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1970, Br. J. Radiol.

, 43, 859-867 DECEMBER 1970

Wax retraction as a technique for compensating the effect of

surface irregularities in high-energy radiotherapy
By W. Jackson, M.A., B.Sc.
Department of Clinical Physics and Bioengineering, Western Regional Hospital Board, Glasgow
(Received February, 1970)

The effect of surface irregularities is often eliminated on an absorbing medium, energy is imparted to the
in medium voltage radiotherapy by adding tissue- medium by the secondary electrons released in the
equivalent wax to the body tissue so as to present a interaction between photons and free electrons in
plane surface to the X-ray beam. The application the medium. With megavoltage radiation, these
of isodose charts is then straightforward. Provided energetic electrons are generated by the Compton
one is not concerned with skin sparing this tech- effect and have a momentum in the forward direc-
nique may be used with any radition energy, but tion of the beam. If, therefore, an infinitesimally
in high-energy radiotherapy reduced skin dose is small volume on the surface of the medium is irradiat-
one of the major benefits. For this reason, methods ed by a perpendicular beam it might be expected
of compensating for an irregular skin surface have that the dose there would be zero, since the forward
been devised (Hall and Oliver, 1961). These employ moving electrons do not contribute to any surface
metal compensators, inserted into the beam at some ionisation. This would in fact be true but for two
distance from the skin, and so designed that, while factors. First, a component of dose is formed by the
preserving a large degree of skin sparing, they en- secondary electrons produced in the air and in parts
able the normal isodose charts to be used in the es- of the generating apparatus such as the beam defin-
timation of depth dose. The method is effective ing jaws. Second, some of the Compton electrons
in that errors are normally very small, but it is generated near the surface undergo multiple scat-
time-consuming in the construction of the compen- tering in the medium and are scattered backwards
sators. In some instances the design is such as to in the opposite direction to the beam, so contributing
give optimum compensation over a given region to surface dose. The latter may be as much as 13 per
(Van de Geijn, 1965) or to compensate exactly at a cent of the full build-up (FBU) dose for 2 MeV
chosen point in depth (Wilks and Casebow, 1969). radiation (Howarth, Jones and Miller, 1951). The
An alternative method used at some centres is to small range of the back-scattered electrons makes
wax up to a plane surface at right angles to the beam, their contribution to the dose independent of field
then to withdraw or retract the wax some distance size. Air ionisation accounts for the considerable
along the beam axis (Cohen, Burns and Sear, 1960). variation of surface dose with field size. Since its
As the retracting distance is increased the electron effect is a maximum at the centre of the field, sur-
contamination on the skin progressively diminishes, face dose is non-uniform, falling towards the edge
and one hopes to find a retracting distance such of the field. It may be shown, too, that it depends
that the dose to the skin is reduced to acceptable on the angle of incidence of the beam, being minimal
proportions. The errors in this technique are of at perpendicular incidence. Experimentally it may
course greater than those when metal compensators be measured by a "build-up" chamber, essentially a
are used, since no allowance is made for beam di- very small parallel plate ionisation chamber with an
vergence. The presence article examines surface and electrode spacing of only 1 or 2 mm, and a very
depth doses as a function of retracting distance with thin entrance wall to minimise the absorption of
a view to assessing the errors involved and so electrons.
indicating the limits of usefulness of the technique.
The work was done on a 4 MV linear accelerator
(B) Effects of wax retraction
(Vickers) and a cobalt unit (A.E.I.) where the focal
Retraction alters both surface and depth doses.
and source distances were 100 cm and 70 cm res-
On the surface the electron contamination diminish-
es as the wax is moved away. At depth the dose is
decreased by the partial removal of scattering mat-
RETRACTION AND ITS EFFECT ON SURFACE DOSE erial and is altered whenever the path of the primary
AND DEPTH DOSE ray changes. For points in the centre of the field the
(A) The factors on which surface dose depends path is unchanged by retraction but away from the
When a beam of high energy X rays is incident centre it may either be increased or decreased
VOL. 43, No. 516
W. Jackson



FIG. 1.
Basis of theoretical calculation.

according to the shape of the wax surface. The result- into unit solid angle at angle <j> then, following
ing "geometric" error is defined as the fractional Howarth et al.'s (1951) notation, the element of
change in absorption of the primary ray due to volume is the ring element 2T7T2 sin (/> drd<f> and the
retraction. volume of wax between <> / and (ft-^Afi contributes
Kf(<f>) sin ^>/?^A0 to the skin dose, where R<j> is the
(C) How retraction affects surface dose range of secondary electrons in the direction <> / and
Consider a build-up chamber on the surface of a J^is constant while the irradiation conditions remain
unit density phantom under an equilibrium thick- unaltered. FBU dose may be expressed as
ness t of tissue equivalent wax (Fig. 1). Let the
whole be irradiated by a parallel beam of high en- If now the wax is retracted the corresponding
ergy X rays normal to the surface. Compton elec- element of volume A V between <f) and <f>-\-A<f> makes
trons generated in the volume A V\ will be scattered exactly the same contribution to the build-up dose,
in the forward direction of the beam, their energy neglecting the absorption of the electrons in the air.
depending on the scatter angle. Some, scattered at The difference between the effects of the surface
an angle </>, will reach the build-up chamber pro- and retracted wax is therefore seen to reside in the
vided its distance from A V\ is within the range of different ranges of integration0 to TTJ2 for the
the secondary electrons in that direction. Making surface, 0 to </>o for the retracted, wax, </>o represent-
the assumption that the scattered electrons move in ing the point of cut-off where the wax ceases to be
a straight line, or alternatively, as suggested by irradiated by the X-ray beam. The effect of retrac-
Howarth et al. (1951), that those which are deflected tion is, then, an angular one. For the same level of
away from the chamber are just compensated by contamination, the retracting distance should be
those entering from other scattering angles, the proportional to field dimension, since <^o is thereby
ionisation in the chamber may be calculated from the kept the same. This is for a parallel beam but the
Klein-Nishina formula. If/(</>) is the cross-section relation should hold approximately in practice
per electron for the number of electrons scattered since beam divergence is not large, especially for

Wax retraction as a technique for compensating the effect of surface irregularities


Field Retracting 4MV linear

size distance Cobalt unit accelerator
(cm2) (cm)
30 45 30 45
wedge wedge wedge wedge
15x15 5 2-1 3-7 1-3 2-3
10 4-1 7-3 2-6 4-5
20 8-2 14-1 51 8-8

10x10 5 1-4 2-4 0-9 1-5

10 2-7 4-8 1-7 3-0
20 5-4 9-2 3-4 5-9
5x5 5 0-7 1-1 0-4 0-7
10 1-3 2-3 0-8 1-4
20 2-6 4-5 1-6 30

T h e following analysis leads to a formula by which

the " g e o m e t r i c " error may be calculated for a
wedge of constant angle.
FIG. 2. Referring to Fig. 2 a n d t h e definition there of t h e
Retraction of wax wedge. The path of the primary ray terms used, we have, from triangle PUW
PQ becomes P'Q' on retraction.
D = retracting distance. 8v 8a 8a
6 = angle between PQ and the central ray OC. 3L
<jj = wedge angle. sin 0 sin A cos (0+0)
A = angle PQC.
OP= a = half-width of field at focal distance F. 8a D sin0 D
Now = and so 8y = a
UV is parallel and equal to P'Q'; if y = PQ, UV=P'Q' = a F cos (0+0) ~F
y-hy.UWis parallel to VQ. PU = Sa.
T h i s is for a ray on t h e left of t h e central axis;
the corresponding formula for o n e o n t h e right is
small fields. There is the added factor of air ioni- sin 0 D
sation, and it may be seen from Fig. 1 that this does 8y = a
cos (0-0) ~F
not vary in the same manner as that from the retract-
ed wax. For the same <f>o one would expect slightly T h e percentage change in absorption may be
lower levels of surface dose on the smaller retrac- calculated from t h e linear absorption coefficient of
tions because of the reduced contribution from the the m e d i u m for t h e radiation. It is zero at t h e
air. This has been found from the experimental work, centre, increasing in magnitude towards t h e field
which also showed the angular relation to hold edge, positive to t h e right in Fig. 2, negative to t h e
fairly closely. left. T a b l e I indicates the m a x i m u m values of t h e
When wax of greater than equilibrium thickness effect, at t h e field edge, for various field sizes a n d
is retracted in a parallel beam the photon fluence retracting distances. T o t h e left of t h e central axis
will be further attenuated by an amount which is the increase in t h e primary dose tends to offset t h e
the same whether the wax is retracted or not. The scatter error, whereas to t h e right of the central axis
above relation will therefore still be true and the the two errors are additive. However, near t h e right
ratio of the electron contamination produced by the edge t h e effect of t h e scatter loss is quite small, so
retracted wax to that of the surface wax will be inde- the geometric error gives a rough indication of t h e
pendent of its thickness. order of the error to be expected there.

(D) How retraction affects depth dose EXPERIMENTAL

The two factors which cause a change in depth T h e experimental apparatus was designed to
dose have already been mentioned, i.e. loss of scatter measure t h e changes in both surface a n d depth dose
and an alteration in the path of the primary ray. which result from retraction. T h e s e changes were
VOL. 43, No. 516
W. Jackson
examined first for uniform thicknesses of tissue- retracted, the wax again being replaced by Pressd-
equivalent wax and then for wedge-shaped pieces of wood boards. Depth was measured from the phan-
angles 30 and 45 deg. In practice the wax is irregular tom or "skin" surface while the reference surface for
in shape but will usually conform between these the depth dose values was the top of the board,
extremes. corresponding to the "waxed-up" surface in prac-
For the surface measurements the wax was re- tice. The build-up chamber was supplemented
placed by boards of unit-density Pressdwood. The initially by a Baldwin-Farmer dosemeter, the cap
build-up chamber had a collecting diameter of 1 cm of which fitted closely into holes in the Pressdwood.
and an electrode spacing of 1 mm and was inserted The findings from the two chambers corresponded
into a Pressdwood phantom with the Melinex front closely, and in the later stages the Baldwin-Farmer
window (1-2 mg/cm2) flush with the phantom sur- was used alone. Central axis depth doses were ex-
face. With the chamber below the centre of the board amined to a depth of 12 cm below the Pressdwood
the procedure was to expose it with the board first surface for three field sizes5 X 5 cm2, 10 x 10 cm2
on the surface of the phantom, then retracted in the and 20 X 20 cm2 with retracting distances up to 20
beam direction, the exposure being the same for cm.
both positions. The ratio of the retracted to surface The diameter of the build-up chamber, while
reading was found to be sensibly independent of small, is still of the same order as the average range
board thickness for the range examined (3-5 mm to of the secondary electrons in tissue and this fact
7 cm) and was plotted as a function of retracting dis- raised some doubts as to how accurately such a
tance for retractions up to 20 cm. Field sizes varied chamber measures either surface or build-up dose,
from 5 x 5 cm2 to 20 X 20 cm2. when it collects electrons reaching it from a wide
A similar method was used to determine the range of angles. On repeating some of the measure-
depth dose errors when uniform wax thicknesses are ments with a chamber of 2 cm collecting diameter



FIELD 2 0 x 2 0 c m 2

FIELD 1 0 x 1 0 c m 2
FIELD 5x5cm2


FIG. 3.
Chamber reading with wax retracted as a percentage, R, of that with wax on surface.
4 MV linear accelerator. The experimental points are shown.

Wax retraction as a technique for compensating the effect of surface irregularities


FIELD 20x20cm 2

FIELD 10 x 10 c m 2
FIELD 5 x 5cm 2

12 20


FIG. 4.
Chamber 60
reading with wax retracted as a percentage, R, of that with wax on surface.
Co unit. The experimental points are shown with the fitted curves.
with penumbra trimmer.
without penumbra trimmer.

changes were found in the ratio of retracted to R, of that with the wax on the surface. R has been
surface dose, the implications of which will be found, as expected from theory, to be very nearly
discussed later. independent of wax thickness. It may therefore be
In the technique employed for wedge retraction, applied, in any practical case, to give the skin dose
two identical wax wedges initially fitted together to on retraction in terms of that obtaining before
form a rectangular block placed on top of a Pressd- retraction. If a specific level of contamination is de-
wood phantom. The upper was then retracted cided upon, the corresponding retracting distance
in the beam direction, the field size (as in normal may be read from the graphs. The data illustrate the
practice) being defined on the surface of the upper validity of the "angle" effect already mentioned.
wedge, which also determined the focal distance. On the linear accelerator fields 5 x 5 cm2 at 5 cm
Holes drilled into phantom and lower wedge en- retracting distance, 10x10 cm2 at 10 cm, and
abled measurements to be made with the Baldwin- 20 X 20 cm2 at 20 cm give R values of 41, 45 and 46
Farmer dosemeter on the central axis of the beam respectively, while the 60 Co untrimmed fields all
and at points lateral to it. Depths to 15 cm, again yield values around 50. These corroborate the rule
measured below the surface of the non-retracted that, for the same skin dose, retracting distance
wedge, were examined for fields 6 x 6 cm2 and should be proportional to field dimension. The re-
10x10 cm2. lation is not an exact one, but if we accept 45-50 per
cent of its initial value as a reasonable level of skin
RESULTS dosage on retraction, we may make the working rule
(A) Surface dose that retracting distance should equal field dimen-
From Figs. 3 and 4 the surface dose under the sion. This will be the side of the square for square
retracted wax may be determined as a percentage, fields, the mean of the sides for rectangular fields.
VOL. 43, No. 516
W. Jackson
Using the angular relation it is possible to compute 5cm RETRACTION
values for intermediate field sizes, e.g. a retraction
of 10 cm with a 12 x 12 cm2 field will give rise to PERCENTAGE REDUCTION
about the same contamination as a retraction of 8-3
cm with a 10x10 cm2 field. Moreover, the effects
of larger fields may be assessed, as in techniques,
often at increased focal distances, where a Perspex
tray is used to support lead shielding blocks. For a
30 x 30 cm2 field, with 21 cm between skin and tray,
R will approximate to that for a 20x20 cm2 field
at 14 cm, and so the skin dose under the tray can be
expressed as a percentage of that which obtains
when the tray thickness of Perspex is in contact with
the skin surface. DEPTH (cm)

As regards quality, R was found to be slightly 10cm RETRACTION

lower for the linear accelerator, especially at the lar- PERCENTAGE REDUCTION
ger retracting distances. This is to be expected since, in DEPTH DOSE

with increasing retraction, it should tend towards the '2-1

relative surface ionisation for the particular field size,

i.e. the surface ionisation for the open field as a
percentage of FBU dose, and this is higher for
Co radiation. Slight differences also exist between
the trimmed and non-trimmed fields on the cobalt
unit. It has been noted that near the edge of the
beam the contribution from the ionised air falls
below that at the centre. A similar resultagain
indicated by theoryholds for the retracted board.
Experimentally the surface dose at a point 2-5 cm
from the edge of a 20 X 20 cm2 field was found to
be lower than that at the mid-point by 20 per cent
for a 20 cm retraction on the cobalt unit. DEPTH(cm)

From the point of view of skin contamination, PERCENTAGE REDUCTION 20 cm RETRACTION

then, the retraction technique is most suited to 14-1
small fields where correspondingly small retracting
distances are possible. Large fields require large
retracting distances unless a greater degree of sur-
face contamination can be accepted, but here prac-
tical difficulties will tend to prevent the use of such

(B) Depth dose

(a) Uniform wax thicknesses. One would expect the
change in depth dose to increase with field size, 7 cm WAX THICKNESS
since the proportion of scatter to primary radiation
increases with beam area. This was confirmed, but 4 cm WAX THICKNESS

so little difference was found in the effects of the 2cm WAX THICKNESS

three fields that the data for the 10 X 10 cm2 field

could be used as representative of all three. No sig- DEPTH(cm)
nificant difference was found between the two
FIG. 5.
radiation qualities. Figures 5A-5C give the magnitude
(A-C) Percentage reduction in depth dose when uniform wax
of the effect; they show how the percentage reduc- thicknesses are retracted, as a function of wax thickness.
tion in depth dose varies with retracting distance, Depth is measured from the base of the wax before retrac-
wax thickness, and depth. As expected, it is greatest tion ; depth doses refer to2 the top of the wax before retrac-
tion. Field 10x10 cm. (A) 5 cm retraction; B) 10 cm
for the smaller depths and it increases with wax retraction; (c) 20 cm retraction.
Wax retraction as a technique for compensating the effect of surface irregularities
thickness and retracting distance. At depths greater i.e. the average wedge thicknessand that the
than about 10 cm there is little additional change. maximum error for points at the same depth but off
Large retracting distances, while reducing skin the central axis was very close to this. The central
contamination, may lead to serious depth dose axis error was exceededbut only slightlyat
errors unless the wax is thin. The data refer to central certain points on the right edge of the beam, no
axis depth doses and give maximum errors. For doubt because of the combined effect of the geo-
points off the centre axis the loss of scatter is smaller metric and scatter error. The smallest errors were
and so also the change in depth dose. In practice found along RS at the left-hand edge of the beam.
the wax is of course non-uniform, but it will be Points closer than 2 cm to the wedge surface were
shown that the average thickness may be used with- excluded, and retracting distance was limited to
out introducing any serious error. The corrections 10 cm.
will be applied to the actual value of the depth Retraction errors should be greater for the cobalt
dose, e.g. a 5 per cent decrease in the 60 per cent unit, mainly because of the larger geometric error,
dose will reduce it to 57 per cent. though only by 1 or 2 per cent. Experimentally, dif-
The findings may be summarised: ferences of this order are difficult to measure, and in
(i) For depths of 5 cm and greater below the skin fact no significant difference in the two qualities was
surface, and retractions up to 10 cm, the per- detected. The maximum errors for a 45 deg. wedge
centage depth dose drops by less than 5 per retracted 10 cm in a 10x10 cm2 field (average
cent of its value unless the wax is more than 6 cm wax thickness 6 cm) were found to be as follows:
thick. For a 20 cm retraction it is still less than inside the wedge portion RPT (Fig. 6) 7-5 per cent,
5 per cent if a 3-5 cm wax thickness is not in the remainder of the beam 5-5 per cent. For the
exceeded. 30 deg. wedge (average wedge thickness 3-3 cm)
(ii) For depths less than 5 cm, errors in excess of the corresponding maximum errors were 5-5
5 per cent may arise, depending on wax thick- and 4 per cent. These may be compared with
ness and retracting distance. For example, the ^ 3 per cent range of error given by Cohen et al.
a 10 per cent error can occur at a point 3-5 cm (1960) for a cobalt unit with a 30 deg. wedge. Their
below the skin surface with a wax thickness of analysis included slightly larger fields, but the
7 cm and a retraction of 20 cm. This, however, retracted wax was of a lower density which increased
would be an extreme case. In many instances the the primary component of the beam by 5 per cent
error will be less than 5 per cent provided the and so tended to offset the depth dose decrease
the wax thickness is not excessive, caused by retraction.
(b) Wedges. Geometric errors vary in magnitude The results fit a pattern for practical use in which
and sign with distance from the central axis. Scatter the error at a point inside the part RPT may be
errors are always negative, changing in magnitude
across the central axis because of the configuration
of the retracted wax. Depth dose is made up of both
primary and scattered radiation and its change on
retraction will depend on the proportions of each
and how they change. For example, the scatter at a
point P near the surface and to the right of the beam SKIN
(Fig. 6) is small and its change negligible, so the
error will be almost entirely geometric. At Q, rep-
resenting a depth of 15 cm, the geometric error will WAX
again predominate, since the scatter change is small, WEDGE
because of the depth. Loss of scattered radiation
will be most pronounced for points on the left-
hand edge of the beam, but the sign of the geometric
error is such as to counteract the scatter change.
It might be expected, therefore, that the combined
error here would be minimal.
The experimental work confirmed these premises. FIG. 6.
For points on the central axis it was found that the Wedge retraction.
error could be predicted almost exactly from that of CA, central ray; RS, PQ, lateral rays; R, C, P, points 2 cm
from skin surface; S, A, Q, points 15 cm from top of wax
a uniform block of thickness half the wedge height wedge.
VOL. 43, No. 516
W. Jackson
estimated from Figs. 5A-5C, using as wax thickness reasonably good, but for the larger fields theory pre-
the average thickness of the filling wax and as depth dicted values 15 or 20 per cent high. The assump-
that to the skin surface. For other points, the maxi- tions in the theoretical calculation are, however,
mum error may be taken as that for the central axis open to question, especially that in which it is
at the same depth below the wax surface. assumed that electron losses by scatter in the path
from AV% to the chamber are compensated by
THE METHOD IN PRACTICE electrons entering from neighbouring elements.
The data make it possible to estimate both the This will not hold exactly, since a proportion of
skin contamination and the maximum change in electrons undergoing multiple scattering are scat-
depth dose which arise from retraction. Following tered backwards in the opposite direction to the
the working rule, retracting distance will be decided beam and do not contribute to forward ionisation.
by field dimensions and skin dose will be reduced to Even if the numbers along a given path were
half of its pre-retraction value. The next step will unaffected by scattering processes, their energy
be to determine the depth dose error for the tumour would be reduced; this means a decrease in range
depths of interest; it will depend mainly on the re- and a consequent reduction in the number emitted
tracting distance and the average thickness of the from the board. The fact that the discrepancy be-
wax. If the error is thought to be excessive it may be tween measured and calculated values increases with
reduced by the choice of a smaller retracting dis- field size suggests that electron scattering effects
tance, though at the expense of increased skin dose. are largely responsible, since greater differences
The technique is evidently most suitable for small may be expected as the scattering angle increases
fields where adequate skin protection can be and the energy decreases. From the point of view
achieved with a small retracting distance and the of skin contamination scattering may be considered
consequent depth dose errors are also small. With beneficial in that it tends to remove some electrons
large fields it may be possible to compromise be- which would otherwise contribute to skin dose.
tween skin dose and depth dose errors by reducing A further possible cause of the differencethe
the retracting distance, but in certain instances it chamber diameterhas already been mentioned.
may well be concluded, especially if the wax is Using the 2 cm diameter chamber it was found that
thick, that the errors are unacceptable. the values of R were lower than those from the 1 cm
Field dimensions will be marked on the plane chamber, the divergence being most marked for the
surface of the retracted wax, reduced to allow for small fields. This is no doubt due to the fact that,
the retraction. Patient set-up may be effected in for these small fields, the chamber diameter ap-
two slightly different ways. In the first the focal proaches the field dimension. With the large fields
distance pertaining to the isodose chart is measured the difference was 4 per cent for a 20 cm retracting
to the wax surface before retraction. In the second, distance. Bearing in mind that the 1 cm chamber
the focal distance is set to the wax surface after gives reasonably good agreement between theory
retraction, thus increasing the original FSD by the and practice for the small fields, the conclusion is
retracting distance. There are two advantages in the that while the R values as recorded by this chamber
second method. One is that any available isocentric are probably too low, they are not seriously in error.
facility is retained; the other is that, because of the In any case, the choice of retracting distance does
longer FSD, the depth doses as referred to the origi- not depend critically on these values.
nal wax surface are increased. This increase tends to
counteract the decrease brought about by retraction.
It may be calculated in a given instance (Jackson, I am grateful to Mr. S. A. Ahmed for help in the experi-
1969), but its value is usually about 1 or 2 per cent. mental work and in the construction of the 2 cm diameter
Since the depth dose decrease on retraction is chamber, also to Mr. J. Isitt for many useful discussions.
often not much greater, the normal isodose chart ABSTRACT
will give a close approximation to the correct dose. The technique of filling an irregular body contour with
tissue-equivalent wax and retracting the wax in the beam
direction, without making an allowance for beam diver-
THEORETICAL gence, has been examined from the point of view of
The ionisation from both retracted and surface (a) electron contamination on the skin;
(b) errors in depth dose which arise from loss of scatter
board was calculated by a method similar to the and also from any change in the path of the primary ray.
one already outlined, and the ratio of retracted to Skin contamination at a given point has been found
surface dose compared with that found experi- to depend on the angle subtended there by the irradiated
wax. This leads to the simple working rule that if a retract-
mentally. For small fields the agreement was ing distance equal to the average field dimension is chosen,


Wax retraction as a technique for compensating the effect of surface irregularities

the skin dose will be reduced to 50 per cent of its value REFERENCES
before retraction. COHEN, M., BURNS, J. E., and SEAR, R., 1960, Ada. Radiol.,
Depth dose errors, i.e., deviations from the values as read 53, 486.
in the normal isodose chart, have been found to depend HALL, E. J., and OLIVER, R., 1961, Br. J. Radiol., 34, 43.
chiefly on retracting distance and the thickness of the re- HOWARTH, J. L., JONES, J. C , and MILLER, H., 1951, Br. J.
tracted wax. The technique is feasible provided a retracting Radiol., 24, 665.
distance can be found which gives an acceptable skin dose JACKSON,W., 1969, Ada. Radiol. {Ther), Vol.8,Fasc.4,p.279.
and small depth dose errors. These may be estimated from VAN DE GEIJN, J., 1965, Br.J. Radiol., 38, 865.
the appropriate graphs. The conditions are most easily WILKS, R., and CASEBOW, M. P., 1969, Br. J. Radiol., 42,
fulfilled for small fields. 452.

Forthcoming events
CONFERENCE ON RADIATION LEVELSAIR, WATER will be held from February 5 to 6, 1971, at the
AND FOOD Conference Centre, University of Ibadan, Ibadan,
The Royal Society of Health is arranging a one-day Nigeria. Further information may be obtained from
conference on "Radiation Levels in Air, Water and Dr. S. B. Lagundoye, Department of Radiology,
Food" on Thursday, December 10, 1970 at Caxton University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Hall, Westminster, London, S.W.I. Fee 2 2s. per
delegate. Further details are available from The
Secretary, The Royal Society of Health, 90 Buck- THE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND THE PHYSICAL
ingham Palace Road, London, S.W.I. SOCIETY
The Vacuum Group and the Thin Films and
24TH INDIAN CONGRESS OF RADIOLOGY Surfaces Group of the Institute of Physics and The
The 24th Indian Congress of Radiology will be held Physical Society are arranging a one-day meeting on
in Calcutta from January 22 to 24, 1971 and will "Sorption Phenomena in Vacuum" to be held at the
cover all aspects of diagnostic and therapeutic University of Liverpool on January 6, 1971. The
radiology. Further information is available from meeting will deal with mechanisms, methods of
Dr. S. Boss, Organising Secretary, 6 Harrington experimental investigation and exploitation of sorp-
Street, Calcutta 16, India. tion in vacuum systems. Further details and appli-
cation forms are available from the Meetings Offi-
ASSOCIATION OF RADIOLOGISTS OF WEST AFRICA cer, The Institute of Physics and The Physical
A conference on "Radiology of Bone Disorders" Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S.W.I.


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