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Normal and reverse unroofing sequences in syntectonic conglomerates as

evidence of progressive basinward deformation
F. Colombo

Geology 1994;22;235-238
doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1994)022<0235:NARUSI>2.3.CO;2

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Geological Society of America

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Normal and reverse unroofing sequences in

syntectonic conglomerates as evidence of progressive
basinward deformation
F. .Colombo Departement de Geologia Dinmica, Geoffsica i Paleontologia, Facultat de Geologia, Universitt de Barcelona,
Pedralbes, E-08071 Barcelona, Spain

ABSTRACT roofing of older gravels, thereby producing a series of inverted

When a new mountain belt is generated by tectonics, the denu- stratigraphies and diluting distinctive compositional trends through
dation of the mountain front may cause the development of alluvial time within alluvial-fan deposits.
fans at its base. The retreat of the mountain front by denudation proc-
esses and a widening of the drainage network in the source area create ORIGIN AND SIGNIFICANCE OF UNROOFING SEQUENCES
adjacent alluvial-fan conglomerates with an inverted vertical clast dis- Mountain uplift is commonly recorded by the formation and
tribution. This vertical clast distribution represents a normal unroof- progradation of alluvial fans along the range front. The growth of
ing sequence. these fans is controlled by a variety of sedimentary processes, in-
Renewed uplift of a previous inverted vertical clast distribution cluding tectonics in the source area and subsidence along the basin
can produce a reverse unroofing sequence. If continued shortening margin. Where the sediment-dispersal paths between the source
occurs in the same area, a rejuvenation of the source area and basin area and the closest sedimentary basin are direct, stratigraphic
margin may produce a new generation of clasts from the source area changes in clast composition are accurate indications of the tectonic
and a partial or total reworking of previously deposited conglomerates evolution of the source area through time.
to supply second-generation clasts. If this type of reworking process is As catchments enlarge and incise more deeply, different source
repeated as fault uplift steps basinward, several new inverted and rocks are incorporated in the transport system, potentially yielding
stratigraphic vertical clast distributions may arise. new clast types to be deposited in accumulating alluvial systems.
The resulting deposits may consist of conglomerates that record the
INTRODUCTION unroofing of the stratigraphy found in the source area. I refer to this
Sedimentary deposits are potentially important indicators of simple inversion of source-area stratigraphy as a normal unroofing
continental deformation and may serve as a primary means of dating sequence, and the ordering of clasts in the deposit as an inverted
of basin-margin faults. In addition, syntectonic deposits may contain clast distribution. If deformation moves forward toward the basin,
more subtle indicators of tectonic activity. Among these are com- the source area can be extended to include the previously deposited
positional changes that record erosion and uplift of source areas. conglomerates. When uplift is localized along the frontal zone, the
Progressive unroofing and shedding of rock units can document the readily eroded, older conglomerates may become the dominant
timing and rates of tectonic deformation in the source area, the source of new gravels at the expense of the more hinterland bedrock
growth and reorganization of drainage basins, and the evolution of sources. Although the recycling of conglomerates may increase the
relief in the developing mountain belt (Decelles et al., 1987; Decelles compositional and textural maturity of second-generation deposits
and Hertel, 1989; Graham et al., 1986; Ingersoll, 1990; Jordan et al., (Tanner, 1976), any previously existing unroofing sequence within
1988; Dickinson, 1985,1988; Copeland and Harrison, 1990). The first the older conglomerates can be inverted, producing a reverse un-
occurrence of new clast types in the sedimentary record has been roofing sequence in the second-generation gravels (Fig. 1), which
used to document uplift rates along faults (Decelles et al., 1991), to contain a stratigraphic clast distribution. If this type of reworking
calculate the transit time between source and sink (Heller et al., process is repeated through time, several new negative and positive
1988; Cerveny et al., 1988), and as a tool in stratigraphic correlation vertical clast distributions may be created.
(Ingersoll, 1990). The presence throughout a sedimentary section of A series of normal and reverse unroofing sequences may de-
clasts from a specific source may document repeated recycling of velop in the following way (Fig. 1). Initially, the source area that
previously deposited conglomerates (Tanner, 1976; Decelles et al., contains a positive stratigraphic sequence of units (A-D) is uplifted
1987, 1991; Graham et al., 1986). along a fault (1), in this case a reverse fault. The first-generation
In northeastern Spain (Serra de La Llena), unroofing sequences conglomerates derived from this source have a normal unroofing
are present in a thick deposit (1600 m) of alluvial-fan conglomerates. sequence showing an inverted clast distribution. Subsequently, a
These are organized into four main upward-thickening and -coars- second, more basinward, fault (2) uplifts the previous deposits. Ero-
ening megasequences that are directly associated with the tectonic sion of the earlier deposits results in a reverse unroofing sequence
activity in the source area or along the basin margin and that rep- with a stratigraphic distribution of clast compositions. As the basin-
resent the main sedimentary response to tectonics. Initial source- bounding fault steps basinward over time (3), the previously depos-
area uplift yielded a classic unroofing sequence, but continued ited gravels are recycled, reinverted, and deposited as either normal
movement along basinward-stepping faults led to repeated recycling or reverse unroofing sequences (Fig. 1). With each recycling, the
and unroofing of older gravels, producing a repeated series of in- original stratigraphy becomes more thoroughly mixed. Similarly,
verted stratigraphies and dilution of gravel compositions through continuing contribution from the stratigraphic succession in the hin-
time. terland tends to dilute unroofing signals from recycled conglomer-
In this paper, I discuss how clast composition mixing and re- ates. Thus, although the original source-area stratigraphy may be
mixing in gravel deposits may be used to indirectly document re- well defined, the clarity of that stratigraphic signal becomes more
peated faulting along a basin margin. Initial source-area uplift and more diffuse with each cycle, as denoted by the denser dot
yielded a classic unroofing sequence, but progressive movement patterns in Figure 1. At some point, perhaps after not veiy many
along basinward-stepping faults led to repeated recycling and un- cycles, the original stratigraphy of the source area is obliterated.

GEOLOGY, v. 22, p. 235-238, March 1994 235

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Therefore, an estimate of the degree of recycling by repeated bas- al., 1985; Colombo, 1980, 1986; Colombo and Vergs, 1992) that
inward-stepping uplifts may be qualitatively obtained by determin- developed during Paleogene to early Miocene time. The sedimen-
ing the combination of several normal and reverse unroofing cycles tation in the southeastern Ebro basin was controlled primarily by the
and the degree of compositional mixing within each cycle. tectonic processes along the southwest end of Catalan Coastal
Ranges transpressional system.
Although this model of progressive unroofing and composi- SERRA DE LA LLENA CONGLOMERATES
tional mixing is oversimplified, it can be applied in some circum- The Serra de La Llena, on the southwestern margin of the Cat-
stances to help unravel the tectonic history of basin-margin fault alan Coastal Ranges (Fig. 2), is made up of a thick deposit (1600 m)
systems. One example comes from Serra de La Llena conglomer- of alluvial-fan conglomerates (Colombo, 1980, 1986). The main
ates of Oligocene age along the southeastern margin of the Ebro source area is located at most 10-15 km to the south and southeast
basin in Catalonia, northeast Spain. The Catalan Coastal Ranges are of the present-day conglomerate outcrops and hosts large quantities
located in the northeast sector of the Iberian Peninsula, where they of Mesozoic limestone and minor siliciclastic rocks. The conglom-
consist of a continuous chain of mountains that extend for about 200 erate deposits are stacked in four main megasequences that gener-
km and characterize the general northeast trend of the Catalonia ally thicken and coarsen upward (Colombo and Vergs, 1992).
Mediterranean coastal margin (Fig. 2). These megasequences are made up internally of several upward-
The Catalan Coastal Ranges are composed mainly of Mesozoic thinning and -fining macrosequences that show a north and north-
strata that unconformably overlie low-grade metamorphic basement east main paleocurrent distribution. Each of the macrosequences is,
of Paleozoic age. The lowest Mesozoic strata are Triassic siliciclas- in turn, made up of several smaller sequences that also thin and fine
tic rocks, dolomite and marlstone equivalent to the classic Bunt- upward. The small sequences represent several types of depositional
sandstein, Muschelkalk, and Keuper units in Germany (Anadn et events, either lateral shifting of active sedimentary areas on the fan
al., 1979). Overlying Jurassic limestones are thick and, in places, surface or other changes in depositional conditions. The macrose-
dolomitized. Capping the sequence are Cretaceous (Berriasian-Se- quences represent the sedimentary response to minor tectonic, cli-
nonian) and lower Cenozoic limestones (Colombo, 1980, 1986). matic, or sedimentary events. The megasequences, bounded by un-
The Catalan Coastal Ranges were deformed along major en conformities, are directly associated with the main tectonic activity
echelon strike-slip faults during Eocene to Oligocene time. Second- in the source area or along the basin margin, and they represent the
ary reverse faults developed from upthrusts of basement rocks, principal sedimentary response to tectonics.
push-up blocks, and stretched folds and flexures along the main Clasts within the conglomerates have characteristic microfos-
transcurrent faults. During the late Eocene-Oligocene, cover folds sils, lithologies, and/or detrital components that permit the identifi-
and thrusts oriented east-west also developed in the southwestern cation of primary (mainly Mesozoic) clast sources. The clasts were
part of the Catalan Coastal Ranges (Anadn et al., 1979, 1986; Gui- counted in several cases, with a 1-m-square grid in selected con-
mer, 1984). glomerate levels thicker than 1 m; in other cases, the outcrops were
In the southern part of Catalonia, the western sectors of the compared with a standard chart for estimating clast distribution
Catalan Coastal Ranges constitute the margin of the Ebro basin. The (Dietrich et al., 1982). Because of the repeated recycling of the
Ebro basin is surrounded by the Pyrenees to the north, by the Ibe- clasts, only semiquantitative data for gravel composition were ob-
rian range to the south and southwest, and by the Catalan Coastal tained for many of the main megasequences.
Ranges to the east and southeast. This basin was filled mainly by The basal part of the lower megasequence (M,) is composed
Tertiary nonmarine alluvial, fluvial, and lacustrine depositional sys- mainly of Upper Cretaceous-derived clasts (Turonian-Cenomani-
tems (Allen et al., 1983; Anadn et al., 1979, 1986, 1989; Cabrera et an), whereas the upper part contains Barremian-derived clasts
(Fig. 3). The clasts derived from Barremian strata are also present
in the basal part of the second megasequence (M2), which contains
Paleozoic and Triassic clasts in its upper part. Locally, the basal part
of this second megasequence is characterized by a thin conglomer-
atic deposit with a mixture of Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic
clasts. This clast population implies a new pulse of basinward de-
formation as a result of the emplacement of a small overthrust sheet
in the source area. The third megasequence (M3) contains abundant
Paleozoic clasts in its lower part, and it grades upward into rocks
with clasts of Late Cretaceous age. The uppermost megasequence


Serra de La Llena Range
Figure 1. Generation of normal and reverse unroofing sequences. Source
(star) in northeastern
area that contains stratigraphic (STR) sequence of units (A-D) is repeat-
edly uplifted along main faults (1-3). Fault activity gives rise to different
generations of deposits (1st, 2nd, 3rd) when previously deposited con-
glomerates are affected by new faults; this process creates successive
deposits with inverted (INV) and stratigraphic (STR) vertical clast distri-
butions. Several normal (UN) and reverse (UR) unroofing sequences can
be produced as a result of three reworking processes (J, K, L). See text
for explanation.

236 GEOLOGY, March 1994

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(M4) has clasts of much more mixed gravel composition compared the top. The composition of this topmost megasequence likely re-
to the three underlying megasequences. Throughout the sequence, sulted from extensive mixing of gravels from the previous megase-
Paleozoic siliciclastic clasts are abundant. There is a slight reverse quences and from the original source area. Multiple recycling also
unroofing trend consisting of more Paleozoic clasts in the lower part results in an enrichment of the most durable clasts (Paleozoic sili-
of this megasequence and younger (Upper Cretaceous) clasts near ciclastic rocks) at the expense of the less durable (Mesozoic) clasts.
In summary, clast compositions within megasequences of Serra
de La Llena conglomerates record the initial uplift of the mountain
AG ! front along a fault (1 in Fig. 1) and denudation of the source area
(Fig. 4). Unroofing of this source area led to stratigraphic inversion
CD Pal. Tr. + Jur. E. Cret. L. Cret. E. Ter.
LU of source-area compositions and gravel progradation of alluvial fans
o into the adjacent basin. A second episode of tectonic activity led to
LU M , the progradation of a second gravel megasequence. This event in-
D ft volved renewed uplift of the mountain front along a fault (1 in Fig. 1)
HI and deeper incision of the original source area, as shown by the
< continued development of the normal unroofing sequence. The next
0 Mr episode of tectonic activity must have taken place along a new fault
(2 in Fig. 1), located more basinward than the previous structure.
This younger fault lifted the previously deposited gravels in the prox-
< imal alluvial fans, generating a reverse unroofing sequence. At this
en M , time, any contribution from the original source area was diluted by
LU recycled conglomerates uplifted along the basin margin. Finally, a
0 new, more basinward fault (3 in Fig. 1) lifted the previously depos-

ited gravels and reworked and redeposited them farther out into the
z M, basin. This uppermost gravel sequence is characterized by more
0 I I I extensive mixing than is found in any of the previous deposits (i.e.,

c 15% Paleozoic clasts are found throughout the sequence) and by having
had the least durable clasts removed as a result of multiple recycling.
Figure 3. Stratigraphic distribution of identifiable clast types in Serra de
La Llena conglomerates. PalPaleozoic; Tr. + Jur.Trlasslc and Juras- The megasequences contain locally thin conglomerates of very
sic; E. CretEarly Cretaceous; L. Cret.Late Cretaceous; E. Tertearly mixed composition. For example, there is a thin gravel bed in the
Tertiary. M,-M 4 are the main megasequences. Stacked unroofing se- lower part of the second megasequence that has clasts of all ages
quences: Nnormal; Rreverse; Mmixed. Width of horizontal bars in- (Paleozoic, Late Cretaceous, and early Tertiary). These local de-
dicates age range of clasts at each sampled stratigraphic interval, based
on a sampling of clasts present in outcrop; these are essentially equiv-
posits probably resulted from short-term events, such as flash
alent to "exposure gates" of Graham et al. (1986). Horizontal width of floods, that may have incorporated gravels from many source areas
figure corresponds to age range of all clasts observed in Serra de La within a short time span.
Llena conglomerates. Vertical thickness of standard bar (bottom of fig-
ure) indicates that 15% of clasts at a particular locality were identifiable
as to stratigraphic unit. Each selected age category is bracketed by easily DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
recognizable llthologic and/or fossiliferous units; therefore, although not The stratigraphic variation in clast composition provides a
all clasts could be identified at each interval, it is Improbable that units
beyond Indicated ranges are present. Repeated clast reworking produces means of interpreting the tectonic evolution of a mountain front
an Increasing proportion of unidentifiable clasts; this proportion in- during the initial stages of uplift. Clast counts from alluvial-fan grav-
creases significantly from M1 to M4 megasequence. els show evidence of normal and reverse unroofing sequences and



1000 m

Figure 4. Serra de La Llena cross section show-

ing main conglomerate units. Location is indi-
cated in Figure 2 (star). Vertical clast distribu-
tion displays inverted (M, and M 2 ), then
stratigraphic (M3), and finally mixed (M4) distri-
bution, which suggests reworking processes
by repeated uplift in source and nearby areas.
Two thrust faults (2 and 3 in Fig. 1) caused de-
velopment of two main superimposed progres-
sive unconformities (Colombo and Vergs,
MESOZOIC 1992) whose geometries indicate basinward
shifting of Ebro basin margin.
M-j.4 Main megasequences Unroofing sequences Vertical clast distribution
a, b, c, d Main angular unconformities Normal A A Inverted
Time lines
Reverse ^ Stratigraphic
fVo" | Massive conglomerates
| | Medium-fine-grained clastics Mixed

GEOLOGY, March 1994 237

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ingersoll, R.V., 1990, Actualistic sandstone petrofacies: Discriminating
Supported by the Spanish government Direccin General de Investiga- modern and ancient source rocks: Geology, v. 18, p. 733-736.
cin Cientfica y Tecnolgica (DGICYT) Project PB-91 0805 and Project JOU Jordan, T.E., Flemings, P.B., and Beer, J.A., 1988, Dating thrust-fault ac-
CT 92-0110.1 thank Paul Heller and Tim Lawton for helpful discussions, and tivity by the use of foreland-basin strata, in Kleinspehn, K.L., and Pa-
Oriol Riba, Salvador Reguant, Jaume Vergs, Doug Burbank, Chris Paola, ola, C., eds., New perspectives on basin analysis: New York, Springer-
and Mary Kraus for useful comments on the manuscript. Verlag, p. 307-330.
Tanner, W.F., 1976, Tectonically significant pebble types: Sheared, pocked
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v. 140, p. 133-143. Manuscript accepted November 19, 1993
Anadn, P., Colombo, F., Esteban, M., Marzo, M., Robles, S., Santanach,
P., and Sole-Sugraes, L., 1979, Evolucin tectonoestratigrfica de los
Catalnides: Acta Geologica Hispanica, v. 14, p. 242-270.

238 Printed in U.S.A. GEOLOGY, March 1994

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