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4 Module 4

Core Focus Ideas for Home

Subtraction: Making estimates and reviewing the standard algorithm While shopping, ask your child
Common fractions: Relating whole numbers and exploring equivalence with to estimate the dierence
mixed numbers in price between two items.
Make sure the prices are
whole-dollar amounts.
Students estimate dierences in costs, then calculate exact solutions using Glossary
decomposing strategies. Decomposition and other subtraction skills learned in
The standard algorithm is
earlier grades are the basis for understanding why the standard algorithm works.
the familiar paper-and-pencil
procedure for subtracting
4.1 Subtraction: Making estimates
multi-digit numbers that most
Step In Felix is planning a vacation. adults were taught in school.
This sign shows the ight costs to some locations. Atlanta $167
Estimate the dierence in cost between Honolulu $639
a ight to Las Vegas and a ight to Honolulu.
Las Vegas $198
How did you form your estimate? Palm Springs $325

$198 is very close to $200, so I

figured out the difference between
$639 and $200. My estimate is $439.
Subtraction: Using the standard algorithm
Estimate the dierence in in any
cost place)
between a ight
In this lesson, students use estimation strategies
to Palm Springs and a ight to Atlanta.
to solve subtraction situations.
Imagine you had $345 and you bought this bike. $78
TheIndifference is a money
How much little more
wouldthan $160,
you have because
left over?
double $160 is $320. This is only a little less than $325.
How do you know?
Decomposition is another
Follow these
What are some
steps of estimates
other the standard
to what
was once called borrowing.
you can form?
to calculate the difference.

Step Up Step1.1 thinking

Estimate the dierenceStep
in cost
2 between these ights. Step
by writing the numbers you used to estimate.

Look at the digits in each You need 1 ten to help Cross out the ones
place. Can you subtract $293 subtract the ones.
a. Pittsburgh b. Philadelphiadigit and
$97write the new
each place easily?
Kansas City $155 Cross out 4 tens and
Los Angelesnumber. 345 is now
write 3 tens. written as 3 hundreds,
3 tens, and 15 ones.

3 3 15

3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
Estimate $ Estimate $
7 8 7 8 7 8
120 ORIGOSteppingStonesGrade44.1

Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

You need 1 hundred to Add the 10 tens that you 345 is now written as
help subtract the tens. have just broken up to the 2 hundreds, 13 tens, and
Cross out 3 hundreds and 3 tens that you already 15 ones. Subtract the
write 2 hundreds. have. You now have ones, tens, then hundreds
13 tens. Write the number. to find the difference.

2 3 15 2 13 15 2 13 15
3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5

7 8 7 8 7 8
ORIGO Education

2 6 7

126 ORIGO Stepping StonesGrade44.3

In this lesson, the above problem is solved using

the standard subtraction algorithm.

Subtraction that requires decomposing in multiple places and subtraction where

the decomposition involves zero can be more challenging for students.


4 Module 4

Common fractions
Ideas for Home
In this module, improper fractions are explored using the number line and area
When cooking, use
models while the length model is used to compare fractions.
measuring cups and spoons
Length models are used to compare common fractions by rst considering the size 1
to review equivalency: 2 cup
of the unit fractions and how many unit fractions it takes to make one whole. 2
is equivalent to 4 cup, etc.

4.9 Common fractions: Reviewing equivalent fractions Use a tape measure to

compare lengths. E.g. Is 3 of
Step In Look at this fraction chart. The top strip is one whole. a yard longer or shorter than
4 of a yard?
1 1
2 2
1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4
5 Glossary
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fractions that are greater

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Point to the strip that is divided into two parts. What fraction of that strip is shaded? than 1 are called improper
What parts of other strips can you shade to show the same fraction? How do you know?
Write the fractions to complete this sentence.
fractions, which can be
rewritten as mixed numbers.
is equivalent to is equivalent to is equivalent to

What fractions can you show on this number line?

Fractions with numerators greater than their denominators ( 3 ) are called improper
0 1 2
4 1 3
fractions. They can How
becanrewritten as mixed numbers ( = 1 3 ). Understanding how
you tell if two fractions are equivalent on a number line? 3
This area model shows
5 (or 1 1 in mixed number
to write fractions in each form helps students use them in dierent operations, like
What equivalent fractions could you show on this number line?
4 4
addition or multiplication.
Step Up 1. Use the fraction chart above to help you write equivalent fractions. form). Despite the name,
a. b. c. d. e.
improper fractions are
Students represent speci
1 c improper
1 fractions,
8 3rst with4 the number-line model and

= = = = =
5 4 10 5 10 perfectly acceptable to write
then explore how these new fractions can be represented with an area model.
144 ORIGOSteppingStonesGrade44.9 and use in mathematics.
4.12 Common fractions: Exploring equivalence with mixed numbers A mixed number is a whole
number and a common
Step In Ashley says this picture shows 2 6 .
fraction added together and
Gabriel says it shows 6.
Who is correct? Why? written as a single number
A number line can be used to show the position of both amounts. without the addition symbol.
What do you notice about their position?

+2 +4 2
6 6
1 1
2+ 2 2 2
0 1 2 3
12 4 16
+ 6 + 6 6

Use red to circle the mark for 6.
In this lesson, students useMixed
What is the equivalent mixed number?
numbers and and number
common fractions are
lines to think about fractions
How do you know? two that areways
different greater
of than 1.
representing the same
5 amount. Could you
Use green to circle the mark for 1 6 . use mixed numbers to
What is the equivalent common fraction? describe amounts less
than 1? Why or why not?

1. Write the equivalent mixed number and common fraction that

Step Up describe the parts that are shaded. Each large shape is one whole.

a. b.

is equivalent to is equivalent to

152 ORIGOSteppingStonesGrade44.12

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