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Name: _________________________________________ Class:_____________
Teacher: _____________________ Date: ___/___/___ Grade: _______________

1. For each countable noun, white an uncountable noun related in meaning.

a. Job ____________. e. Murder ____________.
b. Table ____________. f. Dollar ____________.
c. Cars ____________. g. Banana ___________.
d. Suitcase ____________.

2. Write the numbers as you would say them.

a. 365 __________________________________________________________
b. 4,941,208 _____________________________________________________
c. 1990s ________________________________________________________
d. Oct 14 ________________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________________
f. 72% __________________________________________________________
g. 34.57 _________________________________________________________
h. 1789 (year) ____________________________________________________
i. 730-6500 (phone number) ________________________________________

3. These sentences have the wrong expressions with put or take. Exchange the words
in italics to correct them.
a. The whole village took place in the celebration.
b. Sometimes you have to take a stop if you want to succeed.
c. Youre old enough to take offense for your own actions.
d. Put yourself in my responsibility. How would you feel?
e. James took part when I asked if his Rolex watch was genuine.
f. The physics exam will take notice at 9 a.m. on Monday.
g. Youll be in trouble if you dont take any word of what the boss says.
h. Hell waste all that money he won. Take my risk for it.
i. We must put a foot to violence by soccer fans.
j. Sarah put her shoes in her mouth by asking about the wedding. Its been
called off.

4. Write C for expressions used with countable nouns, U for expressions used with
uncountable nouns, and E for expressions that can be used for either one.

a. ( ) A little i. ( ) Few q. ( ) A bit of

b. ( ) Most j. ( ) A huge amount of r. ( ) Far too much
c. ( ) Less k. ( ) Not one s. ( ) Plenty of
d. ( ) Several l. ( ) The majority of t. ( ) Not a single
e. ( ) A great deal of m. ( ) Fewer u. ( ) Lots of
f. ( ) Almost all n. ( ) Not much v. ( ) Only a couple of
g. ( ) No o. ( ) Enough
h. ( ) Hardly any p. ( ) A lot of

5. Write the correct future form of the verb, expressing the idea in italics.
a. They __________(build) a new hospital there. (intention)
b. Brazil __________ (win) the next World Cup. (prediction)
c. Your flight ______________ (leave) at 8:40. (future fact based on timetable)
d. I _________ (meet) her at the mall later. (arrangement)
e. _______________ (we go) for coffee tomorrow, right? (arrangement)
f. I ______________ (take) him to the hospital right now. (immediate decision)

6. Use the words in the box with either put or take to form phrasal verbs which match
definitions 1-6.
away back in off on out

a. Suddenly become successful take off

b. Admit you said something wrong ______ it ______
c. Stop you wanting something ______ you ______
d. Play something (a CD, etc ) ______ it ______
e. Understand what you hear ______ it ______
f. Store something ______ it ______
g. Make something stop burning ______ it ______

7. Choose the correct words to complete the phrasal verbs using take or put.
a. No, thats not what I meant! You always take things ____.
i. Too personally.
ii. For granted.
iii. On
b. Take _____ for it. I know all about these things.
i. My advice
ii. My word
iii. Notice
c. Theres a party at your brothers house next Tuesday. Put _____.
i. It off.
ii. Yourself in my shoes.
iii. It on your calendar.
d. A: I cant believe I said that! How embarrassing!
B: You really put _____, didnt you?
i. Your foot in your mouth.
ii. It on.
iii. Your best foot forward.
e. My career will _____ once I finish school.
i. Take off.
ii. Put off.
iii. Take in.
f. _____ your books. Its time to take the test.
i. Take away.
ii. Put away.
iii. Take off.

8. Use the correct expression of quantity in each sentence.

Not much None A little bit of Nt many Hardly any Nobody

a. I can give you a few. There are _______________________ left.

b. She talks too much. _______________ wants to sit next to her.
c. With _____________________________ luck Ill be cooking on his TV show
next month.
d. I dont want to hire her. She has ______________________ experience.
e. Let me see if I have any money in my wallet. ______________________!
f. Everybody was bored. ___________ of the students were listening.

9. Choose the correct Future Form of the verb to complete each sentence.
a. Im sure you ________ visit your grandmother soon.
i. Will
ii. Going to
iii. Are
b. What _____ you ____ next weekend?
i. Are going to
ii. Are going
iii. Will doing
c. Boston is winning by ten points with two seconds left in the game. Boston
i. Will win
ii. Is going to win
iii. Wins.
d. I hate it every time he _____
i. Is going to leave
ii. Will leave
iii. Leaves
e. At nine oclock this evening we _____.
i. Are studying
ii. Will be studying
iii. Study

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