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Patmawati, 2017. Determinant Influence Farmer for Plant The Rice Pulu 'Mandoti and
Contribution to Household Income In Salukanan Village Baraka District Enrekang Regency.
Thesis. Departement of Geography. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. State
University of Makassar. Guided by Drs. M. Nur Zakariah Leo, M.Si and Uca, S.Si., M.P., Ph.D.

This research aims to determine: 1) Determinant influence Farmer for rice planting Pulu
'Mandoti, 2) social economic characteristics of stick rice for planting mandoti. 3) The large
contribution of pulp farming to household income. The variable in this research are the level of
education, the amount of household members, the amount of labor, the financial capital of
expenditure, the selling price, the sale, the amount of the dependent, the land ownership status,
the land area, the seeds, the grain growth requirement of the plant a rice mandoti, the level
income and contribution of rice farmers 'mandoti. Date collection techniques are performed
using: observation, interviews, and documentation. Analyzed using descriptive analysis
technique. The results showed that the factors determinant the farmers to plant a rice pulu'
mandoti that can not be separated from various factors is topography, soil or land and climate
conditions. The social economic characteristics of farmers is the average that manage the rice
pulu of mandoti most high school graduated SMA 34.15%, the amount of household members
67.07% respondents with 4-6 people, labor used is variation namely land management 45,12%
with 23 - 30 workers, planting seed 30,49% with 10 - 15 workers, pesticide maintenance 81,71%
with 1 - 2 people, and at harvest time 32,93% with 1 - 10 workers, financial capital used
Rp.1.675.000 - 2.100.000, the number of dependents 65.85% respondents with 1 - 4 people.
Based on the descriptive analysis using the contribution formula, it shows that the contribution of
the rice farmers pulu mandoti is 27.05% which the low contribution in augment the income of
farmers household in Salukanan Village.

Keywords: Contribution, Rice Farmers Pulu 'Mandoti

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