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Suppression of roll-off characteristics of organic light-emitting diodes by narrowing

current injection/transport area to 50nm

Kyohei Hayashi, Hajime Nakanotani, Munetomo Inoue, Kou Yoshida, Oleksandr Mikhnenko, Thuc-Quyen
Nguyen, and Chihaya Adachi

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 106, 093301 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4913461

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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 106, 093301 (2015)

Suppression of roll-off characteristics of organic light-emitting diodes by

narrowing current injection/transport area to 50 nm
Kyohei Hayashi,1,a) Hajime Nakanotani,1,2,3 Munetomo Inoue,1 Kou Yoshida,1
Oleksandr Mikhnenko,4 Thuc-Quyen Nguyen,4,b) and Chihaya Adachi1,2,3,5,b)
Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research (OPERA), Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi,
Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
JST, ERATO, Adachi Molecular Exciton Engineering Project, c/o OPERA, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka,
Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Innovative Organic Device Laboratory, Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies
(ISIT), 744 Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Center for Polymers and Organic Solids, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9510,
International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, 744
Motooka, Nishi, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
(Received 17 October 2014; accepted 16 January 2015; published online 2 March 2015)
Using e-beam nanolithography, the current injection/transport area in organic light-emitting
diodes (OLEDs) was confined into a narrow linear structure with a minimum width of 50 nm.
This caused suppression of Joule heating and partial separation of polarons and excitons, so the
charge density where the electroluminescent efficiency decays to the half of the initial value (J0)
was significantly improved. A device with a narrow current injection width of 50 nm exhibited a
J0 that was almost two orders of magnitude higher compared with that of the unpatterned
OLED. V C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. []

Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have been pulse voltage of less than 1 ls.12,13 However, very serious ef-
extensively studied over the past few decades for next- ficiency roll-off was observed at such high current density.13
generation light-emitting applications such as flat-panel Roll-off characteristics originate from four main mecha-
displays and lighting sources because of their attractive nisms: singlet-singlet annihilation (SSA),5,14 singlet-triplet anni-
features, including flexibility, light weight, and low manu- hilation (STA),15,16 singlet-polaron annihilation (SPA),5,7,17,18
facturing cost.13 Although current OLEDs show excellent and singlet-heat annihilation (SHA).14 These annihilation proc-
light-emitting performance, major challenges still remain esses can be described as
unsolved particularly at high current density. Under these
conditions, exciton densities are high, inducing a variety of SSA S1 S1 ! S1 S0 ; (1)
exciton annihilations, which lead to a marked decrease in ef- kST
ficiency.4 Such roll-off performance becomes a serious prob- STA S1 T1 ! S0 Tn ! S0 T1 ; (2)
lem for obtaining high luminance in lighting and passive kSP;h kSP;e
matrix driving that require high brightness of over several SPA S1 h ! S0 h or S1 e ! S0 e ; (3)
tens of thousands of cd m2. This is also a fundamental issue kheat
for realizing organic semiconductor laser diodes (OSLDs), SHA S1 heat ! S 
0 S0 ; (4)
which requires extremely high exciton density to achieve
where kss , kST , kSP , and kheat are the annihilation rate con-
light amplification.57 To produce an OSLD, there are four
stants for SSA, STA, SPA, and SHA, respectively.419 To
principle requirements: (i) injection and transport of high
avoid these exciton annihilation processes at high current
current density of over a few kA cm2, (ii) suppression of
density, particularly exciton formation at organic/organic
various exciton annihilation processes, (iii) minimization of
heterointerfaces that tend to allow accumulation of charge
waveguide loss such as light absorption by metal electrodes,
carriers, it has been recognized that expansion of the carrier
and (iv) minimization of absorption loss by triplet excitons recombination width is a useful method.20,21
and polarons. Excitonpolaron annihilation is the most criti- In this study, we demonstrate suppression of roll-off by
cal issue to overcome because all polarons have a broad introducing the idea of spatial separation of the charge carrier
absorption spectrum.811 In our previous study, we demon- flow, recombination, and exciton formation area and the
strated high current injection of over 1000 A cm2 without exciton decay area in fluorescence based OLEDs. For this
device breakdown into OLEDs with an unusual device con- purpose, we designed a narrow linear light-emitting structure
figuration of a small active area (200  200 nm) on a high to separate charge carriers and molecular excitons spatially.
thermally conductive substrate by application of a short Various line structures with a length of 2 mm and width of
50 nm to 100 lm were formed using e-beam lithography,9,22
Present address: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, The University
as shown in Fig. 1. First, an insulator layer was prepared by
of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. E-mail:
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic spin-coating a photoresist solution onto an indium-tin-oxide
addresses: and (ITO)-coated glass substrate. Here, the photoresist resin

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093301-2 Hayashi et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 093301 (2015)

(ZEP520A-7, ZEON Co.) and thinner solvent (ZEP-A, ani-

sole, ZEON Co.) (in volume) were used. Then, the line pattern
was engraved on the photoresist film by e-beam lithography.
The exposed area of the photoresist was removed. Finally, or-
ganic layers were deposited, followed by a metal cathode. In
this device architecture, current flow and successive exciton
formation are limited inside the line pattern created by e-beam
lithography, and the singlet excitons generated randomly dif-
fuse in the emitter layer (EML) during their lifetime. Thus, we
expect that some of the excitons can escape from the narrow
carrier flow region in these OLEDs.
In this study, we used a neat 4,40 -bis[(N-carbazole)styryl]-
biphenyl (BSB-Cz) layer as an EML because it shows very
low threshold for amplified spontaneous emission.7,20,21,23,24
Figure 2 shows the chemical structure of BSB-Cz and the
energy diagram of the device consisting of a hole transport
layer (HTL) of 4,40 -bis[N-(1-napthyl)-N-phenyl-amino]bi-
phenyl (a-NPD), EML, electron transport layer (ETL) of phe-
nyldipyrenylphosphine oxide (POPy2), hole-blocking layer
(HBL) of 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline
(BCP), and electron-blocking layer (EBL) of N,N-dicarba-
zolyl-3,5-benzene (mCP). All layers were vacuum deposited.
For the measurement of electroluminescence (EL) perform-
ance, we employed the same procedure as described in Ref. 7. FIG. 2. (a) Energy level diagram of OLED with an EML of BSB-Cz, HBL
of BCP, EBL of mCP, HTL of a-NPD, and ETL of POPy2. (b) Molecular
structure of BSB-Cz.

Figure 3(a) shows a cross-sectional transmission elec-

tron microscopy (TEM) image of a fabricated line-patterned
device composed of an ultrathin photoresist layer with a lin-
ear channel having a depth of 15 nm, width (X) of 100 nm,
and length of 2 mm. From the photos of the cross-sectional
view of fabricated devices, we estimate that the error bar of
the width is 65%. The EL from the equivalent device with
X 200 nm (Fig. 3(b)) shows a clear linear emission pattern
with nearly the same width of 200 nm. From microscope

FIG. 1. (a) Linear device fabrication: (1) Insulator layer formed by spin
coating. (2) Linear pattern exposed by e-beam lithography. (3) Removal of
resist film by developer to engrave the linear pattern on the film. (4)
Deposition of organic layers and metal cathode. (b) Cross-sectional view of
the device with small active area with a line length of 2 mm and width of
X 50 nm100 lm on ITO-coated glass substrate. This is a simplified draw-
ing of our device structure, and the real cross-sectional view of a TEM
image is given in Fig. 3. At present, we are uncertain about the effect of the FIG. 3. (a) Cross-sectional TEM image of a linear device (X 100 nm). (b)
curved structure of the devices around the bottom electrode area for electri- Top-view photomicrograph of narrow linear emission from a device
cal and excitonic processes. (X 200 nm).

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093301-3 Hayashi et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 093301 (2015)

observation, we confirmed no EL from areas other than the

patterned lines, ensuring that the 15 nm-thick photoresist
layer well functions as an insulating layer throughout the de-
vice area. Because the 15 nm-thick photoresist layer has suf-
ficient insulating characteristics, the current flow is
completely confined to the channel. The current density
(J)voltage (V) characteristics of the unpatterned reference
device with dimensions of 2  2 mm and the linear devices
with X 50 nm and 1 lm under both direct current (DC) and
pulse operation are presented in Fig. 4(a). The reference de-
vice showed a maximum current density just before device
breakdown (Jmax) of 0.56 A cm2, while the linear device with
X 50 nm showed a fairly high Jmax of 96 A cm2 even under
DC operation. The breakdown of OLEDs under high current
density can be primarily attributed to the melting of organic
layers caused by Joule heating from the resistance to current
injection and transport in organic semiconducting layers.9
Thus, Joule heating is suppressed in devices with a small active
area, as we confirmed previously.913,25 Furthermore, under
pulse operation with a pulse width of 5 ls, a very high Jmax of
2.8 kA cm2 was achieved in the linear device with X 50 nm
because of further suppression of device heating.
Figure 4(b) depicts external EL quantum efficiency
(gext)  J characteristics of the devices with X 50 nm, 100 nm,
200 nm, 500 nm, and 1 lm. While the reference device showed
strong roll-off characteristics, relaxation of roll-off was observed
as X decreased, and the narrowest device with X 50 nm
showed the most relaxed gext  J behavior. We confirmed the
reliability of our J-V-gext experiments by measuring the charac-
teristics of devices with a large number of narrow lines patterned
in a 2  2 mm area (see the supplementary material, Fig. S1).26
Here, we discuss exciton quenching in the devices based
on SHA and SPA models.7,14 Figure 4(c) shows fitting of the
roll-off characteristics of the reference device under DC and
pulse operation, demonstrating good agreement with the SHA
model for DC operation and SPA model for pulse operation.
(See the supplementary material, Fig. S2, for details of fitting
parameters.26 Also, we note that J is defined as the ratio
between the current and the stripe area.) First, we consider the
effect of device size on roll-off performance based on SPA.
SPA can be described by Eq. (3) and has a rate equation of
FIG. 4. (a) J  V characteristics of linear devices with line width X of 50 nm
dS1  S  h i J and 1 lm and the reference device under DC and pulse operation. (b)
 1  kP nC  S1 ; (5) External EL quantum efficiency (gext)  J characteristics of linear devices
dt s 4qd
with X of 50 nm, 100 nm, 200 nm, 400 nm, and 1 lm, and the reference de-
vice under DC operation and the linear device with X 50 nm under pulse
where S1  is the singlet exciton density, s is the lifetime of operation. (c) gext J characteristics of the reference device under DC and
fluorescence, kP is the SPA rate coefficient, nC  is the charge pulse operation, and fitting to SHA and SPA models.
density, q is the elementary charge, and d is the thickness of
the recombination area.7 S1  is the exciton density confined
in the active area interacting with polarons, namely, exclu- As a first approximation, we can assume that JV characteris-
sion of diffused excitons outside the channel. Thus, the term tics can be described by the trap charge limited current model:
kP nC S1  describes the net exciton quenching by polarons. J / V l1 (Refs. 27 and 28). Thus, the gext  J characteristics
Therefore, when excitons diffuse from the current injection of the model under steady-state conditions are given by
area, S1  can be decreased, resulting in the relaxation of roll- g 1
off. Here, we defined S1  as 1  zS1 , where z is the  1=l 1; (7)
g0 J
unconfinement factor of excitons from the active area. 1 J0
Therefore, Eq. (5) can be rewritten as
where g0 is the external quantum efficiency without SPA,
dS1  S    J and the characteristic current density when the initial effi-
 1  kP nC 1  z S1 : (6)
dt s 4qd ciency drops by half (J0) is
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093301-4 Hayashi et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 093301 (2015)

 l1    l1
1 1 l1 1 where S1  is the singlet exciton density, T1  is the triplet exci-
J0 ; (8) ton density, Ds is the singlet exciton diffusivity, LD is the exci-
skP C1  z skP C 1z
" !#l1 ton diffusion length in an EML, s is the lifetime of an exciton,

l1 l1 Ntl e Et R is the exciton generation rate, q is the electric charge, d is

C ; l ; (9) the thickness of the recombination area, kr is the radiative
2l 1 l de2 lNC kT
decay rate, knr is the non-radiative decay rate, kisc is the inter-
where NC is the density of state, Nt is the trap density, Et is system crossing rate, krisc is the reverse intersystem crossing
the trap depth, d is the thickness of the exciton generation rate, and ktta is the triplet-triplet annihilation rate.2931 Figure
zone, and l is the carrier mobility. Equation (8) reveals that 5(b) simulates exciton diffusion for the reference and linear
J0 increases with z. Based on this equation, we discuss the devices with X 2 mm, 200 nm and 50 nm under constant cur-
effect of exciton diffusion on the roll-off characteristics rent density of 1 A cm2 with LD of 13 nm in a neat film of
depending on X in the linear devices. As depicted in Fig.
BSB-Cz, which was measured in a separate experiment (see
5(a), excitons can diffuse from the active area to the areas
the supplementary material, Fig. S3).26 We note that exciton
outside the channel where the current density can be
upconversion and triplet-triplet annihilation processes were
assumed to be almost zero. Here, the singlet exciton diffu-
omitted for the calculation as the first approximation. The sim-
sion process can be described by
ulation of exciton diffusion indicates that decreasing X
d2 S1       2 increases separation between polarons and excitons because
Ds 2
 kr knr kisc S1 krisc T1 ktta T1 R 0
dx of exciton diffusion. In particular, in the device with the
L2 J smallest active area of X 50 nm, it can be estimated that
Ds D ; R ; (10)
s 4qd 26% of excitons diffused out from the carrier flow region.

FIG. 5. (a) Schematic diagram of exci-

ton diffusion. (b) Exciton diffusion
simulation of the linear device
(X 200 nm and 50 nm) and the refer-
ence device. (c) X  J0 characteristics
from the experimental data for the lin-
ear and reference devices and the theo-
retical results from the simulation
results and Eq. (8).

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093301-5 Hayashi et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 093301 (2015)

Finally, we analyzed the roll-off characteristics of the accelerated. Thus, we would like to formulate SHA and suc-
devices based on the SHA and SPA models. Figure 5(c) cessive SPA processes based on the exciton dissociation by
shows an X  J0 plot obtained from the experimental data. Joule heating taking into account the non-uniformity of elec-
The green, blue, and red lines correspond to the theoretical trical field, lateral charge diffusion, exciton blocking by
curves of the SPA model with LD 8, 13, and 18 nm, respec- transport layers, and shorting effect of exciton diffusion
tively. The experimental data for the devices with X under length by SPA.
200 nm lie between the theoretical curves corresponding to
LD 13 and 18 nm, which are slightly higher than the inde- We gratefully acknowledge KOBELCO Research
pendently measured value of LD 13 nm. It has been shown Institute, Inc., for observation of the cross-sectional TEM
that exciton diffusion length increases with temperature.32 image. This work was supported in part by the Funding
Therefore, we anticipate that, because of heating, exciton Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and
diffusion length may be increased near the recombination Technology (FIRST). O.V.M. and T.Q.N. thank the support
zone. In our device, Joule heating creates a temperature gra- from the National Science Foundation (No. DMR-1411349).
dient that promotes exciton drift unidirectionally away from
the recombination zone, which effectively increases the exci- 1
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