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12190 PSYCHOGERIATRICS 2016; 17: 4351


Prevalence and correlates of sleep problems among elderly

Rajeswari SAMBASIVAM, Yunjue ZHANG, Louisa PICCO, Janhavi VAINGANKAR, Siow A. CHONG and

Research Division, Institute of Mental Health, Sin- Abstract

gapore, Singapore
Background: The current study examined the prevalence and correlates of
Correspondence: Miss Vathsala Sagayadevan, Institute
of Mental Health, 10 Buangkok View, Singapore sleep problems among elderly Singaporeans.
539747, Singapore. Email: vathsala_sagayadevan@ Methods: Data were taken from the Well-being of Singapore Elderly study, a cross-sectional, epidemiological survey conducted among Singapore resi-
Received 4 November 2015; revision received 9 December dents aged 60 years and above (n = 2565). Respondents were screened for
2015; accepted 21 December 2015. sleep problems through a series of questions in the Geriatric Mental State
Disclosure statement: The authors have no potential examination. Details on sociodemographic characteristics, physical activity,
conflicts of interest to disclose. cognition, disability, chronic physical conditions, and depression were also
collected. Logistic regression analysis was used to explore signicant asso-
ciations between sleep problems, sociodemographic characteristics, physi-
cal activity, cognition, disability, chronic physical conditions, and
Results: Overall, 13.7% (n = 341) of older adults reported at least one sleep
problem. Of those who reported sleep problems, 69.4% experienced sleep
interruption at night, 48.9% reported having difculty falling asleep, 22.3%
reported early morning awakening, and 11.4% had all three problems. Eld-
erly with sleep problems were signicantly more likely to have a range of
chronic physical conditions and depression and were also signicantly less
likely to be physically active. Older adults with at least one sleep problem
reported signicantly greater disability compared to those with no sleep
Conclusion: The high probability of comorbid chronic conditions as well as
Key words: Asia, elderly, mental health, physical higher disability among those with sleep problems makes this an important
health, sleep difculties. area of research.

Although evident among young and middle-aged

Sleep-related problems have become pervasive in adults, sleep problems are particularly common
modern society given the increasing work-related among the elderly,4 with a large majority reporting
demands and lifestyle changes.1 Leger et al. found sleep to be shallow and fragmented.5,6 In a review by
prevalence rates of sleep problems among indivi- Ohayon,7 difculties initiating sleep were reported in
duals aged 15 years and above across the USA, 1545% of non-institutionalized elderly, disrupted
Western Europe, and Japan to be 56%, 31%, and sleep in 2065%, early morning awakening in
23%, respectively,2 while epidemiological surveys 1554%, and non-restorative sleep in about 10%. As
have shown that approximately 1333% of Australian opposed to being an inevitable part of ageing, sleep
adults have reported frequent difculties in initiating problems among the elderly are often attributed to
or maintaining sleep.3 underlying physical and mental health conditions,

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medications used to treat these conditions, sleep METHODS

disorders, and circadian rhythm changes.5,6 Sample
Past studies have examined an array of factors in Singapore is a 712.4-km2 city-state in South-East
relation to sleep problems, with these problems Asia with a population of 5 million. Of its residents,
being higher among women, unemployed indivi- 74.2% are of Chinese descent, 13.4% are Malay,
duals, those of older age, those who are widowed, and 9.2% are of Indian descent.19 Data for the cur-
separated, divorced, or single, those with a low level rent study were extracted from the Well-being of Sin-
of education, and those of low socioeconomic gapore Elderly (WiSE) study, a cross-sectional,
status.711 The use of medication,6 chronic physical epidemiological survey conducted between August
conditions,1,11 depression,1,6,9,10,12 and low physical 2012 and November 2013 among a nationally repre-
activity have also been identied as potential risk sentative sample of Singapore residents aged
factors for sleep problems.11 60 years and above (n = 2565). Disproportionate stra-
Sleep problems pose signicant economic and tied sampling was used to obtain equivalent propor-
social burden on society.2,11 Daley et al. found the total tions of the three main ethnic groups in Singapore.
annual cost of insomnia among Canadian individuals As part of the WiSE study, trained lay interviewers
aged 18 years and above to be approximately $6.6 bil- conducted face-to-face household interviews with
lion Canadian dollars.13 In Australia, sleep disorders the participants. Participants or their legally accepta-
accounted for 1.4% of the total burden of disease, with ble representatives provided written informed con-
an associated economic cost of $10.3 billion Australian sent prior to study participation. The study was
dollars in 2004.14 The literature has linked sleep distur- approved by the relevant ethics committees: the
bances to several negative outcomes including day- National Healthcare Group Domain Specic Review
time drowsiness, fatigue, cognitive decits,1,12 Board and the Centralised Institutional Review Board
increased likelihood of accidents, mortality,11 reduced (SingHealth). The detailed methodology of the WiSE
physical and mental health, lower quality of life,9 and study was described in a previous article.20
decreased productivity.8 Sleep problems often go
unrecognized among the elderly, as many disregard
them as a problem and consider them to be a part of
normal ageing.15 However, sleep deprivation has been Sleep problems
associated with an increased risk of falls among the The respondents were screened for sleep problems
elderly,5,6 which threatens their mobility and independ- through a series of questions in the sleep module of
ence.6 Furthermore, the increasing incidence of the Geriatric Mental State examination, which was
chronic physical and mental illnesses with age and the part of the 10/66 Dementia Research Groups ques-
pre-existing evidence linking sleep problems with tionnaires.21 Individuals were rst asked if they had
chronic illnesses warrant sleep problems among eld- experienced any sleep problems over the past month
erly an important area of research.5,16 (i.e. Have you had trouble sleeping recently?). Those
Previous studies conducted in Singapore have pri- who provided a positive answer were assessed to
marily focused on specic sleep disorders and less determine if they faced difculty falling asleep
so on the prevalence and correlates of general sleep (i.e. Have you had any difculty falling asleep?),
problems among the elderly. Ng et al. found the sleep interruption (i.e. Is your sleep interrupted dur-
prevalence rate of snoring and sleep breathing- ing the night?), and/or early morning awakening
related disorders among the general population in (i.e. Have you recently been waking up early in the
Singapore (aged 2074 years) to be 0.43%,17 morning and found it impossible to get back to
whereas, Lee et al. noted the prevalence of obstruc- sleep?). These three questions were chosen to
tive sleep apnoea among Singaporean patients seek- assess sleep problems based on past studies that
ing bariatric surgery to be 72%.18 The current study have used similar criteria.11,12
therefore aimed to address this gap in knowledge by
examining the prevalence and correlates of sleep Cognitive functioning
problems among elderly Singaporeans aged 60 years Cognitive functioning was measured by the Commu-
and above. nity Screening Instrument for Dementia,21 a 32-item

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Sleep problems among the elderly

questionnaire incorporating the modied Consortium felt sad, empty, depressed, or lost interest in most
to Establish a Registry of Alzheimers Diseases 10- things like work, hobbies, and other things which
word list learning task with delayed recall, and the lasted at least two weeks?
Consortium to Establish a Registry of Alzheimers
Diseases animal naming verbal uency task. A cog- Statistical analyses
nitive score based on an item-weighted total score of Statistical analyses were carried out with SAS version
each participant was obtained based on the number 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). To ensure that
of correct answers (0 = cognitively impaired, 32 = no the survey ndings were representative of the Singa-
cognitive impairment).21 pore population, the data were weighted to adjust for
oversampling and post-stratied by age and ethnicity
Sociodemographic information between the survey sample and the Singapore resi-
Sociodemographic information obtained included age dent population in 2010. Descriptive analyses were
at interview (6074, 7584, or 85 years), gender, eth- performed to establish the prevalence of sleep pro-
nicity (Chinese, Malay, Indian, or other), marital status blems. Logistic regression analysis was used to
(never married, married/cohabiting, divorced or sepa- explore signicant associations between sleep pro-
rated, or widowed), educational level (primary and blems, sociodemographic characteristics, physical
below, secondary, or tertiary) and employment status activity, cognition, disability, chronic physical condi-
(employed, homemaker, retired, or unemployed). tions, and depression. Statistical signicance was
evaluated at the 0.05 level with two-sided tests.
Disability was assessed with the World Health Organ- RESULTS
ization Disability Assessment Schedule II. The modi- Prevalence of sleep problems
ed World Health Organization Disability Assessment Of the 2565 respondents who were interviewed for
Schedule II evaluates ve domains of functioning: the WiSE study, 2382 individuals responded to the
(i) understanding and communicating; (ii) self-care; questions on sleep problems and were included in
(iii) mobility; (iv) getting along with people; and (v) life this study. Overall, 13.7% (n = 341) of the older
activities. Each of the items yield severity ratings indi- adults in the current sample reported at least one
cating the extent of difculty individuals faced in per- sleep problem (i.e. difculty falling asleep, sleep inter-
forming these activities.22 ruption, or early morning awakening). Of those who
had trouble sleeping, 69.4% experienced sleep inter-
Physical activity, chronic physical conditions, ruption at night, 48.9% reported having difculty fall-
and depression ing asleep, 22.3% reported early morning awakening,
The level of physical activity was assessed through and 11.4% had all three sleep problems. A break-
the following question: Taking into account both down of prevalence of sleep problems by sociode-
work and leisure, would you say that you are very mographic correlates are presented in Table 1.
physically active, fairly physically active, not very
physically active, or not at all physically active? Sociodemographic correlates of sleep
Those who reported being very/fairly physically active problems
were grouped as being physically active, whereas Logistic regression was used to determine the socio-
those who were not very/not at all physically active demographic correlates of sleep problems. Women
were grouped as not physically active. Details (versus men), Indians (versus Chinese), those who
regarding the presence of chronic medical conditions had completed secondary education (versus tertiary
(i.e. high blood pressure, heart problem, stroke, dia- education), and retirees (versus those with full- or
betes, arthritis or rheumatism, persistent cough, part-time paid work) were signicantly more likely to
asthma, stomach or intestine problems, fainting/ report any one of the sleep problems. In particular,
blackouts, paralysis, pain, and cancer) were also elderly women were 1.7 times more likely than men
obtained via self-report. The presence or absence of (odds ratio (OR): 1.7, 95% condence interval (CI):
depression was assessed via the following question: 1.12.7; P = 0.02) to report any one of the sleep pro-
Has there been a time or times in your life when you blems; those who completed secondary education

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Table 1 Prevalence of sleep problems by sociodemographic characteristics

At least one Difculty
sleep problem falling asleep Sleep interruption Early morning All three sleep
(n = 341) (n = 185) (n = 225) awakening (n = 97) problems (n = 59)
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Overall 341 (13.7) 185 (48.9) 225 (69.4) 97 (22.3) 59 (11.4)
Age group
6074 204 (13.9) 116 (49.8) 130 (67.6) 56 (22.5) 36 (11.7)
7584 89 (12.6) 42 (43.4) 63 (81.4) 29 (24.1) 15 (12.2)
85 48 (15.0) 27 (53.6) 32 (56.1) 12 (10.8) 8 (4.0)
Men 109 (10.0) 46 (37.7) 72 (62.6) 31 (13.9) 17 (8.4)
Women 232 (16.6) 139 (54.2) 153 (72.7) 66 (25.8) 42 (12.9)
Chinese 129 (13.9) 60 (46.6) 90 (70.5) 20 (18.3) 11 (9.5)
Malay 85 (11.3) 47 (56.2) 60 (68.0) 41 (59.7) 23 (25.8)
Indian 124 (16.5) 75 (61.7) 73 (58.8) 36 (38.6) 25 (20.6)
Others 3 (8.7) 3 (100) 2 (66.9)
Marital status
Never married 21 (19.7) 11 (55.1) 17 (83.4) 5 (25.3) 4 (22.6)
Married/cohabiting 184 (12.6) 95 (44.8) 118 (67.6) 55 (25.3) 34 (11.4)
Widowed 117 (14.8) 70 (55.3) 78 (71.2) 33 (17.8) 20 (8.6)
Divorced/separated 19 (14.5) 9 (53.4) 12 (54.1) 4 (7.0) 1 (1.2)
None 74 (17.5) 38 (42.9) 54 (77.0) 25 (21.8) 12 (9.6)
Some but did not complete primary 86 (13.4) 46 (39.0) 59 (66.4) 29 (25.9) 20 (14.0)
Completed primary 85 (11.2) 45 (48.6) 48 (63.8) 22 (27.3) 12 (8.3)
Completed secondary 73 (17.2) 44 (61.4) 47 (70.0) 15 (16.2) 11 (11.0)
Completed tertiary 23 (8.5) 12 (48.7) 17 (71.9) 6 (22.4) 4 (18.1)
Paid work (part time and full time) 66 (9.8) 36 (40.4) 39 (58.9) 16 (14.8) 12 (4.4)
Unemployed 5 (16.9) 2 (46.7) 5 (100) 2 (10.8)
Homemaker 125 (16.1) 77 (57.1) 78 (69.9) 38 (28.7) 23 (13.1)
Retired 141 (15.5) 68 (47.2) 102 (75.5) 39 (22.6) 23 (15.2)

were 2.2 times more likely than those who completed 4.530.5; P < 0.01) were signicantly more likely to
tertiary education (OR: 2.2, 95%CI: 1.14.4; P = 0.03) report early morning awakening than Chinese respon-
to report any one of the sleep problems; and retirees dents. Indians (OR: 2.1, 95%CI: 1.23.9; P = 0.01) were
were 1.8 times more likely than those employed in also more likely than the Chinese to report difculty
paid work (OR: 1.8, 95%CI: 1.12.9; P = 0.01) to sleeping (Table 2).
report any one of the sleep problems.
The individual subtypes of sleep problems (i.e. sleep
interruption at night, difculty falling asleep, and early Relationship between sleep problems and
morning awakening) were further examined in relation physical activity, chronic physical conditions,
to sociodemographic correlates. In comparisons of the and depression
three subtypes of sleep problems, both difculty falling After adjustment for sociodemographic variables,
asleep and early morning awakening yielded signicant individuals who reported sleep problems were signi-
ndings. Marital status and ethnicity were found to be cantly more likely to have a range of chronic physical
signicantly associated with early morning awakening. and mental conditions including pain, heart pro-
Those who were divorced or separated (OR: 0.1, 95% blems, arthritis/rheumatism, persistent cough,
CI: 0.030.6; P = 0.01) were signicantly less likely to asthma, stomach or intestine problems, fainting/
report early morning awakening than those who were blackouts, paralysis, and depression. Those with
married/cohabiting, whereas Indians (OR: 3.5, 95%CI: sleep problems were also signicantly less likely to
1.67.8; P < 0.01) and Malays (OR: 11.7, 95%CI: be physically active compared to those who did not

46 2016 The Authors

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Table 2 Sociodemographic correlates of sleep problems
Any one of the sleep problems Difculty falling asleep Sleep interruption Early morning awakening
95%CI 95%CI 95%CI 95%CI

Odds Lower Upper Odds Lower Upper Odds Lower Upper Odds Lower Upper
ratio limit limit P-value ratio limit limit P-value ratio limit limit P-value ratio limit limit P-value

2016 The Authors

Age group
7584 0.8 0.5 1.2 0.25 0.8 0.3 2.1 0.72 1.9 0.7 5.0 0.18 0.7 0.2 2.0 0.46
85 0.9 0.5 1.6 0.78 1.3 0.4 4.1 0.65 0.5 0.2 1.4 0.17 0.3 0.1 1.4 0.13
Female 1.70* 1.1 2.7 0.02 2.5 1.0 6.3 0.06 1.5 0.6 3.9 0.39 3.0 0.9 9.7 0.06
Marital status
Divorced/separated 1.0 0.5 2.0 0.90 0.7 0.1 3.2 0.61 0.4 0.1 2.5 0.35 0.10 0.03 0.6 0.01
Never married 1.7 0.9 3.1 0.10 1.8 0.5 7.1 0.40 1.9 0.4 9.7 0.43 1.4 0.3 6.1 0.68
Widowed 0.9 0.6 1.5 0.76 1.5 0.6 3.7 0.35 0.9 0.4 2.3 0.85 0.4 0.1 1.2 0.10
Employment status
Paid work (part time and

Psychogeriatrics 2016 Japanese Psychogeriatric Society

full time)
Homemaker 1.4 0.8 2.5 0.21 1.4 0.5 4.3 0.56 1.4 0.4 4.3 0.60 2.3 0.5 11.4 0.31
Retired 1.80 1.1 2.9 0.01 1.1 0.4 2.9 0.92 2.2 0.8 6.0 0.12 3.1 0.8 12.5 0.11
Unemployed 1.9 0.5 7.3 0.35 1.0 0.1 12.5 0.99 0.4 0.04 4.3 0.48
Completed tertiary
Completed primary 1.4 0.7 2.8 0.40 0.6 0.1 2.6 0.46 0.6 0.1 3.1 0.57 0.7 0.1 5.2 0.75
Completed secondary 2.2 1.1 4.4 0.03 1.1 0.2 5.3 0.90 1.1 0.2 5.2 0.91 0.4 0.1 2.8 0.37
None 2.1 0.9 4.5 0.06 0.3 0.1 1.7 0.18 1.3 0.2 6.7 0.79 0.7 0.1 5.4 0.73
Some, but did not 1.6 0.8 3.4 0.18 0.4 0.1 1.9 0.25 0.7 0.1 3.5 0.67 1.0 0.1 7.4 0.97
complete primary
Indian 1.40 1.03 1.9 0.03 2.10 1.2 3.9 0.01 0.6 0.3 1.2 0.17 3.50 1.6 7.8 <.01
Malay 0.8 0.6 1.1 0.17 1.9 0.9 3.9 0.07 1.1 0.5 2.5 0.83 11.70 4.5 30.5 <.01
Others 0.7 0.2 2.3 0.52 0.9 0.0 29.4 0.93

Referent group.
CI, condence interval.
* OR in bold represent those with p-values <.05.

Sleep problems among the elderly
V. Sagayadevan et al.

Table 3 Relationship between sleep problems* and physical activ- Although it is possible that the prevalence of sleep
ity, chronic physical conditions, and chronic mental conditions
problems is truly low among the elderly in Singapore,
95%CI methodological differences between studies
Odds Lower Upper (e.g. different instruments, varying denitions of sleep
Criterion variable ratio limit limit P-value problems)7,24 preclude direct comparison of results.
Chronic conditions Low prevalence of sleep problems in the current pop-
Depression 1.9* 1.1 3.3 0.02 ulation could also be due to underreporting of symp-
High blood pressure 0.9 0.7 1.3 0.71
Heart problems 2.1 1.4 3.4 <0.01 toms. In comparing sleep problems across various
Stroke 0.9 0.5 1.9 0.94 countries (the USA, France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Diabetes 1.1 0.8 1.7 0.56 the UK, and Japan), Leger et al. attributed the low
Arthritis/rheumatism 1.5 1.1 2.2 0.02
Persistent cough 3.0 1.5 6.0 <0.01
prevalence of sleep problems in Japan to possible
Asthma 2.4 1.5 4.1 <0.01 cultural reticence and reluctance among Japanese
Stomach or intestine 2.6 1.7 4.0 <0.01 people to associate sleep problems with psychiatric
disorders.2 Similarly, given that the current study was
Faints or blackouts 2.6 1.5 4.6 <0.01
Paralysis 2.2 1.4 3.4 <0.01 part of a larger survey aimed at examining the preva-
Cancer 1.3 0.5 3.4 0.58 lence of dementia and depression among older
Pain 3.2 2.2 4.8 <0.01 adults in Singapore, it is possible that individuals
Physical activity 0.5 0.3 0.7 <0.01
might have associated the presence of sleep symp-
Presence of sleep problems was the predictor variable in all regression ana-
toms with these disorders and consequently chose
lyses reported in this table.
CI, condence interval. to minimalize or deny these symptoms.
* OR in bold indicate p-values <.05. With regard to the prevalence of individual sleep
complaints, our ndings were similar to those of
report such problems (OR: 0.5, 95%CI: 0.30.7; Foley et al.,9 who noted the highest prevalence for
P < 0.01) (Table 3). difculty maintaining sleep (29%) (equivalent to sleep
interruption in our study), followed by difculty initiat-
ing sleep (19%) (equivalent to difculty falling asleep
Sleep problems, cognition, and disability
in our study), and early morning awakening (18%)
Older adults who had at least one sleep problem
among elderly aged 65 years and above in a multi-
(mean  SEM: 14.4  1.2) reported signicantly
centre study.
greater disability than those without sleep problems
Consistent with previous ndings, women,7,911
(7.6  0.4, P < 0.001). However, cognitive scores
those with lower education,7,11 and retirees were
between those with sleep problems (28.9  0.1) and
found to be more likely to report any one of the sleep
those without sleep problems (28.7  0.2, P = 0.635)
problems.7,11 Leng et al.,10 for instance, found that
were not statistically different.
only 39.6% of women reported never experiencing
difculty falling asleep, whereas 63.3% of men never
had difculty. The study also found the decrease in
DISCUSSION sleep efciency to be greater among older women
Overall, 13.7% of elderly in the current sample than in men. Those of Indian ethnicity were also sig-
reported having experienced at least one sleep prob- nicantly more likely than those of Chinese ethnicity
lem in the month prior to being interviewed. The to report sleep problems in this study. This nding
majority experienced sleep interruption at night concurred with the study by Ng et al.,17 which found
(69.4%), followed by difculty falling asleep (48.9%), snoring and sleep breathing-related disorders to be
and early morning awakening (22.3%). The overall more prevalent among Indians (and Malays) than
prevalence was generally lower than those reported among Chinese. Age and marital status did not
in past studies.8,23,24 Li et al., for instance, found emerge as signicant correlates.
49.7% of elderly in China reported poor sleep In further examining the individual subtypes of
quality,24 whereas Eser et al. reported a prevalence sleep problems in relation to sociodemographic cor-
rate of 60.9% among Turkish elderly residing in nurs- relates, we noted a signicant association between
ing homes.8 early morning awakening and marital status; those

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Sleep problems among the elderly

who were divorced or separated were signicantly The difference in cognitive scores between those
less likely to report early morning awakening than with and without sleep problems was not statistically
those who were married/cohabiting. This nding, signicant in the current sample. This was surprising
however, failed to support past literature, which has given that past studies have found sleep problems to
generally found those who are widowed, separated, be associated with poorer cognition. In examining
divorced, or single to be more likely to report sleep sleep quality and cognitive decits, Amer et al. found
problems.711 While there may have been other 24% of good sleepers to have cognitive decits com-
underlying factors (e.g. previous relationship pro- pared to 52% of poor sleepers on the Mini-Mental
blems, household commitments) for this association State Examination.4 This effect of sleep on cognition
between marital status and early morning awakening, was evident even when comparing individuals with
we are unable to fully account for this nding. mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with sleep disorders
With respect to ethnicity, Malays and Indians were to MCI patients without sleep disorders, whereby the
signicantly more likely than the Chinese to report latter had signicantly higher scores in domains such
early morning awakening; Indians were also more as attention, visuo-spatial/executive function com-
likely to report difculty falling asleep. This result par- pared to the former.27
tially supports past studies that have found ethnic One possible reason for the insignicant nding in
differences in sleep complaints.25 However, given this study might be due to the limited number of cog-
that most studies have mainly focused on Western nitive domains that were examined in relation to
populations, direct comparison of results across sleep problems. Past studies, such as that by Black-
studies is limited. well et al.,28 have found sleep disruptions at different
As in past literature, individuals who reported sleep stages to be associated with decits in various
sleep problems were more likely to have a range of cognitive domains, particularly executive functioning.
chronic physical and mental conditions (i.e. pain, For instance, a lower proportion of time spent in the
heart problems, arthritis/rheumatism, persistent rapid eye movement sleep stage was associated with
cough, asthma, stomach or intestine problems, faint- measures of executive functioning and attention,
ing/blackouts, paralysis, or depression).1,11,12 While whereas a higher percentage of time spent in stage
Foley et al. found sleep complaints among older 1 sleep was associated with executive functioning,
adults aged 65 years and above to be associated attention, and a global measure of cognition among
with having heart disease, a history of stroke, or community-dwelling older men in the USA. Likewise,
depression,16 a longitudinal study among Korean eld- Naismith et al. have suggested that sleep problems
erly aged 65 years and above found baseline insom- may have a greater impact on cognition among those
nia to be independently associated with depression who already have existing memory impairments,29
and an increase in reported physical disorders.23 with sleep disruptions being especially associated
Those with sleep problems were also signicantly with executive functioning including attention, con-
less likely to be physically active and more likely to cept formation, and problem-solving. Therefore, it
report disability than those who did not report such might be important to look into a range of cognitive
problems. In Australia, the National Survey of Mental domains, particularly executive functioning, rather
Health and Wellbeing, which used an equivalent criteria than specic domains such as memory
for assessing sleep problems (indicators of insomnia: (e.g. immediate and delayed recall).
difculty falling asleep, difculty staying asleep, and Other studies have attributed lower cognition to
early morning awakening) among individuals aged both short and long sleep duration.30 In comparing
1685 years old, found individuals with insomnia to sleep duration and cognition in community-dwelling
have a higher median World Health Organization Disa- elderly individuals, Benito-Len et al. found baseline
bility Assessment Schedule score (i.e. greater disabil- cognitive scores in both short (5 h) and long sleepers
ity) than those without insomnia.11 Likewise, Strine and (9 h) to be lower than the reference group (68 h).31
Chapman found those with insufcient sleep to be It is possible that despite the report of sleep pro-
more likely to report activity limitation and physical blems, both groups (with and without sleep problems)
inactivity than those without these problems among a may be getting an adequate 68-h sleep, thus
US population aged 18 years and above.26 accounting for the lack of signicant difference in

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cognitive scores between the two groups. However, underlying conditions would aid in both increasing
this remains inconclusive given that the current study the sleep quality of the elderly and improving their
did not obtain any information on sleep duration. quality of life.

Our ndings should be considered in light of the
studys limitations. Firstly, the prevalence of the three ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
commonly assessed symptoms of insomnia This work was supported by the Ministry of Health,
difculty falling asleep, sleep interruption, and early Singapore, and the Singapore Millennium Foundation
morning awakeningwere assessed through single of the Temasek Trust under the Ministry of Health
questions. While this provides an overview of the Reinvestment Funds, Project No. RF07(2011-02).
prevalence of sleep problems among the elderly pop- The salaries of JV, LP, MS, VS, SBS, AJ, RS, and
ulation in Singapore, a more comprehensive tool YZ were partly funded by the grant.
such as the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index may be
required to develop a better understanding of these
problems in the local population. Further information REFERENCES
regarding sleep habits (e.g. watching television, using 1 Banks S, Dinges DF. Behavioral and physiological conse-
quences of sleep restriction. J Clin Sleep Med 2007; 3:
a computer before bedtime),32 sleep duration, and 519528.
frequency might also be needed to gain further 2 Leger D, Poursain B, Neubauer D, Uchiyama M. An interna-
insight into the extent of sleep problems in this popu- tional survey of sleeping problems in the general population.
Curr Med Res Opin 2008; 24: 307317.
lation.3 Future studies might also look into assessing 3 Cunnington D, Junge MF, Fernando AT. Insomnia: prevalence,
various cognitive domains, such as attention, consequences and effective treatment. Med J Aust 2013; 199:
sequencing, immediate and delayed recall, and exec- S36S40.
4 Amer MS, Hamza SA, El Akkad RM, Abdel Galeel YI. Does self-
utive functioning, in relation to sleep problems to gain
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