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Question Forms Using Verb to doas an Auxiliary Verb (Present Simple Tense)

Rearrange the words in each sentence to make a question using verb to do as an auxiliary
verb in the present simple tense. Dont forget to put a capital letter at the start of each
sentence and a question mark at the end:

1. free do in time do you your what ___________________________________________
2. where you do live ___________________________________________
3. do you how do ___________________________________________
4. how you there get do ___________________________________________
5. do what you living for do a ___________________________________________
6. you what think do ___________________________________________
7. what want you do ___________________________________________
8. want who to you do to speak ___________________________________________
9. where do to go you want ___________________________________________
10. do you him know ___________________________________________

1. you do to have ask _______________________________________
2. want lunch when to do you have _______________________________________
3. do you stamps have any _______________________________________
4. do have you brothers any and sisters _______________________________________
5. do work you where _______________________________________
6. what want do you breakfast for _______________________________________
7. do who you are think you _______________________________________
8. newspapers which you do read _______________________________________
9. why you like do playing snooker _______________________________________
10. you do and want fish chips some _______________________________________

1. where come do you from __________________________________________
2. English do think boring you is __________________________________________
3. one best do which like you __________________________________________
4. what want do they know to __________________________________________
5. you do OK feel __________________________________________
6. watching does enjoy she films old __________________________________________
7. hard does Louis work __________________________________________
8. do want you start to course this __________________________________________
9. you do library the know to way the__________________________________________
10. do want come with you me to you __________________________________________

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