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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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The Basics
What is a Roleplaying Game
Your Character
The Dungeon Master
Non-Player Characters
The Core Mechanic
Rewarding Creativity
Check Modifiers
Critical Success and Failure
Saving Throws
Performing Actions
Pacing and Tempo
Action Description Blocks
Performing Actions in a Scene
Reacting to Actions in a Scene
Taking Your Turn
Standard Actions
Move Actions
Minor Actions
Free Actions
Reacting to Other Peoples Actions
Immediate Responses
Free Responses
Automatic Responses
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Ability Scores
Ability Score Modifiers
Strength Skills
Constitution Skills
Dexterity Skills
Intelligence Skills
Wisdom Skills
Charisma Skills
Other Traits
Hit Points
Healing Surges
Light Armor
Heavy Armor
Penetrating Armor
Superior Armor and Shields
Unarmed Attacks
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Weapon Properties
Weapons Table
Armor Table
Superior Weapons and Armor
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Making a Hero
Character Class
Multi-Class Characters
Character Level
Training Feats
At-Will Feats
Per-Encounter Feats
Encounter Pool
Daily Powers
Racial Properties
Racial Encounter Feats and Favored Classes
Racial Proficiencies
Defense Bonuses
Ability Bonuses
Natural Races
Fey Races
Other Races
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Creating Your Character

Step 1: Choose your Race and Abilities
Determining Ability Scores
Step 2: Choose Your Alignment
First Choice - Good vs. Evil
Second Choice - Law vs. Chaos
Step 3: Choose your Character Class
The Martial Hero
Essential Fighter: The Blademaster
Essential Fighter: The Knight Defender
Essential Fighter: The Archer
Essential Fighter: The Captain
Essential Fighter: The Martial Artist
The Complete Fighter
Step 4: Choose a Role
The Martial Striker - the Warrior
The Martial Defender - the Guard
The Martial Controller - the Scout
The Martial Leader - the Marshal
The Martial Generalist - the Fighter
Step 5: Choose a Fighting Style
Bare-Handed Fighting Style
Light Weapon Fighting Style
Heavy Weapon Fighting Style
Two-Weapon Fighting Style
Ranged Weapon Fighting Style
Shield Fighting Style
Polearm Fighting Style
Chain Weapon Fighting Style
Step 6: Choose One Training Feat
Fighter Training Feats
Fighter Multi-Class Feats
Step 7: Choose Two At-Will Feats
Martial Prowess Maneuvers
Weapon Master Maneuvers
Combat Challenge Maneuvers
Combat Superiority Maneuvers
Trackers Quarry Maneuvers
Battle Awareness Maneuvers
Combat Leader Maneuvers
Inspiring Presence Maneuvers
Step 8: Choose One Per-Encounter Feat
Rank 1 Martial Maneuvers
Gaining Levels
Gaining Ranks
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Rank 2 Martial Maneuvers

Rank 3 Martial Maneuvers
Rank 4 Martial Maneuvers
Rank 5 Martial Maneuvers

The Cunning Hero

Essential Rogue: The Assassin
Essential Rogue: the Dancer
The Complete Rogue
Step 4: Choose a Role
The Cunning Striker - the Sneak
The Cunning Defender - the Acrobat
The Cunning Controller - the Thief
The Cunning Leader - the Performer
The Cunning Generalist - the Rogue
Step 5: Choose a Versatility
Dirty Fighting
Versatile Rogue
Poison Master
Relic Hunter
Step 6: Choose One Training Feat
Rogue Training Feats
Rogue Multi-Class Feats
Step 7: Choose Two At-Will Feats
Step 8: Choose One Per-Encounter Feat
The Primal Hero
The Primal Striker - the Berserker
The Primal Defender - the Warden
The Primal Controller - the Beastmaster
The Cunning Leader - the Performer
Step 5: Choose a Training Feat
Step 6: Choose a Totem
The Arcane Hero
Essential Wizard: the Pyromancer
Essential Wizard: the Hexblade
Essential Wizard: the Necromancer
Essential Wizard: The Artificer
Essential Wizard: the Bard
The Complete Wizard
Step 4: Choose a Role
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The Arcane Striker - the Evoker

The Arcane Defender - the Abjurer
The Arcane Controller - the Conjurer
The Arcane Leader - the Sage
The Arcane Generalist - the Wizard
Step 5: Choose a School of Magic
Elementalism School
Beguilement School
Telekinesis School
Step 6: Choose One Training Feat
Step 7: Choose Two At-Will Feats
Channel Energies
Arcane Abjuration
Wise Leader
Step 8: Choose One Per-Encounter Spell
Arcane Mastery Spells
Arcane Healing Spells
Wise Leader Spells
Gaining Class Levels
Optional Rule: Level 0 Characters
Gaining Hit Points
Raising Abilities
Gaining At-Will Feats
Gaining Rank
Gaining Training Feats
Gaining Per-Encounter Feats
Class Level Experience Table
Ameyu, Bringer of Life and the Mother of us All
Mythology and Origin
Ameyus Attendants
Hataya, Banner-Bearer of Ameyu and Herald of the Dawn
Tenshu, Lord of Thunder and the Warlord of the Gods
Mythology and Origin
Tenshus Attendants
Raisho, Wielder of Lightning, the Instrument of Vengeance
Yusho, King of Jade and Lord of the Scales
Hataya, Banner-Bearer of Ameyu and Herald of the Dawn
Inayu, Mother of the Harvest and the Giver of Gifts
Mythology and Origin
Tenshus Attendants
Sakaya, Blossom-Daughter and the Maiden of Spring
Yumiya, Plum-Daughter and the Maiden of Summer
Inaya, Apple-Daughter and the Maiden of Autumn
Lunshu, Lord of the Sea and Sky and the Herald of Seasons
Mythology and Origin
Lunshus Attendants
Tsukiya, Goddess of the Moon and Lover of Umiya
Umiya, Goddess of the Tide and Lover of Tsukiya
Orochu, Lord of the Earth and the Serpent at the Heart of the World
Mythology and Origin
Orochus Attendants
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Sakaya, Blossom-Daughter and the Maiden of Spring

Yomicho, Lord of Death and Gatekeeper of Judgement
Juucho, Patron of the Arts and Teacher of Poets
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The Basics Commented [1]:

1. All classes are based on one of five broad power-
What is a Roleplaying Game sources; wacky power sources like "shadow" or
A Roleplaying Game (RPG)... "psionic" are folded into one of the broader and better-
understood choices. Martial, Cunning, Primal, Arcane,
and Divine can really handle all mechanical choices,
Your Character while fluff should be flexible enough to let the player
decide how to describe it ("They aren't spells, they're
In an RPG, you play a character... psionic powers!" is a perfectly viable fluff-reskin that
shouldn't require any change in game mechanics).
The Dungeon Master
2. All classes are built out of three basic 'class
The Dungeon Master (DM)... features', of which one is a free choice open to any
member of the power source, and the remaining two
are specific to a (power source x role) to ensure that
Non-Player Characters that class has the features necessary to fulfill its role in
The Dungeon Master has a second job - playing all of the background extras and villains of the a way that is compatible with its power source.
story. These people and creatures are called Non-Player Characters (NPC). Multiclassing simply becomes taking a feat that grants
one class feature of another class.

On top of that, my goal is to provide more flexibility to

combat and non-combat options within an encounter.
The following design choices are intended to facilitate
that flexibility:

1. Dropping the distinction between 'utility' and 'attack'

powers when making a new power choice. Instead,
even levels gain new at-wills, while odd levels gain new
per-encounter (or per-day at level 1/5/9 if you're a

2. Using a refinement of the 4E psionic idea of a 'power

pool' for all non-Vancian class builds. Essentially, your
encounter powers become:
Level 1 encounter power: Do any rank 1 trick that I
Level 3 encounter power: Do any rank 1 or 2 trick that I
Level 5 encounter power: Do any rank 1, 2 or 3 trick
that I know.
Level 7 encounter power: Do any rank 1, 2, 3 or 4 trick
that I know.
Level 9 encounter power: Do any rank
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The Core Mechanic

As you play your character, you will describe things that you want to do. The DMs job is to help
determine what happens as a result of your actions. In this game, all of these situations are
resolved through a single mechanic, called a check: you roll a D20, add modifiers based on your
competency or the situation, and announce the result. The Dungeon Master (DM) will compare this
check result to a difficulty class (DC) based on the situation and the inherent difficulty of what
youre trying to accomplish. In many common situations, the process for determining the check
modifier and DC have been worked out in detail, but always remember that you and the DM can
decide to arbitrate situations that havent been specifically spelled out in the rules, or modify the
check or DC of well-established rules based on special circumstances.

Some tasks are easier to perform than others. In general, the base DC of a task will be one of five

Trivial tasks have a DC of 5. These are actions that, in general, the DM should just declare
that you succeed at rather than having you roll at all. A DM might require a roll on a trivial
task in extraordinary circumstances.

Easy tasks have a DC of 10. These are actions that an average, untrained person is expected
to have an even chance of accomplishing successfully. Examples: walking eight hours along a
paved road without rest, assembling a puzzle, applying bandages to a wound, remembering
the name of the capital city of a neighboring province.

Average tasks have a DC of 15. These are actions that the average person can pull off with
some luck, and which a competently trained person is expected to have an even chance of
accomplishing. Examples: walking eight hours through a hilly woodland without rest,
assembling a model ship, sewing up a wound, remembering the name of the capital city of
every province in your country. If no task difficulty is specified, assume that the task has an
average DC.

Hard tasks have a DC of 20. These actions require a good amount of expertise, training, and
natural ability to pull off well, and are only accomplishable through extraordinary luck
otherwise. Examples: carving a path through a densely overgrown jungle for eight hours
without rest, assembling a clockwork pocketwatch, digging a barbed arrowhead out of a
wound without causing more damage, remembering the name of every capital city of every
country in the world.

Legendary tasks have a DC of 25. These are tasks that a normal person might accomplish
once in a lifetime, and which are noteworthy even for heroes. Examples: assembling a working
clockwork model of the solar system, performing open-heart surgery without the aid of magic
or modern medicine, remembering the name of every city in your country with a population of
50 or more.

Impossible tasks have a DC of 30 or higher. These tasks seem utterly impossible to perform,
but the truly gifted might pull them off once in a lifetime. Examples: assembling a thinking,
feeling clockwork man, reviving the dead, remembering the name of every city the world and
a specific historical fact about each of them.

Rewarding Creativity
Even in situations where the mechanics are well established, creative and appropriate responses to
situations should be rewarded. Check modifiers or DC modifiers of -2 to +2 are appropriate in
situations where player ingenuity should reasonably lean the odds in your favor. Players who find a
creative and novel way of approaching a situation might even adjust the difficulty level of the task
by a difficulty level or more (such as hard to moderate, or moderate to easy), which is equivalent
to a +5 or higher bonus. As always, the DM is the ultimate arbitrator of what modifiers are
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appropriate and when.

Check Modifiers
Each time you make a check, one or more modifiers will most likely apply to the roll. Modifiers go
in two directions - bonuses are added to your die roll, while penalties are subtracted from it.

Most bonuses come from a particular source; these modifiers will have an adjective to describe
them, such as feat bonuses or class bonuses or circumstance bonuses or racial bonuses. If several
bonuses apply to the roll you are about to make that all have the same adjective, only the highest
one applies, and only once. For example, if you have a +2 class bonus to saving throws, and a +5
class bonus to saving throws vs. charm effects, then you apply the +5 modifier when making a
saving throw vs. a charm effect, not the +7 that you would get from adding them together.
However, if you have two different bonuses, such as a +2 class bonus and a +3 proficiency bonus,
you may add them both to the roll. Untyped bonuses are bonuses which have no type - you add all
of these together when you make your roll.

Penalties, on the other hand, always accumulate regardless of their source. While many penalties
will have adjectives, the adjectives are only important when specific powers or capabilities allow
you to reduce or ignore a particular type of penalty; once you are ready to roll the dice, add all
penalties that apply to the dice roll together and subtract that from the result.

Critical Success and Failure

Most of the time, you only care if you succeed or fail. You succeed on a roll whenever the check
result is equal to or greater than the DC; you fail on a roll if your check result is less than the DC.
If the check result is exactly equal to the DC, you only achieve a basic success - you succeed, but
only barely. This has no effect on gameplay, but can sometimes add cinematic flavor to the flow of
the story.

Whenever you roll a natural 20, if the check result is sufficient to have succeeded at the roll, you
achieve a critical success. Critical successes with attack rolls are called critical hits. When you
achieve a critical success, you perform the action spectacularly well, and may optionally negotiate
a relevant benefit from the DM. Certain special circumstances may allow you to achieve a critical
success on a natural roll of 19, or even lower. You must still succeed at the roll (i.e., have a check
value higher than the DC) to achieve a critical success.

If the DC of a check is ever higher than your total modifier + 20, you can only succeed at that task
by sheer luck. If your natural die roll is a 20 before any modifiers are applied, you still achieve a
basic success (but not a critical success) on that task - luck was simply on your side.

On the other hand, whenever you roll a natural 1, if the check result was insufficient to have
succeeded on the roll, you achieve a critical failure. Some horrible mishap occurs, causing
complications that are up to the DM to resolve. Even if your check result was sufficient to have
succeeded on the roll, you still achieve a basic failure (but not a critical failure) on a natural 1 - you
were simply unlucky.

Saving Throws
Most rolls that you make are against a specific DC - either an attack vs. a creatures defense, or a
skill check against a specific difficulty. Sometimes, however, you need to make a roll in opposition
to another roll that was made. These rolls are called saving throws. To make a saving throw, roll
your skill, proficiency or ability modifier vs. the original rolls check result, as if it was a DC. When
you perform an action against another character that they can save against, write down your check
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result in case that creature later attempts to make a saving throw against your action.
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Performing Actions
When you want to do something in the game, you tell the DM what you want to accomplish, and
then the DM assigns a difficulty class and tells you what modifiers apply to your check roll. While
this is enough to get started, the game provides more detailed rules to determine what kinds of
actions that you can perform at what times.

There are multiple kinds of actions that you can perform in the game, divided into how long they
take and how often you can perform them.

Free actions take almost no time or effort to perform, like noticing something that youre looking
at or speaking a word or two.

Minor actions take a half second or so of your concentration, like drinking from a cup or picking up
keys that are lying on the table.

Move actions take enough concentration to watch where your feet are going, but not much more.
As you would expect, move actions typically let you move around from place to place, but other
move actions use your legs or body to do other things.

Standard actions take several seconds of your full attention to pull off, like aiming and firing a
weapon, threading a needle, or working the controls of a complex machine.

Finally, Extended actions take more than a few seconds to perform, and hence tend to keep you
committed for more time than the tempo of combat allows for.

At-Will actions can be free actions, minor actions, move actions, standard actions or extended
actions; the key qualification is that you can perform an at-will action whenever you feel like. Thus,
if something is an at-will move action, that means that whenever its your turn and you feel like
it, you can decide to spend as much effort as it takes to walk across the room to perform that

Per-Encounter actions tend to be fatiguing, and so can only be used a limited number of times
before you need to sit down and rest. Like at-will actions, per-encounter actions can be free,
minor, move, standard or extended.

Daily actions tend to be epic feats that take a good deal out of you, and so can only be used a
limited number of times per day before you need a full nights sleep to recharge. Like at-will and
per-encounter actions, daily actions can be free, minor, move, standard or extended.

Pacing and Tempo

During the game, the flow of time may be measured in two distinct pacings, based on the tempo
and tactical danger that the characters are in.
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Scenes are periods of improvisational acting and preparation, where second-by-second decisions
are less important than maintaining a smooth flow of the dialog and narration. Scenes are divided
into minutes, and an average scene should take around five minutes. Most extended actions occur
at scene pacing; if an extended action takes longer than five minutes, the DM is allowed to simply
say a few hours later and skip to the next scene, in which youve finished that action or
something else interesting happens. Scene-based challenges are typically skill challenges, where
your characters skills determine how well you succeed and what happens next.

Action Description Blocks

Whenever these rules wish to describe an action that you may perform, they will use an action
description block. An action description block looks like this:

Take a Drink
At-Will Minor Action * Basic Utility
Requirement: You must have a drink in your hand.
Special: When you perform this action, you may stop and not take the drink if you
notice that it tastes odd.
Effect: You take a drink from the drink in your hand.

The first line, in bold, is the name of the action - in this case, Take a Drink. This means
that when you want your character to do this action, you tell the DM Im going to Take a
Drink so he knows whats going on and can react appropriately.

The next line, in italics, is the actions type and keywords. This is two blocks, separated by
an asterisk. The first block tells you when you can perform the action (in this case, at-will),
how complicated the action is (in this case, its a minor action), and whether its an Action
(which you can do any time on your turn) or a Reaction or Interrupt (which you can do on
your or other players or NPCs turns, but only in response to specific triggers).

The next lines will list special circumstances around performing the action, such as
Prerequisites, Requirements, Triggers or Special blocks. A Prerequisite is something you
need to have before you can even learn to do the action - in this case, taking a drink has no
prerequisites. A requirement or trigger is a need that must be met before you can perform
the action - in this case, it is a Requirement that you have a drink in your hand in order to
take a drink, which makes perfect sense. A Special block just tells you some special rules or
circumstances around this action that dont fit into any other category, such as the fact that
you can decide to stop taking the drink before it affects you if it tastes odd.

The next lines will list what happens when you perform the action. Each of these lines will
say Effect, Check, Target, Save, Success, Failure, Hit or Miss, and will be listed in
the order that they occur. An Effect block always happens when you perform the action;
just read the line and assume that that effect occurs. A Check or Target line means that
you must make some kind of check at this step, while a Save means you must make a
saving throw. Target lines have you make a choice, usually selecting a particular creature
or area, before making the check; the checks DC will be based on the target that you
choose. Finally, Success and Hit lines only occur if you succeed at the last check that you
made, while Failure and Miss lines only occur if you didnt succeed at the last check that
you made.
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Performing Actions in a Scene

Actions that you take within a scene can take anywhere between a few seconds and several hours.
You can always perform any action during a scene; simply declare the action that you want to
perform, and the DM will keep track of how long it will take to finish, and may ask you to describe
how youre performing the action. Remember that good descriptions and clever ideas are
rewarded, but dont drag down the game with florid prose that doesnt advance the story or
entertain the other players. Remember that everyones first goal is to have fun as a group.

Use Skill
At-Will Extended Action * Basic Skill Utility
Effect: You perform any action listed in the Skill section.

Use Weapon
At-Will Extended Action * Basic Weapon Utility
Effect: You use a weapon for a non-combat purpose.

Reacting to Actions in a Scene

If you want to react to an action in a scene, tell the DM that you want to react to it, and then
describe the action that you want to perform in response. Within a scene, the precise order that
things happen in isnt usually important; if it is, the DM will likely have you make an Initiative
check to determine if you can pull it off fast enough. The rules for initiative, and for other actions,
will be given later.
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Encounters are periods of fast-paced action where every second counts. Encounters are divided
into rounds, which represent about six seconds of action. Within a round, each character gets a
turn, which is the point at which they get to act. Encounter challenges are typically combat
challenges, where you must fight a group of enemies to determine how well you succeed and what
happens next.

Whenever a new encounter begins, each player makes an Initiative check to determine the turn
order. The DM will then likewise make an Initiative check for each group of enemies in the
encounter. Whoever got the highest Initiative check result goes first, and then each other player or
NPC goes from next-highest Initiative to lowest. Specific rules for determining your Initiative check
bonuses will be provided later.

Sometimes there is a chance that you might be surprised by the start of an encounter. If there is
a chance to be surprised, the DM will set a difficulty level for the surprise; your Initiative check
then also becomes your check to see if youre surprised by the encounter. Being surprised means
that you have to wait out the first round of the encounter to gather your wits; once everyone who
isnt surprised has gone, you stop being surprised and may participate normally in the second
round. Even if there normally isnt a chance to be surprised, a critical failure on your Initiative
check will still cause you to be surprised for the first round of combat.

Taking Your Turn

When it becomes your turn during an encounter, you get to decide what your character does
during the next few seconds. During your turn, you can perform four different kinds of actions. You
can perform one standard action, one move action, one minor action, and a reasonable
number of free actions (where reasonable is decided by the DM).

Standard Actions
During your turn, you may perform a single standard action. Standard actions are generally acts
that require a good deal of your focus and concentration to pull off. You will have a good number of
standard actions that you can perform, based on the choices you make when you create your
character. However, all characters can perform the following basic standard actions, regardless of
who they are.

Melee attacks are used to attack creatures who are within reach of your weapons, while ranged
attacks are used to attack creatures who are too far away to reach with a sword or a spear. When
you make a ranged attack, you provoke an opportunity attack from any adjacent creature - the
creature can perform a basic melee attack against you as an immediate interrupt.

Basic Melee Attack Commented [2]: At some point you need to define
At-Will Standard Action * Basic Melee Attack charge. Just to remind you.
Effect: You make a basic melee or unarmed attack against one creature.

Ranged attacks are used to attack creatures who are too far away to reach with a sword or a
spear. When you make a ranged attack, you provoke an opportunity attack from any adjacent
creature - the creature can perform a basic melee attack against you as an immediate interrupt.

Basic Ranged Attack

At-Will Standard Action * Basic Ranged Attack
Effect: You make a basic ranged attack against one creature.
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Full Defense is used when you dont want to attack or perform some other action, but dont want
to be hit by an attack either. Full Defense is a stance - an activity that you begin with an action,
but continue to maintain until you decide to stop it, or some other event causes the stance to end.

Full Defense
At-Will Standard Action * Basic Stance
Effect: You enter into a defensive stance, which makes it harder to be attacked by
other creatures. You automatically end this stance at the beginning of your
next turn unless you expend another standard action to maintain it.

Finally, Skills are specific collections of activities that you can gain training in. Most actions that
arent attacks are covered by making skill-based checks.

Use Skill
At-Will Standard, Move, Minor or free Action * Basic Skill Utility
Effect: You perform a standard, move, minor or free action listed in the Skill section.

Sometimes, you need to perform an extended action in combat. While this is risky, it is
occasionally necessary. Extended actions are handled as stances:

Perform Extended Action

At-Will Standard Action * Basic Stance
Effect: You begin performing an extended action. If you maintain this stance without
interruption for a number of turns equal to the actions duration in rounds (or ten time the
actions duration in minutes), you may make the check for that action.

Move Actions
During your turn, you may also perform one move action. Move actions generally involve legwork
and maneuvering to perform. If you need to move quickly, you may also expend your standard
action as if it were a move action, giving you a total of two move actions during your turn.

All characters have a speed rating, which is how fast they can move at a jog in one move action.
Speed is measured in five-foot steps; if you have a speed of 3, you can move 15 feet in a turn. The
most basic move action that you can perform is to move this distance. However, movement is not
particularly defensive - if you are adjacent to a hostile creature when you attempt to move, you
provoke an opportunity attack.

At-Will Move Action * Basic Movement
Effect: You move a number of 5-foot squares equal to your speed.

If you need to move move safely, you may shift. Shifting only moves you five feet, but you
maintain full awareness of all threats around you, and so you do not provoke opportunity attacks
while shifting.

At-Will Move Action * Basic Movement
Effect: You shift one 5-foot square.

Some areas are more difficult to move through than others. Each square of difficult terrain
counts as two squares, so you may not normally shift through it in a single move action. If you use
two different actions to move, you may combine them into a single movement and count your
speed as doubled for this movement - either shifting two squares (or shifting through one square
of difficult terrain), or moving a total number of squares equal to twice your speed (counting each
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square of difficult terrain twice).

Minor Actions
You may also perform one minor action during your turn. Minor actions are simple, reflexive acts
that you can perform without paying much attention, such as picking up an item, pulling something
out of a pocket or holster, or taking a drink from a bottle. If you need to do several simple things
in a turn, you may also expend your move action or your standard action or both as if they were
minor actions, giving you a total of two or three minor actions during your turn.

Free Actions
Free Actions are simple things that you can do without really thinking about, such as speak a few
words or give a hand signal. You can perform any number of free actions during your turn, but if it
stretches the limits of credulity or bogs down play the DM is likely to cut you off and tell you to
move on.

Reacting to Other Peoples Actions

There are certain actions that you may perform in response to another characters action. These
are called Immediate Actions. You may perform one Immediate Action per turn, whether its your
turn or not, but all immediate actions have a trigger that must be fulfilled before you can perform
the immediate action.

Immediate Responses
There are two kinds of immediate actions that you may take in response to an event: Immediate
Reactions and Immediate Interrupts. Immediate Reactions must be performed after the triggering
event has fully resolved; you get to perform your action in response to theirs. Immediate
Interrupts, on the other hand, happen before the triggering event has resolved - if an Immediate
Interrupt changes the circumstances around their action, you might cause that action to fail or
succeed when it otherwise would not have, or enhance or degrade the effects of their success or

Opportunity Attack
At-Will Immediate Interrupt * Basic Melee Weapon Attack
Trigger: An adjacent enemy attempts to move out of their square without shifting, or
attempts to make a ranged attack, or performs another action that provokes
Effect: You make a basic melee attack against the provoking creature.

Free Responses
In addition to immediate responses, some special powers or feats will allow you to take Free
Reactions or Free Interrupts. A Free Reaction is just like an Immediate Reaction, except that you
may perform any number of them per turn. Similarly, a Free Interrupt is just like an Immediate
Interrupt, except that you may perform any number of them per turn. You may only respond to a
single action once with any single response, however - you cannot perform a single response
several times to the same triggering event.

Automatic Responses
Some responses occur automatically, even if you cannot perform a free or immediate action or
response. These operate identically to free responses, except that you can perform them even
while stunned or unconscious.
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Ability Scores
All characters in this game have six core abilities, which determine or influence all their other
statistics. Ability scores range from 3 to 20, averaging at around 10.

Strength is a measure of your characters muscle and raw physical power. It determines your
ability to hit and deal damage with melee attacks, the total weight of equipment that you can
carry, and how well you perform in the Athletics skill.

Dexterity is a measure of your characters speed and agility. It determines your ability to hit and
deal damage with ranged weapons, how quickly you react, and how well you can avoid being hit,
and how well you perform in the Acrobatics, Stealth and Thievery skills.

Constitution is a measure of your characters stamina, vitality and health. It determines your
ability to withstand damage, your ability to resist poison and disease, and how well you perform in
the Endurance skill.

Charisma is a measure of your characters attractiveness, social grace and force of personality. It
determines your persuasiveness, the effectiveness of certain magical powers, and how well you
perform in the Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform, and Streetwise skills.

Intelligence is a measure of your characters wits, reasoning ability and memory. It determines
your persuasiveness, the effectiveness of certain magical powers, and how well you perform in the
Arcana, Craft, History, and Religion skills.

Wisdom is a measure of your characters awareness, intuition and understanding. It determines

your persuasiveness, the effectiveness of certain magical powers, and how well you perform in the
Heal, Insight, Nature, and Perception skills.

Ability Score Modifiers

Each ability also has a modifier, which is equal to half the ability score (round down), minus 5.
Thus, an ability score of 3 has an ability modifier of -4, while an ability score of 20 has an ability
modifier of +5. Most actions that you will perform use one or more ability score modifiers as a
bonus or penalty to the check result, so your abilities are the most basic measure of competency in
the game.
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Skills are more specific abilities that your character can learn. All characters in this game share 18
broad skills, which determine your success at most actions outside of combat, and many actions
within combat. Each skill is based on an ability; if you are untrained in that skill, your check value
for that skill is equal to your D20 roll + your ability modifier for that ability. If you are trained in
that skill, you gain a +3 proficiency bonus to all skill checks for that skill. Certain actions may be
performed by any character (trained or no), while other actions may only be performed by trained
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Strength Skills
Athletics is used when running, jumping, climbing, swimming, or performing feats of strength. Your
Athletics skill check is based on your Strength modifier. The Athletics skill incurs an armor check
penalty if you are wearing armor or a shield.

Feat of Strength (At-will standard action * basic skill stunt)

Effect: Describe to the DM the action you want to perform, then make an Athletics check. On
a success, you succeed at the desired action; on a failure you do not accomplish
anything noticeable.

Climb (At-will move action * basic skill utility)

Effect: Make an Athletics check.
Success: You move half your speed.
Failure: You do not make any progress. On a critical failure, you lose your grip and fall.

Jump (At-will move action * basic skill utility)

Target: One destination square within a number of squares equal to your speed
Check: Athletics vs. 10, + 5 per square of distance that you leap over
Special: You gain a +2 stance bonus to your roll for each square that you moved through this
turn before making the jump, but may not abort the jump if you moved more than 4
Success: You land in the targeted square.
Failure: You may choose to jump a number of squares equal to the check result divided by 5
towards your destination square and land prone, or abort the jump. On a critical
failure, you misjudge the distance and jump into the wrong square.

Sprint (At-will move action * basic skill stance) Commented [3]: Does using a move action always
Effect: Make an Athletics check when you enter this stance. Until you end the stance, you include moving? If not, then you might want to make
gain a stance bonus to speed equal to the check result divided by 5, but suffer a -2 this such that people don't have to take a move action
penalty to all attacks and defenses. This stance ends automatically at the end of any before moving.
turn if you moved less than 4 squares during that turn. Each minute that you maintain
this stance, you must make an Endurance check to maintain concentration, or suffer
1D4 damage from fatigue.

Swim (At-will move action * basic skill utility)

Check: Athletics vs. DC
Success: You move half your speed
Failure: You do not move, or are swept by the current. On a critical failure, you suffer 1D6
damage as you begin to drown.

Break Grapple or Restraints (At-will standard action * basic skill saving throw)
Save: Athletics vs. restraints DC, or vs. the attackers original Grapple check value if
Success: You break the grapple or restraint.
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Constitution Skills
Endurance is used when braving pain, weather, extremes of temperature or environment,
performing feats of endurance, staving off hunger or thirst, or holding your breath. Your Endurance
skill check is based on your Constitution modifier. The Endurance skill incurs an armor check
penalty if you are wearing armor or a shield.

Maintain Concentration (At-will free reaction * basic skill utility)

Trigger: You take more damage than your surge value from a single hit while in a stance
Check: Endurance vs. the amount of damage you have taken.
Success: You do not break the stance.
Failure: You are forced to end the stance.

Stabilize (Automatic Reaction * basic skill saving throw)

Trigger: You begin your turn while suffering from the dying condition.
Save: Endurance vs. the amount of damage you have taken in excess of your hit points
Success: You are no longer dying (unless you take further damage), but are still unconscious so
long as you are at 0 hit points. On a critical success, you may spend a healing surge.
Failure: You lose one point of Vitality and are still dying. On a critical failure, you lose an
additional point of Vitality.

Shrug it Off (Automatic Reaction * basic skill saving throw)

Trigger: You would take ongoing damage.
Save: Endurance vs. the check result of the effect that caused the condition.
Success: You take half the ongoing damage, and the condition ends. On a critical success, you
take no damage and the condition ends.
Failure: You take the full ongoing damage and continue to suffer any of its other ongoing
effects. On a critical failure, you treat the ongoing damage as a critical hit.
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Dexterity Skills
Acrobatics is used when tumbling, balancing, performing feats of agility, or escaping from bonds.
Your Acrobatics skill check is based on your Dexterity modifier. The Acrobatics skill incurs an armor
check penalty if you are wearing armor or a shield.

Feat of Agility (At-will move action * basic skill stunt)

Effect: Describe to the DM the action you want to perform, then make an Acrobatics check.
On a success, you successfully pull off the stunt; on a failure you may fall or suffer
some other effect determined by the DM.

Balance (At-will move action * basic skill utility)

Check: Acrobatics vs. DC based on conditions
Effect: You may move half your speed across a rope, ledge or other narrow or unstable
Failure: You do not make any progress. On a critical failure, you lose your footing and fall.

Break Fall (At-will immediate reaction * trained skill utility)

Trigger: You would take falling damage
Check: Acrobatics (no DC)
Effect: You reduce your falling damage by half the check result (round down).

Escape from Grapple or Restraints (At-will standard action * basic skill saving throw)
Save: Acrobatics vs. the restraints DC, or vs. the attackers original Grapple check value if
attempting to break a grapple.
Success: You are no longer grappled or restrained.

Stealth is used to hide, move silently, and remain unseen. Your Stealth skill check is based on your
Dexterity modifier. The Stealth skill incurs an armor check penalty if you are wearing armor or a

Hide (At-will move action * trained skill stance)

Check: Stealth (no DC)
Effect: While you are in this stance, you count as hidden to anyone whose Spot defense is
less than your original check result.
Special: Whenever you move more than 2 squares, all opponents gain a +5 bonus to their Spot
defense to notice you until the beginning of your next turn. If you move more than 5
squares, this bonus increases to +10. Any creature which notices you continues to
notice you as you move, until you make a new Stealth check.
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Thievery is used to pick locks, pick pockets, disable traps, and perform sleight-of-hand feats. Your
Thievery skill check is based on your Dexterity modifier. The Thievery skill may incur an armor
check penalty if you are wearing armor or a shield, unless the action requires little or no full-body

Sleight of Hand (At-will standard action * trained skill stunt)

Effect: Describe the sleight of hand trick you attempt to pull off, then make a Thievery check
vs. the higher of the targets Spot or Sense. On a success, you may pick the targets
pocket, palm an item near the target, or perform some other act of legerdemain. On a
failure, the target notices you, and you provoke an attack of opportunity while
performing the action (although in most non-combat situations, your target will likely
use the attack of opportunity to perform a grab rather than attacking outright with a

Delay Trap (At-will minor action * trained skill utility)

Check: Thievery + 5 vs. the traps DC.
Success: The trap becomes disabled until the end of your next turn.
Failure: The trap is still active. On a critical failure, you trigger the trap.

Disable Trap (At-will standard action * trained skill utility)

Check: Thievery vs. the traps DC.
Success: The trap becomes disabled until it resets.
Failure: The trap is still active. On a critical failure, you trigger the trap.

Pick Lock (At-will standard action * trained skill utility)

Check: Thievery vs. the locks DC.
Success: The lock is opened.
Failure: The lock is still closed. On a critical failure, you break the lock, which cannot be
opened until destroyed or repaired.
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Intelligence Skills
Arcana is used to understand the laws and principles that govern the world. All magics, whether
ultimately divine, arcane, or primal, follow certain arcane rules; the Arcana skill may thus be used
to identify and explain them. Wizards use the Arcana skill in conjunction with their access to an
arcane power source to perform their magics. Because armor tends to interfere with the gestures
and innate sensitivity necessary to interact with magical energy, the Arcana skill incurs an armor
check penalty to all non-knowledge checks if you are wearing armor or a shield. Your Arcana skill
check is based on your Intelligence modifier.

Arcane Lore (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)

Check: Arcana vs. the obscurity of the information.
Success: You remember some particularly useful bit of arcane trivia that is applicable to the
situation at hand.

Detect Magic (Extended action (1 minute) * trained skill utility)

Target: The area within Wisdom squares around you
Check: Arcana vs. a DC determined by the aura or effects subtlety.
Success: You become aware of any magical effects or auras within the area for which your
check result exceeds that effect or auras DC, and their likely power source (primal,
arcane, or divine).
Special: You may make this roll for a particular effect or aura once per encounter or short rest.

Read Magic (At-will minor action * trained skill utility)

Target: One magical effect or phenomenon that you can see.
Check: Arcana vs. a DC determined by the effect or phenomenon
Success: You become aware of that effects power source (primal, arcane, or divine), and gain a
general sense of what it does. On a critical success, you gain a precise understanding
of the effect and all its likely consequences.

Dispel Curse or Enchantment (At-will standard action * trained skill saving throw)
Target: One curse or enchantment that has been cast upon you or an adjacent ally or object.
Save: Arcana vs. the curse or enchantments check result
Success: You dispel the curse or enchantment.

Craft is used to construct or appraise items, weapons, armor, and architecture. Your Craft skill
check is based on your Intelligence modifier.

Appraise (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)

Check: Craft vs. the obscurity of the information.
Success: You notice some particularly useful bit of crafting detail that is applicable to the
situation at hand.

Craft Item (Extended action (8 hours) * trained skill utility)

Check: Craft vs. the designs crafting difficulty
Success: You may craft a mundane item, weapon or armor from raw materials. The check result
is the percentage of the items base market cost that is saved by making it yourself.
Failure: The results are flawed and the materials used are wasted.

Repair Item (Extended action (5 minutes) * trained skill utility)

Target: One damaged mundane item, weapon or armor.
Check: Craft vs. the difficulty of the repair
Success: The item is repaired.
Failure: The item is still damaged. On a critical failure, the item is ruined beyond repair.

Rig Contraption (At-will standard or extended action * trained skill stunt)

Effect: Describe the device you attempt to improvise, then make a Craft check. On a success,
the contraption performs as expected. On a failure, it doesnt work. On a critical
failure, some kind of mishap occurs.
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History is used to remember historical facts and useful information. Your History skill check is
based on your Intelligence modifier. When you perform any Knowledge check, you may substitute
History for any other knowledge skill at a -10 penalty.

Ancient Lore (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)

Check: History vs. the obscurity of the information.
Success: You remember some particularly useful bit of lore or historical detail that is applicable
to the situation at hand.

Translate Text (At-will minor action * trained skill knowledge)

Target: A passage written in another language that you can see.
Check: History vs. the obscurity of the language and subject matter.
Success: You understand a sentence or two; you may continue performing this action to
translate more of the passage.
Failure: You need more time to translate. On a critical failure you get the translation entirely
Special: In scene time, you may make a single roll to translate an entire document as an
extended action, taking approximately 5 minutes per page.
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Wisdom Skills
Heal is used when tending to the sick or injured. Your Heal skill check is based on your Wisdom

Stabilize Ally (At-will standard action * trained skill utility)

Target: One dying ally (Heal vs. Moderate DC)
Success: The target gains the +2 teamwork bonus to all Endurance saving throws until the
beginning of your next turn. The target may immediately make one Endurance saving
throw to stabilize, and does not suffer Vitality damage if they fail (but will suffer
damage as normal if they fail the standard saving throw to stabilize on their own
turn). On a critical success, the target automatically stabilizes and may spend a
healing surge.
Failure: You provide no benefit. On a critical failure, the target suffers a critical hit equal to
their surge value.

First Aid (Extended action (5 minutes) * trained skill utility)

Target: You and your adjacent allies
Check: Heal (no DC)
Effect: You and your allies may each spend a healing surge; the party regains an additional
number of hit points equal to half the check result, distributed as you choose. On a
critical success, you or one ally may regain a single point of Vitality damage.
Special: If you perform First Aid during an extended rest, the party regains hit points equal to
twice the check result, instead.

Treat Disease or Poison (Daily extended action (1 hour) * trained skill utility)
Target: One diseased or poisoned creature
Check: Heal vs. the afflictions DC.
Success: The afflictions progression is halted for one day, and the target gains an additional
Endurance saving throw to shake off the affliction with a +2 teamwork bonus. On a
critical success, treat the affliction as if the target had automatically succeeded at an
additional Endurance saving throw.

Insight is used to read moods, sense motives, and gauge the truthfulness of statements. Your
Insight check also determines your Sense defense value; your Sense is equal to your Insight check
+ 10. Your Insight skill check is based on your Wisdom modifier.

Sense Motive (At-will minor action * basic skill utility)

Check: Insight check vs. 10 + the targets Bluff bonus.
Success: You gain an accurate read of the targets current motives and attitude.
Special: You may only perform this action once per encounter on a particular creature, unless
they perform an action that the DM deems provides new insight into their motivations.

Sense Influence (At-will minor action * basic skill utility)

Check: Insight vs. a DC of 15 + twice the Rank of the influencing effect.
Success: You notice that something about the target is off, and may use an Arcana, Religion or
Nature check to determine the source of the influence.
Special: You may only perform this action once per encounter on a particular creature, unless
they perform an action that the DM feels strongly suggests outside influence.

Detect Illusion (At-will minor action * basic skill saving throw)

Target: One perception that you believe to be an illusion.
Save: Insight vs. the illusions check result
Effect: The DM will compare your saving throw to the check value of any illusion you might be
perceiving; success allows you to accurately gauge whether what you are experiencing
is real, while critical success allows you to pierce the illusion and briefly glimpse what
is underneath.
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Nature is used to gather food and resources in the wilderness, identify and track animals, navigate
the wilds and avoid natural hazards. Barbarians use the Nature skill in conjunction with their access
to a primal power source to perform their magics.

Nature Lore (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)

Check: Nature vs. the obscurity of the information.
Success: You remember some particularly useful bit of lore or natural detail that is applicable to
the situation at hand.

Forage (Extended action (5 minutes) * trained skill utility)

Check: Nature (no DC).
Success: You gather enough food, water and other resources for one person to eat well for one
day. On an exceptional success, you find enough for five people. If you are searching
for specific ingredients or materials, the DM may assign a DC to the task based on the
rarity of what you're looking for within the area.

Perception is used to examine your surroundings, spot hidden things, and detect unusual sounds,
odors or tastes. Your Perception check also determines your Spot defense value; your Spot is equal
to your Perception check + 10. Your Perception skill check is based on your Wisdom modifier.

Search Area (At-will minor action * basic skill saving throw)

Target: One square within a distance of twice your Wisdom modifier that you can see.
Check: Perception vs. any Stealth check results or Spot DCs
Effect: You notice any hidden creature, item or detail within a number of squares around the
target square equal to your Wisdom modifier for which your saving throw exceeds that
details Spot DC or Stealth check value.

Religion is used to understand the nature of gods, religious ceremonies and rituals, and ethical
standards. Priests use the Religion skill in conjunction with their access to a divine power source to
work their miracles. Your Religion skill check is based on your Wisdom modifier.

Divine Lore (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)

Check: Religion vs. the obscurity of the information.
Success: You remember some particularly useful bit of lore or religious fact that is applicable to
the situation at hand.

Sense Alignment (At-will free action * basic skill utility)

Requirement: You must have succeeded on a Sense Motive check against the target earlier in this
encounter or scene.
Target: One creature (Religion vs. 10 + the targets Bluff skill)
Success: You gain an reasonably accurate read of the targets probable alignment.
Special: You may only perform this action once per encounter on any given creature unless
they perform an action that the DM deems provides new insight into their ethical

Break Curse (At-will minor action * trained skill saving throw)

Target: One curse or affliction that has been placed upon you or an adjacent ally.
Save: Religion vs. the curses check result
Success: You break the curse.
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Charisma Skills
Bluff is used to fast-talk, lie, cheat, or seduce. Your Bluff skill check is based on your Charisma

Create Diversion (At-will action * basic skill utility)

Target: One creature (Bluff vs. Sense)
Success: You manage to trick the opponent into paying attention to something else. You may
immediately choose to either gain combat advantage against that enemy until the end
of your next turn, or to immediately use the Stealth skill to attempt to hide from the
Special: Each time you attempt this during an encounter, you suffer a -5 cumulative penalty
for each time you have already attempted it.

Attempt to Deceive (At-will standard action * basic skill utility)

Effect: Describe how you attempt to deceive your target, then make a Bluff check vs. the
targets Sense defense. If you succeed, you manage to trick the opponent into
believing what you say.

Diplomacy is used to influence others with tact, etiquette, and social grace. You may make a
Diplomacy check to change peoples opinions, to negotiate a deal in good faith, to inspire goodwill,
or to haggle with a patron, or to comport yourself with etiquette and tact. Your Diplomacy skill
check is based on your Charisma modifier.

Haggle (Extended action (1 minute) * basic skill utility)

Target: One merchant (Diplomacy vs. Sense, +5 per 10% price adjustment)
Success: You may adjust the cost of one good you are selling or purchasing by the desired

Negotiate Surrender (At-will free interrupt * basic skill utility)

Target: One creature which would hit you or an ally with an attack (Diplomacy check vs. the
targets Sense)
Success: You may attempt to halt combat and negotiate the surrender of your allies.
Special: You may only perform this action vs. opponents who are intelligent and willing to
accept a surrender.

Influence (Extended action (variable) * basic skill utility)

Effect: Describe to the DM how you attempt to influence the target, then make a Diplomacy
check vs. the targets Sense. On a success, you influence the target into adopting a
desired attitude, belief or action.
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Intimidate is used to bully, frighten, or coerce others into doing your bidding. Your Intimidate skill
check is based on your Charisma modifier.

Intimidate (At-will minor action * basic skill utility)

Target: One creature (Intimidate vs. Will)
Success: You may mark the target, force the target to surrender if bloodied, or coerce the
target into taking some other action with the DMs approval. On a critical success, the
target becomes Dominated until the beginning of your next round if you are at least
one Rank higher than it.

Perform is used to sing, dance, act, or woo a crowd. Your Perform skill check is based on your
Charisma modifier.

Perform (Extended action or at-will standard action * basic skill utility)

Target: One crowd (Perform vs. highest Will)
Success: You influence the crowds mood favorably towards you and your allies.

Streetwise is used to find out social details about an location, including whos important, what
areas are dangerous, and where to acquire goods or services. Your Streetwise skill check is based
on your Charisma modifier.

Local Lore (Extended action (5 minutes) * trained skill knowledge)

Effect: Describe how you attempt to interact with the locals, then make a Streetwise
knowledge check vs. a DC determined by the DM. On a success, you find out some
particularly useful bit of lore or social detail that is applicable to the situation at hand.
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Other Traits
As described earlier, Initiative determines the order in which characters get their turn in combat. A
characters base Initiative bonus is equal to the higher of their Dexterity or Intelligence modifier.

At the beginning of each encounter, each character rolls a D20 and adds their Initiative bonus. This
determines the order that characters will act in for the remainder of the encounter, unless some
power or effect modifies a character's Initiative result later in the encounter.

Hit Points
Hit points represent a characters ability to withstand damage and keep fighting. A characters base
hit points are equal to twice their Constitution score, plus any points gained from their character
class. A character gains a certain number of hit points per level (including first level); these are
added to their base hit points to determine their total hit points.

Attacks which would harm your character are normally subtracted from your hit points. A character
who has lost half their total hit points is bloodied; certain actions and effects only affect a bloodied
character. Once your hit points are depleted, you are dying - a dying character must make an
Endurance save each turn to stabilize, with a DC equal to the amount of damage they have taken
in excess of their hit points.

While hit points represents a characters ability to withstand damage, vitality is a measure of a
characters actual health and survivability. Your character has a Vitality score equal to 5 + his
Constitution modifier. Critical hits, the dying condition, and certain particularly grievous attacks
cause damage to your Vitality.

Whenever your character (or any creature) suffers a critical hit, you automatically suffer one
point of vitality damage. If the critical hit deals more damage than your surge value, you lose an
additional point of vitality due to the severity of the wound. If the critical hit deals more damage
than your bloodied value, you lose yet a third point of vitality. Additionally, whenever you are
reduced to 0 hit points by an attack, you are dying, and must begin making Endurance saving
throws during each of you turns to attempt to stabilize; each failed saving throw causes you to lose
another point of vitality.

Healing Surges
Each point of vitality also provides you with one Healing Surge, which is an expendable resource
that represents your ability to push through pain and reinvigorate yourself to keep fighting. Various
feats allow you to spend a healing surge; when you do, you regain hit points equal to your Surge
Value, which is equal to half your bloodied value, rounded up. When you take Vitality damage, you
also automatically lose any healing surges in excess of your new Vitality, which you cannot recover
until the Vitality damage heals.

Whenever you take a Short Rest, you may choose to spend any number of healing surges,
regaining hit points equal to your surge value for each surge that you spend. If you have per-
encounter feats that allow you to regain additional hit points when you spend a healing surge, you
may use each of those feats once during the Short Rest.

Whenever you take an Extended Rest, you regain a number of hit points equal to your surge
value times your remaining healing surges, then regain 1 point of lost Vitality if you have taken any
35 of 202

Vitality damage. You then regain all healing surges up to your current Vitality.

Optional Rule - Lingering Wounds

Characters who want to play a more gritty game may utilize the following rule for detailed critical
hit damage: whenever a character suffers one or more points of Vitality damage due to a critical
hit, roll 1D20 + the amount of vitality damage lost to the hit, then subtracts the targets Fortitude
defense. Apply that status effect (if any) until all of the targets vitality damage is fully healed.

Roll Result Lingering Wound Effect

0 or lower No Effect
1 to 2 Cannot use main hand
3 to 4 Cannot use off hand
5 to 7 Slowed
8 to 9 Weakened
10 Deafened
11 Blinded
12 Dazed
13 or higher Stunned

Particularly gritty settings may wish to force players to make an Endurance roll during each
extended rest in order to regain a point of vitality; a failure means no vitality is regained during
that rest, while a critical success means two points are regained, and a critical failure means that
one Lingering Wound effect becomes a permanent affliction until healed with high-level magic. One
character may make a Heal check once per day to attempt to aid healing; if they succeed, one
additional point of vitality is healed, and on a critical success two additional points are regained. A
critical failure on this Heal roll should be treated as a critical hit from a weapon, inflicting damage
equal to the characters Surge Value.
36 of 202

Whenever a hostile action targets you, the attacker must make a check to see if the action affects
you. The DC for this action is called a defense, and is based on one of your skills or abilities.

Your AC defense is equal to your Reflex defense + your armors defensive value if you are wearing
light armor, or your Fortitude defense + your armors defense value if you are wearing heavy
armor. Most physical attacks, including basic melee and ranged attacks, target your AC.

Your Reflex defense is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier, and determines your ability to dodge
out of the way of attacks. Many magical attacks target your Reflex.

Your Fortitude defense is equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier, and determines your ability to
withstand heavy blows, poisons, diseases, and magics that directly affect your life-force. While
fewer attacks target your Fortitude than your Reflex, those that do can be much more dire.

Your Will defense is equal to 10 + your Wisdom modifier, and determines your ability to withstand
mental control, magical illusions, and psychic and morale attacks. Attacks that target Will tend to
manipulate your behavior and perception, causing you to do things that you may not otherwise
wish to do or forcing you to make choices that place you in great peril.

Finally, you have two additional defenses based on skills, which are used to determine whether
you can see past attempts at stealth, illusion or deceit. Your Spot defense is equal to 10 + your
Perception skill check modifier, and your Sense defense is equal to 10 + your Insight skill check
modifier. Many skill effects, such as Stealth and Bluff, target your Spot or Sense defense, and
these defenses determine how likely you are to notice particular features of any area that you are

In any situation where you need to defend yourself more fully, you may take a standard action to
enter the full defense stance. This increases all your defenses by +2 and allows you to catch your
breath - you may spend one of your healing surges to regain hit points.

Full Defense
At-Will Standard Action * Basic Stance
Effect: Until you end this stance, you gain a +2 stance bonus to all defenses. While
you are in this stance, you may expend the use of your racial or lowest-rank
encounter pool slot to spend a healing surge as a free action. You
automatically end this stance at the beginning of your next turn unless you
perform another standard action to maintain it. If you make any attack, you
automatically end this stance before making your attack roll.

Tools Commented [4]: ### WIP NOTES ###

Various tools may be purchased to aid in skill checks. Tools typically provide a +1 bonus to a
Magic Items:
particular skill check or set of skill checks; additionally, tools may reduce the difficulty level of a DC
by one level (from hard to moderate, for example). -Craft Masterwork Item (Martial)
-Imbue Primal Fetish (Primal)
-Infuse Magic Item (Arcane)
Special tools may be infused with magic to increase their effectiveness, and to give them additional -Consecrate Holy Relic (Divine)
magical properties. Additionally, masterwork tools may be purchased, which provides the same
Commented [5]: I would suggest that the Primal name
enhancements as magical weapons through mundane but highly advanced metallurgy and crafting could be 'Bind/Imbue Spiritual Item', to keep with the
techniques. Magic and Masterwork tools have a level rating, just like characters; they provide an general name thematic. having it just as Imbue Fetish
is a bit... odd-man-outish and rather specific.
enhancement bonus to all skill checks that utilize them. A magic or masterwork tools enhancement
bonus is equal to the tools level divided by 5 (round up). Commented [6]: Hrm. I was actually thinking of going
the *other* way. Let's try this.
37 of 202
38 of 202

In addition to your save-based defenses, which help you avoid attacks altogether, characters may
wear armor. Armor tends to be effective against physical blows, which include most weapon
attacks, many environmental effects, and certain magical assaults, but it tends to be worthless
against elemental and non-physical magics. Armor adds to your Armor defense, and reduces the
damage of attacks that target your Armor even if they hit. Each type of shield or armor other than
cloth requires proficiency to properly wear; without the proper proficiency, your character suffers a
-3 penalty to all attacks, all defenses, and all skill checks which are affected by armor.

Unarmored (Cloth)
Cloth isnt technically armor at all, but is simply clothing woven from light fabrics. While cloth
provides no mundane protection, all characters are capable of wearing it without penalty.

Light Armor
Light armor tends to be flexible, soft, and relatively silent. Your Armor defense when wearing light
armor is equal to your Reflex defense plus the armors bonus. There are two basic kinds of light

Leather armor is heavier than cloth, granting you an Armor defense equal to your Reflex +1.
Leather is not encumbering to those who are used to it, incurring no reflex or skill penalty.

Hide armor grants you an Armor defense equal to your Reflex +2. Hide is slightly
encumbering, applying a -1 penalty to your Reflex defense (this does not also reduce your
Armor defense), and to all skill checks that are affected by armor.

Heavy Armor
Heavy armor is made of metal, and tends to be heavy, encumbering, and somewhat loud when
moving about. All heavy armor reduces your characters speed by 1, reduces all bashing and
slashing weapon damage by half, and gives you an Armor defense based on your Fortitude instead
of Reflex. There are three basic kinds of heavy armor.

Chainmail consists of interwoven links of metal chains which deflect incoming blows.
Chainmail grants an Armor defense equal to your Fortitude +3, but incurs a -1 penalty to
Reflex and to to relevant skill checks.

Scale armor consists of interlocking bands of metal, strategically placed to maximize range of
motion. Scale armor grants an Armor defense equal to your Fortitude +4. Scale armor is
surprisingly easy to wear, incurring no Reflex or skill penalties to proficient characters.

Plate armor is a fully sculpted and articulated shell of steel that surrounds your character.
Plate armor grants an Armor defense equal to your Fortitude +5, but incurs a -2 penalty to
Reflex and to relevant skill checks.

Shields may be worn with armor to further defend against attacks. Shields add their bonus as a
cover bonus to your Armor and Reflex defenses, but do not reduce damage. There are two basic
kinds of shields.

Light Shields leave the hand free for non-weapon tasks, and grant a +1 to +2 cover bonus
while incurring a -0 to -1 penalty to relevant skill checks.

Heavy Shields require the use of the shield hand to support and direct the shield, but grant a
+3 to +5 cover bonus while incurring a -2 to -3 penalty to relevant skill checks.
39 of 202

Penetrating Armor
As effective as armor is, it does not make your character impervious. Magical and elemental
attacks ignore your armors damage reduction by targeting one of your non-armor defenses. Even
some physical attacks can get through - a critical hit bypasses armor completely, ignoring its
damage reduction and applying the maximum possible attack damage. Additionally, some weapons
have the Piercing or Bashing property, which causes them to ignore some or all of your armors
defense or damage reduction when dealing damage.

Like all tools, armor may be crafted as a masterwork or infused with magic to increase its
basic protection, and to give it additional magical properties. An enhanced armors
enhancement bonus is applied as a bonus both to Armor defense and its damage reduction.
40 of 202

Unless your character has access to magical powers, weapons are how you deal damage. There are
many different kinds of melee and ranged weapons. While most weapons require some amount of
training to use well, almost anyone can pick up a weapon and attempt to use it to deal damage to
another creature.

Weapons are divided into 12 categories, called weapon groups. Each group requires a certain
amount of training to use accurately; your training in a weapon group is called Proficiency. Like
skills, having proficiency in a weapon group grants you a +3 proficiency modifier when wielding a
weapon in that group. In addition to the 12 weapon categories, there are two unarmed
proficiencies, which represent training in bare-handed attacks.

Like all tools, weapons may be crafted as a masterwork or infused with magic to increase their
damage and accuracy, and to give them additional magical properties. An enhanced weapons
enhancement bonus is added to both the weapons attack and damage rolls.

Unarmed Attacks
Unarmed attacks deal damage at close range. If you are not wielding a weapon, you may still make
a basic unarmed attack, which deals 1D4+Strength modifier bashing damage. If you are not
proficient in Unarmed combat, your Unarmed attack modifier is simply equal to your Strength
modifier, while training allows you to use 3 + the higher of your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
Some weapons, such as fighting gauntlets, use the same essential proficiency as unarmed attacks.

Basic Unarmed Attack

At-Will Standard Action * Basic Melee Unarmed Attack
Target: One creature (Unarmed Proficiency vs. AC)
Hit: 1D4+Strength modifier damage.

Unarmed characters may also attempt to grab and hold other creatures. If you are not proficient in
Unarmed combat, your Grappling attack modifier is simply equal to your Strength modifier, while
training allows you to use 3 + the higher of your Strength or Constitution modifier. Some weapons,
such as razor harnesses, use the same essential proficiency as grapple attacks.

Grapple Attack
At-Will Standard Action * Melee Unarmed Attack
Target: One creature (Grapple Proficiency vs. AC)
Hit: The creature becomes grabbed.
41 of 202

Melee Weapons
Melee weapons deal damage at close range. Unless otherwise specified, melee weapon Proficiency
bonuses are based on your characters Strength modifier.

Basic Melee Weapon Attack

At-Will Standard Action * Basic Melee Weapon Attack
Target: One creature within reach of your weapon (Weapons Proficiency vs. AC)
Hit: [1W]+[melee bonus] modifier damage

Light Blades are small, one-handed melee weapons with a cutting edge. They are better suited for
finesse than brute strength; if you are not proficient in Light Blades, your Light Blades attack
modifier is simply equal to your Strength modifier, while training allows you to use 3 + the higher
of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. Some Light Blades can also be used as Light Thrown

Flails are flexible melee weapons, typically consisting of a weighted tip connected to a handle by a
rope or chain. If you are not proficient in Flails, your Flails attack modifier is simply equal to your
Strength modifier, while proficiency training allows you to use 3 + the higher of your Strength or
Dexterity modifier.

Axes are wide, cleaving bladed melee weapons designed for making large and deep wounds. Axes
always use your Strength modifier to determine attack rolls.

Heavy Blades are long, sharp bladed melee weapons such as heavy or two-handed swords. Heavy
Blades always use your Strength modifier to determine attack rolls.

Maces are weighted melee weapons that deal damage through blunt crushing force rather than
sharp edges. Some Maces can also be used as Heavy Thrown weapons. Maces always use your
Strength modifier to determine attack rolls.

Staves are long poles strengthened for melee fighting. Staves always use your Strength modifier
to determine attack rolls.

Spears are essentially light blades affixed to the ends of staves, giving them a longer reach and
better leverage for piercing armor. Spears always use your Strength modifier to determine attack

Polearms are essentially heavy blades, axes, spears or maces affixed to the ends of staves, giving
heavy weapons a longer reach and more momentum. Polearms always use your Strength modifier
to determine attack rolls. If you are proficient in a particular polearm weapon, you may use the
higher of your Polearms proficiency or your proficiency with the polearms other weapon group to
determine your attack roll with that weapon.
42 of 202

Ranged Weapons
Ranged weapons are used to make ranged weapon attacks. There are five categories of ranged
weapons; most use your Dexterity modifier to determine the attack roll and ranged damage bonus.

Thrown Weapons
Thrown weapons are held in the hand and flung at the enemy. Thrown weapons use your melee
damage bonus when determining damage.

Basic Range Weapon Attack

At-Will Standard Action * Basic Ranged Weapon Attack
Target: One creature within range of your thrown weapon (Weapons Proficiency vs.
Hit: [1W]+[melee bonus] modifier damage

Light Thrown weapons are anything small enough to be easily picked up and thrown at an
enemy. Some light melee weapons are also balanced to be used as light thrown weapons. Light
thrown weapons always use your Dexterity modifier to determine attack rolls, and use your melee
damage bonus to determine damage. Some weapons are light thrown weapons and fall under a
different weapon group, such as light blade; if you are proficient in a particular light thrown
weapon, you may use the higher of your Light Thrown proficiency or your proficiency with the
weapons other weapon group to determine your attack roll with that weapon.

Heavy Thrown weapons are anything heavier than a Light Thrown weapon that can be thrown at
an enemy with sufficient force to deal damage. Some one-handed melee weapons are also
balanced to be used as heavy thrown weapons. Heavy thrown weapons always use your Strength
modifier to determine attack rolls, and use your melee damage bonus to determine damage. Some
heavy thrown weapons fall under a melee weapon group as well; if you are proficient in a particular
heavy thrown weapon, you may use the higher of your Heavy Thrown proficiency or your
proficiency with the weapons melee weapon group to determine your attack roll with that weapon.

Projectile Weapons
Projectile weapons fire ammunition at a target at high speed; all use your Dexterity modifier to
determine the attack roll and ranged damage bonus.

Basic Range Weapon Attack

At-Will Standard Action * Basic Ranged Weapon Attack
Target: One creature within range of your weapon (Weapons Proficiency vs. AC)
Hit: [1W]+[ranged bonus] modifier damage

Slings are ranged weapons which use tension or twirling force to accelerate a small pellet or rock
to high speed, flinging it at a target far harder and faster than a bare arm could manage. Slings
always use your Dexterity modifier to determine attack rolls.

Bows are ranged weapons that use a flexing wooden shaft and taut string to fire arrows into a
target at great speed. Bows are martial weapons, and hence take a reasonable amount of training
to master. Bows always use your Dexterity modifier to determine attack rolls.

Crossbows are ranged weapons that use tension to fire a small sharpened bolt into a target at
great speed. Crossbows are simpler to learn to use than bows, but typically take more effort to
reload and deliver their projectiles with slightly less force and accuracy. Crossbows always use your
Dexterity modifier to determine attack rolls.
43 of 202
44 of 202

Weapon Properties
Weapons have several properties, which adjust how they operate in combat.

One-handed weapons may be wielded in one hand, leaving the other hand free to hold another weapon, a
shield, or other items.

Off-hand weapons may be wielded in your off hand while your main hand wields another one-handed

Versatile weapons are one-handed weapons that may optionally be wielded in two hands. When wielded in
two hands, they gain a +1 bonus to damage, and gain all the benefits of two-handed weapons. Small
characters must wield versatile weapons in both hands, and gain no bonus for doing so.

Two-handed weapons require both hands to use, but typically do more damage than one-handed weapons.
Two-handed weapons may not be wielded by small characters.

Small weapons are two-handed weapons that may be wielded by small characters. They must be wielded in
both hands regardless of the characters size.

Piercing and Bashing weapons more easily penetrate armor, ignoring some or all of the armor's damage
reduction if they hit. Piercing weapons ignore all armor-based damage reduction completely, while the
damage of Bashing weapons cannot be reduced below your Strength modifier by armor.

Rapid weapons are fast-firing ranged weapons; you may make a basic ranged attack with a rapid weapon as
a minor action. Weapon attack feats which normally take a move or standard action gain no benefit from the
rapid property unless the feat explicitly says so.

Load time is the type of action required to reload a ranged weapon. Most ranged weapons must be reloaded
after each shot. Weapons with the load free property may be reloaded as a free action; weapons with the
load minor property may be reloaded as a minor action. Some more complicated weapons might even have
the load move, load standard or load extended property, respectively taking a move action, standard
action, or extended action to reload.

Accuracy is how easy it is to hit with the weapon. Some weapons, such as daggers and swords, grant a +1
accuracy bonus to all attack rolls made with that weapon.

Range is how far the weapon can successfully deal damage. Melee weapons either have no range, or have a
reach value, which is the number of squares away that you can attack when wielding the weapon. Ranged
weapons have two values, a short range and a maximum range. Within short range, you may attack without
penalty; attacking past short range but within maximum range incurs a -2 penalty to your attack roll.

Damage is the amount and type of dice to roll to determine the weapons damage if it hits. Melee weapons
typically add your Strength modifier to this value to determine total damage, while ranged weapons typically
add your Dexterity modifier to this value to determine total damage.
45 of 202

Weapons Table
Melee Weapons
Weapon Group Accuracy Damage Range Cost Other Properties
Sap Mace +0 vs. Reflex
1D4 Bashing -
1gp Off-Hand, Light Thrown
Club Mace +0 vs. Reflex
1D6 Bashing -
1gp Versatile

Hammer Mace +0 vs. Reflex

1D6 Bashing -
5gp One-Handed
Warhammer Mace +0 vs.
Reflex 1D8 Bashing -
10gp Versatile
Maul Mace +0 vs. Reflex
1D10 Bashing -
15gp Two-Handed
Footmans Maul Mace -1 vs. Reflex 1D10 Bashing Reach +1 30gp Two-Handed, Polearm

War Pick Mace +1 vs. Reflex

1D4 Bash/Pierce -
10gp One-Handed
Mace Mace +0 vs. Reflex
1D6 Bash/Pierce -
15gp Versatile
Morningstar Mace +0 vs.
Reflex 1D8 Bash/Pierce -
25gp Two-Handed

Whip Flail +1 vs. Reflex

1D4 Bashing +1
Reach 5gp Off-Hand
Net Flail +0 vs. Reflex
1D4 Bashing 2/5
10gp Off-Hand, Heavy
Bola Flail +1 vs. Reflex
1D4 Bashing 5/10
5gp One-Handed, Lt Thrown
Chain Flail +0 vs. Armor
1D6 Slashing +1
Reach 15gp Two-Handed

Flail Flail +0 vs. Reflex

1D8 Bashing -
15gp Versatile
Heavy Flail Flail +0 vs.
Reflex 1D10 Bashing -
20gp Two-Handed

Dagger Light Blade +1 vs.

Armor 1D4 Slashing 5/10
1gp Off-Hand, Light Thrown
Katar Light Blade +1 vs.
Armor 1D4 Piercing -
10gp Off-Hand
Rapier Light Blade +2 vs.
Armor 1D6 Piercing -
20gp One-Handed
Scimitar Light Blade +1 vs.
Armor 1D6 Slashing -
10gp Off-Hand
46 of 202

Shortsword Heavy Blade

+1 vs. Armor 1D6
Slashing - 10gp Off-
Longsword Heavy Blade
+1 vs. Armor 1D8
Slashing - 15gp Versatile
Broadsword Heavy Blade
+0 vs. Armor 1D10
Slashing - 20gp Versatile
Greatsword Heavy Blade
+1 vs. Armor 1D12
Slashing - 25gp Two-
Glaive Heavy Blade +0 vs.
Armor 1D12 Slashing Reach
+1 30gp Two-Handed,

Sickle Scythe +0 vs. Armor

1D6 Slashing -
2gp Off-Hand
Boomerang Scythe +0 vs.
Armor 1D4 Slashing 5/10
2gp Off-Hand, Light Thrown
Scythe Scythe +0 vs. Armor
1D8 Slashing -
5gp Two-Handed

Hand Axe Axe +0 vs.

Armor 1D8 Slashing 5/10
10gp Off-Hand, Heavy
Battleaxe Axe +0 vs.
Armor 1D10 Slashing -
20gp Versatile
Greataxe Axe +0 vs.
Armor 2D6 Slashing -
25gp Two-Handed
Halberd Axe -1 vs. Armor
2D6 Slashing Reach
+1 30gp Two-Handed,

Javelin Spear +0 vs. Armor

1D6 Piercing 10/20
5gp One-Handed, Hv Thrown
Shortspear Spear +1 vs.
Armor 1D6 Piercing -
10gp Versatile
Longspear Spear +1 vs.
Armor 1D8 Piercing Reach
+1 10gp Two-Handed,
Quarterstaff Staff +0 vs. Reflex 1D4 Bashing +1 Reach 5gp Versatile, Polearm
47 of 202

Ranged Weapons
Weapon Group Accuracy Damage Range Cost Other Properties
Improvised Light Thrown
+0 vs. Reflex 1D4
Bashing 5/10 - One-
Improvised Heavy Thrown
+0 vs. Reflex 1D6
Bashing 2/5 - Two-
Sling Light Thrown +1 vs.
Reflex 1D4 Bashing 10/20
1gp One-Handed, Load free

Atlatal Heavy Thrown +1

[1W]+1 15/30 2gp
Load minor*, Spear
Dart/Shuriken Light Thrown
+1 vs. Armor 1D4
Piercing 7/15 2sp Off-
Hand, Rapid
Caltrops Light Thrown +0 vs.
Armor 1D4 Piercing 1/2;
cone 2 1gp Off-Hand
Bomb Light Thrown +0
Per Ammunition 5/10
5gp Off-Hand

Hand Crossbow Crossbow

+0 vs. Armor 1D6
Piercing 10/20 25gp One-
Handed, Load minor
Crossbow Crossbow
+0 vs. Armor 1D8
Piercing 15/30 25gp Two-
Handed, Load minor
Hvy Crossbow Crossbow
+0 vs. Armor 1D10
Piercing 20/40 35gp Two-
Handed, Load move
Siege Crossbow Crossbow
+1 vs. Armor 1D12
Piercing 25/50 50gp Two-
Handed, Load std.
Repeating Cb. Crossbow
+0 vs. Armor 1D6
Piercing 15/30 60gp Two-
Handed, Rapid,
Load minor(10)

Shortbow Bow +1 vs.

Armor 1D8 Piercing 15/30
25gp Two-Handed,
Load free*
LongbowBow +1 vs. Armor
1D10 Piercing 20/40
30gp Two-Handed,
Load free*
Greatbow Bow +1 vs.
Armor 1D12 Piercing 25/50
35gp Two-Handed,
Load free*
*Custom ammunition might provide additional damage or properties.
48 of 202

Ranged Weapon Ammunition

When firing a ranged weapon, the following ammunition types are available. Using special ammunition might
adjust the range, accuracy, damage, or load rate of the weapon; unless the property listed says per weapon,
replace that property with the one given for the ammunition type being used.

Ammunition Group Accuracy Damage Range Cost Other Properties

Bodkin Bow +1 vs. Armor
[1W] Piercing per
weapon 5cp load free
Broadhead Bow +1 vs.
Armor [1W]+2 Slashing per
weapon 5cp load free
Flaming Arrow Bow +0 vs.
Armor [1W] Fire -5/-10
1sp load minor
Bomb Arrow Bow -1 vs.
Armor per bomb -5/-10
5gp load standard

Tanglefoot Bomb +0 none; immobilized 5/10; burst 1 5gp Off-Hand

Slipgrease Bomb +0
none; slowed/prone
5/10; burst 2 5gp
Glitterdust Bomb +0
none; cannot hide
5/10; burst 2 5gp
Thunderstone Bomb +0
2 thunder; dazed 5/10;
burst 1 5gp Off-Hand
Acid Bomb +0 5 acid; -
2 to defenses 5/10; burst 1
5gp Off-Hand
Smoke Bomb +0 area
grants concealment 5/10;
burst 3 5gp Off-Hand

Armor Table
Armor Defense Damage Check Speed Cost Other Properties
Cloth Reflex+0 None
-0 -0 1gp No
proficiency needed
Leather Reflex+1 None
-0 -0 25gp Light
Hide Reflex+2 None
-1 -0 30gp Light

Chain Fortitude+3 Half

-1 -1 40gp Heavy
Scale Fortitude+4 Half
-0 -1 50gp Heavy
Plate Fortitude+5 Half
-2 -1 75gp Heavy

Buckler +1 cover bonus to

defenses -0 -0 5gp
Light Shield
Light Shield +2 cover bonus
49 of 202

to defenses -1 -0
10gp Light Shield

Heavy Shield +3 cover bonus

to defenses -2 -0
20gp Heavy Shield
Tower Shield +5 cover bonus
to defenses -3 -1
35gp Heavy Shield
Note: When in Full Defense stance, the Tower Shield provides full cover
vs. all enemies that you are not granting combat advantage.
50 of 202

Making a Hero
In this game, you play a heroic adventurer who goes on quests, explores dungeonsdungeouns and
ancient ruins, fights monsters, rescues the helpless and discovers treasure. Heroes have several
traits in addition to the ones listed above, which help define in game-terms what makes them
special and unique.

Character Class
Heroes and villains have a defining trait called their class, which is a classification of their
character archetype that quickly descibes what kind of adventurer they are. A character usually
only has one class, but some adventurers are harder to classify. There are five basic classes.

The Fighter is a trained warrior, his body and mind honed for battle. All fighters must train in
Endurance and Athletics to withstand the rigours of combat, and gain proficiency with all simple
and martial melee weapons, as well as all simple ranged weapons. All fighters are proficient in
armor up to chainmail, although some of them prefer less encumbering fare.

The Rogue is a skilled expert, living by his wits and always looking for an opportunity to use his
knowledge and cunning to his advantage. All rogues train in Bluff and Stealth, finding it easier to
stay out of sight and talk their way out of trouble than to plow through like a rampaging ox.
Rogues gain proficiency in simple melee and ranged weapons, as well as leather armor - anything
heavier tends to cramp their style.

The Barbarian is a hardy survivalist, in tune with the primal world of nature. All barbarians train in
Nature and Perception, keeping their eyes and ears open to the heartbeat of the world around
them. Barbarians gain proficiency in simple melee and ranged weapons, as well as leather and hide
armor - the mining and metalcraft necessary to forge heavier armors is often seen as too
disruptive to the natural balance.

The Wizard is a learned scholar or mad experimenter, dabbling with the fundamental forces of
reality. All Wizards train in Craft and Arcana, finding a detailed understanding of how the world
works to be a necessary step in bending those laws to their bidding. Wizards gain proficiency in
simple light blades and staves, the most common tools of their work - their studies leave them
little time for more martial pursuits.

The Priest is a devout follower of a religious faith, calling on their deities to grant them favor and
perform miracles. All priests train in Religion and History, to understand the role that their deity
expects them to fulfill in the world. Priests gain proficiency in all simple melee and ranged
weapons, as well as armor up to chainmail - faith can only turn aside so many greivous blows.

Multi-Class Characters
If you feel like your idea for a character falls between two or more of these five basic archetypes,
thats okay - you can create what is called a multi-class character, blending different aspects of two
or more class to create a character that is truly unique.
51 of 202

Character Level
Heroes and villains also have a trait called their level, which is a general sense of how
experienced and powerful they are. When you create a character, you will create them at first level
unless the DM says otherwise - this represents a hero who has one or two adventures under their
belt, but who is still relatively inexperienced and unknown, setting out to make their mark on the
52 of 202

Beyond ones class and level, there are several other traits that come together to define your
character. Heroes gain various heroic abilities called feats, that they may use to help them survive
adventures. Feats come in four categories, determined by how often you can use them.

Training Feats
Training feats are permanent modifications to your characters capabilities, which do not require
any sort of action to utilize. Training feats represent specific areas of expertise that you may learn
as you advance in level. At first level, each character may choose one training feat that they qualify
for. At each odd level thereafter, they may choose an additional training feat.

Racial Feat Training

Prerequisite: None
You gain an additional racial per-encounter feat of your choice from your race.

Skill Training/Weapon Training

Prerequisite: None
You gain Training in one skill or weapon group of your choice. You gain a +3 proficiency bonus for skill checks
made with that skill or attack rolls made with simple weapons of that weapon group.

Skill Expertise
Prerequisite: Training in a skill.
You gain Expert training in one skill that you have a proficiency bonus for. When you make an extended skill
check with that skill, you may choose for that action to take half the listed amount of time to perform, or you
may choose to treat your check value for that extended action as if you had rolled a 10, instead of rolling. You
may choose to take ten times the normal amount of time required to perform the extended action to gain a
+10 care bonus to the check value.

Weapon Expertise
Prerequisite: Training in a weapon group.
You gain Expert training with weapons in that weapon group. If you are wielding a weapon in that weapon
group and are proficient in that weapon, you gain a proficiency bonus to all damage rolls with that weapon.
The bonus is based on your character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 16-20: +4
Level 6-10: +2 Level 21-25: +5
Level 11-15: +3 Level 26-30: +6

Skill Specialization/Weapon Specialization

Prerequisite: Training in a skill or weapon group.
You gain additional proficiency with one skill or weapon group. Your proficiency bonus for that skill or weapon
group is based on your character level.
Level 1-5: +4 Level 16-20: +7
Level 6-10: +5 Level 21-25: +8
Level 11-15: +6 Level 26-30: +9

Prerequisite: Constitution 15
You gain a +1 feat bonus to HP/level.
53 of 202

At-Will Feats
At-will feats may be used as many times as you wish, so long as you fulfill all the criteria necessary
for using them. All characters gain two class-based at-will feats at level 1, and then gain an
additional at-will feat at every even level.

Per-Encounter Feats
Per-encounter feats are somewhat draining to use, and thus may typically only be used once per
encounter. All characters gain one or two per-encounter feats at level 1 from their character class, Commented [7]: How is this possible?
and then gain an additional per-encounter feat at every odd level. Characters additionally gain one Commented [8]: Overall does not make it sound like
racial per-encounter feat, depending on their race, but may exchange that feat for a third per- they can choose racial rank 1 feats, or whether they get
encounter feat from their character class if they choose one of their races favored classes. A an additional per-encounter feat at first level.
character gains a new per-encounter feat from their character class at every odd level; characters Commented [9]: right, sorry. I misunderstood your
who choose their races favored class may choose racial per-encounter feats as if they were class question.

Per-encounter feats are organized into Ranks, which are a tier-based ranking of their power or
versatility. At first level, you may only choose Rank 1 per-encounter feats, unless a specific Class
Feature or feat allows you to take a higher-ranked feat. At each odd level, the maximum Rank of
per-encounter feats that you may learn and perform goes up by one.

Encounter Pool
Most per-encounter feats represent some kind of power pool (whether it be fatigue, mana,
spiritual energy or divine favor) that you can expend to fuel your more impressive actions. As you
perform your per-encounter feats, that pool empties. Each slot in this encounter pool has an
associated rank - at first level, you have two Rank 1 encounter pool slots, and you gain a new
encounter pool slot at one higher rank each odd level. Since all per-encounter feats use the same
power bar, you may expend a point from your power pool to perform any per-encounter feat that
you know of that pool slots rank or lower.

Whenever your character has the ability to take a Short Rest (a break from battle lasting at least
5 minutes), you regain the use of all encounter pool slots.

Daily Powers
Daily Powers are even more draining to use than per-encounter feats, taking several hours of
preparation or recuperation before they are available. Many magic-based character classes may
choose to gain a single daily power slot at level 1, 5, or 9 by sacrificing their lowest-rank encounter
pool slot. Like per-encounter feats, all daily powers share a common pool; you have one to three
uses of your daily powers per day, depending on your level. Unlike your encounter pool, however,
all daily power pool slots have the same rank - any of your daily power pool slots may be expended
to perform any daily power that you know of up to your rank + 1.

Thus, daily powers allow you to access feats of one rank higher than if you chose them as per-
encounter feats - at level 1, your daily powers will allow you to learn and perform Rank 2 feats,
while at level 5 your daily powers will allow you to learn and perform Rank 4 feats, and at level 9
your daily powers will allow you to learn and perform Rank 6 feats.

Whenever your character has the ability to take an Extended Rest (a break from battle lasting at
least 8 hours), you regain the use of all daily power and encounter pool slots, in addition to
regaining all healing surges and hit points, and healing one point of vitality damage.
54 of 202
55 of 202

Basic and Class Feats

At-Will Feats, Per-Encounter Feats and Daily Powers come in six flavors, based on their power
source. If you know feats from multiple classes, you may use them interchangeably, spending
power-pool slots as if they were any kind of resource; the resource names are mostly for flavor.

Maneuvers are Martial feats, gained from any of the Fighter class roles. They typically exploit your
weapon proficiencies in some way. The encounter power pool resource for Martial characters is
called fatigue.

Tricks are Cunning feats, gained from any of the Rogue class roles. They typically exploit your
trained skills in some way. The encounter power pool resource for Cunning characters is called

Trances are Primal feats, gained from any of the Barbarian class roles. They typically exploit your
connection to the primal spirits of nature, or particular primal knowledge represented by the Nature
skill. The encounter and daily power pool resource for Primal characters is called mana or favor,
depending on your outlook.

Spells are Arcane feats, gained from any of the Wizard class roles. They typically exploit your
learned understanding of or intuitive connection to the fundamental laws and forces of reality, or
particular arcane knowledge represented by the Arcana skill. The encounter and daily power pool
resource for Arcane characters is called mana or qi, depending on your outlook.

Prayers are Divine feats, gained from any of the Priest class roles. They typically exploit your
devotion to a particular deity or faith, or particular divine knowledge represented by the Religion
skill. The encounter and daily power pool resource for Divine characters is called mana or
favor, depending on your outlook.
56 of 202

The world is populated by a vast diversity of societies and cultures. While some of these are
human, others are made up of fantastic races such as elves, dwarves and even stranger folk.

Racial Properties
Your choice of a character race provides you with a unique set of advantages and special abilities
which help to define your character.

Not all creatures are native to the material world, and not all material creatures are strictly natural.
In this world, a creatures origin can affect what sorts of magic and supernatural powers affect it.

Natural creatures are descended from normal, physical beings.

Fey creatures are descended from beings native to the feywild, a parallel plane of existence
where arcane and primal magics are much more potent.

Elemental creatures are descended from beings native to the elemental planes, roiling vistas
of chaos constructed from the raw building blocks of matter: earth, water, air and fire. While
the sages believe there were originally five elements, the fifth element of wood has been
almost entirely subsumed by the feywild.

Immortal creatures are descended from beings native to the astral sea, a shining expanse
that houses the gods and their servants.

Infernal creatures are descended from demons, great elementally-infused descendents (or
some say originators) of the immortal races.

Draconic creatures are descended from dragons, great elementally-infused reptilian monsters
which ruled the earth before the coming of mankind, and which still rule from kingdoms and
lairs in the unexplored corners of the world.

Most creatures have a speed rating, which is how many squares they may move per move action.
Some creatures have additional forms of movement, such as a swim or fly speed. Such creatures
may use the additional movement mode without difficulty, moving their full amount without the
need for an Athletics check.

Racial Encounter Feats and Favored Classes

Each creature may also gain a racial encounter feat, which is a per-encounter feat that they may
use alongside their class feats. Each creature has a single encounter power pool point that may
only be used for their racial power, unless they have encounter powers from a favored class. Each
race has several options; when you choose your race, you may choose any one of these options as
your racial encounter feat.

Most creatures favor one of the five basic classes - Martial, Cunning, Primal, Arcane, or Divine.
Human beings (and by inheritance, half-elves) are unique in that their innate versatility allows
them to favor any class. If you choose a class that your race favors, you may choose a third Rank
1 encounter feat from your class as if it was a racial encounter feat, and your racial encounter pool
slott counts as a third rank 1 encounter pool slot - you effectively have three rank 1 encounter pool
slots instead of two rank one slots and one racial slot.

Racial Proficiencies
Each race has a list of skill or weapon proficiencies that you may gain training in. You may choose
one of the skills listed and gain training in that skill, or may choose one of the weapon or armor
proficiency option listed and gain its benefits.
57 of 202

Character and monster races come in six different sizes: tiny, small, medium, large, huge, and
colossal. Your size affects your reflex and fortitude defenses and what weapons you can wield.

Tiny creatures are less than two feet tall and weigh less than 10 lbs. A tiny creature suffers a
-2 size penalty to fortitude and takes double damage from all weapon attacks. On the other
hand, a tiny creature gains a +2 size bonus to their reflex and AC defenses and a +2 size
bonus to all weapon attack rolls. Tiny creatures must wield weapons which are specifically
sized to fit them; this effect reduces the size of each of their weapons dice by one die level
(D12 to D10, D10 to D8, D8 to D6, D6 to D4, D4 to 1 damage point per die) and reduces their
weapons reach by one - weapons without the reach property may only be used to attack the
same square that the tiny creature is in. A tiny creature may occupy the same square as
another creature, regardless of the other creatures size.

Small creatures are between two and four feet tall and weigh between 10 and 50 lbs. A small
creature takes an additional 50% damage from all weapon attacks and suffers a -1 size
penalty to fortitude. They gain a +1 size bonus to their reflex and AC defenses vs. non-area
attacks and a +1 size bonus to all weapon attack rolls. Small creatures must wield versatile
weapons as if they were two-handed weapons without the versatile quality, and cannot wield
two-handed weapons that do not have the small property. Up to two small creatures may
easily occupy the same space, but a small creature may not occupy the space of a medium or
larger creature without squeezing to fit.

Medium creatures are between four and eight feet tall and weigh between 50 and 400 lbs.
Most of the world is built to the scale of medium creatures; a medium creature gains no
benefits or penalties. Only one medium creature may occupy a single space without difficulty.

Large creatures are between eight and twelve feet tall and weigh between 400 and 2000 lbs.
A Large creature takes two thirds damage from all weapon attacks, and gains a +1 size bonus
to fortitude. It suffers a -1 size penalty to their reflex and AC defenses and a -1 size penalty to
all weapon attack rolls. Large creatures must wield weapons which are specifically sized to fit
them; this effect increases the size of each of their weapons dice by one die level (D4 to D6,
D6 to D8, D8 to D10, D10 to 2D6, D12 to 2D8) and increases their weapons reach by 1 -
weapons without the reach property gain reach 1. Large creatures occupy a 2x2 square space.

Huge creatures are between twelve and twenty feet tall and weigh between 2000 and 10,000
lbs. A Huge creature takes half damage from all weapon attacks, and gains a +2 size bonus to
fortitude. It suffers a -2 size penalty to their reflex and AC defenses and a -2 size penalty to
all weapon attack rolls. Huge creatures must wield weapons which are specifically sized to fit
them; this doubles their weapons damage and reach - weapons without the reach property
gain reach 1. Huge creatures occupy a 3x3 square space.

Colossal creatures are over 20 feet tall and weigh several tons. A Colossal creature takes one
third damage from all weapon attacks and gains a +5 size bonus to fortitude. It suffers at a -5
size penalty to their reflex and AC defenses and all weapon attack rolls. Colossal creatures
must wield weapons which are specifically sized to fit them; this triples their weapons damage
and reach - weapons without the reach property gain reach 2. Colossal creatures occupy a 4x4
square space or more.
58 of 202

Defense Bonuses
Most races provide a +1 racial bonus to one or more defenses. All races except for humans must
choose a single defense to gain a +1 bonus to; humans gain a +1 racial bonus to each non-armor
defense. Some races do not gain bonuses to defenses, but instead gain resistance to a particular
type of damage or effect.

Ability Bonuses
Once you have chosen your race, look at the racial ability bonuses. Each race has one ability that
gains a +2 racial bonus, and a choice of one of two other abilities that receives a +2 bonus. Unless
your racial choice specifies otherwise, these bonuses may increase your ability score beyond 18, to
a maximum of 20.

After you have adjusted your abilities, note your ability scores. If your Dexterity score is 15 or
higher, you may choose one weapon group of your choice, and gain simple and martial proficiency
in that group. If your Intelligence score is 15 or higher, you may choose one Skill of your choice,
and gain training in it. Even if you qualify for more than one of these options, you may only choose
a single Skill or Proficiency. This Skill or Proficiency is in addition to the Skill and Proficiency
training that you gain from your race and character class.

Each character knows one native language based on their race, and an additional number of
languages equal to their Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). It is a good idea for the players to get
together before play begins and agree upon a single language that every character in their party
will know.
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Natural Races
60 of 202

Origin: Natural
Size: Medium humanoid
Speed: 6
Defense Bonuses: +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and Will.
Ability Bonuses: +2 to any two different scores that are 16 or lower.
Proficiency Bonus: You gain one additional trained skill or martial proficiency of your choice.
Language: Common
Favored Class: Any, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Heroic Effort
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Basic Human Racial Utility
Trigger: You would miss with a Skill check, attack roll, or saving throw.
Effect: You gain a +4 racial bonus to the roll.

Human Teamwork
Per-encounter Minor Action * Basic Human Racial Utility
Target: You or one ally within 5 squares.
Effect: Choose one: The target may make a saving throw, shift 2 squares as a free
action, or gain a +2 racial bonus to his next attack roll or skill check before the
end of his next turn.
61 of 202

Origin: Natural
Size: Medium humanoid
Speed: 5. You all ignore armor penalties to speed.
Defense Bonuses: You gain resist poison equal to 5 + your level.
Ability Bonuses: +2 Constitution; +2 Strength or Wisdom
Proficiency Bonus: Craft or Endurance skill, or gain martial proficiency with maces.
Language: Dwarven
Favored Class: Martial , or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Dwarven Resilience
Per-encounter Minor Action * Martial Dwarven Racial Stance
Effect: You gain a +2 stance bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn or
until you make an attack, and may spend a healing surge. If you are affected
by a poison effect that a save could end or that would end at the end of your
next turn, that effect ends immediately.

Stones Endurance
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Martial Dwarven Racial Healing Utility
Trigger: You would be damaged by an attack
Effect: You gain resistance to all damage equal to your Constitution modifier until the
end of your next turn, and may spend a healing surge.

Dwarven Muscle
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Martial Dwarven Racial Healing Utility
Trigger: You hit with a weapon attack
Effect: You gain a racial bonus to damage equal to your Strength modifier plus your
Constitution modifier.
62 of 202

Origin: Natural. You may choose feats that have human or elf as racial prerequisites.
Size: Medium humanoid
Base Hit Points: twice Constitution score (D4)
Speed: 6
Defense Bonuses: +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex or Will
Ability Bonus: +2 Charisma; +2 to one other score that is 16 or lower.
Proficiency Bonus: Diplomacy or Insight, or martial proficiency with one weapon group of your choice.
Language: Common or Sylvan
Favored Class: Any, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Human Teamwork
Per-encounter Minor Action * Basic Human Racial Utility
Target: You or one ally within 5 squares.
Effect: Choose one: The target may make a saving throw, shift 2 squares as a free
action, or gain a +2 racial bonus to his next attack roll or skill check before the
end of his next turn.

Half-Elven Insight
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Basic Half-Elven Racial Utility
Trigger: You or an ally within 5 squares makes a Diplomacy or Insight check or saving
throw and dislikes the result.
Effect: You may re-roll the check or saving throw and choose the higher result.

Elven Accuracy
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Primal Elven Racial Utility
Trigger: You make an attack roll and dislike the result.
Effect: You may re-roll the attack and choose the higher result.
63 of 202

Origin: Natural
Size: Small humanoid
Speed: 6
Defense Bonuses: +1 racial bonus to Reflex.
Ability Bonus: +2 Dexterity; +2 Charisma or Constitution
Proficiency Bonus: Acrobatics or Thievery, or simple proficiency with light and heavy thrown weapons.
Language: Common
Favored Class: Cunning, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Quick Dodge
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Cunning Halfling Racial Utility
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: The attacker must re-roll the attack and take the lower result.

Innocent Guile
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Cunning Halfling Racial Utility
Trigger: You make a Bluff, Diplomacy, Perform, Perception or Insight skill check or
saving throw and dislike the result.
Effect: Re-roll the skill check or saving throw and choose the higher result.

Rustic Hardiness
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Cunning Halfling Racial Utility
Trigger: You make an Athletics, Acrobatics, Endurance, Stealth or Thievery skill check
or saving throw and dislike the result.
Effect: Re-roll the skill check or saving throw and choose the higher result.
64 of 202

Fey Races
65 of 202

Origin: Fey
Size: Medium humanoid
Speed: 7. You ignore difficult terrain when shifting.
Defense Bonuses: +1 racial bonus to Will.
Ability Bonus: +2 Dexterity; +2 Wisdom or Intelligence
Proficiency Bonus: Nature or Perception, or martial proficiency with bows.
Language: Sylvan
Favored Class: Primal, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Elven Accuracy
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Primal Elven Racial Utility
Trigger: You make an attack roll and dislike the result.
Effect: You may re-roll the attack and choose the higher roll.

Break Enchantment
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Primal Elven Racial Utility
Trigger: You are hit by a charm or sleep effect.
Effect: You gain a +5 racial bonus to all defenses against sleep and charm effects
until the end of the encounter. The attacker must re-roll the attack roll and
take the lower result.
66 of 202

Origin: Fey
Size: Medium humanoid
Speed: 6
Defense Bonuses: +1 racial bonus to Will.
Ability Bonus: +2 Intelligence; +2 Charisma or Dexterity
Proficiency Bonus: Arcana or History, or martial proficiency with heavy blades.
Language: Sylvan
Favored Class: Arcane, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Beguiling Charm
Per-encounter Standard Action * Primal Elven Racial Attack
Target: One creature within 5 squares that can see and hear you (Bluff vs. Will)
Hit: The target becomes Dominated until the beginning of your next turn.

Break Enchantment
Per-encounter Free Reaction * Primal Elven Racial Utility
Trigger: You are hit by a charm or sleep effect.
Effect: You gain a +5 racial bonus to all defenses against sleep and charm effects
until the end of the encounter. The attacker must re-roll the attack roll and
take the lower result.

Fey Step
Per-encounter Move Action * Arcane Eladrin Racial Utility
Effect: You teleport 5 squares.
67 of 202

Origin: Fey
Size: Small humanoid
Speed: 5
Defense Bonuses: +1 racial bonus to Reflex or Will
Ability Bonus: +2 Intelligence; +2 Charisma or Dexterity
Proficiency Bonus: Arcana or Stealth, or expert training in one of your trained skills.
Language: Sylvan
Favored Class: Arcane, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Fey Blink
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Arcane Gnome Racial Utility
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: The attacker must re-roll the attack and take the lower result.

Fey Step
Per-encounter Move Action * Arcane Eladrin Racial Utility
Effect: You teleport 5 squares.

Fade Away
Per-encounter Minor Action * Arcane Gnome Racial Utility
Effect: You become invisible until the end of your next turn or you make an attack.
68 of 202

Origin: Fey
Size: Tiny humanoid
Speed: 2. You have a Fly speed of 5, but must land at the end of each of your turns.
Defense Bonuses: +1 racial bonus to Will
Ability Bonus: +2 Intelligence; +2 Charisma or Dexterity
Proficiency Bonus: Arcana or Insight, or martial proficiency with spears and polearms.
Language: Sylvan
Favored Class: Arcane, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Pixie Dust
Per-encounter Minor Action * Arcane Pixie Racial Utility
Effect: One adjacent ally gains a Fly speed of 6 until the end of your next turn, or one
adjacent weapon or other item designed for medium or small creatures shrinks
to a size usable by tiny creatures until the next sunrise or sunset.

Fade Away
Per-encounter Minor Action * Arcane Eladrin Racial Utility
Effect: You become invisible until the end of your next turn or you make an attack.

Fey Blink
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Arcane Gnome Racial Utility
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: The attacker must re-roll the attack and take the lower result.
69 of 202

Other Races
70 of 202

Origin: Goblin
Size: Medium humanoid
Speed: 6. You gain a +2 racial bonus to speed when charging.
Defense Bonus: +1 racial bonus to Fortitude
Ability Bonus: +2 Strength; +2 Dexterity or Constitution.
Proficiency Bonus: Endurance or Intimidate, or martial proficiency in one weapon group of your choice.
Language: Common or Goblin
Favored Class: Primal, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Furious Assault
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Primal Half-Orc Racial Utility
Trigger: You hit with an attack.
Effect: The attack deals [1W] additional damage if its a weapon attack, or 1D8
additional damage if it isnt a weapon attack.

Focus Pain
Per-encounter Free Interrupt * Primal Half-Orc Racial Utility
Trigger: You are bloodied by an attack.
Effect: You regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. Until the end of the
encounter, you gain a +1 racial bonus to attack and damage rolls.
71 of 202

Origin: Draconic
Size: Medium humanoid
Speed: 6
Defense Bonus: You gain a bonus to your surge value equal to your
Constitution modifier.
Ability Bonus: +2 Strength; +2 Charisma or Constitution
Proficiency Bonus: History or Intimidate, or proficiency with leather, hide, chain and scale armors.
Language: Common or Draconic Commented [10]: No more bit where all PCs have
Favored Class: Arcane, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats: common? Could create character language problem

Dragon Breath
Per-encounter Minor Action * Arcane Dragonborn Racial Area Elemental Attack
Special: When you choose this feat, choose an elemental damage type. This attack deals
damage of that type.
Target: Close cone 3 (Unarmed vs. Reflex)
Hit: 1D6+Constitution modifier elemental damage.

Per-encounter Minor Action * Arcane Dragonborn Racial Area Fear Attack
Target: Close Burst 5 (Intimidate vs. Will)
Hit: The target suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and grants combat advantage
to you and your allies until the end of your next turn.

Per-encounter Immediate Interrupt * Arcane Dragonborn Racial Healing Utility
Trigger: You would be damaged by an attack
Effect: You gain resistance to all damage equal to your Constitution modifier until the
end of your next turn, and may spend a healing surge.
72 of 202

Origin: Immortal
Size: Medium humanoid
Speed: 6
Defense Bonus: You have resistance to necrotic damage equal to 5 + your level.
Ability Bonus: +2 Wisdom; +2 Charisma or Intelligence
Proficiency Bonus: Religion and History, or martial proficiency with staves
Language: Common
Favored Class: Divine, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes

Per-encounter Free Action * Divine Deva Racial Utility
Trigger: You make an attack roll, skill check or ability check and dislike the result.
Effect: Roll 1D6 and add it to the result.

Divine Grace
Per-encounter Minor Action * Divine Deva Racial Utility
Target: You or one ally within 5 squares.
Effect: The target may make a saving throw with a +5 bonus.
73 of 202

Origin: Infernal
Size: Medium humanoid
Speed: 6.
Defense Bonus: You have resistance to fire damage equal to 5 + your level.
Ability Bonus: +2 Charisma; +2 Constitution or Intelligence.
Proficiency Bonus: Bluff or Arcana, or martial proficiency with light blades.
Language: Common
Favored Class: Arcane, or you may choose one of the following racial per-encounter feats:

Infernal Wrath
Per-encounter Free Action * Arcane Tiefling Racial Utility
Trigger: You are hit by attack from an enemy within 10 squares.
Effect: The triggering attacker takes 1D6 + your Charisma modifier or Intelligence
modifier fire damage.

Per-encounter Free Action * Arcane Tiefling Racial Utility
Trigger: A creature that you can see is bloodied by an attack.
Effect: You regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. Until the end of the
encounter, you gain a +1 racial bonus to attack and damage rolls against
bloodied enemies.
74 of 202
75 of 202

Creating Your Character

Step 1: Choose your Race and Abilities
The first step in creating a character is choosing your ability scores and race.

Determining Ability Scores

There are two methods to determine ability scores: random and point-buy.

Random Generation can lead to very fun, but occasionally broken, characters. To generate your
ability scores randomly, roll 3D6 for each ability score in order, then modify them based on your
chosen race. More lenient DMs might allow you to arrange your scores as you see fit, or even roll
4D6 and add the highest 3 dice together to determine each score.

Point-Buy of character scores allows for a more balanced and predictable approach, but can take
some of the spontaneous creativity out of character generation. To purchase your abilities using
point-buy, begin with a score of 40 build points, and each ability score at 7. Raising an ability
from 7 to 13 costs 1 build point per +1 ability score increase. Raising a score from 13 to 14 or from
14 to 15 costs 2 build points per +1 increase. Raising a score from 15 to 16 or from 16 to 17 costs
3 build points, while raising a score to 18 costs 4 build points. Thus, the total point costs for a Commented [11]: I don't think it really matters for
given ability are as follows: character building, but this is different than the DnD
system, in which the point cost is based on the modifier
of your current score, not the modifier of the score you
Ability Score Modifier Point Cost Approximate Probability (3D6)
will have once you buy it.
6 or lower -3 or -4 N/A 10% (one in ten)
7 -2 0 7% (one in fifteen) Obvious it's all relative to how many points are in the
8 -1 1 10% (one in ten) buy, but this does mean that all online point buy
9 -1 2 11% (one in nine) calculators will not work for your players.
10 +0 3 12% (one in eight)
11 +0 4 12% (one in eight)
12 +1 5 11% (one in nine)
13 +1 6 10% (one in ten)
14 +2 8 7% (one in fifteen)
15 +2 10 5% (one in twenty)
16 +3 13 3% (one in thirty)
17 +3 16 2% (one in sixty)
18 +4 20 0% (one in two hundred)

The Essential Arrays is a list of six ability scores that has already been generated for you through
the point-buy method. If you wish to get going quickly, simply assign the following ability scores as
you see fit before choosing your race, then choose your class and begin play:

Ability Score Modifier Point Cost

16 +3 13
14 +2 8
14 +2 8
12 +1 5
11 +0 4
10 -0 3_
Total: 40

Alternate Arrays are alternatives to the Essential Array that have been pregenerated through the
point-buy method. The following alternate arrays are also provided, for players who want options
but dont feel like doing a lot of math:

Even Array 14 14 14 13 12 12 40
Focused Array 16 16 12 12 10 8 40
76 of 202

Power Array 18 16 12 8 8 7 40
Min-Max Array 18 18 7 7 7 7 40
Step 2: Choose Your Alignment
There are nine possible alignments, divided into two axes. Make one choice along each axis to
determine your characters alignment. For some classes, your alignment will determine what class
feature options are available to you.

First Choice - Good vs. Evil Commented [12]: For comparison, the way I did it in
Good characters tend to look out for others whenever they can, and are concerned first with helping others my own game:
and ensuring that everyone has a chance at a happy life.
Good actions: Actions that help others, and do not
benefit yourself.
Neutral characters are ultimately self-centered or uninterested in the affairs of others, but will not go out of Neutral Actions: Actions that help yourself, and do not
their way to harm others and will tend to prefer harmless ways of getting what they want if the option is harm anyone.
available to them. Evil Actions: Actions that harm others, probably to help
Your alignment is based off of which actions you
Evil characters are ultimately selfish and cruel, and enjoy opportunities to dominate others or cause them to
commit most frequently.
suffer. At the very least, their actions show a callous disregard for the welfare of others. "
My standards are a little bit different than yours, and
Second Choice - Law vs. Chaos they are actions, not values. A character may consider
themselves to be whatever the player chooses to
Lawful characters tend to have a rigid code of conduct or system of ethics that they follow, and believe that
describe, but in the eyes of the gods (or DM) they are
rules and guidelines exist to provide for an ordered society. judged on their actions.

Unaligned characters see laws and rules as fundamentally neutral, and will generally follow them if they Commentary for edification. You don't actually need to
believe that the laws are inherently fair or that they stand to be punished for disobedience. change anything.
Commented [13]: For the other axis, I haven't dealt
Chaotic characters see laws and rules as restrictive of freedom, and tend to chafe under the rule of authority. with that, but I'm leaning towards something more akin
to Magic: The Gathering's system of colors. Sans
Black, since that is defined as non-good already. But
Law and Logic are not the same, and Instinct and
Passion are not the same either (and the combinations
are interesting).
But I'm really not sure why law vs chaos is the best
secondary axis.

Again, commentary is for edification, not because

something is wrong.
77 of 202

Step 3: Choose your Character Class Commented [14]: ### WIP NOTES ###
There are five base character classes to choose from. If this seems like a small number, dont
Martial Power Source
worry - each class represents a wide range of options, and can be further customized in hundreds Trained Skills: Endurance, Athletics.
of different directions. At core, there are five general character classes: Warrior - Intimidate, Streetwise.
Guard - Intimidate, Perception.
Scout - Stealth, Perception.
Marshal - Diplomacy, Heal.
The Martial Hero (the Fighter)
Choose a Role: Striker (Warrior) / Defender (Guard) / Controller (Scout) / Leader (Marshal) Cunning Power Source
Chose a Fighting Style Trained Skills: Bluff, Stealth.
Assassin - Perception, Streetwise.
The Cunning Hero (the Rogue) Acrobat - Acrobatics, Athletics.
Choose a Role: Striker (Sneak) / Defender (Acrobat) / Controller (Thief) / Leader (Performer) Thief - Craft, Thievery.
Chose a Versatility Performer - Perform, History.
The Primal Hero (the Barbarian) Primal Power Source
Choose a Role: Striker (Berserker) / Defender (Warden) / Controller (Beastmaster) / Leader (Shaman) Trained Skills: Nature, Perception.
Chose a Totem Berserker - Endurance, Intimidate.
Warden - Endurance, Insight.
The Arcane Hero (the Wizard) Medium - Perception, Stealth.
Choose a Role: Striker (Evoker) / Defender (Abjurer) / Controller (Conjurer) / Leader (Sage) Shaman - Diplomacy, Heal.
Chose a School of Magic
Arcane Power Source
The Divine Hero (the Priest) Trained Skills: Arcana, Craft.
Choose a Role: Striker (Avenger) / Defender (Templar) / Controller (Thaumaturge) / Leader (Cleric) Elementalist - Nature, Intimidate.
Chose a Faith Mage - Endurance, Insight.
Conjurer - Bluff, Diplomacy.
Sage - Heal, Perception.
Beyond these five, there are ten possible hybrid or multi-class characters, which require a Feat to select:
Divine Power Source
Duelist (Multi-Class Martial/Cunning Hybrid) Trained Skills: Religion, History.
Avenger - Athletics, Intimidate.
Choose a Role, Fighting Style and Versatility Templar - Endurance, Insight.
Ranger (Multi-Class Martial/Primal Hybrid) Thaumaturge - Arcana, Perception.
Cleric - Heal, Insight.
Choose a Role, Fighting Style and Totem
Monk (Multi-Class Martial/Arcane Hybrid)
Choose a Role, Fighting Style and School of Magic
Paladin (Multi-Class Martial/Divine Hybrid)
Choose a Role, Fighting Style and Faith
Explorer (Multi-Class Cunning/Primal Hybrid)
Choose a Role, Versatility and Totem
Bard (Multi-Class Cunning/Arcane Hybrid)
Choose Class Features, School of Magic and Versatility
Inquisitor (Multi-Class Cunning/Divine Hybrid)
Choose Class Features, Versatility and Faith
Witch (Multi-Class Primal/Arcane Hybrid)
Choose Class Features, Totem and School of Magic
Druid (Multi-Class Primal/Divine Hybrid)
Choose Class Features, Totem and Faith
Theurge (Multi-Class Arcane/Divine Hybrid)
Choose Class Features, School of Magic and Faith
78 of 202

The Martial Hero

The martial hero relies on the strength of his arm and the sharpness of his blade to survive. He is
the warrior, the guard, the scout, the marshal: the ultimate fighting man.

This chapter presents many different options for creating a Martial Hero, also known as a Fighter.
Many of these options can seem daunting, so the following builds have been distilled down into the
essential necessities.

Blademaster (Essential Warrior)

Knight Defender (Essential Guard)
Sniper (Essential Scout)
Warlord (Essential Marshal)
Martial Artist (Essential Warrior)

Each of these builds has been constructed using the Essential Array ability scores, choosing abilities
and adding the +2 racial ability bonuses so that the final ability scores become 18/16/14/12/11
regardless of the characters race. This ensures that the character begins play with their abilities
optimized for that classs rigors, and wont find themselves particularly hampered compared to
another player.

If you feel like delving into the nuts and bolts of character design, you can skip past the Essential
builds and construct a Complete Fighter, which takes significantly more work but will result in a
vision that is uniquely your own.
79 of 202

Essential Fighter: The Blademaster

Do you imagine your fighter charging through the battlefield, slashing at enemies with a great two-
handed sword, axe or hammer? Then choose the following options:

Base Class: Fighter (Warrior)

Role: Striker
Hit Points: 31 (+3/level)
Defenses: AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 11
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial Melee, All Simple Ranged,
choose one: Fullblade or Execution axe
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Intimidate, Streetwise

Class Features
Two Weapon Fighting Style, Weapon Master, Martial Prowess.

Class Feats
Training Feat: Martial Class Feature (Combat Superiority)
At-Will Feats: Power Stance, Brutal Charge.
Per-Encounter Feats: Power Strike, Whirlwind Strike, Sweeping Strike, Bell Ringer. You may
perform up to two rank 1 maneuvers per encounter; you may perform
the same maneuver twice or perform two different maneuvers.

Ability Score Priorities

Strength(18), Dexterity(16), Constitution(14), Wisdom(12), Charisma(11), Intelligence(10)

Fullblade or Execution axe

Whats Cool about the Blademaster?

When you activate your Power Stance, your basic weapon attack is +6 to hit and deals
2D6+14 damage. Up to three times per combat, you can either swing your weapon in a
whirlwind strike to perform a 2D6 or 1D12 damage attack against everyone unlucky enough
to be within reach of the business end, or add an additional 2D6 or 1D12 damage to an
attack that youve already landed.

What Next?
As you gain levels, youll want to choose additional fighting styles, and power options and
feats that maximize your damage potential. The bare-handed fighting style means youre
never without a means of dealing hideous amounts of damage, while the polearm fighting
style and ranged weapon fighting style let you deal devastation at further than arms reach.
Combat Superiority and Trackers Quarry each allow you to increase your damage-dealing
options, while branching out into the Primal classes to gain access to Barbarian rages is
always a solid option, as is picking up some Cunning dirty fighting tricks.
80 of 202

Leveling Up The Blademaster

Level Class Features
0 (-500 - -401 XP) None

0 (-400 - -251 XP) Heavy Weapon Fighting Style, Power Stance at-will feat,
Leather Armor Proficiency, Simple and Martial Heavy Blades Proficiency,
Fullblade Proficiency, Simple Axe Proficiency

0 (-250 - -1 XP) Martial Prowess Class Feature,

Hide Armor Proficiency, Chain Armor Proficiency, Simple Polearm Proficiency

1 (0-1,000 XP) All Simple and Martial Melee Weapon Proficiencies,

All Simple Ranged Weapon Proficiencies,
Weapon Master Class Feature,
Martial Class Feature (Combat Superiority),
Brutal Charge at-will feat

2 (1,001-3,000 XP) Cleave at-will feat, +1 Dexterity,

Training Feat: Scale Armor Proficiency

3 (3,001-6,000 XP) Sundering Strike per-encounter feat.

4 (6,001-10,000 XP) Reaping Strike at-will feat, +1 Dexterity,

Martial Maneuver Training (Hurricane Slash)

5 (10,001-15,000 XP) Great Cleave per-encounter feat

81 of 202

Essential Fighter: The Knight Defender

Do you imagine your fighter wading through enemies like an unstoppable juggernaut, impervious
to all damage? Then choose the following options:

Base Class: Fighter (Guard)

Role: Defender
Hit Points: 44 (+4/level)
Defenses: AC 25, Fortitude 17, Reflex 8, Will 12
Weapon Proficiencies: All Weapon Groups
Armor Proficiencies: All Basic Armor and Shield Proficiencies, Fullplate, Tower Shield
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Intimidate, Streetwise

Class Features
Shield Fighting Style, Combat Challenge, Combat Superiority

Class Feats
Training Feat: Armor Proficiency (Fullplate)
At-Will Feats: Careful Strike, Rooted Stance.
Per-Encounter Feats: Take the Hit, Sweeping Strike, No Opening. You may perform up to
two rank 1 maneuvers per encounter; you may perform the same
maneuver twice or perform two different maneuvers.

Ability Score Priorities

Constitution(18), Strength(16), Wisdom(14), Dexterity(12), Charisma(11), Intelligence(10)

Tower Shield

Whats Cool about the Knight Defender?

When you activate your Careful Strike and Rooted Stance, youre going nowhere unless you
decide to. Your AC becomes xx, or yy against whoever youre squaring off against at the
moment. Anyone who wants to get to your friends has to get through you first, and you
ignore up to 8 points of damage from each attack that hits you. If anyone within reach of
your Combat Challenge tries to sneak past you or hit your allies instead of you, you can
immediately attack them, and if you hit you stop them in their tracks.

What Next?
As you gain levels, you may want to pick up the Marshals Combat Leader class feature, to
gain access to Covering Block. Gaining the Polearm Fighting Style or Chain Weapon Fighting
Style opens up whole new vistas of defensive tactics, and the Scouts Battle Awareness
ensures that you are never caught unawares. If you want to multi-class, branching out into
the Divine classes allows you access to the Templars superior marking capabilities and
blessings, evolving you from a knight into a full-fledged paladin.
82 of 202

Essential Fighter: The Archer

Do you imagine your fighter running swiftly across the battlefield, firing well-placed arrows into the
enemys ranks with unerring accuracy? Then choose the following options:

Base Class: Fighter (Scout)

Role: Controller
Hit Points: 30 (+2/level)
Defenses: AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 15, Will 14
Weapon Proficiencies: All Weapon Groups
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain Commented [15]: All of the essential fighters (other
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Perception, Stealth than the knight defender, obviously) list armor
proficiency up to Chain. The Fighter (Martial
Generalist) lists armor proficiency up to Scale. Also,
Class Features
the description of Martial/Cunning/Primal/etc. heroes
Ranged Weapon Fighting Style, Battle Awareness, Trackers Quarry describes Martial Heroes as having up to Chain.

Class Feats
Training Feat: Martial Class Feature (Martial Prowess)
At-Will Feats: Take Aim, Hobbling Shot
Per-Encounter Feats: Disrupting Strike, Scout Ahead, Piercing Shot, Power Strike. You may
perform up to two per-encounter feats per encounter; you may
perform the same maneuver twice or perform two different

Ability Score Priorities

Dexterity(18), Wisdom(16), Constitution(14), Intelligence(12), Strength(11), Charisma(10)

Leather Armor
25 arrows

Whats Cool about the Archer?

When you designate your Trackers Quarry and then Take Aim against them, you can fire a
shot with an attack bonus of +10 that gets a critical hit on an 18-20 if it hits, dealing
1D12+7 damage, and dazing the target or knocking them prone. Up to three times per
encounter, you can cause them to be dazed or immobilized for several turns. Or, at any
point in the battle, you can scout out a 50-foot circle around you, becoming acutely aware
of every nook, cranny and potential hiding space in the area, and how to shoot anyone
there even if they try to hide from you.

What Next?
As you level up, you should continue to fill out the available at-will feats and per-encounter
feat options available to you from your Ranged Weapon Fighting Style, since they will give
you more versatile ranged combat options on the battlefield. If you want to multi-class, the
Sneaks class features are begging to be added to this class. By dipping into the Cunning
power set, you can cause brutal devastation to anyone within range of your greatbow.
83 of 202

Essential Fighter: The Captain

Do you imagine your fighter shouting orders to his allies, setting up attacks and leading his
teammates to victory? Then choose the following options:

Base Class: Fighter (Marshal)

Role: Leader
Hit Points: 25 (+3/level)
Defenses: AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 10, Will 12
Weapon Proficiencies: All Weapon Groups
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain, Light Shield
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Diplomacy, Insight

Class Features
Polearm Fighting Style, Combat Leader, Inspiring Presence

Class Feats
Training Feat: Martial Class Feature (Combat Superiority)
At-Will Feats: Call the Shot, Dragging Sweep.
Per-Encounter Feats: Covering Block, Inspiring Shout, Sweeping Strike, Lunging Spear. You
may perform up to two per-encounter feats per encounter; you may
perform the same maneuver twice or perform two different

Ability Score Priorities

Intelligence(18), Strength(16), Charisma(14), Wisdom(12), Constitution(11), Dexterity(10)

Trumpet Commented [16]: I love this.

Whats Cool about the Captain?

Let your allies wield weapons against your enemies; you wield your allies. Your feats grant
your allies additional attacks and capabilities on the battlefield that they would not
otherwise possess, and keep them alive and fighting long past the time when lesser men
would have fallen. You grant yourself and your allies a +4 class bonus to their Initiative
checks, and let one of them make an additional attack per round with a +4 bonus to their
damage. If a nearby ally is threatened, you may interfere with the attack to give them a
chance to escape, or may give them a revitalizing encouragement that restores their hit

What Next?
While the Priests healing and blessing abilities seem like a logical progression from the
Warlord, you might be better off continuing to fill out your training as a Martial hero. The
Scouts Battle Awareness option and the Guards Combat Superiority and Combat Challenge
options all provide solid answers to enemies that threaten your allies. Picking up the Ranged
Fighting Style after branching out into the Scouts class features lets you aid your allies
ranged attacks as well. Strangely enough, branching out into the Arcane power set to gain
access to the Alchemists toolkit is a viable option - the ability to forge magical armor and
weapons for your allies expands your repertoire substantially.
84 of 202

Essential Fighter: The Martial Artist

Do you imagine your fighter wandering the battlefield bare-handed, striking at enemies with his
lightning fists? Then choose the following options:

Base Class: Fighter

Role: Generalist
Hit Points: 25 (+3/level)
Defenses: AC 17, Fortitude 11, Reflex 16, Will 12
Weapon Proficiencies: All Weapon Groups
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Intimidate, Perception

Class Features
Unarmed Fighting Style, Martial Prowess, Battle Awareness

Class Feats
Training Feat: Martial Class Feature (Combat Superiority)
At-Will Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows
Per-Encounter Feats: Power Strike, Disrupting Strike, Ensnaring Strike, Sweeping Strike.
You may perform up to two per-encounter feats per encounter; you
may perform the same maneuver twice or perform two different

Ability Score Priorities

Dexterity(18), Strength(16), Wisdom(14), Intelligence(12), Constitution(11), Charisma(10)

Leather armor

Whats Cool about the Martial Artist?

Your bare-handed attacks have an attack roll of +8 and deal 1D6+8 damage. When
surrounded, you can lash out at everyone nearby at a +8 to attack, dealing 1D4 damage
and knocking each of them prone, pushing them up to 2 squares away from you, or
grabbing them. Whats more, your burst attacks are nimble enough to distinguish friend
from foe. Your Battle Awareness means youre almost never surprised, and your Disrupting
Strike allows you to deliver a brutal stunning attack to particularly troublesome enemies up
to three times per encounter.

What Next?
As you gain levels, you will want to expand your Bare-Handed Fighting Style repertoire
before expanding out into other Fighting Styles. Both the Chain Weapon Fighting Style and
the Polearm Fighting Style are well-suited to your particular tactical preferences, while the
Light Weapon Fighting Style also opens up some intriguing options. The Guards Combat
Challenge and Combat Superiority class features are virtually must-haves, but you must be
careful not to overwhelm yourself with more enemies than your light armor and meager hit
points can fend off.
85 of 202

The Complete Fighter

If you want to build a more unique character, there are a multitude of different modular options
that you may combine into your fighter. After choosing a race and ability scores, proceed to step 3
as follows.

Step 4: Choose a Role

To further focus your character, you can choose one of four combat roles to fulfill for your team:

Striker (the Warrior)

Defender (the Guard)
Controller (the Scout)
Leader (the Marshal)
Generalist (the Fighter)

Your choice will determine your HP per level, your starting defense bonuses, your weapon and
armor proficiencies, and your starting skills. All Martial heroes share certain skills and proficiencies.
86 of 202

The Martial Striker - the Warrior

The Warrior focuses her martial prowess into raw, brutal combat, striving to be the best weapons-
master the world has seen. Any opponent, any weapon, in any situation; none can match the
Warrior for raw prowess with a blade or bow.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial Melee, all Martial Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain, Scale, Light Shield
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Weapon Master: You gain training in the Craft skill.

- You automatically gain the Weapon Specialization Feat for each
weapon group that you have martial proficiency in. Whenever you gain
a new martial weapon proficiency, you automatically gain that Weapon
Specialization Feat for free.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense.
- You gain the Whirlwind Strike per-encounter maneuver:

Whirlwind Strike
Rank 1 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon
Target: Each adjacent enemy
Hit: [1W] damage. You may not apply the piercing
property to this attack.
Effect: You slide the target one square.

Martial Prowess: You gain training in the Intimidate skill, and gain a class bonus to
Intimidate skill checks equal to your Strength modifier.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex defense.
- Your melee damage bonus is equal to your Strength modifier +
your Dexterity modifier.
- Your ranged damage bonus is equal to your Dexterity modifier +
your Wisdom modifier.
- You gain the Power Strike per-encounter maneuver:

Power Strike
Rank 1 Maneuver (Free Reaction * Martial Melee or Ranged
Weapon Attack)
Trigger: You hit a target with a weapon attack for a
weapon that you are proficient in.
Effect: Add [1W] to the attacks damage against that
target, and the weapon gains the piercing
property for this attack if it did not already
have the piercing or bashing property.

Fighting Style: Choose any one Fighting Style to specialize in at level 1.

87 of 202

The Martial Defender - the Guard

The Guard focuses his martial prowess into defending others, standing fast against enemies that
would slay a lesser man in a single blow. Frequently wearing heavy armor and a shield, the Guard's
duty is to protect his charges.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, all Martial Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain, Scale, Light Shield
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Combat Challenge: You gain training in the Intimidate skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Fortitude defense if you already had a class bonus to
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- You gain proficiency with Plate armor and with heavy shields.
- When you make a melee weapon attack against an enemy, you Mark
that enemy whether the attack hits or misses. Whenever an enemy
Marked by you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you,
you may make a melee basic against it as an immediate interrupt.
- You gain the Take the Hit per-encounter maneuver:

Take the Hit

Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Melee
Weapon Attack)
Trigger: An adjacent enemy would hit an ally with an
attack that does not include you as a target.
Effect: The attack targets you instead, comparing the
original attack roll to your defense. Make a
basic melee attack against the triggering
enemy. If you hit, the target is knocked prone.

Combat Superiority: You gain training in the Perception skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Fortitude defense if you already had a class bonus to
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- You gain a class bonus to Opportunity Attack rolls equal to your
Wisdom modifier. If an enemy struck by your opportunity attack was
moving, their movement stops. If they have actions remaining, they
may resume moving as normal.
- You gain the Sweeping Strike per-encounter maneuver:

Sweeping Strike
Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Reaction * Martial Melee
Weapon Attack)
Trigger: You hit a target with a melee weapon attack.
Effect: The target is knocked prone, slowed, and may
not shift until the end of your next turn.

Fighting Style: Choose any one Fighting Style to specialize in at level 1. You gain that
Fighting Style and its associated proficiencies.
88 of 202

The Martial Controller - the Scout

The Scout focuses his martial prowess into an unparalleled tactical acumen, knowing where to
direct traps and ranged volleys where they will be the most disruptive to the enemy's plans. Most
often wielding bows or other long-ranged weapons, the Scout is also trained to infiltrate the
enemy's lines, gathering information and reporting back without being seen.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial Melee, All Simple and Martial Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain, Scale, Light Shield
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Battle Awareness: You gain training in the Perception skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Reflex defense if you already had a class bonus to
- You gain a class bonus to Initiative equal to your Wisdom modifier.
- During the first turn of any encounter or against any Surprised
enemy, you gain a class bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to
your Wisdom modifier.
- When you take an Extended Rest, you and your allies do not suffer
the -5 penalty to Perception checks for sleeping.
- You gain the Disrupting Strike per-encounter maneuver:

Disrupting Strike
Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Reaction * Martial Melee or
Ranged Weapon Attack)
Trigger: You hit a target with a weapon attack.
Effect: Choose one: the target becomes dazed or
immobilized until the end of your next turn.
The target suffers both effects if you achieve a
critical hit.

Trackers Quarry: You gain training in the Stealth skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Reflex defense if you already had a class bonus to
- Once per turn as a minor action, you may designate a target that
you may see as your Quarry. Until the end of the encounter or until
you designate a new Quarry, you ignore all penalties from that target
due to partial cover or partial concealment, and all penalties due to
total cover or total concealment are reduced to a maximum of -2.
- You gain the Scout Ahead per-encounter maneuver:

Scout Ahead
Rank 1 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Area Utility)
Prerequisite: Trackers Quarry
Target: Zone (Close Burst 10)
Effect: Make a Perception skill check. If your check
succeeds, you determine the number and
nature of all creatures that have moved
through the burst area within the past 24
hours. You ascertain when and where they
entered the area, and when and where they
left. Until the end of the encounter, enemies
within the burst gain a penalty to all Stealth
checks equal to your Wisdom modifier, and
your allies may ignore half the total penalties
due to those enemies concealment or cover.

Fighting Style: Choose any one Fighting Style to specialize in at level 1. You gain that
Fighting Style and its associated proficiencies.
89 of 202

The Martial Leader - the Marshal

The Marshal focuses her martial prowess into teamwork and leadership, guiding and protecting her
allies with keen insight and encouragement. The Marshal does not neglect her own combat abilities,
however - she is equally at home on foot or in the saddle, wielding bow or blade, wearing leather
or maille.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, all Martial Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain, Scale, Light Shield
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Combat Leader: You gain training in the Insight skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Will defense.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level.
- You and all allies who can see you gain a class bonus to Initiative
equal to your Intelligence modifier.
- You gain the Covering Retaliation the per-encounter maneuver:

Covering Retaliation
Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Melee
Weapon Attack)
Trigger: An enemy would hit an adjacent ally with an
Effect: The attack suffers a penalty equal to your
Intelligence modifier. If the enemy is within
reach of your melee weapon, you or the ally
may make the following attack:

Target: The triggering enemy (Weapons Proficiency

vs. AC)
Hit: [1W] damage, and the ally can shift a number
of squares equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Inspiring Presence: You gain training in the Diplomacy skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense.
- When you or an ally that can see you enters the full defense stance,
they gain a stance bonus to all defenses equal to your Charisma
- You gain the Inspiring Shout per-encounter maneuver:

Inspiring Shout
Rank 1 Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Healing Utility)
Target: You and each conscious ally within 5 squares
that can see or hear you
Effect: Each target may spend a healing surge as a
free interrupt, or may choose to immediately
enter the full defense stance as a free reaction.

Fighting Style: Choose any one Fighting Style to specialize in at level 1. You gain that
Fighting Style and its associated proficiencies.
90 of 202

The Martial Generalist - the Fighter

The Fighter learns to lead, to follow, to attack, to defend, to protect and to destroy. They can learn
the Class Features of any of the four Martial class roles.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, all Martial Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide, Chain, Scale, Light Shield
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance

Class Features
You may choose three Martial class features at level 1.

Choice One: Choose one Class Feature from any Martial class role. You gain that
Class Feature and its associated skill and per-encounter feat.

Choice Two: Choose one Class Feature from any Martial class role. You gain that
Class Feature and its associated skill and per-encounter feat.

Fighting Style: Choose one Fighting Style to specialize in at level 1. You gain that
Fighting Style and its associated proficiencies.
91 of 202

Step 5: Choose a Fighting Style

Each Martial class chooses one Fighting Style to specialize in at level one, as one of their three
Class Features. Each Fighting Style provides you with specific advantages when fighting with
weapons that fall within the fighting styles weapon groups. You must be proficient with your
chosen weapon before you can choose a fighting style for that weapon.

Each fighting style also provides a number of at-will maneuvers that you may choose from.
Whenever you gain an at-will maneuver, you may choose that maneuver from your list of class
features or fighting styles.
92 of 202

Bare-Handed Fighting Style

You gain Expert training with the Unarmed and Grappling weapon groups. Your bare fists
and feet count as off-hand melee weapons, granting your unarmed attacks all the bonuses
and capabilities that apply to weapon attacks. If you are making an unarmed or grappling
attack that deals damage, you gain a proficiency bonus to that attacks damage. The bonus
is based on your character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 11-15: +3 Level 21-25: +5
Level 6-10: +2 Level 16-20: +4 Level 26-30: +6

You may gain any of the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Improved Unarmed Strike

At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Basic Melee Unarmed Attack)
Requirement: You must have a hand free which is not wielding a weapon, or holding
a shield or item
Special: You may use this Feat as a melee basic attack.
Target: One adjacent enemy (Unarmed vs. AC)
Hit: 1D8+[melee bonus] damage. Powers which add additional [W] damage to this
attack add 1D8 per [W].

Flowing Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Requirement: You must have a hand free which is not wielding a weapon, or holding
a shield or item
Effect: Until the stance ends, when you hit with an unarmed attack, you may choose
for the target to be grabbed, knocked prone, or pushed two squares. If you achieve a
critical hit, you knock the target prone, and may choose to grab them or push them
two squares.

Flurry of Blows At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Unarmed Attack)
Requirement: You must have a hand free which is not wielding a weapon, or holding
a shield or item
Target: Each adjacent enemy (Unarmed vs. AC)
Hit: 1D4 damage.

Crushing Clinch At-Will Maneuver (Move Action * Martial Melee Grapple Attack)
Special: You must have a creature grabbed.
Target: the grabbed creature (Grapple vs. Fortitude)
Hit: The target takes damage equal to your Strength modifier, and is dazed until
the end of your next turn. You may shift one square, pulling the target one square into
an adjacent square as you do so.

Mobile Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Effect: If you are not wearing heavy armor, a shield, or a two-handed weapon, you
may shift as a minor action. You gain a +2 stance bonus to speed, attack rolls and
damage when performing a charge attack.
93 of 202

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as encounter feats.
Ensnaring Strike Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Trigger: You hit a target with a melee weapon attack.
Effect: The target suffers a penalty to all attack rolls until the end of your next
turn equal to your Dexterity modifier. If you attacked with a flail or a bare
hand, the target is grabbed.

Reverse Grab Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Reaction * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Flowing Stance
Trigger: You are grabbed.
Target: The grabbing creature (Grapple vs. their Grapple check result)
Effect: You are no longer grabbed, and the target is grabbed.

Snagging Grip Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Reaction * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Flowing Stance
Trigger: You are knocked prone or forced to move by an adjacent
Effect: You pull the triggering creature into an adjacent square and knock it

Clinched Throw Rank 2 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Grapple Attack)
Prerequisite: Crushing Clinch
Target: One grabbed creature (Grapple vs. Fortitude)
Hit: 1D4+[melee bonus] damage, and the target is flung a number of squares
equal to your Constitution modifier.
Miss: half damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Neck Breaker Rank 3 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Unarmed Attack)
Prerequisite: Crushing Clinch
Target: One grabbed creature (Grapple vs. Fortitude)
Hit: 3D8+[melee bonus] damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your
next turn.
Miss: half damage.
94 of 202

Light Blade Style

You gain Proficiency and Expert training with the Light Blades weapon group. If you are
wielding a Light Blade, you gain a proficiency bonus to all damage with that weapon. The
bonus is based on your character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 11-15: +3 Level 21-25: +5
Level 6-10: +2 Level 16-20: +4 Level 26-30: +6

You may gain any of the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Nimble Strike At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack)
Effect: You make a melee or ranged basic attack, then move a number of squares up
to your Dexterity modifier.

Rapid Strike At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack)
Target: One creature
Hit: Dexterity modifier damage.

Slashing Strike At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Requirement: You must be wielding an off-hand or one-handed melee weapon in
your main hand.
Target: Each adjacent creature
Hit: Half your melee bonus damage (round up).

Mobile Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Effect: If you are not wearing heavy armor, a shield, or a two-handed weapon, you
may shift as a minor action. You gain a +2 stance bonus to speed, attack rolls and
melee weapon damage when performing a charge attack.

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as encounter feats.
Battle Crescendo Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Stance)
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack.
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a +1 stance bonus to melee attack rolls and
damage vs. this target. Each time you hit this target, the attack and damage bonus
increases by 1. You end the stance if you miss the target or end your turn without
attacking the target with a melee weapon. You may end this stance as a standard
action to perform a melee basic attack against the target without this stances attack
bonus; if you hit, the attack deals an additional [1W] damage for every full +2 bonus
that the stance had accumulated.
95 of 202

Heavy Blade Fighting Style

You gain Proficiency and Expert training with the Heavy Blades weapon group. If you are
wielding a Heavy Blade, you gain a proficiency bonus to all damage with that weapon. The
bonus is based on your character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 11-15: +3 Level 21-25: +5
Level 6-10: +2 Level 16-20: +4 Level 26-30: +6

You may gain any of the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Brash Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 stance bonus to weapon attack rolls and
a +2 stance bonus to melee weapon damage for all two-handed melee weapon
attacks, but grant combat advantage to all enemies.

Brutal Charge At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Make a charge attack with a two-handed melee weapon against a target five
or more squares away, with a +2 stance bonus to speed and a +2 stance bonus to the Commented [17]: This being a Stance bonus is kinda
attack roll. If you are wielding a two-handed or versatile spear in both hands, you gain weird. I assume it's purely for balance reasons, since
a +2 stance bonus to the damage roll if you hit. you don't want someone glass cannoning with Brash
Stance and Brutal Charge for something terminally
Cleave At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack) reckless. Still, seems weird getting a stance bonus
Effect: Make a melee basic attack with a two-handed axe or heavy blade. On a hit, your from something that is not a stance.
weapon gains the piercing property for this attack if it did not already have it, and one
enemy adjacent to the target takes weapon damage equal to your Strength modifier.

Power Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Effect: Until the stance ends, you suffer a -2 penalty to weapon attack rolls and gain a
+4 stance bonus to melee weapon damage for all two-handed melee weapon attacks.

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as encounter feats.
Impaling Charge Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Brutal Charge
Trigger: You hit a target with a charge attack with a two-handed spear
or heavy blade.
Effect: The target takes ongoing damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.

Sundering Strike Rank 2 Maneuver (Free Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Cleave
Requirement: You are wielding a two-handed melee weapon
Trigger: You hit a target with a melee weapon with the piercing
Effect: Your attacks damage is halved. Apply the damage to reducing the AC
and damage resistance of the targets armor instead of applying it to the
targets hit points; this damage remains until the armor is repaired. Each point
of damage reduces AC and damage resistance by one each; you may not apply
more damage to the targets armor than that armors total damage resistance.
Excess damage is applied to the targets hit points as normal.

Great Cleave Rank 3 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Cleave
Requirement: You are wielding a two-handed melee weapon
Effect: Your weapon gains the piercing property for this attack if it did not already
have it.
Target: Each adjacent creature (Weapons Proficiency +2 vs. AC)
Hit: [2W]+[melee bonus] damage.
Miss: Half damage.
96 of 202

Axe Fighting Style

You gain Proficiency and Expert training with the Axe weapon group. If you are wielding a
Light Blade, you gain a proficiency bonus to all damage with that weapon. The bonus is
based on your character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 11-15: +3 Level 21-25: +5
Level 6-10: +2 Level 16-20: +4 Level 26-30: +6

You may gain any of the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Brash Stance
At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 stance bonus to weapon attack rolls and
a +2 stance bonus to melee weapon damage for all two-handed melee weapon
attacks, but grant combat advantage to all enemies.

Brutal Charge
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Make a charge attack with a two-handed melee weapon against a target five
or more squares away, with a +2 stance bonus to speed and a +2 stance bonus to the Commented [18]: This being a Stance bonus is kinda
attack roll. If you are wielding a two-handed or versatile spear in both hands, you gain weird. I assume it's purely for balance reasons, since
a +2 stance bonus to the damage roll if you hit. you don't want someone glass cannoning with Brash
Stance and Brutal Charge for something terminally
Cleave reckless. Still, seems weird getting a stance bonus
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack) from something that is not a stance.
Effect: Make a melee basic attack with a two-handed axe or heavy blade. On a hit,
your weapon gains the piercing property for this attack if it did not already have it,
and one enemy adjacent to the target takes weapon damage equal to your Strength

Power Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Effect: Until the stance ends, you suffer a -2 penalty to weapon attack rolls and gain a
+4 stance bonus to melee weapon damage for all two-handed melee weapon attacks.

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as encounter feats.
Sundering Strike Rank 2 Maneuver (Free Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Cleave
Requirement: You are wielding a two-handed melee weapon
Trigger: You hit a target with a melee weapon with the piercing
Effect: Your attacks damage is halved. Apply the damage to reducing the AC
and damage resistance of the targets armor instead of applying it to the
targets hit points; this damage remains until the armor is repaired. Each point
of damage reduces AC and damage resistance by one each; you may not apply
more damage to the targets armor than that armors total damage resistance.
Excess damage is applied to the targets hit points as normal.

Great Cleave Rank 3 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Cleave
Requirement: You are wielding a two-handed melee weapon
Effect: Your weapon gains the piercing property for this attack if it did not already
have it.
Target: Each adjacent creature (Weapons Proficiency +2 vs. AC)
Hit: [2W]+[melee bonus] damage.
Miss: Half damage.
97 of 202

Mace Fighting Style

You gain Proficiency and Expert training with the Mace weapon group. If you are wielding a
Mace, you gain a proficiency bonus to all damage with that weapon. The bonus is based on
your character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 11-15: +3 Level 21-25: +5
Level 6-10: +2 Level 16-20: +4 Level 26-30: +6

You may gain any of the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Brash Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 stance bonus to weapon attack rolls and
a +2 stance bonus to melee weapon damage for all two-handed melee weapon
attacks, but grant combat advantage to all enemies.

Brutal Charge At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Make a charge attack with a two-handed melee weapon against a target five
or more squares away, with a +2 stance bonus to speed and a +2 stance bonus to the Commented [19]: This being a Stance bonus is kinda
attack roll. If you are wielding a two-handed or versatile spear in both hands, you gain weird. I assume it's purely for balance reasons, since
a +2 stance bonus to the damage roll if you hit. you don't want someone glass cannoning with Brash
Stance and Brutal Charge for something terminally
Jarring Strike At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack) reckless. Still, seems weird getting a stance bonus
Effect: Make a melee basic attack with a two-handed mace. Your weapon gains the from something that is not a stance.
bashing property for this attack if it did not already have it. On a miss, the target still
takes weapon damage equal to your Strength modifier.

Power Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Effect: Until the stance ends, you suffer a -2 penalty to weapon attack rolls and gain a
+4 stance bonus to melee weapon damage for all two-handed melee weapon attacks.

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as encounter feats.
Bell Ringer Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Jarring Strike
Trigger: You hit a target with a melee weapon with the bashing
Effect: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Crushing Blow Rank 2 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Jarring Strike
Requirement: You are wielding a two-handed mace
Effect: Your weapon gains the bashing property for this attack if it did not already
have it
Target: One creature (Weapons Proficiency vs. AC)
Hit: [2W]+[melee bonus] damage.
Miss: Half damage.

Sundering Strike Rank 2 Maneuver (Free Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Cleave
Requirement: You are wielding a two-handed melee weapon
Trigger: You hit a target with a melee weapon with the piercing
Effect: Your attacks damage is halved. Apply the damage to reducing the AC
and damage resistance of the targets armor instead of applying it to the
targets hit points; this damage remains until the armor is repaired. Each point
of damage reduces AC and damage resistance by one each; you may not apply
more damage to the targets armor than that armors total damage resistance.
Excess damage is applied to the targets hit points as normal.
98 of 202

Two-Weapon Fighting Style

You may wield one-handed or versatile weapons that you have Expert training in as if they
were off-hand weapons. You gain a proficiency bonus to your defense vs. weapon attacks
when wielding a weapon that you have Expert training with in each hand. The bonus is
based on your character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 11-15: +3 Level 21-25: +5
Level 6-10: +2 Level 16-20: +4 Level 26-30: +6

You may gain any of the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Parrying Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Requirement: You must be wielding a melee weapon in your off hand.
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a stance bonus to reflex and AC equal to 2 +
your off-hand weapons Enhancement bonus. When an adjacent enemy misses you
with a melee action, you may immediately end this stance as a free reaction to make a
melee basic attack against that opponent with your off-hand weapon. This stance ends
if you make any attack with your off-hand weapon.

Dual Blade Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Effect: Until the stance ends, whenever you make a basic melee attack with your
primary weapon, you may immediately make a basic melee attack with your off-hand
weapon against the same target as a minor action. If an adjacent enemy performs an
action that would provoke an opportunity attack, you may end this stance as a free
reaction to make a basic weapon attack against it with your off-hand weapon.

Flowing Strike At-Will Maneuver (Free Reaction * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Special: You may only use this power once per round.
Trigger: You hit with a melee basic attack with your primary weapon.
Effect: You may move a number of squares up to your Dexterity modifier as a move
action, then make a basic melee attack with your off-hand weapon against another
target as a minor action. You gain a +2 stance bonus to your defenses vs. opportunity
attacks during the move.

Twin Strike At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Target: One creature (Proficiency vs. AC)
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Special: You may make two attack rolls and take the higher number.
Hit: [1W]+[melee bonus] damage. If both attack rolls would have hit, add +[1W]
from your off-hand weapon to the damage roll.

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as encounter feats.
Follow-Up Strike Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Reaction * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Trigger: You hit a target with a melee weapon in your main hand.
Effect: The target grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next
turn. Make a melee basic attack against the target with your off-hand weapon.

Twin Tornado Strike Rank 2 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Target: Each adjacent enemy
Hit: [1W]+[melee bonus] damage from your main-hand melee weapon.
Miss: [1W] damage from your off-hand melee weapon.
99 of 202

Ranged Weapon Fighting Style

You gain Simple and Martial proficiency in Bows, Crossbows and Light Thrown Weapons, and
in one Superior Ranged Weapon of your choice. You gain a +2 style bonus to your defense
against opportunity attacks that you provoke when making a ranged weapon attack. You
may gain any of the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Arrow Burst
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Ranged Weapon Attack)
Requirement: You must be using a ranged weapon with the Load Free or Rapid property.
Special: When you use this power, choose one square within range of your ranged
Target: Each creature in or adjacent to the chosen square (Weapons Proficiency -2 vs.
Hit: [1W] damage.

Hobbling Shot
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Ranged Weapon Attack)
Effect: Make a ranged basic attack against a single target. If you hit, the target falls
prone and is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Take Aim
At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)
Target: One creature within range of your ranged weapon
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a stance bonus to your next attack roll against
the target equal to your Wisdom modifier. This bonus increases by +1 for each turn
that you maintain the stance, to a maximum of twice your Wisdom modifier. If the
target is your Quarry, the attack is a critical hit on an 18-20. This stance ends when
you lose sight of the target or when you perform an attack against any other target.

Nimble Strike
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Weapon Attack)
Effect: You make a melee or ranged basic attack, then move a number of squares up
to your Dexterity modifier.

Snipers Stance
At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)
Effect: Until the stance ends, you double all defense and stealth bonuses granted by
cover or concealment. You may perform a ranged basic attack as a move action. The
stance ends if you are moved from your square for any reason.
100 of 202

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as encounter feats.
Piercing Shot
Prerequisite: Ranged Weapon Fighting Style
Rank 1 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Ranged Weapon Attack)
Requirement: You must be using a ranged weapon with the Piercing property.
Target: One creature within range of your weapon (Weapons Proficiency vs. Reflex)
Hit: [1W]+[ranged bonus] damage, and ongoing Wisdom modifier damage (save
Miss: You slide the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Arrow Storm
Prerequisite: Ranged Weapon Fighting Style
Rank 2 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Ranged Weapon Attack)
Requirement: You must be using a ranged weapon with the Load Free or Rapid property.
Target: One creature within range of your weapon (Weapons Proficiency vs. AC)
Secondary Target: Each other creature within Wisdom modifier squares of the
first target (Weapons Proficiency vs. AC)
Hit: [1W] damage.
Miss: You slide the target one square.
101 of 202

Shield Fighting Style

You gain proficiency in Light Shields and Heavy Shields. When wearing a shield, you ignore
the shields Check penalty for Athletics and Endurance checks, and you gain a proficiency
bonus to your defense against opportunity attacks, area attacks and ranged attacks. The
bonus is based on your character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 11-15: +3 Level 21-25: +5
Level 6-10: +2 Level 16-20: +4 Level 26-30: +6

You may gain any of the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Careful Strike At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Requirement: You must be wearing a shield.
Effect: Make a basic melee attack. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a stance
bonus to all defenses against the targets attacks equal to your Constitution modifier,
plus your shields Enhancement bonus.

Shield Bash At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Standard Action * Melee Weapon
Requirement: You must be wearing a shield.
Special: If the target is marked by you, you may make this attack as a free
interrupt whenever it would grant you an opportunity attack.
Target: One creature (Unarmed vs. Fortitude)
Hit: Constitution modifier damage, and you push the target 1 square unless it is 2 size
categories or more larger than you. You may shift into an adjacent space that the
target occupied.

Rooted Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Requirement: You must be wearing a shield.
Effect: Until the stance ends, whenever an attack would push, pull or slide you, you
may reduce the number of squares moved by up to your Constitution modifier. You
may end this stance as a free interrupt during or immediately after a forced movement
to make a single melee basic attack against one adjacent enemy.

Defensive Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Requirement: You must be wearing a shield.
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a stance bonus to all defenses equal to your
Constitution modifier. You may end this stance as a free interrupt when damaged by
an attack to remove the piercing property from that attack if it has that property, and
to reduce the attacks damage by half before applying your armors damage

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as encounter feats.
No Opening Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Trigger: An enemy would hit you and would have combat advantage
against you.
Effect: You do not grant combat advantage during this attack.

Shield Wall Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Requirement: You must be wearing a heavy shield.
Trigger: An enemy targets you or an adjacent ally with a ranged or
area attack.
Effect: The target takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack misses you or an
adjacent ally, it deals no damage to that target.

Smash Aside Rank 2 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Requirement: You must be wearing a shield.
Trigger: An adjacent enemy hits or misses you with a melee attack.
Effect: The target takes a -5 penalty to the attack roll. Make an Unarmed attack vs.
the targets Fortitude.
Hit: 1D6+[melee bonus] damage, and the target grants combat advantage to you
until the end of your next turn.
102 of 202

Miss: Half damage.

Polearm Fighting Style

You gain Simple and Martial proficiency in Spears, Staves and Polearms, and in one
Superior polearm, spear or staff weapon of your choice. When wielding a polearm, spear or
staff weapon that you are proficient in, you gain a +1 style bonus to your AC defense, and
that weapon gains the reach property if it did not already possess it. You may gain any of
the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Dragging Sweep At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Make a melee basic attack with a polearm, spear or flail weapon. If you hit,
you may choose to either slide the target one square, or knock the target prone. If
you achieve a critical hit, you may do both.

Twirling Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Effect: Until the stance ends, if you are wielding a polearm, spear or staff, you
threaten all squares within your reach. When you hit with an opportunity attack, you
may end this stance as a free interrupt to slide the target one square and knock the
target prone, or to daze the target until the end of your next turn.

Plant and Brace At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Special: You must be wielding a spear.
Effect: Until the stance ends, you are Immobilized. If an enemy charges you, you may
end this stance as a free interrupt to make an opportunity attack with an attack bonus
equal to your Constitution score. If you hit, the attack is a critical hit on an 18-20 and
deals an additional [2W] damage.

Arcing Slash At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Special: This action provokes attacks of opportunity from adjacent enemies.
Target: Each creature within reach of your weapon (Proficiency - 2 vs. AC.)
Hit: [1W] damage. You may not apply the piercing property to this attack.

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as encounter feats.
Full Extension Rank 1 Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Utility)
Effect: You gain a +1 stance bonus to reach for the next attack you make before the end of
your turn.

Skewering Charge Rank 1 Maneuver (Free Reaction * Martial Utility)

Trigger: You hit a target with a charge attack while wielding a spear.
Hit: [1W]+[melee bonus] damage, and ongoing damage equal to your Constitution
modifier. The target grants combat advantage to your allies until the end of your next

Lunging Spear Rank 2 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Utility)

Special: You may shift one additional square as a minor action before or after
this attack.
Effect: You shift one square.
Target: One creature (Proficiency vs. AC)
Hit: [2W]+[melee bonus] damage. If you have combat advantage against the
target, this attack deals ongoing damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.
103 of 202

Flail Fighting Style

You gain Proficiency and Expertise for the Flail weapon group. If you are wielding a Flail,
you gain a proficiency bonus to all damage with that weapon. The bonus is based on your
character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 11-15: +3 Level 21-25: +5
Level 6-10: +2 Level 16-20: +4 Level 26-30: +6

You gain the Rank 1 maneuver Ensnaring Strike as a per-encounter feat.

Ensnaring Strike Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Trigger: You hit a target with a melee weapon attack.
Effect: The target suffers a penalty to all attack rolls until the end of your next
turn equal to your Dexterity modifier. If you attacked with a flail or a bare
hand, the target is grabbed.

Additionally, you may gain any of the following maneuvers as at-will feats.

Dragging Sweep At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Make a melee basic attack with a polearm, staff or flail weapon. If you hit, you
may choose to either slide the target one square, or knock the target prone. If you
achieve a critical hit, you may do both.

Whirling Stance At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)

Effect: Until the stance ends, if you are wielding a weapon with the reach property,
you threaten all squares within your reach. When you hit with an opportunity attack,
you may end this stance as a free interrupt to slide the target one square and knock
them prone, or to grab the target with your flail. While the target remains grabbed,
you cannot use your flail (or that end of your flail if it is a double weapon), but may
sustain the grab as long as the target is within the flails reach. While the target
remains grabbed, you can pull the target one square as a minor action.

Whip Swing At-Will Maneuver (Move Action * Martial Melee Weapon Utility)
Requirement: You must be wielding a flail with the reach property.
Target: A secured object in a square within reach
Effect: You hook your flail onto the object. You may make an Athletics or
Acrobatics skill check as part of this movement, gaining your Flail proficiencys
attack modifier as a stance bonus to the roll.

Whirling Sweep At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Target: Each creature within reach of your flail weapon
Hit: Half your Dexterity modifier damage (round up).
104 of 202

Step 6: Choose One Training Feat

You may choose any basic training feat, or may choose one fighter-specific training feat from the
list below.

Fighter Training Feats

New Fighting Style
Prerequisite: Fighter
You gain an additional Fighting Style, and may choose at-will and per-encounter maneuvers from that style.

Fighter Class Feature

Prerequisite: Fighter
You gain one additional Warrior, Guard, Scout or Marshal class feature, gaining that class features per-
encounter feat as this levels per-encounter feat choice.

Martial Maneuver Training

Prerequisite: Fighter
You learn one additional martial per-encounter maneuver that you qualify for.
105 of 202

Fighter Multi-Class Feats

Multi-Class: Duelist
Prerequisite: Fighter, Training in Bluff.
You gain one class feature from any Cunning class role, adding its per-encounter feat as your per-encounter
feat choice for this level. You count as a Fighter and a Rogue, and may take feats from either class as you
continue to advance in level.

Multi-Class: Ranger
Prerequisite: Fighter, Training in Nature.
You gain one class feature from any Primal class role, adding its per-encounter feat as your per-encounter feat
choice for this level. You count as a Fighter and a Barbarian, and may take feats from either class as you
continue to advance in level.

Multi-Class: Monk
Prerequisite: Fighter, Training in Arcana.
You gain one class feature from any Arcane class role, adding its per-encounter feat as your per-encounter
feat choice for this level. You count as a Fighter and a Wizard, and may take feats from either class as you
continue to advance in level.

Multi-Class: Paladin
Prerequisite: Fighter, Training in Religion.
You gain one class feature from any Divine class role, adding its per-encounter feat as your per-encounter feat
choice for this level. You must choose one Divine at-will feat from that class feature instead of a Martial at-will
feat for this level. You count as a Fighter and a Priest, and may take class features, feats from either class as
you continue to advance in level.
106 of 202

Step 7: Choose Two At-Will Feats

Martial at-will feats are called maneuvers. You may now choose two separate at-will maneuvers
from the list below. Each maneuver has either a Fighting Style or another Class Feature as its
prerequisite. You may choose two Fighting Style at-will maneuvers, two other Class Feature at-will
maneuvers, or one of each.

Certain maneuvers are listed more than once; these maneuvers may be chosen if you meet either
set of criteria that they are listed under, but work identically in either case. For example, the
Nimble Stance maneuver appears in both the Light Weapon Fighting Style list and the Ranged
Weapon Fighting Style list, which means that you may choose that maneuver if you know either of
these fighting styles. The maneuver works with both melee and ranged attacks, so you can use it
with a melee weapon even if you gained it through the Ranged Weapon Fighting Style.
107 of 202

Martial Prowess Maneuvers

Each of these Maneuvers require that you have taken the Martial Prowess Class Feature.

Instill Cowardice
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Ranged Skill Attack)
Target: One enemy within 5 squares (Intimidate vs. Will)
Hit: The target is pushed 1 square and grants combat advantage to you until the
end of your next turn. The next time you deal damage to the target with a weapon
attack before the end of your next turn, you deal additional damage equal to 1D6 +
your Charisma modifier.
Miss: You grant combat advantage to the target until the end of your next turn.

Invigorating Victory
At-Will Maneuver (Free Action * Martial Utility)
Trigger: You roll a natural 20 on a weapon attack roll, or you reduce an enemy
to 0 hit points with a weapon attack.
Hit: You regain the use of your lowest-rank expended encounter pool slot.

Weapon Master Maneuvers

Each of these Maneuvers require that you have taken the Weapon Master Class Feature.

Quick Draw
At-Will Maneuver (Free Action * Martial Utility)
Effect: You may sheath or ready your weapon as a free action. When you roll
Initiative to begin an encounter, you may immediately ready a weapon, then make
one basic attack with that weapon against a target that rolled a lower Initiative result
than you.
108 of 202

Combat Challenge Maneuvers

Each of these Maneuvers require that you have taken the Combat Challenge Class Feature.

Threatening Stance
At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)
Effect: Until the stance ends, unmarked enemies who are adjacent to you suffer all
the penalties of your Combat Challenge as if they were Marked by you.

Second Wind
At-Will Maneuver (Immediate Reaction * Martial Utility)
Trigger: You are bloodied for the first time in an encounter.
Effect: You regain the use of your lowest-rank expended encounter pool slot, and may
immediately spend a healing surge.

Combat Superiority Maneuvers

Each of these Maneuvers require that you have taken the Combat Superiority Class Feature.

Defend the Line

At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)
Effect: Until the stance ends, whenever you hit a target with a melee weapon attack,
that target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Hammering Assault
At-Will Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)
Effect: Until the stance ends, whenever you hit a target with a melee weapon attack,
that target is pushed one square, and you may shift one square towards the target as
a free action.
109 of 202

Trackers Quarry Maneuvers

Each of these Maneuvers require that you have taken the Trackers Quarry Class Feature.

Harassing Strike
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack)
Target: Your quarry
Effect: Your quarry may allow you to slide them a number of squares equal to your
Wisdom modifier. If they dont, you make a basic attack against the target, with a
bonus to your attack roll equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Pursuing Strike
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack)
Target: Your quarry
Effect: You may shift a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier towards
your quarry, then perform a basic attack against them. If you hit, your quarry may not
shift until the start of your next turn.

Quarrys Demise
At-Will Maneuver (Free Action * Martial Utility)
Trigger: You roll a natural 20 on a weapon attack roll against your quarry, or
your quarry is reduced to 0 hit points by your weapon attack.
Hit: You regain the use of your lowest-rank expended power pool slot.

Battle Awareness Maneuvers

Each of these Maneuvers require that you have taken the Battle Awareness Class Feature.

Distracting Shot
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack)
Target: One creature
Hit: [1W] damage, and the target grants combat advantage to you and your allies
until the end of your next turn.

Hit and Run

At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack)
Effect: Perform a melee or ranged basic attack. You may shift one square before or
after the attack.
110 of 202

Combat Leader Maneuvers

Each of these Maneuvers require that you have taken the Combat Leader Class Feature.

Call the Shot

At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Granted Attack)
Target: One creature that you can see
Effect: One ally that can hear you makes a basic melee or ranged attack against the
target. The attack gains a bonus to damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Opening Shove
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Target: One creature (Athletics vs. Fortitude)
Hit: You push the target one square, and one ally within 5 squares may either shift
a number of squares equal to your Intelligence modifier, or make a melee basic attack
against that target.

Wolf Pack Advance

At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Choose an adjacent target. One ally adjacent to you or the target may shift
one square as a free action. Then, perform a melee basic attack against the target. If
you hit, the target may not shift until the start of your next turn.

Inspiring Presence Maneuvers

Each of these Maneuvers require that you have taken the Inspiring Presence Class Feature.

Brash Assault
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Effect: Choose an adjacent target, then make a melee basic attack against it as a free
action. The target may then make a melee basic attack against you as a free action,
and gains combat advantage for that attack. If they do, one ally that can see you can
make a melee or ranged basic attack against that target as a free action, and gains
combat advantage for that attack.

Set-Up Blow
At-Will Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Target: One creature (Athletics vs. Fortitude)
Hit: Strength modifier damage, and the next ally to attack the target adds your
Charisma modifier as a bonus to their attack and damage roll.

Pressing Need
At-Will Maneuver (Immediate Reaction * Martial Utility)
Trigger: An ally within 5 squares is bloodied for the first time this encounter.
Hit: You regain the use of your lowest-rank expended encounter pool slot.
111 of 202

Step 8: Choose One Per-Encounter Feat

Rank 1 Martial Maneuvers
Bull Rush
Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Reaction * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a charge attack.
Effect: You push the target one square and knock it prone, then shift into the square
it occupied.

Martial Prowess Maneuvers

Weapon Master Maneuvers

Combat Challenge Maneuvers

Come and Get It
Rank 1 Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Stance)
Target: Each enemy within 2 squares (Intimidate vs. Will)
Hit: The target is pulled 2 squares to an adjacent square and is Marked by you
until the end of your next turn.

Combat Superiority Maneuvers

Battle Awareness Maneuvers

Trackers Quarry Maneuvers

Combat Leader Maneuvers

Create Opportunity
Rank 1 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Utility)
Prerequisite: Covering Block
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack.
Effect: Each ally adjacent to you or the target may shift one square as a free
action. Until the end of your next turn, each ally within range gains a bonus to
attack rolls against that enemy equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Inspiring Presence Maneuvers

Shake it Off
Rank 1 Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Healing Utility)
Prerequisite: Inspiring Shout
Target: You and each ally within 5 squares that can see or hear you
Effect: The target may make an Endurance saving throw as an automatic
reaction against one condition that a save could end, with a bonus equal to
your Charisma modifier.
112 of 202

Gaining Levels
At level 2, 4, 6, and 8, you gain +1 to an Ability score of your choice, then gain one new at-will
feat that you qualify for.

Gaining Ranks
At level 3, 5, 7 and 9, your character increases by one rank, then gains a new per-encounter pool
slot of that rank. Then, you choose one new training feat, and gain one new per-encounter feat of
your new rank or lower. If you are a class that can use daily powers, you may choose to lose your
lowest-rank encounter pool slot at level 1, 5 and 9, and replace it with a daily power pool slot.
113 of 202

Rank 2 Martial Maneuvers

Warrior Maneuvers
Hurricane Slash
Rank 2 Maneuver (Standard Action * Martial Melee Weapon Attack)
Prerequisite: Whirlwind Strike
Target: Each enemy within reach of your weapon
Hit: [1W]+[melee bonus] damage, and you slide the target one square.
Miss: You slide the target one square.

Guard Maneuvers
Body Block
Rank 2 Maneuver (Immediate Interrupt * Martial Utility)
Prerequisite: Take the Hit
Trigger: An enemy would hit an ally within 5 squares with an attack.
Effect: Slide the targeted ally one square, then move 5 squares into a square
that the targeted ally originally occupied. The attack targets you instead,
comparing the original attack roll to your defense.
114 of 202

Scout Maneuvers
The Right Moment
Rank 2 Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Ranged Skill Attack)
Prerequisite: Disrupting Strike
Target: One enemy that you can see (Perception vs. Will).
Effect: You gain combat advantage against the target until the end of your
next turn. The next time you hit the target with a weapon attack before the
end of your next turn, that attack deals ongoing damage equal to your
Wisdom modifier (save ends).

Silent Pursuit
Rank 2 Maneuver (Move Action * Martial Utility)
Prerequisite: Scout Ahead
Effect: Shift a number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier, ending the
movement in at least partial concealment or partial cover. You become
invisible to your Quarry until the end of your next turn, and may make a
Stealth check to hide against other enemies without suffering a movement

Marshal Maneuvers
Pincushion Assault
Rank 2 Maneuver (Free Interrupt * Martial Utility)
Prerequisite: Call the Shot
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a ranged attack.
Effect: Each ally in range that can hear you may make a ranged basic attack
against your target as a free reaction.

Rallying Cry
Rank 2 Maneuver (Minor Action * Martial Healing Utility)
Prerequisite: Inspiring Shout
Target: You and each ally within 5 squares that can see or hear you
Effect: The target may spend a healing surge.
115 of 202

Rank 3 Martial Maneuvers

Rank 4 Martial Maneuvers

Rank 5 Martial Maneuvers

116 of 202

The Cunning Hero

117 of 202

Essential Rogue: The Assassin

118 of 202

Essential Rogue: the Dancer

Do you imagine your rogue gracefully dodging between her enemies blows, flowing with the grace
of a trained martial artist from a wuxia film? Then choose the following options:

Base Class: Rogue (Acrobat)

Hit Points: 28 (+4/level)
Defenses: AC 17, Fortitude 11, Reflex 16, Will 10
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged, Martial Flails, Whips, Katars
Armor Proficiencies: Leather
Trained Skills: Bluff, Stealth, Athletics, Endurance, Acrobatics

Class Features
Nimble Evasion, Distracting Caper, Dirty Fighting: Chain Weapon Fighting Style

Class Feats
Training Feat: Cunning Versatility (Dirty Fighting: Two Weapon Fighting Style)
At-Will Tricks: Acrobats Trick, Flowing Dance.
Per-Encounter Tricks: Nimble Dodge, Trick Shift, Follow-Up Strike, Ensnaring Strike. You may
perform up to two per-encounter feats per encounter; you may
perform the same maneuver twice or perform two different

Ability Score Priorities

Dexterity(18), Charisma(16), Strength(14), Constitution(12), Wisdom(11), Intelligence(10)

Whip x2
Katar x2

Whats Cool about the Dancer?

Whenever you move, your AC and Reflex defense become 22 until the end of your next
turn. If an enemy attacks you, you can use Nimble Dodge to increase this to 27 and step
out of the way of any non-reaching melee attack, and if they miss you while in your Flowing
Dance stance you can make them hit one of their allies instead - or even hit themselves if
theyre bigger than you. If one of your allies is threatened, you can use Trick Shift to swap
places with them, disrupting the attack and letting you bring your Flowing Dance
punishment to bear again. Your Follow-Up Strike lets you grab someone with a whip, then
stab them in the chest with a katar as they struggle to escape. Your Acrobats Trick lets you
leap and climb about the battlefield with impunity, then end the stance to leap onto an
enemys back and stab them to death with your katar. Commented [20]: I will note that this makes for pretty
lousy defending, since it encourages being out the way
of getting hit, doesn't let you shift to avoid OAs when
What Next? switching to mark some new shmuck, and is otherwise
As you gain levels, youll want to continue to take at-will and encounter feats from your an offensive power.
fighting styles and class options, rounding out your expertise with light blades and flails
until you can control the entire battlefield within reach of your whips. Dragging Sweep will
be particularly useful at level 2; it will allow you to grab someone two squares away with
your whip, then pull them in close and stab them with a Follow-Up Strike. Likewise, picking
up the Sneak Attack Class Feature at level 4 will allow you to add critical hit and Backstab
damage each time you do so. Later on, you may want to pick up the Bare-Handed Fighting
Style as an additional Dirty Fighting versatility.
119 of 202

The Complete Rogue

120 of 202

Step 4: Choose a Role

To further focus your character, you can choose one of four combat roles to fulfill for your team:

Striker (the Sneak)

Defender (the Acrobat)
Controller (the Thief)
Leader (the Performer)
Generalist (the Rogue)

Your choice will determine your HP per level, your starting defense bonuses, your weapon and
armor proficiencies, and your starting skills. All Cunning heroes share certain skills and
121 of 202

The Cunning Striker - the Sneak

The Sneak focuses their cunning prowess into slaying the unaware. Striking from shadow, the
Sneak is the master of the surprise attack. With stealth, with poison, and with an unparalleled
understanding of where and how to strike to take down an unsuspecting opponent, the Sneak's
best work is done where none will know they were ever there.

Class Proficiencies
You have the following skills and proficiencies at level 1.

Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged

Armor Proficiencies: Leather
Trained Skills: Bluff, Stealth

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Sneak Attack: You gain training in the Perception skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Will defense.
When you perform a weapon attack against a target within a number
of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier who is granting combat
advantage to you, you may choose to lose combat advantage against
that target until the beginning of your next turn. If you do, the attack
is automatically a critical hit if it hits.
- You gain the Backstab per-encounter trick:

Rank 1 Trick (Immediate Interrupt * Cunning Utility)
Trigger: You achieve a critical hit with a weapon attack,
or make a weapon attack against a target that
is granting you combat advantage
Effect: The attack deals [1W] additional damage and
ongoing damage equal to your Wisdom
modifier (save ends).

First Strike: You gain training in the Streetwise skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex defense.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level.
- During the first turn of any encounter, you gain combat advantage
against each creature who has not yet acted in that encounter.
- You gain the Surprising Feint per-encounter trick:

Surprising Feint
Rank 1 Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Utility)
Effect: You shift one square. Each enemy within 5
squares grants you combat advantage until the
end of your next turn.

Versatility: Choose one Versatility to specialize in. You gain that Versatility and its
associated skills.
122 of 202

The Cunning Defender - the Acrobat

The Acrobat focuses her cunning prowess into daring feats, keeping her opponent off-balance,
enraged and distracted, focusing on taking her down rather than striking at her comrades. Wearing
little armor and wielding light weapons, the Acrobat relies on her agility and cunning to escape
unscathed from any onslaught.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather
Trained Skills: Bluff, Stealth

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Nimble Evasion: - You gain training in the Acrobatics skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Reflex defense if you already had a class bonus to
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- If you are unarmored or wearing leather armor and moved at least 1
square since the beginning of your last turn, your Reflex and AC
defenses vs. enemies which do not have combat advantage against
you is equal to 15 + your Acrobatics bonus.
- You gain the Nimble Dodge per-encounter trick:

Nimble Dodge
Rank 1 Trick (Immediate Interrupt * Cunning Weapon Attack)
Trigger: You would be hit by an attack.
Effect: You shift one square and gain a stance bonus
to all defenses equal to your Charisma modifier
until the end of your next turn.

Distracting Caper: You gain training in the Athletics skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Reflex defense if you already had a class bonus to
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- Adjacent enemies which are not marked suffer a penalty to all attack
rolls for attacks that do not include you. The penalty is equal to your
Charisma modifier.
- You gain the Trick Shift per-encounter trick:

Trick Shift
Rank 1 Trick (Immediate Interrupt * Cunning Weapon Attack)
Trigger: An adjacent ally would be hit by an attack.
Effect: You slide the ally one square, then shift one
square into the square the ally occupied. The
attack targets you, and suffers a penalty equal
to your Dexterity modifier.

Versatility: Choose one Versatility to specialize in. You gain that Versatility and its
associated skills.
123 of 202

The Cunning Controller - the Thief

The Thief focuses their cunning prowess into stealth, guile, and unparalleled situational awareness.
Whether disarming traps, luring the enemy into an ambush, or sneaking their companions past an
unsuspecting army, the Thief knows how to get in, get the job done, and get out again.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather
Trained Skills: Bluff, Stealth

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Bag of Tricks: You gain training in the Craft skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Will defense.
- You gain proficiency with Caltrops, Darts, and Bombs
- You may hide a number of caltrops, darts and/or bombs on your
person equal to your Intelligence modifier, hidden in secret pouches of
your clothing where you can immediately access them as a free action.
Whenever you take a Short Rest, you may trade out any number of
them for an equal number of caltrops, darts or bombs, disassembling
the unused items and storing the components.
- You gain the Expert Throw per-encounter trick:

Expert Throw
Rank 1 Trick (Standard Action * Cunning Weapon Attack)
Effect: You perform an area attack with a caltrop or
bomb. The attack gains a feat bonus to range
and attack rolls equal to your Intelligence

Legerdemain: You gain training in the Thievery skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex defense.
- Whenever an adjacent enemy misses an attack, you may slide that
enemy one square as an immediate reaction.
- You gain the Sticky Fingers per-encounter trick:

Sticky Fingers
Rank 1 Trick (Immediate Reaction * Cunning Utility)
Requirement: You must have a hand free.
Trigger: An adjacent enemy provokes an attack of
opportunity or misses with a melee weapon
Target: The triggering enemy (Dexterity vs. Reflex)
Hit: You disarm the target and take their weapon.
Miss: The target suffers a penalty to all weapon
attacks equal to your Dexterity modifier until
the end of your next turn.

Versatility: Choose one Versatility to specialize in. You gain that Versatility and its
associated skills.
124 of 202

The Cunning Leader - the Performer

The Performer focuses his cunning prowess into a charming presence, an unparalleled
understanding of drama and stagecraft, and an uncanny sway over the hearts and minds of others.
By keeping his enemies unsettled and his allies cheerful and encouraged, he ensures that the party
lives to tell the tale of their adventures.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather
Trained Skills: Bluff, Stealth

Beginning Class Features

You have the following three class features at level 1.

Encouraging Leader: You gain training in the Perform skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level.
- You and all allies who can hear you gain a class bonus to their Will
defenses equal to your Charisma modifier.
- You gain the Words of Encouragement per-encounter trick:

Words of Encouragement
Rank 1 Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Healing Utility)
Target: You and each conscious ally within 5 squares
that can see or hear you
Effect: Each target may spend a healing surge as an
automatic interrupt, or may make a single
saving throw as an automatic reaction.

Jack of All Trades: You gain training in the History skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to all untrained skill checks, and a +5
class bonus to all Knowledge skill checks.
- You gain the Worldly Wisdom per-encounter trick:

Worldly Wisdom
Rank 1 Trick (Free Interrupt * Cunning Utility)
Trigger: You or one ally within 5 squares that can hear
you would make a Knowledge check or an
untrained skill check
Effect: The target gains a +5 feat bonus to the check
result, and may treat the roll as if they were
trained in that skill.

Versatility: Choose one Versatility to specialize in. You gain that Versatility and its
associated skills.
125 of 202

The Cunning Generalist - the Rogue

The Rogue is a thief, a spy, an acrobat, a charmer and a killer all in one. They can learn the Class
Features of any of the four Cunning class roles.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather
Trained Skills: Bluff, Stealth

Beginning Class Features

You may choose three Cunning class features at level 1.

Versatility: Choose one Versatility to specialize in. You gain that Versatility and its
associated skills.

Choice One: Choose one Class Features from any Cunning class role. You gain that
Class Feature and its associated skill and per-encounter feat.

Choice Two: Choose one Class Features from any Cunning class role. You gain that
Class Feature and its associated skill and per-encounter feat.
126 of 202

Step 5: Choose a Versatility

Each Versatility provides one or two additional Trained Skills, and a special ability keyed to those
skills. If you are already Trained in either of your Versatilitys skills, you may choose either the Skill
Expertise feat or the Skill Specialization feat for that skill instead.

Dirty Fighting Commented [21]: In what way is this "dirty"? In

You gain training in Endurance. You may choose one Martial Fighting Style, and gain that feature and comparison to everything else the Rogue does, it's
its associated proficiencies; you may choose one Rank 1 per-encounter feat from that Fighting Style cleaner, and it's no more dirty than anything the fighters
as an additional feat option. When you choose your at-will feats, you may choose one maneuver from
that fighting style in addition to your roles class features.
127 of 202

Poison Master
You gain training in the Heal and Nature skills. Whenever you take an Extended Rest, you may
expend 5gp worth of materials to brew a number of doses of poison or antidote equal to your
Intelligence modifier; you may use this poison to coat weapons when making attacks granted by
this Class Feature. This poison remains viable for approximately 24 hours. Each dose of antidote
may be used to counteract one dose of your applied poison.

Apply Poison
At-Will Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Utility)
Target: One weapon or ammunition that does not have the bashing property
Effect: You coat your weapon with one dose of prepared poison. The next time you hit
with this weapon or ammunition before the end of your turn, it will deal
ongoing 5 poison damage and slow the target (save ends both), in addition to
the weapons normal damage.

Exploit Symptoms
At-Will Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Utility)
Target: One creature who is taking ongoing poison damage (Bluff vs. Will)
Effect: The target grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.

Poisoned Drink
At-Will Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Utility)
Target: One drink in your or an adjacent square (Thievery vs. the Spot defense of
anyone who might notice)
Success: You slip a poison into the drink without anyone noticing. The next person to
drink the drink suffers ongoing 10 poison damage and is weakened and slowed
(save ends all).

Built Up Immunity
Rank 1 Trick (Free Reaction * Cunning Utility)
Trigger: You are hit by a poison attack, or begin your turn while affected by poison
Effect: You may immediately make a Heal or Endurance save to shake off the effects,
before you suffer any symptoms of the poison.
128 of 202

You gain training in the Arcana and Craft skills. You may use the lower of your Thievery or Arcana
skill check to disarm magic traps. Whenever you take an Extended Rest, you may expend 10gp
worth of materials to craft a number of bombs, caltrops or sets of darts equal to your Intelligence
modifier. You know a number of the following bomb formulas equal to your Intelligence modifier:
tanglefoot bomb, slipgrease bomb, glitterdust bomb, thunderstone bomb, acid bomb, smoke bomb.

Long Toss
At-Will Trick (Standard Action * Cunning Ranged Weapon Attack)
Effect: You perform an area attack with a caltrop or bomb. The caltrop or bombs
maximum range is increased by 5 for this attack.

At-Will Trick (Standard Action * Cunning Ranged Weapon Attack)
Effect: You perform an area attack with a caltrop or bomb. You may trace line of sight
around one wall or obstacle when you perform this attack.

Make it Count
Rank 1 Trick (Standard Action * Cunning Ranged Weapon Attack)
Effect: You perform an area attack with a caltrop or bomb. The caltrop or bombs
burst or cone size is increased by 1 for this attack.
129 of 202

Relic Hunter
You gain training in the History and Religion skills. You may use Arcana, Religion, Nature, or Craft
(depending on the item) during a short rest to reliably identify the properties of any unknown
wondrous item, or to regain the use of one wondrous items expended daily power.

Sense Curse
At-Will Trick (Immediate Interrupt * Cunning Utility)
Trigger: You would activate a trap or cursed items curse effect
Target: The cursed item (Perception vs. the items save DC)
Effect: You do not activate the trap or curse. If the trap or curse is on an item
you are carrying, you remove and drop the item as part of this
interrupt (possibly breaking any necessary straps or holds in the
process), and are immediately aware that the item is cursed or

Activate Magic Item

Rank 1 Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Utility)
Effect: You regain the use of one wondrous items expended encounter power.
130 of 202

You gain training in the Intimidate and Streetwise skills. When you are flanking an enemy, you
may add your Charisma modifier as a class bonus to all attack rolls against that enemy.

Set-Up Distraction
At-Will Trick (Move Action * Cunning Utility)
Target: One enemy within 2 squares of an ally
Effect: One ally may move one square into a square adjacent to the target,
provoking an opportunity attack if they do so. If the target responds to
their movement, you may shift one square and perform an opportunity
attack against the target as an immediate interrupt.

Night Full of Knives

Rank 1 Trick (Standard Action * Cunning Melee Attack)
Target: One adjacent enemy
Effect: You and each ally that has combat advantage vs. that enemy may
perform a basic melee attack against that enemy with a one-handed
weapon, with a teamwork bonus equal to the number of allies adjacent
to the enemy.
131 of 202

You gain training in the Perform and History skills, and gain the Perform Bardsong Arcane per-
encounter feat as this levels per-encounter feat choice. You count as a Rogue and Wizard, and
may take feats from either class as you continue to advance in level.

Cunning Per-Encounter Feat (Any Rank) * Primal, Arcane or Divine Song

Special: When you choose this per-encounter feat, you learn any two
Bardsongs of up to your caster rank, limited by your trained Skills.
Effect: You may cast Bardsongs spontaneously as per-encounter feats, using
the Perform skill rather than the Arcana skill as your attack roll.
132 of 202

Step 6: Choose One Training Feat

You may choose any basic training feat, or may choose one rogue-specific training feat from the
list below.

Rogue Training Feats

Cunning Expertise
Prerequisite: Rogue
You gain Expert training in all skills you are trained in. Whenever you gain training in a new skill, you
automatically gain Expert training in that skill. When you make an extended skill check, you may choose for
that action to take half the listed amount of time to perform, or you may choose to treat your check value as
if you had rolled a 10, instead of rolling. You may choose to take ten times the normal amount of time
required to perform the extended action to gain a +10 care bonus to the check value. Additionally, you gain a
proficiency bonus to all damage against foes that are granting you combat advantage. The bonus is based on
your character level.
Level 1-5: +1 Level 16-20: +4
Level 6-10: +2 Level 21-25: +5
Level 11-15: +3 Level 26-30: +6

New Versatility
Prerequisite: Rogue
You gain an additional versatility, and may choose at-will and per-encounter tricks from that versatility.

Rogue Class Feature

Prerequisite: Rogue
You gain one additional Sneak, Acrobat, Thief or Performer class feature of your choice, gaining its per-
encounter feat as your per-encounter feat choice for this level.

Cunning Trick Training

Prerequisite: Rogue
Effect: You gain one additional cunning per-encounter trick that you qualify for.

Bardsong Training
Prerequisite: Perform Bardsong per-encounter feat
Effect: You learn two additional Bard songs that you qualify for.
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Rogue Multi-Class Feats

Multi-Class: Duelist
Prerequisite: Rogue, Training in Endurance or Athletics.
You gain one class feature from any Martial class role, gaining its per-encounter feat as your per-encounter
feat choice for this level. You count as a Rogue and a Fighter, and may take feats and powers from either
class as you continue to advance in level.

Multi-Class: Explorer
Prerequisite: Rogue, Training in Nature.
You gain one class feature from any Primal class role, gaining its per-encounter feat as your per-encounter
feat choice for this level. You count as a Rogue and a Barbarian, and may take feats and powers from either
class as you continue to advance in level.

Multi-Class: Bard
Prerequisite: Rogue, Training in Arcana.
You gain one class feature from any Arcane class role, gaining its per-encounter feat as your per-encounter
feat choice for this level. You count as a Rogue and a Wizard, and may take feats and powers from either class
as you continue to advance in level.

Multi-Class: Inquisitor
Prerequisite: Rogue, Training in Religion.
You gain one class feature from any Divine class role, gaining its per-encounter feat as your per-encounter
feat choice for this level. You count as a Rogue and a Priest, and may take feats and powers from either class
as you continue to advance in level.
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Step 7: Choose Two At-Will Feats

Cunning at-will feats are called tricks. You may now choose two separate at-will tricks from the list
below. Each at-will feat has either a Versatility or another Class Feature as its prerequisite. You
may choose two Versatility at-will tricks, two other Class Feature at-will tricks, or one of each.

Certain tricks are listed more than once; these tricks may be chosen if you meet either set of
criteria that they are listed under, but work identically in either case.

Skill Tricks
Each of these tricks require that you be trained in a particular skill, but are not tied to any
particular class feature.

Acrobats Trick
At-Will Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Stance)
Prerequisite: You must be trained in Athletics and Acrobatics
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a climb speed equal to half your move speed,
and gain a stance bonus to all Athletics checks to jump equal to twice your
move speed. You do not need to make Athletics checks when you jump less
than four squares.

You may end this stance as a standard action to make a charge attack against
another creature, and may jump when making this charge attack. You gain a
+2 stance bonus to your damage roll for each square that you jumped during
the charge. If you hit, you may push the target one square, then slide one
square into the targets original square.

Ambush Trick
At-Will Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Stance)
Prerequisite: You must be trained in Stealth and Perception
Effect: When you enter this stance, you may make a Stealth check to hide if
you have any cover or concealment. Until the stance ends, you do not suffer a
penalty to Stealth based on your movement. You may end this stance as a
standard action to charge an enemy that is granting you combat advantage,
and gain a +2 stance bonus to your attack and damage rolls against that

Escape Artists Trick

At-Will Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Stance)
Prerequisite: You must be trained in Acrobatics and Thievery
Effect: Until the stance ends, you may shift half your speed as a move action.
You may end this stance as a free reaction when grabbed or restrained to end
the grab or restraint.

Feinting Trick
At-Will Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Stance)
Prerequisite: You must be trained in Bluff and Acrobatics
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a power bonus to damage equal to
your Charisma modifier against creatures that are not granting you combat
135 of 202

Sneak Attack
Each of these Tricks require that you have taken the Sneak Attack Class Feature.

At-Will Minor Action * Cunning Stance
Effect: ???

First Strike
Each of these Maneuvers require that you have taken the First Strike Class Feature.

At-Will Minor Action * Cunning Stance
Effect: ???

Nimble Evasion
Each of these Tricks require that you have taken the Nimble Evasion Class Feature.

At-Will Minor Action * Cunning Stance
Effect: ??? Commented [22]: ### WIP ###

Distracting Caper
Each of these Tricks require that you have taken the Distracting Caper Class Feature.

Flowing Dance
At-Will Trick (Minor Action * Cunning Stance)
Effect: Until the stance ends, whenever an enemy misses you or an adjacent ally with
an attack, you may make the following attack as a free reaction.

Target: One adjacent creature (Bluff vs. Reflex). You may not target the original
attacking creature unless it is at least one size larger than you.
Hit: The original missed attack hits the creature you targeted instead.
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Step 8: Choose One Per-Encounter Feat

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The Primal Hero

138 of 202

The Primal Striker - the Berserker

The Berserker focuses his primal connection into a fierce rage, fueling a terrifying and seemingly
endless onslaught. By channeling the Primal spirits through his body and his combat prowess, the
Berserker becomes a terror on the battlefield, slaying his foes and driving them before him.

Class Proficiencies
You have the following skills and proficiencies at level 1.

Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged

Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide
Trained Skills: Nature, Heal

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Primal Rage: You gain training in the Endurance skill.

- You gain Martial training in one melee weapon group.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Fortitude defense if you already had a class bonus to
- You gain the Berserker Rage daily trance:

Berserker Rage
Daily Trance (Immediate Interrupt * Primal Stance)
Trigger: You are bloodied by an attack, bloody an
enemy with an attack, or reduce an enemy to
0 hit points with an attack.
Effect: You regain the use of all expended per-
encounter pool slots, and may immediately
spend a healing surge. You then enter into a
rage stance that lasts until the end of the
encounter. While in this stance, your melee
weapon attacks do an additional [1W] damage,
you gain a +2 class bonus to speed, and you
gain resistance to all damage equal to your
Constitution modifier. While in this stance, you
automatically succeed any Endurance checks
made to maintain this stance.

Relentless Pursuit: You gain training in the Athletics skill.

- You gain Martial training in one melee weapon group.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Reflex defense if you already had a class bonus to
- You gain the Swift Charge per-encounter trance:

Swift Charge
Rank 1 Trance (Free Reaction * Primal Utility)
Requirement: You must not be wearing heavy armor.
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with an
Effect: You charge an enemy, gaining a +2 feat bonus
to speed during the charge.

Totem: Choose one Totem to emulate. You may choose at-will and per-
encounter feats from that totem.

The Primal Defender - the Warden

The Warden focuses her primal connection into a wellspring of vitality, making her a nearly
139 of 202

unstoppable protector of the natural world. By evoking the aspects of her totem, the Warden
becomes easily the toughest of sentinels, despite her light armor and often primitive weapons.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide
Trained Skills: Nature, Heal

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Primal Wrath: - You gain training in the Endurance skill.

- You gain training in light shields, and Martial training in one melee
weapon group. You gain martial proficiency in unarmed and grappling
attacks; you gain a proficiency bonus to all unarmed attack rolls equal
to your Dexterity modifier, and a proficiency bonus to grapple attack
rolls equal to your Constitution modifier.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Fortitude defense if you already had a class bonus to
- You gain a +2 class bonus to HP/level, or a +3 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- If you are unarmored or wearing light armor, you gain a class bonus
to AC and to your armors damage resistance equal to your
Constitution modifier.
- You gain the Font of Life per-encounter trance:

Font of Life
Rank 1 Trance (Free Interrupt * Primal Healing Utility)
Trigger: You would be bloodied by an attack.
Effect: You may spend a healing surge. Until the end
of the encounter, you gain regeneration equal
to your Constitution modifier while bloodied

Guardian Might: You gain training in the Intimidation skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense, or a +2 class
bonus to your Fortitude defense if you already had a class bonus to
- You gain a +2 class bonus to HP/level, or a +3 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- Enemies within your reach which are not marked or are marked by
you suffer a penalty to all attack rolls for attacks that do not include
you. The penalty is equal to your Wisdom modifier.
- You gain the Guardian Form per-encounter trance:

Guardian Form
Rank 1 Trance (Move Action * Primal Shapeshifting Stance)
Requirement: You are not wearing heavy armor.
Effect: You shift one square, then change shape into a
hybrid of man and beast, borrowing the best
aspects of your totem. For as long as you
maintain this stance, enemies within a number
of squares of you equal to your Wisdom
modifier which are not marked are considered
marked by you. You gain any two Aspects of
your totem until you end this stance; you may
choose different Aspects to gain each time you
take this stance. While in this stance, you
automatically succeed any Endurance checks
made to maintain this stance.

Totem: Choose one Totem to emulate. You may choose at-will and per-
encounter feats from that totem.
The Primal Controller - the Beastmaster
The Beastmaster focuses her primal connection into an intuitive understanding of animal instinct,
becoming the unmatched master of the wilderness. She can call upon and even bond with the
140 of 202

creatures of the wild, gaining a pack of fierce predators as lifelong hunting companions.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide
Trained Skills: Nature, Heal

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1:

Primal Aspect: You gain training in the Stealth skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level.
- You gain the Wild Shape per-encounter trance:

Wild Shape
Rank 1 Trance (Move Action * Primal Shapeshifting Stance)
Requirement: You are not wearing heavy armor.
Effect: You shift one square, then change shape into
the animal represented by your totem. While
you are in this stance, you replace your racial
ability score bonuses with the listed bonuses
from that animal, and gain that animals size,
speed, at-will feats, and per-encounter feats.
While in this form, you gain martial proficiency
in unarmed and grappling attacks; you gain a
proficiency bonus to all unarmed attack rolls
equal to your human Dexterity modifier, and a
proficiency bonus to grapple attack rolls equal
to your human Constitution modifier.

Natures Ally: You gain training in the Bluff skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Will defense.
- Whenever you and an ally are both adjacent to an enemy, you are
considered to be flanking that enemy.
- You gain the Summon Beasts per-encounter trick:

Summon Beasts
Rank 1 Trance (Standard Action * Primal Summoning Utility)
Target: An area of natural terrain that could contain
the summoned animal (Nature vs. animals
Hit: A number of natural animals of a type
represented by your totem equal to your
Charisma modifier appear from the summoned
square, each moving up to their speed toward
Miss: One animal of a type represented by your
totem appears in the summoned square.
Effect: The summoned animals count as allied minions
until the end of the encounter or until they are
hit by a damaging attack. When hit by a
damaging attack, they will flee back in the
direction they were summoned from, pausing
only to attack any creatures that attempt to
hinder them. If a creature that you summoned
is killed, you take psychic damage equal to
your surge value.

Totem: Choose one Totem to emulate. You may choose at-will and per-
encounter feats from that totem.
The Primal Leader - the Shaman
the Shaman focuses his primal connection into a direct communion with the spirits of nature,
acting as a medium between the spirit world and the material. The Shaman can call on the power
141 of 202

of the Spirit World directly, to heal his allies, bolster their abilities, and hinder his enemies' attempt
to harm them. The Primal spirits of nature are never far from the Shaman's call, willing to manifest
and do his bidding at a moment's notice.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide
Trained Skills: Nature, Heal

Beginning Class Features

You have the following three class features at level 1.

Primal Medicine: You gain training in the Insight skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- You gain the Healers Chant per-encounter trance:

Healers Chant
Rank 1 Trance (Minor Action * Primal Healing Utility)
Target: You and each conscious ally adjacent to you or
a spirit you control
Effect: Each target may spend a healing surge as an
automatic interrupt, or may make a single
saving throw as an automatic reaction.

Spirit Speaker: You gain training in the Diplomacy skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- You and all allies who can hear you gain a class bonus to their Will
defenses equal to your Charisma modifier.
- You gain the Call Spirit per-encounter trance:

Call Spirit
Rank 1 Trance (Standard Action * Primal Summoning Utility)
Target: One space within 5 squares
Effect: You summon a spirit appropriate to your totem
in the occupied square. The spirit counts as an
allied minion until the end of the encounter. It
has a damage threshold equal to 10 + your
level; any attack which exceeds that threshold
banishes it back to the spirit world until re-
summoned, while any attack which deals less
damage is ignored. When a spirit you control is
banished, you lose hit points equal to your
surge value.

Totem: Choose one Totem to emulate. You may choose at-will and per-
encounter feats from that totem.
142 of 202

The Primal Generalist - the Barbarian

The Barbarian walks among the Primal wilderness, communing with the spirits and inviting their
power and wisdom to flow alongside him and within him. They can learn any Primal power, and can
learn the Class Features of any of the four Primal class roles.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple Melee, All Simple Ranged
Armor Proficiencies: Leather, Hide
Trained Skills: Nature, Heal

Beginning Class Features

You may choose three Primal class features at level 1.

Totem: Choose one Totem to emulate. You may choose at-will and per-
encounter feats from that totem.

Choice One: Choose one Class Features from any Primal class role. You gain that
Class Feature and its associated skill and per-encounter feat.

Choice Two: Choose one Class Features from any Primal class role. You gain that
Class Feature and its associated skill and per-encounter feat.
143 of 202
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Step 5: Choose a Totem

Evoke Aspect
Rank 1 Trance (Move Action * Primal Shapeshifting Stance)
Requirement: You must not be wearing heavy armor.
Effect: You shift one square. For as long as you maintain this stance, you gain all the
benefits and penalties of any one Aspect of your totem.
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Bear is slow to anger, but fierce if provoked. Bear is protective of her cubs. Bear is large
and strong.

Bears Aspects
Bear's Size - Your Size increases by 1, and you gain a +2 stance bonus to your melee attack
rolls and damage rolls and a +5 stance bonus to Athletics. You threaten all squares within
your reach.

Bear's Claws - Your basic unarmed melee attack deals 1D8+[melee bonus] damage, and
knocks your target prone on a hit.

Bear's Resilience - You gain a +2 stance bonus to your fortitude defense and a +5 stance
bonus to Endurance. When you are bloodied, you gain regeneration equal to your Constitution
modifier. Your Primal Healing powers which allow you or your allies to spend a healing surge
to regain hit points grant a class bonus to hit points regained equal to your Constitution

Bear's Protection - Whenever you perform a move action, you may slide one adjacent ally 1
square at the beginning or end of your movement. Whenever an ally would provoke an
opportunity attack from an adjacent enemy, you may cause that attack to target yourself

Bears Trances
Bears Healing Trance
Daily Trance (Automatic Reaction * Primal Healing Stance)
Trigger: You end your turn while dying.
Effect: You may spend a healing surge. Until the end of the encounter, you gain all
benefits of Bears Resilience.
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Cat is swift and brutal. Cat runs her prey down, pouncing for the kill. Cat is confident but

Cats Aspects
Cat's Pounce - You gain a +2 stance bonus to speed, a +2 stance bonus to attack rolls when
charging, and a +5 stance bonus to Athletics.

Cat's Claws - Your basic unarmed melee attack deals 1D6+[melee bonus] Piercing damage
and ongoing 5 damage.

Cat's Eyes - You can see in dim light as well as others can see in bright light. When a hidden
enemy moves any distance, you gain a +2 bonus to your Spot check to notice them.

Cat's Grace - You gain a +2 stance bonus to your Reflex defense, and a +5 stance bonus to
Acrobatics. You take half damage from falling.

Cats Trances
Cats Succor
At-Will Trance (Minor Action * Primal Stance)
Target: You or one adjacent creature (Heal vs. 10, 15 if bloodied or 20 if dying)
Hit: The target regains hit points equal to half your Charisma modifier.

Cats Stalking Trance

Rank 1 Trance (Move Action * Primal Attack Stance)
Target: One creature 5 or more squares away that can see you (Intimidate vs. Will)
Hit: You push the target a number of squares equal to its move, and it is dazed
until the end of your next turn. You then move a number of squares equal to
its speed + 1 towards it, ignoring difficult terrain. The target suffers a
cumulative -1 penalty to all defenses until you end this stance.
Miss: You move a number of squares equal to your speed towards the target. If you
end adjacent to the target, you deal 1D6+[melee bonus] piercing damage to
it, and end this stance.
Effect: Until you end this stance, you may make an Acrobatics saving throw as an
automatic reaction whenever an effect would affect your speed or ability to
move. You must use a move action at the beginning of each of your turns to
maintain this stance, repeating the above attack. You may end this stance as a
standard action to perform an (Unarmed vs. Reflex) charge attack against the
target. If you hit, you deal 2D6+[melee bonus] piercing damage, ongoing 5
damage, and knock the target prone.
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Raptor is wise and sees far. Raptor flies far above the battlefield, waiting for his chance to

Raptors Aspects
Raptor's Wings - You gain a Fly speed of 8, but must land at the end of each turn.

Raptor's Talons - Your a basic unarmed melee attack deals 1D6+[melee bonus] Piercing
damage and ongoing 5 damage.

Raptor's Eyes - You gain a +2 stance bonus to your Reflex and Will defenses, and a +5
stance bonus to Perception (this also affects your Spot defense). Primal powers which grant
your allies bonuses to their attack rolls grant an additional bonus equal to your Wisdom

Raptor's Reflexes - You gain a +2 stance bonus to your Reflex defense, a +2 stance bonus
to melee attack rolls, and a +5 stance bonus to Acrobatics.

Raptors Trances
Raptors Diving Trance
Rank 1 Trance (Standard Action * Primal Shapeshifting Stance)
Target: One creature within 15 squares
Effect: You gain a fly speed of 8 until the end of the turn, and may immediately spend
your move action to fly towards the target. You then perform an (Unarmed vs.
Reflex) charge attack against the target.
Hit: You deal 2D6+[melee bonus] Piercing damage and ongoing 5 damage, then
pull the target into your square and grab them. You may spend any remaining
movement that you possess, dragging the target with you. When you end your
turn, you push the target into an adjacent square.
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Serpent is wise and subtle. Serpent waits in stealth before striking with lightning speed to
strangle her prey. Serpent holds many secrets dear to her chest.

Serpent's Aspects
Serpents Strike - You may make a Stealth check to become hidden as a free action when
you evoke this aspect. You gain the following per-encounter charge attack:

Serpents Strike (Immediate Interrupt * Primal Unarmed Melee Attack)

Trigger: A creature that is granting you combat advantage moves within 3
squares of you
Target: The triggering creature (Unarmed vs. Reflex)
Effect: You shift to a square adjacent to the target, then deal 1D6+Dexterity
modifier damage. The target is slowed and suffers Wisdom modifier
ongoing poison damage, and grants combat advantage to you and
your allies (save ends all).

Serpent's Coils - Your speed becomes 4. You gain a climb speed equal to your speed, and
may squeeze without penalty and ignore difficult terrain while shifting. You gain the following
at-will grapple attack:

Constricting Coils (Standard Action * Primal Unarmed Melee Attack)

Target: One creature that you have grabbed (Grapple vs. Fortitude)
Hit: Strength modifier + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is
dazed until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage.

Serpent's Stare - You gain the following per-encounter ranged attack:

Serpent's Stare (Minor Action * Primal Ranged Psychic Attack)

Target: One creature within 5 squares (Insight vs. Will)
Hit: The creature takes 1D6+Wisdom modifier psychic damage, and grants
you combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

Serpent's Tongue - You gain darkvision out to 3 squares, but can only see living beings and
sources of heat with this sense. You suffer a -5 penalty to Perception rolls and your Spot
defense vs. targets further than 5 squares away, but gain a +5 stance bonus to Heal and
Insight vs. targets within 3 squares. Your Primal Healing powers which allow your allies to
spend a healing surge to regain hit points grant a class bonus to hit points regained equal to
your Wisdom modifier.

Serpents Trances
Serpents Shifting Trance
At-Will Trance (Minor Action * Primal Melee Shapeshifting Stance)
Effect: Until you end this stance, your speed becomes 4, but you gain a climb speed
of 4, can squeeze without penalty, and can ignore difficult terrain while

Serpents Strangling Trance

Rank 1 Trance (Standard Action * Primal Melee Shapeshifting Attack)
Target: One adjacent poisoned creature (Grapple + 3 vs. Fortitude)
Hit: The target is dazed, and takes damage equal to your Strength modifier + your
Constitution modifier.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target is grabbed and restrained, and you shift into the targets square. As
long as you maintain this stance, you gain all benefits of Serpents Coils. This
stance ends if the target escapes your grab.
149 of 202

Wolf is loyal and cunning. Wolf relentlessly pursues his prey. Wolf is noble, but savage.

Wolfs Aspects
Wolf's Howl - You gain the following per-encounter attack:

Wolf's Howl
Rank 1 Trance (Minor Action * Primal Area Attack)
Target: Each enemy within 5 squares (Intimidate vs. Will)
Hit: The creature takes 1D4+Charisma modifier psychic damage, and
suffers a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Effect: Each surprised ally that can hear you is no longer surprised.

Wolf's Fangs - Your basic unarmed melee attack deals 1D6+[melee bonus] damage, and
grabs your target on a hit.

Wolf's Senses - You gain a +1 stance bonus to your Reflex and Will defenses, and a +2
stance bonus to Perception and Insight (this also affects your Spot and Sense defenses).
Whenever you perform a move action, each of your allies may shift one square as a free

Wolf's Speed - You gain a +2 stance bonus to speed, and may ignore difficult terrain when
moving and shifting.

Wolfs Trances
Wolfs Battle Cry
At-Will Trance (Minor Action * Primal Utility)
Target: Each surprised ally within 5 squares that can hear you
Effect: The target is no longer surprised.

Wolfs Lunge
Rank 1 Trance (Standard Action * Primal Shapeshifting Melee Attack)
Target: One creature (Unarmed vs. Reflex)
Hit: You charge the target, dealing 1D6+[melee bonus] damage. The target is
grabbed and knocked prone. Until the end of your next turn, your allies gain a
bonus to attack and damage vs. the target equal to your Constitution modifier.
150 of 202

Step 6: Choose a Training Feat

Primal Expertise
Prerequisite: Barbarian.
You gain Expert training in Nature. When you make an extended Nature skill check, you may choose for that
action to take half the listed amount of time to perform, or you may choose to take ten times the normal
amount of time required to perform the extended action to gain a +10 care bonus to the check value.
Additionally, you gain a proficiency bonus to all primal trance damage. The bonus is based on your character
Level 1-5: +1 Level 16-20: +4
Level 6-10: +2 Level 21-25: +5
Level 11-15: +3 Level 26-30: +6
151 of 202

The Arcane Hero

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Essential Wizard: the Pyromancer

Do you imagine your wizard hurling fiery death from his hands, burning his enemies to cinders with
a torrent of arcane fire? Then choose the following options:

Hit Points: 27 (+3/level)
Defenses: AC 14, Reflex 14, Fortitude 11, Will 11
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Perception, Nature, Intimidate

Class Features
Elementalist School, Channel Energies, Elemental Mastery

Class Feats
Training Feat: Elemental Bloodline (Flame)
At-Will Feats: Flaming Burst, Enlarge Spell.

Per-Encounter Spells: Flaming Fount, Flaming Shield, Flaming Rebuke. You may cast one
per-encounter spell per encounter.
Daily Spells: Flaming Shroud. You may cast one daily spell per day.

Ability Score Priorities

Charisma(18), Dexterity(16), Intelligence(14), Constitution(12), Wisdom(11), Strength(10)

Quarterstaff, dagger, cloth robes

Whats Cool about the Pyromancer?

You can throw a burst 2 fireball every turn that deals 1D6+9 fire damage and lights
everything that it hits on fire for ongoing 9 fire damage. Up to twice per encounter, you can
either throw a close burst 4 flame shroud that deals 2D8+9 damage and lights everything
that it hits on fire for ongoing 9 fire damage, throw up a blazing wreath of flames that burns
everyone who hits or stands adjacent to you for 1D6+9 damage for the rest of the
encounter, or retaliate against a single attacker by flinging them back 3 squares, dealing
1D8+9 fire damage, and lighting them on fire for 9 ongoing fire damage. Once per day, you
can create a burst 2 fountain of flames that deals 3D8+9 damage and that remains burning
for the remainder of the encounter, dealing 5 fire damage to anyone unlucky enough to get
caught in it.

What Next?
As you gain levels, youll want to keep grabbing bigger and more damaging elemental
spells. Leave finesse and flexibility to other people; you always go for the biggest boom.
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Essential Wizard: the Hexblade

Do you imagine your wizard teleporting across the battlefield to interpose himself between your
allies and enemies, casting protective shields just in time to save them from greivous blows? Then
choose the following options:

HP / Level: (+4/level)
Defenses: AC 14, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 12
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves, Pact Blade (Fullblade)
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Perception, Endurance, Insight

Class Features
Pact Spell Source (Extraplanar Affinity), Mark of Abjuration, Arcane Shielding

Class Feats
At-Will Spells: Bond of Assault, Summon Pact Blade

Per-Encounter Spells: Dimensional Warp, Eldritch Pursuit. You may cast two per-encounter
spells per encounter; you may perform the same maneuver twice or
perform two different maneuvers.

Ability Score Priorities

Eladrin: Charisma(20), Intelligence(18), Constitution(14), Wisdom(12)
Human: Charisma(18), Intelligence(18), Constitution(16), Wisdom(12)

cloth robes

Whats Cool about the Hexblade?

You can conjure a superior fullblade of crackling arcane energies into your hand at-will, that
uses your Arcana skill as its proficiency and deals 1D12+5 damage on a hit. Moreso, you
may mark a target within five squares as a minor action, shielding you and your allies from
their blows and reducing each of their damage rolls by -3 as long as they remain marked. If
they hit one of your allies, you can immediately teleport to a square next to them and strike
them with your fullblade. Up to three times per encounter, you can either open a rift that
lets you swap places with a nearby ally as a teleportation effect, or strike your opponent
with a blazing flash of eldritch fire from your sword, forging an arcane link that lets you
teleport to their location to strike them again the next time they attempt to move away.

What Next?
As you gain levels, more interesting options will begin to open up for you. You can learn
spells that you can focus through your blade to deal elemental damage to your enemies,
learn new shielding spells to protect yourself and your opponents from harm, or learn new
movement powers to allow you to stay mobile on the battlefield. The Hexblade is one of the
more versatile options, best suited for a creative and tactically flexible combatant.
154 of 202

Essential Wizard: the Necromancer

Do you imagine your wizard summoning armies of the undead to do his bidding, overwhelming his
enemies with a never-ending onslaught of expendible skeletons and zombies? Then choose the
following options:

Hit Points: (+2/level)
Defenses: AC 11, Reflex 11, Fortitude 13, Will 16
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Perception, Bluff, Diplomacy

Class Features
Spellbook Spell Source, Arcane Control, Arcane Conjuration

Class Feats
Training Feat:
At-Will Spells: Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hands.

Per-Encounter Spells: Raise Skeleton, Raise Zombie, Ray of Enfeeblement, Cause Fear. You
may prepare one of these spells whenever you take a short rest; you
may cast the prepared spell once per encounter.
Daily Spells: Skeleton Horde, Animate Dead. You may prepare one of these spells
whenever you take an extended rest; you may cast the prepared spell
once per day.

Ability Score Priorities

Human: Intelligence(18), Wisdom(18), Constitution(16), Dexterity(12)

cloth robes, quarterstaff, spellbook

Whats Cool about the Necromancer?

In a word: zombies. Up to three times per encounter, you can raise a fallen corpse as a
zombie or skeleton minion to do your bidding. Once per day, you can either raise every
corpse within 5 squares of you as a skeleton and command them for the entire encounter,
or raise a single creature as a more capable undead to fight alongside you until the next

What Next?
As you gain levels, your command over the forces of death will expand, giving you more
ways to summon and control your hordes. Look for choices that either give you more
undead minions to control, or that make your minions stronger or tougher.
155 of 202

Essential Wizard: The Artificer

Do you imagine your wizard crafting arcane gadgets and brewing strange potions, then handing his
team-mates his latest inventions with a manic grin and a reassurance that even if you havent
tested it, your notes say that it should work flawlessly? Then choose the following options:

Hit Points: 24 (+3/level)
Defenses: AC 11, Fortitude 11, Reflex 11, Will 14
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Perception, Heal, Craft

Class Features
Alchemy Spell Source, Arcane Healing, Wise Leader

Class Feats
Training Feat:
At-Will Spells: Mage Hands, Repair Construct

Per-Encounter Spells: Restore Health, Shield, Armor, Animate Construct, Grease. You may
prepare a potion, tool, armor or weapon with one of these spells
whenever you take a short rest; whoever has that potion or tool may
cast the prepared spell, using your Arcana to determine the check

Daily Spells: True Strike, Activate Construct. You may prepare a potion, tool, armor
or weapon with one of these spells whenever you take an extended
rest; whoever has that potion or tool may cast the prepared spell,
using your Arcana to determine the check result.

Ability Score Priorities

Intelligence(18), Wisdom(16), Charisma(14), Dexterity(12), Constitution(11), Strength(10)

cloth robes, arcane toolkit, spellbook

Whats Cool about the Artificer?

You get to play a mad scientist, tinkering with formulas and inventions and then trying them
on your hapless enemies and allies. You have a device that lets you project telekenetic force
out to 10 squares, lifting and manipulating objects up to 5 lbs at-will. The other side is a
repair kit that lets you heal 5 damage to any construct that looks like it could use a tune-up.
Whenever you take a short rest, you can brew or craft up two three potions or single-use
trinkets of your choice. These potions or trinkets could let your targets spend healing surges
to regain hit points, throw up a force-field around them to protect them from damage, pour
out an impossibly slick lubricant over a large area of floor, or serve as the power supply to
any manner of small clockwork automata. Once per day, you can either power up a truly
impressive automaton or enchant a single weapon or shot of ammunition with magics that
ensure that it is almost guaranteed to strike its target the first time it is used.

What Next?
Invent! As a mad scientist, you are limited only by your imagination, your available
resources, and what the DM will let you get away with. Come up with cool ways to explain
various spells as strange contraptions and bubbling potions.
156 of 202

Essential Wizard: the Bard

Do you imagine your wizard as a charismatic performer, singing magic-infused songs that weave a
strange magic into all who hear them? Then choose the following options:

HP / Level: 3
Defenses: Reflex +1, Will +1
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Craft, Nature, Intimidate, Perform, History

Class Features
Bardsong Spell Source, Arcane Control, x, Jack of All Trades

Class Feats
At-Will Spells: Suggestion, Ghost Sound.

Per-Encounter Songs:

(still working on this one...)

157 of 202

The Complete Wizard

Step 4: Choose a Role
158 of 202

The Arcane Striker - the Evoker

The Evoker focuses her arcane knowledge into raw displays of magical power, summoning lightning
bolts and fireballs to devastate her enemy from afar.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Perception

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Channel Energies: You gain training in the Nature skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Will defense.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level.
- When you cast a per-encounter spell, you may expend two lower-
rank encounter pool slots to cast one spell whose rank is less than or
equal to the lower of your characters rank or the combined rank of the
two encounter pool slots.
- You gain the Arcane Resurgence per-day feat:

Arcane Resurgence
Daily Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Metamagic Utility)
Effect: You enter the full defense stance and spend one
healing surge, but do not regain any hit points.
Instead, you regain the use of all Encounter pool slots
that you have expended this encounter. Your next
Arcane attack power that you use before the end of
your next turn deals a critical hit on a natural roll of

Arcane Mastery: You gain training in the Intimidate skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex defense.
- You may add your Dexterity modifier as a class bonus to the damage
you deal with your arcane attack spells. Additionally, you achieve a
critical hit with attack spells on a natural attack roll of 18-20;
whenever you achieve a natural 20 with an elemental attack spell, you
may inflict one additional arcane affliction on the target.
- You gain the Eldritch Strike spell:

Eldritch Strike
Rank 1 Spell (Free Interrupt * Arcane Melee Attack)
Special: When you choose this spell, choose a damage
type for the spell to cause: transmutation, force, cold,
acid, poison, necrotic, lightning, thunder, radiant, fire,
or psychic. This spell permanently gains that keyword,
and always deals damage and arcane afflictions of that
Trigger: You would hit or miss a creature with an melee
weapon or unarmed attack.
Effect: The attack targets the creatures Reflex if it targeted
any other defense. If it hits, the attack deals an
additional 2D6+[magic bonus] elemental damage. On
a critical hit, inflict one arcane affliction on the target.

School of Magic: Choose any one School of Magic at level 1. You may choose at-will and
per-encounter spells from that school.
159 of 202

The Arcane Defender - the Abjurer

The Abjurer focuses her arcane knowledge into shielding her allies from harm and deflecting her
enemies blows, directing her opponents energies in harmless directions.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Perception

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Arcane Shielding: You gain training in the Endurance skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense.
- Your Reflex defense is based on the higher of your Dexterity or
Intelligence modifier.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- You gain the Mage Armor per-encounter spell:

Mage Armor
Rank 1 Spell (Immediate Interrupt * Arcane Yin Earth Stance)
Trigger: You are hit by an attack that deals force damage or
targets AC.
Effect: Until you end this stance, your clothes or armor gain
an enhancement bonus equal to your Intelligence
modifier to AC and armor damage resistance, and
grant you resistance to force damage equal to your
Intelligence modifier.
Sustain: You must expend a minor action at the beginning of
each turn to sustain this stance.

Arcane Abjuration: You gain training in the Insight skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Will defense.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- You may mark a target within 5 squares of you as a minor action.
Targets marked by you suffer a penalty to attack damage for all
attacks equal to the higher of your Dexterity or Wisdom modifier.
- You gain the Mark of Abjuration per-encounter spell:

Mark of Abjuration
Rank 1 Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Utility)
Effect: Each enemy within 3 squares becomes Marked by you
until the end of your next turn.

School of Magic: Choose any one School of Magic at level 1. You may choose at-will and
per-encounter spells from that school.
160 of 202

The Arcane Controller - the Conjurer

The Conjurer focuses his arcane knowledge into summoning and command.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Perception

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Arcane Conjuring: You gain training in the Bluff skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Will defense, or a +2 class bonus
to Will if you already had a class bonus to your Will defense.
- Creatures suffer a penalty to all saving throws against your spells
equal to the higher of your Charisma modifier or your Wisdom
modifier. Whenever any spell that you cast would push, pull or slide an
enemy, increase the distance that you may move that enemy by your
the higher of your Charisma modifier or your Wisdom modifier.

Arcane Summoning: You gain training in the Diplomacy skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Will defense, or a +2 class bonus
to Will if you already had a class bonus to your Will defense.
- As a minor action, you may simultaneously sustain a number of
summoning spells with the sustain minor keyword equal to your
Charisma modifier. When you use a move action to move a summoned
creature or zone, you may simultaneously move a number of creatures
or zones equal to your Wisdom modifier.

School of Magic: Choose any one School of Magic at level 1. You may choose at-will and
per-encounter spells from that school.
161 of 202

The Arcane Leader - the Sage

The Sage focuses his arcane knowledge into protecting his allies and enhancing their weapons and

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Perception

Class Features
You have the following three class features at level 1.

Arcane Healing: You gain training in the Heal skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Fortitude defense.
- You gain a +1 class bonus to HP/level, or a +2 class bonus to
HP/level if you already had a class bonus to HP/level.
- When a spell or effect that you control allows an ally to spend a
healing surge, that ally regains additional hit points equal to your
Intelligence modifier.
- You gain the Reinvigorate per-encounter spell:

Rank 1 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Yang Wood Healing Utility)
Target: You or one adjacent ally
Effect: The target may spend a healing surge, and regains
1D6 additional hit points.

Wise Leader: You gain training in the Craft skill.

- You gain a +1 class bonus to your Will defense.
- When you take a short rest, you may spend time preparing and
enhancing your partys defenses to grant yourself and each of your
allies a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your Intelligence
modifier until the end of your next encounter.
- You gain the Strike True per-encounter spell:

Strike True
Rank 1 Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Yang Flame Divination Utility)
Target: One held weapon or ammunition
Effect: The weapon or ammunition gains an enhancement
bonus to attack rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier
until the next time it hits during this encounter. The
weapons wielder may end this effect as a free
interrupt when they would miss with an attack with the
weapon to reroll the attack roll and take the higher

School of Magic: Choose any one School of Magic at level 1. You may choose at-will and
per-encounter spells from that school.
162 of 202

The Arcane Generalist - the Wizard

The Wizard studies all forms of Arcane lore with equal interest, unsatisfied with the narrower focus
of his peers. They can learn any Arcane power, and can learn the Class Features of any of the four
Arcane class roles.

Class Proficiencies
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Light Blades, Simple Staves
Armor Proficiencies: None
Trained Skills: Arcana, Perception

Class Features
School of Magic: Choose any one School of Magic at level 1.

Choice One: Choose one Class Features from any other Arcane class. You gain that
Class Feature and its associated skill and per-encounter feat.

Choice Two: Choose one Class Features from any other Arcane class. You gain that
Class Feature and its associated skill and per-encounter feat.
163 of 202

Step 5: Choose a School of Magic

Each School of Magic is a collection of related spells...
164 of 202

Elemental School
Elemental Magic manipulates the raw forces and materials of the physical world. All Elemental
spells have one of five elemental aspects: earth, water, wood, wind, or flame; and have one of two
polarity aspects: yin and yang. An elemental attack spell's damage types and effects are always
based on its element and polarity, while elemental utility spells take advantage of the secondary
properties of the elements. Some arcane healing magics are elemental in nature, usually utilizing
properties of the element of wood.

Many elemental attack spells listed here have the word [Elemental] or [Element] in their name,
and the keyword Elemental. Each of these spells is actually a collection of eleven different spells:
Petrifying (yin earth/transmutation), Rending (yang earth/force), Freezing (yin water/cold),
Dissolving (yin water/acid), Choking (yin wood/poison), Withering (yang wood/necrotic), Booming
(yang wind/thunder), Shocking (yin wind/lightning), Flaming (yang flame/fire), or Shimmering (yin
flame/radiant) or Chaotic (Roll 1D10 each time you cast to determine at random). You choose
which to learn when you pick up that at-will or per-encounter spell; the spell that you learn causes
damage and elemental afflictions (if any) of the chosen type.

At-Will Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Radiant Utility)
Target: One item or object within 5 squares (no check)
Effect: Until you dispel it with a minor action or re-cast this cantrip on another
item or object, the target glows with a bright light. Squares within 2
squares of the light are brightly illuminated; squares within 5 squares
of the light are dimly illuminated.

[Elemental] Burst
At-Will Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Elemental Area Attack)
Target: Burst 1 within 10 squares (Arcana vs. defense)
Hit: 1D6+[magic bonus] elemental damage.

[Elemental] Spray
At-Will Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Elemental Area Attack)
Target: Close cone 3 (Arcana vs. defense)
Hit: 1D8+[magic bonus] elemental damage.

[Elemental] Ray
At-Will Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Elemental Basic Ranged Attack)
Special: You may use this spell as a basic ranged attack.
Target: one creature within 20 squares (Arcana vs. Reflex)
Hit: 1D10+[magic bonus] elemental damage.
165 of 202

[Elemental] Cloud
Rank 1 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Elemental Area Attack)
Target: Cone 2 within 10 squares (Arcana vs. defense)
Effect: The area becomes a cloud of elemental energies until the end of your
next turn. Creatures which enter the area take 1D6+[magic bonus]
elemental damage. You may dispel the cloud as a minor action.

[Elemental] Cone
Rank 1 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Elemental Area Attack)
Target: Close cone 5 (Arcana vs. defense)
Hit: 2D8+[magic bonus] elemental damage. If the target is bloodied, it
suffers one elemental affliction.

[Elemental] Strike
Rank 1 Spell (Free Reaction * Arcane Elemental Basic Ranged Attack)
Trigger: You hit a creature with a basic attack or an elemental attack spell of
the appropriate element.
Effect: The creature takes an additional 1D8 elemental damage and suffers
one elemental affliction.

[Elemental] Mantle
Rank 1 Spell (Free Reaction * Arcane Elemental Basic Ranged Attack)
Trigger: You are hit by a melee attack or an attack from an adjacent creature.
Effect: The attacking creature takes 1D8 elemental damage and suffers one
elemental affliction. Until the end of your next turn, any creature that
begins its turn adjacent to you or moves into an adjacent square takes
1D6 elemental damage.
166 of 202

Acid Arrow
Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Acid Ranged Area Attack)
Target: Area burst 1 within 10 squares (Arcana vs. Fortitude)
Hit: 2D4+[magic bonus] acid damage and two arcane afflictions.
Miss: Half damage, and one arcane affliction.

Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Force Ranged Area Attack)
Target: Area burst 2 within 10 squares (Arcana vs. Reflex)
Hit: 2D8+[magic bonus] force damage, and one arcane affliction.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The area is a zone of invisible slashing blades until the end of your
next turn. Creatures that move into the zone or start their turn there
take 1D8+[magic bonus] force damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save

Blinding Flash
Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Cold Ranged Area Attack)
Target: Area burst 5 within 15 squares (Arcana vs. Reflex)
Hit: 1D8+[magic bonus] radiant damage, and one arcane affliction.
Effect: The area is a zone of bright light until the end of your next turn.
Creatures that move into the zone or start their turn there grant
combat advantage to you and your allies.

Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Fire Ranged Area Attack)
Target: Area burst 2 within 20 squares (Arcana vs. Reflex)
Hit: 4D6+[magic bonus] fire damage and one arcane affliction.
Miss: Half damage.

Lightning Bolt
Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Lightning Ranged Attack)
Target: one creature within 25 squares (Arcana vs. Reflex)
Hit: 2D10+[magic bonus] lightning damage and one arcane affliction, then
make a secondary attack against a different creature within 5 squares
of the current target.

Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Transmutation Melee Attack)
Target: One adjacent creature (Arcana vs. Fortitude)
Hit: 3D6+[magic bonus] transmutation damage and one arcane affliction.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed.

Sleet Storm
Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Cold Ranged Area Attack)
Target: Area burst 3 within 10 squares (Arcana vs. Fortitude)
Hit: 2D4+[magic bonus] cold damage and one arcane affliction.
Effect: The area is a zone of icy rain until the end of your next turn. Creatures
that move into the zone or start their turn there suffer one cold arcane

Stinking Cloud
Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Poison Ranged Area Attack)
Target: Area burst 3 within 10 squares (Arcana vs. Fortitude)
Hit: 1D10+[magic bonus] poison damage and one arcane affliction.
Effect: The area is a zone of concealing vapor until the end of the next turn.
Creatures that move into the zone or start their turn there take
1D10+[magic bonus] damage. You may move the zone up to 5
squares as a move action, and may sustain the zone until the end of
your next turn as a minor action.
167 of 202

Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Thunder Ranged Area Attack)
Target: Area burst 3 within 20 squares (Arcana vs. Fortitude)
Hit: The target takes 1D8+[magic bonus] Thunder damage and is pulled
into a burst 1 area within the center of this spells area and lifted up to
10 feet off the ground.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is pulled 1 square.
Effect: The central burst 1 area is a zone of violent swirling wind until the end
of your next turn. Creatures that move into the whirlwind or start their
turn there take 2D8+[magic bonus] Thunder damage and are flung 6
squares. You may move the whirlwind 5 squares as a move action, and
may sustain this spell for an additional turn as a standard action. If
you do, repeat the original attack using the center of tornados current
zone as the center of the burst 3 area.

Rank 3 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Yang Wood Ranged Area Attack)
Target: Area burst 2 within 20 squares (Arcana vs. Reflex)
Hit: The target is restrained (Athletics or Acrobatics save ends).
Effect: The area is a zone of difficult terrain until the end of your next turn.
Creatures who end their turn within the zone are immobilized
(Athletics or Acrobatics save ends).
168 of 202

Elemental summoning spells summon elementals, beings crafted from the raw forces of nature.
Many sages argue over whether the consciousness of an elemental summoned by a wizard is called
from another plane, or created in the moment of summoning - there is some evidence for both.

Summon Elemental Minion

Rank 1 Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Elemental Summoning)
Target: one square within 3 squares (Arcana vs. Elementals Will)
Effect: You summon an elemental minion in the targeted square, which fights
alongside you and obeys your orders until it is destroyed or until the
end of the encounter. Each summoned elemental has a single hit point
and one at-will feat of your choice from its monster features.

Summon Elemental Horde

Rank 2 Spell (Extended Action (two rounds) * Arcane Elemental Summoning)
Target: one square within 3 squares (Arcana vs. highest Elementals Will)
Effect: You summon a number of elemental minions in or adjacent to the
targeted square equal to your Charisma modifier, each of which fights
alongside you and obeys your orders until it is destroyed or until the
end of the encounter. Each summoned elemental has a single hit point
and one at-will feat of your choice from its monster features.

Summon Lesser Elemental

Rank 2 Spell (Extended Action (two rounds) * Arcane Elemental Summoning)
Target: one square within 3 squares (Arcana vs. Elementals Will)
Effect: You summon a lesser elemental in the targeted square, which fights
alongside you and obeys your orders until it is destroyed or until the
end of the encounter.

Summon Greater Elemental

Rank 3 Spell (Extended Action (three rounds) * Arcane Elemental Summoning)
Target: one square within 3 squares (Arcana vs. Elementals Will)
Effect: You summon a greater elemental in the targeted square, which fights
alongside you and obeys your orders until it is destroyed or until the
end of the encounter.
169 of 202

Beguilement School
Beguilement Magic manipulates the thoughts, emotions and perceptions of creatures. All
Beguilement spells have the charm, fear, or illusion keyword; if they deal damage, they deal
damage of the psychic damage type. Illusion utility spells excel at changing the attitudes and
perceptions of others, hiding or disguising people or objects, and creating convincing illusions.

Many Beguilement-based summoning spells call on creatures of shadow and illusion to do the
summoner's bidding, although some invite strange creatures from the feywild into the material

At-Will Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Radiant Utility)
Target: One item or object within 5 squares (no check)
Effect: Until you dispel it with a minor action or re-cast this cantrip on another
item or object, the target glows with a bright light. Squares within 2
squares of the light are brightly illuminated; squares within 5 squares
of the light are dimly illuminated.

Ghost Sound
At-Will Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Thunder Utility)
Target: One square within 10 squares (no check)
Effect: You produce any sound from a whisper to a shout that appears to be
emanating from the target square. You can reproduce any sound that you
have heard, whether natural or mechanical; using this ability to trick an
opponent uses the Bluff skill.

At-Will Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Charm Stance)
Target: One creature within 5 squares (Arcana vs. Will)
Effect: Until the stance ends, you may use your Arcana skill in place of your
Diplomacy, Bluff or Streetwise skills when you would use those skills against
that target. The stance ends when you attack the target, when you fail a
Diplomacy, Bluff or Streetwise check against the target, or if the target
realizes that you are influencing them and makes a successful Insight save.

Rank 2 Spell (Extended Action (2 turns) * Arcane Illusion Utility)
Target: You or one adjacent creature (no check)
Effect: Until the target ends this stance, the targets form turns indistinct and blurry, granting
a concealment bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Sustain: The target of this spell must expend a minor action at the beginning of each of their
turns to sustain this spell.

Rank 2 Spell (Extended Action (2 turns) * Arcane Illusion Utility)
Target: You or one adjacent creature (no check)
Effect: Until the target ends this stance, they become invisible. This stance automatically ends
if they make any attack.
Sustain: The target of this spell must expend a minor action at the beginning of each of their
turns to sustain this spell.
170 of 202

Telekinesis School
Telekinesis Magic manipulates force and motion. Telekinesis spells that deal damage deal damage
of the force damage type unless they use telekinesis to wield weapons or physical objects against a
target, in which case they inflict damage as weapon attacks. Telekinesis utility spells excel at
movement and shielding.

Telekinetic summoning spells often craft consciousness from pure abstract thought, binding
undiluted will to unfettered force and unleashing it on the battlefield.

Mage Hands
At-Will Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Telekinesis Stance)
Target: One item or object within 10 squares (no check)
Effect: Until the stance ends, you may manipulate the item or object with an invisible
hand crafted from arcane force. You may perform any mundane task that you
could perform with your own hand with a -5 penalty, expending minor, move
or standard actions to perform those tasks as normal. If you attempt to
perform a weapon attack through the hand, use your own weapon proficiency
with a -5 penalty; the hand has an effective Strength and Constitution score of
3 and an effective Dexterity score equal to your own Dexterity - 10 for the
purposes of determining damage or lifting capacity.

Magic Missile
At-Will Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Force Basic Ranged Attack)
Special: You may use this spell as a basic ranged attack.
Target: One creature within 20 squares (no check)
Effect: The target takes 1D4+[magic bonus] force damage.

At-Will (Standard Action * Arcane Telekinesis Stance)
Target: You or one adjacent creature (no check)
Effect: Until the target ends this stance, they gain an enhancement bonus equal to half your
Intelligence modifier to their shield cover bonus, and gains resistance to force damage
equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Sustain: The target must expend a minor action at the beginning of each of their turns to
sustain this spell.

Feather Fall
Rank 1 Spell (Immediate Interrupt * Arcane Telekinesis Utility)
Target: You or one creature within 5 squares (no check)
Trigger: The target would take falling damage.
Effect: The target takes no falling damage, and lands on their feet.

Rank 2 Spell (Extended Action (2 turns) * Arcane Telekinesis Stance)
Target: You or one creature within 5 squares (no check)
Effect: Until you end this stance, the target gains a fly speed of 1, but may not fly more than
15 feet off the ground. You may slide the target 2 squares as a move action.
Sustain: You must expend a minor action at the beginning of each of your turns to sustain this

Spider Climb
Rank 2 Spell (Extended Action (2 turns) * Arcane Telekinesis Stance)
Target: You or one adjacent creature (no check)
Effect: Until the target ends this stance, they gain a climb speed of 2.
Sustain: The target of this spell must expend a minor action at the beginning of each of their
turns to sustain this spell.
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Step 6: Choose One Training Feat

You may choose any basic training feat, or may choose one wizard-specific training feat from the
list below.

Arcane Expertise
Prerequisite: Any Wizard
You gain Expert training in Arcana. When you make an extended Arcana skill check, you may choose for that
action to take half the listed amount of time to perform, or you may choose to treat your check value as if you
had rolled a 10, instead of rolling. You may choose to take ten times the normal amount of time and materials
required to perform the extended action to gain a +10 care bonus to the check value. Additionally, you gain a
proficiency bonus to all arcane spell damage. The bonus is based on your character level.

Level 1-5: +1 Level 16-20: +4

Level 6-10: +2 Level 21-25: +5
Level 11-15: +3 Level 26-30: +6

Spell Training
Prerequisite: Any Wizard
You learn one additional spell of up to your rank + 1.

Prerequisite: Any Wizard
You have a large tome of written spell formulas called a spellbook. When you choose this training
feat, choose a number of spells of up to your caster rank + 1 whose total rank equals your Intelligence
modifier + 2 (minimum 1 spell of up to your caster rank). You write those spells into your spellbook,
as well as all other spells that you know.

Whenever you take a short rest, you may expend one or more encounter pool slots, which become
unavailable during your next encounter. Whenever you take a extended rest, you may also expend
one or more of your daily power pool slots, which become unavailable during your next days
adventuring. For each of these slots, you may perform a ritual to infuse one weapon, armor, item,
potion or arcane implement with any one spell from your spellbook. This preparation is volatile, lasting
only until the end of the next day for a daily infusion, or until the end of the next encounter for per-
encounter infusions.

While the infusion is prepared, its arcane energies are bound up into the tool or potion, which
registers as magical to anyone using Arcana to detect magic. Each formula that you prepare requires a
separate arcane implement, but anyone who holds your implement my attempt to activate the
prepared spell within it - effectively, the infused object becomes a magic item with a single-use daily
power. Thus, you may infuse your formulas into your allies weapons, armor and tools or into
expendable implements, and then hand those implements to your allies to grant them additional
capabilities in combat.

Whenever you or an ally uses a prepared spell, you roll your Arcana to see how well you prepared the
spell earlier, exactly as if you were casting the spell at that moment. This does not expend any of your
remaining encounter or daily power pool slots, however.

When you prepare spellbook spells, describe to the DM the specific device or potion that you are
crafting. The nature of the process that you use may provide a circumstance bonus or penalty to
certain uses of that spell.
172 of 202

Elemental Affinity
Prerequisite: Any Wizard
Choose an element when you pick this training feat: earth (force and bashing), water (acid and cold),
wood (poison and necrotic), wind (thunder and lightning) or flame (fire and radiant).

You gain resistance to that elements damage types equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier, and your
force and physical arcane attacks ignore all resistances of those damage types and still deal half
damage on a hit to creatures that are immune to those damage types. You achieve a critical hit with a
spell of your damage type on a natural roll of 18-20; on a natural 20, you may apply an additional
elemental arcane affliction to the target. If a spell that you control of those damage types would push,
pull, or slide a target or deal ongoing damage of those types, increase the damage or distance moved
by your Dexterity modifier. Elementals of the appropriate element that you summon gain a bonus to
their hit points and defenses equal to your Constitution modifier. You must learn and cast spells of
other elements as if they were one rank higher.

Psychic Affinity
Prerequisite: Any Wizard
You gain resistance to psychic damage equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier, and your psychic
arcane attacks ignore all psychic resistances and still deal half damage on a hit to creatures that are
immune to psychic damage. When you achieve a critical hit with a psychic, fear, illusion or charm
spell, you may dominate the target until the end of your next turn. If a psychic, fear, illusion, or
charm spell that you control would would push, pull or slide a target, increase the number of squares
moved by your Dexterity modifier. Fey creatures that you summon gain a bonus to their damage and
speed equal to your Charisma modifier. You must learn and cast spells that do not have the psychic,
fear, illusion or charm keyword as if they were one rank higher.

Death Affinity
Prerequisite: Any Wizard
You gain resistance to poison and necrotic damage equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier, and your
poison and necrotic arcane attacks ignore all poison and necrotic resistances and still deal half damage
to creatures that are immune to poison or necrotic damage. When you achieve a critical hit with a
poison or necrotic spell, you may immediately raise that creature as a summoned undead minion as a
free action if the creature is reduced to 0 hit points before the end of your next turn. Undead
creatures that you summon gain a bonus to their damage and hit points equal to your Charisma
modifier. You must learn and cast spells that do not have the Necromancy keyword as if they were
one rank higher.

Life Affinity
Prerequisite: Any Wizard
You gain resistance to poison and necrotic damage equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier. When a
spell that you cast would restore hit points to a living creature, that creature gains additional hit points
equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Constitution modifier. You must learn spells that do not have
the healing, poison or wood keyword as if they were one rank higher.

Extraplanar Affinity
Prerequisite: Any Wizard
If any spell that you control would push, pull, slide or teleport a target or grant a target the ability to
shift, move or fly a certain number of squares, increase the number of squares moved by your
Wisdom modifier. All non-natural creatures that you summon gain a bonus to their hit points and
speed equal to your Constitution modifier. You must learn and cast spells that do not have the
teleportation or summon keyword as if they were one rank higher.
173 of 202

Wild Magic Affinity

Prerequisite: Any Wizard, no other Affinity feats
Your connection to the arcane is wild and unpredictable. Whenever you take a short rest, roll 1D8. The
result determines your affinity until your next extended rest:
1 - Elemental Affinity (Earth)
2 - Elemental Affinity (Water)
3 - Elemental Affinity (Wood)
4 - Elemental Affinity (Wind)
5 - Elemental Affinity (Flame)
6 - Psychic Affinity.
7 - Death Affinity.
8 - No Affinity.

You may learn spells at their normal ranks, but whenever you roll an affinity, you must learn and cast
spells that do not have that affinity as if they were one rank higher. Whenever you achieve a critical
success with any arcane spell, you may reroll your affinity in addition to any other effects.
174 of 202

New School of Magic

Prerequisite: Wizard
You gain training in an additional School of Magic, and may choose at-will and per-encounter spells from that

Wizard Class Feature

Prerequisite: Wizard
You gain one additional Sorcerer, Mage, Conjurer or Sage class feature, and may choose at-will and per-
encounter spells from that class feature.

Multi-Class: Monk
Prerequisite: Wizard, Training in Athletics.
You gain one class feature from any Martial class role, gaining its per-encounter feat as your per-encounter
feat choice for this level. You count as a Fighter and a Wizard, and may take feats from either class as you
continue to advance in level.

Multi-Class: Witch
Prerequisite: Wizard, Training in Nature.
You gain one class feature from any Primal class role, adding its encounter feat as your per-encounter feat
choice for this level. You count as a Wizard and Barbarian, and may take feats and powers from either class as
you continue to advance in level.

Multi-Class: Theurge
Prerequisite: Wizard, Training in Religion.
You gain one class feature from any Divine class role, adding its encounter feat as your per-encounter feat
choice for this level. You count as a Wizard and Priest, and may take feats and powers from either class as
you continue to advance in level.
175 of 202

Step 7: Choose Two At-Will Feats

Arcane at-will feats are called spells. You may now choose two separate spells from the list below.
Each spell has either a Spell Source or another Class Feature as its prerequisite. You may choose
two Spell Source at-will feats, two other Class Feature at-will feats, or one of each.

Certain spells are listed more than once; these spells may be chosen if you meet either set of
criteria that they are listed under, but work identically in either case.
176 of 202

Channel Energies
These at-will spells are sometimes called meta-magic, since they alter the flow of fundamental
arcane energies directly. Most of these spells are stances, which augment the casting of your other
spells rather than directly causing noticeable effects themselves. These spells all require the Channel
Energies class feature.

Channel Spell
At-Will Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Metamagic Stance)
Effect: Until this stance ends, you gain a stance bonus to all spell damage
rolls equal to your Constitution modifier. You may end this stance as a
free interrupt when you cast a per-encounter spell to spend a healing
surge; if you do, you regain no hit points, but may retain the use of
that encounter pool slot as you cast the spell.

Weave Spell
At-Will Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Metamagic Stance)
Effect: Until this stance ends, you gain a stance bonus to all arcane attack
rolls equal to your Dexterity modifier. You may end this stance as a
free interrupt when you roll damage on a per-encounter spell convert
any damage die that rolled a 1 into the maximum possible die roll for
that die.

Enlarge Spell
At-Will Spell (Minor Action * Arcane Metamagic Stance)
Effect: Until this stance ends, you gain a stance bonus to all arcane attack
rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier. You may end this stance as a free
interrupt when you cast an area spell. Increase the size of the spells
burst or cone area by 1 or wall area by 3.
177 of 202

Arcane Abjuration
These at-will spells create shielding or defensive effects which protect you or your allies
from offensive magics or attacks, or which punish those who attack you or your allies.
These spells require the Arcane Abjuration class feature.

Bond of Assault
At-Will Spell (Immediate Reaction * Arcane Melee Basic Attack)
Trigger: A target within 10 squares that is marked by you hits with an attack
that doesnt include you.
Effect: You teleport to an unoccupied square adjacent to the target, then
make a melee basic attack against it.

Wise Leader
These at-will spells augment your allies capabilities, and require the Wise Leader class

Hasten Ally
At-Will Spell (Standard Action * Arcane Yang Flame Utility)
Target: One ally within 20 squares
Effect: The target may shift one square, or make a melee or ranged basic attack against a
target of your choice with a +1 enhancement modifier to their attack and damage roll.
178 of 202

Step 8: Choose One Per-Encounter Spell

Arcane encounter feat options are called spells. You may now choose one rank 1 or rank 2 spell
from the list below.
179 of 202

Arcane Damage Types

Many spells have the Elemental keyword. These spells may be customized towards one of the five
elements: earth, water, wood, air, or fire. Each elements has two damage aspects - a yin aspect,
and a yang aspect. Other non-elemental spells also deal damage. Many of these spells have the
Charm, Fear, or Necromancy keyword. Each of these keywords has a damage aspect - necrotic in
the case of Necromancy, and psychic in the case of Charm and Fear.

Each damage type targets a specific defense by default, unless the spell in question overrides that
with a specified defense to target. Each damage type also has an arcane affliction, which is an
additional effect that you may apply on a critical hit. Some arcane afflictions have multiple stages;
if a combination of spells and abilities allows you to apply multiple arcane afflictions from the same
damage type, apply them in sequence.
180 of 202

Transmutation (yin earth) damage manifests as patches of flesh transforming into inanimate
matter, and targets Fortitude. The transmutation elemental affliction is petrification:
- the target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 transmutation damage (save ends both).
- If the target is already taking ongoing transmutation damage, double the damage of this attack; if
they are bloodied, they must save or become petrified.
Force (yang earth) damage manifests as razor-sharp fractal wounds and gashes, and targets
Reflex. The force arcane affliction is impact:
- the target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends), and is knocked prone and pushed 2 squares.
- If the target is already prone, the damage from this attack is doubled, and the target takes
ongoing 10 damage (save ends).
Cold (yin water) damage manifests as frostburn and hypothermia, and targets Fortitude. The cold
arcane affliction is freezing:
- The target becomes slowed and grants combat advantage (save ends both).
- If the target is already slowed, they become restrained and gain vulnerability 10 to force, thunder
and bashing damage (save ends both).
- If the target is already restrained and bloodied, they become helpless.
Acid (yang water) damage manifests as dissolving burns, and targets Reflex. The acid arcane
affliction is dissolving:
- the target takes ongoing 2 acid damage (save ends), and suffers a cumulative -1 penalty to AC
and armor resistance until their armor is repaired.
Poison (yin wood) damage manifests as toxic poisoning, and targets Fortitude. The poison
arcane affliction is poisoning:
- the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage.
- If already taking ongoing poison damage, increase the amount of poison damage taken per turn
by 2 and the target becomes weakened (save ends).
- If already bloodied and weakened, they become unconscious.
Necrotic (necromancy or yang wood) damage manifests as withering or rotting flesh, and targets
Fortitude. The necrotic arcane affliction is draining:
- the target is weakened (save ends).
- If the target is already weakened and bloodied, they must save or become unconscious.
Lightning (yin air) damage manifests as singed flesh and pulled muscles, and targets Reflex. The
lightning arcane affliction is electrocution:
- The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
- If the target is already dazed, they become stunned until the end of your next turn.
- If the target is already stunned and bloodied, they become unconscious.
Thunder (yang air) damage manifests as shaking and jarring winds and sonic force, and targets
Fortitude. The thunder arcane affliction is buffeting:
- the target is deafened (save ends) and flung 2 squares.
- If the target is already deafened, they are instead knocked prone and flung 5 squares.
Radiant (yin flame) damage manifests as sunburn and searing light, and targets Reflex. The
radiant arcane affliction is dazzling:
- you mark the target, and it grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
- If the target is already marked by you, they become is dazed until the end of your next turn.
- If the target is already dazed and bloodied, they become blinded.
Fire (yang flame) damage manifests as cooked flesh and third-degree burns, and targets Reflex.
The fire arcane affliction is burning:
- The target takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
- If the target is already taking ongoing fire damage, double the amount of ongoing fire damage.
Psychic (charm or fear) damage manifests as shaking terror, burst blood vessels, heart attacks
and anyerisms, and targets Will. The psychic arcane affliction is domination:
- The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
- If the target is already dazed, they become stunned until the end of your next turn.
- If the target is already stunned and bloodied, they become dominated.
181 of 202

Arcane Mastery Spells

These spells require the Arcane Mastery class feature.

Arcane Healing Spells

These spells require the Arcane Healing class feature.

Wise Leader Spells

These spells require the Wise Leader class feature.

Expeditious Retreat
Rank 1 Spell (Immediate Interrupt * Arcane Yang Flame Utility)
Target: You or one creature within 10 squares
Trigger: The target takes a move action or is targeted by an attack.
Effect: The target may shift their speed.

Rank 3 Spell (Extended Action (3 turns) * Arcane Yang Earth Force Utility)
Target: One light blade, heavy blade, spear or axe weapon
Effect: The weapon gains an enhancement bonus to damage equal to your Intelligence modifier and
gains the Piercing quality until the end of the encounter. Attacks with the weapon that would
target AC target Reflex instead.

Rank 3 Spell (Extended Action (3 turns) * Arcane Yang Flame Utility)
Target: One creature within 5 squares
Effect: The target gains an additional standard action per turn until the end of the encounter.
182 of 202

Gaining Class Levels

As your character gains experience, they will reach certain milestones that allow them to gain a
class level. At each new class level, you will gain new class features and feats. These rules cover
play from level 1 to level 10.

Optional Rule: Level 0 Characters

Players who want to begin play with untrained neonates may use the following rules.

A level 0 character has no character class, and thus has no class feats or skills. A level 0
character begins play with a debt of -500 experience, and gains experience as normal. As
you gain experience, this debt is paid off, granting you portions of your first-level character
class as you meet each of three milestones:

-499 to -400 Experience - After you survive your first encounter, you gain your first class
feature from any class, and gain its per-encounter feat and training in its associated skills. You
do not yet have any encounter pool or daily power pool slots to perform that features per-
encounter feats or daily powers with, but do gain a single at-will that you qualify for. You gain
simple proficiency in one weapon group from your class, and your classs lowest armor

-399 to -250 Experience - After you gain your first 100 experience, you gain another class
feature from any class, and gain your first encounter pool slot. If that class has any armor or
weapon proficiencies, you gain the next lowest armor proficiency available and gain simple
proficiency in one weapon group.

-249 to -1 Experience - After gaining another 150 experience, you gain one class feature
from either of your first two features classes and training in its associated skill, and gain all of
that classs trained class skills and proficiencies, then choose one at-will feat that you qualify

0+ Experience - Once your experience deficit is fully paid, you gain your first hit point bonus.
You are now a fully-fledged level 1 character. Choose a character class based on your class
features chosen; if you chose class features from two different power sources, you must spend
your level 1 training feat choice on the multi-class feat for the class that uses those two power
sources. You may now choose your level 1 training feat.

Gaining Hit Points

Each time you gain a class level, you increase your maximum hit points by your racial HP/level,
plus any class or feat bonuses to HP/level. After gaining hit points, recalculate your bloodied and
surge values. Players who wish more variety in their hit point values may opt to roll for each levels
hit points, adding any class or feat bonuses to this value and then adding the result to their Hit
Point total.

Raising Abilities
At each even class level, you gain +1 to one ability of your choice. Human characters may not raise
an ability above 18 during your first 10 levels of play. Non-human characters may raise any of their
three abilities with a racial bonus to 20, even if it is not an ability that they chose to invest a bonus
in at character creation; their remaining 3 abilities are each limited to 18.

If you raise an ability score enough to increase your modifier for that ability, remember to increase
all skills, proficiencies, defenses and other numbers that derive from that ability score. Likewise,
each time you increase your Constitution score, remember to increase your hit points, and
recalculate your bloodied and surge values.

Gaining At-Will Feats

At each even class level, you gain a new at-will feat. Each at-will feat has one or more class
features as a prerequisite; you may only choose new at-will feats that you qualify for.
183 of 202

Gaining Rank
At each odd class level, you go up in Rank, and gain a new encounter pool slot at your new rank.
Some character classes also have access to daily powers, which are per-encounter feats one rank
higher than your characters rank. If you have access to daily powers, then at level 1 you may
choose to replace your first rank 1 encounter pool slot with a daily power pool slot. At level 5, you
may choose to replace your other rank 1 encounter pool slot with a daily power pool slot. At level
9, you may choose to replace your rank 2 encounter pool slot with a daily power pool slot. Thus, at
level 9 you may have between 0 and 3 uses of your daily powers.

Character Rank Encounter Pool Slot Ranks Encounter + Daily Pool Slots
0 1 1 0 daily
1 (Level 1-2) 1,1 1 1 daily
2 (Level 3-4) 1,1,2 1,2 1 daily
3 (Level 5-6) 1,1,2,3 2,3 2 daily
4 (Level 7-8) 1,1,2,3,4 3,4 2 daily
5 (Level 9-10) 1,1,2,3,4,5 3,4,5 3 daily
*Not including per-encounter feats gained through training feats or class features

Gaining Training Feats

At each odd class level, you gain a new training feat. You may choose a basic training feat, or a
training feat from your character class.

Gaining Per-Encounter Feats

At each odd class level, you also gain a new per-encounter feat. Each encounter feat has one or
more class features as a prerequisite; you may only choose new encounter feats that you qualify

Character Level Training Feats At-Will Feats Per-Encounter Feats*

0 0 0-2 0 (Pool Ranks: 1)
1 1 2 1 (Pool Ranks: 1,1)
2 1 3 1 (Pool Ranks: 1,1)
3 2 3 2 (Pool Ranks: 1,1,2)
4 2 4 2 (Pool Ranks: 1,1,2)
5 3 4 3 (Pool Ranks: 1,1,2,3)
6 3 5 3 (Pool Ranks: 1,1,2,3)
7 4 5 4 (Pool Ranks: 1,1,2,3,4)
8 4 6 4 (Pool Ranks: 1,1,2,3,4)
9 5 6 5 (Pool Ranks: 1,1,2,3,4,5)
10 5 7 5 (Pool Ranks: 1,1,2,3,4,5)
*Not including per-encounter feats gained through training feats or class features
184 of 202

Class Level Experience Table

Total Experience Level Rank Class Features
- - -500 0 0 Racial abilities, hit
points, skills and proficiencies,
one racial encounter pool slot,
one racial per-encounter feat.
-499 - -401 0 0 (0) One class feature, one
class at-will feat
one class armor proficiency, one class weapon proficiency,
and one class skill.
-400 - -251 0 0 (1) One class feature, one
rank 1 encounter pool slot,
one class armor proficiency, one class weapon proficiency,
and one class skill.
-250 - -1 0 0 (1) one class feature, one
class at-will feat,
all of classs remaining proficiencies and skills.
0- 999 1 1 (2) hit points increase, one
training feat, one at-will feat,
one rank 1 encounter pool slot, (optional) one daily power slot,
and one Rank 1 per-encounter feat.
1,000 - 2,999 2 1 (2) hit points increase, One
class at-will feat,
and +1 to one ability.
3,000 - 5,999 3 2 (3) hit points increase, one
training feat,
one Rank 2 encounter pool slot,
and one Rank 2 per-encounter feat.
6,000 - 9,999 4 2 (3) hit points increase, one
class at-will feat,
and +1 to one ability.
10,000 - 14,999 5 3 (4) hit points increase, one
training feat,
one Rank 3 encounter pool slot, (optional) one daily power
and one Rank 3 per-encounter feat.
15,000 - 20,999 6 3 (4) hit points increase, One
class at-will feat,
and +1 to one ability.
21,000 - 27,999 7 4 (5) hit points increase, one
training feat,
one Rank 4 encounter pool slot,
and one Rank 4 per-encounter feat.
28,000 - 35,999 8 4 (5) hit points increase, One
class at-will feat,
and +1 to one ability.
36,000 - 44,999 9 5 (6) hit points increase, one
training feat,
one Rank 5 encounter pool slot, (optional) one daily power
and one Rank 5 per-encounter feat.
45,000 - 55,000 10 5 (6) hit points increase, One
class at-will feat,
and +1 to one ability.
185 of 202

Ameyu, Bringer of Life and the Mother of us All

Alignment: Any Good
Element: Flame (Fire and Radiant)
Domains: Protection, Hope, Knowledge

Mythology and Origin

Ameyu is the creator god who forged the world from the elemental chaos. She lives within the Palace of the
Sun at the pinnacle of heaven, where she holds court with all the Gods but Orochu. It was Ameyu that granted
Orochu the mercy of banishment over the justice of annihilation, and the Devouring Serpent has never fogiven
her for it. The fifth world, the World of Flame, will belong entirely to her, when the world has been sufficiently
purified to withstand the full force of her power and beauty.

Servants of Ameyu
A Servant of Ameyu considers any of the following actions a Minor Sin:

- filthy, soiled or unsanitary clothing, hair or skin (rectified during the next short rest if they can
properly attend to hygiene).
- lying or giving deliberately misleading information (rectified when they come clean, or after their
next extended rest)
- failing to forgive/holding a grudge (rectified when they make up, or after the next extended rest)
- failing to pray at dawn, noon or sunset under an open sky (rectified at the next dawn, noon or
sunset that they pray, or after their next extended rest)

The Servants of Amayu consider the following actions to be Major Sins:

- refusing to aid the helpless

- permitting an act or event to occur that causes suffering without genuinely attempting to stop it
- lying to cause harm
- failing to seek out and thwart the agents of Orochi when presented with an opportunity

Ameyus Attendants
Hataya, Banner-Bearer of Ameyu and Herald of the Dawn
Alignment: Lawful Good
Element: Flame (Radiant and Force)
Domains: Protection, Hope, Strength
186 of 202

Tenshu, Lord of Thunder and the Warlord of the Gods

Alignment: Any Lawful
Element: Wind (Thunder and Lightning)
Domains: Law, War, Strength

Mythology and Origin

Tenshu is Ameyus warrior and brother-in-arms. Together, Ameyu and Tenshu waged war against the
creatures of the elemental chaos, driving back the roiling infinity to forge a place for the First World. When
Orochu betrayed them, it was Tenshu that offered to destroy the beast, and take onto himself the sin of
betrayal. Ameyu stayed his hand, and the worlds have been what they are, for good or ill, ever since. The
fourth world, the World of Sky, will belong to Tenshu, to rule over in merciless justice until all are purified.

Tenshus Attendants

Raisho, Wielder of Lightning, the Instrument of Vengeance

Alignment: Any
Element: Wind (Lightning and Force)
Domains: War, Strength, Freedom

Yusho, King of Jade and Lord of the Scales

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Element: Earth (Transmutation and Force)
Domains: Law, Wealth, Knowledge

Servants of Yusho
A Servant of Yusho considers any of the following actions a Minor Sin:

- "creatively interpreting" a contract or agreement to benefit one party over another

- performing an action before thinking it over first and weighing the consequences
- behaving inconsistently
- frivolous behavior

A servant of Yusho considers any of the following actions a Major Sin:

- breaking your word or reneging on an agreement or contract

- deliberately lying
- providing different rewards or punishments for the same favor or crime
- not paying your debts
- stealing

Hataya, Banner-Bearer of Ameyu and Herald of the Dawn

Alignment: Lawful Good
Element: Fire (Radiant and Force)
Domains: Protection, Hope, Strength
187 of 202

Inayu, Mother of the Harvest and the Giver of Gifts

Alignment: Any
Element: Wood (Psychic and Poison)
Domains: Healing, Nature, Love

Mythology and Origin

Inayu is Ameyus daughter with Lunshu. Her existence is one of peace, prosperity and joy, tending to the
growing things of the world and maintaining the balance between the seasons and the gods. This world is the
third world, the World of Wood, and Inayus palace within the center of the World Tree guides the course of
destiny until Yushos measuring stick declares the harvest ready for Lord Tenshu to inspect.

Tenshus Attendants

Sakaya, Blossom-Daughter and the Maiden of Spring

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Element: Wood (Psychic and Poison)
Domains: Nature, Love, Illusion

Yumiya, Plum-Daughter and the Maiden of Summer

Alignment: Any Non-Neutral
Element: Flame (Psychic and Fire)
Domains: Nature, Time, Love

Inaya, Apple-Daughter and the Maiden of Autumn

Alignment: Any Neutral
Element: Wind (Psychic and Thunder)
Domains: Healing, Nature, Hope
188 of 202

Lunshu, Lord of the Sea and Sky and the Herald of Seasons
Alignment: Any Chaotic
Element: Water (Acid and Cold)
Domains: Freedom, Time, Travel

Mythology and Origin

Lunshu was a being from the elemental chaos who chose to side with Ameyu rather than fight alongside his
hordes of brothers and sisters in the Beginning of the Worlds. In return, he and Orochu were given power over
the material of the First World, until Orochu betrayed the gods and wrested control of the Holy Mountain. It
was Lunshu who warned the gods of Orochus betrayal, and so Lunshu was given governance over the second
world, the World of Sea, until his waters could cleanse the earth of Orochus taint. When his task was
accomplished, he reluctantly receded his waters from the Holy Mountain, and Inaya was allowed to plant the
seed of her World Tree at its summit.

Lunshus Attendants

Tsukiya, Goddess of the Moon and Lover of Umiya

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Element: Water (Cold and Radiant)
Domains: Time, Illusion, Love

Umiya, Goddess of the Tide and Lover of Tsukiya

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Element: Water (Acid and Thunder)
Domains: Freedom, Travel, Love
189 of 202

Orochu, Lord of the Earth and the Serpent at the Heart of the World
Alignment: Any Evil
Element: Earth (Transmutation and Necrotic)
Domains: Death, Pain, Illusion

Mythology and Origin

Like Lunshu, Orochu was a being from the elemental chaos. A being of treachery and deceit, Orochu was
instrumental in formulating the strategies that allowed Ameyu and Tenshu to achieve victory against the
primordial titans. In return, he demanded lordship over half of their creation. They reluctantly agreed, and so
he raised the Holy Mountain over the highest peaks of the earth, and placed his palace at its summit.

When he became dissatisfied with sharing rule, Orochu chose to betray the gods and wage war with them,
using their own Creation against them - certain that the gods loved their world and its inhabitants far too
much to destroy them. Lunshu warned Inaya of their treachery, and Ameyu and Tenshu fought Orochu for ten
centuries in the catacombs beneath the Holy Mountain.

Just when Tenshu was ready to land the killing blow, Orochu reminded him that they had sworn an oath never
to lift arms against each other, and never to spill each others blood. Orochu noted that he was technically not
inviolation of this oath himself, as it was the beings of the First World, not Orochu directly, who had defied
and assaulted the gods.

Tenshu, furious, was ready to forsake all that he was to bring Orochu to justice - but Ameyu stayed his hand.
Instead, they imprisoned him beneath the earth, and gave his domain to his brother Lunshu; and so the
Second World was born.

But Orochus cunning and treachery are unboundable, and so even within his prison he whispered through the
roots of the earth, into the mind of the spring goddess Sakaya. And so she came into his domain and feasted
with him, enamoured of his hospitality and his dark charm, and was won over to his ways. Inaya, distraught
over losing her daughter, took her to Ameya to cleanse her of Orochus taint, but any who have eaten the
food of the dead can never be cured. And so, for nine months of the year, Sakaya belongs to Inaya,
wholesome and pure and sweet; and for three months of the year, she is the prisoner and slave of Orochu
beneath the earth.

Orochus Attendants

Sakaya, Blossom-Daughter and the Maiden of Spring

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Element: Wood (Psychic and Poison)
Domains: Nature, Love, Illusion

Yomicho, Lord of Death and Gatekeeper of Judgement

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Element: Earth (Necrotic and Transmutation)
Domains: Death, Pain, Law

Juucho, Patron of the Arts and Teacher of Poets

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Element: Earth (Necrotic and Transmutation)
Domains: Pain, Wealth, Knowledge
190 of 202

The Material Plane

The Material Plane is the world that most beings naturally live in. The geography of
the Third World is as varied as our own, but certain distinctive features stand out:

The World Tree

In the middle of the material plane lies the world-tree. While the First World was a
sphere of rock, the Third World is a flat plane, anchored to reality at the center by
the roots of Inaya's Navel.

The Island Garden

Surrounding the world-tree is Inayu's garden, a paradise of flowers, fruit trees, grain
fields and wild-growing vegetables growing atop the massive peaks of what was once
the Holy Mountain. The jungles of Inayu's garden protect their crops jealously,
however, with all manner of dangerous beasts and poisonous plants and creatures.
Within the boundaries of the Island Garden, the divide between the feywild and the
material plane are almost nonexistent.

The Crescent Sea

Around the Island Garden is the Crescent Sea, a shallow ocean full of coral reefs,
river deltas, bayous and tidal flats. Navigation within the Crescent Sea can be
treacherous, as the tides tend to be channeled by the geography into dangerous and
rapidly-shifting riptides and doldrums. Still, safe passages have been charted by the
brave, and those who wish to mount an expedition to the Island Garden may do so.

The Shining Sea

To the North and East lie the Shining Sea, a vast unending ocean occasionally dotted
with small island chains. Beyond the easternmost gates of the Shining Sea are the
Pillars of Dawn, a temple to Ameyu tended by the Devas themselves, whose daily
and nightly rituals ensure the smooth passage of Ameyu through the underworld
from night until morning.

The Broken Mountains

Stretching from the northwest to the southwest are the Broken Mountains, the razor-
sharp peaks that remain from the war that wrested the world from Orochu's grip. In
the deepest west of the world lie forgotten citadels and temples to Orochu, left over
from when the Eclipsing Serpent waged war against the heavens. To the southwest,
the Broken Mountains still bleed pitch, tar, and lava, spewing sulfurous clouds and
choking ash into the sky in protest of the ruin of the First World.

The Southern Plains

In the deep south of the world, nestled along the coastline where the southern tip of
the Broken Mountains meet the Shining Sea, life can be pleasant, if not idyllic. It is
here that civilization has forged ahead most successfully; here where Inayu taught
woman the secrets of medicine and agriculture, and Tenshu taught man the secrets
of craft and law. It was here where Ameyu appointed her first champion and
lawbringer, the warrior Ishita-ban-Ameya, whose statue still stands astride the Gates
of the Moon and Tide that link the strait of the Crescent Sea to the Shining Sea
191 of 202
192 of 202

The Spirit World

The Feywild of the Third World is called the 'Spirit World', where Inayu's dreams take
form. The Feywild, of itself, tends to become a wilder near-mirror of the physical
world, but various acts of spiritual corruption may shift it into two dark and twisted
forms. Within the Feywild live the Kami, spirits of the earth, wind, sea and wood,
which serve as emissaries between Inayu and the living. Chief among the Kami are
the totem-spirits worshipped by the Barbarian tribes.

The Yin World

The Yin World is a twisting of the Feywild that results when there is an overbalance
of Yin energy in the local environment, caused by an excess of death, hopelessness
and despair, or a surfeit of vibrancy and life. In the Yin World, ghosts and the dead
hold sway, trying to mimic their living lives and demanding sacrifice and approbation
from their living descendants.

The Yang World

The Yang World is a twisting of the Feywild that results when there is an overbalance
of Yang energy in the local environment, caused by an excess of desire, passion and
pain, or a surfeit of restraint and peace. In the Yang World, demons torment the
living, demanding that their unholy lusts be served by sacrifice and acts of
blasphemy and abomination.

The Celestial Gates

Within the Spirit World lie the Celestial Gates, gateways into the Court of Heaven.
The locations of the Celestial Gates have been lost to antiquity, and now only dim
rumor suggests that they might even be real.
193 of 202

The Court of Heaven

The Court of Heaven is the Third World's Astral Sea, where Ameyu oversees the
purification of Creation. Within the Court of Heaven, the Deva and Devils serve the
Gods, holding account of the world's deeds and judging them fit or unfit. While
Ameyu is universally worshipped as a god of Good, both Good and Evil may have
their say within the Court of Heaven, with all viewpoints save Orochi's nihilistic
depravity permitted an audience before the Palace of the Sun.

The Palace of the Sun

The Palace of the Sun is the court of Ameyu, and the central gathering-place of
Heaven. Only Ameyu and her servant-girls are allowed within the Heart of the Sun
itself; any lesser being is consumed by Ameyu's radiance, which burns the impure to
ash. The Golden Courtyard of Sunset lies at the "Westward" edge of the Palace of the
Sun, and holds court during the evening-time to allow Ameyu to attend to matters of

The Pillars of Heaven

The Pillars of Heaven are Tenshu's court and workshop. Tenshu crafted the Pillars of
Heaven to hold the sky against the world, and to separate light from dark, above
from below, and day from night. The ceiling of the Pillars of Heaven is the Dome of
the Sky, where the clouds and stars play their games of fortune and destiny, murkily
fortelling the fates of the Worlds to those who can divine them.

The Gardens of Mist and Pearl

The Gardens of Mist and Pearl are Lunshu's court, carved directly upon the surface of
the giant carved pearl that is the moon. It is here that Lunshu and his daughter,
Tsukiya, watch over the world's oceans and rivers, and petition Tenshu for changes
to the wind and weather. It is a long-standing agreement between Tenshu and
Tsukiya that she spend half of her nights within the Pillars of Heaven as his wife, and
the other half in the Gardens of Mist and Pearl, as Lunshu's advisor and helpmeet.
The truth of the matter is that Tsukiya spends an extraordinary amount of time in
the Feywilds of the deep ocean, playing silly children's lover-games with her true
love Umiya.

The Abode of Jade

Yusho, the King of Jade, considers himself a mere steward for the Jade Throne, a
seat of judgement and commerce carved directly over the wards that seal Orochu
beneath the earth. When Orochu forfeited his right to the title of Lord of the Earth,
Yusho was given the position, an honor that the lesser god feels entirely unworthy
of. Still, he serves his masters with a grim fairness, holding court beneath the roots
of the world-tree to judge the ultimate fate of the Third World.
194 of 202
195 of 202


Forced Movement
Certain powers allow you to move another creature. There are four kinds of forced
movement - Push, Pull, Slide and Fling. A power will give one of these effects and a number
of squares, for example you push the target 5 squares. This means that you may move
the target up to 5 squares from its original position, following the rules for the push effect.

If you attempt to force a target to move off of a ledge, the target may make an Athletics or
Acrobatics saving throw as a free reaction to attempt to catch themselves; if they do, the
movement ends at the edge of the precipice.

When you push a target, you must end their forced movement in a square further away from the
attacks origin square than the square that they started in.

When you pull a target, you must end their forced movement in a square closer to the attacks origin
square than the square that they started in.

When you slide a target, you may move them in any direction.

When you fling a target, you must end their forced movement in a square further away from the
attacks origin square than the square that they started in. Additionally, if there is a wall or obstacle
that the target could reach with the forced movement, you may end their movement adjacent to that
obstacle and deal 1D6 falling damage to them for each square of forced movement that you had
remaining. For example, if you can slide a creature 8 squares and there is a column 3 squares away,
you can end that creatures forced movement adjacent to the column after 2 squares of forced
movement, and deal 6D6 falling damage to the creature for the six squares of unspent forced
movement remaining. You may also fling a creature into another creatures square; in this case, you
end the flung creature in the second creatures square, then push the second creature one square and
deal half damage to each of them.
196 of 202

Paragon Levels
Experience Level Rank Feature
55,001 - 66,000 11 6 (7) Increase the Rank of all
encounter and daily powers by 1.
66,001 - 78,000 12 6 (7) One at-will feat
becomes a paragon at-will feat,
gain +1 to one ability score and one class feature or feat.
78,001 - 91,000 13 7 (8) Increase the Rank of all
encounter and daily powers by 1.
91,001 - 105,000 14 7 (8) One at-will feat
becomes a paragon at-will feat,
gain +1 to one ability score and one class feature or feat.
105,001 - 120,000 15 8 (9) Increase the Rank of all
encounter and daily powers by 1.
120,001 - 136,000 16 8 (9) One at-will feat
becomes a paragon at-will feat,
gain +1 to one ability score and one class feature or feat.
136,001 - 153,000 17 9 (10) Increase the Rank of all
encounter and daily powers by 1.
153,001 - 171,000 18 9 (10) One at-will feat
becomes a paragon at-will feat,
gain +1 to one ability score and one class feature or feat.
171,001 - 190,000 19 10 (10) Increase the Rank of all
per-encounter feats by 1,
all daily powers become per-encounter feats.
190,001+ 20 10 (10) One at-will feat becomes a
paragon at-will feat,
gain +1 to all ability scores and one class feature or feat.

Divine Expertise
Prerequisite: Priest.
You gain Expert training in Religion. When you make an extended Arcana skill check, you may choose to treat
your check value as if you had rolled a 10, instead of rolling. You may choose to take ten times the normal
amount of time required to perform the extended action to gain a +10 care bonus to the check value.
Additionally, you gain a proficiency bonus to all divine prayer damage. The bonus is based on your character
Level 1-5: +1 Level 16-20: +4
Level 6-10: +2 Level 21-25: +5
Level 11-15: +3 Level 26-30: +6
197 of 202

Reasonable BAB expectations (18/16/14/12/11/10

Level Abil.1 Abil.2 Abil.3 Prof. Class Race Stance Feat Weap. Total Avg vs.AC
0 +4 - - +3 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +4 14 18
1 +4 +3 - +3 +0 +0 +2 +0 +1 +8 18 20
2 +4 +3 - +4 +0 +0 +2 +0 +1 +9 19 20
3 +4 +3 - +4 +0 +0 +2 +1 +1 +10 20 20
4 +4 +4 - +4 +0 +0 +2 +1 +1 +11 21 22
5 +4 +4 - +4 +0 +0 +2 +2 +1 +12 22 22
6 +4 +4 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +2 +1 +13 23 25
7 +4 +4 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +3 +1 +14 24 25
8 +4 +4 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +3 +1 +14 24 26
9 +4 +4 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +4 +1 +15 25 26
10 +4 +4 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +4 +1 +15 25 26

Unreasonable BAB expectations (20/20/7/7/7/7 abilities)

Level Abil.1 Abil.2 Abil.3 Prof. Class Race Stance Feat Weap. Total Avg vs.AC
0 +5 - - +3 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +9 19 18
1 +5 +5 - +3 +0 +0 +2 +0 +1 +16 26 20
2 +5 +5 - +4 +0 +0 +2 +0 +1 +17 27 20
3 +5 +5 - +4 +0 +0 +2 +1 +1 +18 28 20
4 +5 +5 - +4 +0 +0 +2 +1 +1 +18 28 22
5 +5 +5 - +4 +0 +0 +2 +2 +1 +19 29 22
6 +5 +5 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +2 +1 +20 30 25
7 +5 +5 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +3 +1 +20 30 25
8 +5 +5 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +3 +1 +20 30 26
9 +5 +5 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +4 +1 +21 31 26
10 +5 +5 - +5 +0 +0 +2 +4 +1 +22 32 26

Reasonable striker damage expectations

(18/16/14/12/11/10 abilities)
Level Abil.1 Abil.2 Abil.3 Prof. Class Race Stance Feat Enh. Weap. Total Avg vs.HP
0 +4 - - +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 2D6 +4 11 40
1 +4 +3 +2 +1 +0 +0 +2 +0 2D6 +12 19 44
2 +4 +3 +2 +1 +0 +0 +2 +0 2D6 +12 19 48
3 +4 +3 +2 +1 +0 +0 +2 +1 2D6 +13 20 52
4 +4 +4 +2 +1 +0 +0 +2 +1 2D6 +14 21 56
5 +4 +4 +2 +1 +0 +0 +2 +2 2D6 +15 22 60
6 +4 +4 +2 +2 +0 +0 +2 +2 2D6 +16 23 64
7 +4 +4 +2 +2 +0 +0 +2 +3 2D6 +17 24 68
8 +4 +4 +3 +2 +0 +0 +2 +3 2D6 +18 25 72
9 +4 +4 +3 +2 +0 +0 +2 +4 2D6 +19 26 76
10 +4 +4 +3 +2 +0 +0 +2 +4 2D6 +19 27 80

Unreasonable striker damage expectations

(20/20/7/7/7/7 abilities)
Level Abil.1 Abil.2 Abil.3 Prof. Class Race Stance Feat Enh. Weap. Total Avg vs.HP
0 +5 - - +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 2D6 +5 12 40
1 +5 +5 (-2) +1 +0 +0 +2 +0 2D6 +13 20 44
2 +5 +5 (-1) +1 +0 +0 +2 +0 2D6 +13 20 48
3 +5 +5 (-1) +1 +0 +0 +2 +1 2D6 +14 21 52
4 +5 +5 +0 +1 +0 +0 +2 +1 2D6 +14 21 56
5 +5 +5 +0 +1 +0 +0 +2 +2 2D6 +15 22 60
6 +5 +5 +1 +2 +0 +0 +2 +2 2D6 +17 23 64
7 +5 +5 +1 +2 +0 +0 +2 +3 2D6 +18 24 68
8 +5 +5 +2 +2 +0 +0 +2 +3 2D6 +19 25 72
198 of 202

9 +5 +5 +2 +2 +0 +0 +2 +4 2D6 +20 26 76
10 +5 +5 +3 +2 +0 +0 +2 +4 2D6 +21 27 80

Name: _ _ Race: _ _ Player: _ _

Abilities Score Modifier Defenses Score Adjust Other

Strength [ ] ( ) Armor per Type[ ] { } HP: [ ] Max: [
Constitution [ ] ( ) Fortitude 10+Con [ ] { } Vitality Reserve Value

Dexterity [ ] ( ) Reflex 10+Dex [ ] { } [

Wisdom [ ] ( ) Will 10+Wis [ ] { } Speed per Race [ ]
Intelligence [ ] ( ) Spot 10+Perception [ ] { } Size per Race [
Charisma [ ] ( ) Sense 10+Insight [ ] { } Initiative Int or Dex ( )
Character Class _ _ Level _ _ XP _ _

Class Features: _ _ _ _ _ _

Training Feats: Level 1: _ _ Melee Damage Bonus: +( ){

Level 3: _ _ Level 5: _ _ Ranged Damage Bonus: +( ){
Level 7: _ _ Level 9: _ _ Magic Damage Bonus: +( ){
Per-Encounter and Daily Feats At-Will Feats
Racial: _ Level 0: _ _
Rank 1: _ Level 0: _ _
Rank 2: _ Level 2: _ _
Rank 3: _ Level 4: _ _
Rank 4: _ Level 6: _ _
Rank 5: _ Level 8: _ _
Daily: _ Level 10: _ _
Skills Check Adjust Expert Weapon Proficiencies
[ ] Endurance (Con) (-Armor)( ) { } [ ] Hand-to-Hand Attack Expert
[ ] Athletics (Str) (-Armor)( ) { } [ ] [ ] Unarmed (Dex or Str) ( )
[ ] Acrobatics (Dex) (-Armor)( ) { } [ ] [ ] Grappling (Con or Str) ( )
[ ] Stealth (Dex) (-Armor) ( ) { } [ ] Melee Weapons Attack Expert
[ ] Thievery (Dex) (-Armor) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Light Blades (Dex or Str) ( )
[ ] Heal (Wis) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Flails (Dex or Str) ( ) []
[ ] Insight (Wis) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Axes (Str) ( ) []
[ ] Nature (Wis) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Bludgeons (Str) ( ) []
[ ] Perception (Wis) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Hammers (Str) ( )
[ ] Religion (Wis) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Spears (Str) ( ) []
[ ] Arcana (Int) (-Armor)( ) { } [ ] [ ] Swords (Str) ( ) []
199 of 202

[ ] Craft (Int) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Polearms (Str) ( ) []

[ ] History (Int) ( ) { } [ ] Ranged Weapons Attack Expert
[ ] Bluff (Cha) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Thrown (Dex) ( ) []
[ ] Diplomacy (Cha) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Crossbows (Dex) ( ) []
[ ] Intimidate (Cha) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Bows (Dex) ( ) []
[ ] Perform (Cha) ( ) { } [ ] Light Armor Penalty Expert
[ ] Streetwise (Cha) ( ) { } [ ] [ ] Leather (Dex) ( ) []
Equipment [ ] Hide (Dex) ( )
_ Heavy Armor Penalty Expert
_ [ ] Chainmail (Con) ( ) []
_ [ ] Scale mail (Con) ( ) []
_ [ ] Platemail (Con) ( ) []
_ Shields Penalty Expert
_ [ ] Light Shields (N/A) ( ) []
Gold: _ Other Wealth: _ [ ] Heavy Shields (N/A) ( )
200 of 202

Spell List
Affinity: _____________ Type: [ ]Pact [ ]Bloodline [ ]Meditation [ ]Spellbook [ ]Bardsong
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
201 of 202

Rank 4
Rank 5
Rank 6
202 of 202

Commented [23]: Some examples of how you would

My goal is to create a 4E-like system with a consolidated mechanic for class design, that allows any save against various situations might be nice to throw
number of plug-and-play options to be combined into a viable class that will perform at a reasonable in here, if not strictly necessary.
level of mechanical consistency. The following design choices are intended to facilitate that flexibility:

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