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Sexual Script Theory: Past,

Present, and Future 2

Michael W. Wiederman

All the Worlds a stage,

And all the men and women merely players.
(Shakespeare, As You Like It)

In their book Sexual Conduct, John Gagnon and 2.1Sexual Script Theory
William Simon (1973) described their sexual
script theory perspective on human sexual behav- Central to sexual script theory is the notion of
ior. Its basic premise was that all social behavior, social constructionismthe interpretation of re-
including sexual behavior, is socially scripted. ality, including human behavior, is derived from
Of course, as the quote from Shakespeare attests, shared beliefs within a particular social group
Simon and Gagnon were hardly the first to liken (DeLamater and Hyde 1998). In this case, the
human behavior to scripted performance. Still, human behaviors in question are sexual, and the
their book represented a watershed moment in meanings attached to those behaviors, includ-
sex research, and has been deemed one of the top ing what makes them sexual behaviors, de-
25 classic works of sexual theory (Weis 1998b). rives from metaphorical scripts individuals have
Bancroft (2009) referred to sexual scripting learned and incorporated as a function of their
theory as one of the, if not the most frequently involvement in the social group (Simon 1996;
cited theoretical models in post-psychoanalytic Simon and Gagnon 1986, 1987, 2003). Scripts
sexual science (p. 10), McCormick (2010) de- are involved in learning the meaning of internal
clared that No single theoretical perspective bet- states, organizing the sequencing of specifically
ter accounts for the complexity of human sexual sexual acts, decoding novel situations, setting the
motivation and behaviors (p.91), and Kimmel limits on sexual responses and linking meanings
(2007) concluded that Gagnon and Simons book from nonsexual aspects of life to specifically sex-
heralded the new paradigm from which all sub- ual experience (Gagnon and Simon 1973, p.17).
sequent readings of sexuality in the social sci- Social scripts are conceptualized as the men-
ences and humanities have sprung (p.ix). tal representations individuals construct and then
If the basic tenet of sexual script theory was use to make sense of their experience, including
not novel, why has it proven itself such a piv- their own and others behavior.
otal and long-lasting theoretical perspective? An Scripts are a metaphor for conceptualizing behav-
attempt to answer that question requires both an ior within social life. Most of social life most of the
explanation of sexual script theory and consider- time must operate under the guidance of an operat-
ation of its place in history. ing syntax, much as language is a precondition for
speech. For behavior to occur, something resem-
bling scripting must occur on three distinct levels:
cultural scenarios, interpersonal scripts, and intra-
psychic scripts. (Simon and Gagnon 1984, p.53)

University of South Carolina School of Medicine-Green- Although cultural scenarios are at the most ab-
ville, Greenville, SC 29605, USA stract level of scripting, they are necessary for

J. DeLamater, R.F. Plante (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities, Handbooks of Sociology and 7
Social Research, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-17341-2_2, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
8 M. W. Wiederman

providing the context for roles, and contain insti- However, there is always room for differences in
tutional arrangements and symbols that comprise the interpersonal scripts followed by each actor,
collective life (Simon and Gagnon 1986, 1987, with potentially troublesome results (Wiederman
2003). Mass media certainly play an important 2005). Also, the specifics of each circumstance
role in conveying cultural scenarios, but sexual differ, requiring modification and improvisation
norms are conveyed even through the ways in of previously adopted scripts. Especially when
which cultural institutions such as government, alternative outcomes are available in a particular
law, education, and religion are experienced on scenario, the ability to engage in mental rehears-
a daily basis (Gagnon 1990; Simon 1996). Be- al is important for choosing among potential
cause particular sexual behaviors are illegal, behaviors. This internal, individual experience
stigmatized, and warned against, whereas others of scripts is the intrapsychic level within script
are instructed, encouraged, and envied, individu- theory.
als learn the general contexts for sexual activity. Intrapsychic scripts may entail specific plans
In a sense, cultural scenarios lay out the playing or strategies for carrying out interpersonal scripts,
field of sexuality; what is deemed desirable and but they are so much more (Simon and Gagnon
undesirable, and where the broad boundaries lie 1986, 1987, 2003).
between appropriate and inappropriate sexual This intrapsychic scripting creates fantasy in the
conduct. rich sense of that word: the symbolic reorganiza-
As important as sexual cultural scripts are, tion of reality in ways to more fully realize the
they are not synonymous with sexual behavior. actors many-layered and sometimes multivoiced
wishes. Intrapsychic scripting becomes a historical
The enactment of virtually all roles must either necessity, as a private world of wishes and desires
directly or indirectly reflect the contents of appro- that are experienced as originating in the deepest
priate cultural scenarios. These cultural scenarios recesses of the self must be bound to social life:
are rarely entirely predictive of actual behavior, individual desires are linked to social meanings
(Simon and Gagnon 1984, p.54).
and they are generally too abstract to be applied
in all circumstances (Simon and Gagnon 1984, Intrapsychic scripts include fantasies, memo-
p.53). So cultural scenarios lay out the general ries, and mental rehearsals, and it is within the
cast of characters (roles) and the relationships intrapsychic scripts that individuals work out the
among them, yet usually do not provide enough difficulties involved in enacting interpersonal
concrete direction to guide actual interpersonal scripts within the general context of cultural sce-
behavior in specific situations. This is where the narios (Gagnon 1990; Simon and Gagnon 1986,
interpersonal level of sexual scripts enters. 1987, 2003).
Interpersonal scripts rest on the roles and gen- Whereas cultural scenarios and interpersonal
eral circumstances provided by cultural scenar- scripts may be thought of as more narrative in
ios, yet they entail adaptation to the particulars structure, intrapsychic scripts need not be.
of each situation. Accordingly, each social actor When dealing with erotic elements in the intrapsy-
helps create interpersonal scripts by adapting the chic we are dealing with a more complex set of
layered meanings which has much more to do with
general guidelines he or she learned from his or
non-narrative tradition in literary representation
her experiences in the culture to the specifics and imagery. What is arousing may not be the plan
presented in each social encounter (Simon and to have sex, but fragmentary symbolic materials
Gagnon 1986, 1987, 2003). At the interpersonal taken from mass media or from local experience.
(Gagnon 1990, p.7)
level, the script was said to provide the orga-
nization of mutually shared conventions that al- In this way, intrapsychic scripts represent the par-
lows two or more actors to participate in a com- ticulars of each individuals unique sexuality, in-
plex act involving mutual dependence (Gagnon cluding those aspects that cannot be formed into
and Simon 1973, p.18). When the two or more words.
actors involved share similar scripts, the social As described here, each of the three levels
interaction may play out with relative harmony. of sexual scripts may seem rather static. For de-
2 Sexual Script Theory: Past, Present, and Future 9

scriptive purposes, it may be necessary to char- Sexual activities gain their special status simply
acterize cultural scenarios, interpersonal scripts, because the society ascribes such status or be-
and intrapersonal scripts as things in the sense cause of the individuals own unique experiences.
that each exists on its own. However, Gagnon Sexual scripting theory also entails a de-
and Simon viewed all three levels of scripts as velopmental or life-cycle aspect. Gagnon and
dynamically related, and frequently in flux as a Simon noted that particular scripts, or aspects
result. As actually played out in behavior in the of scripts, have age requirements, such as You
context of peoples lives, there is potentially per- cannot engage in X until you are Y years of age,
petual interplay among the three levels of sexual or By age Y you must have done X. Common
scripts. Unfortunately, this potential complexity scripts themselves may have variants based on
is difficult to describe, capture, or examine in all the relative ages of the actors, or at least the
its richness. actors within a particular script are evaluated
Gagnon and Simon also noted that the rel- differently based on their respective ages. Ado-
evance of each of the three levels of scripting lescence and early adulthood are the most trou-
varies across settings. For example, in what they bling stages for individuals and for the culture to
termed paradigmatic societies, cultural sce- which such individuals belong; it is during these
narios and a specified set of ritualized variations stages that individuals are developing and refin-
may be all that is required to provide instructions ing their interpersonal and intrapsychic sexual
such that social participants understand their re- scripts. The major cultural scenarios that shape
spective roles and the meanings ascribed to their the most common interpersonal scripts tend to
behaviors. In these societies, cultural scenarios be almost exclusively drawn from the require-
and prescribed variations are sufficient to pro- ments of adolescence and early adulthood.
vide direction for successful enactment of scripts. There are virtually none tied to the issues of sub-
In postparadigmatic societies, in contrast, there sequent segments of life (Simon and Gagnon
are substantially fewer shared meanings and 1984, p.58). Accordingly, Simon and Gagnon
more disjunctures of meaning across different (1984) noted that the extreme ends of the lifecy-
spheres of life. As a result, the enactment of cle might be thought of as the presexual (child-
the same role within different spheres of life or hood) and the postsexual (old age), at least in
different roles within the same sphere routinely terms of predominant, shared scripts. Not that
requires different appearances, if not different sexually significant events do not occur during
organizations, of the self (Simon and Gagnon these periods, but they are not or only rarely an-
1984, p.54). Postparadigmatic societies entail so ticipated in prevailing cultural scenarios dealing
much variability in meanings of sexual behavior with the very young and the very old (Simon
that each social situation may require a unique and Gagnon 1984, p.58).
adaptation of the individual to that situation. Interpersonal and intrapsychic scripts fash-
Although Gagnon and Simon focused on sex- ioned in adolescence and early adulthood fre-
ual behavior in application of scripting theory, quently take on a conservative nature in that,
within their view there is nothing inherently spe- once successful, individuals are motivated to
cial about sexual behavior or its motivation. retain them and not stray too far from what has
From a scripting perspective, the sexual is not worked in the past.
viewed as an intrinsically significant aspect of Once they have found a formula that worksin
human behavior; rather, the sexual is viewed as other words, the realization of sexual pleasure,
becoming significant either when it is defined as as well as the realization of sociosexual compe-
such by collective lifesociogenic significance; tencethere is an obvious tendency on some level
or when individual experiences or development to para-ritualize that formula. Variations can occur,
assign it a special significanceontogenic signifi- but variations generally occur within the limits of
cance. (Simon and Gagnon 1984, p.54) a larger, stabilizing body of scripts both interper-
10 M. W. Wiederman

sonal and intrapsychic. The stabilizing of sexual 2.2Sexual Script Theory in Historical
scripts, often confused with the crystallization of
a sexual identity, occurs partly because it works by Context
insuring adequate sexual performance and provid-
ing adequate sexual pleasure. It also represents an Sexual script theory emphasizes that social
effective accommodation with the larger self-pro- context is extremely important for understand-
cess, in which sexual practice and sexual identity
do not disturb the many components of ones non- ing human behavior, including the behavior of
sexual identities. (Simon and Gagnon 1984, p.57) widespread adoption of the theory itself. There
are several social factors that may have facili-
To contemporary readers, sexual script theory is tated the proliferation of sexual script theory.
likely to be non-controversial. If so, this level of First, Gagnon and Simon explicitly applied the
comfort attests to how constructionist perspec- sociological principles described earlier specifi-
tives have become inherent in Western thought cally to sexual behavior. Although such appli-
about human experience. Why Gagnon and Si- cation seems commonplace decades after the
mons ideas took hold when they did remains an fact, at the time such a perspective was novel.
open question. They certainly were not the first Second, the cultural milieu may have been ripe
to describe and discuss the importance of mem- for such a social constructionist perspective on
bership in society for providing individual mem- sexuality. As Simon and Gagnon (1984) noted,
bers with explanations for human behavior, or their perspective was a reaction to the dominant
the process of meaning making. Indeed, sexual theoretical views of human sexuality at the time:
script theory is a logical extension of symbolic psychoanalytic and biological (see Plummer
interactionism, a term coined by sociologist Her- 1982, for comparison of social scripting to these
bert Blumer in the 1930s based on the work of his then-dominant, perspectives in sex research).
mentor, sociologist George Herbert Mead. Sym- Within these dominant perspectives, sexual be-
bolic interactionism focuses on how meaning is havior was seen as essentially determined, either
created, modified, and put into action by individ- by instincts or drives, inherently tied to human
uals in the process of social interaction (Brickell biology. For example, Freud based his psychoan-
2006, p.94), and has its own history in the study alytic theory on an assumed instinct toward life
of sexuality (Gecas and Libby 1977; Longmore and procreationLibidothat may find natural
1998; Waskul and Plante 2010). and healthy expression or may be distorted into
Similarly, Gagnon and Simon were not the psychopathology.
first to employ the script metaphor to social Freudian psychoanalytic perspectives on sex-
interactions. For example, the sociologist Erv- uality continued to hold sway even as biological
ing Goffman (1959) famously presented dra- perspectives rose to attention. Perhaps the most
maturgy as a sociological perspective, liken- famous of the new biological perspective on
ing human social interaction to performance of sexuality was Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues
assumed roles in a theatrical production (see (1948, 1953) who catalogued sexual behaviors of
Henslin and Biggs 1971, for an early example respondents and plotted them against such vari-
of applying dramaturgy to sexuality). If the ables as age, sex, and social class. Whereas some
ideas underlying sexual script theory were not variables Kinsey and his colleagues considered
unique, but instead applications and extensions relevant were societal in nature (e.g., social class,
of symbolic interactionism, dramaturgy, and education), the underlying assumption seemed to
other social constructionist theories, why did be that these social variables distorted otherwise
the elaboration of sexual script theory come to natural expressions of sexuality. Similarly, Wil-
represent such an important point in the history liam Masters and Virginia Johnson (1966, 1970)
of sex research? focused their research and therapy on bodily re-
sponse to sexual stimuli; work based on the as-
sumption that there is universal, and therefore
2 Sexual Script Theory: Past, Present, and Future 11

natural, sexual functioning. Even casual exami- most prominent ones are described briefly here,
nation of the titles of the books by Kinsey and in hopes of more clearly illuminating both simi-
his colleagues (1948, 1953), and Masters and larities and differences with social scientific per-
Johnson (1966, 1970), reveals the assumption spectives that may be related, at some level, to
they were working under; that there were inher- sexual script theory.
ent sexual universals for humans that could be In examining script theories, and those that
analyzed and described by researchers such as share similarities with script theories, an impor-
themselves. tant and early distinction becomes apparent based
Unlike the psychoanalytic and biological per- on academic discipline. That is, some script theo-
spectives, Gagnon and Simon believed that noth- ries, including sexual script theory, emerged out
ing could be assumed about sexuality, apart from of sociology, thereby resting on the foundations
the notion that anything considered sexual of social constructionism, symbolic interaction-
arose because those meanings were attached to ism, and dramaturgy. Other script theories, how-
the stimuli, or situation, or behavior by the in- ever, emerged out of psychology and psychiatry,
dividuals so involved. This social construction- thereby resting more on psychoanalytic assump-
ist approach may have been especially appealing tions or mentalistic models in which the empha-
to a growing number of researchers in the late sis is on the individual and his or her cognitive
1960s and 1970s as cultural events called into experience, created by past experience.
question essentialist perspectives that had been In 1964, psychiatrist Eric Berne published his
taken for granted previously. Similarly, Gagnon most famous book, Games People Play, popular-
and Simon (1973) considered sexual scripts as izing Transactional Analysis (TA). Generally, TA
explicitly interwoven with gender scripts, and appropriated particular psychoanalytic concepts,
feminist movements at the time were calling into renamed them, and embedded them in interper-
question assumptions about male and female, and sonal interactions between individuals. Bernes
the extent to which these assumptions were inev- TA provided a framework for analyzing and de-
itable versus products of culture and socialization scribing the moves within social transactions
(see Simon and Gagnon 2003 for discussion of between two or more people, including the parts
cultural changes that shaped sexual script theo- of the personality from which particular aspects
ry). So, sexual script theory may have benefitted of interpersonal interactions derive, as well as
from coming along at the right time in history as the psychological pay offs for engaging in par-
it presented a framework very much in tune with ticular ritualized sets of transactions. It was these
changing cultural values in the United States. ritualized, or scripted, interpersonal interactions
that Berne termed games. One could say that
the fact that some games were common enough
2.3Similar Theoretical Perspectives to be documented implied that such interpersonal
in Social Science interactions are at least loosely scripted, and a
specific set of games Berne (1964) described had
The previous section included a brief discus- to do with sexual encounters. Interestingly, Berne
sion of the intellectual history from which sexual (1973) also used the term life scripts to refer to
script theory emerged, including social construc- overarching patterns of behavior that seemed to
tionism generally, and symbolic interactionism characterize some individuals lives, resulting in
and dramaturgy more specifically. Given that repetitive types of interpersonal relationships and
sexual script theory took shape through the late ultimate psychological pay offs (also see Steiner
1960s and into the 1970s, there were other theo- 1974). One important difference between TA and
retical perspectives present at the time (and some sexual script theory, however, is that Berne, per-
developed shortly thereafter) that shared some haps by nature of being a psychiatrist, seemed
important features with sexual script theory. The most interested in games and scripts that were
pathological and caused problems in some way.
12 M. W. Wiederman

Similar to Berne, Aaron Beck (1967) focused The cognitive schema perspective on scripts
on pathological experience, primarily with indi- has been incorporated into a well-established line
viduals suffering from clinical depression. Becks of theory and research: attachment theory. Based
model focused on rigid, maladaptive ways of per- on the notion that our earliest experiences with
ceiving the world, which subsequently resulted caregivers create mental representations of what
in depressive emotion. Beck (1967) termed the can be expected in close relationships with oth-
mental mechanism through which people per- ers (Bowlby 1969), attachment theory has been a
ceive the world as cognitive schemas, which he rich source of theoretical and empirical work on
defined as: A (mental) structure for screening, a variety of types of emotionally close relation-
coding, and evaluating the stimuli that impinges ships (Howe 2011). More recently, theorists and
on the organism. On the basis of the matrix of researchers in that area have extended the mental
schemas, the individual is able to orient himself representations inherent in attachment theory into
in relation to time and space, and to categorize the realm of generalized event representations,
and interpret experiences in a meaningful way or scripts, that entail what the individual has
(p.283). In a general sense, cognitive schemas come to expect in particular kinds of emotional
are mental representations individuals construct interpersonal relationships (Fivush 2006; Waters
regarding their knowledge pertaining to a partic- and Waters 2006). In particular, attention has
ular concept. Such concepts could be things (e.g., been paid to the maternal secure base script as
schools, apples), events (e.g., ones 16th birthday, the ideal that results from interactions between
religious services generally), roles (e.g., parents, an infant and a mother who consistently meets
police officers), and particular people (e.g. ones the infants needs (Vaughn etal. 2006). This no-
sibling, a coworker), including oneself (so called tion of attachment scripts has apparent relevance
self-schemas). The importance of cognitive for sexual scripts (Dewitte 2012) to the extent
schemas is that they allow us to organize mental that sexual activity occurs within ongoing, emo-
material according to the concepts to which that tionally close relationships that provoke caregiv-
material relates. ing schemas (Peloquin etal. 2014).
The cognitive schemas that seem most closely A more direct application of mentalistic
related to script theory are those pertaining to scripts to romantic relationships was elaborated
events, and more specifically, to events as gen- by Sternberg (1996, 1998), who hypothesized
eral concepts (e.g., having sex) rather than that people each build stories about romantic
specific events that have already occurred. In- love relationships, based both on personal experi-
deed, some theorists elaborated such cognitive ence as well as exposure to such stories in ones
conceptualizations of scripts (e.g., Abelson 1976, culture. Based on analyses of both mass media
1981). In that way, sociological script theory and portrayals of romantic love as well as responses
cognitive script theory both entail mental mate- from interviews of American adults, Sternberg
rial about how to act, what to expect from others identified 25 primary love stories, or scripts, that
involved in the particular scenario, and how to his respondents seemed to follow in their enact-
interpret stimuli and happenings within the delin- ments of romantic love relationships. Couples
eated episode. The primary difference, however, who followed the same or complementary love
seems to arise out of the emphasis placed on the stories (scripts) were most satisfied with their re-
dynamic and social nature of scripts (sociologi- spective romantic relationships. Although Stern-
cal perspective) versus the internal and enduring berg did not employ the term script, or include
nature of scripts as held by individuals (psycho- sexual aspects of romantic relationships, there
logical perspective). Also, sociological scripting are apparent conceptual similarities to sexual
perspectives have been applied to human sexual- script theory.
ity much more frequently and extensively than In addition to using script theory to conceptu-
have psychological scripting perspectives. alize mental representation of relationship behav-
ior and meaning, some theorists have extended
2 Sexual Script Theory: Past, Present, and Future 13

the script metaphor into the individualistic realm of this chapter, but general answers, and some ex-
of personality (most notably, Tomkins 1979, emplars, are offered. Still, any attempt to answer
1987). Within these perspectives, the assumption these questions entails particular difficulties. As
is that personality is organized around emotion- Gagnon (1990) noted, researchers may explic-
ally significant experiences, or scenes. itly or implicitly employ sexual script theory in
To understand and deal with such emotionally sig- their work. In other words, some research and
nificant experiences [scenes], people cognitively the rationale and explanations offered by the re-
but nonconsciously link scenes based on their searchers may fit sexual script theory particularly
similarities. This co-assembling of scenes results well, even when those researchers never mention
in scripts, which are implicit assumptions for
anticipating and dealing with life experiences so or reference such theory. At the same time, re-
as to maximize positive emotions and minimize searchers may make reference to script theory ex-
negative emotions. (Demorest 2013, p.583) plicitly, yet interpret or apply the theory in ways
that are inaccurate or unjustified. An additional
An individuals personality is the collection complication is that frequently researchers ap-
scenes experienced as well as the set of expecta- pear to use the term script synonymously with
tions that result from these past experiences. Of terms such as socialization, mass media,
course this is a perspective very much rooted in cultural messages, and social roles. With
the cognitive schema tradition in psychology, and these problematic issues in mind, the published
although not explicitly tied to sexuality, it pre- work reviewed here entails explicit reference to
sumably encompasses stable aspects of sexuality sexual script theory consistent with Gagnon and
presumed to be part of the individuals personal- Simons work.
From this brief review of behavioral science
theories seemingly tied by the use of the term 2.4.1Critical Review Approaches
script, we see that most have occurred in the
psychological tradition of cognitive schema the- In evaluating sexual scripts, researchers have
ory. Sexual script theory, in contrast, emerged used two broad approaches. One entails deci-
and developed from a sociological perspective. phering cultural scripts (cultural scenarios to
That is not to say that the two lines of theory and Gagnon and Simon) by critically reviewing ei-
research are entirely unrelated, but they do ap- ther cultural artifacts such as mass media, or
pear to maintain important differences, and the the collective research published previously. As
identification of one set of theories with psychol- an example of the cultural analysis approach,
ogy and psychiatry and the other with sociology Mosher and Tomkins (1988) drew on numerous
likely discourages integration. Returning to Ga- cultural sources in making the case that particular
gnon and Simons sexual script theory, the sec- sexual and gender scripts defined a subpopula-
tion below is dedicated to consideration of how tion of hypermasculine (macho) males. In par-
scripts are typically measured in research that ticular, they examined the socialization of boys to
employs their theory. acknowledge particular emotions but not others,
male adolescent rites of passage, and mass media
as evidence that males are commonly provided
2.4Methods and Application in hypermasculine scripts that result in machismo.
Research on Sexual Scripts Other researchers have relied on examination
of previously published research for examining
What types of scripts, respondents, and top- sexual scripts. For example, Hill (2006) eluci-
ics have been addressed in research employing dated a common sexual script for feminine het-
sexual scripts theory? How have researchers erosexual males based on what previous research
evaluated or measured scripts? Comprehensive revealed about male-female relationships among
answers to these questions are beyond the scope men considered feminine. Although femininity
14 M. W. Wiederman

may impair a mans sexual attractiveness to and implications of each script, as well as the
women, Hill concluded that feminine hetero- meanings ascribed to virginity and its loss within
sexual subvert overly restrictive heteropatriar- each script.
chal sexual scripts, freeing both traditional and
nontraditional men to explore ways of being sex-
ual with women outside a dominant-submissive 2.4.2Self-Report Approaches
dialect (p.145).
Monto and Carey (2014) examined shifts in In addition to analyzing published research or
national data on sexual behavior collected over cultural artifacts such as mass media, the other
25 years to determine whether sexual scripts for broad approach to the evaluation of sexual scripts
young adults in the U.S. appeared to have shifted entails researchers gathering self-report data di-
toward a more casual, hook-up orientation. rectly from research participants. In essence, re-
They found that, although the number of sex spondents are asked to generate or describe par-
partners had not changed over time, contempo- ticular sexual scripts, or are asked to validate the
rary young adults were more likely to report hav- existence of particular sexual scripts. This latter
ing had sex with a friend or acquaintance, thereby approach may involve presenting various possi-
demonstrating some changes in normative sexual ble elements of a sexual script and asking respon-
scripts. Other writers have reviewed published dents to rate how likely it is that each element
research to make the case that traditional sexual would be included in the scenario the respon-
scripts facilitate sexual aggression from men to- dents are provided (e.g., first date). To the extent
ward women (Beyers 1996), as well as the case that the research participants exhibit consensus,
that sexual scripts in the US have become more the researchers conclude that the respondents
egalitarian over previous decades (McCormick shared a cultural script for the given scenario.
2010) Also relying on published research, Eaton As an example of this approach, Krahe etal.
and Rose (2011) examined the research published (2007) asked teen respondents to rate the likeli-
in the journal Sex Roles over a span of 35 years hood of several script elements for having sex
to determine the ways in which traditional dat- with a new partner for the first time. Ratings of
ing scripts and premarital sexual scripts for males the individual script elements were compared
and females in the US may have changed. They under instructions to consider adolescents in gen-
concluded, however, that dating relationships in eral versus the respondent him- or herself. Inter-
early adulthood remained firmly tied to tradition- estingly, respondents personal scripts contained
al gender roles and traditional cultural scripts. less risk elements and more positive outcomes
Other researchers have analyzed mass media compared to their general cultural scripts. Simi-
in attempts to uncover what may be prevalent larly, Littleton and Axsom (2003) asked college
sexual scripts. For example, Kim etal. (2007) an- student respondents to rate how typical several
alyzed episodes from the top 25 primetime tele- script elements were for seduction and rape.
vision programs broadcast in the US to elaborate The researchers found that, although there were
what they termed the heterosexual script. In clear differences between to two scripts, there
contrast, Markle (2008) examined episodes from were several elements that overlapped, which
a popular cable television program in the US that may explain why some instances of sexual as-
featured sexually assertive female characters, sault are viewed ambiguously, even by the vic-
and in so doing determined that the primary fe- tims.
male characters enacted a traditionally masculine The second general self-report method entails
sexual script. Kelly (2010) analyzed dramatic asking research participants to generate a verbal
television series aimed at teen girls in the US to (written or spoken) description of either what did
describe scripts related to loss of virginity. Kelly occur in a defined sexual event, or might occur
identified three primary virginity loss scripts, and in a hypothetical scenario presented by the re-
elaborated the positive and negative components searchers (e.g., Clark and Carroll 2008; Eaton
2 Sexual Script Theory: Past, Present, and Future 15

and Rose 2012; Krahe etal. 2007). The assump- African American teen girls (French 2013) and
tion is that themes that emerge from respondents women (McLellan-Lemal 2013), Nigerian ado-
descriptions of their sexual experiences represent lescents (Barnett etal. 2011), women living in
common cultural scripts. With responses to a urban cities in the US (McLellan-Lemal 2013;
hypothetical scenario, the assumption is that re- Ortiz-Torres etal. 2003), deaf adults (Gilbert
spondents rely on their cultural scripts to gener- etal. 2012), adults with cerebral palsy (Dune
ate the anticipated events and elements compris- 2013), adults with physical impairments affect-
ing the scenario. ing sexual functioning (Dune and Shuttleworth
There are numerous examples illustrating the 2009; Mitchell etal. 2011), female family clinic
primary self-report approaches that have been clients (Dworkin etal. 2007), HIV-positive men
employed to collect data from respondents con- who have sex with other men while under the
cerning sexual scripts. Consider Masters etal. influence of alcohol (Parsons etal. 2004), and
(2013) who conducted individual, face-to-face in- those seeking casual sex partners through web
terviews with heterosexual young adults. The re- sites designed for that purpose (Sevcikova and
searchers were interested in potential differences Daneback 2011).
between respondents cultural sexual scripts and
personal sexual scripts, and how they negotiated Approaches
any such discrepancies. They found that respon- In addition to the typical means of gathering
dents seemed to fall into three broad categories: data on sexual scripts, there have been some par-
those whose cultural and personal scripts coin- ticularly novel approaches to measurement. For
cided, those who accepted gender-based cultural example, Stulhofer etal. (2010) were interested
scripts as reality yet created exceptions for their in the extent to which young adult men had in-
own such behavior, and those who attempted to corporated scripts displayed in mainstream por-
either transform cultural scripts or view their own nography into their scripts for sexual activity
variation on those scripts as equally valid. Whit- with actual partners. Initially, a sample of young
tier and Melendez (2004) conducted multiple men and women were asked to list separately the
interviews with a small sample of gay men, ex- things, activities, and sensations that are impor-
amining how the respondents viewed their own tant for (1) pornographic depictions of sexual ac-
sexuality. Analysis revealed that intersubjectiv- tivity, and (2) personal experience of great sex. A
ity, or what individuals thought others thought of set of 42 elements that emerged from analyses of
them, is a common process in participants intra- the free responses was then presented to a large
psychic sexual scripting (p.131). sample of young adult men who were asked to
Interviews have been a common method of rate the items as to importance, first when the
data collection in sexual script theory research. set was presented in the context of great sex
For example, Karlsen and Traeen (2013) inter- followed by the context of depictions of sex in
viewed young adult women regarding their expe- pornography. The researchers compared each re-
riences in friends with benefits relationships, spondents rating of each pair of matched items
Mutchler (2000) interviewed gay men about in the two contexts to create a difference score.
their sexual lives, and Hussen etal. (2012) in- The lower the overall score, the more similarly
terviewed African American men regarding their the respondent rated the importance of elements
early sexual socialization and subsequent sexual required for good sex and for pornographic de-
experiences. In each of these studies, respondent pictions of sex. The researchers interpreted rela-
narratives were analyzed for themes indicative tively low scores (high similarity between sets of
of what the researchers considered predominant ratings) as indicative of greater overlap between
sexual scripts. The interview or focus group the sexual scripts respondents maintained for
approaches to gathering data, with subsequent personal sexual activity and for sexual activity in
analysis of themes emerging in responses, has pornography.
been employed to examine sexual scripts among
16 M. W. Wiederman

Lenton and Bryan (2005) also started by ask- lege students. The sexual scenarios included
ing college students to generate scripts; however script-typical and script-atypical elements, and
the context was initiation of sexual activity with- respondents were tested on their memory of the
in two types of dating relationshipscasual vs. presence of each element subsequent to a cogni-
committed. Based on the themes that emerged, tive distraction task. The respondents abilities to
these researchers constructed scenarios repre- correctly remember condom-related elements of
senting each of the two types of sexual scripts particular scenarios were compared to their abili-
and presented them to a second sample of col- ties to remember script-typical or script-atypical
lege students. Lenton and Bryan intentionally left elements. From such comparisons, the authors
out particular script elements in their constructed examined whether condom use appeared to be a
scenarios, and respondents were each tested as to typical element of college students sexual scripts
whether they remembered particular elements as in casual versus stable sexual relationships.
having been present in the scenarios they read. The review thus far has featured published
The researchers assumed that elements that were research in which sexual script theory was used
falsely remembered as having been present must explicitly to frame the research methodology
be part of the respondents script for sexual ac- chosen. However, there are numerous instances
tivity with that particular type of dating relation- in which researchers employed sexual script
ship. That is, if a respondent incorrectly recalled theory in their interpretation of results that were
a particular element as having been included in based on data gathered from respondents with
the scenario he or she read, Lenton and Bryan traditional, non-script methods. For example,
concluded that the respondent misremembered such research has entailed examining the influ-
the element because it is part of the respondents ence of gender in judgments about casual sex
sexual script pertaining to the given scenario. In (Reid etal. 2011), the initiation of sexual activ-
this way, the researchers approached assessment ity within dating relationships (La France 2010;
of individuals sexual scripts in an innovative Vannier and OSullivan 2011), reactions to first
way. sexual intercourse (Pinquart 2010), young wom-
Alvarez and Garcia-Marques (2008), who ens negotiation of cunnilingus in dating relation-
were interested in the extent to which college ships (Backstrom etal. 2012), whether oral sex is
students scripts for casual versus stable sexual considered sex (Dotson-Blake etal. 2012), and
relationships included use of condoms, also how heterosexual men are able to perform in gay
took a multi-stage approach to examining sexu- pornography (Escoffier 2003). In each of these
al scripts. These researchers began by asking a examples, the researchers gathered data in con-
sample of college students to each create lists of ventional ways, yet used a sexual scripts frame-
about 20 typical actions or situations, in sequen- work for interpreting their data.
tial order, involved during an episode of sexual
intimacy within either a casual or stable relation-
ship. In addition to examining the incidence of 2.5Sexual Script Theory: Critique
condom use in these reported scenarios, Alvarez and Future Directions
and Garcia-Marques constructed prototypical
scripts from the responses, and presented those to Despite its popularity, some important concerns
a second sample of college students. The second have been raised regarding sexual script theory.
set of respondents were asked to construct the A primary criticism involves its status as a for-
endings to the presented scenarios, each of which mal theory. Ideally, theories facilitate prediction
stopped short of sexual intercourse, and the au- in the form of testable hypotheses. With accumu-
thors examined the incidence of mentioning con- lating knowledge based on those tests, the theo-
doms. Last, Alvarez and Garcia-Marques (2008) ries offer the ability to explain causal connections
presented a series of written scenarios, only some among variables. It is with regard to explaining
of which were sexual, to a third sample of col- causal relationships among the variables of inter-

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