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Feeding Social Organisms | The Nutrients Recovery Project http://www.socialorganism.




Terra Preta provides regenerating,
long-lasting soil fertility informed by recent
insights on plant nutrition and the role of soil
microbes. This empathetic approach is guided
by the practice of biologist Jrgen Reckin and
scientific research at the Institute of
Wastewater Management at Hamburg
University of Technology and allows the
conversion of human waste products into the
food cycle in a responsible and safe way.

The system is based on a balanced input of

green waste and human waste products that
are treated in a two-step process of lacto-
fermentation, followed by vermin-composting.
Lacto-fermentation (widely used to preserve
A balanced input of green waste and FERMENTED human waste products are treated in a two-step process of
lacto-fermentation and vermin-composting. foods) is a biological anaerobic (airless)
process that doesn't release any odors.
Vermin-composting employs the digestion of
earth worms which make nutrients palpable to
plant roots.

An organic charcoal mix (containing finely

shredded wood and ash) provides the buffer
medium to host the micro-organisms and
optimize the carbon-nitrogen ratio required for
vermin-composting. The high black carbon
content is characteristic for Terra Preta soils,
COLLECT INGREDIENTS Obtain fresh, finely FERMENT & APPLY URINE Collect urine in which contributes to their amazing water
shredded wood clippings (for its molecule- recycled milk containers and ferment with retention and nutrition storage properties.
building lignin) and mix with plant-based sauerkraut brine (pickled cabbage juice). After Instead of using artificial (mineral) fertilizer,
charcoal powder, wood ash, dolomite rock the month-long lacto-acid fermentation its pH
fully stabilized, fermented urine is used
powder (for its trace elements) and living, local value needs to go below 4 and turn sour. Only
because it concentrates 80% of water-soluble
soil (introducing critters). Per person establish pH-tested urine is applied at a rate of 3 liters
three compost beds each 1 by 2.5 m in size and every third day over each compost bed (sized 2.5 plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and
piled up max. 40 cm high. Keep substrate moist m). The charcoal and organic buffer will potassium delivered free of charge by the
and warm. gradually absorb this stabilised nitrogen tonic. human organism day by day.

The Nutrients Recovery adapts the Terra Preta

method that works best using a minimum of
resources alongside full-time employment
and with existing infrastructures. The main
pre-requisite is time since it takes up to six
months to produce Terra Preta black soil
consisting of the following phases:

1) Lacto-fermentation of urine (ca. one

2) Micro-biological conversion of carbon
BUILDING NUTRITION BUFFER Layer up WELCOME THE EARTHWORMS Ensure that and nutrients (ca. three months)
compost heap with ingredients, keep it moist pH value of compost bed is around 7 and
3) Vermin-composting (ca. two months)
and control acidity. Let microbes do their magic. release earth worms sourced by friends or
online. Be patient until worms have done their Between each phase the developing substrate
work and migrating somewhere else. Analyze is observed and moderated to ensure the
and evaluate the finished Terra Preta substrate
integrity of the final fertilizer. Depending on
before moving on.

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Feeding Social Organisms | The Nutrients Recovery Project

weather and local conditions this process will

be sensitively adapted.




Preta fertilizer, about 10 liters per square meter for nutrients, yield and taste. Eat the produce
of planting bed. Mix 10 to 20 cm deep and mix and make home-brewed sauerkraut. Share
lightly with hoe. Don't flip it over or burry into experiences and learn from mistakes.
the ground so that it retains its coherence and
grow deeper over the years. Grow cabbage and
other veggies on local soil with and without
Terra Preta for comparison.


Development Process and Possible Manufacturing Method, Notes from an excursion to Dr. Jrgen Reckin's
Terra Preta garden on April 28, 2012 [German], Kathrin Ollendorf, Wendepunkt Zukunft, 2012. [Accessed:

The Amazon, Unnatural Histories. TV documentary, BBC Four. The story of a far less natural Amazon is revealed
enormous manmade structures, even cities, hidden for centuries under what was believed to be untouched
forest. All the time archaeologists are discovering ancient, highly fertile soils that can only have been produced by
sophisticated agriculture far and wide across the Amazon basin. This startling evidence sheds new light on
long-dismissed accounts from the very first conquistadors of an Amazon teeming with people and threatens to
turn our whole notion of wilderness on its head. [cue at 34:44 minutes]


Lennox Crossing, Acton Peninsula, ACT 2601, Australia

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