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Malang, 12 September 2016

Father and Mother
In Tulungagung

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

How are you Mom and Dad ? I wish Mom and Dad always healthy, dont forget I
always pray so that Allah SWT always protect Mom and Dad in everywhere. I am
healthy and fine in here.
Dad, Mom, its the third weeks I studied in Malang, I want to tell many activity to Mom
and Dad. The first week of my study is the time to introduce Dad, Mom, so my teachers
introduce subjects that will be taught, not only my teachers, the first week is the time to
introduction with my friends. So fun can meet a lot of new friends. In the second and
third week we began to enter the learning, usually Dad, Mom, mostly we use
presentation system in the lesson where one group performed with material that has
been determined. Day by day is through, its so tiring with a full schedule start at 7 am
until 4 pm, not just it I must to walk from boarding house to the campus everyday. In
here I can feel how it feel far away from Mom and Dad, do everything by myself, but I
will do it with my spirit because I remember that Mom and Dad always give me support
and advice. I cant wait to go to Tulungagung, talk a lot with Dad and Mom.
Dad, Mom I think its enough, maintain your health Mom and Dad, dont forget to drink
vitamins and adequate rest. Pray for me so that I can finish my study.
Love to Mom and Dad.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

From daughter,

Dania Merit Novitasari

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