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Version 3.0.


- onSubViewOpen event handler

- support for numPad keys
- carousel navigation z-index
- data corrupting by counter in the footer
- disabled Resizer
- double-rendering from onchange handler in Chrome
- Fieldset vertical padding
- focus() method for checkbox and radio
- handling mouseup outside browser window
- IE8 compatibility
- pager update on data count change
- progressBar in window
- regression in form focus handling
- regression in windows focus handling
- scrolling DataTable with span(s) on touch devices
- size of editors in case of sub-forms, sub-rows
- sub-rows and precise scroll
- export to excel and Webix Jet (RequireJS)
- date-time shifting in export to Excel

Version 3.0.4

- .load API for pdfviewer

- error message on init non-GPL views with Webix GPL
- tagMode for multicombo
- blockDates in Calendar
- custom columns in Excel export
- export to excel, dates processing
- FireFox: customCheckbox and customRadio
- format property in datepicker can accept a function
- hiding columns in a datatable, those were added dynamically
- parsing bolean values from HTML markup
- totalColumn in pivot
- webix.copy and Date objects
- Window "bring to the front" and inner popups

Version 3.0.1

- fix for regression in form.setValues api

- fix for click processing regression in the datatable

Version 3.0

### New tools

- Visual editor
- Webix Jet frameworks

### Major features

- Excel viewer
- PDF viewer
- export to Excel
- export to PNG
- SubViews and SubGrids

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 2.5

### Major features

- Support of Microsoft Edge

- Handling of complex data in Form widget
- Swimlanes in Kanban widget
- Total calculations in Pivot widget

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 2.4

### Major features

- Portlet widget
- MultiCombo widget
- Range Slider widget
- Advanced validation messages for forms

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 2.3

### Major features

- New material skin

- Barcode widget
- Organogram (organization chart) widget
- Badges and icons for list, buttons and menus (and views based on them)
- "Today" and "Clear" buttons are added to the date editor.
- Better default styling, ability to customize layout configuration

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 2.2

### Major features

- Data binding for Tree, TreeTable and TreeCollection
- Optional Today and Clear buttons in the Calendar
- Ability to define file types for file uploader
- Webix.ajax api can be used to fetch binary data ( file downloading by ajax )
- Optional hover for rows in datatable
- Improved scrolling on touch devices

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 2.1

### Major features

- Better compatibility with Bootstrap and jQuery
- Icon font contains 479 icons now ( Font Awesome updated to 4.2 )
- "strict" mode for Webix
- Datatable and treetable math can be extended with custom functions
- Uploader can work in Internet Explorer 8

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 2.0

### Major features

- Promises API for all ajax operations

- Progress bars and overlays
- Icons and close button in tabbar
- Improved keyboard navigation
- Extra locales added
- Package includes source map files
- [pro] PRO edition includes Pivot component
- [pro] Multiselect and multitext inputs
- [pro] Advanced editors for DataTable and Property views
- [pro] Colspans and Rowspans in DataTable
- [pro] Column menu in DataTable
- [pro] Optional custom scrollbars
- [pro] Grouped columns in DataTable
- [pro] Advanced filters for DataTable

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 1.10

### Major new features

- IE12 compatibility
- Column Batches in the DataTable

[Full list of changes and fixes]


Version 1.9
### Major new features

- Hotkey for inputs

- HTML links in menu

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 1.8

###Responsive Layouts and Tabbar

- Layout view can be hidden or moved if there's not enough space for them on the
screen. [Check details](desktop/
- Tabbar tabs can be moved to a related popup if there're not enoght space for them
on the screen. [Check details](desktop/

###Disabling dates in Calendar

Calendar dates can be disabled to prevent their selection. [Check details]


### Breaking changes

- webix.proxy.$callback was replaced with webix.ajax.$callback
- adjustHeaders deprecated

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 1.7

### Breaking changes in API

datatable.locate method returns object with "row" and "column" properties, in

previous version result object has "row" and "col" properties respectfully.

### Default skin

Default skin changed to flat ( you still can use the old skin by using
skins/air.css )
Compact skin changed to flat theme as well ( old one renamed to
skins/aircompact.css )

### Improvments in API

- text sorting mode for datatable
- autoheight property for "property" view
- ability to edit math formulas in the datatable
- "touch" mode for multiselect
[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 1.6

### Breaking changes in DataProcessor

Parameters of onBeforeSync, onAfterSync was changed

onError event replaced with two new events - onBeforeSaveError and onAfterSaveError

### Improved support for mobile devices

- win8 touch support
- drag-n-drop on touch devices

### Improvments in Server side integrations

- full support of REST API
- data in components can be updated from server side
- client side code can't be broken by server side errors anymore
- ability to set custom headers for server side calls

### UI components
- better memory cleaning after component destruction
- improved API for complex forms

[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 1.5

### Improved support for mobile devices

- new skin for mobile UI
- functionality of desktop UI adapted to touch events and gestures

### Improvments in DataTable

- adjustRowHeight method added to datatable
- fillspace can be used for multiple columsn
- richselect can be used as editor in the datatable
- checkboxes can have checkValue and uncheckValue options

### Improvments in Angular and Backbone

- [angular] webix-ui is compatible with ng-repeat

- [angular] webix-data works for options in combo and select
- [angular] init through angular directive links event handlers to the current

- [backbone] handling of reset event

- [backbone] handling of models with getters
- [backbone] WebixView is compatible with backbone 1.1
- [backbone] using sync with already loaded collection
[Full list of changes and fixes](

Version 1.4

### Advanced data selection controls

- mutli-column select box

- rich content select box

### New Server Integrations

- loading and saving data through websockets

- loading and saving data through indexedDB

### Improvements in Window Positioning

- window can have complex relation size and position (details)

- window can be shown in fullscreen mode

### Others

- autoConfig option for the datatable

- dataprocessor tracks data moving events
- keyboard navigation for list component
- correct sizing of layout with hidden pannels
- elementsConfig supported for nested collections
- getSelection deprecated in favor of getSelectionId
- better styling for icon buttons
- webix.onReady event
- webix.ui.zindexBase property added
- different small fixes in UX and styling

Version 1.3
### New skins
- 6 new skins added

### Others
- video player component ( added
- API and look of carousel control improved
- charts can use logarithmic scale
- small fixes

Version 1.2

### Integration with AngularJS

- webix-ui directive to define webix views directly in HTML
- webix-show, webix-event, webix-data directives to link webix components and scope
- webix component can be used with angular data bindings

### Integration with Backbone

- webix components can load data from Backbone Collections

- webix components can save data back to Backbone Collections
- WebixView, that can be used as normal Backbone View
- Backbone Router can be used to alter Webix Layouts

### Others
- *setContent* method for template component
- *isolate* configuration property for layout components
- *onBeforeDropOut* event added
- more than 50 different fixes

Version 1.1

### Server side integration

- all components can save data through REST API
- offline and caching loading strategies
- custom data saving and data loading transports

### UI improvments

- "disabled" configuration options for all views ( including all form controls )
- webix.history can be used with multiview control
- per-submenu configuration is possible ( "config" property of menu item )
- improved visual filtering in treetable and tree

### API
- onViewResize event added
- "disabled" option added for all views
- ability to define XSS safe templates

### Fixes

- popup's visibility on iOS

- incorrect sizing of multiview and accordion
- incorrect behavior of drag-n-drop in datatable
- setValue doesn't work for radio buttons

Version 1.0.2

### New functionality

- getText method for datatable

- lineMaxLimit parameter that cuts a line in "non-item" position
- ui.fullScreen solution for FF
- default size of resizer changed
- xml parse can recognize arrays
- addView adds to the end of layout if index was not defined
- skin updates, important flags removed where possible
- csrf key now sent through http headers

### Fixes

- IE ignores hotkeys
- IE8 doesn't generated dblClick events
- IE8 sets invalid value after changing cell value with select editor
- minWidth and maxWidth settings from xml
- loading tree-like data from XML
- datatable do not allow to define order of columns during export to pdf and excel
- incorrect remove action for local and session storage
- regression in layout rendering when views are added through addView
- dataprocessor and id change during binding
- label align in segmented button
- incorrect in-layout positions after showBatch call
- invalid animations in FF and Chrome

Version 1.0.1

### New functionality

- layouts are correctly shown when they are zoomed by a browser

- selectFilter can show data from the attached collections
- better strategy for x-layout rendering
- API calls against hidden items in menu
- init from html|xml markup improved
- dataprocessor can have different urls for different action
- value attribute for tabview
- getTopParentView method added for all views
- getPopup method added to the datepicker
- setHTML method added to the label
- setValue and getValue methods added to the multiview

### Fixes

- invalid size and focus of popup editors

- toggle button ignores inputWidth settings
- regression in treetable checkbox behavior
- regression in datatable markup parsing
- conflict between data and content properties of template
- row markers are not removed during clearAll
- mulitiview with no animation
- chart rendering in multiview (no animation case)
- label position in pie chart
- validation and htmlform control
- incorrect column autosizing in case of hidden container
- native selection during cell resize
- hideItem throws an error for menu's item which was already hidden
- incorrect handling of custom popups in editors
- sizing of scrollview was broken
- window ignores y parameter of show command
- dnd in tree as child

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