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Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

Batch 31 Phase II Stage II MCQ 2

1 A thoracolumbar X Ray of spine shows a "bamboo" like appearance of spine.
Which one of the following joint should be importantly viewed radiologically for
possible investigation to make a clear radiological diagnosis?

A. Small joint of the hand

B. Hip joint
C. Acromioclavicular joint
D. Costovertebral joint
E. Sacroiliac joint

2 Which of the following sign/test helps in identifying limb length discrepancy

A) thomas
B) telescoping
C) tredenlenburg
D) Barlow
E) galeazi

3 3. How to confirm Carpal tunnel syndrome:

A. Froment test positive

B. Egawa test positive
C. Paresthesia along radial border
D. Delayed nerve conduction at median nerve at wrist
E. Emg show adductor policis denervation potential

4 A Child's Synovial fluid analysis shows: Yellow, clear fluid; proteins 6g%; WBC
2000/ml; Neutrophils 25%; decreased viscosity

A) septic arthritis
B) hemarthrosis
C) Rheumatoid arthritis
D) Normal synovial fluid
E) Osteoarthritis

5 Podagra in which disease

A. Pseidogout
C. Gout (ans)
D. Seronegative arthritis
E. Osteoarthritis

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

6 Statement about posterior interosseous nerve

A) it supplies extensor carpi radialis brevis

B) it supplies brachioradialis
C) injury cause loss of sensation of whole dorsum of hand
D) injury cause inability of extension of interphalangeal joint
E) Weak dorsiflexion of wrist

7 Hangman's fracture is the fracture dislocation of which bone:

A. C1
B. C2
C. C3
D. C4
E. C5

8 investigation of choice for early case of avascular necrosis of head of femur

A. X ray
B. CT scan
D. Arthroscopy
E. Arthrography

9 regarding axilla nerve,

A. Arises from upper trunk of brachial plexus

B. Involve in klumpe paralysis
C. Damage lead to loss of elbow flexion
D. Involve in posterior dislocation of shoulder
E. Loss of mid range of shoulder abduction

10 68 yr-old man, came with swollen, lax, unstable, painless knee joint. Cause?

B. Gout
C. Pseudogout
D. TB arthritis
E. Charcots joint

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

11 Hypopyon is

A. Pus in anterior chamber

B. Pus in posterior chamber
C. Exudate in anterior chamber
D. Blood in anterior chamber
E. Blood in posterior chamber

12 A man suffered from right eye injury while cutting grass. GP prescribed
gentamicin. Condition not improve, right eye vision reduced. Corneal haze with 3
mm hypopyon. Which medication is suitable for this condition?

A Gentamicin
B erythromycin
C fluconazole
D Acyclovir
E. Neomycin

13 A diabetic mellitus patient underwent pack surgery a day before. The next day, he
developed loss of vision in one eye, severe pain , and profuse discharge,with
yellowish reflex see from pupil , which of the most likely diagnosis :
A. Inappropriate lens
B. Endopthalmitis
C. Wound leak
D. Posterior capsular opacity
E. Severe conjunctivitis

14 60 y/o lady with progressive loss of vision for 3 years. Currently can see up to 2
meters only. Pupil grayish white in colour. Treatment?

B. Lens correction
D. Phacoemulsification

15 A young chinese lady complain of intense headache near work and relieved after
wake up.

A. Primary open angle glaucoma

B. Primary angle closure glaucoma
C. Primary open angle suspect
D. Secondary open angle glaucoma
E. Secondary angle closure glaucoma

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

16 70 years old man presented with pain and blurring of vision. Examination shows
intumescent cataract, IOP 48mmHg. What is the diagnosis?

A) Primary open angle glaucoma

B) secondary open angle glaucoma
C)primary closed angle glaucoma
D) phacomorphic glaucoma (ans)
E) phacolytic glaucoma

17 A pt came with sudden loss of vision. Fundus examination shows haemorrhage with
splashed tomato appearance. There is afferent pupillary reflex defect. Most likeli

B. Ischaemic CRVO
C. Non ischaemic CRVO
E. Stage 4 hypertensive retinopathy

18 Hypertension for 30 years. Complain of transient ischaemic attacks. Fundoscopy

shows silver wiring and margin of disc is blurred. What is the grade of hypertensive

A. Grade I
B. Grade II
C. Grade III
D. Grade IV
E. Grade V

19 Retrobulbar optic neuritis

-marked swelling of optic

-impaired direct light reflex of affected eye
-impaired consensual light reflex of affected eye
-normal visual acuity
-hyperaemia of optic disc

20 25y/o female, sudden visual loss from 6/6 to 3/60, headache, sluggish pupillary
reflex, slight pain during elevation of eyeball.

a)Acute frontal sinusitis

b)Acute iritis
c)Brain Tumour
d) Retrobulbar neuritis
e) Acute congestive glaucoma

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

21 Cyclothymic disorders are treated with?

A. Typical antipsychotics
D. Mood stabilizers

22 The 'Bell and pad' method is used in the treatment of?

A) Nocturnal enuresis
C) tourette syndrome
D) Asperger syndrome
E) Conduct disorder

23 Patient on methadone tried heroin at home, later become unconcious. On

examination, pinpoint pupil, shallow breathing. What should be given?

A Naltrexone
B Naloxone
C Buprenorphine
D Benzodiazepine
E Flumazenil

24 Restlessness, yawning, abdominal cramp, dilated pupil, lacrimation are commonly

associated with...

A. Heroine withdrawal
B. Cocaine withdrawal
C. Heroine intoxication
D. Alcohol withdrawal
E. Caffeine intoxication

25 Imipramine can treat which sexual disorder:

a. frigidity
b. erectile dysfunction
c. premature ejaculation
d. loss of libido
e. dyspareunia

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

26 When a person on typical antipsychotic, develop fever, rigidity, fluctuating vital

sign, and elevated creatine phosphokinase. We must suspect:

A) Seratonergic syndrome
B) Weil's disease
C) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
D) Malignant Hyperthermia
E) Catatonic syndrome

27 Exposure and response prevention are

A. Defence mechanism
B. Form of electroconvulsive therapy
C. Another form of biofeedback
D. Relaxation technique
E. Forms of behaviour therapy

28 Dhat syndrome

A. Body assymmetry
B. Semen loss syndrome
C. Genital retraction syndrome
D. Body rotting syndrome
E. A substance induced sexual dysfunction seen in India

29 29 year old female diagnosed with schizophrenia. Developed abnormal movements

of trunk and part of the face. What is the drug responsible for tardive dyskinesia?

A. Clonazepam
B. Fluovexamine
C. Haloperidol
D. Clozapine
E. Methylphenidate

30 Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation is:

A. Non pharmacological therapy for anxiety (ans)

B. Found EEG in stage 2 sleep
C. Psychotherapy involving family members
D. Biophysical theory of mood disorder (or something)
E. Flooding therapy

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

31 10 year old boy, immunosuppressed from chemotherapy, is exposed to 3 year old
sister with varicella zoster infection. Which should be done to prevent disseminated
varicella infection in the boy?

A. Acyclovir
B. Indinavir
C. Varicella zoster vaccine
D. Palivizumab
E. Ribavirin

32 4 year old came with 3 days history of bilateral knee joint and ankle swelling. On
examination, he is afebrile, joints are non-tender, swollen, he is able to perform full
range of movement. There are palpable purpuric rash on legs and buttocks.
Ecchymotic lesions present around ankles. No lymphadenopathy, no
hepatosmegaly, with normal heart sounds.

What is the most common complications?

A. Pleurisy
B. Fasciitis
C. Nephritis
D. Thrombophlebitis
E. Hemarthrosis

33 11 month baby presented with tempetature of 39 degree and persistent crying. On

otoscopic examination, it revealed blunt bulging of tympanic membrane and
inflammation. What To be given

A aspirin and c something

B ibuprofen and erythromycin
C naltrexone and c something
D lignocane topical and myringotomy
E pcm and amoxicillin

34 A 6 year old girl has multiple episodes of staring associated with fluttering of eyelid
since past 3 months. Following each episode, she continues her activities. EEG
reveal 3Hz spike and wave .... (I forgot the word)

What is the advice that is appropriate?

A. It's likely to remit after 2-3 years of anticonvulsant therapy
B. It is likely to lead to akinetic seizure
C. It is a precursor to develop juvenile myoclonic seizure
D. It is resistant to anti epileptic drugs
E. She is likely to get intellectual impairment despite seizure control

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

35 A 14 year old Pakistani boy has increasing symmetrical weakness of pelvic girdle
for last 10 years.Now involve all part of muscle and he is on respirator.
Several years ago,calf muscle hypertrophy were noted.
What the likely diagnosis?

A.Cerebral palsy
B.Muscular dystrophy
C.Myasthenia gravis

36 5 year old girl, came with high grade fever for 3 days. Generalize erythematous
rashes with island of white. Hess test positive, liver 2cm, spleen 4cm palpable

A leptospirosis
B dengue fever
C scrub typhus
D measles
E thyroid fever

37 5 years old boy complains of breathlessness for 2 hours, history of coryza previous
2 days. Has 2 emergency admission preceding 3 months for similar complaints.
Currently, afebrile, RR 42x/min, unable to lie in supine, breath sound equal on both
sides with B/L ronchi. What is the likely diagnosis

A. Acute bronchitis
B. Foreign body inhalation
C. Recurrent pneumonia
D. Laryngotracheabronchitis
E. Acute exacerbation of Bronchial asthma

38 parents of a 15 months old infant concern his head looks big. His head
circumference is more than 90th centile since birth. His father has big head. His
development is normal. What is the best course of action?

A)reassure parents
B)head ultrasound
C)brain CT
D)brain MRI
E)refer neurosurgeon

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

39 A 5 year old girl 3 episodes of Generalized Tonic Clonic seizures for 3 months. 4
weeks ago, she was given phenytoin. Dose was increased to 100mg twice daily.
Now presents with drowsiness, vomiting and loss of balance.
The most appropriate nect step management?

A) Arrange an MRI brain scan

B) ORS and IV fluid
C) Arrange EEG
D) Add sodium valproate
E) Decrease phenytoin dose

40 6 month old infant, who was well at birth present with cyanosis, clubbing, a grade
3/6 ESM in Pulmonary area and FTT. What is the likely diagnosis?


41 5 years old boy having 4th episode of nephrotic syndrome. Previous episode
responded to prednisolone. Now, despite high dose prednisolone given
(2mg/kg/day), sympmtom slow to resolve. BP 135/85 and urine RBC 20/HPF.
What is the investigation of cause of nephrotic syndrome?

A. Renal USG
B. Renal isotope nucleus scan
D. Renal biopsy
E. Urine protein-creatinine ratio

42 A girl able to Draw circle, dress herself undersupervision, jump, says her first name.
Likely developmental age?

A) 2 years old
B) 3 years old
C) 4 years old
D) 5 years old
E) 6 years old

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

43 7 year old girl with 2 to 3 episode of bed wetting at night. Otherwise healthy. Her
mother was a bed wetter till 10 y/o. Her physical examination is normal. What is the
next management?

A. IV pyelogram
B. 24 hour urine protein
C. Urine microscopy and culture
D. Nuclear isotope renal scan
E. Micturating cystourethrogram

44 Pubertal growth sequence in girls

A. breast budding, accelerated growth, pubic and axillary hair

B. Breast budding, pubic and axillary hair, accelerated growth
C. Accelerated growth, pubic and axillary hair, breast budding
D. Accelerated growth, breast budding, pubic and axillary hair
E. Pubic and axillary hair, accelerated growth, breast budding

45 A 8 week old baby is brought for vaccination. She was born preterm 32 weeks with
1665g and has resp distress needing one week oxygen therapy. She is now 3kg.
So when to give vaccination?

A. Now
B. When she is 3 months
C. When she is 4 months
D. When she is 5 months
E. When the weight is 4kg

46 Baby born from healthy mom, whose membrane ruptured spontaneously at term.
She was given im 10mg MORPHINE as anesthesia and after an uneventful vacuum
delivery, baby born with apgar score 4 at 1 min. : management?

A) naloxone
B) oxygen nasal prong
C) iv 8.0 % sodium bicarb
D) endotracheal intubation
E) bag and mask

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

47 18 month old Chinese baby was found by her GP with pale and tinge of jaundice.
Her weight and length is below 3rd centile. Liver is 2 cm and spleen is 4 cm both
below costal margin. The rest of examination is normal. Family history is
unremarkable. What is the most likely diagnosis?

B) Leukemia
C) Homozygous beta thalassemia
E) Aplastic anaemia

48 3y/o boy presented with bruising over trunk n body. Nose bleed at presentation.
Develop petechiae for 2 days. Pt & aptt normal.

A. Hemophilia A
B. Von willibrand
C. Hsp
D. Leukemia
E. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura

49 A 5 years old girl was found on examination to be having cardiac murmur when
presented with upper respiratory tract infection. The murmur still present the
following week. It is a mid systolic murmur, grade 2-3 maximum at the left upper
sternal edge.
Which of the following features associated suggest that her condition is organic in

A. Her infant brother has Down syndrome

B. She also has diastolic murmur
C. Her pulse rate increases when she takes deep breath
D. Her fingers and toes turns blue when she is skiing
E. She has had 5 episodes of upper repiratory tract infection in her 1st year.

50 6 y.o boy presents w 6weeks history of increase early morning headache and fever. CT Brain shows midline posterior fossa mass

A. neurofibroma
B. meningioma
C. medulloblastoma
D. cerebellar abscess
E. glioblastoma multiform

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

51 25 year old women come for contraception. after medical assesment, the
contraception method she choose falls under category 4 medical eligibility criteria.

A. No restriction in using the chosen method

B. The advantage of using the method outweigh the clinical and theoretical risk.
C. Since the patient is the one choose the method, this is not applicable.
D. Unacceptable health risk associated with the used of the contraception
E. You will provide the contraception with careful follow up

52 All of the following are constituents of ORS , EXCEPT :

A. sodium chloride
B. potassium chloride
C. sodium bicarbonate
D. trisodium citrate dihydrate
E. glucose

53 Infection in prgnancy. which is true?

A. toxoplasmosis can get upon handling cats litter delay in pregnancy after rubella vaccination
C. to prevent hiv transmission, evafirenz is safe during pregnancy prevent tetanus, vaccination given immediately soon pregnancy is confirmed
E. Malaria has no effect on pregnancy

54 A 3 year old child came with complaint of night blindness. On examination, there is
a white triangular spots on the conjunctival. This is a deficiency of

A) Protein
B) Calcium
C) Vitamin B
D) Vitamin A
E) Fat

55 Patient was obese (BMI 35) and after 5 years her BMI 26, currently pregnant. You
are discussing about extra calories intake during pregnancy. What is the
recommended calorie intake during pregnancy?

A) No need to add extra calories

B) Extra 500 calories throughout pregnancy
C) Extra 100 during 1st trimester; 200 during 2nd trimester; 500 during 3rd
D) Extra 500 during 1st trimester; 200 during 2nd trimester; 100 during 3rd
E) Extra 100 calories throughout pregnancy

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

56 15months old infant was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. FH of asthma and
allergies. Mother was concern about the implications. Whats the advise to be given?

A. Atopic dermatitis is a rare condition

B. Resolution is complete by 2 years old
C. Not a/w asthma and allergies
D. Diagnosed after 2 years old
E. In teenagers, more on cheeks and face

57 Counselling regarding vaccination

A. Hepatitis A vaccination recommended for age more than 12 month

B. IPV will cause vaccine-related poliolytic disease
C. Pneumococcal vaccination recommended for high risk group adult
D. Chronic hepatitis B found in 90% of teenage and adult infection
E. Children who took aspirin cannot take influenze and varicella vaccine

58 40 y/o male poorly controlled dm, thigh pain and fever 3 weeks. examination thigh
is tender and erythema. No cutaneous ulcer. CT reveals multiple abscess in the
muscle fibers. most likelypathogen?

a. clostridium perfringen
b. group a strep
c.staph aureus
d. polymicrobial flora

59 50 year old alcoholic presented with cough, hemoptysis, and pleuritic chest pain. He
had night sweat, 10 kg weight loss in the last 3 months. CXR showed nodular
pattern. Transbronchial biopsy showed multinucleated giant cells, epitheloid cells
and necrotic debris. What is your diagnosis?

A. Aspergillosis
B. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
C. Bronchiectasis
D. Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia
E. Tuberculosis

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

60 A 25 years old female came with complaint of burning urination for 7 days. She
also has increasing frequency of urination and suprapubic tenderness. She has no
fever. She has 2 past similar episode. Urine analysis shows moderate white blood
cell. What is the causal agent?

A. Candida albicans
B. Escherichia coli
C. Enterobacter
D. Klebsiella
E. Proteus

61 28 year old para 2 underwent c section developed persistent fever of 102F despite
triple antibiotic therapy.Caesarean wound, breast and pelvis normal. Urine analysis
reveal no growth.CT pelvis reveal septic pelvic thrombophlebitis. Most
appropriate management?

A. Discontinue Antibiotic and initiate IV heparin

B.continue Antibiotic and start IV heparin
C. Surgical embolectomy
D. Streptokinase
E.Continue Antibiotic and advise for ambulation

62 23 year old, G2P1, at 29 weeks with history of preterm delivery at 30 week in last
pregnancy, seek for medical consultation.
She is worried about her repeated premature delivery and prolonged hospital stay
following the delivery.
Which one of the following intervention would be best to reassure her and allay her

A. Inpatient hospitalisation till 34 week

B. Fetal fibronectin estimation
C. Clinical cervical estimation
D. Perform prophylactic cervical cerclage
E. Give her low dose salbutamol till 32 weeks

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

63 27 years old woman married for 4 years came with recurrent pregnancy loss. She is
keen of becoming pregnant again. Her vaginal swab examination is normal. Her
hysterosalpingogram shows (a diagram). What is the cause?

A. Bicornuate bicollis
B. Bicornuate unicollis
C. Bicornuate uterus with 1 rudimentary horn
D. Bicornute uterus with 2 rudimentary horns
E. Septate uterus

64 G5P4 38weeks pregnant lady admitted with active phase of labor, ARM done clear
liquor. Post ARM, persistent variable deceleration on CTG dropping up to 60
beats/min. Cause of CTG abnormality?

A. Ruptured uterus
B. Cord prolapse /
C. Chorioamnionitis
D. Abruptio placenta
E. Placenta previa

65 A healthy woman g2p1, 37 weeks with breech presentation. She refuses ECV. What
is ur appropriate management?

-c sect at 38 week
-c sect at 39 week
- Offer ECV under epidural, if failed then do C-sect
- wait for spontaneous turning and delivery at 40weeks

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

66 A Rh -ve mother give delivery to baby 24 hours ago. What is essential to give the
mother anti-D immunoglobulin?

A. Negative direct coombs test

B. Positive direct coombs test
C. Negative indirect coombs test
D. MoM > 1.5
E. Rh +ve blood

67 40 yo , foul smelling vaginal disharge , afebrile , abdomen normal , vital sign

normal.VE found friable growth on left cervix. Per rectal , left mass pereimetrum
felt. Whats your next management ?

A) cone biopsy
B) leetz
D) total hysterectomy
E) wetheims operation

68 A 26 year old multiparous lady complained of vaginal discharge. Examination

shows clue cell. What is the treatment for this lady?

A. Amoxicillin
B. Amikacin
C. Metronidazole
D. Erythromycin
E. Gentamicin

69 35 y/o primigravida,39 weeks period of gestation,present with contraction pain.On

abdominal examination,uterus is of term size,head 5/5th palpable.what is likely

A.type 1 placenta previa

B.right occipitoposterior
C.fibroid at lower segment
D.brow presentation

70 A 19 year old lady with primary amenorrhoea and poor secondary sexual
characteristic,suggestive of gonadal dysgenesis. Which hormone will be increase?

B. Prolactin
C. Progesterone
D. Estrogen

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

71 31 y/o lady with vulva soreness and recurrent whitish discharge. Microscopy shows
hyphae. What is the Rx option?

A. Metronidazole
B. Clotrimazole
C. Erythromycin
D. Doxycycline
E. Acyclovir
72 40 year old lady, becomes pregnant after 1 year of sub fertility work up. She is
worried about advanced maternal age when she came for her booking visit at 14
weeks of gestation. What test that can be done?

A. Triple test
B. Quadruple test
C. Chorionic Villus Sampling
D. Amniocentesis
E. Percutaneous Umbilical Cord Blood

73 39y/o,G2P1,previous LSCS,currently having unplanned pregnancy of 25 weeks.Her

MGTT is abnormal.Previous indication was due to big baby(3.9kg),now she
planned to deliver vaginally. What is the factor that will determine the success of

A) Indication of previous LSCS

B) Postoperative day stay
C) Interdelivery interval
D) Current pregnancy factor
E) Contraceptive used in between pregnancy

74 3 days old neonate develop meningitis. Which of the following organism is the
likely causes obtained from mother genital tract.

A. Neisseria gonorrhea
B. Streptococcus agalectiae
C. Clamyadia trichomonas
D. Hemophyllis ducyii

75 28 years G3P2 diagnosed with molar pregnancy by usg at 4 months. SFH is 26

weeks. The most appropriate next step

b)suction evacuation
d)induce with prostaglandin
e)injection methotrexate

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

76 30 years old primi at 30 weeks spontaneous rupture of membrane, cervix 5cm

dilated, regular uterine contraction estimated fetal weight 1.2kg, breech
presentation. Best appropriate management:

A ampicillin
B External cephalic version
C betametasone
D tocolytics
E Caesaerean section

77 31 years old G2P1 ...weeks came with abdominal pain n bleeding PV slightly less
than her period. What is ur management?

A. Qualitative BHCG
B. BHCG n progesterone
C. Serial BHCG
E. Quantitative BHCG n TVS

78 A 17 years old adolescent girl presented with cyclical spasmodic pain on the first
day of periods for the last 6 months. Likely dx?

A. Endometriosis
B. Adenomyosis
C. Ectopic pregnancy
D. Primary dysmenorrhea

79 24 yo primi w hx of epilepsy on Na valproate. She reports at 18 weeks for prenatal

diagnosis. She is worried about likely teratogenicity of the drug. What invx that
would help her

A. Amniocentesis
B. Chorionic villous sampling
C. Chordocentesis
D. Detailed anomaly scan
E. Quadruple test

80 35 y/o primigravida at 39 weeks of gestation.currently having contraction pain. On

examination, uterus is term size and head is 5/5 palpable. What is the cause

A- type 1 placenta previa

B- rt occipitoposterior position
C- fibroid at lower uterus
D- brow presentation
E- macrosomic baby

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

81 A 45 years old man presents with severe otalgia and tenderness of right ear for 2
days duration. Movement of jaw and pinna are painful. Narrow of external meatus
with prominent edema over mastoid region. No history of ear discharge.

A. Acute otitis media

B. Furunculosis
C. Chronic otitis media
D. Masked mastoiditis
E. secretory otitis media

82 A lady came with left ear pain, mild hearing loss. History of cleaning ear. No
discharge. On examination dry perforation. Next treatment:

A) protect ear from water contact

B) myringoplasty
C) antibiotic
D) interval chemical cauterisation
E) pack with antibiotic soaked gauze

83 An 8 year old child with normal developmental history is admitted to the

Paediatrics ICU with acute bacterial meningitis. Unfortunately, at discharge,
hearing tests reveal bilateral profound sensory neural hearing loss. Which one of the
following would be the most appropriate method to restore hearing in this patient?

A) Tympanoplasty
B) Bone-anchored hearing loss
C) Cochlear implant
D) Speech therapy
E) Digital in-the-canal hearing aid

84 Section of Vidian nerve is an established treatment for which one of the following

A. Atrophic rhinitis
B. Allergic rhinitis
C. Vasomotor rhinitis
D. Viral rhinitis
E. Chronic rhinitis

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

85 Which structure opens into the inferior meatus of the nose?

A. Maxillary sinus
B. Middle ethmoid sinus
C. Sphenoid sinus
D. Nasolacrimal duct
E. Frontal sinus

86 Which one of the following medication is contraindicated in the treatment of

atrophic rhinitis?

A. Alkaline nasal douche

B. Nasal decongestant
C. 25% glucose in glycerine
D. Antibiotic
E. Multivitamins

87 66 years old lady, came with painless left tonsillar enlargement for 3 months. there
are no other symptoms. examination show multiple left cervical lymphadenopathy
and splenomegaly. what is the management for the enlarged tonsil?

a) fnac
b) trucut biopsy
c) wait and see without xtive intervention
d) high dose antibiotic
e) tonsillectomy then histopathology

88 55 y/o chinese lady lecturer, presented wif hoarseness of voice and stridor for the
past 2 weeks, indirect laryngoscopy shows exophytic mass at the left vocal cord,
biopsy shows, irregular cells, hyperchromatic nucleus, keratic white pearls.

A- vocal node
B - left vocal polyp
C - laryngeal ca
D - juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis
E - laryngeal amylodosis

89 Elderly gentleman- swallowed coin...on x ray at level c5 n c6 at cricopharynx...plan

to remove

A. Externally by Do incision
B. Do vertical incision
C. Endoscopic removal using forcep under topical n local anaesth
D. Endoscopic removal using forcep under GA n muscle relaxant
E. Endoscopic n use magnet

Batch 31 P2S2 MCQ 2 17/3/2017

90 3 y/o, unvaccinated, came to ENT opd with sudden onset of breathlessness, stridor,
continuously salivating, sitting upright, arms spread by the sides
A) FB in larynx
B) acute epiglottitis
C) laryngomalacia
D) laryngocoele
E) larynx papillomatosis


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