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silla de ruedas

1-what material was the first Wheel chair made of?

(de que material fue la 1 silla de ruedas) madera
the first wheelchair were made of wood
la primer silla de ruedas fue de madera
2-what are modern wheelchairs made of?
(de que material son las sillas de ruedas modernas)
modern wheelchairs are strong metal and light weight
las sillas de modernas son de mat liviano y ligero
3-what diference does an electic engine make
(que diferencia hace un motor electrio)
that they do not need to use their arms or someone to push them
q no necesita usar arm o alguien q los empuje
4-apart from you arm what can you use to control a wheelchair
(parte de tu brz que utilizas para manejar
use their hands to hadle the welchair
urilizan las manos para manejar la silla de ruedas
5-what three tings can an bot do that an ordinary wheelchair can`t
k 3 cosas puedes hacer con ipod k no con una silla ordinaria
Wheelchair that can travel up stairs, raise the user to reach high
Shelves and balance an two wheelsin the shower
Silla de ruedas que puede subir las escaleras, elevar al usuario
para llegar a alta Estanteras y equilibrio dos ruedas en la ducha

1the more responsability you have the gigher yor grade(t)

2nursing officers are the same as auxiliary nurse(f)
3students are paid less than auxiliare nurse(t)
4a charge nurse is man(t)
5there are not many opportunities for british(f)
6many nurce say that the job is rewarding but..(t)

1porters only push food trolleys around(f)
2they move patiens around the hospital(t)
3porters takedead patients from the wards(t)
4each ward make 4.5 kg of waste a day(f)
5the porters destroy all the waste(f)
6porter give the patiens their mail(t)

Carmen doram
1what qualities does Carmen need in her job
need to operate the computer and the fax machine
2how do medical staff cause Carmen problems
your problem is the writing of medical personnel
3what does she know about medicine
have to know first aid

historia clinica
(job-ocucpation)(bad reaction-alergies)(family doctor-EP)
closest relative-nex of kin)(the amount of eat..-smoking intake)
(date of birth-dob)(male/female-gender)(past illnesses..-medical history)
married/single-marital status)(not applicable-n/a)(in each day..-alcohol intake)
(Number-contact no.)
1 Nurses study doctors handwriting at school. f

2 Doctors generally write numbers more carefully than words. t

3 Methimazole and Metolazone are used for different conditions t
4 Ramachandra Kolluru is a pharmacist. f
5 Researchers could understand 84% of doctors' notes t
6 Many hospitalsuse abbreviations in order to avoid mistakes. T

7 At Charing Cross Hospital staff carry computers around. T

1sterilizea clean, sharp needle with alcohol.

2 make surethere is no glass or other foreign body in the wound.
3 Use the needle to apply the blister
4 Don't remove burnt clothing
5puncture a main artery if necessary
6keep the injured person lying down.
7immobilize the injured body part once the bleeding has stopped.
8treat the person for shock.
9 Don't immerse severe large burns in cold water.
10check for signs of circulation.
11swabwith Iodine or rubbing alcohol.
12squeeze antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage.

Clive lawerence
1was this clive fristexperence of a birth
No, he was in the births of his children
2who gave intructions to clive? A nurse
3who is mohammed clive.nombre its the baby
4howcis the baby naw. The baby is fine

Jeff oliver
1 When did Jeff decide to become a paramedic?
When was a child
2 How long did he train for the job?
He trained two years
3 What things do you have to be good at do Jeff's job?
I have to make quick decisions communicating clary and
Keeping a clead head
4 Who makes Jeff's job difficult?
People under the influence of drugs and alcohol

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