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Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214

Anthranilic diamides: A new class of insecticides with a novel

mode of action, ryanodine receptor activation
D. Cordova , E.A. Benner, M.D. Sacher, J.J. Rauh, J.S. Sopa, G.P. Lahm,
T.P. Selby, T.M. Stevenson, L. Flexner, S. Gutteridge, D.F. Rhoades, L. Wu,
R.M. Smith, Y. Tao
DuPont Crop Protection, Stine Haskell Research Center, 1090 Elkton Road, Newark, DE 19714, USA

Received 4 April 2005; accepted 14 July 2005

Available online 19 October 2005


Development of insecticides with unique modes of action is necessary to combat widespread insecticide resistance.
A new class of insecticides has been discovered, the anthranilic diamides, that provides exceptional control through
action on a novel target, the ryanodine receptor. Anthranilic diamides potently activate this receptor, releasing stored cal-
cium from the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum causing impaired regulation of muscle contraction. Expression of a recombi-
nant Drosophila ryanodine receptor in a lepidopteran cell line confers sensitivity to anthranilic diamides similar to that
observed with native receptors. Ligand-binding studies with radiolabeled ryanodine and radiolabeled anthranilic diamide
in Periplaneta americana reveal a single, saturable binding site for this chemistry distinct from that of ryanodine. Further,
calcium mobilization studies using mammalian cell lines indicate anthranilic diamides exhibit >500-fold diVerential selec-
tivity toward insect, over mammalian, receptors. Consequently, anthranilic diamides oVer a novel pharmacological tool
for calcium signaling research in addition to a unique alternative to existing pest-management strategies.
2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Anthranilic diamide; Anthranilamide; Insecticide; Insecticidal; Ryanodine; RyR; Calcium channel; Mode of action;
Drosophila; PC12

1. Introduction trum pest control, coupled with action at a novel

target site, is a rare event. Currently, 95% of com-
Discovery of crop-protection molecules that are mercial insecticides comprise molecules interfering
characterized by high-eYcacy and broad-spec- with one of Wve processes: acetylcholine receptor
function, -aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 302 366 5738. function, sodium channel function, mitochondrial
E-mail address: respiration, or chitin synthesis [13]. Even the most
(D. Cordova). recent broadly commercialized insecticides act

0048-3575/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214 197

upon previously exploited targets, albeit at unique use-rates signiWcantly lower than current commer-
binding sites, as exempliWed by indoxacarb and cial insecticides. Using in situ muscle preparations
spinosad, which perturb voltage-gated Na+ chan- together with calcium mobilization studies on
nels and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, respec- native and recombinant cell systems, we demon-
tively [4,5]. With pest resistance to existing strate that anthranilamides selectively activate
insecticides developing rapidly, the discovery of ryanodine receptors. Radioligand-binding studies
new insecticidal compounds with unique modes of suggest that these compounds bind to a unique site
action is critical to the ongoing success of crop on the receptor distinct from that of ryanodine.
protection. Further, comparative studies with mammalian cell
It has been conjectured that insect calcium lines that endogenously express RyRs, demon-
channels would oVer an excellent pesticide target strate that the most potent anthranilamide tested
for commercial exploitation [6,7]. Calcium homeo- exhibits greater than a 500-fold diVerential selec-
stasis plays a key role in multiple biological pro- tivity for insect receptors over that of mammalian
cesses including cell signaling, muscle contraction, receptors. Consequently, anthranilamides repre-
neurotransmitter release, and fertilization [8]. The sent a new class of insecticidal chemistry oVering
process of muscle contraction involves modulation great promise for pest-management strategies.
of two distinct channel types; voltage-gated chan-
nels, which regulate external calcium entry, and
ryanodine receptor channels (RyRs) which regu- 2. Materials and methods
late release of internal calcium stores [911]. RyRs
derive their name from the natural product, ryano- 2.1. Lepidopteran toxicity assay
dine, found in trees and shrubs of the genus Ryania
[12]. Ryanodine and related extracts from the bark Compounds were sprayed to run-oV using an
of these shrubs interfere with muscle contraction atomized air-assist sprayer (10 psi) on a rotating
through alteration of the channels conductance turntable (10 rpm) onto 4-week-old soybean and
state [13,14]. cotton plants for Spodoptera frugiperda and Helio-
Previous eVorts to exploit RyRs as a commer- this virescens testing, respectively. Once plants
cial insecticide target have not proven successful. dried, a leaf (or trifoliate) was cut into 2.5 cm pieces
Ryanodine, either alone or in a mixture with rote- and each piece was placed into a well of a 16-well
none and pyrethrum has been sold as an organic plastic HIS tray (Mullinix Packages, Fort Wayne,
alternative to synthetic insecticides. However, IN). Each well also contained a 2.5 cm2 of moist-
pesticide registration of ryanodine-containing ened chromatography paper to prevent desicca-
products has been voluntarily cancelled in the tion. A 3rd instar larva was placed in each cell and
United States [15]. The cost and mammalian toxic- tested at 6 rates (24 replicates/rate) along with sol-
ity associated with ryanodine restrict its agronomic vent-treated and untreated controls. Test units
utility. Further, attempts to enhance the insecti- were maintained at 26 C, under a 16:8 h light:dark
cidal potency and selectivity of ryanodine through (L:D) light cycle. Larval mortality was assessed at
structural modiWcation have yielded limited suc- 96 h post-infestation with LC50 values determined
cess [16,17]. Moreover, discovery of synthetic by Probit analysis using a custom statistical analy-
chemistry with superb potency against invertebrate sis program developed by Stanley (DuPont, 2002)
RyRs, has been elusive; thus realization of com- which includes ECx calculation with conWdence
mercial pesticides that exploit the RyR has proven intervals, using maximum quasi-likelihood curve
daunting. Wtting [20].
Here, we describe anthranilic diamides, hereaf-
ter referred to as anthranilamides, the Wrst example 2.2. Periplaneta americana injection assay
of a safe and highly eVective class of insecticides
possessing a RyR mode of action [18,19]. The most American cockroaches, P. americana, were
potent anthranilamides provide plant protection at raised in the dark at 27 C in a Plexiglas chamber
198 D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214

and fed a diet of dog chow and water. Injections saline after which the preparation was held in
were conducted on adult males (average weight of approximately 500 l of saline with longitudinal
1 g). Prior to compound injection (12 h) roaches muscles clearly visible. Excision of the ventral
were injected with 1 l of the multifunction oxidase nerve cord led to rapid cessation of spontaneous
inhibitor, piperonyl butoxide (50 g) solubilized in muscle contractions. After the longitudinal muscle
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), to inhibit possible Wbers maintained stability for several minutes, a
test-compound metabolism. SpeciWed concentra- saline solution (500 l) containing either
tions of test compounds were solubilized in DMSO anthranilamide + DMSO (0.3%), or DMSO (0.3%)
with a 1-l volume injected dorso-laterally between alone, was gently applied directly above a segment
two abdominal segments. Treated roaches were of longitudinal muscle using a pipette. The muscle
observed for behavioral eVects over a 72-h period. segment was observed to determine if the test solu-
tion stimulated a contraction within a 1-min
2.3. Heart (dorsal vessel) recording assay period. Unless otherwise stated, all tests were con-
ducted with six replicates.
Impedance recordings of dorsal vessel contrac-
tions were conducted using the method of Smits 2.5. Ca2+ imaging and spectrophotometric studies
et al. [21], with minor modiWcation. Manduca
sexta larvae were raised in a growth chamber at 2.5.1. Cell culture methods
25 C under a 16:8 h L:D light cycle and fed an in- Embryonic neuronal cultures of P. americana
house formulated diet. Fourth-instar larvae (2.2 g were established, with minor modiWcations, follow-
average body weight) were anesthetized by chill- ing previously described methods [22,23]. Unless
ing on ice for 20 min. Two electrodes (40 gauge otherwise stated all culture media were obtained
steel wire) were inserted on each side of the dorsal from Invitrogen Life Technologies (Carlsbad, CA).
vessel approximately 12 mm beneath the cuticle BrieXy, oothecae (2627 day old) were collected,
and anchored with a drop of cyanoacrylate adhe- surface-sterilized and cut open one-third of the dis-
sive. Upon recovery from anesthesia, electrodes tance below the dorsal midline. The heads were
were attached to an impedance meter (UFI removed and placed in Schneiders Drosophila
Model 2991; Morro Bay, CA) and the DC output medium. Brains were individually removed and
recorded using a Digidata 1322A digitizer and placed in a small glass vial containing 5 + 4
pClamp software (Axon Instruments; Foster medium (containing 5 parts Schneiders Drosophila
City, CA). Once a stable baseline beat frequency medium and 4 parts modiWed Eagles basal
was obtained, test compounds (1 l/g body weight medium) prepared as described in [23]. Brains were
in DMSO) were injected into the abdominal pro- dissociated using a Pasteur pipette with tip Xamed
leg using a 30-gauge micro-syringe. Impedance to slightly less than half of its original diameter.
was monitored for 30 min following compound One drop of the cell suspension was placed on the
injection. bottom of a Falcon 50-mm tight-seal petri dish
(BectonDickinson Labware, Franklin Lakes, NJ)
2.4. Skeletal muscle contraction assay and a poly-L-lysine coated coverslip placed on top
with three small drops of petrolatum/glass bead
To assess anthranilamide eVects on skeletal suspension between the coverslip and the bottom
muscle, an in situ lepidopteran preparation was of the petri dish.
used. M. sexta larvae (5th instar) were dissected The petri dish was inverted to allow cells to
along the dorsal midline, pinned open and rinsed attach to the coverslip, then turned upright after
with physiological saline having the following 1 h, and placed in a humid incubator at 29 C.
composition (mM): NaCl 172; KCl 13.3; CaCl2 4; After 4 days the medium was exchanged with a 1:1
MgCl2 3; sucrose 37; Hepes 3; with pH adjusted to mixture of Leibovitzs L-15 medium and Yunkers
7.1. Under a dissecting microscope the gut was modiWed Graces medium (prepared as described
carefully excised and the preparation rinsed with in [23]) to allow neuronal diVerentiation.
D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214 199

The S. frugiperda cell line, Sf9, and Sf-900 II All compounds investigated were delivered by
SFM medium was obtained from Invitrogen Life bath application using a peristaltic pump and
Technologies (Carlsbad, CA). Wild-type and switching valve. Due to the heterogeneous nature
recombinant Sf9 cells were grown at 26 C in of P. americana embryonic neurons, calcium mobi-
shaker Xasks in Sf-900 II SFM media and split lization threshold values for anthranilamides were
every 34 days. determined by calculating the [Ca2+]i increase
PC12 cells (rat pheochromocytoma cell line) (mean SEM) from cells that responded to a con-
were obtained from American Type Culture Col- trol caVeine challenge (20 mM, 40 s) with a [Ca2+]i
lection (Manassas, VA) and grown in F-12K increase exceeding 25 nM.
medium (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Carlsbad,
CA). At each passage, cells were passed through a 2.5.3. Plate-based Ca2+ spectrophotometric protocol
30-gauge needle to prevent clumping. At least 4 h Wild-type and recombinant Sf9 cells were
prior to Ca2+ imaging studies, cells were plated diluted to 1.4 106 cells/ml and suspension-loaded
onto poly-L-lysine coated coverslips and main- with Fura-2 AM (2 M), in Sf-900 II SFM media
tained at 37 C. containing Pluronic F-127 dispersing agent
(0.002%) for 45 min at room temperature. After
2.5.2. Calcium imaging protocol loading, cells were centrifuged for 2 min (1000 rpm
Cells attached to a coverslip were rinsed in stan- or 215gmax), re-suspended in fresh media to
dard physiological saline having the following remove dye and the centrifugation repeated. Cells
composition (mM): NaCl 190; CaCl2 9; KCl 3.1; were then re-suspended in physiological saline.
Tris buVer 10; pH adjusted to 7.2 for P. americana Dye-loaded cells (1.4 105 cells/well) were plated
embryonic neurons, NaCl 130; KCl 5.4; MgCl2 1.2; out into a 96-well Costar UV plate (Corning, Corn-
CaCl2 1.0; NaHCO3 4.2; NaH2PO4 7.3; glucose ing, NY) and allowed to attach for 30 min prior to
10.0; sucrose 63.0; MES 20.0; pH adjusted to 6.3 testing in a FlexStation II plate reader (Molecular
for Sf9 cells, and NaCl 145; KCl 5; CaCl2 3; Devices, Sunnyvale, CA). Test compounds, pre-
MgSO4 1; NaH2PO4 1.2; glucose 10; Hepes 20; pH pared in physiological saline, were added to wells at
adjusted to 7.3 for PC12 cells. Cells were loaded for a 1.5:1 dilution ratio to achieve the desired concen-
3045 min in saline containing the dye Fura-2 AM tration. The Xuorescence emission was monitored
(23 M) with 0.002% Pluronic F-127 (dispersing at 510 nm with excitation at 340 and 380 nm. All
agent) at room temperature (2428 C). After dye data are reported as peak ratio increase over a
loading cells were again rinsed in standard physio- 2-min period following compound addition.
logical saline and placed in a sealed experimental
chamber in which the base was formed by the cov- 2.6. Radioligand-binding studies
erslip upon which cells were grown. Calcium ratio
imaging studies were conducted using the Meta- 2.6.1. Periplaneta americana muscle membrane
Xuor imaging system (Universal Imaging, West preparation
Chester, PA) coupled to an inverted Xuorescence The procedure for preparing membranes from
microscope with a Fluor 40 oil immersion objec- P. americana legs was essentially as described in
tive (NA 1.3). Cells were excited at 340 and 380 nm, [26]. Mid and hind legs from 6- to 9-week-old cock-
and the 510 nm Xuorescence emission acquired roaches were excised and immediately placed in
using either a VS4-1845 ICCD (Videoscope Inter- liquid nitrogen. Excised legs could be stored at
national, Dulles, VA) or an Orca ER digital cam- 80 C for several months, if necessary, prior to
era (Hamamatsu Photonics, Hamamatsu City, further fractionation. Typically, membrane prepa-
Japan). Calibration of intracellular free calcium rations started with approximately 55 g (wet
concentration ([Ca2+]i) was carried out using the weight) of excised legs. All subsequent steps were
Grynkiewicz equation with a calculated dissocia- carried out at 4 C.
tion constant (Kd) of 145 nm for Fura-2 and a vis- TrisHCl (50 mM), pH 7.4 was added at a ratio
cosity correction factor with a value of 0.67 [24,25]. of 9 ml buVer to 1 g (wet weight) of legs. In some
200 D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214

membrane preparations, a protease inhibitor cock- tein/l by addition of buVer A and stored at
tail, Complete EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor 80 C.
Cocktail Tablets (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapo-
lis, IN) was included with the buVer (1 tablet/ 2.7. Radioligand-binding assays
50 ml), though they did not result in any detectable
diVerences in binding for any of the saturation Ryanodine was obtained from Sigma (St. Louis,
binding or displacement studies. Legs were homog- MO). The structures for the following compounds
enized on ice using a Polytron (Brinkmann Instru- are shown in Table 1. Anthranilamides DP-002,
ments, Westbury, NY) for 2 min at Setting #3. The DP-010, and DP-012 were prepared at DuPont
homogenate was passed through two layers of (Wilmington, DE). [3H]Ryanodine (Ryanodine
cheesecloth on one layer of glass wool overlaid [9,21-3H(N)]), at 56 Ci/mmol (>97% purity), was
onto two layers of additional cheesecloth. The obtained from Perkin-Elmer Life Sciences (Boston,
Wltrate was collected in 50-ml centrifuge tubes and MA) and [3H]DP-010 was prepared at 21 Ci/mmol
centrifuged at 1950gmax for 20 min. The collected (99.0% purity) by Perkin-Elmer Life Sciences (Bos-
supernatant was centrifuged for 30 min at ton, MA).
30,000gmax and the resulting pellet re-suspended in
buVer A, having the following composition (mM): 2.8. [3H]DP-010 binding to P. americana femoral
KCl 1500; sucrose 300; CaCl2 0.5; TrisHCl 20; muscle membranes
with pH adjusted to 8.0. Protein concentration of
the suspension was determined as in [27]. The For saturation binding assays, the assay mixture
membrane suspension was adjusted to 4 g pro- (200 l total volume/glass tube; VWR, 13 100 mm

Table 1
Comparative biological activity of anthranilamides and commercial lepidopteran insecticides
CF 3 CF 3 CF 3
X R4
R1 R1 N R1 N R1 N
Me R3 R3

R2 R2 R2 R2
Compound Formula R1 R2 R3 R4 X Y S.frugiperda H.virescens Ca2+ Mobilization
LD50 (ppm) LD50 (ppm) Threshold (M)
DP-001 I CH3 iC3H7 H OCF3 C C 51.60 >500 8.5
DP-002 I CH3 iC3H7 iC3H7 CF3 N N 45.20 51.4 26.6
DP-003 I CH3 iC3H7 C2H6 CF3 C N 51.30 77.5 35.5
DP-004 I Cl iC3H7 CH3 CF3 C N 57.4 48.0
DP-005 II CH3 iC3H7 48.80 130.1 99.8
DP-006 III Cl iC3H7 H 2.90 17.0 2.3
DP-007 III Cl iC3H7 Br 5.6 0.32
DP-008 III Cl iC3H7 Cl 0.44 3.5 0.3
DP-009 IV Cl iC3H7 CH3 N N 18.4 8.9
DP-010 IV CH3 iC3H7 F C C 0.52 2.3 0.46
DP-011 IV CH3 CH3 Cl N C 0.26 0.8 0.38
DP-012 IV CH3 iC3H7 Cl N C 0.12 0.4 0.27
Cypermethrin Commercial standard 5.30 13.48
Indoxacarb Commercial standard 0.33 0.6
D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214 201

culture tubes) contained 163 l of buVer B (having various concentrations of [3H]ryanodine in etha-
the following composition (mM): KCl 375; sucrose nol, and 10 l of DMSO. For determination of
300; CaCl2 0.5; TrisHCl 20; with pH adjusted to non-speciWc binding, the DMSO was replaced by
8.0), 10 l of various concentrations of [3H]DP-010 10 l of ryanodine (in DMSO) at a concentration
in DMSO, and 2 l of DMSO. For determination 1000-fold excess that of [3H]ryanodine in the corre-
of non-speciWc binding, the DMSO was replaced sponding total binding tube. The assay was initi-
by 2 l of a combined solution (in DMSO) of ated by adding 25 l of roach leg membranes at
1 mM ryanodine plus DP-012, at a concentration 2 g/l (prepared by thawing and addition of an
1000-fold excess that of DP-010, in the corre- equal volume of buVer A), and incubation was car-
sponding total binding tube. The assay was initi- ried out for 60 min at 25 C. Assays were carried
ated by adding 25 l of P. americana leg out in triplicate.
membranes at 2 g/l (diluted from 4 g/l by Displacement of [3H]ryanodine by selected com-
addition of an equal volume of buVer B), and incu- pounds was investigated as follows. To each tube
bation was carried out for 60 min at 25 C. Assays containing 155 l of buVer A and 25 l of roach leg
were carried out in triplicate. membranes (at 2 g/l prepared as described
Displacement of [3H]DP-010 by selected com- above) was added 10 l of various concentrations
pounds was as follows: to each well containing of the selected compound in DMSO. The com-
163 l of buVer B, 2 l of 1 mM ryanodine (in pound was allowed to pre-incubate with the
DMSO) and 25 l of roach leg membranes (at 2 membranes for 10 min at 25 C. Following pre-
g/l prepared as described above), was added 2 l incubation, 10 l of 200 nM [3H]ryanodine in
of various concentrations of the selected test com- ethanol was added and incubation was allowed to
pound in DMSO. The test compound was allowed proceed for 60 min at 25 C. Assays were carried
to pre-incubate with the membranes for 10 min at out in triplicate.
25 C. Following pre-incubation, 8 l of 625 nM Following incubation, assays were quenched
[3H]DP-010 in DMSO was added and incubation with 5-ml ice-cold buVer B and processed similarly
was allowed to proceed for 60 min at 25 C. Assays to [3H]DP-010 assays. Graphical analysis and
were carried out in triplicate. curve Wtting was conducted using GraphPad Prism
Following incubation, assays were quenched v4.0 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA).
with 5-ml ice-cold buVer B and immediately
Wltered on pre-wetted Whatman 25 mm GF/F glass 2.10. Construction and expression of the Drosophila
microWbre Wlters (Whatman International, Maid- ryanodine receptor gene
stone, England). Each assay tube was further
rinsed two times each with 5 ml ice-cold buVer B Based on the published ryanodine receptor gene
per rinse. All three rinses were collected on the sequence of Drosophila melanogaster (NCBI acces-
same Wlter disc. For each tube, quenching, Wltra- sion number D17389), two primers were designed:
tion, and washing were completed within 20 s. The Primer1: ACCACCTTAATTAATTCCGATTTG
Wlters were then transferred to plastic scintillation GAGGCGCTGCG and Primer2: GCCTCCGTT
vials containing 5 ml Ecolume scintillation Xuid TAAACGACCGTCCAGTGCCAGTGTGAAG.
(ICN Biomedicals, Costa Mesa, CA) and counted Based on the high GC content identiWed in the ini-
for 2 min on a Beckman LS 3801 scintillation tial and stop codon regions of the Drosophila ryr
counter (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA). gene, primers were designed to facilitate polymer-
ase chain reactions (PCR) eYciency. Primer1 con-
2.9. [3H]Ryanodine binding to P. americana leg tains a PacI site and a Drosophila ryr cDNA
membranes sequence upstream of the initial codon. Primer2
contains a PmeI site and a Drosophila ryr cDNA
For saturation binding assays, the assay mixture sequence downstream of the stop codon. These
(200 l total volume/glass tube; VWR, 13 100 mm two primers were used for PCR following the pro-
culture tubes) contained 155 l of buVer A, 10 l of tocol in the Expand Long Template PCR System
202 D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214

kit (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN) with a 2.11. Western blot of Drosophila RyR
cDNA library from adult D. melanogaster (Clon-
tech, Palo Alto, CA) as the template. A two-stage Peptide LRARAILRSLVPLEDLQGV corre-
PCR protocol was used with the following reac- sponding to Drosophila RyR protein 25452563
tion conditions: 94 C incubation for 5 min fol- was synthesized for polyclonal antibody produc-
lowed by 10 cycles of a denaturation (at 92 C, tion (Sigma-Genosys, The Woodlands, TX); the
10 s) and annealing and elongation (68 C, antiserum was further puriWed by an antigen col-
14 min). The second stage consisted of 15 cycles umn according to the methods in [28]. Sf9 cells
of a denaturation (at 92 C, 10 s) and annealing transfected with pIB-Dryr-15B were harvested and
and elongation (68 C, 14 min), with each elonga- the whole cell lysate obtained as described in Xu
tion cycle incremented by 20 s. This resulted in et al. [29]. Protein samples were separated on a pre-
production of the full-length gene with the unique cast 4% SDSPAGE gel (Invitrogen Life Technol-
restriction sites, PacI and PmeI, at the 5 and 3 ogies) and proteins transferred to a PVDF
ends, respectively. membrane in transfer buVer with 10% methanol at
A 15.6 kb DNA fragment was cloned into a 35 V for 1 h. The gel was blotted with horseradish
pCR-XL-TOPO vector (Invitrogen Life Technolo- peroxidase-linked to a secondary antibody against
gies, Carlsbad, CA). The complete sequence for the insect RyR, using the ECL plus Western Blotting
Drosophila ryr gene was obtained by standard Detection System (Amersham Biosciences UK
sequencing method using plasmid and PCR prod- Limited, Little Chalfont, UK).
ucts. The full-length genes subsequently sub-cloned
into a pIBV5His vector modiWed between the
BamHI and XbaI sites of the MCS of the vector 3. Results
with PacI and PmeI sites.
The S. frugiperda cell line, Sf9, used for trans- 3.1. Lepidopteran chemical structureactivity
fection studies, was maintained in Sf-900 II SFM relationship
medium (Invitrogen Life Technologies) at an
approximate density of 3 106 cells/ml in T75 The earliest anthranilamide compounds, char-
Xasks at 27 C with constant agitation. Prior to acterized by 2-methyl aryl or 2-methyl heteroaryl
transfection, cells were diluted to 0.5 106 cells/ diamides of formulae I, and II (Table 1), exhibited
ml in the above medium with a 4-ml suspension moderate lepidopteran toxicity, with LD50 values
seeded onto a 60-mm tissue culture dish and between 40 and 80 ppm observed for DP-001, DP-
incubated overnight at 27 C. Transient transfec- 002, and DP-003 against S. frugiperda and
tion was carried out using Cellfectin reagent H. virescens. Substitution at R1 was found to be
(Invitrogen Life Technologies) and following the essential for activity with methyl and halogen
InsectSelect BSD System manual (Invitrogen groups preferred. Heteroaryl groups, such as pyr-
Life Technologies). In short, medium was idyl (where X D N, Y D CH) and pyrimidinyl
removed from the culture dish followed by addi- (where X, Y D N) exhibited equivalent lepi-
tion of 2.5 ml of the transfection solution con- dopteran toxicity, whereas the corresponding
taining 6 g DNA and 18 g Cellfectin. The methyl pyrazole analogs (II) were less potent. The
culture dish was incubated at room temperature phenylpyrazole series (III) provided a considerable
over 4 h with gentle rocking. After incubation, improvement in biological activity. Replacement
the transfection media was replaced with 4 ml of of the methyl group with a 1-phenyl substituent on
fresh media and the cells were maintained at the pyrazole ring signiWcantly improved LD50 val-
27 C until testing. Stable Sf9-DRyR cell lines ues to below 20 ppm for both lepidopteran species.
were selected for 3 months using blasticidin The ortho-position was found to be the optimal
(10 g/ml) and individual lines tested by func- location for the R3 group with halogen substitu-
tional assay (Ca2+ ratio imaging or Xuorimetric ents preferred. ModiWcation of the 1-phenylpyraz-
plate reader). oles to a 1-pyridylpyrazole group, such as those of
D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214 203

formula IV (Table 1), further increased eYcacy Table 2

resulting in LD50 values of 0.1 and 0.4 ppm for Anthranilamide induced attenuation of dorsal vessel contrac-
tion frequency in M. sexta larvae (4th instar)
DP-012 in S. frugiperda and H. virescens, respec-
tively. Lepidopteran potency for such anthranila- Anthra- Concentration Heart rate SEM n
nilamide (ng/g body weight) change (%)
mides was comparable to commercial insecticide
standards such as cypermethrin or indoxacarb. DP-002 100 3.8 3.2 3
300 0.5 2.8 4
1000 54.0 1.1 3
3.2. Symptomology and in situ studies
DP-010 10 1.2 4.0 5
30 61.0 0.8 4
Anthranilamide symptomology in lepidopteran 100 62.8 4.0 5
larvae included rapid feeding cessation, lethargy,
DP-012 1 4.2 2.5 4
partial paralysis, and occasionally regurgitation.
3 27.1 10.1 6
Absence of hyper-excitatory symptoms suggested a 10 55.0 6.1 3
mode of action distinct from that of excitatory
All measurements obtained 30 min after injection.
commercial insecticides such as carbamates, neoni-
cotinoids, N-phenylpyrazoles, or pyrethroids. This
was further supported by a lack of activity against In addition to cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle
in vitro assays for acetylcholinesterase, acetylcho- contractility was impacted by anthranilamides. In
line receptors, GABA receptors, voltage-gated a longitudinal skeletal muscle preparation, pipette-
sodium channels, and mitochondrial electron application of physiological saline containing
transport in insects (data not shown). Even the anthranilamide stimulated an immediate tetanic
most potent anthranilamide, DP-012, exhibited no contraction. Such contractions were observed
activity against these targets (up to 30 M). when larvae were challenged with DP-012 at
In situ studies employing cardiac and skeletal concentrations 7 3 M (100 and 67% for 10 and
muscle in the model lepidopteran, M. sexta, pro- 3 M, respectively). In contrast, challenges with
vided insight to the neuromuscular basis of DMSO alone (n D 10) or DP-012 (1 M) failed to
anthranilamide toxicity. Insects possess an open stimulate a muscle contraction in all larvae tested.
circulatory system where hemolymph is pumped Based upon the in situ Wndings, voltage-gated Ca2+
through the dorsal vessel, the insects cardiac channels (muscle action potential generation), and
organ. With the exception of neurohemal endings ryanodine receptor channels (excitationcontrac-
of the alary muscles, the larval dorsal vessel of tion coupling) were considered likely targets.
M. sexta does not receive neuronal innervation.
Instead, neurohormones coupled with the myo- 3.3. Anthranilamide eVects on intracellular calcium
genic property of cardiac cells regulate contrac-
tion frequency [3033]. Impedance recordings of More detailed mode-of-action studies were
dorsal vessel contractions revealed a rapid car- conducted using an in vitro preparation from the
dio-inhibitory response to anthranilamides. Lar- American cockroach, P. americana, which exhib-
vae (4th instar) had a mean basal contraction ited poisoning symptoms similar to those observed
frequency of 48.7 1.1 beats/min (n D 17). As in Lepidoptera. Isolated P. americana neurons
shown in Table 2, injection with anthranilamides challenged with anthranilamides exhibited a dose-
decreased the contraction frequency within dependent increase in [Ca2+]i with a peak rise of
30 min. DP-012 at 10 ng/g (body weight) and 172 43 nM over basal levels (63 2 nM) as seen
3 ng/g (body weight) attenuated the contraction for DP-012 in Fig. 1A (inset). With a 3-min anthra-
frequency by 27 and 55%, respectively. This car- nilamide challenge, [Ca2+]i increased transiently
dio-inhibitory eVect showed dose dependence, with restoration to basal levels upon compound
with anthranilamide rank activity comparable washout (Fig. 1A, inset). Doseresponse curves
to insecticidal potency among H. virescens: were generated for DP-002, DP-010, and DP-012
DP-012 > DP-010 > DP-002. with EC50 values of 0.95 and 0.39 M for DP-010
204 D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214

Fig. 1. Calcium imaging studies conducted on embryonic P. americana neurons loaded with Fura-2 AM show a linear relationship
between anthranilamide toxicity and the release of ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores. (A) Ca2+ mobilization dose response curves for
anthranilamides DP-012 (), DP-010 (), and DP-002 (). Due to limited aqueous solubility, the maximum concentration tested for
DP-002 was 100 M. Inset: a typical Ca2+ response of P. americana embryonic neurons challenged with DP-012 (3 min followed by
washout). (B) The Ca2+ mobilization threshold in P. americana embryonic neurons, as deWned in Section 2, and lepidopteran larval
toxicity reveal a linear relationship. For the anthranilamides listed in Table 1, linear Wt correlation coeYcients, r2, of 0.91 and 0.86 were
obtained for S. frugiperda () and H. virescens (), respectively. DP-001 is not included in the H. virescens correlation plot as its LC50
value could not be determined.

and DP-012, respectively. Due to limited aqueous The relationship between Ca2+ mobilization and
solubility, a full doseresponse for DP-002 could toxicity was further investigated for the series of 12
not be generated. However, an EC50 value of 80 M anthranilamides shown in Table 1. As maximal
was estimated assuming a maximal response simi- Ca2+ mobilization could not be determined for
lar to that found with DP-012. Again, the relative many of the less potent anthranilamides (due to
activity of these three anthranilamides was consis- limited aqueous solubility), the concentration nec-
tent with that observed for dorsal vessel contrac- essary to stimulate a 20 nM increase in [Ca2+]i was
tion attenuation and for lepidopteran toxicity. determined for each anthranilamide (Table 1). As
D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214 205

shown in Fig. 1B, perturbation in calcium homeo- external Ca2+. This demonstrated that internal
stasis appeared to have a strong toxicological rele- Ca2+ stores were released by anthranilamides.
vance given the correlation between Ca2+ Release of internal Ca2+ stores was also supported
mobilization in P. americana neurons and S. fru- by the response attenuation observed with
giperda (r2 D 0.91) or H. virescens (r2 D 0.86) toxic- repeated stimulation under Ca2+-free conditions
ity. Consequently, mechanisms that regulate Ca2+ (Fig. 2A). Reintroduction of standard saline
homeostasis in these neurons, including voltage- allowed depleted Ca2+ stores to become reWlled
gated Ca2+ channels and internal Ca2+ stores, and thereby available for the next anthranilamide
located in the endoplasmic reticulum, were consid- challenge. Furthermore, complete inhibition of the
ered as the possible site of action. anthranilamide response was observed following
To discount Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated pre-treatment with cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), a
channels located on the plasma membrane, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum ATPase (SERCA)
anthranilamide-induced response was investigated pump inhibitor (data not shown).
under Ca2+-free conditions. As shown in Fig. 2A, Insect cell lines originating from the lepi-
brief application of DP-012 continued to stimulate dopteran, S. frugiperda (Sf9), and Drosophila (S2),
a transient elevation in [Ca2+]i in the absence of were employed to discriminate between intracellu-

A 3 M

Ca2+-free saline

50 nM
4 min



Caff Caff
1 M ryanodine
100 nM

4 min

Fig. 2. Characterization of anthranilamide-stimulated Ca2+ responses in P. americana embryonic neurons. (A) Repeated challenges
with DP-012 (3 M) in standard and Ca2+-free saline (1 mM EGTA with CaCl2 omitted) indicate activation of an internal Ca2+ store
release mechanism. In the absence of external Ca2+ the initial challenge with the DP-012 stimulates a similar [Ca2+]i increase to that
observed with standard saline. A subsequent challenge with DP-012, in the absence of external Ca2+, results in an attenuated response
that can be recovered with reintroduction of standard saline. The trace is representative of 55 cells tested. (B) Repeated challenges with
caVeine (20 mM) or DP-012 (1 M) in standard saline stimulate transient [Ca2+]i increases. Perfusion with ryanodine (1 M) alone does
not eVect basal [Ca2+]i. However, in the presence of ryanodine, DP-012 stimulates a prolonged Ca2+ response while subsequent chal-
lenges with either DP-012 or caVeine fail to elicit a response. The [Ca2+]i increase stimulated by depolarization with KCl (100 mM)
remains unaVected, demonstrating that while anthranilamides stimulate release of RyR-mediated Ca2+ stores, voltage-gated Ca2+
channels are unaVected. The trace is representative of 18 cells tested.
206 D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214

lar Ca2+ channels. These lines possess endogenous known RyR agent) challenges to mobilize Ca2+
IP3R-mediated Ca2+ stores maintained by (Fig. 2B).
SERCA, but not endogenous RyRs [34,35]. The
anthranilamides, DP-010 and DP-012 (up to 3.4. Radioligand-binding studies
30 M), failed to mobilize Ca2+ in either cell line
(data not shown) suggesting a lack of direct IP3R Membranes prepared from adult P. americana
activation or SERCA inhibition. Use of ryano- legs, of which the primary constituent is muscle,
dine and 2-aminophenylborate (2-APB), known were used to characterize binding of [3H]ryanodine
to act on RyRs [36] and IP3Rs [37,38], respec- and [3H]DP-010. A saturable, speciWc component
tively, allows pharmacological discrimination of [3H]ryanodine binding was measured, with at
between these intracellular Ca2+ channels. least 90% of the total binding being speciWc when
Anthranilamide-induced Ca2+ mobilization in P. 1000-fold excess ryanodine was used to estimate
americana neurons was unaVected by 2-APB non-speciWc binding. A representative saturation
(data not shown). In contrast, ryanodine (1 M) binding curve and Scatchard plot is shown in
results in a prolongation of the initial anthranila- Fig. 3A. Scatchard analysis of the binding data
mide-induced Ca2+ release followed by an inabil- obtained from multiple membrane preparations
ity of subsequent anthranilamide or caVeine (a indicates a Kd value of 10.4 2.7 nM and Bmax

Fig. 3. Saturable, speciWc binding of [3H]ryanodine and [3H]DP-010 to membranes from P. americana leg membranes. (A) Saturable,
speciWc binding of [3H]ryanodine to a single preparation of membranes from roach legs as described in Section 2. Each data point rep-
resents the mean of triplicate determinations with SEM values typically less than 5%. Inset represents the Scatchard transformation of
the data with Kd D 12.4 nM and Bmax D 10,294 fmol mg1 protein. (B) SpeciWc binding of [3H]DP-010 to a single preparation of mem-
branes from roach legs in the absence (), or presence (), of 10 M ryanodine as described in Section 2. Each data point represents
the mean of triplicate determinations with SEM values typically less than 5%. (C) Scatchard transformation of the binding data
obtained in the presence of 10 M ryanodine ( in B, above) yielded Kd D 44 nM and Bmax D 9,687 fmol mg1 protein. (D) Enhance-
ment of [3H]DP-010 binding was determined by addition of the indicated ryanodine concentrations at a Wxed concentration (25 nM) of
[3H]DP-010. The control level of binding was 430 fmol mg1 protein. Each data point represents means SEM of two separate
D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214 207

value of 10,000 1080 fmol mg1 protein for centration range 0.00110 M ryanodine, with a
[3H]ryanodine. An associated Hill coeYcient of maximal eVect (8-fold enhancement) at concentra-
0.74 0.03 was obtained, suggesting the absence of tions above 1 M (Fig. 3D). The basis of this ryan-
multiple binding sites. These results are consistent odine interaction with the anthranilamide binding
with earlier studies using membrane fractions from site is presently unclear. As caVeine has been
P. americana, where Kd and Bmax values of 4.4 nM shown to enhance [3H]ryanodine binding [39,40], it
and 2520 fmol mg1, respectively, were obtained was tested in anthranilamide binding studies.
[16]. Studies of anthranilamide eVects on [3H]ryan- CaVeine (up to 40 mM) failed to displace or
odine binding were conducted with DP-010 and enhance [3H]DP-010 binding (results not shown).
DP-012 over a concentration range of 0.01 This lack of activity and the above ryanodine-
100 M. Both anthranilamides failed to displace or dependent enhancement is further evidence sug-
enhance binding suggesting that these compounds gesting that anthranilamides bind to a unique site
bind to a site unique from that of ryanodine. on the receptor.
Initial membrane-binding studies with [3H]DP-
010 were challenging, in part due to the physical 3.5. Anthranilamide activity on cloned insect RyRs
properties of the molecule limiting its water solu-
bility. SpeciWc binding was measurable and Scat- Cloning and expression of the insect ryanodine
chard analysis indicated a Kd greater than 100 nM receptor gene (ryr) was undertaken to genetically
(data not shown). However, the speciWc binding validate anthranilamide action at the RyR. Ampli-
was typically less than 30% of the total binding Wcation of the full-length ryr gene from a
thus limiting the extent to which conclusions could Drosophila cDNA library was accomplished using
be made regarding binding parameters. Investiga- a one-step Expand Long Template PCR System
tion of the eVects of ryanodine on [3H]DP-010 kit. To avoid potential mutations created by PCR,
binding revealed that the presence of ryanodine multiple clones were analyzed by DNA sequencing.
actually enhanced the amount of [3H]DP-010 Selected clones were then expressed in Sf9 cells and
bound to the membranes. In the presence of 10 M analyzed for RyR protein expression and function-
ryanodine, high-aYnity, saturable [3H]DP-010 ality using Western blot analysis and Ca2+ imaging.
binding to P. americana membranes was readily One full-length clone, named DRyR-15B, tested
measurable (Fig. 3B). At least 80% of the total positive by Western blot analysis for RyR protein
binding was speciWc when 1000-fold excess DP-012 expression (Fig. 4A). Ca2+ imaging studies with Sf9
(a more soluble anthranilamide) was used to esti- cells 24 h after transfection with DRyR-15B dem-
mate non-speciWc binding. Scatchard analysis of onstrated a lack of sensitivity to the RyR agent,
the binding data obtained (in the presence of caVeine (10 mM). However, within 72 h, 2030% of
10 M ryanodine) from multiple membrane prepa- transfected cells exhibited a robust caVeine-induced
rations indicates that [3H]DP-010 has a Kd value of [Ca2+]i increase (Fig. 4B). CaVeine (10 mM) stimu-
28.2 2.9 nM and a Bmax value 8410 lated a rapid rise in [Ca2+]i that reversed prior to
1710 fmol mg1 protein (Fig. 3C). The calculated stimulus washout. While full recovery was observed
Hill coeYcient of 0.70 0.07 provided no evidence under standard saline conditions, repeated caVeine
for the existence of multiple binding sites. Interac- challenges in Ca2+-free saline stimulated succes-
tion at the DP-010 binding site in P. americana leg sively attenuated responses with eventual extinc-
membranes is reXective of functional eVects in neu- tion of the caVeine-stimulated [Ca2+]i increase (data
rons as evidenced by comparison of IC50 values (5, not shown). Ca2+ responses to caVeine resumed
0.024, and 0.022 M) with Ca2+ mobilization EC50 upon reintroduction of standard saline. Given the
values (80, 0.95, and 0.39 M) for DP-002, DP-010, caVeine response in the absence of external Ca2+,
and DP-012, respectively. and that Ca2+ failed to mobilize following store
Further analysis of the [3H]DP-010 binding depletion, these Wndings are in agreement with
enhancement observed with ryanodine indicated a expressed receptors being coupled to internal Ca2+
dose-dependent increase in binding over the con- stores, rather than the plasma membrane.
208 D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214

B 800 Caff Caff Caff Caff Caff CPA

Calcium Concentration (nM)

3 M ryanodine
560 kDa


1 2 3
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (min)

C 600

Caff DP-012 CPA

Calcium Concentration (nM)

D 250
Normalized Response
(% Caffeine Maximum) 200


200 100


0 0
0 5 10 15 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Time (min) Concentration (log M)

Fig. 4. Expression and activity of the full-length Drosophila ryr gene. (A) Western blot demonstrating expression of Drosophila RyR
(DRyR-15B) protein (arrow) in the S. frugiperda cell line, Sf9, harvested 72 h after transfection with pIB-Dryr-15B. Lane 1, P. ameri-
cana muscle membrane (10 g); lane 2, pIB-Dryr-15B transfected Sf9 cells (25 g); lane 3, wild-type Sf9 cells (25 g). (B) A typical trace
of Sf9 cells showing caVeine (10 mM) sensitivity 72 h after lipid transfection with pIB-Dryr-15B. Ryanodine (3 M) application has no
eVect on basal [Ca2+]i but in the presence of caVeine RyR channels do not fully close as demonstrated by a sustained [Ca2+]i elevation.
After initial receptor activation, 10 mM caVeine and 10 M cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), a SERCA pump inhibitor, are ineVective due to
internal Ca2+ store depletion. (C) A typical DP-012 response from Sf9 cells exhibiting (solid line) and lacking (dashed line) functional
Drosophila RyR expression. DP-012 (3 M) stimulates a sustained [Ca2+]i response in caVeine-sensitive cells while having no eVect on
caVeine-insensitive and lipid controls cells (DNA). (D) Ca2+ mobilization dose response for Sf9-DRyR-15B cells challenged with
caVeine and anthranilamides. Ca2+ measurements were obtained from cells in a 96-well plate using a FlexStation plate reader as
described in Section 2. EC50 values of 0.37, 0.55, 40, and 4400 M were obtained for DP-012 (), DP-010 (), DP-002 (), and caVeine
(), respectively. Data points correspond to peak response (mean SEM) measured over 2 min for 3 wells and normalized to the max-
imal response obtained for caVeine.

The recombinant Sf9 cells were tested to ensure stimulate Ca2+ release as the internal Ca2+ stores
that the DRyR-15B response to ryanodine was become depleted (Fig. 4B).
analogous to that observed with native insect In addition to conferring caVeine-sensitivity,
RyRs. Ryanodine (3 M) had no eVect on basal expression of DRyR-15B conferred anthranila-
[Ca2+]i, however, caVeine application in the pres- mide sensitivity to Sf9 cells. Ca2+ release by this
ence of ryanodine stimulated a Ca2+ response chemistry and caVeine appears to be positively cor-
which did not fully return to basal levels (Fig. 4B). related, in that all cells responsive to caVeine exhib-
The ryanodine eVect observed with recombinant ited anthranilamide sensitivity, while cells
Sf9 cells reXects those seen with P. americana neu- unresponsive to caVeine lacked an anthranilamide
rons, consistent with ryanodine locking channels response. Whereas the caVeine response in cells
open, either partially or fully. Accordingly, subse- expressing DRyR-15B was transient in nature,
quent challenges with caVeine or CPA, failed to anthranilamides induced a sustained Ca2+
D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214 209

elevation as shown with 3 M DP-012 (Fig. 4C). Comparative doseresponse curves for DP012
This sustained [Ca2+]i elevation required more than are shown in Fig. 5B, with an estimated EC50 value
20 min of saline rinse to return to basal levels. Sub- of 220 M for PC12 cells. This value was based on
sequent challenges with caVeine, anthranilamide, the assumption that maximal response is similar to
or CPA during this sustained period either failed that for caVeine; thus the EC50 value could reXect
to induce a Ca2+ response, or induced a greatly an underestimate if DP-012 were to stimulate a
attenuated response that ultimately became extin- stronger response than caVeine, as was observed
guished. Introduction of Ca2+-free saline induced a with insect cells. Meanwhile, EC50 values for
return to basal [Ca2+]i followed by a resumption to caVeine were found to be 10.8, 11.5, and 4.4 mM for
elevated levels with standard saline reintroduction PC12, P. americana, and Sf9-DRyR-15B cells,
(data not shown). respectively. Additional studies currently under-
Through blasticidin selection pressure, an indi- way with C2C12 cells, a mouse myoblastoma cell
vidual colony of cells expressing the recombinant line that endogenously expresses RyR1 [42], simi-
RyR, Sf9-DRyR-15B, was generated after several larly indicate weak anthranilamide sensitivity
months. Using a FlexStation, a Xuorimetric plate (data not shown).
reader with integrated Xuidics, the stable cell line
was shown to have EC50 values of 40, 0.55, and
0.47 M for DP-002, DP-010, and DP-012, respec- 4. Discussion
tively; values comparable to those observed with
P. americana neurons (Fig. 4D). Interestingly, There are a limited number of insect targets
anthranilamides DP-010 and DP-012 stimulated which have provided suYcient crop protection
maximal Ca2+ responses that were approximately properties for successful commercialization. Given
twice that observed with caVeine. the innate ability insects possess to develop resis-
tance to existing products, there is a continuous
3.6. Anthranilamide activity on mammalian RyRs demand for discovery of insecticides with novel
modes of action. The anthranilamides, an exciting
Since the amino acid sequences of insect and new class of insecticides discovered at DuPont, are
mammalian RyRs vary considerably, one might such an example. These compounds provide lepi-
anticipate diVerential receptor pharmacology. dopteran control at signiWcantly lower rates than
Mammals express three isoforms of ryanodine current commercial insecticides. The most potent
receptor; RyR1 and RyR2, distributed predomi- anthranilamides investigated in this study were of
nately in skeletal and cardiac muscle, respectively, the 1-pyridylpyrazole group, with DP-012, being
and RyR3 distributed more heterogeneously. 50-fold more active against S. frugiperda than the
Insects, by contrast, express a single form of the pyrethroid, cypermethrin, and 3-fold more active
receptor, sharing 47% homology with mamma- than the recently commercialized insecticide, ind-
lian RyRs [41]. UndiVerentiated PC12 cells (rat oxacarb.
pheochromocytoma cell line) have been shown to Evidence supporting RyR-activation as the
endogenously express RyR1 and RyR2 [42,43]. anthranilamide mode of action is compelling. The
Interestingly, this cell line was weakly sensitive to paralysis observed in anthranilamide-poisoned
anthranilamides. As shown in Fig. 5A, DP-012 lepidopteran larvae and the in situ cardiac and
failed to stimulate Ca2+ mobilization at 10 M skeletal muscle eVects are consistent with ryano-
with only slight activity observed at 30 M. dine poisoning. In the cockroach, P. americana,
Higher concentrations of DP-012 were required and the adult moth, Hyalophora cecropia, ryano-
to strongly activate Ca2+ mobilization with the dine has been shown to induce Xaccid paralysis in
response being monophasic in nature and revers- skeletal muscle and contractile failure in cardiac
ible. Due to solubility limits however, DP-012 muscle without aVecting nerve conduction [44,45].
testing could not be conducted at concentrations Though anthranilamides and ryanodine exhibit
greater than 200 M. distinct actions at a receptor level, one might
210 D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214

A 10 mM 10 M 30 M 100 M 200 M
Caff DP-012 DP-012 DP-012 DP-012

100 nM
3 min


Normalized Response
(% Caffeine Maximum)



-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Concentration (log M)

Fig. 5. Anthranilamide response of the rat pheochromocytoma cell line, PC12. (A) DP-012 fails to induce a response below 10 M,
however compound application of 30200 M stimulates a reversible and concentration-dependent [Ca2+]i increase. (B) Comparative
caVeine (open symbols) and DP-012 (closed symbols) doseresponse curve for P. americana neurons (), Sf9-DRyR-15B (), and
PC12 () cells. DP-012 concentrations higher than 200 M were not investigated due to limited aqueous solubility.

anticipate similar gross poisoning symptoms. In with a lack of activity on other known insecticide
muscle, ryanodine locks RyR channels in a sub- targets. Anthranilamides therefore represent the
conductance state upon their activation by plasma Wrst example of a synthetic insecticide shown to
membrane voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. In con- provide commercial-level pest control through
trast, anthranilamides directly activate RyRs. In RyR activation.
both cases, as RyR channels remain open, internal Membranes from P. americana legs were used
Ca2+ stores become depleted, interfering with to investigate anthranilamide binding. Results
muscle contraction and ultimately resulting in from these studies describe a speciWc, high-aYnity,
paralysis. saturable binding site for DP-010. The inability of
The linear relationship between lepidopteran anthranilamides to displace or enhance [3H]ryano-
toxicity and Ca2+ store release in P. americana neu- dine binding strongly suggests that the anthranila-
rons (Fig. 1B) and the selectivity for RyR-medi- mide-binding site is quite distinct from that of
ated Ca2+ stores (Fig. 2B) conWrms anthranilamide ryanodine. The mechanism of [3H]DP-010 binding
activation of insect RyRs. The most deWnitive enhancement (up to 8-fold) observed with ryano-
evidence for a RyR mode of action is the anthra- dine (Fig. 3D) remains unclear; it is diYcult to
nilamide-sensitivity conferred upon Sf9 cells trans- explain without postulating separate sites for
fected with the Drosophila RyR (Fig. 4), coupled ryanodine and anthranilamide binding that are
D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214 211

allosterically linked. Another possibility is that the P. americana neurons and Sf9-DRyR-15B cells. In
binding enhancement reXects the dependence of the recombinant cells, anthranilamides such as
DP-010 binding on the channel state. RyR chan- DP-012 stimulate a Ca2+ response comprising two
nels would have a high probability of being in the components, an initial Ca2+ transient followed by a
open state given the relatively high Ca2+ concen- sustained Ca2+ elevation. Whereas the transient
tration (0.5 mM) in these binding studies. As ryan- component is attributed to release of RyR-medi-
odine locks channels in a sub-conductance state, ated internal Ca2+ stores, external Ca2+ entry is
enhancement of [3H]DP-010 binding could suggest responsible for the sustained component (Fig. 4),
that higher anthranilamide binding occurs with the sustained component can be attributed to
channels in a sub-conductance state versus the capacitative calcium entry, a mechanism by which
open state. Future experiments exploring the depletion of internal Ca2+ stores triggers activation
dependence of anthranilamide binding on Ca2+ of voltage-independent Ca2+ channels [48,49]. Typ-
concentration would further characterize the bind- ically, capacitative calcium entry enables rapid
ing site and might help to clarify the mechanism of reWlling of internal Ca2+ stores making them avail-
binding enhancement. able for the next stimulated release. In anthranila-
A limited number of molecules have been mide-treated Sf9-DRyR-15B cells, RyR channels
reported to stimulate release of RyR-mediated appear to remain open, either fully or partially for
Ca2+ stores. Molecules such as methylxanthines greater than 20 min, triggering capacitative cal-
(caVeine), 4-chloro-m-cresol, and derivatives of the cium entry upon depletion of internal Ca2+ stores.
marine toxin, eudistomin D, activate RyRs The distinct Ca2+ response kinetics (compare
through a Ca2+ sensitization of the channel. These Figs. 1 and 2 vs. Fig. 4) suggests that there are
molecules potentiate [3H]ryanodine binding in a functional diVerences in RyR activity between
Ca2+-dependent manner [46,47]. The present study P. americana and the recombinant Sf9 cells. There
revealed that caVeine does not displace or enhance may be several reasons for such diVerences; one
[3H]DP-010 from roach membranes. Lehmberg possibility is that Drosophila receptors exhibit dis-
and Casida [16] found that in P. americana muscle, tinct channel kinetics from those of P. americana,
caVeine failed to stimulate [3H]ryanodine binding as they belong to diVerent orders, Diptera and
under standard conditions, though caVeine Dictyoptera, respectively. However, given the
enhanced binding under low [Ca2+] conditions. As recombinant nature of DRyR-15B, it is unclear
we did not investigate caVeine eVects under a vari- whether Ca2+ kinetics for the native receptor is
ety of binding conditions, additional studies are accurately reXected in this study. In native systems,
needed before concluding a lack of caVeine interac- RyR interaction with accessory proteins, such as
tion with the binding site of anthranilamides. the FK binding protein or calmodulin, alters chan-
In addition to describing the mode of action for nel kinetics. Co-expression of rabbit FKBP12 and
anthranilamides, this study describes functional RyR1 in Sf9 cells signiWcantly decreased the dura-
expression of a full-length Drosophila RyR in an tion of caVeine-induced Ca2+ release when com-
insect cell line. Expression of Drosophila RyR was pared to RyR expression alone [5052]. Brillantes
previously demonstrated in CHO cells [28], and et al. [52] did not detect endogenous FKBP12 in
although the Ca2+ channel was functional, detailed Sf9 cells by either Northern hybridization or
studies were only possible when just the pore- immunoplots. In a separate study by Goel et al.
forming region (20%) of the ryr gene was [53] a small but detectable level of endogenous
expressed. In the present study, expression levels FKBP has been shown in Sf9 cells with immunore-
were suYcient to characterize anthranilamide activity at a molecular mass of 48 kDa. To what
action and to generate a stable cell line. This repre- extent native insect RyR channels interact with
sents the Wrst known example of a stable insect cell accessory proteins or whether DRyR-15B channels
line that expresses a functional, full-length insect interact with FKBP is uncertain.
RyR. Moreover, comparable caVeine and anthra- The demonstration that full-length insect RyR
nilamide EC50 values were observed between can be stably expressed in a recombinant cell line
212 D. Cordova et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 84 (2006) 196214

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