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My Cleaning Schedule

- load the dish washer after each meal

- run the dishwasher (as needed)
- put away all clean dishes
- wipe and disinfect countertops
- clean clutter
- take out the trash
- refresh the hand towels
- wipe the table and chairs
- sweep all floors
- damp-rag wipe the vanity surfaces
- swish the toilet
DAILY - remove dirty laundry
- check toilet tissue supply
- check soap supply in the bathrooms
- make the beds
- put away all toys
- pick up stray trash and vacuum if needed
- wash at least ONE load of laundry
- fold or hang clean laundry
- clean the kitty litter box (at least once a day)
- feed and water kitties
- sweep up stray kitty litter
- give the kids a shower

- wipe the counters

- wipe and disinfect the sink
- wipe all shiny surfaces
- purge the fridge and disinfect shelves, bins and drawers
- sweep and mop the tile
- wipe and polish dining table and chairs
- collect all dishes and trash from around the house
SUNDAY - wipe spills from the oven (if used)
Kitchen & Dining - wipe the stove top, around and under the drip pans
- wipe the range hood
- wipe the outsides of the cupboards
- empty and clean drawers (I do one per week)
- wipe the outside of all appliances
- clean the inside of the microwave oven
- empty and disinfect trashcan(s)
- take inventory of fridge and freezer

- dust shelves, ceiling fan, components, tv and the tops of the doors
- wipe and polish tabletop surfaces, entertainment center
- vacuum area rugs and wall to wall carpets and under furniture
MONDAY - clean the tv screen
Living Room - windex sliding glass door and clean the door track
- shampoo area rugs and wall to wall carpets (first week of every month)
- disinfect remote controls
- wipe the leather sofa
- wipe and polish desktop surfaces
- dust computer components, ceiling fan, and other furniture
TUESDAY - sweep, mop and polish hardwood floors
- sort and file mail and bills
Office - windex computer moniters and shiny surfaces
- sweep the floor
- pick up toys

- scrub the tub and shower

- wipe and disinfect vanity surfaces
- windex the mirror and other shiny surfaces
- remove hair from shower drain
WEDNESDAY - sweep and mop the tile
- empty and disinfect waste baskets (as needed)
Bathrooms - clean the toilets
- sort dirty laundry
- dust light fixtures and towel rods
- replace the hand towel (daily)
- wipe vanity drawers and doors

- launder linens and pillowcases

- launder comforters (every other week during summer months)
- sweep and vacuum under the beds and around the room
- make the beds
- pick up toys
THURSDAY - pick up stray trash
- sort laundry
Bedrooms - dust ceiling fans, shelves, baseboards and nightstands
- organize closets
- disinfect the doorknobs
- mop hardwood floors
- compile a grocery list

- wipe the outside of the washer and drier

- clean the lint trap
FRIDAY - dust the door (my laundry room is in the garage)
- sweep the floor
Laundry Room - wipe the switch plates
- disinfect the door knobs

SATURDAY - everything left undone

- mop all floors

- clean the tv screen (or as needed)
- wipe kitchen cabinet door and drawer faces
- windex the insides of the windows
WEEKLY - change kitty litter and disinfect litter boxes
- wash cat dishes (or as needed)
- sweep front porch and stoop
- remove insects from window sills (especially in the summer)
- shampoo the carpets and rugs
- launder comforters and mattress liners
- dust computer tower vents
- 1/2 water change in the fish aquarium and "vacuum" gravel
MONTHLY - launder bedroom pillows (every 2 weeks in the summer)
- wipe and dust all baseboards
- windex the glass storm door
- remove cobwebs
- disinfect hard toys with bleach

- launder the shower curtain and replace the liner (if needed)
- empty and wipe kitchen cabinet shelves
SEASONAL - purge the kitchen pantry
- wash the outsides of the windows
- change the filters in the fish aquarium

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