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Treelane III-C, Bayan Luma Imus City of Cavite

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10

Dates: October 17 20,2017
I. Intended Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the 4 hr period 95% of the learners are expected to:
1. State and apply theorems relating to the measure of angles formed by two secants, two tangents, and a
tangent and a secant;
2. Apply the theorems on relationship of chord and tangent segment to arcs of a circle;
3. Solve problems using the theorems;
4. Exhibit a step-by-step procedure in problem solving; and
5. Participate actively in a collaborative activity.
II. Learning Content:
1. Topic: Angles formed by Secants and Tangents and Their Measures
2. References: Ulpina J. (2016). Math Builders 10 pp 132 -144.
Quezon City: Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc.
3. Essential Questions:
a. What are the theorems on angles formed by secants and tangents and their measures?
b. How to solve geometric problems involving circles, secants and tangents and their measures?
4. Enduring Understanding:
The following theorems can be used to solve problems involving circles, secants and tangents:
Angles formed by two secant inside the circle
- Half of the sum of the intercepted arcs
Angles formed by two secant outside the circle
- Half of the difference of two intercepted arcs
Secant & tangent or Two tangents intersected outside the circle
- Half of the difference of intercepted arcs.
Intersecting Chord
- The product of the segment of one chord is equal to the other.
Secant Power
- The power of the length of one secant segment and the external point is equal to the product
of the length of the other secant segments and the external point.
Tangent-secant power theorem
- The square of the measure of the tangent segment is equal to the product of the secant
segment and its external segment.
5. Values: Objectivity, accuracy and perseverance
6. Subject Integration: Science (Physics and Bio)
III. Materials:
1. Visual Aids
2. Marker
3. Proof Table
4. Activity Sheets
IV. Learning Experiences:
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Reminders
2. Lesson Proper
a. Introduction
Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down: The teacher will ask the students series of questions pertaining
to the lesson to be discussed. The students will respond by raising their thumbs up or down.
Review of the previous theorems: measure of arc intercepted by two congruent central
angles, diameter perpendicular, two chords equidistant from the center, vertices of
quadrilateral that lie on a circle.
The students will use rulers to investigate the measures of a given figures.
The student will answer series of questions from the teacher, which will lead to the
theorems to be discussed. After verifying the students answers, the teacher will show the
proof of the theorem. Sample problems will given by the teacher.

b. Interaction
The students will be grouped, each group will be tasked to find the measures of the provided
figures using rulers and protractors.
The students will now create their own figures using compass, protractor and ruler. The
teacher will give the directions and the students must come up with the correct figure based
on the given directions.
The students will answer Guided Practice 1 10 pp 141 142.

c. Integration
The students will be grouped and answer some real-life problems that involves circle
geometry. They are tasked to illustrate and solve the given problems. Five scenarios will be
given. Each group will be tasked to answer completely one problem solving.
Closure: Hand Scaling the students will rate themselves from 1 5, 5 being the highest and 1
being the lowest.
1. I can recite the theorems on arcs and segments.
2. I can use the theorems to solve figure problems.
3. I can use the theorems to solve real-life problems.
V. Evaluation:
The students will answer Skill Booster pp 142 143.
VI. Assignment
Critical Thinking p 144

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