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Recent insights into cerebral cavernous malformations:

the molecular genetics of CCM
Florence Riant1,2, Francoise Bergametti2, Xavier Ayrignac2, Gwenola Boulday2 and Elisabeth
1 AP-HP, Hôpital Lariboisière, Laboratoire de Génétique, Paris, France
2 INSERM UMR-S 740, Université Paris 7 Diderot, France

Keywords Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) are vascular lesions which can
angiogenesis; CCM1; CCM2; CCM3; occur as a sporadic (80% of the cases) or familial autosomal dominant
cerebral cavernous malformations; cerebral
form (20%). Three CCM genes have been identified: CCM1 ⁄ KRIT1,
hemorrhage; KRIT1; PDCD10; stroke;
vascular malformations
CCM2 ⁄ MGC4607 and CCM3 ⁄ PDCD10. Almost 80% of CCM patients
affected with a genetic form of the disease harbor a heterozygous germline
Correspondence mutation in one of these three genes. Recent work has shown that a two-
E. Tournier-Lasserve, INSERM UMR-S 740; hit mechanism is involved in CCM pathogenesis which is caused by a com-
Université Paris7 Diderot, 10 Avenue du plete loss of any of the three CCM proteins within endothelial cells lining
Verdun, 75010 Paris, France the cavernous capillary cavities. These data were an important step towards
Fax: +33 157278594
the elucidation of the mechanisms of this condition.
Tel: +33 157278593

(Received 1 August 2009, revised 4

November 2009, accepted 4 December


Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM ⁄ OMIM autosomal dominant with incomplete clinical and
116860) are vascular lesions histologically character- neuroradiological penetrance. The presence of multiple
ized by abnormally enlarged capillary cavities with- lesions on cerebral MRI is one of the main features of
out intervening brain parenchyma. From large series familial CCM which is an evolutive condition as
based on necropsy and ⁄ or magnetic resonance imag- assessed by the strong correlation between patient age
ing (MRI) studies, their prevalence in the general and the number of lesions (Fig. 1) [1–3]. The average
population has been estimated to be close to 0.1– age-of-onset is around 30 years but symptoms can
0.5%. Most CCMs are located within the central start in early infancy or in old age. The main
nervous system but they sometimes affect either the symptoms include seizures and cerebral hemorrhages.
retina or the skin [1]. Sporadic cases most often have a single lesion on
CCM occur both sporadically and in a familial MRI, are not inherited and do not carry a CCM gene
context. The proportion of familial cases has been esti- germline mutation. However, some CCM patients who
mated to be as high as 50% in Hispano-American have multiple MRI lesions do not have any known
CCM patients [2] and close to 10–40% in Caucasian clinically affected relative and therefore present as
patients [1]. The CCM pattern of inheritance is sporadic cases. Combined use of clinical and MRI

CCM, cerebral cavernous malformations; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PDCD10, Programmed Cell Death 10.

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F. Riant et al. CCM molecular genetics

CCM genes germline mutations

Genetic linkage analyses mapped three CCM loci to
chromosome 7q (CCM1), 7p (CCM2) and 3q (CCM3)
[6,7]. A strong founder effect has been oberved in His-
pano-American CCM patients with most families
linked to the CCM1 locus [8]. In Caucasian families,
the proportions of families linked to each CCM locus
were 40% (CCM1), 20% (CCM2) and 40% (CCM3)
[7]. The three genes located at these loci have now
been identified (Fig. 2) [9–13].
The CCM1 gene contains 16 coding exons which
encode for Krit1, a 736-amino acid protein containing
three ankyrin domains and one band 4.1 ezrin radixin
moesin (FERM) domain. CCM2, a 10-exon gene,
encodes for the MGC4607 protein, also called malc-
avernin, which contains a phosphotyrosin binding
domain. CCM3 includes seven exons which encode for
Programmed Cell Death 10 (PDCD10), a protein with-
Fig. 1. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging of a 4-year-old familial
CCM patient. Multiple CCM lesions are shown (arrowheads) as out any known conserved functional domain, which
well as a cerebral hemorrhage (arrow). may be involved in apoptosis. Considerable progress
has been made recently in understanding the biochemi-
cal pathways in which those proteins might be
screening with molecular testing has helped to clarify involved (see Faurobert and Albiges-Rizo [4]).
what might have first seemed confusing [1]. More than 150 distinct CCM1 ⁄ CCM2 ⁄ CCM3 germ-
Three CCM genes have been mapped and identified line mutations have been published to date [9–23].
in the recent years. These molecular genetics data have Those mutations were highly stereotyped because
provided useful information for clinical care of the almost all led to a premature termination codon
patients and were an important step towards the through different mechanisms including nonsense,
understanding of the mechanisms of this disorder. This splice-site and frameshift mutational events, as well as
minireview summarizes the advances in CCM molecu- large genomic rearrangements. These data strongly
lar genetics and the remaining gaps in this field. In suggest that a loss of function, through mRNA decay
addition to the identification of CCM genes, a number of the mutated allele, is the most likely pathophysio-
of recent biochemical in vitro studies and in vivo CCM logical mechanism involved in CCM patients. Only
animal model studies have helped to unravel the func- four ‘missense’ mutations within CCM1 have been
tional roles of these proteins and are be the focus of reported to date; interestingly, all of them actually
the two accompanying minireviews by Faurobert and activated cryptic splice sites and led to an aberrant
Albiges-Rizo [4] and Chan et al. [5]. splicing of CCM1 mRNA and a frameshift with a

Fig. 2. CCM loci and genes. Three CCM

genes have been mapped and identified to
date, CCM1 ⁄ KRIT1, CCM2 ⁄ MGC4607 and
CCM3 ⁄ PDCD10. In 22% of CCM cases
with multiple lesions, no mutation is
detected in these three genes using
currently available technologies.

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premature stop codon [10,24]. The only known mis- consequences, germline CCM mutations are ‘private’
sense mutation which did not affect splicing has been mutations present in only one or very few families.
located within the C-terminal part of the phosphotyro-
sin binding domain of CCM2 [12]. This mutation has
Biallelic somatic and germline
been shown to abolish the interaction of CCM2 and
mutations in CCM lesions
CCM1, strongly suggesting its causality [25]. Only four
inframe deletions have been reported: two affect ex- Based on the autosomal dominant pattern of inheri-
ons 17 and 18 of CCM1, one deletes exon 2 of CCM2 tance of CCM and the presence of multiple lesions in
and one deletes exon 5 of CCM3. The last two dele- familial CCM, contrasting with the detection of a sin-
tions have been used to map potential relevant interac- gle lesion in nonhereditary cavernous angiomas, it has
tion domains of CCM2 and CCM3 [23,26]. However, been proposed that a second hit affecting the wild-type
it is not known if these putative truncated proteins allele might be involved in CCM lesions pathophysiol-
were indeed produced and stable in vivo. ogy, as reported previously in retinoblastoma or other
Sequencing of all coding exons of the three CCM vascular malformations [29,30]. According to this
genes and search for genomic rearrangements using hypothesis, CCM formation would be caused by a
cDNA and ⁄ or quantitative multiplex PCR such as complete loss, within affected cells, of the two alleles
multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification in of a given CCM gene. Loss of one of the alleles (first
Caucasian non-Hispano-American CCM multiplex hit) would be the result of a germline mutation and
families led to the identification of the causative muta- loss of the second allele (second hit) will occur somati-
tion in 95% of the families [23,27]. Approximately cally.
72% of multiplex families harbored a mutation in This hypothesis is not easy to test because of the
CCM1, 18% in CCM2 and 10% in CCM3. The heterogeneous cellular nature of CCM lesions and the
CCM3 proportion was much lower than expected, very limited number of endothelial cells lining the cap-
based on previous linkage data which suggested that illary cavities. Indeed, direct sequencing of the DNA
40% of CCM families were linked to the CCM3 locus. extracted from a heterogeneous lesion may not detect
The mutation detection rate was lower in sporadic the mutation depending of the proportion of the cells
cases with multiple lesions, ranging from 45% to 67% which harbor this mutation within the lesion. This
[22,23,27]. Most of these sporadic cases with multiple approach was initially used to screen CCM lesions
lesions had either inherited their mutation from one of from both sporadic and a few familial patients and did
their asymptomatic parents because of incomplete pen- not detect any somatic mutation except in one spo-
etrance or had a de novo mutation. Sporadic cases with radic case [31]. In this latter case, two CCM1 missense
multiple lesions in whom no mutation was detected are mutations, F97S and K569E, were detected in the
nevertheless most likely affected by a genetic form of CCM lesion and were shown to be absent in the blood
the disease. Several hypotheses may be raised to of the patient. However, the data were difficult to
explain the absence of any detected mutation, includ- interprete because of the nature of the mutations
ing a somatic mosaicism of a de novo mutation which which were not truncating mutations (a possible aber-
occured during gestation and is not detectable in DNA rant splicing effect of these two mutations was not
extracted from peripheral blood cells. It will be impor- investigated) and the fact that the biallelism of these
tant to solve this in the future because it is of interest mutations was not explored.
for genetic counseling [1]. With regard to sporadic In 2005, Gault et al. reported the first biallelic
CCM cases with a unique lesion on cerebral MRI, no CCM1 germline and somatic truncating mutation in a
mutation was detected in reported series [16,17]. Com- CCM lesion, strongly supporting this ‘two-hit’ mecha-
bination of these data with those obtained in familial nism in the formation of lesions, at least in CCM1
CCM strongly suggests that sporadic cases with a patients; they demonstrated recently that this second
unique lesion who would harbor a germline mutation hit occurred within the endothelial cells [32,33].
are most likely very rare. Biallelic somatic and germline mutations in each of
Haplotyping data strongly suggested a founder effect the three CCM genes were recently reported by Akers
in the Hispano-American CCM population; this was et al. [34]. These authors amplified and sequenced a
confirmed by the detection of a Q455X stop codon large number of clones from 10 CCM lesions resected
mutation in CCM1 in most families with this ethnic from patients harboring a heterozygous germline muta-
background [10]. Recurrent mutations have also been tion in either CCM1 (two patients), CCM2 (five
identified in a few additional populations [21,28]. How- patients) and CCM3 (two patients). One CCM lesion
ever, in most cases, despite their highly stereotyped was analyzed for each patient. They were able to

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convincingly establish the presence of a biallelic Several mutually nonexclusive hypotheses may
somatic and germline deleterious mutation in four of explain these data such as: (a) the existence of muta-
these lesions from two CCM1 patients, one CCM2 tions affecting cis-regulatory elements located at long
patient and one CCM3 patient. The proportion of distances from known CCM transcription units; (b)
amplicons carrying the somatic mutation ranged from epigenetic silencing of these three genes; and (c) the
4% to 16%. None of these mutations was detected existence of additional nonidentified CCM genes, one
through direct sequencing of lesion DNA, emphasizing of which is possibly located close to PDCD10.
the lack of sensitivity of direct sequencing of lesion Recently, an additional gene, Zona Pellucida-like
DNA. These data established the existence of biallelic Domain containing 1 (ZPLD1), has been reported to be
somatic and germline mutations, whatever the nature disrupted in a CCM patient harboring a balanced
of the CCM gene involved, at least in some lesions. translocation between chromosome X and chromo-
No mutation was detected in the six remaining lesions. some 3q [37]. ZPLD1 is located on chromosome three
Several hypotheses may be raised to explain this centromeric to PDCD10. The expression of the mRNA
absence of mutation including the incomplete sensitiv- in lymphoblastoid cell lines of the patient was shown
ity of this type of approach which would miss a second to be significantly decreased suggesting that the inter-
hit consisting in either large genomic deletions and ⁄ or ruption of this gene may be causal. However, the same
epigenetic silencing mechanisms. authors screened this gene in 20 additional CCM
Interestingly, the authors showed, using laser cap- patients without any mutation in CCM1 ⁄ CCM2 ⁄
ture, that the somatic mutation occurred in endothelial CCM3 and did not detect any mutation. These data
cells and not in the intervening neural tissue. The pro- suggest that either this gene is involved in very rare
portion of endothelial cells which harbor the somatic CCM patients or its interruption does not cause
mutation was estimated in one lesion and shown to be CCM but that the translocation present in this patient
close to 30%, suggesting the mosaicism of this somatic deregulated the expression of a gene unidentified yet.
mutation. These data are in agreement with those Additional work currently conducted in several
obtained very recently with an immunohistochemistry- teams should help in the next future to identify
based approach which showed a mosaic loss of expres- the molecular anomalies of CCM patients ‘without’
sion of CCM proteins in endothelial cells lining CCM mutations.
caverns [35]. This question would, however, require
additional investigations. It would also be important
Conclusions and future
to analyze several lesions from a given patient to test
for the presence of the same mutation in multiple The recent identification of the three CCM genes is an
lesions. A unique somatic mutation has indeed been important step towards the elucidation of the mecha-
detected in multifocal lesions in another hereditary nisms of this condition. It helped to clarify several fea-
vascular condition suggesting a common origin for tures of this condition including its incomplete clinical
abnormal endothelial cells lying in distant sites [36]. and MRI penetrance as well as the molecular basis of
Altogether these data strongly suggest that CCM, as sporadic cases with multiple lesions. Additional large
several other hereditary vascular conditions, show a series studies are needed to evaluate genotype–pheno-
paradominant inheritance. It remains to determine type correlations (particularly the prognosis) depending
when do occur the somatic, second hit, events. of the nature of the mutated gene. Several additional
questions, however, have to be adressed. What is the
nature of the molecular anomaly in familial CCM
Are there additional CCM genes?
cases in whom no mutation has been detected? Are
Previous linkage data obtained on 20 large North sporadic cases CCM patients with multiple lesions
American families suggested that the three CCM loci showing a mosaicism for a germline mutation? Are
on 7p, 7q and 3q would most likely account for all there modifying genes that may explain the intrafamil-
CCM families [7]. However, despite extensive screening ial clinical variability? In addition to these questions,
of exonic sequences for point mutations and deletions, one main challenge is to understand the mechanisms
no mutation was detected in 5% of familial CCM of this condition. The recent identification of several of
cases and a larger proportion of sporadic cases wth the biochemical pathways involving CCM proteins as
multiple lesions [27]. In addition, the proportion of well as the analysis of several fish and mouse CCM
families showing a mutation within PDCD10 (10%) at animal models has already provided a number of clues
the CCM3 locus on chromosome 3q25, was much to this goal (see Faurobert and Albiges-Rizo [4] and
lower than expected based on linkage data (40%). Chan et al. [5]).

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