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CIP Session I Quiz 1

1. Which of the following is anodic with respect to carbon steel

when in a seawater electrolyte?.
A) Magnesium
B) Copper
C) Stainless steel
D) Titanium

2. Carbon steel will generally corrode if it is electrically

connected in the presence of a suitable electrolyte.
A) Copper
B) Zinc
C) Magnesium
D) Aluminium

3. New steel is not homogeneous and contains

A) Anodes, cathodes and electrolyte
B) Electrolyte, conductors and anodes
C) Anodes, cathodes and metallic conductor
D) Anodes, cathodes and metallic conductor and electrolyte

4. Inter gases may be placed in confined spaces to reduce or

prevent corrosion.
A) True
B) False

5. Corrosion will generally NOT occur on a steel substrate when

A) It is cool
B) There is no moisture
C) The steel is completely immersed
D) The temperature is 72oF or above

6. Chemical salts dissolved in an electrolyte generally

contribute to corrosion by
A) Acting as anodes
B) Acting as cathodes
C) Increasing the rate of corrosion
D) Increasing the speed of the electrolyte

7. The rate of rate of corrosion occurring at a hole, scratch or

other discontinuity of a coating film may be affected by

I. the presence of an electrolyte

II. adherent mill scale on the surface
III. the anode being in contact with the atmosphere
A) I only
B) I and II only
C) II and III only
D) I, II and III
CIP Session I Quiz 1

8. Use of an incorrect thinner may cause a coating to

A) Change colour
B) Have better chemical resistance
C) Have poor spray characteristic
D) Have a higher solids content

9. Coatings can control corrosion of steel by

I. Preventing electrolyte from contacting the

metal surface.
II. Sacrificing themselves to protect the steel
III. Supplying inhibitors to passivate the metal
A) I only
B) II only
C) I and II only
D) I, II and III

10. The vehicle of a coating consists of

I. Solvent, binder and liquid additives.

II. Solvent only
III. Binder and pigment.
A) I only
B) II only
C) I, II and III
D) II and III only

11. Most coatings are

A) impermeable.
B) permeable by water or water vapour.
C) impermeable for a given period of time.
D) are not affected by water

12. solvents are added to coating formulations to

A) dissolve binder and form liquid coating.
B) provide colour.
C) decrease film permeability.
D) increase film permeability.

13. The required sequence of work within a specification on a

project is
A) not important as long as they all get done.
B) crucial to the success outcome of the project.
C) Up to the contractor
D) determined at the pre-job conference.
CIP Session I Quiz 1

14. A typical daily reports will include

I. description of equipment and manpower.

II. explanation of work stoppages.
III. inspectors opinion of the contractor.
A) III only
B) III and IV only
C) I, II, III and IV
D) I, II and III only

15. Inspection reports should address the

A) size and type of abrasive used.
B) size but not the type of abrasive used.
C) cost of the abrasive used.
D) method of delivery of the abrasive.

16. Inspection reports should include which of the following?

I. Environmental conditions.
II. Details of surface cleaning and materials.
III. Coating application.
A) I only
B) I & II only
C) II and III only
D) I. II and III only

17. Which items are the basic principles in documentation by the


I. Reports written in ink.

II. No blank spaces.
III. Report should be signed.
IV. Reports written weekly.
A) I, II & III only
B) I, II & IV only
C) II, III & IV only
D) I, II, III & IV

18. Inspectors daily reports are used for which of the following?

I. By the contractor to estimate the amount of

work done.
II. To provide continuity between inspectors.
III. To aid in arbitration between the contractor
and client.
IV. To help in case of a coating failure.

A) I, III only
B) II & III only
C) I, & IV only
D) II,III & IV only
CIP Session I Quiz 1

19. A pre-job conference is helpful for reviewing

I. Safety procedure.
II. Cleaning operation.
III. Application procedures.

A) III only
B) I & II only
C) I, & III only
D) I,II and III

20. The inspectors method of marking defects

A) should not be an issue.
B) should be settled during the pre-job conference.
C) is not important.
D) should be determined by the painting contractor.

21. The coating inspector should act as recording secretary during

the pre-job meeting.
A) True
B) False

22. The coating contractors questions about enforcing the coating

specifications should best be brought up
A) with the specification writer.
B) at the pre-job conference.
C) with the coating manufacturer.
D) to the inspector.

23. Before attending the pre-job conference, the coating inspector

I. read and understand the specification.
II. identify problems with the specification.
III. walk through the work site

A) I and II only
B) I and III only
C) I, II & III
D) III only

24. All bidders on a coating job should

I. attend the pre-bid meeting.

II. be given a copy of the pre-job minutes.
III. attend pre-job conference.
IV. be allowed a walk through of the project.

A) I, II and III
B) I and II only
C) III and IV only
D) I & IV only
CIP Session I Quiz 1

25. In case of conflict or a difference of opinion, the coating

inspector needs to
A) win the argument.
B) listen to the opinions of others.
C) ignore the situation.
D) leave the job site.

1-A, 2-A, 3-C, 4-A, 5-B, 6-C, 7-D, 8-C, 9-D, 10-A, 11-B, 12-A, 13-B,
14-D, 15-A, 16-D, 17-A, 18-D, 19-D, 20-B, 21-B, 22-B, 23-C, 24-D,

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