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The second half | The repos Ogre pasties) Managing Oneself fetsrePcrtss ons RAR Seis Y hat rtd | contribute? What are ma vives? 2) RQ sexe? Conclusions follow from the feedback analysis * Concentrate on your strengths. Place yourself where your strengths can produce performance and results + Work on improving your strengths. The feedback analysis rapidly shows where a person needs to improve skills or has to acquire new knowledge. * The feedback analysis soon identifies the areas where intellectual arrogance causes disabling ignorance. Far too many peopleare contemptuous of knowledge in other areas or believe that being “bright” is a substitute for knowing Drucker wants you to: Know These Elements i Sad eS Wer esa’ an + Find out where your intellectual arrogance is disabling your outcomes. + Understand and remedy your bad habits. + And don't forget your manners! “Manners are the lubricating oll of an ‘organization * Comparing your expectations with your results also indicates what nolo

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