
Another mechanism of biocontrol of plant pathogens is B. japonicum [Nod BjV (C18:1, MeFuc)] were treated with
the production of cell wall degrading enzymes that exert crude chitinases from P. illinoisensis and B. thuringiensis
antifungal activities, thus contributing to the biocontol subsp. pakistani, this led to a substantial degradation of
activity of these rhizobacteria. These cell wall degrading Nod factor molecules (Jung et al. 2008a).
enzymes include chitinases, glucanases, cellulases, and
proteases that cause lysis and degradation of the
Induction of Disease Resistance to
fungal cell walls. Valois et al. (1996) reported that some Phytopathogens in Plants
actinomycete isolates produced b-1,3-,b-1,4-, and b-1,6-
glucanases that hydrolyze glucans from Phytophthora cell Systemic Acquired Resistance
walls, thus causing lysis of Phytophthora cells were used Salicylic acid plays a central role in systemic acquired
for the control of Phytophthora fragariae var. rubi, a resistance (SAR) and its induction of pathogenesis-
pathogen causing raspberry root rot. Chitinase produ- related proteins in plants (Ward et al. 1991; Enyedi
cing bacteria such as Enterobacter agglomerans (Chernin et al. 1992; Gaffney et al. 1993; Ryals et al. 1996). Some
et al. 1995), Bacillus cereus (Pleban et al. 1997) and rhizobacteria, under iron-limited conditions, are able
Paenibacillus illinoisensis (Jung et al. 2003) decreased the to synthesize SA, thereby triggering the SAR pathway
incidence of disease symptoms caused by Rhizoctonia and inducing systemic resistance in plants (Maurhofer
solani in cotton and cucumber. Chitinase producing et al. 1994; Buysens et al. 1996; Leeman et al. 1996; De
P. illinoisensis, provides control of blight in pepper Meyer and Hofte 1997; Press et al. 1997). Pseudomonas
(Capsicum annuum L.) caused by Phytopthora capsici aeruginosa 7NSK2 produces SA that activates SAR in
(Jung et al. 2005). bean plants (De Meyer et al. 1999) and a SA-deficient
Extracellular proteases play an important role in mutant of P. aeruginosa 7NSK2 loses its ability to
biocontrol. Stenotrophomonas maltophila W81 produce induce resistance to Botrytis cinerea in bean (De Meyer
proteases and are involved in the biocontrol of Pythium and Hofte 1997). Introduction of SA biosynthetic genes
ultimum in sugar beet (Dunne et al. 1997). Cellulase- into P. fluorescens strain P3, incapable of producing SA,
producing Micromonospora carbonacea showed biocontrol made this strain capable of producing SA and induced

resistance to tobacco necrosis virus in tobacco plants 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase

(Maurhofer et al. 1998). that cleaves and hydrolyses plant-produced ACC,
thereby lowering ethylene levels in plants. ACC deami-
Induced Systemic Resistance nase producing rhizobacteria decrease ethylene levels in
Inoculation of PGPR onto seeds or seedling roots may plants and allow them to be more resistant to a wide
trigger another mechanism in host plants, known as variety of environmental stresses (Glick 2005).
induced systemic resistance (ISR), for the suppression of PGPR that produce salicylates are able to induce
pathogenic microorganisms and arresting disease devel- SAR in colonized plants. The effects of SA producing
opment (van Loon et al. 1998; Kloepper et al. 1999). rhizobacteria on plants have been described in section
Induction of ISR protects plants that are able to resist (16)3.3.
subsequent pathogen infections (van Loon 1997). Rhi-
zobacteria mediated stimulation of ISR is considered Volatile Signals
different from SAR. SAR involves a systemic activation Plants communicate with each other using airborne
of defense responses to necrotizing pathogens in distal
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by MCGILL UNIVERSITY on 07/21/14

volatile signal molecules such as methyl salicylate, methyl

parts of plants and involves hypersensitive response and jasmonate (MeJA) and ethylene. These compounds are
expression of several pathogenesis-related genes (Ryals released, at very low concentrations, by plants and act as
et al. 1996); however, ISR, as induced by PGPR, does signals to neighboring plants (Farmer and Ryan 1990;
not provoke a visible hypersensitive response (Wei et al. Shulaev et al. 1997; Dong 1998; Baldwin et al. 2006).
1991). Salicylic acid plays a central role in the SAR Recently, it has been shown than PGPR also commu-
pathway and studies have shown that there is a strong nicate with plants by producing volatile compounds that
relationship between SAR and accumulation of SA in are able to play an important role in plant growth
plants (Sticher et al. 1997). However, ISR is not SA and development and systemic resistance. Ryu et al.
dependent and involves jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (2003, 2004) demonstrated that rhizobacteria produce a
in a signal transduction cascade leading to improved blend of airborne volatile organic compounds (VOC)
disease resistance (Pieterse et al. 1998). that regulate plant growth and development and induce
systemic resistance in Arabidopsis. The PGPR strains
For personal use only.

Phytohormone Production
Bacillus subtilis GB03 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
Some PGPR produce phytohormones such as auxin,
IN937a release two volatile compounds, 3-hydroxy-
cytokinin, gibberellin, abscisic acid, ethylene and salicylic
2-butanone (acetoin) and 2,3-butanediol (2,3-B), that
acid. Phytohormone production by PGPR is consid-
promote growth and development of Arabidopsis. PGPR
ered of great value in agriculture since these hormones
strains unable to produce these VOCs did not cause plant
directly affect the physiology and growth of crop plants.
growth promotion (Ryu et al. 2003). When Arabidopsis
For instance, it has been shown that Azospirillum spp.
seedlings were exposed to bacterial VOCs (acetoin and
produces auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins that enhance
2,3-B) from B. subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens for only
root growth and development, thereby enhancing nutri-
4 d the ISR pathway was induced, resulting in symp-
ent uptake and increasing biomass and yield (Steenhoudt
toms of disease caused by Erwinia carotovora subsp.
and Vanderleyden 2000). Phytohormone production by
carotovora (Ryu et al. 2004).
rhizobacteria, especially indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), is
an important source of plant growth promotion. A range
of Bacillus species have been reported to produce IAA Consistent Inconsistency
(Chanway and Nelson 1990; Selvadurai et al. 1991). In the past two decades, significant research progress
Karadeniz et al. (2006) reported the production of auxin has been made towards understanding the mechanisms
(indole-3-acetic acid), gibberellin, cytokinin (zeatin) and of beneficial plantmicrobe interactions and the way
abscisic acid by bacteria Proteus mirabilis, P. vulgaris, they promote plant growth and development. Many
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bacillus megaterium, and B. cereus. products have been successfully brought into commer-
PGPR are also known to produce cytokinins, hor- cial formulations and significant among them are
mones important in the control of cell division, chlor- the rhizobia-based inoculants used as biofertilizers and
oplast development and bud formation (Arshad and other PGPR inoculants that promote plant growth and
Frankenberger 1991; Serdyuk et al. 1995). For instance, development directly or indirectly.
Rhizobium leguminosarum strains promote early plant The market potential for bio-based products used
growth and development of canola and lettuce due to for plant growth promotion and biocontrol of plant
their ability to produce phytohormones such as IAA diseases is increasing (Haas and Defago 2005). Both
and cytokinins (Noel et al. 1996). Similarly, Methylo- conventional and organic growers are increasingly
bacterium spp. can increase soybean seed germination taking interest in bio-based products (Rzewnicki 2000).
and this effect may be mimicked by medium containing Many rhizobacteria-based products have already been
cytokinins (Holland 1994). tested and successfully commercialized in the green-
Rhizobacteria can also control ethylene biosynthesis house industry, with considerable potential for further
in planta. Some rhizobacteria produce the enzyme growth (Paulitz and Belanger 2001).

While PGPR-based products have been used success- secretion of LCOs by rhizobia. LCOs act as bacteria-to-
fully for plant growth promotion and the biocontrol of plant signal molecules.
plant pathogens under laboratory and greenhouse con-
ditions (Paulitz and Belanger 2001), field results have
not always been successful (Nelson 2004). Success in

Plant Signals: Flavonoids Their Role and
Potential in Promoting Plant Growth
the greenhouse industries may be due to the controlled Flavonoids exuded from host plant roots can act
environment and better management, which make the as important signal molecules in rhizobialegume sym-
PGPR-based products more effective (Paulitz and bioses. Initially they act as chemoattractants to rhizobia
Belanger 2001). By contrast, field conditions are highly (Caetano-Anolles et al. 1988) and cause the induction of
variable, and lack of knowledge of biotic and abiotic nod genes of the host rhizobia (Hartwig et al. 1990). There
factors influencing the survival, proliferation and per- is a high degree of specificity, and not all flavonoids
formance of PGPR may be factors affecting the efficacy induce the nod genes in all rhizobia; specific flavonoids
of PGPR-based products. However, better understand- induce nod genes in specific rhizobia. It is known that
ing of the biotic and abiotic factors influencing PGPR flavonoids interact with the rhizobial NodD protein
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by MCGILL UNIVERSITY on 07/21/14

activity may aid in the development of better PGPR which, upon activation, induces the transcription of the
inoculant formulations and PGPR-based products nod genes. Genistein (an isoflavonoid) induces the nod
(Bowen and Rovira 1999; McSpadden et al. 2002). genes of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, a microsymbiont
of soybean (Glycine max) (Kosslak et al. 1987), while it
PLANT GROWTH-PROMOTING RHIZOBACTERIA inhibits the nod genes of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.
AND SIGNALS: RHIZOBIAL SIGNALS viceae, a microsymbiont of pea (Pisum sativum) (Firmin
A unique aspect of legume plants is that they enter into et al. 1986) and Sinorhizobium meliloti, nodulating alfalfa
symbiotic association with soil bacteria of the genera (Hirsch et al. 2001). Sinorhizobium meliloti nod genes are
Azorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Rhizo- induced by luteolin (a flavone) (Hartwig et al. 1990).
bium, and Sinorhizobium, collectively known as rhizobia. Besides flavonoids, other non-flavonoid compounds
A successful interaction between the two partners leads have also been shown to induce the rhizobial nod genes.
to the formation of a new plant organ, the nodule, where These are jasmonates (JA and MeJA) (Mabood and
For personal use only.

bacteria reside in the form of bacteroids and fix atmo- Smith 2005), aldonic acids (erythronic and tetronic acids)
spheric dinitrogen into ammonia, which is utilized by the (Gagnon and Ibrahim 1998) and betaines (stachydrine
host plant (Perret et al. 2000). The interaction between and trigonelline) (Phillips 2000).
host plant and rhizobia is a specialized process and Genistein and daidzein are the major nod gene inducing
involves the exchange of signal molecules by the two isoflavonoids exuded by soybean roots. The biosynthesis
partners (Fig. 1). This initial exchange leads to rejection and excretion of these compounds from plant roots is
or acceptance of the appropriate partner and thus inhibited under certain stressful environmental condi-
plays an integral role in host specificity. Plants secrete tions, such as low root zone temperature (RZT). Zhang
flavonoid compounds, acting as plant-to-bacteria sig- and Smith (1996a) reported that low RZT inhibits the
nal molecules, which induce the transcription of bacte- biosynthesis and secretion of genistein from soybean
rial nodulation genes, leading to the biosynthesis and roots. Low RZT also inhibits the expression of the nod
genes of B. japonicum following induction by genistein
(Zhang et al. 1996) and of Rhizobium leguminosarum
following induction by hesperetin (Begum et al. 2001a).
Thus, application of flavonoid signals to rhizobia might
overcome the negative effect of low temperature and
promote legume nodulation. This was demonstrated
by Zhang and Smith (1995) who reported that pre-
incubation of B. japonicum with genistein promoted
soybean nodulation and nitrogen fixation under low
RZT conditions. Zhang et al. (1996) also showed that
higher genistein concentrations are required for the
maximum induction of the nod genes at suboptimal
temperatures. Genistein pre-incubated B. japonicum cells
also accelerated the early stages of nodulation (infection
and infection thread formation) development of nodules
Fig. 1. Signal exchange between legumes and rhizobia as
and the onset of nitrogen fixation (Zhang and Smith
typied by the soybean  Bradyrhizobium japonicum symbiosis. 1994).
The phenylpropanoid pathway is used to produce isolfavoinds, When genistein was applied onto seeds or in open
which bind the NodD promoter, leading to activation of the furrows at the time of seed sowing, it also promoted
nod genes, followed by production of lipo-chitooligosacharides soybean nodulation and nitrogen fixation under low soil
as signals back to the legume plant. temperature conditions (Zhang and Smith 1996b, 1997).

Partial alleviation of inhibitory effects of low RZT was Coordinated expression of many of the bacterial nod
also demonstrated in R. leguminosarum and pea and genes (nod, noe, nol) is necessary for the biosynthesis of
lentil symbiotic association. When R. leguminosarum bv. the so called Nod factors, more specifically called LCOs
viceae cultures were induced with hesperetin and inocu- (Stacey et al. 1995). LCOs are key signal molecules
lated onto pea and lentil roots in the early stages of acting as bacteria-to-plant signals and, as such, play a
plant growth, it partially alleviated the low RZT major role in the recognition of the micro-symbiont by
inhibitory effects and promoted nodulation and early the host plant and initial events leading to the organo-
plant growth under greenhouse conditions (Begum et al. genesis of a nodule in the host plant. Lerouge et al.
2001a). Naringenin or hesperetin induced cultures of R. (1990) were the first to identify the chemical structure of
leguminosarum bv. viciae when directly inoculated onto Nod factor from S. meliloti and since then researchers
pea seeds, or into seed furrows at the time of planting, investigating the rhizobialegume symbiosis, have been
promoted pea nodulation and plant growth under field successful in isolating and characterizing a wide range of
conditions (Begum et al. 2001b). The effect of these Nod factors from other rhizobia [see reviews by
signal molecules is more pronounced under stressful DHaeze and Holsters (2002) and Hanin et al. (1999)].
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by MCGILL UNIVERSITY on 07/21/14

conditions as demonstrated by Lira Junior et al. (2003), Nod factor production is adversely affected by low
who reported that the positive effect of pre-incubated temperatures (Zhang et al 2002; Duzan et al. 2006) so
inoculant with either hesperetin or naringenin was more that low root zone temperature conditions can retard
pronounced under saline or low RZT conditions. the effective establishment of the legumerhizobia
The role of jasmonates in inducing the nod genes nitrogen-fixing symbiosis and lessen any other beneficial
(Mabood and Smith 2005) and production of LCOs effects nod factors have.
from B. japonicum (Mabood et al. 2006a, b) has recently Nod factors are active at very low concentrations. At
been reported. When B. japonicum cells were pre-induced submicromolar concentrations, they induce many phy-
with either JA or MeJA and inoculated onto soybean siological changes in their host plants, such as root hair
seedlings, they enhanced nodulation, nitrogen fixation deformation, calcium spiking, changes in hormone
and plant growth under greenhouse conditions (Mabood levels, gene expression and initiation of nodule organo-
and Smith 2005). Under short season field conditions, genesis in legumes plant roots (Denarie and Cullimore
For personal use only.

inoculation of B. japonicum pre-incubated with MeJA 1993; DHaeze and Holsters 2002; Goedhart et al. 2003).
alone or in combination with genistein, enhanced Although non-legumes do not form nodules in
soybean nodulation, nitrogen fixation (Mabood et al. association with rhizobia, studies have shown that
2006c) and plant growth and grain yield (Mabood et al. non-legume plants are also able to respond to Nod
2006d) in southeastern Quebec, Canada. factors. Nod factors produced by rhizobia are able to
stimulate plant growth (Souleimanov et al. 2002;
Industrial Applications and Market Potential Prithiviraj et al. 2003; Almaraz et al. 2007). Nod factors
The use of plant-to-bacteria signal molecules for en- promoted cell division in carrot mutants (De Jong et al.
hancing nodulation and nitrogen fixation has recently 1993) and stimulated early somatic embryo development
entered the market place. For example, SoyaSignalTM in Norway spruce (Dyachok et al. 2002). Purified Nod
(containing genistein and daidzein: the nod gene indu- factor (Nod Bj-V C18:1, MeFuc) from B. japonicum
cers of B. japonicum) was a commercial inoculant used promoted root growth of soybean when applied in
for promoting nodulation in soybean. SoyaSignal was hydroponic solution (Souleimanov et al. 2002). Olah
applied directly onto seed surface or into soil furrows et al. (2005) confirmed these finding by reporting that Nod
containing adequate indigenous bradyrhizobial popula- factors stimulated lateral root formation in Medicago
tions (Smith and Zhang 1999). When SoyaSignalTM was truncatula. We have also seen clear enhancement of
tested under field conditions at 127 locations in Canada Arabidopsis thaliana root growth due to LCO treatment
and United States (from 1994 to 1999), Leibovitch et al. (Khan et al. 2011).
(2001) reported that this technology effectively pro- Nod factors from B. japonicum, at submicromolar
moted soybean yield (average yield increase of 7%). concentrations, promoted seed germination and early
Novozymes ( is seedling growth of diverse crop plants including legumes
currently marketing a product under the name Pulse- and non-legumes (Prithiviraj et al. 2003). Chen et al.
Signal II. This unique product contains plant-to- (2007) reported that foliar application of LCOs to
bacteria signal molecules (flavonoids) that enhance the tomato promoted flowering and increased yield of
recognition step between the plant and the rhizobium, greenhouse grown tomato plants. The role of LCOs in
thus leading to earlier and better nodulation and enhancing barley seed germination (Miransari and
nitrogen fixation. Smith 2009) and pea and vetch seed germination,
growth and nodulation (Kidaj et al. 2011) has also

Potential in Promoting Plant Growth

Bacterial Signals: Nod Factors Their Role and been reported.
Enhanced germination and seedling growth, along
Flavonoids acting as plant-to-bacteria signals induce the with the mitogenic nature of LCOs, suggest accelerated
transcription of the nodulation (nod) genes of rhizobia. meristem activity. This may lead to increased sink

demand and the observed increases in mobilization of plant making them grow faster. Optimize is applied in
seed reserves (Prithiviraj et al. 2003) and increased both liquid and granular formulations.
photosynthetic rates (Almaraz et al. 2007) for more
developed plants, both of which lead to increased
growth (Khan et al. 2008). However, if this is at play PLANT GROWTH-PROMOTING RHIZOBACTERIA
it is interacting with growth related stress responses
(see below).

When applied to soybean leaves LCO from B. japoni- We isolated Bacillus thuringiensis NEB17 from soybean
cum caused transient (25 d) increases in photosynthetic root nodules (Bai et al. 2002b) and when co-inoculated
rate under growth chamber conditions (Almaraz et al. with B. japonicum it enhanced soybean nodulation (Bai
2007; Khan et al. 2008) and increased soybean yield et al. 2003). We have shown that this bacterium produces
(25%) under field conditions (Smith et al. 2003; a novel antimicrobial peptide Thuricin 17 (a bacteriocin
Almaraz et al. 2007). While the increase in photosyn- of molecular weight 3.1 kDa), which is not toxic to B.
japonicum and shows antimicrobial activity against a
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by MCGILL UNIVERSITY on 07/21/14

thetic rate due to the application of bacteria-to-plant

signal molecules is new, previous studies have suggested broad range of closely related bacterial species (Gray
that symbiotic microbes increase plant photosynthetic et al. 2006a). Another bacteriocin (Bacthuricin F4) was
rates: rhizobia (Maury et al. 1993), mycorrhizal fungi reported by Kamoun et al. (2005), which is produced by
(Kucey and Paul 1982), PGPR (Zhang et al. 1997; B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain BUPM4. These
bacteriocins share amino acid sequence similarity at
Bai et al. 2003) and bacteria that produce lumichrome
the N terminus and based on these two molecules we
(Phillips et al. 1999). It is often assumed that these
proposed a new class of bacteriocins: class IId (Gray et al.
increases in photosynthetic rates are related to increased
2006b). We have recently shown that these two bacter-
sink demand by the symbionts. Increased sink demand
iocins also show similar spectra of antimicrobial activities
causes increased photosynthetic rates, while reduced and thus have structural and functional similarities (Jung
sink strength has the opposite effect (Pieters et al. 2001; et al. 2008b). Bacteriocins are bacteria-produced peptides
Tekalign and Hammes 2005). Cockcroft et al. (2000) that are either bactericidal or bacteriostatic to specific
showed that tobacco plants engineered to have a faster
For personal use only.

bacterial strains, often those closely related to the strains

cell cycle grow substantially faster, presumably because producing them (Jack et al. 1995). They provide a
of increased sink strength in more active meristems, competitive advantage for the producer strain (Wilson
leading to increased photosynthetic rates. LCOs are et al. 1998).
known to activate specific plant genes and act as We have recently discovered that treatment with
mitogens (Long 1989; Denarie et al. 1996; Perret et al. class IId bacteriocins stimulated early growth of corn
2000; Patriarca et al. 2004). and soybean (Lee et al. 2009) in a manner similar to that
We have shown that foliar application of LCOs caused by LCOs. A protein produced by a PGPR
induces resistance of soybean plants to powdery mildew Serratia strain also increased photosynthesis and growth
(Duzan et al. 2005) associated with an increase in (Bai et al. 2002a).
phenylalanine ammonia lyase, the first committed step Application of thuricin 17 to soybean plants induced
of the phenylpropanoid pathway, leading to biosynth- aspects of plant disease resistance as well. We have
esis of antimicrobial compounds such as phytoalexins. recently shown that thuricin 17 increased total phenolics,
Given that LCOs induce defense responses in Medicago phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity and the levels
cell cultures and roots (Savoure et al. 1997), that LCOs of peroxidase and superoxide dismutase enzymes (Jung
show structural similarity to chitin (they have a chitin et al. 2008c). In another recent study we have reported
backbone), and that chitin induces defense responses in that these class IId bacteriocins (thuricin 17 and
plants (Khan et al. 2003), it possible that LCOs induce bacthuricin F4) are able to induce phenylalanine ammo-
aspects of plant defense responses, similar to chitin. We nia lyase, peroxidase and ascorbate peroxidase activities
have recently shown that the largest group of known in soybean leaves (Jung et al. 2011).
genes activated by spray treatment of soybean with Given the stimulatory effect of these class IId
LCOs are stress response genes (Wang et al. 2012). bacteriocins on plant growth and development, there
appears a great potential for these molecules on the
commercial scale. Production of thuricin 17 is substan-
Industrial Applications and Market Potential tially easier, and therefore more economic, than LCOs.
Nod factors are now being used on a commercial scale Thuricin 17 producing B. thuringiensis NEB 17 is a
to promote nodulation and plant growth. Novozymes fast growing bacterium while B. japonicum (producing
( is currently market- LCOs) is a slow-growing bacterium. In addition, B.
ing a product under the name Optimize. This unique japonicum produces small quantities of LCO, while
product combines quality nitrogen inoculants with B. thuringiensis NEB 17 produces a substantially larger
Novozymes LCO promotor technology. The unique amount of thuricin 17 (unpublished data). However,
LCO molecule enhances nutritional capabilities of the there is a lack of understanding of how these molecules

increase plant growth and further work is needed to Atti, S., Prasher, S. and Smith, D. L. 2005. Response of
uncover the mechanism of action of these molecules. soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.) under chronic water decit
to LCO application during owering and pod lling. Irrig.
Drain. 54: 1530.
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plant growth resulting from coinoculation of Bacillus strains
FOR FUTURE RESEARCH with Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Crop Sci. 43: 17741781.
Field-grown plants are always associated with a suite of Bai, Y., Souleimanov, A. and Smith, D. L. 2002a. An inducible
bacterial (rhizobacteria when root associated) and other activator produced by Serratia proteamaculans strain and its
microbes, some of which provide a range of benefits soybean growth promoting activity under greenhouse condi-
and promote plant growth (enhanced nutrient uptake, tions. J. Exp. Bot. 53: 14951502.
control of crop pathogens, direct stimulation of plant Bai, Y., DAoust, F., Smith, D. L. and Driscoll, B. T. 2002b.
growth). This community of bacteria constitutes the Isolation of plant-growth-promoting Bacillus strains from
phytomicrobiome. The community of plant growth pro- soybean root nodules. Can. J. Microbiol. 48: 230238.
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associated microbes constitute as rhizomicrobiome, with C. C. and Presto, C. A. 2006. Volatile signaling in plant-plant
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and exploration of this microbial community is likely Specic avonoids induced nod gene expression and pre-
to reveal a wide range of potential mechanisms for activated nod genes of Rhizobium leguminosarum increased
improving crop growth through low input technologies. pea (Pisum sativum L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris L.) nodulation
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were greatest when spring conditions were cold and wet. Begum, A. A., Leibovitch, S., Migner, P. and Zhang, F. 2001b.
In addition, Atti et al. (2005) demonstrated that LCO Inoculation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) by Rhizobium legumi-
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