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What is the connection between

chakras and emotions?
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What is the connection between chakras and emotions?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning Wheel of Light. Traditionally

there are seven of them and they are theenergy centres of our
etheric bodies.
They appear as wheel like vortices of pure energy and are sometimes
referred to as lotuses. When we are deeply connected on a
spiritual level they can become spheres of radiant energy. CG Jung
referred to the chakras as gateways of consciousness. Each chakra
has its own purpose, association and connection and it is important
for them to be balanced and in harmony with each other.
The way we feel on an emotional level links into our chakra system and because each chakra is linked
to different emotional states this can affect our overall sense of physical wellbeing. When one or more
of our chakras is out of balance this will affect our whole system.
Below is alist the seven chakras and some of the emotions linked to them starting from the Root
upwards to the Crown:
Root Chakra
Serves as our foundation to evolve and build our personality. Our link to the physical world, earth, our
roots, being grounded, our survival instincts
When in balance we feel secure, connected, supported, strong, trusting and safe
When out of balance we feel insecure, angry, annoyed, irritated and worried about our basic needs such
as money, food and shelter
Sacral Chakra
The centre for sexual energy, creativity and pure emotions. Balances free giving and receiving of
feelings and emotions.
When in balance we feel brave, passionate, energetic, outgoing, confident, considerate, creative,
spontaneous, excited, open, kind and happily connected to life
When out of balance we feel unsure of ourselves in relationships, vulnerability and fear in expressing
truths leading to suppressing needs, feeling betrayed, addicted, frustrated, regret, anxiety, stress and
Solar Plexus Chakra

Where the personality is formed. Relates to our feelings of being integrated into the melting pot of
spiritual and earthy aspects. This is our gut instinct chakra
When in balance we feel positive, whole, self-respect, compassion, self-esteem, personal power, a sense
of separate self, confidence, hope and assertive
When out of balance we feel powerless, worthless, self-critical, fear, shame, rejected and self-
conscious. There is a need to dominate and control from fear of trust in the natural flow.
Heart Chakra
Relates to our centre of love, spirituality, humanity and healing. Our heart chakra is theneutralising
centre of all feelings and emotions.
When in balance we feel joy, gratitude, love, unity of divine, compassion, trust, faith, pride, acceptance,
inspiration, forgiveness and empathy
When out of balance we feel jealous, abandoned, anger, bitterness, fear, rejection, envy, conditional love
Throat Chakra
Relates to expressing our truth, communicating our needs and taking responsibility for decision
making. Also connects to our abilities to manifest our creativity
When in balance we feel we can relax, communicate freely, express ourselves, be who we are, honest,
truthful, congruent. Also be silent and intuitive.
When out of balance we feel powerless to speak out, fear of being judged, rejected and this can lead to
feeling out of control, hurt, sad, negative and resentful
Third Eye Chakra
Relates to our inner vision, unity, perspective and divine spiritual wisdom, understanding and intuition.
When in balance we feel clear, empathic, focused, can determine between truth and illusion. We are
open to receiving wisdom, insight and intelligence. There is an awareness of a spiritual connective
realm beyond the physical.
When out of balance we reject ideas of spiritual aspects of life, can be in fear of selfand others,
exaggerate truths, feel volatile, moody and are unable to self-reflect. Only sees the obvious, black and
white of life.
Crown Chakra
Connects us to anawareness of ONEness with source, integration of whole, living in the now, meaning,
devotion. A conscious alignment of knowledge beyond words or intellect
When in balance we feel empowered, calm, valued, present to the moment, trusting of ourselves and
the the flow of life. See ourselves as a reflection of the divine. Can abandon ego for a higher universal
When out of balance we feel confusion, fear, alienation, depression. We may have very fixedthoughts
on religion and spirituality, be black and white thinkers who are not able to go with the flow

The colours of The Mood Cards reflect the chakra system.

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June 9, 2015
Andrea (
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