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Memahami dan
mengelola pterygium
Anthony Bennett Balai to see if the symptoms have improved with
Konsultan Dokter Spesialis Mata: Hunter Eye conservative treatment and to check if the pterygium
Surgeons, Rumah Sakit Newcastle Mata, Newcastle,
has grown.
Gunakan brosur informasi untuk membantu Anda
Sebuah pterygium adalah fibrovas- cular proliferasi untuk pasien nasihat. Kami menggunakan selebaran yang
berbentuk sayap dari konjungtiva yang tumbuh di kornea. 1 Pterygium memiliki gambar dari pterygium, daftar indikasi, deskripsi
lebih sering terjadi pada orang yang tinggal di daerah prosedur, apa yang diharapkan pada periode pasca

Anthony Bennett Hall

dengan radiasi ultraviolet yang tinggi. lingkungan berdebu, operasi, kemungkinan komplikasi, dan kemungkinan
panas, kering, berangin, dan berasap juga memainkan kekambuhan. gambar yang berguna dalam membantu
peran. 2 Kebanyakan terjadi pada sisi hidung. Anda untuk menjelaskan diagnosis, indikasi untuk operasi
dan operasi pterygium. Peringatkan pasien bahwa mata
Pterygium diperiksa menggunakan lampu celah mungkin cukup menyakitkan bagi satu atau dua hari.

be valuable in detecting irregular astig- matism and

distortion caused or induced by pterygium.
Langkah 1. Mengambil sejarah rinci
Berapa lama pertumbuhan hadir? Biasanya, ini akan menjadi
selama berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun. Hal ini komplikasi
When to treat
membantu untuk membedakannya dari permukaan mata Pasien harus sepenuhnya informasi tentang
The most important indications for
skuamosa neoplasia (OSSN), yang cenderung memiliki kemungkinan komplikasi sebelum Anda mulai.
treatment are:
sejarah lebih pendek (lihat halaman 52-53).
Involvement of, or threat to, the visual axis Komplikasi dapat terjadi selama operasi
Meminta pasien jika sudah semakin besar. atau dapat hadir nanti.
Beberapa pterygia tidak aktif dan belum tumbuh selama Loss of vision from astigmatism Komplikasi intraoperatif meliputi:
beberapa dekade. Restriction of eye movement
Perforasi dunia
What symptoms is the patient complaining of? Atypical appearance suggesting
Penipisan sclera atau kornea dari
There may be redness, irritation, blurring of vision, dysplasia
double vision, itching, and a concern about the Increasing size (documented by an
perdarahan intraoperatif
cosmetic appearance. 3
ophthalmologist) Less important indications kauter berlebihan
are: kerusakan otot
Increasing size (reported by the patient) Membalikkan autograft konjungtiva
Step 2: Examination
Symptoms of irritation and complaints of (menempatkannya epitel permukaan bawah)
Check the visual acuity. You should always do a
complete eye examination and look for other causes redness, etc. komplikasi pascaoperasi awal termasuk:

of discomfort or vision loss. Cosmetic issues

cacat epitel persisten

Measure the size of the pterygium from the limbus Counselling patients
pembentukan Dellen (wilayah penipisan kornea
to the apex of the pterygium on the cornea. Record Patients benefit from counselling before and after
berdekatan dengan pembengkakan limbal yang
this on a diagram in the clinical record so that, the the operation.
mencegah pembasahan normal permukaan kornea)
next time you see the patient, you can tell if the Not every pterygium needs to be operated on.
pterygium has grown. Some patients may expect to have their pterygium
Hematoma bawah graft
removed when
Kehilangan graft
Look for any atypical features simple conservative treatments
Piogenik granuloma Komplikasi
that might make you worry about 'Anda harus selalu such as lubricating drops or
dysplasia (early-stage cancer), steroids may be all that is meliputi:
such as leuco- plakia (an melakukan pemeriksaan needed. It is important to
elevated, white, dry-looking explain to patients that there is
patch), a raised gelatinous mass,
mata lengkap dan mencari nekrosis Corneo-scleral
a chance of recur- rence, so the
or a large, prominent feeder
penyebab lain dari pterygium may come back even
Endophthalmitis Kekambuhan adalah komplikasi
blood vessel. Be especially alert if it has been surgi- cally
akhir utama. Tingkat tertinggi kekambuhan terjadi
if you live in Africa where there is ketidaknyamanan atau removed. However, surgery
a high prevalence of OSSN. 4 with a conjunc- tival graft (as dalam teknik sklera telanjang. 1,5 Bagian berlawanan
kehilangan penglihatan.' described menjelaskan teknik eksisi dengan autografting

yang mengurangi tingkat kekambuhan. 1 Anda mungkin ingin

Examine the eye movements to look for any opposite) substantially reduces the risk of mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan adjuvan seperti
evidence of restricted movement caused by the recurrence. 5-fluorouracil atau mitomycin C, tetapi harus menyadari bahwa
pterygium. Compile a list of indications to suit your setting. mitomycin C dikaitkan dengan tingkat yang lebih tinggi

Retinoscopy will reveal any with-the- rule Use the list to counsel patients about their komplikasi visual mengancam. Adjuvant dapat dicadangkan

astigmatism that may be caused by the pterygium. suitability for an operation. Review them in a few untuk kasus berulang. 1

Corneal topography can months


Pterygium surgery: the conjunctival autografting technique

Sebelum operasi conjunctival sac with 5% (aqueous) povidone iodine elevate the pterygium off the sclera and separate the
Pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan steroid selama beberapa
solution, and drape the patient. A scrub nurse conjunctival epithelium from the underlying Tenons

hari sebelum operasi untuk mengurangi peradangan.

should assist you. A surgical pack containing an capsule. The vasoconstrictive effect will also limit

Sebelum Anda mulai memberikan sintetik anaes-,

eyelid speculum, two pairs of Moorfields forceps, bleeding. A traction suture may be needed to move

memeriksa catatan untuk memastikan Anda melanjutkan pada

fine-toothed forceps, Wescott scissors, needle the eye if the patient has had a block. This may be

mata yang benar. Tandai mata, seperti yang Anda akan untuk
holder, crescent blade or No. 15 blade, bipolar or inserted through the superior peri-limbal conjunctival
ball cautery, fine absorbable suture (7-0 or 9-0) or tissues or be a corneal traction suture.
setiap prosedur mata, untuk menghindari kemungkinan
10-0 nylon and swabs.

Give the patient topical anaesthetic drops

before they come into the theatre. Dilating drops
will help reduce the pain from postoperative ciliary Even if you have given a sub-Tenons block, Excising the pterygium
spasm. 5 injecting anaesthetic with adren- aline under the To get a good view, ask the patient to look in the
conjunctiva will help to direction away from the pterygium.
Start the excision of the pterygium by
Anaesthesia Figure 1. Dissecting pterygium off the limbus grasping it with Moorfields forceps and
If you have a cooperative patient, you
making radial incisions with Wescott
can infiltrate local anaesthetic under
scissors along the edges. Find the
the conjunctiva using a fine-gauge
plane under the pterygium and Tenons
needle. Use a long-acting anaesthetic
capsule anterior to the medial rectus
such as bupiv- acaine as this can give
muscle. Take care to stay away from
some hours of pain relief after the
the medial rectus muscle so that it is
operation. Adrenaline will aid
not cut or damaged inadvertently. Cut
haemostasis. along the base of the pterygium
(parallel to the limbus). Make sure you
stay anterior to the plica. The pterygium
Anthony Bennett Hall

Infiltrate the anaesthetic under the should lift easily off the sclera. It
pterygium and under the conjunctival becomes adherent at the limbus and
epithelium supero-temporally. The you will need to use a crescent blade or
advantage of local infiltration is that the No. 15 blade to carefully dissect it off
patient retains the ability to move the the cornea (Figure 1). The sclera must
eye and can be asked to look left, right Figure 2. Dissecting thin graft off Tenons capsule be clean of any Tenons capsule.
or down to expose the part of the eye
that is being operated on.

Give a sub-Tenons anaes- thetic if

the patient is likely to be uncooperative
or if you anticipate a lengthy procedure. Ask your assistant to keep the field
free of blood so that you have a clear
You will need to reassure the patient view of the depth of your dissection.
and explain each step as you proceed Most bleeding will stop of its own
Anthony Bennett Hall

with the anaes- thesia and the excision. accord. Only use cautery if the
bleeding is so profuse that it is likely to
form a large haematoma and lift the
Pterygium excision and conjunctival graft off the sclera. A little
blood will act as autologous fibrin glue.
autoconjunctival graft Figure 3. Suturing limbal corner of graft to sclera

Pterygium surgery should not be

delegated to the most junior trainee
Taking the
surgeon. Supervision of trainees should
be continued until they are competent at conjunctival
all the steps required. This will reduce autograft
recurrence rates. 3 Ask the patient to look down. Marking
the epithelium with a sterile skin
Prepare the patient as you would marker will help you to identify the
Anthony Bennett Hall

for intraocular surgery. Wear a surface of the graft. Make two radial
sterile gown and gloves, disinfect incisions in the superior
the skin around the eye and the
Continues overleaf



bulbar conjunctiva. The incisions should outline an Figure 4. Graft one week after surgery antibiotic drops 4 times a day for a week. The
area that is about the same in size as the nasal topical steroid should continue for at least a month.
conjunctival defect. Carefully dissect the conjunctiva
off the underlying Tenons capsule (Figure 2). Once Examine the patient the next day to make
you are in the correct plane you should incise the sure that the graft is in place.
conjunctival graft along its posterior edge. Lift the The next visit is at 1 week (Figure 4). Review the
posterior edge and carefully dissect off any adherent patient at 1 month and 3 months to make sure there
Tenons capsule. Your assistant may hold one are no complications. Signs and symptoms of
corner of the graft for you. The graft may be placed recurrence usually occur 46 weeks after surgery. 5

Anthony Bennett Hall

epithelium up on a paper template (suture cover)
before it is cut off from the limbus. This improves the
handling and orientation of the thin conjunctival Encourage the patient to return in a year so
tissue. 2 that you can check for any recur- rence of the
sclera untuk menghindari migrasi posterior graft (Gambar pterygium.
3). Menjahit sudut-sudut yang tersisa graft ke konjungtiva
hidung. Jika Anda menggunakan nylon, menggunakan 1 Kaufman SC, Jacobs DS, Lee WB, Deng SX, Rosenblatt
kasur jahitan untuk mengubur knot. Tempatkan jahitan MI, Shtein RM. Options and adjuvants in surgery for pterygium: a

Placing and suturing the graft tambahan yang diperlukan untuk menutup kesenjangan
report by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Ophthalmol
2013;120(1):201-8. Epub 2012/10/16. 2 Koranyi G, Seregard S, Kopp
antara korupsi dan konjungtiva hidung. ED. Cut and paste: a no

Orientate the graft with the limbal donor edge

suture, small incision approach to pterygium surgery. Br J Ophthalmol.
closest to the nasal limbus. 2004;88(7):911-4. Epub 2004/06/19. 3 Hirst LW. The treatment of

Fibrin glue can speed up pterygium surgery and may Terapkan kloramfenikol salep untuk konjungtiva pterygium. Surv Ophthalmol.
2003;48(2):145-80. Epub 2003/04/11. 4 Gichuhi S, Sagoo
reduce postoperative pain. 2 Namun, biaya lem fibrin adalah dan tegas pad mata.
MS, Weiss HA, Burton MJ.
penghalang, bahkan di beberapa pengaturan sumber daya Epidemiology of ocular surface squamous neoplasia in Africa. Trop Med

yang tinggi. Sebuah alternatif yang baik adalah 9-0 atau 10-0 perawatan pascaoperasi Int Health. 2013;18(12):1424-43. Epub 2013/11/19. 5 Sheppard JD,
Mansur A, Comstock TL, Hovanesian
nilon: itu banyak tersedia, murah, dan tidak menyebabkan Pasien akan membutuhkan pereda nyeri yang baik setelah
reaksi jaringan. 5 JA. An update on the surgical management of pterygium and the role of
operasi. Kami meresepkan kombinasi parasetamol dan kodein
loteprednol etabonate ointment. Clin Ophthalmol. 2014;8:1105-18.
untuk satu atau dua hari. Epub 2014/06/27.
Jangkar dua sudut limbal ke Minta pasien untuk menanamkan steroid dan

The author/s and Community Eye Health Journal 2016. This is an Open Access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.


Heiko Philippin
How to irrigate the eye
Sue Stevens For severe acid or alkali burns, emergency
Former Nurse Advisor, Community Eye Health
irrigation should continue for at least 15 minutes;
Journal, International Centre for Eye Health,
30 minutes is better. It is advisable to continue to
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
London, UK. irrigate acid/alkali burn injuries for a further
1224 hours by setting up a saline drip to
Remember to wash your hands before and after continue to gently irrigate the eye.
performing all procedures.

To remove single or multiple foreign bodies You will need:
from the eye A large syringe or a small receptacle with a Irrigating the
To wash the eye thoroughly following any pouring spout, such as a feeding cup eye
chemical injury to the eye
Irrigating fluid (normal saline or clean water at
Note: Irrigation of the conjunctival sac is an Ask the patient to fix his/her gaze ahead.
room temperature)
emergency treatment if there has been chemical Open the eyelids. If necessary, gently
Local anaesthetic eye drops
injury to the eye. use eyelid retractors.
Towel or gauze swabs
Alkali (e.g. lime) and acid (e.g. car battery) Pour or syringe the fluid slowly and steadily, from no
Lid retractors if available
solutions in the eye may cause serious damage to the more than 5 centimetres away, onto the front surface
A bowl or kidney dish
cornea and conjunctiva, resulting in long-term loss of of the eye, inside the lower eyelid and under the
vision. Method upper eyelid.

The sooner the chemical can be diluted and Instil local anaesthetic eye drops.
removed, the less likely there is to be damage to the With the patient lying down, protect the neck and If possible, evert the upper eyelid to access all of
shoulders with a towel or sheet. the upper conjunctival fornix.
ocular surface.
Place the bowl or kidney dish against the cheek, on Ask the patient to move the eye in all directions
Immediate, copious irrigation may save the
the affected side, with the head tilted sideways while the irrigation is maintained.
eye after chemical injury.
towards it. Check and record the visual acuity when the
For foreign body removal, a minute or so of Fill the feeding cup or syringe with the irrigating procedure is finished.
irrigation should be sufficient to remove any fluid and test the temperature on your hand. In alkali and acid burns, refer the patient to an
foreign bodies. ophthalmologist for assessment.

56 COMMUNITY EYE HEALTH JOURNAL | VOLUME 29 ISSUE 95 | 2016 The author/s and Community Eye Health Journal 2016. This is an Open Access article distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.

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