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LO2 - Part B shooting schedule

Shoot Date & Time Location Props / Costume Mise-En-Scene / Formal Elements
Number Required

01 10:50 12:25 Barrett recreation Monster energy can There will be images of the monster energy
17/10/2017 ground Football field can in the turf of the football field, there will be
images of a football in the background as well
as the football goal. The can will be
embedded within the grass and the colour
from the grass will match the colour on the
standard monster energy can. The only
colours that could be in the image will be
green (Grass and can colour), Black (Can
colour), White (Goal posts) and blue from the
sky. I will be trying to capture the entire can
so whoever views the image can see the
shape of the can and they will also be able to
see the form of the goal post in the
background. This image will also be showing
space because it allows the viewer to see the
size of the football field.
02 14:45 16:20 Barrett recreation Monster energy can There will be images of the can next to a
26/09/2017 ground Tennis court tennis ball, the can will be resting on the ball
like it supports it to keep it up. There will be a
tennis court in the background which could
help suggest the sport and energy link that I
have discussed. There will be colour that
matches from the can and the tennis court
such as the colour green. There will be a
repetition of the colour green, such as on the
can, the ball and the colour of the tennis
court. The shape of the ball is a sphere and
that will be captured in the image as well as
the form of the net on the tennis court. This
image will be showing space because of the
size of the tennis court and the large space
behind the tennis court.

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