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La Consolacion University Philippines

Catmon, City of Malolos, Bulacan


A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:

After the discussion, the students are expected to:

1. differentiate facts and beliefs;

2. show respect through listening ones beliefs; and
3. analyze whether the statement is fact or belief.

II. English 7
Topic: Facts vs. Beliefs
Reference: Gonzales, C.,Francisco N., & Yu, P., (2017). Essential English 7. Manila: Rex
Bookstore, Inc

Instructional Materials:
1. Visual materials (power point presentation)
2. Laptop
3. LCD

III. Instructional Procedure

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom inspection
4. Checking of attendance

B. Review of the previous lesson

*Before we proceed to our new lesson
for today, let us have first a recap of
your lesson yesterday.
*Our topic yesterday is about main idea
and supporting details.
*Very good. What is main idea and
supporting details?
*Main idea is considered the main
argument and supporting details are
statements that support the main points. It
includes ideas or examples.
*Very good. Now, let us start our
discussion with questions.

C. Motivation
Teachers Activity Students Activity
*Do you believe in the saying that a
person with a mole on his face will be
successful in business?
*How about taking a bath at night will
cause anemia or low blood pressure.
*How about a person with big ears will
have a long life.
*How about sleeping with wet hair
makes one crazy.
*Will you explain to me why your answer
is yes?
*I believe some of them because that is
what my mom says.
*And why it is a no?
*Because, there is no evidence that says
that those are true.
*Thank you. How about this statement:
Anemia is cause by destruction of red
blood cells. WebMD Would you believe
*Because that statement came from a
reliable source.
*Thank you. Are you having an idea what
is our topic for today?
*Our topic for today is about Facts and
*Very good! Obviously our topic for
today is about Facts and Beliefs. The
question is what is the difference
between facts and beliefs? But before we
proceed, let us have our objectives first.
Kindly read.
*At the end of the lesson, the students are
expected to:

1. differentiate facts and beliefs;

2. show respect through listening
ones beliefs; and
3. analyze whether the statement is
fact or belief.

D. Lesson Proper
Teachers Activity Students Activity
*Now, do you have an idea what are the
differences of the two?
*Facts are something that is true. It has
proofs or evidences.
*Very good. Fact is something which can
be verified with evidences and is provable,
observable and measurable. Those are
statements that can be proven by reliable
authority or information such as based on
statistics, scientific law, history book and
others. For example, Ferdinand Marcos is
the former president of the Philippines.
Why do you think its a fact?
*Because it is based in history book and
*Who among you are friends in the
*(The student will raise hand.)
*Can you give two facts about your
*My friend is tall and handsome.
*Very good. Base on your classmate, his
friend is tall and handsome. How should
we know that he is handsome and tall?
*It is observable.
*Very good. Lets proceed to the meaning
of beliefs. How would you define beliefs.
*Beliefs cannot be proven. It is merely an
opinion about something.
*Very good. Beliefs is a conviction based
on cultural or personal faith, morality, or
values. For example, is there any
evidences that sleeping after taking a bath
during daytime or at night will result to
*But why do you think others do that?
*Because thats what they believe.
*Very good. Always remember that
theres no wrong about beliefs. As human,
we are influenced by culture, history,
environment, or other factors. We should
respect everybodys perspective and
practices in life. Do you understand?
*Yes, maam!
*How about you? Do you have any
practices at home that is consider as
*(The students will answer)
*Thank you for sharing.

E. Generalization
Teachers Activity Students Activity
*Let us have a recap. What is the
difference between facts and opinion?
*Facts can be proven base on evidences
and proofs while beliefs are not.
*Very good.

IV. Application
Teachers Activity Students Activity
*Proceed to your groupings now.
*I will show you statements and what I *(The students will proceed to their
want you to do is to tell whether the groupings)
statements are beliefs or facts.

*(The students will do the activity.)

1. A black cat crossing your path means ANSWERS:
bad luck. 1. Belief
2. Dont clear the dining table unless 2. Belief
everyone has finished eating. 3. Fact
3. Benjamin Franklin discovered one of 4. Belief
the fundamental laws of physics the 5. Belief
Law of Conservation of Electric 6. Fact
Charge and proved that lightning is 7. Belief
electricity. 8. Belief
4. The bride should never try on the 9. Belief
wedding dress. 10. Belief
5. The best things in life arent things.
6. 45 x 96 = 4320
7. Gods timing is perfect.
8. The phase of the moon is very
important when planning very
important events.
9. Happiness is having the best parents
in the world.
10. Knock on the wood after making a
hopeful statement.

F. Evaluation
*Create a concept map or graphic
organizer that shows the difference
between facts and beliefs. Please be
guided with the following criteria. (The
teacher will show the rubric.)
*(The students will do the evaluation.)

G. Assignment
*In your activity sheet, write one of your
own perceptions in life and include a brief
explanation at the bottom of your paper.
Is it clear?
*Yes, maam!
*Do you have any questions?
*If you dont have any questions, kindly all
stand and let us have our closing prayer.
*See you tomorrow. Goodbye class!
*Goodbye maam Gemma. See you

Prepared by: Checked by:

_____________________ ______________________
Gemma R. Penaflor Ms. Mary Arlene Bongola
BSED-IV Major in English Cooperating Teacher

Noted by: Approved by:

______________________ _______________________
Mr. Virgilio N. Bantigue Mrs. Olivia P. Almario MAEd.
Assistant Principal BED Principal
The subject matter is about Facts vs. Beliefs. I started the discussion with a question to
see if they are familiar with different beliefs and practices of Filipinos. For fact, I integrated
science subject in giving example (Anemia is cause by destruction of red blood cells. WebMd).

In the lesson proper, I integrate a constructivist approach where they will give their own
example of facts based on how they will describe their classmates and the beliefs that they have
or practices at home.

For application part, I include more examples of facts and beliefs that has the integration
of religion, history and math. And I use the collaborative approach because I group them into five

The values integration is respect. Through listening to ones beliefs, they would be able
to understand that people has their own beliefs and we, listener should be able to respect
whatever it is.

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