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Office of Probation - Community Corrections Monroe County, New York Cheryl Dinolfo Larry P. Mattle County Executive Chief Probation Officer Todd E, Wersinger Deputy Chief Probation Officer “ AMENDED INFORMATION FOR DELINQUENCY ‘New Amended Violation in bold and underlined 10/19/17 CR No: 004676 INDICTMENT/DOCKET NUMBER: 16-02496 5 PROBATION CASE NUMBER: CCS-2016-16465 PIN No.: 150346 2 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Vs. Leticia D. Astacio TO: Hon, Stephen D. Aronson, Judge of Rochester City Court Thereby certify and report that Leticia D, Astacio, who was convicted of VTL 1192 03 UM0- Driving While Intoxicated- Ist Offense in the Rochester City Court on 08/22/2016 and sentenced to Probation on 07/06/2017, has violated a Condition of sentence by neglecting to comply with the terms thereof, and I therefore ask that Leticia D. Astacio be declared delinquent, and that a Notice To Appear be issued for arrest for said Delinquency. Upon information and belief or personal knowledge of this officer, the probationer has violated the following conditions of Probation: 1. Probationer failed to cooperate with continuous alcohol monitoring program (SCRAM) and follow all rules and procedures in that on or about 7/13/17 she did not plug in her SCRAM base unit (see attached report). 2. Probationer failed to abstain from alcoholic beverages and other mood-altering drugs in that on or about 7/14/17 to 7/15/17 she consumed alcohol and registered a peak 127% BAC on her SCRAM device (see attached SCRAM report for Confirmed Consumption). Notice: False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to Section, 210.45, 9f the Penal Law of the State of New York. Uy We fer Ball Probatiof Supervisor robation Officer baz (Bese oh Prone: (S85) 7533004 oe: (585)153-3220 * Leticia D. Astacio CCS-2016-16465 3. Probationer failed to cooperate with continuous alcohol monitoring program (SCRAM) and follow all rules and procedures in that on 7/18/17 she admitted to Senior Probation Officer Bradburn to using Boscia Foot Peel on her feet on 7/15/17. ‘The Boscia Foot Peel ingredients indicate they contain aleohol. The probationer previously on 7/13/17 agreed to SCRAM and all of the included rules including that she would not use or possess any products containing alcohol (see page 3 of attached SCRAM contract). 4, Probationer failed to remain in Monroe County unless granted prior permission to leave by the Court or the Probation Officer in that: A. On 9/20/17, Probationer did leave Monroe County without permission. She traveled to Del Lago Resort in Seneca County, returning on 9/21/17. Probationer did leave a phone message to her Probation Officer on the evening of 9/20/17. Probation Officer received her message the morning of 9/21/17. Permission prior to travel was not given to her. B. On 9/29/17, Probationer did advise Probation Officer Bradburn that she would not pick up a travel permit when she travels. C. On 10/15/17, Probationer did leave Monroe County without informing Probation of specific dates of travel or providing address of residence. On 10/04/17, Probationer indicated that she had business in Syracuse beginning on 10/17/17 but that she would be leaving earlier to prepare. Probationer was given permission to travel to Onondaga County for business purposes only. She was directed to provide this Officer with specific dates of travel and address of where she was staying prior to travel. This Officer contacted Probationer by telephone the morning of 10/16/17. Probationer apologized for not providing specific information prior to travel and did give the address of where she was staying. = On 10/15/17, Probation was informed that Probationer was at Del Lago Casino in Seneca County on 10/15/17, her stop at Del Lago was verified by her ignition interlock. 5. Probationer failed to cooperate with continuous alcohol monitoring program (SCRAM) and follow all rules and procedures in that on 11/6/17 during an office visit refused to be hooked back up on SCRAM, stating she would not pay for it. NOTICE: False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law of the State of New York. - f yy EZ iif? lela atte one Sam Probation pecs Phone: (585)753-3294

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