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My family consists of seven members they are my father, my mother, three my

brothers, and one my sister. We are a enough large family. I'm very proud to have them
although sometimes happens commotion small but we still love each other. And I'll tell you
about my family.
My father name Nasaruddin age 58 years. My dad is firm. My father now does not
work because he was ill with diabetes mellitus who are already almost 4 years. My father was
once a nomads and farmers. When he wandered new home after many years. And I wish my
father a speedy recovery and return healthy so he can move normally again.
My mother named Nuriati age 53 years. My mother was very understanding, patient
and very strong. My mother was a housewife and occasionally farmed. I wish my mother
always remain healthy.
My first brother name Nasrullah age 33 years. He worked as a police officer. He's
been married one year ago but he not yet had children. My second brother name Naslan age
30 years. He worked as a police officer. He was married four years ago and have a beautiful
daughter. The sister name Nurjannah 26 years. He worked as a midwife. She was married one
year ago and have a son very cute and handsome. And my third brother name Muh Kasman
age 20 years. He now does not lecture but only works in my village. She was very kind and
hardworking. I hope they are always a success, given the health and safety both in the world
and in the hereafter. Amen.
Thats my family. A family which I love the most, we always support and love each
other. I wish we could stay together in joy and sorrow.
I study in University Muslim Indonesia majoring in pharmacy. In college I had a
compulsory program to be done by all of the students are boarding for one month in the city
Padanglampe Pangekp. On 26 November 2016 I got shift faculty to go padanglampe to
boarding school for a month along with two other faculties.
Before leaving there I take the position that I would not be comfortable, and want to
continue to return. In a week of staying there, I was not too familiar with the prayer schedule
regular, regular meals, but the portions were a bit and the rooms contained 16 people with
different characters. But after a week of staying there, I was getting used to the existing
situation. With prayer schedule regular, bed tertatur, eating regularly and lessons taken at the
college and also a new friend I starte to enjoy it and felt that padanglampe no where else I can
get all of that is not possible in the can elsewhere. And a day before leaving padanglampe it
was tough to leave. I am aware of and grateful studying in University Muslim Indonesia so
that I get a spiritual experience that I will not be able to if in another Univerisitas.

For a woman beautiful word must be very coveted. Today many women who
perform a variety of ways to make him be beautiful, ranging from wearing cosmetics and
even plastic surgery. This happens because he is not confident with her body so it was not
pretty when it is only just to satisfy his lust. Indeed, beauty is not only seen physically or
from a person's face alone. Beauty also emanated from inside a person that is his heart. If his
heart was always guarded by always assume good faith and confident with what god has
given him the beauty will shine by itself. Always grateful and believe that god has created us
with a form that should be.
My name Nurmiati my age 19 years. I am now study at the Muslim University of
Indonesia majoring in pharmacy. My dream is very much that future can finish my stady with
fast and satisfactory score so I can reduce the burden on parents, my brother and my sister.
Get a job still like to work in a hospital, company or set up their own pharmacy. So I can save
up to dispatch my parents pilgrimage. proud my parents and take care of my parents at the
age old. And being a Muslim woman who always accuser Islam.
I have favorite tv program is ini talk show in net tv I liked it because the show was
nice, give entertainment and very funny. I also love tv program hitam putih in trans7 because
give the event educate, not only to bring a guest star but someone inspiring artists from both
the lower and upper classes. provide real-time information.
Muhammad is a man who is a role model Muslims and straighten their aqeedah and
life from the error into a true way and being blessed by Allah. Muhammad was born by a
mother named Aminah on 12 Early Rabiul in the elephant. His father, Abdullah, had passed
away when Muhammad was 7 months in his mothers womb. After he was five years old,
Halimah chaperoned Muhammad to Mecca. Halimah returned him to his mother, Siti
Aminah. A year later, Aminah passed away. After that, Muhammad was fostered by his
grandfather, Abdul Mutholib. The next two years, Muhammads grandfather also passed
away. After that, he was fostered by his uncle, Abu Tholib.
The prophet Muhammad S.A.W started his life independently and he did not depend
on his uncle anymore. Due to his good character and behavior, a rich widow entrusted her
merchandise to the prophet Muhammad S.A.W to be sold in Syams land. That woman was
Khadijah. After his arrival from Syams, there was a marriage proposal from Khadijah to the
prophet Muhammad S.A.W through Khadijahs uncle. The wedding was held after two of
them agreed. The prophet Muhammad S.A.W was 25 years old when he got married,
meanwhile Khadijah was 40 years old.

On Romadhon 17th, Jibril angel came to the prophet Muhammad S.A.W who was still
in Hira cave. At that place, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W accepted the first revelation. The
next half and two years, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W accepted the second revelation. After
the second revelation was accepted, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W began his dawah
secretly. He started from his family and best friends in order to leave their pagan religion. He
asked them to only worship Allah. He did it for about three years. After that, he started his
dawah openly in front of public. His struggle in dawah got many obstacles and rejection.
However, he was still patient, spiritful, and not easily giving up. He always asked protection
from Allah SWT.

On Rajab 27, the eleventh year after Muhammad S.A.W was appointed as the
prophet, Isra Miraj happened. At that time, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W accepted a
command to pray five times a day from Allah SWT. The prophet Muhammad S.A.W passed
away because of fever on 12 early rabiul 11 Hijriyah He was 63 years old when he passed
away. During his 23 year being the prophet, he struggled hard in dawah for Islam. He didnt
leave his people properties or throne, but Al-Quran and Hadits to be guidance in behaving
and doing things in their life.


My english lecturer name Hudriati. he is very good, friendly dnd highly attention
shown to us. She teaching in class we for one semester. He explained the lesson very good,
and always ineract with we understand that we can be. I wish Miss. Hudriati always healthy
and happy always.




STAMBUK : 15020150129

Ketika penduduk Mekah berada dalam kegelapan dan kehilangan pedoman, lahirlah
di tengah-tengah masyarakat tersebut seorang bayi bernama Muhammad, yang
akan menjadi panutan dan meluruskan aqidah serta kehidupan mereka dari
kesalahan menuju cara yang benar dan diberkati oleh Allah. Muhammad lahir dari
seorang ibu bernama Aminah pada 12 Rabiul Awal di tahun gajah atau pada
tanggal 20 April, 571 M. Ayahnya, Abdullah, telah meninggal saat Muhammad
berusia 7 bulan di dalam kandungan ibunya.

Sudah menjadi kebiasaan orang-orang Arab dari kota Mekah dimana mereka
mempercayakan anak-anak mereka dan disusui oleh wanita Badiyah sehingga bayi-
bayi bisa menikmati udara segar dan bisa berbicara dengan lancar. Muhammad
yang merupakan keturunan bangsawan Quraisy, ia disusui oleh Halimah As-

Setelah ia berusia lima tahun, Halimah dikawal Muhammad ke Mekah. Halimah

kembali kepada ibunya, Siti Aminah. Setahun kemudian, Aminah meninggal. Setelah
itu, Muhammad diasuh oleh kakeknya, Abdul Mutholib. Dua tahun berikutnya, kakek
Muhammad juga meninggal. Setelah itu, ia diasuh oleh pamannya, Abu Tholib.

Sementara ia tumbuh menjadi dewasa, Nabi Muhammad SAW mulai hidupnya

secara mandiri dan ia tidak tergantung pada pamannya lagi. Dia dikenal sebagai
orang yang jujur dan baik di kalangan teman-temannya dan orang-orang yang lebih
tua karena dia tidak pernah mengatakan kebohongan dan hal-hal buruk. Karena
karakter dan perilaku yang baik, seorang janda kaya mempercayakan dagangannya
kepada nabi Muhammad SAW untuk dijual di negeri Syams. Wanita itu adalah

Setelah kedatangannya dari Syams, ada lamaran pernikahan dari Khadijah untuk
Nabi Muhammad SAW melalui paman Khadijah. Pernikahan diadakan setelah
keduanya setuju. Nabi Muhammad SAW berusia 25 tahun ketika ia menikah,
sementara Khadijah berusia 40 tahun.

Sebagai pemimpin selanjutnya bagi umat manusia di dunia ini, Nabi Muhammad
SAW memiliki banyak ketrampilan, jiwa besar, pikiran yang cerdas, otak yang tajam,
perasaan yang lembut, memori yang kuat, respon yang cepat, dan ketangguhan
mental. Dia tahu kepiluan masyarakatnya dan runtuhnya agama mereka. Oleh
karena itu, ia pergi ke gua Hira untuk menerangi pikiran dan mempersiapkan diri
dalam menghadapi masalah tersebut.

Pada Ramadhan ke-17, atau itu sama dengan 6 Agustus 610 M, malaikat Jibril
datang kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW yang masih di dalam gua Hira. Di tempat itu,
Nabi Muhammad SAW menerima wahyu pertama. Dua tahun setengah setelah itu,
Nabi Muhammad SAW menerima wahyu kedua.

Setelah wahyu kedua diterima, Nabi Muhammad SAW mulai dakwah diam-diam. Dia
mulai dari keluarga dan teman-teman terbaik untuk meninggalkan agama kafir
mereka. Dia meminta mereka untuk hanya menyembah Allah. Dia melakukannya
selama sekitar tiga tahun. Setelah itu, ia mulai dakwah secara terbuka di depan

Perjuangannya dalam dakwah mendapat banyak hambatan dan penolakan. Namun,

ia masih sabar, tetap bersemangat, dan tidak mudah menyerah. Dia selalu meminta
perlindungan dari Allah SWT.

Pada tanggal 27 Rajab, tahun kesebelas setelah Muhammad SAW diangkat sebagai
nabi, Isra Miraj terjadi. Pada saat itu, Nabi Muhammad SAW menerima perintah
untuk solat lima kali sehari dari Allah SWT.

Nabi Muhammad SAW meninggal karena demam pada 12 Rabiul awal 11 Hijriyah
atau sama dengan 8 Juni 632 M. Dia berusia 63 tahun ketika ia meninggal. Selama
23 tahun ia menjadi nabi, ia berjuang keras dalam dakwah Islam. Dia tidak
meninggalkan umatnya harta atau tahta, tapi Al-Quran dan Hadits sebagai pedoman
dalam berperilaku dan melakukan hal-hal dalam hidup mereka.

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