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Summary CVM Normal in adol,young adults; heart

disease, hypokalemia, hypoxia

Week 13 Arrythmias No treatment/sup K
Widened QRS complex
 ECG recordings Not related to preceding P wave
o P wave-rounded;(Tall)0.5-2.5mm
(Time) less than 0.11
o QRS : less than 25 mm high,
0.06-0.12 seconds
o T wave- Rounded, less than 5
mm(L) less than 10mm(Chest) o Ventricular Tachycardias
0.10-0.25 seconds A series 3/more PVC’s
o PR interval 0.12-0.21 seconds Sustained VT more than 30s
o QT interval 0.35-0.45 seconds Non sustained self terminating
o ST segment 0.08 seconds Re-entry
 Tachycardia SA node independent QRS.
o Sinus tachycardia QRS overwhelm P wave
>100bpm. All waves clear visible T wave not discernible
Exercise, stimulants, fvsf caffeine
Fever, hypovolemia, PE
Sinus rhythm
Shortened T-P interval
o Atrial Flutter Bigeminy- every 2nd beat is VPBeats
Rapid regular atrial o Ventricular fibrillation
180-350bpm Life threatening
Sawtooth p wave Disordered rapid stim ventricles, no
Pre-existing heart disease coordinated contraction
Re-entry Initiated episode VT/ PVC
Not all waves are conducted to the Elec defribillatio,. Antiarry drugs
ventricles, slower vent rate Chaotic irregular appearance
Treat-cardioversion,pharmacologic, No QRS
catheter Non productive contractions
o Atrial Fibrillation NO CO
Disorganised atrial depolarisatins-no
effective atrial contraction
P wave not discernible
Partial transmission to ventricles
o Torsades de pointes
VT with QRS changing amplitude
appear to twist around
L/R atrial enlargement due to Therapeutic drugs(K channel
increase size, pressure (HF, blocker(, Long QT syndrome,
Hypert,CarteryD, Pulmonary) inherited ion channel
Risk- hypotension,pulm congestion, mutation),electrolyte disturbances
thrombus formation o SVT
Treat-ventricular rate control Atria tachycardia
Restire sinus rhythm >130 bpm
Anti coagulation No P wave
o Premature Ventricular Complexes Diagnosis Adenosine to distinguish
Additional beats of vent, severity  Bradyarrythymias
depends on f, often occur o Sinus Bradycardia
sporadically. HR <60bpm
At rest/ sleep, highly trained,
medications that depresses SA
node activity
Ischemic heart/cardiomyopathy
depresses intrinsic automaticity o R/L bundle branch Block
Sinus rhythm Either one bloecked-
Prolonged T-P interval Ant conduct impuls
o Escape Rhythm Vent depolaris consecutively not
Emerge from more distal latent simultaneously
pacemakers Wide QRS
True escape=SA node failure QRS confg depends which branch
Pace set by next available nodal is blocked
AV-His-branches-Purkinje  Mechanisms of tachyarrythmias
 Conduction blocks o Re-entry
Impaired conduction atria-vent Constitutes an ectopic focus
3 degrees AV conduction block Create a single additional/ full
Ischemic damage to nodal tissue rhythm
Often involves escape rhythm -normal conduction conductile to
o First Degree contractile cells
Prolonged delay atria-vent -signals spread, movement ions
depolarisation gap junctions, coordinated
High PR interval -transient block one side. Cells
More 0.21seconds another side unaware
1:1 relations P:QRS -conduction rapid non blocked
and normally signals stop at the
bottom (meeting signals,)
-but none
-transient block one-start receive
signals while other cells ready to
o Second Degree Mobitz Type 1 Transimission of signals amongst
Intermittent failure AV conduction previously blocked very slow.
Some p not followed by qrs Don’t contract with other cells
Degrees AV delay gradually Other cels contract
increases with each beat until an After signal pass through the
impulse completely blocked blocked cells, others finished AP.
Now ready to receive ne signal
Each signal ion drive, other cellas
cant distinguig signal is myocyte
Myocytes rapid pass new
o Second degree type 2 message (as if came from SA
Loss AV conduction node)
No gradual PR lengthen Extra beat of hearts.previously
Block persist 2 or more beats blocked have small contractions
but not noticed by heart
o Third Degree
Complete heart block o Early after-deplarisation
Complete failure conduction atria- During repolarisation phase
vent Late 2/3 phase
No rship P:QRS When AP duration is increased
Pacemaker! Ionic current depends on
membrane voltage at which the
triggered event occurs
o Larger size with up LV & Atrial
P(to increase filling)
o Structural changes in LV (fibrous),
residual filament Ca activation for
preceding systole->prolonged
isovolumic relaxation
 After heavy exercise
o Dilation
o Preload Up(30%), Up EDV and
filling pressure
o Delayed after-depolarisation o Afterload Up (30%) esp ESV up
Shortly after repolarisation is o contractility down(60%)
complete o SV no change (as young)
High Ca intracellular conc o Ejection Fraction Down 15%
Digoxin digitalis toxicity o HR 25% down
Lead series rapid deplarisation o CO lower 25 %
o Digoxin o Total VO2max down 50%, (lower
Block Na/K pump. Na accumulate skeletal mass, strength)
in. Block Na/Ca exchanger as o Plasma Catecholamines Up
well. Increased Na stops o B-adr sensitivity decrease
exchanger form working. Ca cant
(cardiac and vascular)
leave the cell, RMP increases
Cost of Dilation: P in ventricles & atria is
toward threshold.
higher than young. High P in L heart difficult
blood to flow form lung. Blood back up- signal
sent to brain shortness of breath in elderly (as if
HF) but is not HF per se but the effect of age
Overtime, adaptations finally- further loss of
pump capacity(failure) and lung function
 Young during Increase Afterload
o Up load on fibers from
o Up vent radius at end of diastole
and throu ejection period
o Up peripheral VR
o Increase BP
Week 12 Age exercise and CV disease  Young at exercise
o Heart stays same size,
 Heart at rest
o Pump harder and faster
o CO no change
 Old increase BP
o HR down 10% SV Up 10%
o Stiffening of arteries
o Preload EDV Up– up in late filling
o With exercise, BP higher in given
o Afterload down stiffer walls
o Contractility no change  Aerobic Exercise and CV aging
o Ejection Fraction No change o O2 consumption Max
o L ventricular mass Up heart size o Ejection Fraction Up
wit age o Contractility Up
 During limited exercise o Preload down (less EDV less
o SV doesn’t change much
LAP, greater P gradient lung to
o CO increase a few fold 5-10L/min heart. Heart doesn’t need to dilate
o VO2max half than 20 yo much
o Because 25% lower COmax and o Arterial stiffness Down
o Same SV as young by  Pharmacotherapy
o Drugs reduce arterial stiffness, o Bulbus cordis, primitive ventricle,
cardiac fibrosis, vent hypertrophy, primitive atrium, sinus venosus
increase efficiency o AV canal betweem Primitives
o Antoxidants o Fold and twist
 Disease related to Ageing o Septation weeks 4-6
o Atheroscelorosis  Foetal circulation
o Hyertens o PlacentaUmbilical vein ductus
o HF. DIAbetes venosus Inferior Vena cava
o Inflammarion o Umbilical veinportal
Sedentary lifestyle-contribute largely age veinRAforamen
related changes in heart, vascular system ovaleLALVAorta
 Issues higher CVD o RA RV PAductus arteriosus
o Diet aorta
o Lifestyle  Transition after birth
o Gender o Lung replace placenta
o Social status o Shunts close
o Demographics DV-
DA-rising O2 tension and reduction
Myocyte loss, enlarge, loss arterial compliance, in PGE1
calcification ofo conduction vessels and valves. Foramen Ovale-
Mitral valves closes more slowly, lV fills more, o Pulmonary vascular resistance falls
cavities LA and LV increase Mechanical lung inflation.
Desenteisied B receptor- reduced response/ Vasodilation of pulm vasculature
greater no occupied due to higher level  Cyanosis
catacholamines o Bluish discolouration skin and
Less stimulation less able to increase Ca mucous membrane
sarcolemmal channels, decrease intracellular o Excess dHb in blood 5mg/100ml
Ca decrease contractility  Septal Defects (LR)
Hole in septum either A/V cause mixing of
1. Lower HR
blood. Initially L-R due to high P later
Older people have lower heart rates because diastolic filling
takes longer in aged untreated R-L due to increase BV in
People pulmonary circuit
Treat direct suture closure with pericardial/
2. Oxygen consumption IS NOT the same and synthetic patch
contraction/relaxation properties of o Atrial Septal (intraatrial septum)
the heart CHANGE with age
Perisistent openings
3. Aged person’s “exercised-induced” increase in HR Defect size determine flow
and strength ofcontraction NOT achieved o Ventricular septal (commoner)
4. More female 2x
Other factors that may relate to reduced heart rate
Pronounced decrease in number of pacemaker cells in SA node 50% smaller shunts close
by age 60 spontaneously by 2 yo
Modulation of sympathetic and parasympathetic tone Pulm hypertension
Both sympathetic and parasympathetic blockade are  PVR increase, shunt reverses
diminished with age marked cyanosis
 Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Week 11 Congenital Heart Defects
o PAdescending aorta
o Fails to close afer birth, admixing O2
 Heart Development
o Week 3: Formation CV system blood
 Valvular Stenosis (90%)
o Placenta primary organs of gas,
o Aortic Stenosis
nutr,waste exchange
Narrowing, obs aortic valve
o Superior-truncus arteriosus->aortic
Bicuspid leaflet-3 leaflet config
Male 4 times
Affects Cardiac Cyle
o Pulmonic stenosis o Arterial switch (Jatene)
At Pulmonic valve of RV OR in PA Arterial trunks transected,
10% of valve stenosis reanastomosed to contralateral root
Severity determined by systolic Coronary arteries relocated to new
transvalvular pressure aorta
 Coarctation of the Aorta
o Narrowing aortic lumen Marfan Syndrome
o Impede full CO to lower body CT disorder, CVD alteration
o Preductal- fully O2 low V
o Postductal- mix blood due to Down Sydnrome
presence of PDA AV canal defect. Incomplete formation
o LV increased P load  LV AV valves, blood travel without interruption.
hypertrophy, dilatation of collateral VSD also common
blooad vessels form intercostal
arteris bypass coarctation Additional Symptoms with congenital
o Less oxygenated blood to the lower Digeorge syndrome’turner syndrome, Williams,
Holt-oram etc
body means that the potential for
growth/development is limited
Week 9 Heart Failure
compared to the upper body.
 Tetralogy of Fallot Heart has low CO from previous myocardial
o VSD infarction,coronary artery disease, problems
o Subvalvular pulmonic stenosis with the heart valves, or a problem with the
o Overriding aorta(receive blood heart muscle that may be due to previous
form both ventricle) viral infection of the heart.
o Right Ventricular hypertrophy
o MOST COMMON CAUSE OF Many people are not aware that their heart is
CYANOSIS AFTER INFANCY not pumping normally until they notice
Dyspnea on exertion, when crying shortness of breath or tiredness
Irritability, cyanosis, hyperventilate, syncope, when exercising.
convulsion. Clubbing fingers toes, Alleviate,
squat increase systemic vasc resistance Congestive Heart failure
 Transposition of great arteries Heart failure that causes swelling of the ankles
o MOSt common Cyanosis in neonatal and lung congestion
o Aorta originates form RV.
o PA from LV
o Parallel systemic and pulmonary Low CO fires up the neurohormonal systems.
circuits not series(blood movement) Kidneys release renin and angiotensin II.
o Extremely hypoxic, cyanotic neonate Angiotensin II is a very strong vasoconstrictor. It
o Lethal without treatment causes the body to retain salt and water,
which causes the body to produce aldosterone.
o DA/FA remain patent. Comm between
The extra aldosterone makes the body retain
circuits maintained allow sufficient
salt and water even more, which leads to
amount of O blood to reach brain, vital
 Operations
Retaining salt and water increases preload and
o Atrial switch(Mustard Senning
pressure in the heart, allowing it to beat more
Procedure) strongly. Epinephrine (adrenaline) speed up
Systemic venous blood diverted the heart AND increase contractility.
through mitral valve At first these reactions by the body are a GOOD
Pulmonary venous return rerouted thing in trying to increase CO via Frank Starling
through tricuspid valveas the patient
ages, primarily because of the strain placed Neurohormonal Activation = VISCIOUS CYCLE
on the right ventricle trying to generate
sufficient force to push blood into the
systemic circulation.
Increased preload and pressures put extra strain on synthesis of sarcomeres in
the heart. Body has high water and salt load instead series with the old: termed
of removing load. eccentric hypertrophy
Heart responds by remodeling- larger and rounder
and makes it weaker Directional heart failure:
Treatment Backwards heart failure:
(1) diuretic drugs, excretion of salt and water in o Inadequate emptying of the venous
the urine (decrease afterload, preload and oedema) reservoirs.
(2) ACE inhibitors = block formation of angiotensin o The ventricle is not pumping out all the
(block Angio I to Angio II, increase vasodilation and blood that comes into it.
increase salt and water o increases the ventricular filling pressure
excretion and decrease afterload, preload and and systemic or pulmonary edema.
oedema) o In fact, the heart can only meet the
(3) ß-blocker drugs. block the effects of raised levels needs of the body if the ventricular filling
of Noradrenaline (Copernicus trial). Not patients pressure is high.
with low HR Forward heart failure:
 The heart is not pumping out enough
The heart normally receives blood flow at low filling blood to meet the needs of the body.
pressures during diastole and pumps it against higher  Reduced ejection of blood under
pressures in systole. Failure begins to develop when pressure into the aorta and pulmonary
the heart muscle is artery.
damaged and/or asked to perform greater work  Because less blood reaches the kidneys,
(operating against hiBP, at EDV or EDP or they conserve salt and water, which
preloads) contributes to excess fluid retention and
•Heart failure may be defined as inability of the  also decreases the blood flow to
heart to pump blood at sufficient rate to meet
various organs, causing weakness and fatigue.
metabolic needs
•Heart failure may be the principal manifestation of
Forward failure and backward failure often
many forms of cardiac disease including
coexist due to the circular direction of
atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, valvular
blood flow.
diseases, arrhythmias, and cardiomyopathies
(chronic diseases affecting heart muscle)
Left-sided heart failure:
 LV can't pump out enough blood,
Many patients with chronic heart failure are
 gets backed-up in the lungs (behind the
asymptomatic for long periods because imbalance is
mild or because dysfunction left ventricle), causing pulmonary
being compensated for by Frank Starling edema, a build-up of fluid in the lungs.
mechanism, hypertrophy and/or neurohumoral  This brings about shortness of breath.
mechanisms. Left-sided heart failure often leads to
right-sided heart failure
Symptoms may include shortness of breath, fatigue, Right-sided heart failure:
fluid retention, pulmonary congestion, feeling  RV cannot pump out enough blood,
unwell causing fluid to back up in the veins and
Chronic heart failure is increasing in part because of then in capillaries of the body (behind
the aging population,and because interventions are the right ventricle)
significantly prolonging survival after acute cardiac  Fluid leaks out of the capillaries and
insults. builds up in the tissues, a condition
called systemic edema.
Muscle mass increases by synthesis  Edema is especially noticeable in the
of sarcomeres in parallel with the old: legs because the lower half of the body
termed concentric hypertrophy drains into the right side of the heart

Muscle mass increases by Low arterial pressure and tachycardia

 are manifestations of low CO NOT Ischemic heart disease, valvular heart
 Low CoLow arterial pressure (mean disease, hypertensive heart disease, congenital
arterial pressure = CO x TPR) heart disease, hypertensive heart disease,
 Tachycardia is a baroreceptor reflex aortic stenosis, pericardial contstriction
mediated attempt to increase CO.
 Tachycardia may also result from atrial WEEK 8 Myocardial ischemia
stretch causing a Bainbridge reflex.
1. Myocardial Ischemia
What are the compensatory processes? a. Severe reduction of coronoray
• Increased secretion of catecholamines from blood flow to myocardium
sympathetic nerve endings in the heart, the b. Inadequate O demands of tissues
periphery, and adrenal glands c. Due to atherosclerotic disease of
• Recruitment of the Frank-Starling mechanism coronary arteries
• Myocardial hypertrophy 2. Myocardial Infarction
 The Frank-Starling relationship describes a. Region myocardial necrosis
the relationshipthe greater the end- b. Prolonged cessation blood sup
diastolic volume (i.e., the volume present c. History angina pectoris
in the ventricle just before it contracts), 3. Angina Pectoris
the greater the stroke volume and a. Caused by myocardial ischemia
cardiac output. b. Ischemic myocardium accumulate
 Just as we have a length-tension lactic acid/abnormal stretching
relationship in skeletal muscle based on overlap c. Irritates myocardial nerves
of thick and thin filaments, there is a d. Afferent SNS C3-T4 variety
similar relationship in ventricular muscle. The locations, radiation of pain
degree of overlap of thick and thin e. Often confused with digestion
filaments determines the number of cross- f. Women don’t exhibit claasic
bridges that can cycle (which requires symptoms of pain associated with
Ca2+) and the magnitude of tension developed. men
4. Stable angina
Note that in skeletal muscle, the length-tension a. Caused- gradual narrowing/
curve has an ascending limb (as muscle length hardening CA
increases, overlap increases and tension b. During Myocardial O2 demand
increases), a plateau where there is maximal increases(exercise,emotion)
overlap and maximal tension, and a descending c. Pain relieve by rest, vasodilators
limb (as length increases, there is less overlap d. No permanent cell damage.
and less tension). e. Lack pain relief with
interventonsdevelop infract
In ventricular muscle, there is an ascending 5. Prinzmetal angina
limb of the curve in the Frank-Starling a. Transient myocardial ischemia
relationship: as muscle length increases, there b. Often at rest
is greater overlap and greater tension c. Vasopasm of major CA with(out)
produced. atheroscelorosis
d. Hyperactive SNS, increase Ca
Define cardiomyopathy. List the diseases that influx in arterial SM/abnormal PG
must be excluded before the production/relief
diagnosis of cardiomyopathy can be considered 6. Silent ischemia
(Robbins 6th Ed., p. 578- a. No angina,asymptomatic
579). b. Interspersed with periods of
 Literally means heart disease; angina
conventionally used to describe heart c. Abnormal afferent innervation of
disease resulting from a primary left ventricle/release of fewer
abnormality in the myocardium. inflammatory mediators
 dilated cardiomyopathy, 7. Unstable angina
 hypertrophic cardiomyocpathy, a. Signals infarct may soon follow
 restrictive cardiomyopathy. b. At rest and exercise
c. Atheroscelotic plaqure ulcerates b. Restoration of circulation resulst
causing in inflammation, oxidative
d. transient thrombotic occlusion, edamage throu oxidative stress
vasoconstriction CA rather restiration nrmal fx
e. if no more than 20 mins- no significant
Minfarct doesn’t occur Week 7 Atherosclerosis
8. Risk Coronary artery disease Primary initiating event is linked to LDL
a. Age Men>45 women >55(or premature accumulation in sub-endothelial matrix
menopause, no E2 replacement) • Accumulation is greater when blood LDL rises
b. Family History MI/sudden death prior to • Plaque rupture occurs in >90% MI cases and
55 father/1st degree relatives. 65 for common in patients with unstable angina
c. Smoking curren/quit past 6 mths Inflammation!
d. Hyperte 140/90 current medicated
e. HCholester Diagnosis
f. Diabetes fasting glucose >110mg/dL Invasive – catheter via femoral, fed into coronary
confirmed 2 separate occasions artery for X ray-angigraphy
g. P,Inactivity Non invasive - CT angiogram
h. Obesity
Unstable plaque
9. Causes for Impaired O supply to heart Every cell is activated- similar to chronic
a. O2 supply coronary BF, O inflammatory conditions Rheumatoid arthritis
saturation blood, Hb conc
b. Demand wall tension(after,pre)
HR, hi inotropic state hi velocity Week 5
10. Parameters heart workload as lateral as the midaxillary line (will depend on
a. HR the patient, their size and their thoracic
b. Wall stress transmural P(EDV) anatomy) *Talley and O’Connor states the 4th
c. Inotropic intercostal space.
11. Troponin
a. Diagnosis ischemic chest pain Tricuspid: 5th intercostal space at one of right
b. High sensitivity specificity fo m sternal margin, lower left sternal border, or even
cell damage over the sternum
c. Elevated 3-12 hrs Aortic: 2nd intercostal space at right border of
d. Peak 12-24hrs sternum
e. Remain elevated several days Pulmonic: 2nd intercostal space at left border of
f. Majority elevated within 6 hours sternum
after onset
12. CKMB Troponin I Week 4 Intro to circulation
a. Second attack CKMB
b. Elevated CKMB maybe due to 1. Elastic arteries
skeletal imuscle inury a. Amount of elastin in vessel walls
c. Elevate Trop I essential to confirm b. Major distribution vesels
myocardial damage c. Numerous. Concentric sheets of
d. Trop repeat at least 6 hours adter elastin (protective in case of
onset pain(8-12) glancing punctures)
e. Normal Trop I = no MInfarct d. Stretch of tehse vessels sotred E
f. Trop always specific for e. Thin vessel wall
myocardium. Never exposed to f. Kinitec move blood along
sekelatl muscle at any time g. SM spiral, longitudinal, transverse
13. Reperfusion Injury h. Constriction limited effect on
a. Damage to tissues caused when lumen size
blood supply returns after period i. Aneursyms, overstretchpouch
of ischemia. formationrupture
j. Lose elasticity, easily compressed a. BP regulation
without springing back b. Primary Resistance vessels
k. Nicotine release elastase loss c. Sheer no of capillaries,
elasticity chew up elastin Resistance less than arterioles
2. Muscular arteries d. Limited elastin(little capacity to
a. Single sheet of elastin stretch, augmenting R
b. Likely to have tear e. Hebaily innervated with SNS
c. Aneurysm (blood build up neurons (increase capacity to
between layers of wall, clots, restrict)
presses vessel closed.disecting f. Activation, markedly narrow,
aneurysms) increase friction of blood against
d. SM concentric rings (greater wall, and the P against blood
control vessel diameter)regulation 6. Arterioles
e. Microtears for athero plaques 7. Capillaries
prove anchor site, loss BF a. Intercellular cleft between endo
f. Physical blockage rather than cells facilitate movement small
collapse molecules, water, skeletal, SM,
g. Thicknes might be protective but CT and lungs receive
minimally b. Kidney, cili sSI, relyon
3. Movement of blood fenestrations. Some larger
a. Recoil of blood stretching in molecules than intercellular clefts
vessels wall that mobilises can ccomodate
b. Use sheets of elastin c. Sinusoidal capillaries- larger inter
c. Movement in muscular v. clef, fenesrtatios of endo cells,
mediated primarily due to P create larger gap, larger
differential n F behind blood molecules, even blood
generatedin elastic vessels cells(monocytes-macrophages) to
d. Musc prevent rapid movement of transevrse memebrane of
blood (vconstriction) capillaires in bone marrow, liver,
e. To control v diameter, influence spleean, apituri, parathyroid
BP glands
4. Nervous system input SM in arteries d. Capillary P= B hydors P
a. Alpha adrenergic. SNS release e. P behind blod generate dby blood
NA vconstriction f. No real impact o movement of
b. Resting small degree activateion fluid, as it sgen cloase to 0. And
vascular tone prevent fully dialting lymphatic systems ensure, little
c. Vasomotor center(medulla/pons) fluid is allowed to persist in
generalised vconstrict, modified ISpace.
for blood rerouting g. alter the hydrostatic pressure in the
d. B adr in coronary arteries vdilation venous end of the capillary bed, to
(cardiac tissue is not prevent re-absorption of water.
compromised in increased work) 8. Venules
e. B adr vascular beds skeletal a. Lower than capillary bed
muscle fight fight b. Near 0 in RA
f. SNS-skeletal Ach c. Valvualr incompetency, blood not
g. S surge dilate vascular in skeletal working way back to heart,
improve perfusion of tissue pooling in veniles, impede BF
maintain performance d. Atrophy skeetalmsucles prapaleg,
h. Ach recperor in skeletal is quadrp blood not move as it
muscarinic-require changes in should if P in RA eleveated. Ig RA
level of intracellular signalling P high enough collapse incoming
mocleculs to cause cellular veins
changes 9. Veins
a. Lower P than arteris
5. Transition to arterioles b. Sturdy walls low pressure
c. Easily compromised when P o Venous edn 17mmHg NHP, NCP
changes in disease state 25
d. Venous return relies on skeletal
muscle to assits in mobilising 12. Ca channel blocker
blood, valves to trap blod that has a. Nodal cells
susccessfuly moved along b. Change depolarisation
e. Cpaeble of marked relaxation, c. HR
f. Capcity hold substantial volume of d. Decreased HR
blood e. Myocyts less Ca,
g. 4L can be founf Shorter AP durationincoming calcium and the
h. Angina, HF, hyepertension, ability outgoing potassium that is the hallmark of the
to relax venous ystsem decreass plateau
preload P in righ side, reduce phase of the myocyte action potential is going
work load heart to be tipped slightly in favour of the outgoing
i. A slight reduction allow to potassium
optimise heart(compromisd heart) and therefore the slope will be a slightly steeper
j. Up SV up CO(reduce ESV) decline (see below), allowing the balance of the
k. Overtsretch venules/veis destroy potassium channels to be activated sooner and
ability to regulate vessel dameter. the calcium channels closed sooner (as they
Cant adequate mobilze blood are voltage
when need. gated and won’t stay open in the lower
l. Overtstretch/overtax vein/v job membrane potential
long period standing, protracted ST segment shorter.
period time busdriver Need enormous Ca to cause this
m. Lose structural integriy of veins,
aloow blood bacwrad pooiling
n. Up RA P collapse veins, block
filling RA impede CO. loss of
skeletal muscle impede venous
retrun limit CO
10. Neurovascular bundle
11. Oedema
a. Atypical accumulation of fluid in
the interstitial space= tissue
b. Caused by any event that
increases the flow of fluid out of
the blood vessel or hinders its
c. ↑ CHP can result from: •
Incompetent valves, Localised
blood vessel blockage,
Congestive heart failure, High
blood volume
d. Fluid Loss accelerated by:
i. Increase BP (CHP)
ii. Increase Cpermbiality
(ongoing inflammateory
 Starling Force Capillary bed P
K+ channel blocker
Delay repolarisation both nodal, myocyte AP
o IHP usualy 0mmHg
Delay repolarisation will change the rate at
o Arteriole end 35mmHg NHP, NCP which the heart beats,
25 Decrease HR,
T wave longer(repolarisation of myocytes)
Prolonged AP
Amplitude T same

radial pulse is actually a

representation of the reverberation wave through the
blood vessel walls that corresponds with the impact
of the ejected blood slamming into the aortic wall. So,
the HR as calculated from the ECG trace is based
on the electrical wave going through the heart but
says nothing about whether any blood was ejected in
association with that electrical wave

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