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Art Of

By Eleanor Luckett
For this first project we used descriptions of cities from Italo
Calvinos Invisible Cities. Each city has its own individual
features and themes. We were given a selection of cities from
which to choose our city to design. We began the process by
brainstorming features and styles, creating word stacks and
then thumbnailing all cities. This was then refined down to
one city which then got developed more into colour keys and
then our final paintings. This process also involved the
creation of some production art pieces to aid our
development and potentially act as assets in our final
paintings. While developing and exploring the cities, I
discovered that the cities I was most interested in were Baucis
and Phyllis. I found that to me, Phyllis had far more options
and potential for me. Phyllis is a mismatched city, with odd
bridges, windows and pretty much all features it also has a
strong connection to the three Queens that are featured in
the text.

Invisible Cities
Since Phyllis is a mismatched city, I
decided that I needed to do a lot of
research, covering as many different
styles and shapes as I could. I also had
to do a lot of research into specific
features such as the Onion Domes,
Stained Glass, the Queen and the Caper
bush. Since they were all specifically
mentioned in the text I decided that
they should try to be included in some
capacity. My research also gave me a
much clearer idea of a colour pallet and
the shapes that should be used.

Invisible Cities
Invisible Cities
Invisible Cities
Invisible Cities
Invisible Cities
Invisible Cities
Invisible Cities
Invisible Cities
Invisible Cities
Invisible Cities

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