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17 DATABAS 4 APPS Name of thV_20160105_1121

18 DATABAS 4 APPS Name of thV_20160105_1121
0 DB_USER 4 SPX_USERole nameV_20160105_1121
IMPORT 4F Indicate t V_20160105_1121
CommitSizIMPORT 1 500 V_20160105_1121
DisableMulIMPORT 4 NO Disable BOV_20160105_1121
EnableTra IMPORT 4N If Y, turns V_20160105_1121
GenStatis IMPORT 4N If Y, stati V_20160105_1121
GenStatistIMPORT 4N If Y, stati V_20160105_1121
MULTISESIMPORT 10 Allows or pV_20160105_1121
IMPORT 1 10000 V_20160105_1121
MemoryBulIMPORT 1 50000 The LIMIT V_20160105_1121
TimeImportIMPORT 4N If Y, impor V_20160105_1121
IMPORT 4N If Y, join V_20160105_1121
GenerateGLogicGen 4 YES Generate V_20160105_1121
GenerateULogicGen 4 YES Generate LV_20160105_1121
APPS_PRE ORAAPPS 4 671 Comma-sepa V_20160105_1121
APPS_PRE ORAAPPS 4 660,697, 5Comma-separ V_20160105_1121
AUTOCREORAAPPS 4 NO V_20160105_1121
BOM_REVIORAAPPS 4 BOM revisiV_20160105_1121
CreatePopORAAPPS 4N Create PopV_20160105_1121
CustomerEORAAPPS 4 YES Indicates V_20160105_1121
CustomerPORAAPPS 4 DEFAULT Indicates AV_20160105_1121
DefaultPri ORAAPPS 11 Default pri V_20160105_1121
DefaultSOP ORAAPPS 1 -1 Default SOV_20160105_1121
DiscountIDORAAPPS 1 -1 OverrideablV_20160105_1121
OE_BOOKORAAPPS 41 Code indica V_20160105_1121
OE_CANCORAAPPS 4 11 Code indica V_20160105_1121
OE_ENTEORAAPPS 4 15 Code indica V_20160105_1121
OraclePricORAAPPS 4 NO Indicates t V_20160105_1121
OrderEntryORAAPPS 4 YES Flag indicaV_20160105_1121
OrderImpoORAAPPS 1 -1 Order ImpoV_20160105_1121
OrderTypeORAAPPS 1 -1 Standard oV_20160105_1121
PsNodeNaORAAPPS 4 RefPartNbrSource fie V_20160105_1121
PublishingORAAPPS 4 YES Copy RulesV_20160105_1121
RUN_BILLORAAPPS 4 YES V_20160105_1121
RefPartNbrORAAPPS 4 CONCATEIndicates t V_20160105_1121
ResolvePrORAAPPS 4 YES Resolve PrV_20160105_1121
SkipModelORAAPPS 4 510 Comma-sepa V_20160105_1121
BatchSize SCHEMA 4 10000 Identifies V_20160105_1121
CTO PATCSCHEMA 1 Patched CTO PatchV_20160105_1121
FREEZE_RSCHEMA 4 BLD-33-5 Identifies V_20160105_1121
MAJOR_VSCHEMA 1 33 Major versiV_20160105_1121
MINOR_V SCHEMA 4a Minor versiV_20160105_1121
OracleSeqSCHEMA 1 20 Indicates V_20160105_1121
PurgeDeletSCHEMA 4 100 Identifies V_20160105_1121
ReplicationSCHEMA 4 NO Indicates wV_20160105_1121
Revision DSCHEMA 4 07:01:04 Schema rev V_20160105_1121
UtlHttpTra SCHEMA 1 60 Value, in s V_20160105_1121
FLOAT_IOUISERVER 19 Number of V_20160105_1121
SuppressSUISERVER 4 NO If YES, theV_20160105_1121
ConfiguratUpgrade 4 Completed at 2002/05V_20160105_1121
ConfiguratiUpgrade 4 Completed at 2002/10V_20160105_1121
ConfiguratUpgrade 4 Completed at 2003/06V_20160105_1121
select * from apps.cz_db_settings

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