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174 Polycythemia Vera Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78


Polycythemia Vera: A Comprehensive Review and Clinical Recommendations


More than a century has elapsed since the appearance of poses a modern diagnostic algorithm to formulate a work-
the modern descriptions of polycythemia vera (PV). Dur- ing diagnosis; and provides recommendations for patient
ing this time, much has been learned regarding disease management, relying whenever possible on an evidence-
pathogenesis and PV-associated molecular aberrations. based approach.
New information has allowed amendments to traditional Mayo Clin Proc. 2003;78:174-194
diagnostic criteria. Phlebotomy remains the cornerstone
treatment of PV, whereas myelosuppressive agents may ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; ADP = adenosine di-
augment the benefit of using phlebotomy for thrombosis phosphate; AMM = agnogenic myeloid metaplasia; CML =
prevention in high-risk patients. Excessive aspirin use is chronic myeloid leukemia; CMPD = chronic myeloprolifera-
contraindicated in PV, although the use of lower-dose aspi- tive disorder; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
ease; EORTC = European Organisation for Research and
rin has been shown to be safe and effective in alleviating Treatment of Cancer; EPO = erythropoietin; EPOR = EPO
microvascular symptoms including erythromelalgia and receptor; ET = essential thrombocythemia; GP = glycopro-
headaches. Recent studies have shown the utility of selec- tein; IFN-αα = interferon α; IGF-1 = insulin-like growth factor
tive serotonin receptor antagonists for treating PV-associ- 1; MMM = myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia; 32P = radio-
ated pruritus. Nevertheless, many questions remain unan- active phosphorus 32; PRTE = post–renal transplant erythro-
swered. What is the specific genetic mutation or altered cytosis; PRV-1 = polycythemia rubra vera-1; PTP = protein
molecular pathway that is causally related to the disease? tyrosine phosphatase; PV = polycythemia vera; PVSG = Poly-
In the absence of a specific molecular marker, how is a cythemia Vera Study Group; RCM = red blood cell mass;
working diagnosis of PV made? What evidence supports SH2 = Src (family of tyrosine kinases) homology 2; SP =
secondary polycythemia; STAT = signal transducer and acti-
current practice in the management of PV? This article vator of transcription; TPO = thrombopoietin
summarizes both old and new information on PV; pro-

T he clinical phenotype of polycythemia vera (PV)

(plethora, engorged veins) was appreciated long be-
fore the disease was formally described by Vaquez1 in 1892
this early period, external beam irradiation of the spleen,
long bones, and vertebrae also was being used in the treat-
ment of PV23 until the introduction of intravenous therapy
and subsequently by Osler2 in 1903.3-7 By 1910, it was with radioactive phosphorus 32 (32P) by Lawrence24 in
evident that erythrocytosis in PV was often associated with 1938. By the early 1950s, alkylating agents and antime-
leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, and panmyeloid hyperplasia tabolites were introduced to the therapeutic armamen-
of the bone marrow.8-10 The development of myelofibrosis tarium of PV, and the additional benefit of these agents in
and acute leukemia as part of the natural history of PV was reducing thrombotic complications was touted.25 However,
first reported in 1935 and 1938, respectively.11,12 questions were raised and needed to be resolved about the
In 1951, Dameshek13 classified PV as a chronic myelo- validity of such claims as well as the possible leukemoge-
proliferative disorder (CMPD) along with other related nicity of both 32P and chemotherapeutic agents.26 This and
myeloid disorders, including chronic myeloid leukemia other factors led to the formation of an international Poly-
(CML) and agnogenic myeloid metaplasia (AMM), be- cythemia Vera Study Group (PVSG) in 1967, under the
cause of similarities in both clinical and laboratory fea- auspices of the National Cancer Institute with Dr Louis R.
tures. Between 1967 and 1981, Fialkow et al14-21 showed Wasserman as principal investigator.27 The objectives of
that CMPDs are biologically interrelated on the basis of the PVSG were to describe the natural history of PV and
being clonal stem cell disorders with involvement of both to define optimal therapy through the institution of long-
myeloid and lymphoid lineage. term therapeutic trials. It is reasonable to consider the
Phlebotomy used as treatment of PV was recommended period that started with the PVSG studies as the modern era
by Osler22 in the first decade of the 20th century. During in PV.
From the Division of Hematology and Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minn.
Discordant with the traditional scheme proposed by
Address reprint requests and correspondence to Ayalew Tefferi, MD,
Division of Hematology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW, Rochester, Dameshek,13 current classification systems consider CML
MN 55905 (e-mail: separate from the other CMPDs because of its specific
Mayo Clin Proc. 2003;78:174-194 174 © 2003 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78 Polycythemia Vera 175

Figure 1. Operational classification of the chronic myeloid disorders. *Atypical chronic

myeloid disorders include chronic neutrophilic leukemia, chronic eosinophilic leukemia/
hypereosinophilic syndrome, systemic mast cell disease, juvenile myelomonocytic leuke-
mia, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, and a chronic myeloid process that displays
overlapping features of both myelodysplastic syndrome and chronic myeloproliferative
disorder. Reprinted with permission from Tefferi.31 Copyright ©2000 Massachusetts Medi-
cal Society. All rights reserved.

association with the Philadelphia chromosome transloca- made by the demonstration of clonal erythrocytosis in
tion (bcr-abl tyrosine kinase)28 as well as its unique treat- PV,26 substantial bone marrow fibrosis in AMM,31 and
ment response to both interferon α (IFN-α)29 and imatinib clonal thrombocytosis that is not associated with either
mesylate.30 Therefore, the term chronic myeloproliferative erythrocytosis or high-grade myelofibrosis in ET.33,34
disorder is currently reserved for only PV, essential throm- Note that currently there is no specific disease marker,
bocythemia (ET), and myelofibrosis with myeloid meta- molecular or otherwise, for PV or the other CMPDs and
plasia (MMM). However, the CMPDs are joined by CML that a working diagnosis is made on the basis of the
and myelodysplastic syndrome as members of a broader constellation of clinical and bone marrow histological
category of chronic myeloid disorders that also includes a findings.
fourth category that groups unclassified myeloprolifera-
tive/myelodysplastic disorders, chronic myelomonocytic EPIDEMIOLOGY
leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, hyper- Population-based epidemiological studies done in Roches-
eosinophilic syndrome, systemic mast cell disease, and ter, Minn, have suggested a stable incidence trend for PV of
chronic neutrophilic leukemia under an operational desig- approximately 2.3/100,000.35,36 Other studies have reported
nation of atypical chronic myeloid disorders (Figure 1).31 either similar37,38 or lower39-43 incidence figures. A higher
All 3 CMPDs, including PV, are characterized by vari- disease incidence has been suggested in persons of Jewish
able degrees of bone marrow hypercellularity and atypical ancestry44-48 and among parent-offspring pairs.49,50 Median
megakaryocytic hyperplasia and clustering.32 In addition, age at diagnosis of PV is approximately 60 years with a
all 3 disorders may or may not display splenomegaly, slight (1.2:1) male preponderance.51 Approximately 7% of
leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, and clonal cytogenetic ab- patients are diagnosed before age 40 years,51 and children
normalities. The clinical distinction among the CMPDs is are rarely diagnosed with PV.52-54

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176 Polycythemia Vera Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78

No strong evidence supports disease association with colony formation has been shown not only in PV87 but
environmental exposure,55 although an excess risk has been also in other CMPDs, including ET88-90 and MMM.88 Simi-
suggested in embalmers and funeral directors,56 as well as larly, growth factor hypersensitivity of clonal progenitor
in persons exposed to benzene,57 petroleum refineries,58 cells has been shown in ET,91 whereas erythroid progenitor
and low doses of radiation.59 In contrast to patients with cells in PV display growth factor hypersensitivity also
acute leukemias and CML,60 a high risk of developing PV to insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1,92 interleukin 3,86,93
in atomic-bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor,94 stem
not been shown. cell factor,95 and thrombopoietin (TPO).96 The consistently
observed IGF-1 hypersensitivity of erythroid cells in PV
PATHOGENETIC MECHANISMS has been attributed to alterations in IGF-1 binding pro-
Origin of the PV Clone teins.97 Regardless, the phenomena of growth factor in-
It is now well established that PV is a clonal stem cell dependence and hypersensitivity may be nonspecific,
disease with trilineage myeloid involvement.16,61 However, intrinsic cell properties that are generic to many clonal
some studies have suggested clonal heterogeneity includ- processes.
ing clonal involvement of B lymphocytes62 and polyclonal
granulopoiesis in certain patients.63-66 Also, normal he- Molecular Studies At and Beyond the Level of the
matopoietic stem cells are known to coexist with clonal EPO Receptor
stem cells in PV and may gain growth advantage under Signal transducers that are important in physiological,
experimental conditions.67,68 Regardless, unlike with CML, EPO-dependent erythropoiesis involve both enhancing
the clonogenic molecular lesion in PV remains elusive. and regulatory molecules and include the EPO recep-
Recall that cytogenetic studies have played a major role in tor (EPOR),98,99 Janus kinase 2,100 signal transducers and
deciphering the causal genetic mutation in CML.28,69-73 activators of transcription (STATs; STAT1, STAT3,
However, karyotypic abnormalities in PV are infrequent STAT5),101-105 Src (family of tyrosine kinases) homology 2
(13%-18% in chemotherapy-naïve patients) and nonspe- (SH2) domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatases
cific, and they include trisomies of chromosomes 9 and 8 (SH-PTPs; SH-PTP1, SH-PTP2),106 Src,107 phosphoino-
and deletions of the long arms of chromosomes 13 and sitide 3 kinase,108 and mitogen-activated protein kinases
20.74-76 Not surprisingly, these chromosomes were targeted and their kinases.109 Therefore, a defect in any one of these
for further studies that showed cryptic interstitial deletions molecules could conceivably underlie EPO-independent
on chromosome 20q,66 9p chromosomal gains that are not erythroid proliferation.
apparent by conventional techniques,77,78 and a high inci- Regarding the EPOR, both its encoding gene and its
dence of heterozygosity loss involving chromosome 9p.79 structure have been shown to be intact in PV,110-112 in con-
Whether further inquiry into these preliminary observa- trast to those of some forms of familial polycythemia in
tions leads to specific pathogenetic information remains to which EPOR is truncated at the C-terminal as a result of
be seen. EPOR gene mutations.113-117 Such modification of the
EPOR structure is believed to enhance signal transduction
Growth Factor Independence and Hypersensitivity as a result of the loss of a regulatory domain that is nor-
of Erythroid Progenitor Cells mally located distal to the truncation site. It is interesting
A frequent area of pathogenetic investigation in PV but not verified that expression of differentially truncated
involves erythropoietin (EPO) and its relationship to the EPOR isoforms that result from alternative splicing may
growth of erythroid progenitor cells in affected patients. It play a role in the pathogenesis of PV.118
has been almost 30 years since the initial observation that Post–receptor molecular variations that have been re-
in vitro erythroid colony formation in patients with PV may ported in PV include increased baseline phosphorylation of
require no additional exogenous EPO, unlike in normal the IGF-1 receptor,119 decreased activity of SH-PTP1,120
controls or in patients with secondary polycythemia (SP).80 increased activity of membrane-associated SH-PTP,121
However, reports conflict about whether clonal erythroid constitutive activation of STAT3,122 up-regulation of nega-
growth in PV is completely independent of EPO81-83 or tive control elements of the cell cycle (p16/p14),123 and an
retains some degree of EPO dependency including hyper- abundance of antiapoptotic proteins (Bcl-xL) in erythroid
sensitivity.84-86 Regardless, several studies have shown that precursors.124 Similarly, constitutive activation of phospho-
the particular phenomenon is not specific to PV, EPO, or inositide 3 kinase has been shown in EPO-independent
erythroid progenitor cells. erythroid cells that are infected with Friend spleen focus-
For example, endogenous (ie, without the addition of forming virus.125 Furthermore, mice that genetically lack
exogenous growth factors) erythroid and megakaryocyte SH-PTP activity as a result of an SHP-1 null mutation

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Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78 Polycythemia Vera 177

(motheaten) or deletion of the catalytic domain of SHP-1 colony-stimulating factor stimulated granulocytes, and
(motheaten viable) display among other abnormalities a granulocytes of some patients with ET or MMM.154 Obvi-
PV phenotype (increased myelopoiesis and growth factor ously, more studies are needed to decipher the pathogenetic
hypersensitivity of myeloid cells including erythroid pro- relevance of PRV-1 in PV.
genitors).126 However, it is currently difficult to formulate a
unifying hypothesis on the pathogenesis of PV on the basis Pathogenetic Mechanisms of Thrombosis and
of the aforementioned observations because they are often Bleeding in PV
isolated, may represent nonspecific events in a clonal cell During the pre-phlebotomy era, thrombosis was the ma-
regardless of cell type, and are not always reproduced by jor cause of death in patients with PV, and the median life
other investigators.97,122,127 expectancy was less than 2 years.156 The marked improve-
ment in median survival (≥10 years) with aggressive phle-
TPO and the TPO Receptor in PV botomy established the primary role of increased hemat-
Thrombopoietin is the key growth factor for physiologi- ocrit in PV-associated thrombosis. How does increased
cal megakaryocytopoiesis and is essential for platelet hematocrit enhance thrombus formation in PV?
production.128-132 Normal TPO production is constitutive,133 In vitro, hematocrit has been shown to be the major
and circulating TPO is regulated by TPO receptor (c-mpl)– determinant of whole blood viscosity, especially at low
mediated platelet binding, internalization, and catabo- shear rates.157 However, in vitro observations do not neces-
lism.134-138 As such, plasma TPO levels usually are inversely sarily reflect in vivo events because of several confounding
proportional to total megakaryocyte/platelet mass.139,140 variables including the different flow dynamics in blood
However, in PV and other CMPDs, plasma levels of vessels and the strong relationship between hematocrit and
TPO are either elevated or normal, despite the associated oxygen transport. As a result, the effect of hematocrit on in
increase in megakaryocyte/platelet mass.141-145 This cur- vivo blood viscosity is lower than that suggested by in vitro
rently is believed to be the result of a defective TPO studies.157 For example, in vivo, increased hematocrit is
clearance caused by an abnormally reduced membrane associated with a decreased cerebral blood flow rate,158 not
expression of c-mpl in PV and other CMPDs. This phe- because of the change in viscosity but because of the
nomenon was first reported in ET146 and subsequently in change in arterial oxygen content.159 Furthermore, although
PV147 and in other CMPDs.148,149 In ET, the decreased venesection in patients with PV may reduce whole blood
surface expression of c-MPL has been associated with viscosity, it does not necessarily result in improved tissue
reduced c-mpl transcription.146,150 In PV, the particular de- oxygenation.160 Therefore, the relationship between throm-
fect was traced to a posttranslational hypoglycosylation bosis and high hematocrit in patients with PV represents a
of the c-mpl protein with derailment of membrane local- more complex scenario with multiple physical and chemi-
ization.151 Although markedly decreased megakaryocyte cal factors.
c-mpl expression may complement morphologic diagno- At low shear rates, which are comparable to flow rates
sis in PV and ET, its pathogenetic relevance remains in large veins, the endothelial displacement of platelets and
unclear.152,153 leukocytes and other proteins from the axial migration of
red blood cells might enhance thrombogenic interaction
Polycythemia Rubra Vera-1 Gene between endothelial cells and platelets.161 A different
The polycythemia rubra vera-1 (PRV-1) gene was re- mechanism that involves platelets, leukocytes, and red
cently described as a novel gene that is highly expressed in blood cell–derived platelet aggregates such as adenosine
granulocytes of patients with PV but not in granulocytes of diphosphate (ADP) might contribute to thrombosis at high-
normal controls or of patients with secondary erythrocyto- shear-rate conditions, which are comparable to flow in
sis.154 Examination of the open reading frame of the arterioles and other small vessels. Such aberrations com-
complementary DNA that is synthesized from the PRV-1 bined with decreased flow rates induced by high hematocrit
transcript suggested that that particular gene encodes for a values might explain the beneficial effect of phlebotomy in
cell surface receptor with homology to the Ly-6 gene fam- patients with PV.161,162
ily that includes the urokinase-type plasminogen activator Phlebotomy substantially reduces but does not abolish
receptor and reactive inhibitor of lysis receptor (CD59). the risk of thrombosis in patients with PV. Therefore, fac-
Subsequently, it was shown that the PRV-1 gene was tors other than hematocrit (platelets, leukocytes, endothe-
highly homologous to that of human neutrophil antigen-2 lial cells, coagulation proteins) might contribute to throm-
(CD117), suggesting that the two may not be separate bosis risk in these patients. Although about half of patients
genes but alleles of the same gene.155 PRV-1 expression has with PV display either thrombocytosis or leukocytosis, the
also been shown in normal bone marrow, granulocyte risk of thrombosis in such patients has not been correlated

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178 Polycythemia Vera Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78

with either platelet or white blood cell count.163 In con- DIAGNOSIS

trast, various potentially thrombogenic, qualitative cell de- Definitions
fects have been described and include a diminished re- In conventional terminology, polycythemia refers to ei-
sponse of platelet adenylate cyclase to prostaglandin D2 ther a real (true polycythemia) or spurious (apparent poly-
(a physiological inhibitor of platelet aggregation),164 an cythemia) increase in erythrocyte volume, ie, red blood cell
increased baseline platelet production of thromboxane A2 mass (RCM). True polycythemia may represent either a
(a platelet aggregate),165,166 and abnormal in vivo activation clonal myeloproliferative disorder (PV) or a nonclonal in-
of leukocytes,167 endothelial cells,167,168 and platelets.166,168 crease in RCM that is often, but not always, mediated by
Furthermore, previous reports of widespread activation in EPO (SP). Apparent polycythemia may result from either a
coagulation proteins,167 reduced levels of physiologic an- reduction in plasma volume (relative polycythemia) or an
ticoagulants (antithrombin III, proteins C and S),169,170 and inaccurate perception of an elevated hemoglobin/hemat-
decreased fibrinolytic activity171 that in part may be sec- ocrit value that results from not appreciating extreme nor-
ondary to increased plasma levels of plasminogen activa- mal values that exceed the 95th percentile range of refer-
tor inhibitor 1172 suggest a baseline pro-thrombotic state in ence intervals (Figure 2).191,192 Inapparent polycythemia
PV. vera is the converse of apparent polycythemia and indi-
In a recent study of patients with PV, the presence of the cates a true increase in RCM that is masked by a normal
PIA2 allele of platelet glycoprotein (GP) IIIa was associated hemoglobin/hematocrit value secondary to a concomitant
with an increased risk of arterial thrombosis, whereas al- increase in plasma volume (Figure 2).193
tered polymorphisms in either other platelet GPs (GP Ib,
GP Ia) or coagulation proteins (factors II [prothrombin] Distinguishing Apparent From True Polycythemia
and V [proaccelerin]) were not detected.173 It was interest- Obviously, familiarity with sex- and race-adjusted nor-
ing but not easily explained to note a statistically signifi- mal values as well as the realization that hemoglobin/
cant correlation in that study between the occurrence of the hematocrit values in some individuals may fall outside the
factor II G20210A mutation and the presence of microvas- 2 SD range for normal values should prevent unnecessary
cular disturbances in patients with either ET or PV. These testing, including RCM measurements, in many suspected
events, which include erythromelalgia (see “Microvascular cases.192 Similarly, most factors that cause plasma volume
Disturbances Including Erythromelalgia” section), previ- depletion (ie, relative polycythemia) are clinically obvious
ously have been associated with both platelet-mediated (severe dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, diuretics use, cap-
arteriolar inflammation174,175 and increased thromboxane illary leak syndrome, severe burns, etc) and do not require
production.176 specialized tests for diagnostic confirmation of the relative
Pro-hemorrhagic platelet defects in PV include poor polycythemia. Again, it is inappropriate to perform RCM
platelet aggregation in response to various platelet agonists measurements in such instances.
including thrombin, ADP, epinephrine, collagen, throm- The existence of both a chronic and a subtle state of
boxane A2, and platelet-activating factor177-180; abnormally contracted plasma volume is controversial.194 In this regard,
low intraplatelet levels of adenine nucleotides and seroto- both Gaisböck syndrome (relative polycythemia associated
nin181; reduced platelet factor X–activating activity182; de- with hypertension and nephropathy)195 and stress poly-
fective platelet lipid peroxidation183; impaired binding to cythemia (relative polycythemia associated with emotional
fibrinogen as a result of decreased GP IIb/IIIa expres- stress)196 are poorly understood, and the general concept
sion184; and acquired von Willebrand disease.185 Acquired has little foundation. In a series of 109 consecutive RCM
von Willebrand disease occurs in more than a third of and plasma volume measurements performed at the Mayo
patients with PV and has been associated with a bleeding Clinic in Rochester, Minn, no patients with relative poly-
diathesis.186,187 Acquired von Willebrand disease in myelo- cythemia were identified.197 In contrast, smoker’s poly-
proliferative disorders is associated with decreased large cythemia is real and is secondary to chronic exposure to
von Willebrand factor multimers and increased cleavage carbon monoxide, and the polycythemia resolves with dis-
products of the same, which suggests removal by proteoly- continuation of the habit.198 Again, the use of RCM mea-
sis.185 Furthermore, because the particular abnormality is surements in the aforementioned instances may be unnec-
characteristically associated with extreme thrombocyto- essary in light of the availability of modern diagnostic tests
sis188,189 and corrects with platelet count normalization,189 it for differentiating apparent polycythemia from PV.
is believed that the pathogenesis involves abnormal ad-
sorption of the large von Willebrand proteins to clonal Secondary Polycythemia
platelets, which effectively exposes protein cleavage sites Secondary polycythemia may or may not be EPO medi-
and enhances proteolysis.190 ated (Table 1115,198-224). Erythropoietin-mediated SP may be

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Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78 Polycythemia Vera 179

Figure 2. The relationship of red blood cell mass and plasma volume in the varieties of poly-
cythemias. Hct = hematocrit.

classified into a hypoxia-driven or hypoxia-independent explained mechanisms (some cases of congenital polycy-
process (Table 1). In hypoxia-driven SP (Table 1), the themia, post–renal transplant erythrocytosis [PRTE]).221,223,228
serum EPO level often is increased initially but may return Some, but not most, patients221 with autosomal-dominant
to within the normal reference range once the hemoglobin congenital polycythemia carry an activating mutation of
level has stabilized at a higher level.200,201,225 Hypoxia-inde- the EPOR gene that results in a C-terminal–truncated re-
pendent EPO production stems from either malignant or ceptor that is more efficient in signal transduction, possibly
benign tumor tissue (renal cancer, uterine leiomyoma, because of defective recruitment of regulatory phospha-
pheochromocytoma, meningioma, etc)209,212,214,215 or a con- tases.113,115,116,218 The serum EPO level is usually low in such
genital process that is believed to result from either an patients. However, mutations of the EPOR are not found in
abnormally elevated set point for EPO production216,226,227 most patients with autosomal-dominant congenital poly-
or abnormal oxygen homeostasis (Chuvash polycy- cythemia.221 Serum EPO levels may be either elevated or
themia).217 Often, serum EPO levels are increased in these normal in PRTE. The pathogenesis of PRTE may involve
hypoxia-independent processes. Chuvash polycythemia is EPO hypersensitivity of erythroid progenitor cells224 that
endemic in Russia,228 and the disease gene has been as- may or may not be related to the increase in IGF-1 and its
signed to chromosome 11 by one group229 and chromosome binding proteins in these patients.233
3 by another.217 The latter study suggests the presence of a
mutation in the von Hippel-Lindau gene in Chuvash poly- Diagnosing PV
cythemia; interestingly, other patients with germline muta- In 1975, the PVSG published a set of diagnostic criteria
tions of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor-suppressor gene to ensure that patients with SP or apparent polycythemia
have experienced SP after treatment with antiangiogenic are excluded from treatment protocols.234 These criteria
therapy.230 required the demonstration of increased RCM by blood
Other cases of SP may be EPOR mediated,218,231 second- volume measurement using labeled erythrocytes and the
ary to exogenous administration of erythropoietic drugs demonstration of normal hemoglobin oxygen saturation. It
(EPO, androgen preparation)219,220,232 or related to as yet un- is therefore immediately apparent that some patients with

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180 Polycythemia Vera Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78

Table 1. Classification of Polycythemia* nostic criteria (splenomegaly, leukocytosis, thrombocyto-

Apparent polycythemia sis, elevated leukocyte alkaline phosphatase, and increased
Relative polycythemia serum vitamin B12 level or unbound vitamin B12 binding
Extreme “high-normal” values capacity) lack both sensitivity and specificity. Subsequent
True polycythemia
Polycythemia vera identification and clinical application of PV-specific bio-
Secondary polycythemia logical parameters have allowed further refinements in the
EPO mediated original PVSG diagnostic criteria. Such revised PVSG cri-
Hypoxia driven
Central hypoxic process teria have increased diagnostic accuracy but have added
Chronic lung disease199 complexity to the diagnostic process.235-237
Right-to-left cardiopulmonary vascular shunts200 In the absence of a disease-specific positive marker,
High-altitude habitat201
Carbon monoxide poisoning202 such as with CML, it is reasonable to use disease-character-
Smoker’s polycythemia (long-term carbon monoxide istic biological and histological features to formulate a
exposure)198 working diagnosis of PV. Two such tests that are widely
Hypoventilation syndromes including sleep apnea203
Peripheral hypoxic process available to routine clinical practice include the determina-
Localized tion of serum EPO and the examination of bone marrow
Renal artery stenosis204 histology. With use of these 2 tests, a diagnostic algorithm
High oxygen-affinity hemoglobinopathy (Figure 3), rather than a set of diagnostic criteria, can be
(congenital; autosomal-dominant)205 followed to make a working diagnosis of PV. In the pro-
2,3-Diphosphoglycerate mutase deficiency cess, the information from RCM determination is seldom
(congenital; autosomal-recessive)206
Hypoxia independent (pathologic EPO production) required. Regarding RCM measurement, it is once again
Malignant tumors underscored that (1) a normal-range RCM reading does not
Hepatocellular carcinoma207,208 rule out the possibility of PV since it misses the PV popula-
Renal cell cancer209
Cerebellar hemangioblastoma210 tion that is distributed at the left extreme tail of the
Parathyroid carcinoma211 Gaussian distribution of RCM values for PV patients; (2)
Nonmalignant conditions the measurement of RCM in the presence of a hematocrit
Uterine leiomyomas212
Renal cysts (polycystic kidney disease)213 level higher than 60% and in the absence of a clinically
Pheochromocytoma214 obvious hemoconcentration is a costly redundancy since
Meningioma215 RCM is almost always increased in such cases; and (3) the
Abnormally elevated set point for EPO production
(congenital)216 likelihood of an otherwise isolated hematocrit level less
Chuvash polycythemia (congenital; abnormal oxygen than 60% to be secondary to PV, in the absence of other
homeostasis?)217 PV-related features, is extremely low and can be addressed
EPOR mediated
Activating mutation of the EPOR by more practical and cost-effective biological tests such as
Some cases of autosomal-dominant congenital serum EPO level (described subsequently). In contrast, if
polycythemia115,218 an upper-normal hematocrit value is associated with a PV-
Drug associated
EPO doping219 related feature, the diagnosis of PV should be pursued with
Treatment with androgen preparations220 more sensitive biological tests, including in some patients a
Unknown mechanisms bone marrow examination, regardless of the measured
Most cases of autosomal-dominant congenital polycythemia221
Some forms of autosomal-recessive congenital polycythemia222 RCM value.
Post–renal transplant erythrocytosis223,224 The first step in the diagnostic evaluation of PV is to
*EPO = erythropoietin; EPOR = EPO receptor. determine whether this diagnosis should be suspected. The
diagnostic possibility of PV may be entertained only if (1)
the hemoglobin/hematocrit level is higher than the 95th
PV may not fulfill these “study requirements” because (1) percentile of the normal distribution adjusted for sex and
their measured RCM value lies at the extreme left tail of the race, (2) there is a documented increase in the hemoglobin/
Gaussian distribution of RCM values for PV and overlaps hematocrit level above the baseline for an individual pa-
the upper normal values of the reference range; (2) the tient, regardless of where the specific hematocrit level lies
pathologic baseline RCM value of a specific PV patient within the reference range, or (3) a PV-related feature
may be lowered to within the normal reference range by a (thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, microcytosis from iron de-
superimposed iron deficiency or bleeding; or (3) a patient ficiency, splenomegaly, aquagenic pruritus, unusual throm-
with PV may also have an unrelated comorbid condition bosis including Budd-Chiari syndrome, erythromelalgia)
that causes hypoxia (eg, a patient can have both PV and accompanies a borderline-high hematocrit value. Other-
chronic lung disease). Furthermore, the other PVSG diag- wise, a repeated blood test in 3 months should suffice.

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Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78 Polycythemia Vera 181

In the presence of one of the aforementioned three sce-

narios, it is reasonable to start the diagnostic work-up by Serum erythropoietin
determining the serum EPO level (Figure 3). In general,
serum EPO levels are low in PV, even in the presence of
treatment with phlebotomy (Figure 4).238-241 However, se- Low Normal High
rum EPO levels also can be low in other CMPDs including
ET241-243 and rare cases of congenital polycythemia with
activating mutation of the EPOR.115 Therefore, a low serum PV diagnosis PV diagnosis Evaluate for
EPO level is highly suggestive but not diagnostic of PV probable possible secondary
(estimated specificity of >90%).244 In contrast, the serum polycythemia
EPO level may lie within the reference range in patients
with a definite diagnosis of PV (a sensitivity of a low serum
EPO level for PV is estimated to be <70%) (Figure 4).244,245 Bone marrow
However, PV is unlikely to be associated with an increased biopsy
serum EPO level.244 Therefore, PV remains a diagnostic
consideration in the presence of either a low or normal
serum EPO level. Histology
The next step is bone marrow examination with cytoge- characteristic
for PV?
netic studies (Figure 3). Bone marrow histology, to the
experienced hematopathologist, often reveals characteris- Yes No
tic changes that include hypercellularity, increased number
of megakaryocytes including cluster formation, the pres- PV Specialized
ence of giant megakaryocytes and pleomorphism in mega-
karyocyte morphology, mild reticulin fibrosis (in 12% of
patients), and decreased bone marrow iron stores.246 In
Consistent Not
contrast, cytogenetic studies disclose abnormalities (triso- with consistent
mies of chromosomes 9 and 8 and deletions of the long arms PV with PV
of chromosomes 13 and 20) in only 13% to 18% of patients
at diagnosis and hence have limited diagnostic value.74-76
In equivocal cases, which should constitute no more PV Reevaluate
than 10% of the patients seen in routine clinical practice, in 3 mo
additional specialized tests may be necessary to confirm
the working diagnosis of PV. Combined with a bone
marrow morphologic assessment, the demonstration of Figure 3. A practical algorithm for the diagnosis of polycythemia
markedly decreased megakaryocyte expression of the TPO vera (PV). Specialized testing includes bone marrow immunohis-
tochemistry for the thrombopoietin receptor (c-mpl), reverse tran-
receptor (c-mpl) supports the diagnosis of PV.147,152 Simi- scriptase-polymerase chain reaction for neutrophil expression of
larly, a recent study has suggested the possibility of using a the polycythemia rubra vera-1 gene, and spontaneous erythroid
peripheral blood neutrophil assay for PRV-1 expression to colony assay. *Note that most PV can be diagnosed by clinical
distinguish PV (high expression) from SP (not detect- and bone marrow histological parameters and does not require
able).154 Finally, although their value in distinguishing PV specialized testing. Furthermore, none of the 3 specialized tests can
differentiate PV from other myeloproliferative disorders, and their
from SP has been shown in both prospective247 and retro- sensitivity and specificity in distinguishing PV from secondary or
spective248 studies, I rarely use spontaneous (endogenous) apparent polycythemia have not been tested rigorously in an ad-
erythroid colony assays for the diagnosis of PV because of equate number of prospective, well-designed studies that include
their limited availability and the need for considerable enough patients to make statistically valid conclusions. A limited
expertise. Furthermore, as is the case with c-mpl immuno- number of such studies support the usefulness of these specialized
tests in complementing, but not substituting for, other diagnostic
histochemistry, a negative test result does not necessarily procedures.
exclude a diagnosis of PV.248

MANAGEMENT increased hematocrit, vascular events, and clonal evolution

Disease manifestations in PV that require treatment fall into MMM and acute leukemia. Non–life-threatening com-
into 2 major categories, life threatening and non–life plications of PV include constitutional symptoms, mi-
threatening. Life-threatening manifestations of PV include crovascular disturbances, and aquagenic pruritus.

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182 Polycythemia Vera Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78

PVSG26,163,255 and the European Organisation for Research

20 and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).256-258 Between 1967
EPO (mU/mL) and 1974, the PVSG study randomized 431 patients with
16 2.9-15.1 actively proliferating PV to treatment with either phle-
>15.1 botomy alone or phlebotomy supplemented with either oral
chlorambucil (10 mg/d for 6 weeks followed by a 30-day
No. of patients

rest and similar daily treatment every other month) or
10 intravenous 32P (2.3 mCi/m2) (ie, a 3-arm study). Between
8 1967 and 1978, the EORTC randomized 293 patients to
treatment with either 32P (0.5-1.0 mCi/10 kg body weight)
or oral busulfan (4-6 mg/d for 4-6 weeks).
The results from the PVSG study favored treatment with
2 phlebotomy alone with a median survival of 12.6 years
0 compared with 10.9 and 9.1 years for treatment with 32P
10.1-12.0 12.1-14.0 14.1-16.0 16.1-18.0 >18.0
and chlorambucil, respectively (P=.008). The difference in
Hemoglobin (g/dL)
survival was attributed to an increased incidence of acute
leukemia in patients treated with chlorambucil or 32P com-
Figure 4. Serum erythropoietin levels in 42 unselected patients pared with those treated with phlebotomy alone (13.2% vs
with polycythemia vera. EPO = erythropoietin. Reprinted with 9.6% vs 1.5% for 13-19 years).163,259 Furthermore, 3.5% of
permission from Blackwell Publishing.244 the patients treated with chlorambucil developed large cell
lymphoma, and incidences of gastrointestinal and skin can-
cers increased in patients treated with either chlorambucil
Prevention and Treatment of Life-Threatening or 32P.260
Complications in PV Additional observations from the PVSG study included
Aggressive phlebotomy and modern supportive care are the following: (1) a significantly higher incidence of
primarily responsible for the currently observed marked thrombotic events in the first 3 years in patients treated
improvement in the median survival of patients (>10 years) with phlebotomy alone, (2) a lack of correlation between
initially treated with phlebotomy alone.51 Earlier reports thrombosis and either platelet count or hematocrit value,
suggested a median survival of less than 2 years in and (3) a significant association between thrombosis risk
nonphlebotomized patients with PV.12,156,249 Furthermore, and patients either older than 70 years or with a history of
in a cohort of 250 patients seen between 1933 and 1961, a thrombosis. In addition, in patients treated with phle-
median survival of less than 4 years was documented in botomy alone, thrombosis risk was associated with an in-
patients treated with nonaggressive venesection, and the creased frequency of phlebotomy (maintenance phle-
cause of death in most of these patients was thrombotic botomy of more than once every 3 months).
complications.156 Aggressive phlebotomy defined as main- The results from the EORTC study favored busulfan to
taining the hematocrit level at lower than 45% was sug- P for both first remission duration (median, 4 years vs 2
gested on the basis of a retrospective study of PV that years) and overall survival (10-year survival rates of 70%
showed a progressive increase in the incidence of vascular vs 55%; P=.02). At a median follow-up of 8 years, there
occlusive episodes at hematocrit levels higher than 44%.250 were no significant differences in the risks of leukemic
This contention is supported by other studies that showed transformation (2% vs 1.4%), nonhematologic malignancy
suboptimal cerebral blood flow in ranges of hematocrit (2.8% vs 5%), vascular complications (27% vs 37%), or
values between 46% and 52%.158 Because of the physi- transformation into MMM (4.8% vs 4.1%) between the
ological difference in hematocrit values between the sexes busulfan and 32P arms, respectively.257
as well as among different races,251-253 it is reasonable, In an effort to reduce the risk of thrombosis associated
although not evidence based, to target an even lower he- with treatment by phlebotomy alone, the PVSG initiated
matocrit level (42%) in women and African Americans. another randomized study in 1977 in which treatment with
Nevertheless, phlebotomy in any patient, and especially in intravenous 32P (2.7 mCi/m2) plus phlebotomy was com-
those with cardiovascular disease, should be performed un- pared with treatment with phlebotomy plus high-dose aspi-
der careful conditions with appropriate and monitored fluid rin (900 mg/d) in combination with dipyridamole (225 mg/
replacement to avoid both hypotension and fluid overload.254 d).261 Results showed that the addition of antiplatelet
Observations From Randomized Studies.—The first agents, at the specific doses used, had no benefit in terms of
2 randomized studies of PV were run concurrently by the thrombosis prevention but increased the risk of gastrointes-

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Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78 Polycythemia Vera 183

tinal bleeding. However, a more recent randomized study Many studies have reported the use of pipobroman as a
of PV (112 patients) using a much lower dose of aspirin (40 single agent in PV.266,271-273 In one of these studies involving
mg/d) showed no increased bleeding diathesis.262 Further- 163 patients, the drug was effective in more than 90% of
more, the results of the PVSG aspirin study may have been the patients, and median survival exceeded 17 years.271 In
influenced by the fact that 27% of the patients randomized the first 10 years, the incidences of thrombotic events,
to the phlebotomy-aspirin-dipyridamole arm had a history acute leukemia, MMM, and other malignancies were 16%,
of thrombosis compared with 13% in the other arm. It is 5%, 4%, and 8%, respectively. In this group, female sex
hoped that an ongoing European Collaboration on Low- and age older than 65 years were significantly associated
dose Aspirin in Polycythemia Vera (ECLAP) study will with thrombosis.
further clarify the role of low-dose aspirin in the treatment In addition to the information from an aforementioned
of PV. randomized study that included a treatment arm with busul-
Other randomized studies of PV have compared hy- fan alone,257 other single-arm studies have reported the
droxyurea with pipobroman (a significant difference favor- therapeutic value of busulfan in PV.274,275 In 65 busulfan-
ing pipobroman in the incidence of transformation into treated patients with PV monitored between 1962 and
MMM but no difference in survival, incidence of thrombo- 1983, overall median survival was 11.1 years; in patients
sis, or the rate of leukemic conversion)263 and compared 32P whose disease was diagnosed before the patients were age
alone with 32P plus hydroxyurea (no difference in survival, 60 years, overall median survival was 19 years.274 Only 2
incidence of thrombosis, or risk of transformation into patients (3%) treated with busulfan alone developed acute
MMM, but 32P alone was associated with significantly fewer leukemia.
incidences of both acute leukemia and other cancers).264 Most recently, IFN-α276 and anagrelide277 were added to
The findings from these randomized studies indicate the therapeutic armamentarium for PV. Interferon α has
that chlorambucil and 32P significantly shorten the survival been shown to control erythrocytosis in approximately
of patients with PV.255,257 The findings also suggest that 76% of the patients receiving subcutaneous drugs in doses
other cytoreductive agents including hydroxyurea, busul- ranging from 4.5 to 27 million U per week (usual dosage is
fan, and pipobroman may not have similar detrimental 3 million U subcutaneously 3 times a week).276,278,279 A
effects on survival and maintain the apparently nonspe- similar degree of benefit is appreciated in terms of reduc-
cific, antithrombotic benefit of myelosuppressive ther- tion in spleen size or relief from intractable pruritus.
apy.257,263,265 Whether hydroxyurea, busulfan, and pipobro- Anagrelide is an oral imidazoquinazoline derivative that
man increase the underlying risk of acute leukemia in PV inhibits platelet aggregation at concentrations higher than
when used alone with phlebotomy is currently unknown, therapeutic drugs but displays a species-specific platelet-
and this issue can be addressed definitively only in the lowering effect in humans at therapeutic concentrations.280
setting of a controlled, randomized study. However, these Anagrelide is capable of substantially reducing the platelet
agents might contribute to leukemogenicity if used with count in more than 80% of patients with PV.281
other leukemogenic drugs.264,266 In summary, the results from single-arm studies support
Observations From Nonrandomized Studies.—Al- those from randomized studies and show that pipobroman
though the use of chlorambucil or 32P was associated with and busulfan are valuable treatment agents for PV and
inferior survival, it resulted in a significantly reduced rate might be considered alternatives to hydroxyurea. Pipobro-
of early thrombotic complications compared with that in man currently is unavailable in the United States. It is
patients treated with phlebotomy alone.255 This led to the unclear what value is gained by substituting the aforemen-
exploration of presumably less leukemogenic drugs to re- tioned traditional cytoreductive agents with the newer
duce the risk of thrombosis. In a nonrandomized study by drugs (ie, IFN-α and anagrelide), especially in view of the
the PVSG, treatment with hydroxyurea was associated with newer drugs’ unfavorable toxicity and cost profile (Table
a lower incidence of early thrombosis compared with a 2).282 Furthermore, a recent retrospective study of PV
historical cohort treated with phlebotomy alone (6.6% vs showed no evidence of a favorable effect in bone marrow
14% at 2 years).265,267 Similarly, the incidence of acute fiber content after treatment with IFN-α.283
leukemia compared with a historical control treated with Current Treatment Recommendations.—The main-
either chlorambucil or 32P was significantly lower (5.9% vs stay of therapy for all patients with PV is phlebotomy to
10.6% vs 8.3%, respectively, in the first 11 years of treat- keep the hematocrit level below 45% in white men and the
ment).163,268 A limited survey of other clinical trials that used appropriate corresponding values for females and those of
single-agent hydroxyurea in PV revealed leukemic conver- other races.158,250,284,285 In addition to treatment with aggres-
sion rates of 1% (100 patients treated for 3-216 months)269 sive phlebotomy, cytoreductive chemotherapy should be
and 5.6% (71 patients treated for 1.5-15 years).270 considered in patients who are at high risk for thrombosis

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184 Polycythemia Vera Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78

Table 2. Clinical Properties of Drugs Initially Considered for the Treatment of Polycythemia Vera
Hydroxyurea Interferon α Pipobroman*
Drug class Antimetabolite Biological agent Alkylating agent
Mechanism of action Myelosuppressive Myelosuppressive Myelosuppressive
Half-life, metabolism ≈4 h, renal excretion Kidney metabolized Insufficient information
Starting dosage 500 mg twice a day orally 5 million U 3 times a week 1 mg/kg per day orally
Time before onset of
action (approximate) 3-5 d 3 wk 28 d
Frequent adverse effects Anemia, neutropenia, Flulike symptoms, fatigue, Delayed cytopenia
oral and skin ulcers, anorexia, weight loss,
hyperpigmentation, alopecia
nail changes
Infrequent adverse effects Leg ulcers, nausea, Confusion, depression, Nausea, rash,
diarrhea, fever, elevated autoimmunity, abdominal cramps,
liver function test results hyperlipidemia diarrhea, hemolysis
*Not available in the United States but widely used in Europe.

(Tables 3 and 4).163 In older patients, my current choice of in elderly patients with issues of treatment compliance and
chemotherapy is hydroxyurea (initial dosage of 500 mg convenience, especially if life expectancy is less than 10
twice a day) or busulfan (initial dosage of 4 mg/d). Adverse years (intravenous 32P at 2.3 mCi/m2 to be repeated every 3
effects of hydroxyurea that might necessitate the use of an months if necessary).163
alternative agent include neutropenia and mucocutaneous The lack of evidence that correlates thrombocytosis with
changes (Table 2 and Figure 5). With use of busulfan, thrombosis in PV argues against the potential therapeutic
potental toxicity to the lungs (pulmonary fibrosis)286-288 and value of anagrelide in PV. A randomized, controlled study is
to bone marrow (aplasia),289 although infrequent, should be necessary to define the role of anagrelide in the treatment of
recognized. Using intermittent treatment with drug holi- PV. Similarly, no current evidence suggests that either
days and withholding treatment of impending cytopenia anagrelide or IFN-α modifies the risk of disease transforma-
are recommended. tion into either MMM or leukemia.283 Therefore, I currently
In younger but high-risk patients, I sympathize with the do not recommend the routine use of anagrelide for PV.
concern over possible drug leukemogenicity associated Under current treatment strategies, the incidences of
with long-term therapy with either hydroxyurea or busul- transformation into MMM or acute leukemia in the first
fan but inform patients that there is no hard evidence to decade of disease are estimated at 10% and 5%, respec-
support this concern. Regardless, IFN-α (initial dosage of 3 tively.163 The risk beyond the first decade increases
million U subcutaneously 3 times a week) is a reasonable progressively.292
alternative in this instance (Table 4).278 I also prefer the use
of IFN-α in women of childbearing age because of the Treatment of Non–Life-Threatening Complications
theoretical risk of teratogenicity associated with the other in PV
cytoreductive agents279,290 and in the presence of intractable Microvascular Disturbances Including Erythromel-
pruritus.291 algia.—Microvascular disturbances in PV and related
Because 32P-associated leukemia in PV peaks after 7 disorders are believed to represent a transient inflamma-
years of treatment, it is reasonable to advocate the use of 32P tion-based occlusive phenomenon that is a result of inter-
action between clonal platelets and the endothelium of
arterioles. The corresponding clinical manifestations in-
Table 3. Risk Stratification in Polycythemia Vera
clude headache, light-headedness, transient neurologic or
Risk category Risk factors ocular disturbances, tinnitus, atypical chest discomfort,
Low risk Age younger than 60 y and no history of paresthesias, and erythromelalgia (painful and burning sen-
thrombocytosis and platelet count lower than sation of the feet or hands associated with erythema and
1500 × 109/L
Indeterminate risk Age younger than 60 y and no history of Erythromelalgia is an extremely rare disease,293 and
thrombocytosis and either platelet count higher
than 1500 × 109/L or the presence of most cases are not associated with myeloproliferative dis-
cardiovascular risk factors orders.294,295 Two thirds of patients with erythromelalgia
High risk Age 60 y or older or a positive history of may have no identifiable comorbid condition (primary
thrombosis erythromelalgia), whereas the remaining third may have

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Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78 Polycythemia Vera 185

Table 4. Treatment of Polycythemia Vera

Women of
Risk category Age <60 y Age ≥60 y childbearing age
Low risk Phlebotomy alone ± low-dose Not applicable Phlebotomy alone ± low-dose
aspirin* aspirin*
Indeterminate risk Phlebotomy alone† Not applicable Phlebotomy alone†
High risk Phlebotomy + hydroxyurea or Phlebotomy + hydroxyurea + Phlebotomy + interferon α +
interferon α + low-dose aspirin* low-dose aspirin* low-dose aspirin*
*Not evidence based.
†Use of aspirin is discouraged if the platelet count is >1000 × 109/L but is encouraged otherwise.

associated various clinical conditions or factors (secondary including prostaglandins and serotonin.301 Interestingly, a
erythromelalgia) including diabetes, autoimmune diseases recent study showed a response rate higher than 80% in
including systemic lupus erythematosus, drugs (calcium PV-associated pruritus treated with paroxetine, a selective
channel blockers, ergot derivatives), and myeloproliferative serotonin reuptake inhibitor.308
disorders.295 In a retrospective series of 168 patients with A recent study suggested a significant correlation be-
erythromelalgia, only 15 had an associated myeloprolifera- tween active pruritus and low mean corpuscular volume
tive disorder (9 with PV, 4 with ET, and 2 with CML).294 that implied a potential pathogenetic role for iron defi-
The characteristic occurrence of erythromelalgia in PV ciency.300 Likewise, previous reports have suggested that
has been recognized for several decades, and the estimated iron deficiency might be pathogenetically contributory and
incidence is approximately 3%.296,297 The syndrome is often that iron replacement may benefit some patients with PV-
associated with thrombocythemia, and the pathogenesis associated pruritus.309-311 However, iron replacement ther-
may involve platelet-mediated endothelial cell injury that apy has not been consistently effective in the treatment of
results in inflammation and transient thrombotic occlusion PV-associated pruritus,304 and its indiscriminate use in this
by platelet aggregates.174,175,298 Some studies have suggested context is discouraged.
a pathogenetic role for thromboxane-mediated platelet acti- Other treatment modalities that have been used in PV-
vation,176 which is consistent with the efficacy of treatment associated pruritus include IFN-α,291,312-314 psoralen photo-
with low-dose aspirin (81 mg/d).299 Aspirin produces chemotherapy,315-317 and cholestyramine.318 The results of
prompt (within hours) alleviation of symptoms in most several studies indicate that IFN-α may reduce pruritus in up
patients with PV-associated erythromelalgia. However, to 81% of affected patients. The mechanism of action in
normalization of platelet count with cytoreductive therapy IFN-α–induced alleviation of pruritus is unclear but may be
may be necessary in certain patients who do not respond related partly to the decreased need for phlebotomy, which
well to aspirin (A.T., unpublished data). results in a lesser degree of iron deficiency.300,313
Management of Pruritus in PV.—Generalized pruri- My current recommendation for treating patients with
tus that is often exacerbated by a hot bath is a characteristic PV associated with intractable pruritus is to use IFN-α in
feature of PV. In a single institutional study of 397 con-
secutive patients with PV, a history of pruritus was docu-
mented in 48% either at diagnosis or at a later stage of the
disease.300 Pruritus may be the most agonizing aspect of PV
and may result in sleep deprivation and interference with
various social and physical activities.301
Information is conflicting regarding the pathogenetic
role of both histamine302-304 and mast cells304,305 in PV-
associated pruritus. Regardless, conventional treatment of-
ten includes antihistamines,306,307 and responses have been
both unpredictable and variable.300
Platelets and their contents have also been implicated in
the pathogenesis of pruritus associated with PV. Accord-
ingly, an early double-blind crossover study had suggested
a benefit for aspirin therapy, and the proposed mechanism Figure 5. Nail pigmentation as a result of treatment with hydroxy-
was inhibition of platelet release of pruritogenic amines urea. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Science.33

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186 Polycythemia Vera Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78

high-risk patients and paroxetine in low-risk patients who matocrit levels in PRTE.334 The mechanism of action is
otherwise do not require cytoreductive therapy. unknown. Recent data suggest that angiotensin II promotes
erythropoiesis and that ACE inhibition may induce
DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF SP apoptosis in erythroid precursor cells.335,336 Also, ACE inhi-
Although an increased serum EPO level is highly sugges- bition has been shown to reduce hematocrit levels in
tive of SP, a normal level does not exclude the possibil- COPD-associated SP.337 In addition, treatment with the-
ity.244 Therefore, regardless of the serum EPO level, if ophylline has been shown to lower hematocrit levels in
family history suggests a congenital cause, it is essential to both COPD and PRTE.338,339
measure P50 (oxygen pressure at 50% hemoglobin-oxygen
saturation). A low P50 would be consistent with either a high CONCLUSIONS
oxygen-affinity hemoglobinopathy205 or 2,3-diphospho- The fundamental pathogenetic processes in PV remain in-
glycerate mutase deficiency.206 Other types of congenital adequately defined. Most investigators agree that PV repre-
polycythemia may be inherited in either an autosomal- sents a clonal stem cell disease and that the resultant clonal
dominant or autosomal-recessive fashion and may display myeloproliferation displays altered behavior in terms of
high, normal, or low serum EPO levels.222 If low serum both sensitivity to a multitude of hematopoietic growth
EPO levels are displayed, the possibility of mutations in factors and expression of a variety of cellular and mem-
the EPO receptor should be included in the differential brane molecules. However, none of the currently discussed
diagnosis.115 biological processes regarding the pathogenesis of PV are
In acquired SP, initial laboratory tests should include the disease specific and none have been particularly insightful
measurement of arterial hemoglobin-oxygen saturation and in further advancing the current state of the science. A
the carboxyhemoglobin level, especially in smokers. In the genomic approach that uses global analyses of genes as
absence of a central hypoxic state, renal vascular studies well as protein expression may provide an alternative and
should be performed to rule out the possibility of renal more effective method of deciphering the pathogenesis of
artery stenosis.204,319,320 Imaging studies of the kidney, liver, PV and related disorders.340
and central nervous system may be considered when either In routine clinical practice, it is more practical to use a
the aforementioned studies are unrevealing or the patient diagnostic algorithm instead of diagnostic criteria to make
has a persistently elevated serum EPO level. Patients a working diagnosis of PV. In this regard, the measurement
should always be questioned about the use of androgen of RCM is seldom necessary and can be replaced easily by
preparations: oral, transdermal, or intramuscular.220,321,322 an accurate interpretation of the observed hematocrit level
Regarding EPO doping, immunoblotting techniques have within the context of the clinical presentation as well as the
been developed to differentiate endogenous EPO from ex- use of PV-related biological markers. Some PV-related
ogenously administered recombinant EPO.232 biological markers, such as serum EPO concentration, are
Specific management of SP depends on the underlying used to help clinicians decide on further diagnostic work-
cause and should take into account the balance between the up.244 Other biological markers, such as bone marrow ex-
physiological benefit of an increased hematocrit level and amination, are used to confirm the diagnosis.246 Often, the
the possible impairment of oxygen delivery to tissues as a diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical and bone marrow
result of increased whole blood viscosity. In cyanotic con- findings, and it is not necessary to perform specialized tests
genital heart disease, aggressive phlebotomy should be such as endogenous erythroid colony assays,248 bone mar-
avoided because of the potential risk of stroke.323-325 A row c-mpl immunostains,152 or determination of granulo-
detrimental effect of overzealous phlebotomy may also be cyte PRV-1 expression.154 In equivocal cases, any of the 3
expected in patients with high oxygen-affinity hemoglo- specialized tests, depending on test availability, may be
binopathy.326 In both of these conditions, judicious phle- used for further clarification.
botomy to a hematocrit level of 60% is reasonable, may It is important to separate non–life-threatening from
alleviate symptoms of hyperviscosity, and may provide life-threatening disease manifestations in PV. The former
some hemodynamic improvement.327,328 Similarly, graded include microvascular disturbances that are often con-
phlebotomy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease trolled with low-dose aspirin, as well as aquagenic pruritus,
(COPD) to a hematocrit range of 55% to 60% may improve which recently was shown to respond to selective serotonin
both exercise tolerance and cardiac function.329-333 reuptake inhibitors. Life-threatening complications of PV
Post–renal transplant erythrocytosis is distinctly associ- include thrombosis and disease transformation into MMM
ated with an increased risk of thrombosis.223 Fortunately, or acute leukemia. To date, no controlled and reproducible
both angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and angio- treatment has been shown to influence disease transforma-
tensin II receptor inhibitors are effective in lowering he- tion in PV. Therefore, it is unwarranted to suggest that any

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Mayo Clin Proc, February 2003, Vol 78 Polycythemia Vera 187

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