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Andrea Morales

The professional profile without labor experience doesnt work.

For many companies that need personnel, one of their principal requirements is the labor

experience and the skills that there has the individual, this, in order that the companies have a

high quality and appointment, nevertheless, many of these entities are demanding at the moment

of contracting because it is important that the candidate has a long labor experience and could

contribute to the company the necessary and needed skills but unfortunately for the long

experience that the companies demand many of the candidates are not suitable to be employed at

these entities as are the young persons who want to obtain their first labor experience or to be

students who want to look for jobs in a specific field while they are in the University because for

many companies the system of training is very tedious because they lose time and money. As

clear example that establishes the principal person in charge of the department of Human

Resources of Google, Laszlo Bock, in an interview given for the "New York Times" he affirms

that: " The average of notes of the university is useless as criterion of contracting, as well as they

it are the scores that the persons have obtained in the different examinations that they have had to

solve. We discover that these things do not allow us to predict anything with regard to the good

performance of a worker future could have inside the work ", as he mentioned it in the interview,

therefore, for the persons that we want to enter to the labor world is slightly probable that we are

contracted because if a university average does not give us good options much less we will be

able to have labor experience, nevertheless the example showed previously, is a complex

example because Google is an important company on the world and its requirements are major

but this example shows the real side of what companies are looking for and is one of the reasons
for which the companies choose for personnel with experience nowadays but, What is the key for

young graduates of universities to have a job and companies change this main requirement that

demand work experience? Below are the options to change the reality that surrounds the young

people who want to work but them cant.

According to the magazine "Dinero" in an article entitled "Why to young people with no

experience is so difficulty to find work?, says that according to the national education ministry at

least one third of newly graduates get a job in the three months, However, the main factor is the

lack of job skills and claims that the unemployment rate is 15.7%, almost 7 points above the

national total rate (9%), This wants to say, that many young people nowadays are rejected by the

lack of labor experience but the reason goes beyond only a labor experience and is the increase of

costs that this might generate, that is to say, independently from which is the reason of every

company not to contract personnel is directed the money because as explains the rector

Uniempresarial, lvaro Carrizosa: " The companies are not ready to assume the cost of a person

whom they must train and who at the same time lacks certain skills that are not in the habit of

being learned in the academy ". This means that many of the companies do not take into account

the skills of thousands of young people who are looking for labor experience but basically these

entities are focused on the few responsibilities that a young person has and the poor decisions

they make for lack of labor maturity, The few companies that offer training for their new staff are

companies that are responsible for generating economic changes in the company. For that reason

a person who has more than a year of labor experience can get a salary of 35% more than a

person who has no experience. As mentioned earlier, there are many reasons why new graduates

are rejected but there is a solution to this great problem that torments all young people and is the

implementation of the "German model" or "dual model", this model looks that there is a union
between the young students and the business sector, that is to say, when the student is studying

his first semesters in the university they are taught to enter into this business sector and to make

each one to begin his business practice while studying; In addition to this, many universities in

Colombia establish this method and leave in evidence the positive that, is so much so, "Almost

94% of graduates with these practices find work in the first 6 months and show great stability"

says director Alvaro Carrizosa. Also schools in the country such as private schools and as a clear

example, "Nuestra Seora de Fatima school" implement modalities for students such as

humanities, music, economy and electronic, these modalities are programs implemented by the

Ministry of Education in Colombia from sixth grade through eleventh grade for students to grow

and create a profile and work experience from an early age, by the fact that the companies grow

in many ways and the simple reason that from a young age begins to create a professional profile

is a business advance for the economy of the country, equally, many of the recently graduated

young people look for jobs depending on the careers that have done and is even worse, a specific

example are the students who study bilingual courses but at the moment of looking for a job

depending on the career and do not find this type of work. There are several reasons why this

happens and it is for the simple fact that these entities offer demanding and important qualities in

many ways, people who want to work as call centers outside the country face several challenges

such as economic, cultural, social and language skills, however, for many of these students opt

for options out of the country but the options are very limited as well as the options of work in

Colombia, in a way, companies that do not require work experience are responsible for train the

employee. Recently, a search was made on one of the most well-known pages to search jobs

such as the page "Monster" and only on the first page all job options like call center required a

high labor experience (approximately from 1 year to 2 years of experience) but companies offer a

large payment, however, for young people who have no experience the options were counted, so
much, that a company called "UnitedHealth Group" offered a call center employment with no

labor experience and the company helps to train and maintain an ethical and responsible position

with the candidates.

For people who lack labor experience it is very difficult to find a job to fit in and even more,

to find a job where we want to work satisfactorily, however, it is understandable that many

companies save costs to train us but are also having a position Contrary because it is necessary

that the young people have a development and an entrepreneurial education and that would be a

great result for the human development of the Colombian country.

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